Super shelter building in the woods at 1200 meters height with my dog.Axe,saw,cooking (long vesion)
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Views: 1,130,383
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Keywords: bushcraft, bushcraft USA, bushcraft 2020, primitive technology, winter bushcraft, shelter building, primitive fire, bushcraft camp, solo camp, wilderness, bushcraft technology, Bushcraft Camp Projects, Woodcraft, bushcraft ideas, primitive cooking, bushcraft cooking, bushcraft im snow, bushcraft survival shelter winter, WOOD SHELTER BULDING, STONE SHELTER BUILDING, SHELTER IDEA, OVERNIGHT CAMP, OVERNIGHT BUSHCAMP, OVERNIGHT, PRIMITIVE SHELTER, bushcraft skills, lavvu tent
Id: BpdONAVpu6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 27sec (1947 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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