So You Think You Can Lose It?

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welcome back i'm robert breaker and this will be our sermon for the week now i've decided to uh make the title of this sermon a little bit different it's going to be a question and the whole sermon will be asking a question in the hopes that we'll answer something and i want to answer from the scriptures not from my own opinion amen so get your bible out turn to second timothy chapter 2 and verse 15. second timothy 2 15 that will be the verse that we start with and while you're turning to 2nd timothy 2 15 let me tell you what the title of this message is the title of this message is entitled so you think you can lose it so you think you can lose it huh do you really now what am i referring to well for years i've been getting emails from people and a lot of them are kind of heated and a lot of times they're attacking and they're angry people and they say well breaker you're wrong you're one of those baptists so you think you know everything what no you can lose your salvation i say uh i'm sorry but no that's not what the bible teaches for us today in our dispensation there is no losing your salvation we are eternally secure in christ and i believe that because the bible says that but a lot of people they don't go by the bible they go by tradition they don't go by what someone told them or they go by what their denomination teaches which oftentimes their denominational teaching is not rightly dividing the word of truth so we're going to get into this today and this whole sermon is going to be a question and it's going to be a question for those who think you can lose it okay so you think that salvation is something you can lose okay so you think you can lose it all right let's see what the bible teaches about if you really could lose salvation what that means what that entails see a lot of people run around just saying something without thinking about what they say and that's sad so let's think about it today let's go to second timothy chapter two and let's begin in verse 15. i see three things here in second timothy 2 15. study now if you have any other bible but a king james bible it doesn't say study so you don't have a command in your bible to go study the bible that's why i'm king james only god put the words he wants for us in the king james bible and he wants us to study his word so this is correct study study to show thyself approved unto god a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth so i see three things here study do you study your bible i've found over the years these people that try to say robert breaker you can lose your salvation they don't know what they're saying many of them because they don't know their bible so i'll write them back no the bible says this this verse here no look at it and they go well i didn't know that and a lot of it is just not studying so be careful going around telling people things unless of course you've studied that out for yourself and you know for sure what you're saying a lot of denominations do that they make disciples after themselves they go around and spread their denominational teaching which is a man-made doctrine rather than the bible no i want to stick to the bible i want to go by what the bible itself says not what some man says he thinks the bible says okay does that make sense to you so study and then it says rightly divide we must go to the bible and we must divide the bible god says to rightly divide the word of truth so there is a way to study the bible in which it is rightly divided do you realize that all the bible is written for us to read but not all the bible is written to us today you say what do you what do you mean well we have the old testament that was written to israel and uh god gave israel the old testament and it was for them back then there are things in that old testament that apply only to back then not to us today so we're no longer under the old testament now we're under what god called the new testament and it all starts with the cross the death of a testator so now we're in the new testament so we must rightly divide but in the new testament we have divisions we have the millennial kingdom we have the tribulation period or the time of jacob's trouble we have what we have today is the church age and so there's different dispensations in the best way to study the bible and understand the bible is through dispensations even today we see some crazy stuff we see people attacking the doctrine of dispensations and i'm like yeah but it's in the bible four times i mean look up in the bible and four times it says dispensation it's just so funny and yet so sad to me that people love to run around and say let's go to the bible that's not true and you go but the bible says four times the word discipline i mean do people read their bibles like they used to in the old days i kind of wonder i don't know it doesn't seem like people today are really studying to show themselves approved unto god work that needs not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth so study rightly divide so that you don't be ashamed by the time we get done with this video today i'm just going to say it there's going to be some people that ought to be ashamed they ought to be ashamed of themselves for saying that you can lose salvation when the bible says in the church age period which we are today you can't lose your salvation we're about right here this is now we are in the church age and in the church age god said it's salvation through the blood of christ and that salvation is through the gospel the gospel is found in first corinthians 15 1-4 i ask you to read that sometime and look it up and it's all about the blood-stained gospel that's why i believe in the salvation through the blood of christ romans 3 25 through faith in his blood and i preach and i teach about the blood of jesus and the importance of the blood now there are people out there that say well no no you're wrong mr breaker you don't know what you're talking about no you can lose salvation and i go um okay okay let's take your little theory here for a second your little thesis that you can lose salvation and then let's go through the bible and let's see where that leaves us you know what it's going to do it's going to leave us without a bible teaching this doctrine that you can lose salvation today is literally overthrowing the bible itself and you literally have to pick up your bible and throw it out the window in order to believe this doctrine that people teach today so that's why i made the title a little sarcastic if you will oh so you think you can lose it because i'm going to show you what happens if you can lose it so let's look at that now first of all we live in a day and age of apostasy apostasy is a falling away a departing from the truth many people today are departing from the truth and are attacking many of the doctrines of the bible first and foremost the doctrine of the blood many people today are blood haters blood deniers they they hate the doctrine of a blood atonement of christ and that's sad many today are turning against the doctrine of a pre-tribulation rapture and many are even saying oh there's no such thing as a rapture and i just look at that and go now read your bible read the bible it's there if you'll just look others are turning against dispensations as i've already noted and then still others are going against the doctrinal teaching of eternal security which is a biblical doctrinal teaching for our dispensation once saved always saved osas a lot of people say it i'll write it up here o-s-a-s once saved always saved eternal security and so there's people out there that say i don't believe in eternal security or once saved always saved and these people it'd be okay if they just believed that and just didn't tell anybody i mean well it'd be bad for them but no they believe that and then they become very dogmatic very hateful very mean-spirited very angry and they go out of their way to attack you unless you follow their line of reasoning now i don't do that if you know me if you know any my videos i do my best not to attack people because it's not about what i think and what you think otherwise it would be your opinion versus my opinion and all we would do is just fight each other based upon our opinions that doesn't that's not what the bible says the bible says to earnestly contend for the faith so i'm going to give you what the bible says i want to be behind this book and presenting this book and i want it to be all about what god said here for you not my opinion very seldom do i say well my opinion on this matter is thus and so as a ordained minister of the gospel i can't give you opinions i've got to give you scripture so that's what we're going to do today so we're going to talk about salvation okay and i want you to know what it means to be saved salvation and we're going to ask this question is it possible to lose salvation if you are saved can you become unsaved well that's a great question and that's a good opportunity to study the bible and look at what it says so for you people that think yes you can use your salvation okay so you think you can lose it huh all right let's see what happens if you lose it but before we do let's look at what salvation is what exactly is being saved well if you know the bible you know we're all sinners and we can't get to heaven because we're filthy and we're dirty and because of sin so the only way to heaven is to be washed from our sins now is there a soap is there a detergent that can actually wash the sin away from our souls no there's not so there's not something that we can do to cleanse ourselves in order to make it to heaven the bible teaches that we need a savior and so that by very definition salvation is being saved it's having a savior someone saving you so that's not something you do that's something someone else has to do so a savior now i spelled it in the english way oh you are because he is our savior amen i know in america we take out the the u we put s a s-a-v-i-o-r but i like the the old king james spelling and the english spelling of the word savior because it has our and he's mine how about yours is he your savior well if you're saved and i'm saved then he's our savior but he saves us so how do we save ourselves a lot of people that believe that you can lose salvation what they'll say is well yeah yeah yeah you can be saved by believing by faith but you got to keep it by works so by very definition theirs is a gospel of faith plus works so they are preaching that you're saved by faith plus works what are they saying they're saying saying you're saved by the savior jesus so they're saying that jesus can save you but you also help keep yourself saved and if you don't keep doing this or keep doing that or if you don't stop this or stop that then you'll go to hell because they say you can lose it because salvation ultimately is dependent upon you and what you do is that what the bible teaches well sounds like someone's not reading their bible because salvation is taking someone as your savior receiving them by faith and then they're the ones that are doing the saving all right so if they're the ones saving me then aren't they the ones keeping me safe how can i keep myself saved see it doesn't it doesn't jive you're the savior then if you're the one getting yourself to heaven not jesus boy that that sounds blasphemous because basically what is that saying that's saying what jesus did on the cross to forgive our sins and take us to heaven wasn't enough no you got to do something too so it's a great big plus so if you'll take jesus and what he did on the cross plus this over here no no salvation is not plus anything or minus anything it's all trusting in the savior for salvation so what is salvation well paul calls it eternal life in titus chapter 3 and verse 7. in hebrews 5 9 he calls it eternal salvation and in hebrews 9 12 he calls it eternal redemption so salvation is something that is eternal okay it affects eternity what is eternity well uh i've got a lot to write up here so i don't know where to put everything but to me god is outside of eternity so here's god and he's outside and here's time and we're inside time but god is outside of time he is in eternity but we're here on the timeline i don't know somewhere around here so god's outside looking down and god says now when you get saved i'm going to give you a free gift romans chapter 5 talks about salvation being a free gift and it's a free gift of eternal what life so if it's an eternal life that's the gift of salvation is eternal life then it is life for all what life for all eternity it's a free gift of eternal life so what is salvation it's eternal life how can you lose eternal life if you could lose something that's eternal then it wasn't even eternal to begin with because eternal means it always was and always will be that's eternity has always been shall always be that's eter so if salvation in the bible is defined as eternal life then it's something that it lasts for all eternity how could you lose that if you could lose it then it wasn't eternal it was temporal so if you think you can lose it what you really lose the first thing that you really lose is the signification of the word eternal when the bible says eternal life is what you get when you're saved i'm sorry it doesn't really mean that no it's not really eternal that's what you have to believe if you believe you can lose it you have to go and you have to say no words don't have meanings no no don't listen to that no that's not really what it means i don't care what you think it means it says what it means and it means what it says and it says when you're saved you get eternal life and that means life for the rest of eternity how could you lose that if you could lose it then it was an eternal life it was only temporal life okay so god lied no no i don't believe god's a liar so somebody is not looking at the definition of words and i think we need to do that now go with me to john chapter 3 and verse 15. so if you think you can lose salvation what are you saying you're saying the word eternal doesn't mean eternal uh well you got a problem i'm going to go by the definition of what words mean and i'm gonna go by the bible the bible says when i get saved i get eternal life i get justified i get redeemed i get forgiven but you think i don't get that because if i have that then it's by definition something that's gonna last for all eternity so that it can't be lost does that make sense to you i hope it does because it makes sense to me john chapter 3 verse 15 john 3 15 the bible says that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life there it is salvation is eternal life verse 16 for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life okay if i have it then i have life for all eternity how could i lose that how could i lose eternity that i didn't get eternal life if i could lose it it doesn't it it doesn't make sense it's a conundrum it's an enigma it's a it's something it does not go together if it's eternal it's forever let's look at verse 36 he that believeth on the son hath everlasting life and he that believeth not the son shall not see life but the wrath of god abideth on him hath everlasting life so when i got saved i have everlasting eternal life it's a possession a present possession and it's not something that i can lose because it is by definition eternal which means it goes on from now on forever that's what the bible teaches now let's go to john chapter 6 and verse 47. john chapter 6 and verse 47. now people will say no no mr breaker you don't know what you're talking about okay let's go through you know what i got 14 of these i got 14 points let's let's go through 14 different points okay and then you tell me what you think all right if you think you can lose salvation then you lose the sun's promise by the son i mean jesus christ the son of god and he made a promise jesus christ god manifest in the flesh said these words in john 6 47 and jesus christ says in john 6 47 barely verily i say unto you he that believeth on me hath ever lasting life but you say no he doesn't he can lose it am i supposed to follow you or do i follow the savior jesus because he made me a promise and he said i give you everlasting life and you have it you have everlasting life i'm looking at this and i'm like no i'm going to follow jesus but if i if i do want to follow you and believe that i can lose it then i've got to say no jesus is a liar and his promise is invalid no no you don't get eternal life you only get temporal life until you lose it i don't see how this doesn't compute see how this doesn't work how can i follow you and what you say when the bible from the very get-go is saying no it's the opposite of what they say it doesn't make sense let's go to another one john 5 24. there's a spiritual thing that takes place there's a spiritual i hate to use this word but i guess i'll i'll say it there's a spiritual passage that takes place john chapter 5 verse 24 and i just believe what the bible says in john 5 24 jesus christ is speaking and nobody notice what he says this is jesus god manifest in the flesh i'm going to listen to him not you because he says i can't lose it and you say i can't okay well in that case i'm gonna just go by what he says because i don't know you and you're not god okay and he is so i'm gonna listen to him and not you and here's what he says in john 5 24 do you believe god you see this all ultimately boils down to are you going to argue with god because that's what this is this you can lose it isn't arguing with god and his words not with me see a lot of people want to make this an argument with robert breaker so they can argue i just say no argue with god here's what he says okay john chapter 5 and verse 24 jesus says believe jesus you love jesus do you once you listen to him here's what he says verily verily i say unto you he that heareth my word and believeth on him that has sent me hath everlasting life doesn't say might have until he loses it or could have or maybe it's not really eternal it's it's it's not everlasting it's temporal life but it but he has an opportunity to possibly if he does enough works keep it no he says half that means has hath everlasting life now watch what it says this promise of god and shall not come unto condemnation what is condemnation hell but is past from death unto life but shall not so there's a passage that takes place a spiritual passing that verse look at it again it says when you're saved you have passed from death to life in christ i have eternal life and i've already passed there's a spiritual thing that took place when i got saved and now i have eternal life now if i could lose it then it wasn't eternal okay then the whole bible's a lie and god lied to us or else he told the truth and i can't lose it oh yeah well a lot of people don't want to believe that because you know what that means that means that the savior is jesus oh people don't want that no they want to help save i want to be the co-savior i want everyone to know that i'm doing good so i can get to heaven based upon me no you're either trusting completely in christ alone for your salvation or you're not and if you're trusting in him plus something you do you're lost because you're thinking that you can get to heaven based upon what you do and what that does is that tells jesus what you did wasn't enough you're basically telling jesus to the cross i can get to heaven based upon what i do that's the greatest blasphemy the world has ever known for you to think that you're equal to jesus and put yourself up there on the cross with him and say no what i do is more valuable than what you did jesus what a lie i'm sure the devil loves you to believe that but that's not what the bible teaches i'm a little heated today as you can tell i'm a little angry because there's people out there lying to people saying but you can lose it but the bible says no no no it's not something that's even loseable you can't lose salvation not according to jesus you want to argue with jesus you help yourself not me i'm just going to go by what he says let's go look at something else he said let's go to john chapter 10 and verse 27. john chapter 10 verse 27 jesus is speaking and jesus says my sheep hear my voice and i know them and they follow me all right now look at verse 28 29 and 30. i give unto them eternal life now watch what he says and they shall never perish they shall never perish they shall never what is that that means you can't lose it he didn't say unless they sin there's no there's no footnote there unless no if you have eternal life you shall never perish you can't lose it that's what the bible says and so it says here they shall never perish neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand while he's giving us this illustration of like when you're saved it's like you're in the hand of god you're in the hand of jesus well that's a safe place isn't it that's i thought about calling this a safe place you know all your social justice warriors oh i just want a safe place well i have a safe place i'm in the hand of god because i'm satan and no one will ever pluck me out i shall never perish the bible says but not only that what's this what's this he says here in verse 29 my father which gave them me is greater than all and no man is able to pluck them out of my father's hand i and my father are one so jesus says when you're saved i give you eternal life you'll never perish you're in my hand safe but not only that my father's hand is holding my hand and so you're double secure you're double safe now who in this world is more powerful than god i know not one how am i going to lose salvation can i somehow start peeling back his fingers and then get rid of god some father's fingers and then peel back god the son's fingers and then jump out and say i'm not saved anymore i lost it how on earth is that possible i'm not more powerful than god are you i don't think so so how on earth can you go around saying you can lose your salvation when god says you're double secure and you will never perish when you're saved because you've been given eternal life i don't know are you stronger than god are you smarter than god are you a lot of people out there think they are a lot of people out there think well i'm smarter than god and i know the bible says that but really what it means is no no no no why don't you just go jump off the pier into a lake or something i mean don't tell me what you think the bible says i want to know what my god said to me in the bible and i'm holding on to his promises and his words and he said if i trust him i've got eternal life and i shall never perish i'm gonna go by what he says not what you say you're a liar bible says let god be true and every man a liar you're a liar if you're going against what the bible says and i'm gonna listen to you can't lose it but you say no we can lose it okay what happens when i get saved i become a son john chapter one look at what john chapter one and verse 12 says if i could lose it guess what i lose my sonship you know what now john chapter 1 verse 12 says but as many as received him how by faith we trusted christ through faith we get eternal life now that we've received him to them gave me power to become the sons of god even to them that believe on his name so when i got saved i got born again right there in verse 13 which were born so i'm born again i am a son of god galatians chapter 3 verse 26 says we are all the children of god by faith i'm a child matter of fact in romans 8 14 and 15 i'm adopted i have the spirit of adoption i don't know if you know this but a lot of laws about adoption uh mean that if someone's adopted it's stronger than if they were actually born from that people because the law is more applicative that you cannot deny a son who's adopted but how can you become an unsung how can you get unborn again have you ever thought about that well the bible says when you're saved it's a new birth you're born again okay how do you lose that how do you lose your sonship i'm robert ray breaker the third i come from robert ray breaker jr my father and robert breaker senior his father my father died 10 11 years ago he's still my father and i'm still his son i could do the worst sins in this world and i don't want to i don't like sin and i could move to the other side of the world and move to china and change my name to ching chong ping or something and i could say i am no longer the son of robert breaker junior but really who's my father robert breaker jr i mean it doesn't depend on what i do whether i'm his son or not i am his son i've been born now the only question is am i going to be a good son or a bad son an obedient son or disobedience i can't unbecome a son i can't go nope i'm no longer his son it doesn't compute it doesn't make sense once you're born again you're born again there's no getting born again again and again and again and again there's no once saved uh and then you lose it but then you can get it back but then lose it but they get there's no i was born again again again again again that doesn't make sense these people that run around and say you can lose it you can lose it their minds are not working or something and they're not reading their bibles because if they did they would realize our relationship to god is he is our father and we are his son and he cannot deny his son if you're a son of god he can't deny you why would you believe that you can lose your salvation let's look at another one i was going to take you to first john 3 1 and 2. but i don't have time first john chapter 3 verse 1 and 2. you can go there and read those but now we are the sons of god when we're saved we're god's son we can't become unsung once a son always a son amen the next one is surety surety does the bible teach that you can know you're saved well yeah yeah but these people that say you can lose it they can say well you never know if you're saved or not you just kind of hope you go around with your fingers crossed all the time and you just go oh i hope i did good and i hope i'm going to heaven because i'm really trying and they think that salvation is dependent upon what they do and what is that that's guilty of saying what jesus did wasn't enough they've got to do something well no jesus said hey come into me and you're saved by trusting in him but in first john chapter 5 and verse 13 the bible teaches a no so salvation the bible teaches that you can be saved and know that you're saved first john 5 13 says these things that are written unto you that you that believe in the name of the son of god that you may know that you're saved all right do you know do you know that you're saved and on your way to heaven do you know that well if you believe you can lose your salvation then you can never know you go well i don't know i just hope so when i get to heaven maybe i'll find out but but no the bible says you can know how do you know these things are written it's the bible what's written in the bible tells us what salvation is how to receive it and what happens when we get it and we get saved we get the free gift of eternal life it's eternal it cannot be lost we have the promise of god himself jesus christ saying you will not perish you are in my hand and no one can pluck you out man i'm just gonna go by what the bible says not what you say that's why i never get flustered or bothered by these people that contact me so you can lose your salvation i just gotta go that's that's like saying the sky is purple no no no the sky is blue you know it it's just so contrary to the very nature of god and the bible and truth that it's just like and whatever you know well the moon is made of cheese no it's not you know how do you deal with someone who says something that is so outrageous and wrong that it's not even close to what the bible says how do you deal with them well today i'm dealing with them today i'm going to say hey look at the bible would you would you please look the bible says you can know that you're saved do you know you're saying let me show you this one still people will say no um breaker uh yeah we we belong to such and such a denomination and we believe you can lose your salvation and you're just twisting verses out of context oh really no let me show you this one how do you twist this out of context how do you how do you prove your false doctrine of losing salvation when you read this verse are these verses ephesians chapter 2 verse 4 through 6. ephesians 2 4 says but god who is rich in mercy that's how he saves us by his mercy by his grace who is rich in mercy for his great love wherewith he loved us even when we were dead in sins yet quickened us that means brought to life we're quickened we're born again we have new birth we're new life we have eternal life in christ we have passed from death unto life as the bible says together with christ by grace are you saved now look at verse 6 and hath raised us up together and made us sit together in heavenly places in christ jesus the bible tells me there's a seat up in heaven and i don't understand it but this is what the bible says says i'm already up there here's robert breaker that's me and i am already seated in heaven because as far as god's concerned and he is a god of eternity so he's outside of eternity when i got saved my eternity was fixed and in god's eyes i'm already seated up there with him in heaven how do you lose that now i can't explain it maybe it's in spirit i've got the holy spirit in me that i'm saved and the holy spirit's up there so maybe there's a chair up there the holy spirit's sitting there and the holy spirit said me and god's looking over and he's like oh well that's breaker who's got the spirit now he's you know but the bible says we're seated with him in heavenly places when paul wrote this he was down here on earth writing this how could he say we are seated in heavenly places well he did i think god told him to write that down so that all these people run around saying you can lose you can lose it god goes no you be quiet you can't lose it because you're already seated up there wow you know i don't know about you but i'm going to believe the bible and if you don't that's on you see it the judgment okay but the bible says we're already seated with him in heaven let's look at this one number eight you have enough yet like my old grandpa used to say i'm giving you enough truth to sink a battleship now will you accept it there's people out there in different denominations that don't believe this they believe you can lose your salvation because they have a faith plus works gospel and they're lost they're lost religious people with a false gospel and they're negating the blood and atonement of christ and it's sad it'd be one thing if they believe that they're just silent about it but no they're dogmatic they're angry they're hateful they're mean they think it's their ministry to go around and attack preachers like me who just preached the bible and the once saved always saved doctrine of seated with him in heavenly places because i have his promise that i'm born again as his son and i can't lose it so i'm just going to give you what the bible says okay if they want to get heated and angry and upset give me a little bit of you know a little wiggle room if you will today to get a little heated on the two to give you the truth amen okay now look at this spiritual circumcision there's a thing that takes place when we get safe called spiritual circumcision and that is in colossians chapter two colossians chapter two what is that well let me show you colossians chapter two and verse ten for in him dwelleth all the fullness of the godhead bodily and who in jesus and ye are complete in him oh i'm complete in christ when i got saved i'm in christ yeah that's what paul says in christ and it says which is the head of all principality and power in whom also you are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands by putting off of the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of christ there is something that takes place now i don't have time to get into this because it's a lot to get into but in um first thessalonians chapter 5 and verse 23 first thessalonians 5 23 says i pray god your whole body soul and spirit be preserved blameless until the coming of our lord and savior jesus christ every person is made up of three parts we're made up of a body we're made up of a soul and we're made up of a spirit now the body is the fleshly part in which we live our temporal life our life today is of the body inside of our body is an immortal thing called the soul and it lives forever and one of two places heaven or hell matter of fact when you die your soul leaves your body genesis chapter i believe it's 35 18. uh you have to look that up but rachel died it says for she died and then it says for her soul was in departing for she died so your soul departs and your soul either goes to heaven or to hell two places smoking or non-smoking heaven or hell inside of you there's a spirit now the bible says we're born spiritually dead because of the sin of adam but when you get saved you get the holy spirit of god that comes inside of you and the bible says you're made a new creature in christ now i'm making the holy spirit is purple purple's the color of royalty and you know he's the spirit of christ christ is the king so when you're saved you have the holy spirit inside of you and what god does is he takes it he circumcises your body and he makes the soul with his spirit in it the new creature and it says we're a new creature in christ now when you sin it's the body that sins but the new creature doesn't sin the soul you see before you're saved and you sin it's charged to your soul but when you get saved god separates the soul from the body he says now you're a new creature in christ so if you sin it's the body of the sins not the the creature inside and what takes us to heaven is the holy spirit inside of us i'm going to show you here in a minute the holy spirit seals us and it's inside of us forever you can't lose the holy spirit but some people say no no no so this is called the spiritual circumcision and in christ you become a new creature unless you believe that uh like these people uh know you can lose it okay then then the bible doesn't make us a new there's no new creatures you think you can lose it and then get it back and lose it and get it back and lose it and get it back and and god does this thing over and over and over he births you again and births you again and bursts you again it doesn't work that way once saved always saved now you're a new creature a new creature in christ and holy spirit sealed inside of you if you could lose your salvation then there's no sealing of the holy spirit let's go to ephesians chapter 1 verse 13. ephesians 1 13 in whom you also trusted after that you heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation in whom also after that you believed you were sealed with that holy spirit a promise the bible tells us that when we get saved we get the holy spirit and we are sealed with that holy spirit so it's the holy spirit of god and we are sealed with it that means it can't leave now you people that's right i said you people okay not a racial thing i'm just saying you people you people that go around saying you can lose your salvation are you telling me that you're more powerful than god what does it mean to seal something when i when i was younger we used to uh do canning and you get a mason jar and you put stuff in it and you can it and you put it all together and you put it in boiling water and it goes it makes that noise where it pops and then it's sealed and you say whoa i got this food i can put it on the shelf and it's sealed for a long time you know how hard it is to open those bottles a lot of times it's like oh you can't get it open it's so hard but you finally can't open it because you're the one that sealed it you're the one that can unseal it i got saved i didn't seal the holy spirit inside of me god sealed it inside of me and you know what he says in ephesians 4 30 let's look at it ephesians 4 30 he says and grieve not the holy spirit of god whereby you're sealed until the day of redemption are you more powerful than god are you able to break the seal that god did if so wow maybe i should worship you then if you're more powerful than god then you must be the real true god i might as well worship no no you're not more powerful than god you can't break the seal so how dare you how dare you go around and tell people you can lose your salvation you you're saying god is not powerful enough to seal you and he's so weak that the first time you sin the holy spirit goes it shoots right out like like air out of a ball like you're playing basketball oh there goes the holy spirit oh it's all your fault do you see the problem you get in doctrinally when you try to tell people you can lose salvation you can't break that seal the devil can't break that seal who do you think you are number ten how about the sacrifice of jesus the bible tells us that jesus christ died on the cross let's go to hebrews chapter six they shed his blood for the forgiveness of our sins all right now you say yeah and that's great and all and he can save you based upon what he did on the cross but if you sin then you can lose it oh okay let me hold you to that let me just assume for a moment that you're correct and say oh okay that's okay so if you do sin after you get saved and you can lose it guess what the bible says it says now you can never get it back let me show you that hebrews chapter six look at hebrews chapter six and verse four four through six says for it is impossible for those who are once enlightened that have tasted of the heavenly gift and were made partakers of the holy ghost and have tasted the good word of god and the powers of the world to come if they should fall away to renew them again into repentance seeing they crucified themselves the son of god afresh and put him to an open shame do you realize what that just said it is impossible impossible it says for you to get saved again if you could lose it impossible if you lose it why because jesus would have to come back to this earth and die on the cross all over again you think he's going to do that you think he's going to do that every time you sin every single time you sin you think jesus is going to go oh boy another 33 years walking in the flesh then have to die on the cross all over do you really think that's salvation well even if he did even if jesus did come down from heaven to do this all over again guess what it says it's impossible it's impossible if you lose it to get it back that's what it says read it now you say well well then well huh well here's what i see i see paul saying it's it's impossible if you could lose it to get it back so he's not saying it you can lose your salvation he's saying if it were possible that you could lose it then it would be impossible to get it back so thank god you can't lose it that's what i see as i read the passage how about it let's go to another one if you can lose your salvation then you know what you lose the shed blood of jesus christ if you can lose your salvation here's what you really lose you lose the blood go to hebrews chapter 9 verse 22 hebrews 9 22 says in almost all things are by the law purged with blood without shedding of blood is no remission of sin so for every sin there has to be blood okay so you say well i accepted jesus now all my sins passed are forgiven now i better not sin because if i sin then i'll lose it oh so the blood of jesus wasn't powerful enough for all your future sins only your pa so the next time you sin you're telling me that that that blood's not powerful enough to forgive then why did he die now it's all on you to get to heaven well guess what everybody's going to hell then because i've never met a person yet who was a christian who didn't sin they tell me they have they hate it they don't want to but i don't know a sinless christian do you so what does the bible say let's go to hebrews chapter 10 and verse 10 is jesus going to come back and die again shed his blood again for every time you sin is he going to do another sacrifice that's the way it was in the old testament the old testament every time they sinned they had to bring another sacrifice are you telling me that's how it is today i don't think so look what it says hebrews chapter 10 verse 10 it says by the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of jesus christ look at this once for all the one sacrifice once for all for all what for all sins and then look what it says here in verse 12 and it says but this man after he had offered one sacrifice for sins forever sat down at the right hand of god are you telling me that jesus christ in heaven sitting down has to get up every time you sin and then go do another sacrifice and then go do another second you are disgusting that's not what the bible says jesus said he made one sacrifice for sins forever and that blood of jesus christ his son the bible says cleanses us from all sin i don't lose it because i sinned now i don't want to sin i'm not in favor of sin i'm not condoning sin i don't tell people go sin i tell people don't sin it's horrible it's evil it's wicked but i tell them what the bible says the bible says if you sin as a christian that doesn't mean you lose your salvation because there's so many verses that tell us you can't lose it but you want to go around telling people oh you better watch out if you sin you'll lose it really look at hebrews chapter 10 and verse 26 if you really believe that then i have bad news for you if you really believe that you can lose your salvation then i have bad news for you you can never be saved because if you lose it you'll never get it back that's what the bible says hebrews chapter 10 verse 26 for if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins but a certain fearful looking for a judgment and fiery indignation which shall devour the adversaries so this verse says if you sin there's no more sacrifice there's no more blood for you and you can't get saved again you say oh no no i just come to jesus and i say oh jesus i'm a sinner please forgive me no it doesn't work that way once saved always saved or once saved sin never saved again there's only two possibilities and you chose the other one so you cannot be saved according to the bible if you think you can lose it because there remaineth no more sacrifice for your sin and you're going around telling people that i'm the evil one for preaching once they would always say what a devil what a demon you are who do you think you are you're saying the blood of jesus does not cleanse from all sins that's not what my bible says the bible says the blood of jesus christ his son cleanses from all sins who are you going around saying you can lose it you can lose what is this passage talking about it's the book of hebrews paul is writing to jews and he's saying look there is a certain sin that if you do that sin then then you can't be saved what is that sin well it's not even for us today in the tribulation it's called the mark of the beast and the bible tells us all those that have the mark of the beast will go to hell when jesus comes back at armageddon because they took the mark of the antichrist and they chose him rather than god so that's not even something you can do today but people that don't rightly divide will try to take something out of context and try to say now if you sin well then you can't get saved and yet you ask them well how about you well i've never sinned they they say you're alive you just lied so you just lost your salvation don't give me this you can lose your salvation that's not in the bible i just get so sad there are people out there running around you can lose your salvation you can no no if you can lose it then you can never get it back that's the bible says if you can lose your salvation guess what you lose you lose the sweet promise of jesus here's what you really lose if you choose to believe that salvation is not once saved always saved then this is what you're losing you're losing all this in the bible that tells us that once saved all we say here's something you lose you lose the sweet promise of jesus let's go to hebrews 13 5. hebrews chapter 13 and verse 5 look at what he says the very end of the verse this is a promise from jesus i will never leave thee nor forsake thee you can't lose it because how could i lose it if he said i'll never leave you know for safety you say well well you could say well i'll leave me like i don't want to be around you i get oh really okay let's go to this one i love this argument people say well yeah breaker yeah well what if uh what if somebody said jesus i don't want you anymore i don't want to be saved um okay let's go there second timothy 2 11. second timothy 2 11. let's see second timothy 2 11 jesus said i'll never leave the nor forsake thee so you say well you can leave him well he can't leave you it doesn't work but second timothy 2 11 says it is faithful saying for if we be dead with him we shall also live with him okay then verse 12 people say yeah but look at verse 12 if we suffer we shall also reign with him if we deny him he will also deny us so see mr breaker you can lose your salvation mr breaker well if you deny you okay stop just stop number one always read at least two or three verses above and two or three verses below and always look at the context what is the context the denying of a rain but also look what it says in verse 13 if we believe not yet he abideth faithful he cannot deny himself when i'm saved i am in christ and the bible says christ is in me the holy spirit is in me sealed if i tomorrow said i deny you jesus he's like okay whatever i can't deny myself and i said i'd never leave you forsake you so i'm in you and you can say whatever you want you're still my son why because he purchased my soul with his own blood it's not even mine anymore ephesians 1 13 says we're sealed with the holy spirit a promise verse 14 says the purchased possession he paid for my soul with his blood i'm ransomed i'm redeemed i belong to jesus doesn't matter if i say i don't want you anymore jesus too late i'm in him he's in me i'm a part of what's called the body of christ and christ is not going to cut off his arm he's not going to cut off his toe i am in him and he is in me and he cannot deny himself that's a blessing so there's more i could go into on that but let me go to this one the scriptures i think i've done a good job haven't i approving that what you are doing is you're going against the bible and you're taking a lot of bible doctrine and you're just throwing it out the window by saying i believe you can lose your salvation i don't god doesn't the bible doesn't jesus doesn't believe that so why do you it's a good question why do you well over here in john chapter 14 and verse 16 let's just look at jesus one more time let's look at the scriptures and see what jesus said can you lose your salvation can you ever do something so bad the holy spirit just goes away and you're just like oh once they've always said oh i don't have anymore oh no where is that even possible jesus says this in john 14 16 john 14 16 jesus said and i will pray the father and he shall give you another comforter that he may abide with you for ever forever okay how long are you saved for forever well can you lose it well yeah i guess when when forever ends then you can lose it but guess what there's no end forever so there's no losing your salvation and jesus christ said when he gives you the comforter the holy spirit guess what he said it abides in you forever all right are you calling god a liar you people to say no no no you can lose it are you calling my lord and savior jesus christ a liar he just said no you have the holy spirit in you forever are you calling him a liar let's look over here at john 11 25. i just get so tired of these people running around oh mr breaker doesn't know anything and they don't even read their bible john 11 in verse 25 to 26 jesus says this jesus said unto her i am the resurrection and the life he that believeth in me though he were dead yet shall he live and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die believest thou this what does it mean you'll never die well our body can die but our soul will never die because you know what a lake of fire is it's called the second death eternal damnation dying for all eternity and fire is the second death as a christian someone who is truly saved i can't lose i can't go to hell a child of god a son of god cannot go to hell i've got the holy spirit in me and it's sealed and it can't get out so it can't go to hell if i went to hell then the holy spirit of god would have gone to hell it doesn't make sense someone is trying to snow you someone is trying to lie to you someone is trying to give you a false doctrine and try to scare you into thinking that salvation is based upon what you do and what is that doing that's saying what jesus did isn't good enough that's a shame jesus said this in matthew chapter 11 28-30 come unto me all you that labor and are heavy laden and i will give you rest take my yoke upon you and learn of me for i am meek and lowly in heart and you shall find rest unto your souls for my yoke is easy and my burden is light salvation is rest for your soul because when you're saved you know that you're saved and you know that your soul is going to heaven when you die do you believe that do you believe that you see if you say you can lose your salvation you've just called god a liar because i've showed you verse after verse after verse after verse after verse after verse and place after place after place where it says no no once saved always saved god said you shall never perish so why are you saying you can't why are you lying to me i look at you and i look at the bible you say one thing the bible says something else and i look at titus chapter one and verse two and it says god can't lie okay so if god can't lie then who's lying you are mr you can lose your salvation and i say nope not gonna follow you because you don't know what you're talking about don't you lecture me don't you tell me what the bible says when you're consistently telling me the opposite of what my bible tells me here's the last one and i'll be done you say well you can lose your salvation you can lose your salvation really that's not what the bible says but there's people out there that say no i believe that that's what my denomination do it and what they're doing is they're twisting the scriptures to their own uh perdition they're twisting scriptures to their own destruction and they're teaching a lie there's no such thing as you can lose salvation because it's god that saves us we don't save ourselves but they say no you can lose it you can lose it okay if you believe that that salvation is based upon you and what you do and that you can lose it then you're not even safe to begin with because you haven't understood what salvation is you're not trusting in christ alone to receive salvation you're thinking oh and i have a part in it too and so you're still lost and if the bible says that when you die and you go to hell and burn for however long it is until the judgment that someday god will take you out of the judgment and then he'll pitch you into the lake of fire but here we have in matthew chapter 7 some people standing before god at that day of the judgment the end of the millennial kingdom is the great white throne of judgment here are some people that were judged by god and notice what god said he said i never knew you verse 21 matthew 7 21 not everyone that saith unto me lord lord shall enter the kingdom of heaven but he that do it the will of my father which is in heaven people say she's works you do the will no have you not read in john 6 this is the will of my father that you believe you know the only thing you can do that's not a work is belief god demands faith hebrews says without faith it's impossible to please him god wants our faith we're saved by faith not by our works we're not kept saved by works we're kept saved through the holy spirit sealed inside of us verse 22. many will say to me in that day lord lord have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name have cast out devils under my name done many wonderful works here's your typical people today that run around saying i'm a religious person i love jesus and i believe you could lose your salvation what have they done they've called on the lord and they've cast out demons and they've done many wonderful works look what jesus says in verse 23 and then will i profess unto them i never knew you depart from me you that work iniquity god says no no no you didn't lose your salvation he says you were never safe to begin with i never even knew who you were now if you could lose your salvation then the bible would be different wouldn't it why well you would read that it would say then jesus said unto them depart from me for i only knew you 427 times no that's not what it says jesus doesn't say well i knew you for a little while then you lost it but when you came back then i knew you again but then you lost it but no he says i never ever knew who you were because you were never my son you were never saved because you were still thinking it was an element of works involved for your salvation and you were not trusting in me as your savior depart from me into into a lake of fire i never ever knew you why because he said you that work iniquity said all those works that you were doing thinking you should keep your salvation based upon your works they were iniquity they were sin that's what iniquity is sent so you're sitting there thinking i deserve heaven because of my works and god's in heaven looking down going your works are the works of a sinner that's not even saved and you want me to accept you and what you do and what you did and you want me to accept no i want you to accept what i did and i want you to trust my blood but yet you'd rather trust in yourself what you did i feel sorry for you bible says we're saved by faith not of works less than any man should boast ephesians 2 8-9 yet there's people out there that say no you could lose your salvation you go oh really why do you believe you could lose your salvation because well i think that if i do this then god will accept me and so i think heaven is partly because i deserve it and because it's all about me and my works you're saying then that the work of christ is null is void is meaningless and that it's you that can get yourself to heaven and not christ alone guess what have fun in hell because that's where you're going to burn for all eternity and i don't say that lightly i don't say that delightly i'm not happy i don't want to see people to go to hell that's why i'm preaching my heart out today trying to show you no that is not bible telling someone you can lose salvation salvation is once saved always saved because it's eternal security in christ now let's close with colossians chapter two i get so frustrated i get so sad sometimes i don't sleep at night thinking about people going to hell and how i don't want them to go there thinking about lord what can i do to tell people the truth what can i do when i get up in the morning and i check my email oh you robert breaking you you fool you jerk you devil why you you and they say things like you teach that devilish wicked heresy of once saved always save and i'm like but that's what jesus said i will never leave thee not forsake thee he said you've passed from death in the life he said you shall never how is that no and i figured it out no they really hate jesus they hate my savior they hate my book because my book tells me once they always say it's not me they hate it's jesus and they hate him and that's why they're going to hell because they hate my savior i can't be their enemy i can't hate them i care about them i want to see them come to christ now i understand why they attack now understand why they're so angry and hateful and mean it's because they hate jesus and they're taking it out on me all right i'll be your punching bag take it out on me that's fine but would you do me a favor and just listen to this message and rethink what you believe because the bible is very clear we can't lose what god offers the free gift of eternal life so do you have it well if you believe that you can lose your salvation then the answer is no you don't have it because when you get it it's because you understand it's not what i do it's what he did that saves me colossians chapter 2 verse 13 colossians 2 13 and you being dead in your sins and in the end circumcision of your flesh hath quickened together with him now watching watch this having forgiven you all trespasses forgiven you all trespasses the bible says that the blood of jesus that right there forgives us of all trespasses what are trespasses sins you want to say no no if you do a sin then you can lose your salvation then you just called my lord and savior a liar and you might as well take out a pair of scissors and start going through your bible and cutting out every verse that i gave you today that says once saved always saved because it's clear that you don't believe god in the bible or i'm just throwing this out there or maybe you need to get down on your knees maybe fast a couple days maybe get your bible out say god would you help me to rethink this and go back through here and see if you read paul's epistles you'll see that we're in paul's ministry today and that paul is telling us that once you're saved you're eternally secure in christ and that you are forgiven all sins there's no sin that you can do today that will put you in hell if you're saved so this doctrine of you can lose your salvation is one of the most horrible horrendous evil wicked heretical teachings in christianity today and it's not biblical and if you adhere to you can lose your salvation then you need to rethink it because you're lost and by the authority of god and his word okay not robert breaker not my opinion you're lost and you need to come to christ for salvation he said it's eternal life you say no it's not okay i'll follow him he gave us a promise what was the promise he gave us well he promised that when we're saved we have passed from death in the life he said no man can can pluck you out of his hand he says you shall never perish well i'm going to go by what jesus said he's so strong he's made me a son i'm sure that i'm saved i'm already seated with him in heavenly places there's been a thing that took place that now i'm a new creature in christ i'm sealed with the holy spirit the blood of jesus christ is forgiven me of all sins and on and on and on do you believe the bible i hope so i'm going to leave it there thank you for listening i hope you get right with god not run around and attack people that believe the bible i hope you get right with god and see the wonderful gift that is salvation of eternal life not based upon our merit and our works because they're horrible they're works of iniquity but based upon the blood of jesus christ all right i'll leave it there god bless you bye-bye you
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 65,817
Rating: 4.8588481 out of 5
Keywords: So you think you can lose it?, losing salvation, is it possible to lose your salvation?, once saved always saved, OSAS, you can't lose salvation, Eternal Security
Id: 83sGNiaU_XQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 1sec (3841 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 15 2020
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