Solving The TRINITY Puzzle!! - LEVEL 10

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Hey! My name’s Kevin Ho, and I did my original trick “Turducken” at the beginning of Chris’ video. Hope y’all like it!

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/visualmadness 📅︎︎ Jul 03 2019 🗫︎ replies

Amazing trick and comical too 🙌🏻🙌🏻

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Dannyweed08 📅︎︎ Jul 03 2019 🗫︎ replies

That was amazing. Great trick, very funny.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Trace3k 📅︎︎ Jul 03 2019 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/crispy_tapud 📅︎︎ Jul 03 2019 🗫︎ replies

Great job!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Annieone23 📅︎︎ Jul 05 2019 🗫︎ replies
- [Chris] I wanted you to show something to Antwan, Antwan who's not a magician. - Antwan, just say stop. - [Antwan] Stop. - [Magician] Okay, cool, so, would you go ahead and just look at that card? Remember it, show it to the camera. Cool, so this is a sandwich trick. We're gonna take these queens and try to make your card appear between the queens. So look, we just go like this, one card appears, and that's your card, the ace of diamonds, yes? - No. - No? Uh, okay, so plan B. In between the aces, we have one card, and that card is your card, the seven of spades, yes? - Not yet. - [Magician] No? Uh, well, in between the sevens, we have one card, and that card is, what was the name of your card that you chose? - Six of hearts. - Six of hearts. Well, six of hearts, in between the jokers, we have one card, and that is the six of hearts. - Kevin Ho, gentlemen. (dramatic music) Yo, what's up, guys? Welcome back. Today I've got a pretty cool puzzle, actually a puzzle that I've been kind of dreading. This is one of the first six start Hanayama puzzles that I ever got. By the way, I hope you liked that intro. That was Kevin Ho. My buddy Kevin Ho came to town, hung out for a bit, and he showed a cool trick. That trick's actually called a a tur-duc-ken, which is like the turkey within a duck within a chicken. It's kinda, anyways. Welcome back, today's puzzle is the Cast Trinity, or the Puzzle Trinity by Hanayama. This puzzle is designed by Kyoo Wong, and as you can see, it already looks complicated from the B roll, so I, uh, cleared off the schedule, but hope you stay. All right, so let's get into solving this puzzle. (whistling) (clanging) I've been dreading this puzzle for a while. I had this puzzle for a little bit, and not gonna lie, it scares me. Hanayama has one similar to this with two pieces, and it was quite a brain tease just for the two, let alone three, and I know how exact Hanayama gets with their puzzles. So, this is gonna be one of those ones where the solution is just a really satisfying move, probably. Okay, so the Hanayama thing is on there, that's the Hanayama piece, so we need to keep track of that somehow. And because this is a very difficult puzzle, like a level 10, it's probably gonna require more than one move, and it's probably gonna require me to go back and forth into other moves to be able to solve it. So, here, ooh, there we go. That, hmm, no. Not quite. I'm not gonna force it through there. I want it to go through on its own without forcing it. That's not working, okay, we'll come back to it. Can any of these pieces rotate through a loop? Oh, there you go, see how that rotated through the loop? That's probably a good sign. Can it go through the other loop? No, so it's, it went through this one quite freely right here, but now, this one, if I can get that one through the loop, that'd be great too. Let me see. Push this up? Trying to get this loop through here as well. That's a no. I'm not using a mat today because sometimes the pieces are hard to see when they're contrasted against a mat, and I find this to be nice against the contrast of the table, so, just more pleasing for me. Okay, so that went through there. You gotta remember, there's only one solution to this thing as well. There are not multiple solutions. I can't say that for sure, but I'm betting, with their precision machining, this is intended to be a one solution thing. I would love there to be 10 solutions. That would make my life a lot easier, to be honest. The pieces are all kinda stuck after that first move. My hand cramp's here, and my brain as well. So, I've had a lot of comments about people saying, oh, Chris, you know, where's all the magic content and that type of stuff, and I intend on making a lot. I do have ideas. I have an idea for another street magic video, which I wanna do as well. And we've got another summit coming up with my buddies in Las Vegas in a month, so we're gonna get a lot of content out of that. It's just, you know, you can only do so much content on one subject matter without repeating yourself or making content for the sake of making content, and I don't wanna do that. I like original content. You know, these puzzles are always original, they're always fun to play with, so that's something I can do without hesitation, but unless I got a new product, or there's a new release on the market, or you know, an interesting deck or something like that, then I don't really feel it worthwhile, just stuff for the sake of putting it out. I'm really in a bind here, boys and girls. This is quite the conundrum. Everything's stuck right here. Oh, God. If I could get back to the beginning, that'd be a lot easier. I don't even know where the beginning is. (rattling) Give it a little shaky shake. No, nothing, okay. No piece wants to move at all. There we go, okay, we got a move. I just feel like I've tightened the knot a little bit here. A solid knot right now. Not cool, no pun intended. Okay, I'm getting nowhere. I need to really just find out how I got to here, and then go back. That's like that and that's like that. I mean, this should technically just be able to shift down. So, I need to loop this back into the piece from whence it came. Oh my God, ugh, my hands, killing me right now. I've gotten to a place where, regretfully, I shouldn't have gone, I think. I've created a knot, and I don't even know if that's possible here, but I've done it. So, for all you looking at quality control at Hanayama, yeah, hire me, I can get you there. There we go. Had to force that one a little bit, but just to break it loose so that we can come back to the beginning. There we go, okay. So, we're not exactly at the beginning. Ooh, that was interesting. Look at this. So, was that the move I initially made? It was here. Wait, how do I get that again? Yeah, ooh, that's a nice move, look at that. It just tucks in there, boom. And I think that brings us back to, yeah, that's our original state. Okay, good, we got a move done. Nine, 10 minutes in and we got one move done. So, again, let's see if I can do that one backwards so at least I know where I'm at, you know? Even finding that move that I did. Was this over or under, or was it this? It was nice and snug. Yeah, see, I don't know. I need to loop one of these through. Right there, see? See how that kind of, like, fits nicely in there? I'm sure that has to do with something. Like, when the pieces start coalescing really nicely, you know that something's up. It's just so off-putting with the amount of pieces, and even the color of it is so confusing that I can do this, and all of a sudden you're like, wait, where was I? (laughing) That's kind of what I'm experiencing, so I'm trying to keep track of this. Oh, I see, so there's a piece here that has Trinity on it, and there's a piece that has Hanayama, so that's probably really important to know. So, what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna play with the Trinity and the Hanayama piece here. The thing is, you can't just play with two pieces, can you? You gotta maneuver the third one so that you're able to play with the other ones, and hopefully it doesn't slip back. So, maybe we play with the piece that has nothing on it. I gotta move deliberately, you know what I'm sayin'? None of this random nonsense, it's gonna have to be deliberate moves. My hands are really cramping up now. Yes, all right, see that? That's progress right there. Doesn't look like it, but that's definitely progress. So, that's what we did before. Is it possible to keep rotating and get through the other piece? Doesn't seem like it. I'm back to the beginning. Okay, so, the non, the piece with no writing ends up going through the Hanayama piece, right? That's the move we have right now. Look how intricate that is, because not only does that top piece fit through, that other, oh no. So, not only does, wait, the piece with Hanayama and the piece with, yeah. So, this ends up folding in on itself, and it ends up going through. From there, I really wanna keep it going and make it go through another loop, but the puzzle doesn't seem to wanna let me do that, so I don't know if I'll have to concentrate on another loop, rather than the one that I just passed through. Oh, look at that, I'm back. Progress! No progress has been made. Okay, so the Hanayama piece and the piece that has nothing on it, those are the pieces that fit through one another. Let's try that again. It's so confusing, man. You think you're getting somewhere and then you're like, oh wait, no, I'm just going backwards. And it's really hard to keep track of. That's why you really gotta remember, like, where the writing is, so you can know which piece is which and which is supposed to fit and which isn't. It should be the Hanayama piece and the no name. Okay, wait, where are we? This is the beginning, right, correct? This is the Trinity piece here, and the no name piece here. I feel like it doesn't wanna go through there. Oh! Okay, so the no name piece is going through the Trinity piece here. Well, it goes through a little bit. You can see it doesn't go through all the way, so I'm here. Now it's not doing it, obviously, 'cause I wanna explain it, which is super cool. Yeah. I thought I had something. Maybe I did. Aw, man. Oh, there we go. Oh, that goes all the way through. So, the Trinity piece goes all the way through. Okay, what does that change? So, now what I think I've done is, with that move, they've switched places, so now the Hanayama and the Trinity, you see the Hanayama is now on the right side of the Trinity, where it used to be on the left, I believe. So, hopefully we can keep that going. I'm trying to find, so that's the no name piece. That's the trinity piece. I feel like we're right back to where we were. Some of these, as you can see, are thin like this, and one of them is like this. So, two of them are like that, and I'm guessing I gotta line up two of these somehow. (clattering) No, no! We're getting closer. (laughing) Oh, I've made a weird knot. No, back to, is this the beginning? No, Trinity, Hanayama. Actually, I'm not sure, maybe it is the beginning. Just go through! I've been trying to get these two to line up, but maybe this side one needs to line up sideways now? Oh, we are so close to this. There's gotta be like a nice little, a nice little move here somewhere that just fits perfectly. That would be so great. I feel like I'm so close. This just needs to tilt a little bit more. I guess it doesn't go through there, huh? I don't know anymore what is reality. I'm losing my mind slowly. Something to give, you know? Just cut me some slack here, give me a break. I feel like I'm doing all the right things. I could be a step or two away from actually trying to attempt this split, which scares me, 'cause I don't know where I'm at in my steps. I'd rather just find a move here that just works. We're back to here, okay? Not a bad place to be. I think that's the first step, and I think to get that piece through, you definitely have to maneuver the Hanayama piece, right? You know, as frustrating as this is for me, I do believe that I have made some progress. So, that piece goes through. That's like one move right there. Boom, we have that, that's locked down concrete, baby. This next piece is a little harder to get through. Let me try and figure that out again. If it weren't for this Hanayama piece here. It's bugging me, it won't let me push that other one through, and I guess I have to find the thinnest part of this Hanayama piece. It's not letting me wedge it through there. (groaning) Okay. I think this is good. We're getting that blossom right now again. I think this might be good. I gotta move this piece to an angle where it lets me, like, put this piece through. I don't know what that angle is. I have to just, you see this thin piece here? That, I think, has to be lined up perfectly. Oh? Oh! Sorry for screaming. Oh my God! Let's go! (gasping) Look at that, look at that! Well, now it's just a matter of getting them out. Now your boy's done it, I'm pretty sure. It shouldn't be too complicated at this point, pretty simple, this and this line up. Boom. And, well, not boom, we gotta switch this around. Boom. Look at that, baby, look at that. Under an hour. Well, to take it apart. Putting it back together might prove a little bit more difficult, as usual. Wait. Did I get it? Ooh, I might be close. Okay. At the beginning I think I gotta do one more move, which is put the, uh, this one through here. Boom. And that is the puzzle Trinity, solved. Booyah! Ugh, think I can do it again, just for fun, just for kicks? Honestly, I'm gonna play around with this 'cause I really wanna figure out what the exact way is, and I know that there's that special move, and I'm not 100% sure how I got there. But that move was super cool and satisfying, but it was tricky to get it. I feel like that was the only move you could've done at that time. It was, oh, God, gotta stop playing with this. That is, oh, that is the Trinity. I can't believe I solved it and put it back. Sort of. Okay. Let me just mess with it right now. There. Hot damn! This is, I'm gonna give that up, I think. That's retiring. I keep it for one video, the hot dang thing, and it was a mistake, and I deeply regret it. You're not gonna let me give it up though, right? Okay, quite satisfied with the puzzle. A little bit frustrated still because I'm not exactly entirely sure how it happened. I have somewhat of an idea, but I believe that I can take it home, hang out on the couch, and you know, figure it out eventually. I'll just add it to a pile of other puzzles I gotta figure out. Anyway guys, thanks for watching and like this video. Leave a like if you did like it, subscribe, and we'll see you on the next video. Leigh, we're not gonna do the peace, rah thing anymore. I'll do it with my hat. Ready? Peace, rah! (banging) Oh, sorry. ♪ Enchante ♪ (jazzy accordion music) ♪ Enchante ♪
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 473,858
Rating: 4.9425788 out of 5
Keywords: puzzle, puzzles, how to solve, solution, puzzle solution, cast, hanayama, trinity, level 10, 6 stars, puzzle solve, puzzle solver, solved, solving, hard, difficult, impossible puzzle, puzzle master, mr puzzle, chris ramsay, chris, ramsay, chris ramsey
Id: ExVd4WIB1T8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 3sec (1263 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2019
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