Solo Overnight Building a Shack In The Woods PART 2 With Announcements and Bacon Wrapped Meat

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all right here we go solo overnight building the shack in the woods part two we're back here at the scene of the crime we're gonna walk through these woods and try and locate some more materials i want materials or logs about this diameter about four foot in length go ahead and build the front and back walls we're also gonna hit this creek over here and we're gonna scout that creek for some clay and maybe some rocks who knows we're out here important thing is we're gonna have a good time doing it let's get her done some are triggered af right now he's out there cutting trees down we're in a backpack he's just showing off well if i was going to show off i would do something like this if i were just showing off so and boom okay so we have the wood we need for our walls our two side walls now i'm thinking grab a bunch of verticals about two inches in diameter so we can put them on either side of our door and on either side or both sides of our fireplace and maybe about 10 to 15 of those per side boom boom boom boom boom doorway boom boom boom boom so managed to scrounge up two y branches i'm thinking about using these to adjust the peak of my roof and add that fifth ridge pole but just got to figure out how i'm going to attach these got a few ideas but i think i'm done over here it's got to grab a ridge pole or two or three and then we can make like a tree and get out of here so once again all we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and go left over the right now take our right and go over the left and that gives you a square knot ladies and gentlemen kiss keep it simple stupid then create back your campsite commando style once again all in a day's work but to be honest seeing this thing come together looking badass if i do say so my damn so it's a matter of getting out of here and then we go harvest some clay minecraft style all right then back on track so so so so so so so so do so so so so looking outstanding af all right here's what i'm thinking we go outside we trim down our four main posts as well as our verticals where they make contact with that diagonal right there then we can focus our attention to the back side so well it's that time again bacon wrapped meat and i'm gonna enjoy this bad boy and a few others let's go ahead and test that product still pink on the inside got that salty flavor from the bacon outstanding af of course it's meat it's bacon which is meat and neat but pork and cow come together outstanding catch you on the map well here you go part two so overnight building a shack in the woods um i'm liking it it's actually a larger or a bigger version of what we did before at the other property but i'm liking it and this right here like i said before opened my eyes to a whole new world and i don't want to give away too much but i'm looking at a couple of properties right now and if i can get some permissions then tell you what it's going to be on like donkey kong so i want to keep this kind of short and say thank you to everybody who is continuing to watch my videos thank you to everybody who is looking at that youtube playlist and scrolling through that youtube playlist and finding my next video and playing that bad boy it's bumping me higher up on that list and who knows like i said before maybe one day i can be number one and you want corporal's corner show youtube that you want more corporals corner get that recommended playlist scroll through that bad boy and play my next video i appreciate it so we're talking about right there i mentioned last week about logos and believe it or not they are done like i mentioned last week i'm waiting on some test products or some prototypes to come in it should be probably next week if they look good we'll go ahead and launch those and we're going to go ahead and start off with teespring i know i know someone says teespring get a rope well here's the idea if it looks good on teespring i know for a fact it's gonna be good it looks like crap there's gonna be crap also teespring's a little bit cheaper so those on a budget that can't really afford merchandise go with teespring those that want more high-end i'll find something else in the future but right now look for merchandise cups mugs shirts things like that and they'll be displayed at the bottom of my youtube video using teespring so hopefully in the future get bigger and better just like last time pick a bed any bed we're gonna go with this one right here why because i haven't slept on it yet we have our swagman roll therm-a-rest and our climate pillow and we're good to go check this out it's election night and i'm in the woods i don't care i'm gonna have fun no matter what the outcome just saying the best part about having two beds when nobody's here is this bed right here can function as a table have all my crap laid out for tomorrow's coffee got a hatchet right here just in case and the best part is i can lay right here roll over and check out that view outstanding af catch you all in the morning all right check this out i'm laying over here getting ready to rack the f out rack ops and it dawned on me i forgot to give you guys the update now check this out for a while now people been talking to me about getting some sort of knife well to be really honest i'm a fan of pks knives and the camping trail has been my baby i prayed that thing around now for months and months and months and i want to say thank you to everyone who purchased one especially purchasing one using my affiliate site or my influencer page that's in my description box through self-reliance outfitters so what happened was we decided to brainstorm and we came up with a camp and trail corporal edition now i'm gonna tell you about it briefly as a teaser but to be honest you gotta check this bad boy out we're talking bird's eye maple handles it's actually a work of art and that's putting it mildly check this out so like i said a work of art on that note i'm hitting the rack catch you all in the morning yes that's a new stove i'm sorry to say but after seven years believe it seven years it finally took a dump but for the 25 bucks that i paid for it last in seven years i'll take that as a win just saying black rifle coffee outstanding af let's go and talk about this shelter actually it's we're progressing it's moving along nicely we went ahead and cut our logs we dug a small trench and placed those bad boys in then all we did was lash them to our diagonals for our roof and cut them off which gave us two walls and a doorway i'm happy with that i wanna do the exact same thing on my other side but we're gonna leave about a two foot by two foot open at the bottom for our rocket stove fireplace so more to come we actually collected clay and i did that for future use i don't want to get too involved in this right now it's supposed to rain and it's supposed to rain all next week so i may have to i may have to back off of this for one week and we'll do a different video but i haven't decided yet um you won't know until you see a thumbnail but i'm just giving you a warning if it dumps all week i'm not gonna be able to be out here putting the fireplace in with clay that's just stupid so we'll see what's going on i talked about it last night i'm looking at a couple other properties right now with a ton of resources so if i can get permissions then it's going to be on so i'm going to finish my coffee and then we got some more work to do and there you go solo overnight building a shack in the woods part two more to come like i said we're looking at heavy rain next week so hopefully i'll be able to be out here and work on this bad boy if not we'll move into something else and knowing me be some kind of bushcraft build i don't know never can tell with that all my gear my videos can be found in two places one my amazon influencer page and two my self reliance outfitters influencer page both links can be found inside my description box or simply go to now please zoom in that favor hit that like and subscribe button then ring that notification bell once you read that bell please select all notifications and as always thank you for your comments views and support thanks for watching get out the field have some fun i'm going to catch you next time you
Channel: Corporals Corner
Views: 297,861
Rating: 4.9420719 out of 5
Keywords: Solo Overnight Building a Shack In The Woods PART 2, corporals corner, solo, solo overnight, overnight in the woods, camping in the woods, overnight in a survival shelter, overnight in a bushcraft shelter, building a fort in the woods, joerobinet fort, minimum gear camping, minimum gear survival, overnight in an emergency shelter, building a cabin in the woods, building a shelter in the woods, solo overnighter
Id: k-ecIR2KqWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 5sec (1805 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 08 2020
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