The Spirit World vs The Physical World

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all right get your bible out today and turn to first corinthians chapter 15. first corinthians chapter 15 we'll begin in verse 44. i've got a lot to talk about today and today's message is going to be on something that i've been wanting to talk about for quite a while i've been looking forward to this message actually i'd like to give a little shout out to a friend of mine that talked a little bit about this i was going to preach on this eventually but he gave me the idea for the um the thing that i'm going to draw up here on the board which will be two circles that that overlap and that just kind of tied the whole thing together a lot of times i like to be in front of the whiteboard and preach and teach and i want you to see with your eyes the word of god and hear the word of god with your ears but sometimes it's good to also have a visual to be able to see it a lot of people tell me brother breaker i'm a visual person and that's why i like your preachings and your teachings because you lay it out on the board to where i can get it and it's and it's something that i can not only remember because i heard it i can remember because i saw it as well so today i'm going to be putting up here something that i'd like to say thank you to a friend for for kind of drawing this out to me and showing me and i hope i can be a blessing by drawing that out and showing to you as well today i just want to give you as many scriptures as i can on this subject in the hopes that you will understand that there are two different worlds there's the spirit world and there's the physical world that's what i've entitled this today the spirit world versus the physical world and we're going to look at both of those and we're going to see how there's some people that are more in one than the other but we're all in one together but there's this other one over here that is trying to affect everything that takes place in our world it is a strange strange thing but it's not that strange if you have a bible you know all about this you're like oh yeah yeah i know what that is but people that don't read the bible they still don't get this and so i'm hoping to put this out here in such a way today where you'll get it get it down on your level to where you can understand it because i need you to understand this isn't just some little flippit thing that we can just throw out there and talk about this is about eternity and this affects your eternity do you realize that you are an immortal being you may not believe that but that's what the bible teaches that inside of you there is something that will last forever when you pass on you don't just cease to exist there's something in you that will continue to exist in that other world so you need to think about that okay so a lot to get into today let's start in first corinthians chapter 15 and verse 44 through 49. and it says here in verse 44. it is sown a natural body it is raised a spiritual body there is a natural body there is a spiritual body so there's the natural world and the spiritual world two different ones 45 and so it was written the first man adam was made a living soul and the last adam was made a quickening spirit who was the last adam well that's jesus christ verse 46 how be it that was not first which is spiritual but that which is natural and afterwards that which is spiritual adam came first and then jesus adam was made into this natural and he fell into sin he actually had the best of both worlds if you will and we'll see that here in a minute but he fell and now he's just in the natural world the physical world and we're all born after him into this physical physical world but that which is natural and afterwards that which is spiritual verse 47 the first man is of the earth earthy and the second man is the lord from heaven as is the earth the such are also they that are earthy and as is the heavenly such are they also that are heavenly and as we have borne the image of the earthly we shall also bear the image of the heavenly so the apostle paul is speaking to us who are christians in chapter 15 of corinthians which by the way is the chapter of the gospel first corinthians 15 1-4 also is the chapter of the rapture first corinthians 15 51-58 there's a lot going on in chapter 15 but in chapter 15 he gives us this message of the difference between the spirit world and the physical world now i'm going to try to draw that up here today in such a way that i hope you can understand it okay here is the spirit world and the physical world so over here we have the spirit world and over here we have the physical world there are two worlds but there's an overlap there's a way that if you're in the physical world you can get into the spirit world and there's a way that if you're in the spirit world you can get into the physical world and that's what a lot of people in this world are trying to do a lot of your religions in this world are spiritual in nature what does that mean well well let's look at some things okay this one the bible calls earthly and paul calls this one heavenly okay well it started in heaven but some of these people in the spirit world are bad people you see the spiritual world is the world where god is and where's god while he's up in heaven it's where the angels are but it's also where the bad came from which is the devil and there are devils out there which we today we call demons the king james bible always calls them devils why is that well because the ancient greeks they use the word demon for angels and devils they said there's good angels and bad angels and they call them demions or demons or something like that but uh we say demons but we ought to say devils because all demons are devils and evil okay and there's the word evil in the word devil right there so this is what the spirit world consists of now the physical world our visible world that's what this is the best way i think to describe it would be that the um the spirit world is invisible to our eyes we really can't see it but the physical world is visible there's a lot of things that we can see so in this physical world there's us if you're a human being and you're alive you're in the spirit the physical world here is the carnal world this is the world that has all the atoms that make everything this is the world that has the elements so there's two worlds that we're in and we are in today this physical earthly world this earthly realm if you will so there's the heavenly realm the spiritual realm that all started in heaven now some have come out of heaven fallen from heaven and and they're still in the spirit world but they're evil so you go watch out for them but then we have the earthly realm the realm of which we have to deal with every day putting on clothes taking a shower going to work driving in our car these are all earthly physical carnal things so we are in the physical world what are we let's go to first thessalonians chapter five let me show you real quick what we are first thessalonians chapter 5. we that are in this world we consist of three parts but part of us actually is spiritual we are carnal in this world but we actually consist of something that is spiritual did you know that so we really are of both worlds in a sense so go to first thessalonians chapter 5 and verse 23 and in first thessalonians 5 23 the bible tells us that we have three parts we consist of three parts and what are those three parts we'll read down there in first thessalonians chapter 5 verse 23 and it says that we are a spirit a soul and a body so we consist of three parts so you go to the bible and you look at the bible you see some cool things who was the first man adam and the bible says the second one was jesus well jesus is so important now we consist of three parts a body a soul and a spirit well our body is a physical thing i pinch this and it hurts i'm i'm in the physical earthly world in this earthly body so my body is here my body is this this is my body but i also have a soul i have inside of me an immortal soul that i guess is part of the spiritual world because i don't know what else to call it it is something that will live forever when i die in one of two places either above or below and it's my soul so i am although i am an earthly person in an earthly body i am a spiritual creature because i have something inside of me that's spiritual that will last for all eternity and then inside of me is a spirit well let me tell you how this thing happened and everything but actually let's go back to um genesis chapter one if you will and uh go back to genesis chapter one we'll read that here in just a second but uh if you understand what i'm saying the bible tells us what we are what we consist of we're made up of three but we're one god said in the beginning let us make man in our image well he said let us in our god is one god but he consists of three but those three are one first john 5 7. so god made us in his image so as god is consists of three he made us a being that consists of three in that wild and part of us is in the physical world part of this is in the spiritual world and we have in us a spirit but our spirit is dead when we're born and i'll talk more about that here in a minute but so we have in us an immortal soul and that soul lives forever somewhere in some place in one of two places so have you ever thought about that what happens after life life is not the only life it's the beginning and when we die that's when we really start living because we begin living in a different realm we're in the spirit world then so you have to think about these things you have to understand this so let's go to genesis 1 and verse 1 in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth okay i believe in creation i believe god did it there's no reason not to a matter of fact that's the only thing that makes sense and if there was a god and he did create everything well then he would give us a book in which he said hey i'm the guy that did this come to me well that's what the bible is so i believe the bible i believe in creation now look at what god says in genesis 1 27 so god created man in his own image in the image of god created he him male and female created he them so god created man and god created woman now chapter 2 and verse 7 and the lord god formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed in his nostrils the breath of life and the man became a living soul so god used dust earthly thing oh actually literal earth earth is dust and he breathed into that and man became a living soul but he breathed what is the breathing of god of breath if you look at the word for spirit in in the greek language it's uh it's numitas where we get our word pneumonia it has to do with breath it has to do with breathing so god put his spirit into a man so what is a human being what am i what are you you're a being that consists of three and one of them is in the earthly world the others in the spirit world and together you are an immortal being that's going to live forever not in this one unfortunately but over here in this one the only question is where well that depends entirely upon you and what you do with the second adam jesus so here's what the bible says about this now adam over here when he was originally created adam was created as a man and guess what he had a body he had a soul and he had a spirit so here's the body of adam here's the soul now the soul is inside of you and people say what's the soul well i don't have time to go there but i believe it's genesis 35 18 if i remember right what happens at death at death the soul leaves the body let me look it up real quick genesis 35 18 i believe is the verse i want and in genesis 35 18 look what it says and it came to pass as her soul was in departing for she died and then it goes on there so when you die your soul leaves your body but when you're alive your spiritual soul is inside of your earthly body and it's still there and you have a spirit but when you're born in this world your spirit is dead you have a dead spirit now when god originally created adam god put inside of adam the holy spirit so the holy spirit was inside of adam so he had the best of both worlds adam was in this world and he was in this realm but also god put in him himself that was in this realm so that it could overlap and they could commune with one another you ever thought about that but what happened well i don't have time to read it if you want to you read genesis chapter 3 verse 1 through 16 and you'll see what's called the fall and how both adam and eve were deceived into sinning by this vile wicked devil a fallen creature and they sinned and when they sinned they became a fallen creature and what happened well romans 5 12 says wherefore as by one man's sin entered into the world and death by sin and so death passed upon all men for all have sinned what happened well because of sin the holy spirit left so this is the original adam original let's let's change that to adam originally as god made adam adam originally had the holy spirit in him but then fallen adam look what happened adam fell and when he did oh no the holy spirit left him and that's why he could die you see when the holy spirit was in him he was a immortal being in both his soul was a mortal that would live forever but also his body would live forever because he had god inside of him keeping him alive but because he fell then he was going to die that body became fallen and because he became a fallen creature adam had a body still he still had his soul but this inside was empty so adam became a human being that was more carnal than spiritual before he was in balance between the two and now he's not now he's out of balance he's out of whack he's actually two of three he's two thirds he has an empty spirit so guess what because the holy spirit left him because he fell because of sin he became two-thirds of a man do you know what two-thirds is in fractional form 0.666 everybody goes oh 6-6 that's an awful number that's an awful number well you go to revelation chapter 13 it says that 666 is the number of a man and then it says and it's the number of the beast the antichrist why is 666 the number of man because when man sinned adam he fell lost the spirit of god and he became two-thirds of a man now sin entered into the world and then death by sin now we go look at genesis chapter five and verse three the bible tells us and i showed you the verse that when god created adam originally the original adam he was created by god in god's image well god is three and one and one and three so he had all three he had a body soul and then he had god's spirit indwelling his spirit but when he fell he fell now he had a body and a soul but his spirit was empty so he was two-thirds of a man sure he had a spirit but it was empty it didn't have anything in it by the way let me say this to this day you can get a spirit in there that's not the holy spirit that's what happens to a lot of people they begin to dabble with the spirit world and instead of coming to god in in in the good spirit they go to the bad spirit world people and they get demons and they get what's called demon possessed so you got to watch out for that there's a lot of people in this world today dabbling in the spirit world and they don't contact god they contact the devil now what does the bible say about this genesis 5 3 genesis 5 3 says and this is after the fall of adam genesis 5 3 and adam lived 130 years and he got a son in his own likeness after his image okay god originally created adam in god's image so adam was different before the fall when adam fell something changed and now his children were in his image not in the image of god do you get that does that make sense what was different the holy spirit left his spirit because he sinned because god can't have sin god doesn't want sin god can't be around sin so god's got to get away so everybody born after adam was born with a dead spirit they were two-thirds whole they were .666 so man was born after adam and was born without the holy spirit and because of that man could die and that's the history of the world men die the only thing that's sure is death and taxes everybody dies we can't live forever i wish we could but there's something wrong and that's sin what does romans 6 23 say for the wages of sin is death but the gift of god is eternal life through jesus christ our lord so our life was shortened by the sin of him but if you want to live forever in this body you need jesus so it's all about jesus christ the good one in this spirit world which by the way jesus is the one who's most important he's the last adam so he came down in a body but he is jesus god who in the spirit is god and so he comes down and he does something in order to make it possible for people to get back to being like adam was all right so isn't that interesting so what happened well here comes jesus and let's go to john chapter 3. but look what jesus says jesus shows up in this world who is jesus god manifest in the flesh emmanuel which means god with us god in heaven said i'm going to come down i'm going to do something in order to get men back to the way i originally created them so he had to come and he took on the form of a body and he came to this world and here's what jesus says while he's preaching john 3 3 and jesus answered and said to him verily verily i say unto thee except man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of god verse 7 marvel not that i said unto thee you must be born again so jesus comes preaching something and he's preaching born again and he's saying you've got to get born again because your birth now is no good because you're born in a body that's fallen so in order to get back to the way that i originally created man the way that i want you to be like i wanted adam to be is there has to be a new birth you have to be born again you have to have the new birth all right so how do you get the new birth well let's look at some more verses let's go to first peter 1 23. first peter chapter 1 verse 23 says this being born again not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible by the word of god which liveth and abideth forever now incorruptible seed is the word of god it's the spiritual seed that gives you a new birth because the seed now of man is corrupt and all a man can do is have a baby that's a corrupt body that will die so in order to have eternal life rather than temporal life i forgot to write that down this is the eternal side over here this is the temporal side today anyway so in order for us to get our spirit reborn so that the holy spirit can dwell in us is we must be born again let me show you another verse let's go to uh first john 5 1. are you born again first john chapter 5 verse 1 whosoever believeth that jesus is the christ is born of god and everyone that loveth him that beget loveth him also that is begotten of him so through faith in jesus you get born again there's a new birth that takes place through faith in jesus all right now what is that well let's go to first corinthians 4 real quick and let me show you something now i have to side note this real quick just for fun in the ministry as a minister many many times i've come across people that that teach different things and most of christianity teaches you must be born again and they're all in agreement the salvation is a new birth so when you get saved you're born again and uh my dad always said son just tell everybody you must be born again he said you'll never come across any christians that are against born again so my whole ministry i'm preaching you've got to be born again salvation is by faith trust in jesus born again and then one day we met some people that said oh born again well that's not for today and they're what you call hyper dispensationalists and and i don't want to put them down to great folks at least they preach the gospel and i thank god for that but they say that born again isn't for today it's for jews in the tribulation they said paul never talked about being born again i hate to differ with you but i must let's go to paul okay because paul taught born again paul taught there was something that needed to take place in order to be begotten anew and being born of the spirit and that something that makes you born again is the gospel first corinthians 4 15. first corinthians 4 15 for though you have 10 000 instructors in christ yet have ye not many fathers for in christ jesus i have begotten you paul says i gave you the new birth that's what begotten is is being born you're born again i made you get that birth through something what was it through the gospel wherefore i beseech you be followers of me so the apostle paul says look it's the gospel that gives the new birth so do you have the gospel the gospel is what saves us uh romans 1 16. and so it's through the gospel that something takes place in our hearts and on our lives and in our bodies and in our spirit and something takes place when we believe the gospel when we're saved through faith then faith is what gives us something and gives us a new birth what could that be what could it possibly be that gives us the new birth the gospel it's right there to be begotten through the gospel begotten means to be born again okay or to be born well this is a spiritual birth all right let's go to uh galatians chapter four again paul okay galatians chapter 4 in verse 29 but as then he was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the spirit so there is a spirit birth that takes place and paul was talking about someone who was born after the spirit so there's a new birth that takes place and it's a spiritual birth so it's this this spirit that was dead coming back to life and then the holy spirit can come and dwell in it let's go to romans chapter 8. so i believe in born again and i believe being born again is through faith not of works now there's some people that talk about being born again and they try to tie it into a works gospel and that's not the bible bible teaches salvation today is by faith alone and not of works lest any man should boast the romans chapter 8 verse 9 through 11 look what the bible says but ye are not in the flesh but in the spirit if so be that the spirit of god dwell in you now if any man have not the spirit of christ he is none of his and if christ be in you the body is dead because of sin but the spirit is life because of righteousness verse 11 but if the spirit of him that raised up jesus from the dead dwell in you he that raised up christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his spirit that dwelleth in you so what is he saying here he says right there not of the flesh but of the spirit the spirit of god dwells in you so the spirit that dwelleth in you when you get saved you become born again and something takes place there's a new birth of your spirit and then the spirit of god comes inside and dwells in you so if you're saved this is what you look like according to god you get saved you get the holy spirit in you in the holy spirit well i like to use purple for the holy spirit because purple is color of royalty if you will so here's the saved person there they've got the holy spirit in them but the body is still dead so the body is dead but the spirit is alive born again born anew and then the soul is still there but the soul is saved the soul is saved meaning the soul will go to heaven not down to the other place okay so this is a saved person a person who is born again now what took place why is that well there's a lot more to get into okay let's go to ephesians chapter 1 and verse 13 and see what happens when we get saved so i believe in born again today in our dispensation that when you're saved you are born again and it's a spiritual birth if you don't believe that that's fine you can preach whatever you want i'll preach what i want okay and you do your thing and i'll do mine but i believe i'm giving you the scripture and i believe i'm giving you paul and paul says you're begotten which means being born through the gospel now ephesians chapter 1 verse 13 look what happens when we get saved through the gospel ephesians 1 13 says in whom he also trusted after that you heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation in whom also after that you believed believing his faith say by faith you were sealed with that holy spirit of promise so when you get saved you're sealed you're sealed with the holy spirit so the holy spirit in you is sealed inside it can't leave isn't that a wonderful thing to know that when you're saved you've got the spirit of god dwelling in you wow well now if you're saved then you've got god in you and you're still in this body so you're still in the physical world but now you've got the god of heaven the creator in you now you can walk in both worlds at the same time now you've got the best of both worlds and that's what the bible says we're supposed to do we're supposed to walk in the spirit that we fulfill not the lust of the flesh you see this side over here wants to lust because it's carnal it wants to sin because it's fallen so this side wants to sin but when we're saved we're supposed to go no i want to walk more in this world than in this world i want to walk more in the spirit than i want to walk in the flesh so back to romans chapter 8 and let's read a little more now i just read some of this but i want to read more of it give it give you more of the context in romans chapter 8. i like this teaching this is a fun teaching and i hope it doesn't confuse anyone my desire is just trying to explain it to you to help you understand a lot of people in this world know about the spirit world but they want the devil to be in charge of them so they want to get over in the spirit world but they want the demons no thanks they're in that world but they're not for me i'm in this spirit world in christ jesus and he's stronger than they are okay but there are people out there witches and into witchcraft what is witchcraft witchcraft is you in your body talking to demonic spirits and making deals with them and enchanting and doing what they call that spells reciting spells and making agreements with demons hey if you'll do this for me i'll do that for you that's witchcraft that's someone going into this world and trying to affect this world the earthly temporal world with them dabbling in the spirit world that's antichrist that's anti good and righteous and justice and the way god set it up the way god wanted it is for us to be in both worlds but with christ as our head not the devil okay so back to romans chapter eight and verse five let's go to eight five through eighteen romans chapter eight verse five for they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh but they that are after the spirit the things of the spirit so when i'm saved i don't care much about this world over here the temporal world the sinful world i look at this world i go man everything falls apart have you ever read that book by chinua achebe things fall apart interesting book but anyway things fall apart in this world that's why i'm more interested in that world over there because that's the world i'm ultimately going to end up in for all eternity this world is nothing more than preparation for that world did you know that and what i do in this life if i walk in the spirit i will get rewarded for in that world so i you bet i'm going to be serving god and walking in the spirit and doing everything i can and trying to put down the flesh and the lust thereof because the bible says verse 6 for to be carnally minded as death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace because the carnal mind is enmity against god for it is not subject to the law of god neither indeed can be so then they that are in the flesh cannot please god and we continue their reading down to verse 18 got a lot to read let's do this but you are not in the flesh but in the spirit if so be that the spirit of god dwell in you well he dwells in me because i'm saved i trusted the gospel and then it says there he that hath raised up christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by the spirit that dwelleth in you therefore brother we are debtors not to the flesh to live after the flesh for if you live after the flesh ye shall die but if ye through the spirit do mortify the deeds of the body you shall live for as many as are led by the spirit of god they are the sons of god for ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear but you have received the spirit of adoption whereby we cry abba father the spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit that we are the children of god and if children then heirs heirs of god and joint heirs with christ if so be that we suffer with him that we may be also glorified together for i reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which will shall be revealed in us so in this world they're suffering because of sin but over there in that world it's peace it's life it's eternal life it's joy it's happiness and rewards for the suffering that we go through if we suffer for jesus okay so i want to walk in the spirit not in the flesh so i'm doing my best as a christian to always think about that world i want to tell people about jesus and how to be saved how to be born again so that they can go to heaven and be with jesus i want to warn them about the devils in that world and say watch out for demons in the spirit world okay i want people to see how they can have peace and joy and happiness for all eternity in that life in that world because that's ultimately where your soul will go your soul will live forever when the body dies and it's going to go down or up it is up to you to choose if you choose the devil you go down with him because that's where he ends up if you choose christ you go up with him and that's what the bible teaches so look at verse 21. because the true creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of god for we know that the whole creation groaneth and travails in pain together until now there's a lot of pain in this world when you die if you're saved you'll never know pain again that's a wonderful thing to think about that's why so many people that are christians have a hope like the world does not say it goes i don't understand these christians they're not afraid of death i don't understand these christians what well how can they be so joyful and happy all the time when they go through bad things because we know this world is temporal and that's where we're going to end up for all eternity so we might as well lay up treasures in heaven because that's where we're going to spend all eternity do you understand you need to understand that go to verse 23 and not only they but ourselves also which have the first fruits of the spirit even we ourselves grown within ourselves waiting for the adoption to wit the redemption of our body so this is where we are okay when you're a saved person you have the holy spirit in you how does god view you as a saved person god looks at a person who has trusted him as as his savior and god looks at the soul and here's your body and you're supposed to reckon your flesh dead here's your soul but when you're saved your soul has been washed in the blood and i'm going to talk to you a little bit about that here in a minute but this is the blood and your soul is washed clean in the blood of christ so god looks down and he says the soul is saved so the soul is saved through faith and that's when the holy spirit comes inside but what is not saved is the body the body's not saved yet when does the body get saved at the rapture and when the rapture takes place that's when this corrupt and that's what this body is it's corrupt that's when this corrupt body is changed into a perfect sinless body just like that body of adam was there before he fell that's when we become complete you see over here adam was .666 over here a guy gets saved he gets the holy spirit but the body is still corrupt and the bible says to wreck in the flesh dead so you're still six six six because you have a dead body and that's something you're supposed to reckon your flesh dead and walk in the spirit and not in the flesh so you're still 666 but when you get saved and then the rapture comes this is when we get a glorified body and when you get a glorified body at the rapture that's when that body there becomes um how would i explain it it's when that body becomes glory glorified when it's glorified then it's new again you're back like adam was in the garden so you're finally whole and complete so right back to the way adam was back then see adam fell into sin and his body became a temporal body that would die someday and his spirit what his spirit was dead but his body was still alive it just was going to die later so if you want to be back to the way god intentionally made it to where a body soul and spirit is eternal and is right so you can have the best of both worlds the only way to have that is through christ and you come to christ and trust him as your savior well we're safe today we have the holy spirit but we still have this body that's sinful and so what are we doing we're waiting for that day the rapture when this body will become a glorified body like christ's glorified body when he rose from the dead and it will become a perfect sinless body that cannot sin let's look at a couple verses on that let's go to philippians chapter 3. are you with me i know this is a little heavy stuff to lay on you but if you're saved and you read your bible i think you understand what i'm saying philippians 3 and verse 18. philippians 3 18 says for many walk of whom i have told you often and now tell you even weeping that they are the enemies of the cross of christ whose end is destruction whose god is their belly and whose glory is their shame who mind earthly things lost people only care about living in this world right here they're fleshly carnal people sometimes they'll dabble in the spirit world and go to demons and stuff but they're just they're all into this oh i want to have this car i want this guy i want this i want that one and they're fleshly carnal people and they mind only earthly things they don't think about the spiritual eternal things of salvation in heaven for all eternity with christ so it says here verse 20 for our conversation who's that christians is in heaven from whence we look for the savior the lord jesus christ who will come back at the rapture to take us home to heaven and will give us a glorified body just like it says verse 21 who shall change our vile body that it might be fashioned like into his glorious body according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself now let's go to first corinthians 3 16. so my body right here is sweating right now i'm in a room where it's kind of hot this body stinks this body is corrupt this body ages and this body most likely will die if the rapture doesn't come soon because this is a fallen body i got it from my fallen uh great great great great granddaddy adam because he fell into sin his body died and he passed on to me that seed of a body that ages and dies the only way i can get a body back to the original body that god gave adam would be to be saved and then at the rapture get my glorified body so i can't wait for the rapture i'm looking forward to it hope that makes sense now go to uh what did i say here um first corinthians chapter 3 and first corinthians 3 16 says this know ye not that you are the temple of god and the spirit of god dwelleth in you when you're saved you have the holy spirit dwelling in you so this body i no longer look at this body as mine i look at it as you know what because the holy spirit's inside of me i'm gonna let god have his way and i'm gonna do what god says and yield this body to him just like the bible says let's go to um corinthians 5. so that's what christians are supposed to do when we get saved and we get the holy spirit inside of us we say okay now i want to walk in the spirit i want to obey the spirit of god and i don't want to live after the lust of this flesh i want to live in the spirit walking in the spirit laying up treasures in heaven telling people the gospel trying to win souls to christ second corinthians 5 and verse 1 for we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved we have a building of god and house not made with hands eternal in the heavens so we have see the bible calls our body a temple or a tabernacle a house we our soul is living in this body but the body that my soul is in now can die and if the rapture doesn't come soon it will die but if it doesn't die then at the rapture god will take this fleshly corrupt sinful body and change it to a glorified body that can never die again so i'm going to change from an earthly house down here to a heavenly body does that make sense to you hope so now let's go over to first corinthians chapter well no let's skip that one let's go to 2nd timothy 1 14. if you want to you can look up first corinthians 6 19-20 and you can see again it calls our body that we have now the temple of god so we're supposed to worship god in our body this body is not mine it belongs to god now second timothy 1 14 so i'm supposed to in it worship him and walk in the spirit second timothy 1 14 2 timothy 1 14 i love this verse that good thing which was committed unto thee keep by the holy ghost which dwelleth in us the bible calls the holy spirit the holy ghost and the holy ghost dwells inside of me when i got born again when i got saved when i got the new birth the spiritual birth now i have god in me the holy spirit do you have god in you i hope so if not you need to get god because you might have a devil in you but you'll get god in you you get saved then the devil can't get inside of you because the holy spirit is sealed so it's a good thing to come to christ how do you get god in you through faith ephesians 3 17 says this that christ may dwell in your hearts by faith that you might be rooted and grounded in love so christ jesus god the holy spirit spirit of god comes inside of you and dwells in you well then what are you you're in a body that's in this earth but you have god's spirit which is in this realm or in this world that's inside you now so now you're in both worlds at once when you're saved do you realize you are literally walking in two different worlds at the same time hidden at an amazing and incredible thing to think about that i have god in me and he's in the spirit world but i'm in this world so now i'm allowing god to get into my world because i've trusted him and he accepted him and now he's walking with me wherever i go in this world and he promised me that when i die i will go to his world and i'll be with him walking with him wow that's an amazing thing let's go to colossians chapter one do you think about these things i love to just sit around and just think about this so amazing and i also think about how sad it is for people who aren't saved who are in this world here but they're trying to get into the spiritual world because we all have a spirit it's dead when you're born but it's there so we're all spiritual in one way or another and a lot of times we look for the spiritual and a lot of lost people look to demons or devils and they dabble in the spirit world and they try to walk in that but with the wrong person in the world in which we live today the bible calls the devil the the god little g of this world and he's looking for people to follow him and he offers them riches and things like that and fame and power in this world all he asks them is give me your soul if he takes your soul then all you are is this allowing them to tell you what to do allowing the evil spiritual world to lead you no thanks devil i'm going to trust christ and i'm going to allow jesus to lead me in this world you see what i'm saying well what did i say let's go to colossians chapter 1 and verse 24 colossians 1 24 this is the great thing about knowing all this that when you're saved you're in both worlds at once and so now work more in this world than in this world work to lay up treasures in heaven in the spirit world because you have christ in you when you're saved colossians chapter 1 and verse 24 and now rejoice in my sufferings for you and fill up that which is behind of the afflictions of christ in my flesh for his body's sake which is the church paul the apostle says in this world i suffer because everything i do i do to affect this world over here so i'm working in this world and my goal is so that eventually in this world things will change and i will be saved in this world with peace and happiness and joy and i'll be taking souls with me and we'll all be in heaven with christ in this world at the end that's what it's all about verse 25 whereof i am made a minister according to the dispensation of god which is given to me for you to fulfill the word of god even the mystery which has have been hid from ages and from generations but now is made manifest to the saints to whom god would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the gentiles which is christ in you the hope of glory so there are physical riches but they're also spiritual riches those are the ones that are more important i might live 60 80 100 years in this world what good is that if i have all the world's money and i'm the richest man in the world if i have nothing in that world over there that was only a short time this is for all eternity in the spirit world so why not lay all your treasures up over there because that's where you're going to live forever your soul is immortal and it's going to end up in heaven or in hell so which is more important well to me i want to have everything prepared do you realize that this life is just a preparation for the next only one life will soon be passed only what's done for christ will last we could continue reading there but i'll stop there and uh we'll continue looking at another verse let me ask you this question while you're turning to second corinthians do you have god in you second corinthians chapter 13 verse 5 do you have the spirit of god in you are you in the spirit world are you just as carnal as you can be and only in the carnal world i'm in both and what i do in this world i do to affect this world because i try to walk in the spirit in order to try to get more people to realize hey this over here does exist and it is real and what you do in this life affects this life so why don't you come to christ and get him as your savior by faith so that you can have him in you then you can be in both worlds at once but it's a wonderful thing 2 corinthians 13 5 says examine yourselves whether you be in the faith prove your own selves know you not your own selves how that christ jesus is in you except you be reprobates i find this interesting the apostle paul says hey examine yourself do you have god and his spirit in you if you do then you're in the spirit world and you're yet still in this world so you're in both worlds if not you're only in this world hopefully god you're not dabbling with demons and trying to get over into that world but you need to get that jesus god in here so that you can be in both so are you saved are you in the faith ephesians 1 7 talks about in whom we have redemption through his blood even the forgiveness of sins forgiveness of sins according to the bible is through the blood of jesus so jesus christ who is god manifested in the flesh came down to this world but before he came manifest in the flesh he's god but he's up here in the spirit world and so god created adam and said adam i want you to be in both worlds so you can fellowship with me because i'm over here in this world and i'm making you adam over in this world and i want us to fellowship and i want us both to be able to to get together adam sinned now adam was more in this world than that world so jesus says well i'm going to come out of this world from heaven into the earth and i'm going to do something so that people in the earth can come to heaven with me what did he do he was born of a virgin he lived 33 years and then he died on the cross to bring salvation acts 13 38-39 i don't have time to read it talks about being justified by faith without the deeds of the law we're not saved by works we're saved by whether or not you have come to christ and you've trusted his blood because that blood is amazing that's god's blood and that blood is physical blood from this world but it's also tied into the spirit world that blood i don't have time to get into it but if i went to the book of hebrews i could show you how that when jesus shed his blood on the cross he was buried for three days rose again and the bible says he took his blood up to heaven and put it on the mercy seat and then the bible tells us in revelation 1 5 that when you're saved you're washed washed in his blood your soul is washed in the blood of jesus and all the sins are washed away now you are in the spirit world and now you've got the best of both worlds with christ you still got a sinful body and you're waiting for the rapture to get that so you can become whole so this is an amazing thing so what does the bible teach well romans 5 1 talks about being justified justified by faith romans 5 9 talks about being justified by his blood it's through the blood of jesus christ that we can have forgiveness of our sins first john 1 7 says the blood of jesus christ his son cleanseth from all sins do you have forgiveness do you want forgiveness you have in this world sinned okay that's a no-brainer you can't deny it the wages of sin is death you're gonna die and if you don't have forgiveness of your sins you're gonna pay for all eternity for your sins because you sin against an eternal god you pay for all eternity that's just how it works so what are you going to do are you going to go to the devils and ask them for forgiveness well they're going to end up in hell the bible says the hell is prepared for the devil and his angels no that's not going to work the only way to get back to the garden like adam and eve were in a perfect body and be complete and whole and have communion with god is to come to god jesus christ and get forgiveness of your sins have your sins washed away and trust him as your savior romans 3 25 says that jesus christ is our propitiation through faith in his blood romans 5 11 talks about having to receive the atonement you receive by faith the free gift of eternal life that jesus offers which he offered through the dying in your place for your sins shedding his blood and you're saved so are you washed in the blood i am here's my soul in the eyes of god i am in two completely different worlds at once it's kind of an odd thing but it's kind of a cool thing and when god sees me he doesn't see my soul and the sick dark sin of my soul when god looks down from heaven he sees his blood he knows that i'm one of his he knows that i will dwell with him for all eternity in heaven he knows that someday at the rapture he's going to give me a glorified body and that i'll be whole again and it'll all be just like it was in the beginning because the bible says at the end of the millennial kingdom god makes a new heaven and a new earth and what's so great to me is to think all the people that have trusted christ we'll start over like adam was but we'll never be able to fall into sin we'll be in a glorified body that can't sin and god will get what he wanted from the beginning to have a way in which both worlds could come together and fellowship there it is i don't know what else to say i threw it all out there as well as i could and i just want to ask are you saved are you born again you have a dead spirit you are a spiritual creature you have a soul that will last for all eternity in the spirit world and either up there or either down there so have you recognized that yet so many people tell me i i'm i'm not a spiritual person but i know something's missing in there is a spirit world and i just i need to know more well i've tried to explain to you what the spirit world is and there's the good in the spirit world god and there's the bad the spirit will the devil come to christ don't come to these other ones a lot of people unfortunately they throw aside the bible they don't want anything to do with the bible and so they realize and recognize there's a spirit world but then they fall into the new age and the new age is following spirits or channel guides or what do they call them channeling or are looking for you know entities and things like that that's the wrong way to go in the spirit world go the right way in the spirit world get christ as your savior through faith trusting in him then you're sealed with the holy spirit of promise and although you're still in this body of flesh you can walk in the spirit and lay up treasures in heaven there it is i hope that's a blessing to you i hope it's understandable god bless thank you for watching we'll see you next time bye
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 116,687
Rating: 4.9181719 out of 5
Keywords: The Spirit World vs The Physical World, The Spirit World, The Physical World, The Natural World, The Temporal World, The Earthly Realm
Id: 3o7l7TmkuUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 9sec (3369 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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