UNSOLVED: Pregnant Mom and Daughter MISSING. Samantha Hopper

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- We want to bring you into another cold case here in Russellville, Arkansas. We're working on Samantha Hopper who, 19 years old at the time, also went missing with her 22 month old daughter and she was eight months pregnant. Today's episode, we want to thank Omaze for bringing us in and giving this opportunity to travel across the US, work on these cold cases. We're going to be talking about Omaze a little bit later on in the episode because they are giving you the opportunity to win a six bedroom, five bath home in Orlando, Florida, or $1 million, and we'll be touching on that a little bit later on. But let me bring you into the case, or what it is that we're actually working on, with Samantha. There's little information out there but what we do know is that she was 19 at the time, she went missing September 11th of 1998. She was supposed to be meeting up with a friend to go to a concert over in Little Rock, Arkansas. She was driving a blue Ford Tempest. That's my knowledge. She never did meet up with her friend and she left her mom's house around two, 2:30 AM is my understanding. If any of my details are wrong, please make sure that you leave a comment down below, so that way we can continue to help one another because while Sam and I and Dan are out here working, boots on the ground, in the water and checking under water, like I've said before, we're all in this together so I appreciate you being here as we give you more information throughout the day. But to get started, let's head over across the lake by the first boat ramp and then we're gonna follow this entire levee all the way back to the boat ramp where we just parked. So, let's get this day started. (mysterious music) So we're going to check out this boat ramp because it's right near Highway 40, but we also have another boat ramp off of this other little highway that's coming up to the Highway 40 intersection just on the other side of the bridge that we're gonna check out here, and then we're gonna run the entire bayou along this road. So it gives us a good starting point to bring you into the day. Let's start doing some sonar. (mysterious music continues) If you've never been with us before, we want to first bring you into the world of sonar and what is it we're looking for and how we start our searches. So, first of all, we're using the Garmin with the live scope So you can actually see there's a fish swimming by right there on the bottom, twelve feet deep. And so you're seeing pretty much whatever happens in real time. That's this one. Now this one over here with the Humminbird: we use the side scan, which is down below, and this one is more of a picture in time so this is what has already happened and it records the data for us. So we can actually scroll back up and identify if we miss anything, we can zoom in on it. And a few things that we're looking for on here: The first thing is you'll see the black water column. And so here's our boat in the middle; we're casting 75 feet to the right, 75 feet to the left, but anything black is from the boat to the bottom. So you'll see six feet here and so that's roughly six feet there. So you see 18, 36, 54, 75. And so that's kind of gives you an idea of the water column. This black over here, that's gonna be the shoreline because we're close enough to it that we were hitting part of what was out of the water. Now, this one here is our down imaging: with that one, right now we're at six feet. So anything that's water-related is gonna be black and then they'll show the bottom, so it's casting straight down. It doesn't do much of a beam, but this one shoots a beam, like I said, 75 left, 75 right. I don't know what that was. It was three feet tall on live. That was- it did the fish but it didn't show up on my down imaging at all. (Dan hums) And it was a 20 year old silt sediment. That was really weird. - [Dan] Was there, like, a square shape, like a car? - Yeah, I don't know the length of it cause I kind of watched and it kind of went fast, so we'll hit a different angle. You can kind of see where our bubbles were at. (indistinct) Oh, it's a tree. That's what it is. (Dan hums) It's a tree laying down. All right, false alarm. (mysterious music) All right. Boat ramp number two has been cleared. The GPS coordinates that somebody sent us on Google Earth- in fact, Dan'll splash that up on screen right now so you can see the exact location of those GPS coordinates. And then I actually... Dan, while you were in the RV, a bass boater that was setting into the water, I asked him if he'd seen any cars in the water in this lake. He said that while he is not on sonar himself, on his sonar, that he has seen pictures along this levee over here on this highway that we're gonna be passing so we're going to do a nice littoral search on that one. It's still early enough in the day we think we can clear this completely. Let's just get both sides of this and we'll see if there's any cars. - [Dan] Sweet. (mysterious music continues) We're coming up certainly in the very end of the first side of the levee. With that, had like four trees along the way. No cars. Let's pick up the sonar. Dan? (indistinct) - [Dan] Good. (boat engine humming) (car whooshing past) - Some other things that we do know: I don't feel like she ran away and I don't feel like she left town. I don't feel like she left her other daughter behind. And the reason why I feel that way, Dan, is because she was working, I want to say, at Waffle House because the news story I saw flashed Waffle House there. Could have been where she was working, I don't know. But what they did say is that she did not pick up her last check, she didn't cash her last check, and if somebody was going to be running away they would take as much cash, clothes, and whatever that they could take with them. So running away, in my opinion: a hundred percent out of the question. Late at night, though, so we're dealing with a late night accident. Did she fall asleep? End up in a body of water somewhere? Or did something more sinister happen? Now, for me personally, right now I'm not leaning towards the sinister side of any of this. And the reason being is you would really have to hate somebody in order to take out a pregnant mom as well as the daughter. And I think the daughter was- I hear different stories on this. I don't know if the daughter she had with her, in the car at the time, was 18 months old or if she was 22 months old. I've seen different press releases on both of that. Her daughter's name, Courtney, that was with her. And then she has another daughter that is a full-grown adult now. And she was a few years older than the youngest that was with her. And with that one, she has only ever known her mom and has memories from pictures when she was younger, which is kinda sad. And I've seen her talking about never knowing her mom. But her mom: seeing her mom relive the loss of... Her mom just wants to know. All families wanna know, especially the mom. So if anybody has any additional information to help give us on this case, please leave me a comment down below. We do get to that. Where we will see them even more, though, if you have something big, big, make sure that you send us a Facebook message. So that way, when we come out to look further, if we don't find her today, we need your help. (mysterious music) We want to thank today's episode sponsor: is Omaze. They have sponsored some of our cold cases in the past and they are stepping in again to help us with this cold case by bringing us to Russellville, Arkansas. Now, with this one today, you do have the opportunity to win a six bedroom, five bath home in Orlando, Florida. Or you don't want to move to Orlando, guess what? They have the option where you take $1 million in cash instead. Through their partnership with CAF America, donations will help build out and enhance a state-of-the-art epilepsy monitoring unit at the Orlando Health Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children. And with us working with the Samantha Hopper case today, with an 18 month old, as well as her being pregnant, It just made sense for us to partner with them on this particular episode. So, for your chance to win a stunning new home in Orlando, or your chance at $1 million, please go to home.omaze.com/awp to enter to win. (relaxed music) I don't know what we have over here. I don't think it's a car, it's like a whole graveyard, and we're just out in the middle of nowhere where nothing is out here, Dan. We've seen like nothing along this entire thing and then suddenly all of that just pops up. Wait, we have the drone. Can you put the RV on it? - Let's do it. - [Jared] All right. Get everything straight in front of you. (hopeful string music) - [Dan] So I handed over the controller to Jared. He actually knows how to (laughter) use this, maybe. - Well, I've driven it before, yeah, once or twice. - [Dan] But you're coming up on some stuff? - Yeah, I'm going to get out of this little silt cloud here. I don't know who's down there before. Dan. (Dan laughs) - Stirred up just a little bit of silt. That's all right. It looked like a piece of concrete, is what it kind of looked like. I'm not quite sure. I'm on another one right now. Yeah, it looks like concrete is what it looks like. (Dan hums) Yeah, it's definitely concrete. I'm going right along the side of it here. I don't know why it would be this far out. Maybe it was just when they were doing the levee or something. Just initially somebody just took a dump truck load or something, dumped it over there. - [Dan] Huh. Maybe-oh, you know what? It almost looks like the old bridge beams. The concrete beams is what it kind of looks like. In my opinion, it's not wood. Definitely looks concrete. - [Dan] It's not a car. - It's not a car. And that, Dan, is how you use a drone. Now watch. I'm gonna bring it up. Watch this. You ready? And there it is. - [Dan] Nice work, Jared. - Thank you. If you guys are interested in FIFISH we do have a link in the description down below. I like that, Dan. (mysterious music) Second side of the levee is now done. I mean, for the most part, I've gotta be honest with you. Just scanning, and being in the boat- I mean, it's nice being in the boat, but it's also long, whole days. I want to know from you: we are actually recording a lot of this stuff, we have this; for some of you, do you want to see everything underwater? Like, we did another channel and just put this stuff over there for the technical side of it and just hours of this footage? Leave me a comment down below. - [Dan] I think we can actually do a poll on YouTube. - We can do a poll? - [Dan] I'm pretty sure that's a thing. - I don't even know. We're going to see if we can do a poll. If we can, the poll's right there. But also, if you are enjoying our videos, and you've not done so already, be sure to subscribe because it helps the YouTube and the Facebook algorithm. We appreciate being here. We're not done yet because we still have one more boat ramp to go check out as we sort of go down and wrap up the day today. Fingers crossed. Maybe that's the one. (mysterious music) Well, Dan, that wraps up the final boat dock. I don't know where to take it from here. You know, it's about getting out on the water, it's about bringing awareness to Samantha Hopper, to her daughter Courtney, to her eight month old. She was eight months pregnant at the time. So here's where we need to ask you to leave your comments, send us emails, get ahold of us on Facebook Messenger. If you have any tips to this case we really want to hear about it. We also want to thank Omaze for being a part of this today: without them we would not have been in Russellville working on this cold case of Samantha Hopper. So do me a favor: if you would like to entered into, a chance to win a six bedroom, five bath home or $1 million, be sure to check out home.domain.com/awp for your chance to enter. On that note, if you've not done so already: please subscribe, share, comment. It really helps us out. We'll see you on the next episode. Thank you very much. Later, later. Bye-bye. (mysterious music)
Channel: Adventures with Purpose
Views: 401,812
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: missing persons, missing persons cases, cold case, samantha hopper, samantha hopper missing, true crime, crime, missing car, vehicle underwater, scuba diving, mrleisek, adventures with purpose, cold case investigation, sonar, side scan sonar, missing persons case, courtney holt, courtney holt missing, pregnant, pregnant mom, pregnant mom missing, daughter missing
Id: Bl2DvwMtkX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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