Are There Christians in the Tribulation?

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welcome back I'm Robert breaker and we're continuing our study about Israel in the last days and the things they're gonna take place in the future for the last about month or so I've been talking about the prophecies of Israel in the last days we looked at Israel in the last days we looked at Israel in the Jubilees and I talked to you about the Jubilees or what they are in the Bible then we looked at dumb Israel and they're returning to the land we looked at how there's the 70th week of Daniel and how the Jews will go back to the land and God will go back to dealing with them after the rapture and so we looked at all these things and last week we looked at whether or not the Tribulation Period would be seven years or three and a half years and I enjoyed that study I believe the Bible is very clear that is a seven year tribulation and so today I've thought about going to and talking about the mark of the beast that was my hope that was my desire that's what I was thinking about doing today but a lot of people been asking a question and so I said Lord this this really does tie in to what I've been talking about so what should I do Lord and I believe the Lord told me to go ahead and teach on this so next week I'll put off that sermon until next week about the mark of the beast and this week we're going to try to answer this question this is a good question that some folks have had and I want to go ahead and answer this question today a lot of people have been writing to me and asking me brother breaker are there Christians in the tribulation period and I think that's a really really good question in the tribulation will there be Christians now the reason they're asking this is because there's some people out there and I guess there are YouTube I don't even know who they are I need to get some more black markers here real quick because these are running out but I don't know who these people are but they've been telling me brother breaker there's some people out there that are starting to teach a what do they even call it a dual rapture yes would be a term that they're using a a double rapture there's a teaching that's that's being propagated all over and it's a new teaching it's not from the Bible that I can see and it's not something that's ever been taught before by other Christians it's a teaching that people are coming up with today in which they're saying well the holy super spiritual Christians while they go with the rapture but if you're not living for God as a Christian then you're going to be left behind and then you'll be raptured later that's what they're teaching so they're teaching that you can be a Christian and miss the rapture and then God will come and take you out later so they say if you miss the rapture don't worry about it you'll get by and you'll go out again at the second rapture or something to that effect it's it's very odd teaching and they're asking me now brother breaker is that what the Bible teaches and I respond a thousand times no no the bible does not teach that Jesus comes at the rapture just for the super-spiritual and then comes later for those that weren't as spiritual the Bible teaches and we will get to the verses I want to show you all this but the Bible teaches that the rapture of the church is for the Bride of Christ and everyone who is born again who is saved will go up at the rapture so that's what I want you to get someone is going around and teaching false doctrine and it's messing people up and people are saying why I want to go with the rapture but am I good enough am I in my this or my dad and they're thinking that the works are involved to get them to go with the rapture and that's not what the Bible teaches when we are safe we are born again and because we're born again will we go at the rapture so I want to give you these verses and want to talk about this because I think this is important and I want you to know what the Bible says the only thing that you need to go with the rapture is to be saved if the rapture comes and you don't go then you weren't saved period it's not that you just weren't good enough Christian that's not salvation being good enough it's whether or not you've accepted the gospel by faith now we're look at this today the question is are there Chris in the tribulation well today we who are saved we are called Christians go to Acts chapter 11 verse 26 the term Christian applies to people who are saved today so Acts chapter 11 and verse 26 is the word Christians in the Bible in an in Acts chapter 11 verse 26 we read and when he had found him he brought him unto Antioch and it came to pass that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church and taught much people and the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch so this is time of the church and the believers in Christ were called Christians those that believe so believers were called Christians now who goes at the rapture of the believers so all the Christians that are saved okay now I want you to get this too because not everyone today that says they are a Christian really are okay there are a lot of people today that say they're a Christian but what makes it person a true believer in Christ whether or not they're saved there's a lot of people that go to different denominations and those denominations do not teach how to be saved according to the Word of God by faith alone in this dispensation rather they teach what you got to do these works you got to do that and so these people they think they're Christians but they're not saved because they're trusting in works to get them to heaven they're not trusting by faith alone in the blood atonement of Christ so there are true believers there are false believers there are people who think they're Christians and they're not so what makes someone a true Christian whether or not they've trusted the gospel and we'll get to that here to me but not everyone who says they are a Christian is a Christian so when the rapture comes and those who are saved go they'll be left behind in the tribulation who weren't saved but before the rapture they thought they were saved and so they will continue to use the term Christian and they'll say well I'm still a Christian so I think in that sense there will be people in the tribulation who look at themselves as Christians and call themselves Christians but will they be real Christians we're going to look at all this today I'm gonna try to get this together because whenever we come to a question like this and we want to have a discussion or we want to look at what the Bible says what we need to always do is define terms what is a Christian what makes a person a Christian I do believe I have a video on YouTube on top of what makes a man a Christian or what makes you a Christian if you get a chance check that video out so what makes a person a Christian today in the church H ok let's go to the church H first find out what the definition of a true Christian is because like I said there's true Christians there's false Christians what makes a person a true Christian today it's not based upon how good they are or their works or what they do today it's based upon whether or not they've believed in the gospel and the Bible says God called a guy out named Paul and told Paul here here's the gospel you go preach this you go tell people to get saved by the gospel so we go by the gospel that God revealed to Paul and when we believe the gospel that's when we're saved see there's a lot of people out there that claim to be Christians they say well I follow Jesus and they do they they claim to follow Jesus but they're not following Paul Paul's in the Bible for a reason because he said that Jesus revealed unto him how to be saved so if you say you're following Jesus but you're knew denying Paul and the gospel of Paul then are you a Christian are you even saved that's a good question other people they want to follow Peter you've got a big Church in the world today a church that's centered in the Vatican in Rome which by the way is coming out to be such a corrupt corrupt organization it's coming out all over the news that there's so much pedophilia in that religion the priest to go around and they molest children and it's awful it's a horrible horrible thing but we're seeing that more and more it's not really true Christianity it's full of wicked evil people doing bad things raping children and things like that are they Christian no no they're not but they Center on Peter they say we follow Peter we're Christians why didn't they come over here to the Gospel of Paul because this is what separates the men from the boys this is what makes you a Christian whether or not you believe the gospel of Paul to be safe if Apostle Paul says this Romans 1:16 for I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Christ word is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth to the Jew first and also to the Greek so the power of God to be saved unto salvation is this gospel what is this gospel that you must believe to be saved well Paul tells us what the gospel is we just read Romans 1:16 it's the gospel that saves us in this dispensation in the church change what is the gospel well he tells us in first Corinthians 15 one through four if you're believing in this blood-stained gospel the gospel about the blood of Christ that you're saying there are many people out there today that claim to be Christians that do not believe this gospel so they're not going to go at the rapture so again if you're left behind when the rapture comes it was because you were never safe to begin with it was because you've never trusted fully in this alone for salvation see it's not faith and works in this dispensation it's faith in the finished work of Christ now first Corinthians 15 one through four Paul tells us what the gospel is first Corinthians 15:1 34 Paul says moreover brethren I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you which also you have received and wherein ye stand we have to stand in this this is what we're we stand in as Christians this is what makes us a Christian verse to you by which also you're saved we're saved by this gospel by believing in this gospel as we'll see it says if you keep in memory what I preached unto you unless you believed in vain now what does it mean to believe in vain well women they have a little magazine they'd like to to read call vanity there's the root word vain in vanity a vanity is self all about you so if you're trying to make the gospel what you do and you claim oh I believe that but then I have to do these things to to get to heaven you just made that in vain you've made it oh it's not all about Jesus and what he did that saved me I have to do something - you've believed in vain you've not believed completely in the finished work of Christ you're thinking there's something you have to add to it now also believed in vain means what means you haven't believed completely you haven't believed truck trusted solely in the finished work of Christ what have you done you're trusting in something you do and not in what he did or you're trusting from the head you just say oh yeah I believed use dives buried rose again yeah everybody believes that but have you trusted in it for yourself I've given this illustration before many times before my grandmother got saved she used to always say because she heard from me and she heard from my dad the gospel of salvation and she said oh yeah I believe that yeah I was raised Catholic I believe Jesus died was buried rose again everybody believes that but yet she believed it in vain why because she believed it in her head that it happened but she never accepted it by faith in her heart for herself and then toward the end a couple of years before she died we talked about it and my dad had passed away and my grandmother said well he ever did was told me the gospel she said but why don't you tell me again and so I took her through the scriptures and I showed her all these verses and she said I believe that Jesus Christ died for me from my sins was buried and rose again and I believe in what he did for me I trust and I receive that for the forgiveness of sins so do you see what it means to believe in pain you can believe it upstairs and just believe yeah Jesus did all that but until you receive it for yourself until you believe he did it for me and I accept by faith when he's done for me then you're believing invent you're not saved yet and there's a lot of people in that category too unfortunately they've heard the gospel they know the gospel they can tell you hope or anything with her but they're only trusting from the head that Jesus did that they're not believing that he did it for them that's when you get safe when you receive the atonement of Romans 5:11 and you receive it by faith so what is this gospel well Paul tells us the gospel is for screen through 15 3 and 4 for I deliver them to you first of all that which I also received how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures how did Jesus die that word how is such an important word it's not just that Jesus died he was buried rose again it's how how did Jesus die how was Jesus buried how did he rise again the answer to that question of how he did is by shedding his blood the Bible says without the shedding of blood there's no remission of sins Jesus Christ shed his blood on the cross of Calvary for our sins he had to shed his blood for without the shedding of blood God would not give men forgiveness remission of sins so the blood of Jesus Christ is oh so important and so salvation according to the Bible the way that you become a true Christian today is by trusting in the gospel trusting in how christ died was buried and rose again trusting in the blood atonement that's why when we go to Romans 3:25 we read whom God has set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood to declare his righteousness for the mission of sins that are past through the forbearance of God it's all about the blood atonement of Christ that important blood the blood atonement of Jesus Christ so our salvation today is not based upon what we do it's based upon whether or not you have received the blood atonement of Jesus whether you have trusted you see believing is also trusting you trust that's called faith to believe is to receive by faith that blood atonement of Christ so question are you saved have you trusted by faith alone in the finished work of Christ his shed blood on Calvary that's when you're safe the Bible says for by grace are you saved through faith that not of yourselves is gift of God not of works lest any man should boast Ephesians 2:8 9 so today once you accept the gospel by faith you are saved now let's go to Ephesians chapter 1 verse 13 I have to give all this because this ties into the question again there are people out there that that are saying and I don't really don't even know who they are people won't tell me they say they watch videos and they say these people are saying this I don't have time to watch videos I'm barely have time to watch my own videos and I do my best to study to make more videos and get people save and show people what the Bible says about salvation and it's so important but they contact me many people and say brother breaker why do people say that those that go on the rapture are only those that are living right and if you're a Christian but you're living in rebellion or you're living in sin then you'll be left behind well I'll tell you why they're saying that because they don't understand the gospel and because of that they're thinking that there's an element of works that you have to do in order to be worthy go with the rapture well let me tell you something I'm not worthy I am so unworthy the only thing that makes me worthy in the eyes of God is his blood and he has given me his righteousness imputed to me by faith when I trust in his blood atonement now I'm clean now I'm forgiven now I'm justified in his eyes that's why I go at the rapture not because of me and what I do in my works it's because he has saved me and that's why he takes me to heaven nice because now I'm saved now let me show you what happens when we get saved and this is what is basically the thing that that makes the believer go at the rapture this is why you go at the rapture Ephesians 1:13 tells us that when we get saved we get sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise so let me show you that visions chapter 1 verse 13 very few people that claim to be Christians talk about this sealing of the Holy Spirit in fact there are denominations out there that believe that you can get the Holy Spirit and then lose and get it in and lose it and get it and then lose it so they come to you and they say you better make sure you have the Holy Spirit because if you're backslidden while you lose it and then you miss the rapture if it comes when you don't have it is that a Bible doctrine is that what the Bible teaches for us today is that the Holy Spirit comes and goes comes goes comes to go know now I'm going to show you what the Bible says because the Bible says that we're sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise and it's because we're sealed with the Holy Spirit that's why we will go at the rapture because we're sealed with the Holy Spirit visions 1:13 in whom ye also trusted after that ye heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation okay you got to hear the gospel before you can get saved faith comes by hearing hear by the Word of God Romans 10:17 so you've got to first hear the gospel then understand it and then believe it and after you heard the word of truth the gospel your salvation and whom also after that you believed you were sealed with all the spirit of promise well it says there in whom ye also trusted trusting is the same as believing so you trust in the gospel you trust in the blood that He shed for you that's when you're safe and then the Bible says you're sealed with the Holy Spirit of prom what is the holy spirit of it's the Spirit of God so you sealed with the Holy Spirit when you believed so the moment that you trust the gospel is the moment that you're saved and when you're saved you're sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise now some people say yeah well you're sealed for a little while but then you can go and come back and come though and come back no no that's not what the Bible says let's go to Ephesians chapter 4 verse 30 let me show you how long you're sealed with the Holy Spirit promise thesis chapter 4 verse 30 says and grieve not the Holy Spirit of God whereby you're sealed until the day of redemption now what is the day of redemption this is the day of redemption the rapture the rapture is the day of redemption now why is it called the day of redemption because that's when your body is is redeemed that's when your body is glorified at the rapture we go to glorified body let me show you this go with me to Romans chapter 8 the Apostle Paul tells us very plainly that when the rapture comes and we get a glorified body that's called the redemption of the body see when I got saved I trusted the blood atonement of Christ that's when my soul is redeemed but my body's not redeemed yet I need the redemption of my body I got my soul my soul saved through Christ in the gospel but what's not saved yet is this old sinful flesh this old sinful fleshy body this body is just horrible it stinks it needs hours every day it thinks bad thoughts sometimes it's a body of flesh that it's not saved yet my body gets saved at the rapture when I get a glorified body so romans chapter 8 verse 23 paul says this and not only they but ourselves also which have the firstfruits of the Spirit even we ourselves groan within ourselves waiting for the adoption to wit the redemption of our body so our body is redeemed someday in the future our soul is redeemed now when we trust the gospel but our body is redeemed in the future we're given a glorified body when does that take place at the rapture so these people that come around and then say well you better make sure you're living right or you won't go at the rapture what are they doing they're not preaching the Bible whether you're living right or not does not determine whether you go with the rapture it's whether or not you have believed in the gospel and if you have then you're sealed with the Holy Spirit and you go at the rapture period there's no oh well he was left behind and he was really saved but he just wasn't living right no you may be living right you may be living wrong when the rapture comes you might be living in sin but if you are born again if you are saved you've been sealed the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit's gonna go up and it's gonna take you with it it's called the purchased possession so at the rapture those who have trusted the gospel by faith in the blood get glorified bodies and go to heaven if someone doesn't go at the rapture it's because they were not saved to begin with it's that simple now let's look quickly about what happens after the rapture let's go to 2nd Thessalonians so again if you are left behind and the rapture comes and it's obvious I mean so many people in the world are missing and you look around what what happened to them and you say oh my goodness that was that was the rapture of the church and you didn't go it wasn't because of you were living in sin it was because you never trusted the gospel oh you might have heard it you might have thought you believed but if you only believed in the head but you didn't believe in the heart that would explain why you were left behind or maybe you've never heard this that's why you were left behind it's all because you were not sealed with holy spirit of promise and that sealing is not dependent upon our works what we do or don't do the sealing of the Holy Spirit today in the church chains is based upon whether or not you've heard understood and believed in the gospel now after the rapture takes place then comes the tribulation period I've showed you before the tribulation period is broken up into two periods of three and a half years and three half years and that the entire tribulation is seven years all total so people have asked me that brother breaker are there since in the tribulation well many of these people back here before the rapture who thought they were saved that weren't they try to say today that they're Christians and they think they're Christians but the fact that they were left behind at the rapture and they didn't go proves that they weren't true Christians they might have thought that they're following Jesus and his teachings and in the Bible but they've never trusted the gospel so they will be alive in the tribulation period and they will say yeah I'm a Christian and they'll still believe that they're a Christian but they're not saved it's proven that they're not saying because they didn't go at the rapture because the rapture takes up all those that are saved so there will be people left behind who claim to be Christians and they'll probably go around saying but I'm a Christian I'm a Christian I'm Chris they will probably use that same term Christian now are they going to be saved the same way well if they are then that's great the only problem is this gospel is the gospel of Paul and we're told that Paul says though we are nature from heaven preach any other gospel let it be a cursed well over here comes a different gospel it's called the gospel of the kingdom and angel from heaven comes preaching that Paul said well that would be accursed if that was in this dispensation so when we look at the tribulation period we see some differences and things different aren't the same so I want to show you what the Bible says about the tribulation period and that these people that look at themselves as Christians what they'll have to go through what they'll have to do what they'll have to know what they'll have to understand in order in that time period to not go to hell and end up making it into the Millennial Kingdom now many of them will not many of them who claim that they're Christians in the tribulation then maybe somebody that wasn't even saved didn't even believe in Jesus in the church age and then they go that had to be the rapture you know that that crazy Robert breaker preacher was right the Bible's right yeah Jesus I'm coming to you now and they might identify as a Christian and they never did before will they make it through the entire seven years will Christians we're gonna look at that I'm going to show you what the Bible says because it's going to be very hard for a person very hard for a person to be a Christian in the tribulation and it's gonna be something that they need to do there's going to be some faith involved yes but there's also gonna be something else so let me just try to show you from the Scriptures what that time period will be like let's go to 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 tells us about what's going to take place before the rapture then when the rapture comes and then what it will be like during the tribulation you know I've talked to people before that say this will brother breaker you know I'm gonna live my life I'm gonna do whatever I want and then when the rapture does come if I don't go well then I'll get serious about God that's what they tell me and in the tribulation that's when I decide I'll get sad I'm not worried about it today you should be very worried from what I'm about to read to you because during this tribulation period there's going to be a great deception a gigantic lie from the devil there will be many people who are deceived how do you know you won't be deceived and if you're deceived you end up going to hell so I want you to understand that this is the best time to get saved the church H and I hope you do so you do go at the rapture but if you miss the rapture here's what's gonna happen so let me go to 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 we're gonna read verses 1 through 12 clothes speaking he says now we beseech you brethren by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our by our gathering together unto Him when would that be at the rapture that should be not soon shaken in mind or be troubled neither by spirit nor by word nor by letter as from us as that the day of Christ is at hand okay verse 3 let no man deceive you by any means for that day shall not come except there be a falling away first and that man of sin be revealed the son of perdition so right here before the rapture there's going to be people that fall away from the truth and that's what we call the apostasy or the falling away and I showed you last time isn't it odd last time we looked at the tribulation and how the Bible says it's seven years it has to be the final week of of Daniels prophecy the 70th of the seven week 70 weeks it has to be the 70th week so it has to be ascending your period and how that's what the majority of the church has believed and here in the last days they're just now coming out saying no there's only three and a half years left now there's a mid tree right right so there are people out there trying to deceive you into believing something that is not what the Bible teaches they want you to think that it's only going to be three and a half year tribulation rather than seven so don't let men deceive you now it says there'll be a falling away first and that the man of sin be revealed , the son of perdition this is talking about the Antichrist who's going to rule during the seven-year tribulation it's giving two different names he's called the man of sin I'll just abbreviate the mos and then he's called the son of perdition I've told you that before how he's a natural human he's a human being a human man during the first three and a half years he's the Antichrist but in the middle of that three and a half years he's killed and then he comes back as Satan incarnate so Satan literally gets inside of the body of this man who is the Antichrist that's ruled he's called a beast in the Bible and the last three-and-a-half years is the son of perdition Satan literally incarnated in the Antichrist ruling so there's a reason why the Bible calls him two different names and what will happen well he's going to be revealed as as soon as the rapture takes place he's revealed them he might be revealed minutes before the rapture but he's revealed at the same time the rapture comes is what the Bible's saying here so we're looking for the rapture and as soon as the rapture takes place well this guy will come on the scene and he will come on and he will take over the whole world whether it be the head of the United Nations or what that's what I kind of lead to is that that's the guy that's in charge of the whole world to be guys in charge of the United Nations because globalism is what these people trying to do today to destroy all nationalism get rid of all boundaries all borders all nations and then there will be one dictator head of the entire world and he'll probably be over the United Nations alright so what does this guy do when he is the son of perdition verse 4 who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God showing himself that He is God you remember last week we saw that the first three and a half years the Jews are in their temple worshiping but then the last three and a half years the Jews have to flee and I'll show you a couple more verse about that today so this Antichrist he is gonna sit in the temple on his throne and declare that he is the true God so there must be a reconstructed temple for the Jews and they're talking about that today wanting to rebuild so we must be close we must be close we're five remember Danny not that when I was yet with you I told you these things and now you know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time for the mystery of iniquity doth already work only he who now letteth will let until he be taken out of the way verse eight and then shall that wicked be revealed whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming all right so there is a mystery of iniquity there is there is the devil working today he's he's getting his New World Order in place all to come in so he'll have his kingdom but when Jesus returns at Armageddon he's destroyed so he only gets a short time seven years to rule over the earth three and a half will be the man of sin three and a half will be Satan the son of perdition now when he comes at the beginning here how does he come verse nine even him whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders so with signs and wonders and lies so what does he have he has lies in the tribulation and even before the tribulation as the devil is trying to build his kingdom in which he rules over the whole earth his globalist one-world order or what some called the new world order he does it through lies why because john 8:44 says he's the father of lies and it's amazing to me to watch the news today and just see how the news media lies and lies and lies certainly they are of their father the devil just the lies are just outrageous how many lies are being told today so we're seeing how the devil is building his kingdom through propaganda through media through lying wonders and lies now verse 10 and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish because they received not the love of the truth that they might be saved the people that are in the tribulation will perish because they received not the truth that they might be safe what was the truth that they didn't receive so they might be safe the gospel for it is the gospel that saves so there will be many in the tribulation period who don't get saved because they didn't want the gospel now why would they want to get saved then it will be even harder to get saved because of this look at the next verse verse 11 and for this cause God shall send them strong delusion god himself is going to allow the world to be in a delusion that is a lie they're going to believe a lie they're not going to believe what's true God's gonna let them believe a lie because they rejected the truth the gospel of salvation in this dispensation verse 12 that they all might be damned who believed not the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness so there are people that will be damned because they'll believe a lie so they're deceived believing in a delusion and a lie rather than the truth and let's quickly just read a couple more verses here verse 13 and 14 but we are bound to give thanks always to God for you brethren beloved of the Lord because God has from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth wearing - he called you by our gospel to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ so it's through this gospel of Paul today we are sealed and saved and that's why we go at the rapture now those left behind will be in a time period when there are lies being spit out of the mouths of the devil and all his people and a strong delusion and all these people are going to be deceived if you're left behind at the rapture how do you know you're not going to be one of those that believe the lie have you ever thought about what it means to be deceived a person who is deceived does not know that they're deceived otherwise they couldn't be deceit deceive means you're believing a lie thinking that that is the truth and people who are deceived why they don't know they're to see if someone comes along tells them the truth they say no you're the liar because I'm right and you're wrong they're deceived and the Bible says those that go into that time will be deceived leave Ally and then they'll be banned so I don't know about you that that's kind of scary that's why I do my outright best today to give people the gospel of salvation so that they go at the rapture because I don't want them to be damned and left behind people say well I'm gonna stay behind at the rapture I don't care I don't want to get safe today when it comes well I'll just come and I'll believe in Jesus then but it says they'll be people that believe the lie how do you know what the truth will be then though there's people today that say well salvation is safe faith alone in every dispensation okay but if that's true then I guess when the tribulation comes well you have to do is believe this gospel you go to heaven is that right wait a minute Paul says it's another gospel on Angel preaching from Heaven's the gospel of the kingdom is not the same gospel and if you say that salvation is by faith alone in the tribulation then you say well I missed the rapture so I'm just gonna believe in Jesus well that's a good thing I hope you do believe in Jesus but guess what the Bible tells us that you have to die for Jesus it's not enough to just believe in Jesus in the tribulation I'm going to show you some verses on this you're gonna have to do something for Jesus you can't go well I just believe in Justin Jesus I missed the I miss the rapture so I just believe in Jesus Oh take a mark okay give me the mark but hey I'll take that mark but I just want you to know I believe in Jesus it doesn't work if you take that mark you will be damned and there's no coming back there's no salvation so to me that sounds like a work it's a work involved in that time period of not taking the mark of the beast and you've got to believe in Jesus now let's go to this let's go some verses here in Revelation so I see it's very different in the tribulation time if you do find the truth in the rebel in the tribulation and I hope you do although many will not many will be damned been deceived and believe the lie but let's say you're not one of them you do find the truth you do say well I want Jesus then what happens well revelation 12:17 says it's not enough just to believe in Jesus valachia 12:17 says in the dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war with the remnant of her seed which keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ there's gonna be some commandments that you have to do you have to come back to Jesus and keep some commandments of his in order to show that you believe now there's also some other things let's go to Revelation chapter 14 verse 12 revelation 14:12 here's the patience of the saints here are they that keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus you say yeah I believe in Jesus are you saved the Bible says he that endureth to the end shall be saved you've got to endure to the end of that thing it's not enough to just believe in Jesus then you've got to not take the mark you've got to live right and do right and show people I am NOT a follower of the Antichrist when you do that they will say then you need to die and they'll go report you and tell you it'll be a police state and they'll say this guy over there says believe in Jesus and you'll be persecuted and you have your head cut off for Jesus Christ you have to be willing to die for Jesus gotta go to Revelation 14:12 revelation 14:12 here's the patience of the Saints here they that keep the commandments of God in the faith of jesus so there is faith in the tribulation period i do not deny that but I can't see how someone would say it's faith alone that you're saved in the tribulation okay you missed the rapture you go well I believe in faith below and faith only in Jesus and they come and say get your head cut off or take the mark of the beast you say well I still believe in Jesus go ahead and give it to me if you take that mark your faith is meaningless you're damned I'm going to show you the verse that when Jesus returns in Armageddon everybody that has the mark of the beast goes directly to hell there's no salvation only by your faith you've got to be willing to say no to the Antichrist and if he says okay they don't cut your head off you say then go ahead that's fine just chop it off so you got an in the hunted read verse 13 but look at verse 13 these are tribulation Saints they have the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus faith don't works look what it says here in verse 13 and I heard a voice from heaven say to me write blessed are the Dead which die in the Lord from henceforth yeh say the spirit that they may rest from their labors and their works do follow them these are people in the tribulation who have a belief in Jesus they have the faith of Jesus they would call themselves Christians but there were some works they had to do during that time one of which is not take the mark of the beast and then they keep the commandments of God so now let's go to Revelation chapter 13 let's look at what the mark of the beast is again you know to tell somebody all throughout the Bible you're saved by faith alone there's no problem there that that's a non-essential if you will it's not something that we should argue about as Christians because today we're only saved by faith alone but if you continue and persist in believing in teaching dogmatically people are saved the same way in the whole Bible have you ever thought about that guy who doesn't make it at the rapture and he remembers and he said well that guy said it's faith alone the entire Bible so I'm just gonna believe in Jesus and hey I'm gonna take the mark of the beast but I still believe in Jesus it no you just damned yourself to hell because you took the mark it wasn't enough that you believed in Jesus there were some works that followed after you and it was the fact that you died for Jesus that God looked at that made him happy to get you to heaven let me show you some things Revelation chapter 13 I said let's let's go to Revelation 24 for first Revelation chapter 20 verse 4 first then we'll go to Revelation 13 here are the people that were saved in the tribulation and look how they were saved Revelation chapter 20 and verse 4 and I saw Thrones and they set upon them and judgment was given unto them and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus and for the word of God and which had not worshipped the Beast nor his image neither had received his mark upon their foreheads or in their hands and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years so these are people that went to heaven in the tribulation period they were beheaded these people were beheaded for their faith in Christ and why were they beheaded because they would not take tomorrow and they told the Antichrist we will not take your mark and the Antichrist says okay cut their heads off and when they chop their heads off they went directly to heaven and they're there right there before the throne of God is that how we're saved today in the church age by getting our heads cut off no but in the tribulation if you miss the rapture and you want to be saved in the tribulation period you got to be willing to let your head be cut off you've gotta have faith in Christ but you've also got to not take the mark of the beast and by not taking the mark of the beast then you die you get your head count now you might be able to go live out in the woods for seven years without eating because the Bible says without the mark you can't buy or sell and that would be great but there's no guarantee there's no guarantee that you would make it through so be willing to die for Jesus and even if you did make it through the tribulation you'd go into the Millennial Kingdom and what if you do go out live in the woods and you've got 25 years worth of food or something and yet you you die in the fire Bob says a third of the trees will burn down or what if there's a nuclear bomb that goes off and and you die from radiation poison if you die in tribulation period where does it say that your soul goes to heaven it doesn't it says those people that got their heads cut off their souls were in heaven so just saying I have faith in Jesus but then not dying for Jesus we're not throwing the Bible that that would get you to heaven so you've got to be looking at the scriptures you've got to be wondering look Oh a lot of people aren't going to even believe the truth they're going to be damned because they believe a lie other people who want to call themselves Christians in the tribulation period they can have all the faith they want in Jesus but they take that mark it's over there's no salvation they're damned they're pitched in to hell when Jesus comes back so you've got to look at that you've got to say huh it doesn't look like it's faith alone it looks like if you want to be saved in the tribulation you have to lay your head down and say okay mister Antichrist I'm not serving you I'm serving Jesus I love Jesus go ahead when you're ready chop so it's it's not the same as today let's go ahead and look at Revelation chapter 13 revelation 13 1 through 18 I stood upon the sand of the sea and saw a beast rise up out of the sea having seven heads and ten horns and upon his horns ten crowns upon his heads the name of blasphemy and the Beast which I saw was like unto a leopard and his feet were as the feet of a bear and his mouth as the mouth of a de lion and the dragon gave him power and his seat and great Authority I believe that's the Beast the Antichrist and the first three and a half years the dragon or the devil gave him authority to rule for three and a half years verse three and I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death and his deadly wound was healed and all the world wondered after the Beast and they worshipped the Dragon which gave power to the Beast and they worshipped the Beast saying who is like unto the Beast who is able to make war with him and it was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies and power was given unto him to continue forty two months 42 months is three and a half years so you have the dragon giving power to the Beast but that beast dies has a deadly wound that's healed then when he comes back to life that's when it looks like the dragon gets the last 42 months or last three and half years that's when Satan himself is literally in kearney inside of that man verse six and he opened his mouth and blasphemy against God to blaspheme his name and his tabernacle and them that dwell in heaven or Sonic and he's given unto him to make war with the Saints and overcome them and power was given over him over all Kindred's and tongues and Nations now who would this be those in the Tribulation Period that claim to believe in Jesus we would call them the Saints we would call them Christians or at least many people would they were the ones that weren't saved here but now they want to come to Jesus and accept him there what does the Bible say and they all lived happily ever after and made it into the money no it says the devil makes war with them and overcomes them there's no guarantee that you'll make it through so you got to be careful there's some people that don't make it through and they have to be willing to die for Jesus let's go ahead and keep reading here verse 8 and all that dwell upon the earth shall worship Him whose names are not written in the book life of the lamb slain from the foundation of the world if any man have an ear let him hear he that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword here is the patience and the faith of the saints if you're a saint if you are a Christian in the tribulation sense the devil's gonna overcome you and kill you and you'll be killed with a sword you'll have your head cut off so salvation in this period at least going to heaven before the throne of God is dependent upon whether or not you lay down your head and say any Christ go ahead and cut this off because I would rather worship Jesus than you that sounds like faith and works to make now you can do whatever you want with that but people need to know if they miss the rapture and they go into the tribulation period they need to be willing to live a life for Jesus and die for him and be willing to give up their life for Christ and not take the mark of the beast because that's what the Bible says verse 11 I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth and he had two horns like a lamb and he spake as a dragon and he exercises all the power of the first beast before them and causes the earth and them that dwell therein to worship the first beast whose deadly wound was healed again that sounds like the devil coming incarnated into the body of that beast of that first person three and a half years verse 13 and he doeth great wonders so that he maketh Fire come down from heaven and the earth and the sight of all men of spite of men and a seed with them that dwell the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast sang to them that dwell the earth that they should make an image to the Beast which had the wound by a sword and did live and he had power to give life into the image of Easter the image of the Beast should both speak and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the Beast should be killed so sounds just like what Paul said lying signs and wonders comes to deceive people the Antichrist how do you know if you miss the rapture and you're in the tribulation that you won't be one of those that's deceived it'll ha it'll be very hard to know what's the truth well the truth according the scriptures is you put your faith in Jesus and then you have to die for him and when your heads cut off that's when you're in heaven at his throne for some fifteen and he had power to give life unto the image of the Beast that the image of the Beast should both speak and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the Beast should be killed capital punishment for not being politically correct because it they will say political correctness is worship the Beast and His image and you say but my faith is in Jesus they say then the law says die now you got to make a decision I'm gonna live for Jesus die for Jesus or I'm gonna change my faith real quick ago yeah you know I can be a Christian that's a secret Christian I can take the mark of the beast but say yeah but I still believe in Jesus because you know faith alone and ever dispensation I I believe in Jesus go ahead give me the mark it doesn't it doesn't work that way you have to die for Jesus Christ verse 16 he causeth all both small and great rich and poor free and bond to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads and that no man might buy or sell save he that had the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name here's was the let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast for it is the number of a man and his number of six hundred threescore it stinks six six six so in order to be saved in the Tribulation Period you have to have faith in Jesus then you have to deny the Antichrist deny the mark that he wants to give you by so doing he will try to kill you and chop off your head that's when you get saved that's when your soul is in heaven before God we've looked at that in Revelation chapter 20 now there's another way go to Matthew chapter 10 there's a possibly another way to be saved but this is kind of stretching it for Gentile because this sounds more like just to the Jews so it all boils down to in the tribulation are you a Jew or Gentile if you're a Jew then it looks like God is cares more about you and that time that he does the Gentiles it looks like God's gonna be friendly toward the Jews and it just might help the Jews get safe but if you're a Gentile these guys are going to do this for you go to Matthew chapter 10 verse 22 it says and you should be hated of all men for my namesake but he that endureth to the end shall be saved well this is a tribulation passage this is how people can be saved in the tribulation but this is Jesus speaking to Jews you see Jesus came he said he came only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel when you read Jesus speaking in Matthew chapter 24 he's speaking to Jews about enduring to the end so does this enter to the end thing apply to Gentiles it appears to me that if you're a Gentile and you get into the tribulation the only way to be saved is to have your head cut off for your faith in Jesus you cannot be a believer by faith only you have to be a believer that dies for Jesus now there may be a way that you can endure to the end but it'd be awful hard look what it says here when it talks about enduring to the end in look at the context they that endure to the end shall be saved this is Jews in the tribulation Matthew chapter 24 Jesus Christ is talking to Jews in the tribulation look what it says in Matthew 24 verse 8 all these are the beginning of Sorrows okay all these things he talks about earthquakes rumors of wars pestilence and and things like that then he says all these are the beginning of Sorrows then shall they deliver you up now that word then is so important he talked about all these things happening at the beginning of Sorrows then he says but then this is what happens now if you go back to our study last time about the seven years and three and a half years we read in Revelation that there are people that are Jews in their temple worshiping God sounds like they're worshiping for three and a half years and they have peace because there's a peace agreement for seven years made and it's broken in the middle of that so these things are happening in the first three and half years then this is what happens so that word then is key in Matthew chapter 24 and it's dealing with Jews in context look at verse 9 then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted and shall kill you and you should be hated of all nations for my name's sake then so many be offended and shall betray one another and shall hate one another many false prophets shall rise and shall deceive me and because iniquity shall abound the love of many shall wax cold but he that shall endure the end the same shall be saved the context is Jews enduring to the end of the tribulation the great tribulation lasts three and a half years and then it says and this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for witness in all nations when shall the end shall come when you therefore shall see the abomination of the desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet stand in the Holy Place whosoever eateth let him understand then let him which be in Judea flee unto the mountains now this passage has to be talking to juice because how can Gentiles get a plane ticket to Judea and go into the mountains so this endure to the end why it sounds like in context those that endure to the end are the Jews if that's right then there's no guarantee that you a Gentile can endure to the end so if you're a Gentile and you want to be saved and you want to know you're safe the only way to know for sure you're safe in the tribulation period of your Gentile is to have your head cut off for your faith in Jesus by not taking the mark of the beast that sounds like works to me now go to verse 21 for then shall be Great Tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world by this time no nor ever shall be and except those days should be shortened there should be no flesh be saved but for the elects sake those days shall be saved shortened who is the elect the Jews so this is clearly writing to the Jews and how the Jews must endure to the end now let's go to Revelation chapter 12 and finish this up what are you saying Robert breaker well I think I've made it very clear that the best time to get saved is today today we don't die for Jesus we believe and we're saved by faith and when we believe we are sealed with always being a promise we know we're saved and we can't lose it but over here in the tribulation if you miss the rapture how do you know you're saved you don't the only way to know that you're saved is by enduring to the very end so if you die before that how do you know where you're going when you die the Bible teaches the only way for a person in the tribulation to know for sure that their soul is saved is when they lay down their head to have it chopped off they can go to Revelation chapter 20 and it says the souls of those whose heads were beheaded were before the throne of God in heaven they know for sure one thing the only way that I can be saved in the tribulation period is I believe in Jesus and my heads cut off and as soon as that head is chopped off I know I'm saved because my soul goes straight to heaven well that's not the gospel of today that is not the same teaching of Paul for us today it's a little different now Revelation chapter 12 verses 1 through 17 now I don't have time to read this entire passage but it's talking about a great wonder in heaven and it's talking about this woman who gives birth to a man-child all right I'm not gonna get into who the manchild is I want to get into the woman I believe the woman is Israel I believe that's very clear in the passage that this woman is Israel now watch what happens to this woman verse 6 and the woman fled into the wilderness where she had a place prepared of God and they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days how long is 1260 days three and a half years and there was war in heaven Michael and his angels fought against the Dragon and the dragon fought and his angels and prevailed not neither was their place any more found in heaven and the Great Dragon was cast out that old serpent called the devil and Satan which deceiveth the whole world he was cast out of the earth and his angels were cast out with him so we're seeing this playing over and over and all the scriptures that were reading rapture first three and a half years then the final three and a half years when people have to flee when people have to go away because that's when the devil kills people why is he killing people it looks like that when he comes up right here having his deadly wound healed that's when he starts to tell people take the mark take the mark or die so it looks like take the mark or die in the final three and a half years the Jews have to flee the temple because this Antichrist comes in and sits down in the temple and rules for three and a half years now what happens in that time that's when they're beheading people for not taking the mark of the beast and it says for 1260 days God protects the woman who is the woman I believe she's is she's not a Gentile that's juice now watch what happens to this woman first aid and I heard a loud voice saying in heaven now is come salvation and strength and the Kingdom of our God and the power of his Christ for those of his brother and it's cast down which accused them before our God day and night and they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony and they loved not their lives unto the death that's how a person in the tribulation who's nodded you it appears is saved they loved the blood of Christ they believed in Christ's blood but they died for Jesus they loved not their lives unto the death that sounds like faith in works they had to die for Jesus in order to be saved now therefore rejoice ye heavens and ye that dwell and then won't any happens of the earth and of the sea for the devil is come down unto you having great wrath because he knoweth he had but a short time yes the last three and a half years she must come down get into the body of the Antichrist who was killed and he has three and a half years what does the Antichrist the Satan in the body of the Antichrist the son of perdition do 13 and when the dragon saw that he was cast into the earth he persecuted the woman which brought forth the manchild okay he goes after the Jews he hates the Jews were 14 and to the woman were given two wings of a great Eagle that she might fly into the wilderness into her place where she is nourished for a time a times and a half of times from the face of the serpent what is the time time and a half time well if a time is a year a time that's 1 times that be 2 and 1/2 a times that be 3 and a half years so 3 and 1/2 years the woman is is in the wilderness fleeing from the Antichrist who's coming to kill her and what does the Bible say well let's read it quickly in the serpent cast out his mouth of his mouth water as a flood after the woman that she might cause her to be carried away of the flood and the earth helped the woman of the earth opened her mouth and swallowed up the flood which the Dragon cast out of his mouth so somehow the devil tries to drowned God's people the Jews but God saves them by opening up so an earthquake or something and the flood goes down rather than killing all of these people verse 17 of the dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war with the remnant of her seed which keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ they're keeping the commandments that sounds like works keeping the commandments well that would be works and they had faith so I always taught and I always will but it's faith the works in the tribulation period because I see it the Bible says them and in the tribulation if you miss the rapture and you go into the tribulation and you are a Gentile for the first three and a half years there probably won't be too much bad stuff happened there will be some earthquakes there'll be some plagues they'll be these things probably won't even be the mark of the beast for those first three and a half years and you'll probably be deceived by the news media they'll probably make up something and say well all these people are just missing because ba just some some weird spontaneous combustion just a wireless 5g just somehow had an effect on certain people and just blew their bodies up I'm crazy ly and they'll explain away the rapture and people will believe the lie and say the Bible wasn't sure there's no rapture we don't believe in that and for three and a half years it's all good the Jews are in their temple worshiping everybody's happy while they make an agreement for seven years to have world peace but in the middle of that seven years the Antichrist is killed he raises again from the dead Satan incarnate and he goes after everybody and he says to everybody you've got to take this mark or you're dead and these Jews will flee and God will protect them so the Jews they will endure to the end and they'll be saved God will protect the Jews but there's no guarantee to a Gentile that God's going to save you and I've shown you the verses that if you're a Gentile and you're in the Tribulation Period and you don't want to go to hell I'll give a chance to show you those verses probably didn't wear that when Jesus comes back those that have the mark will go straight to the lake of fire show straight to hell I didn't get a chance to show those verses but that's what the Bible says that if you take the mark of the beast you will go to hell when do you just return the arm again so if you miss the rapture and you're not a Jew and you want salvation you're going to have to make in your mind I am going to die for Jesus or else I'm gonna go find some camp someplace in the middle of nowhere where I can hide Bible talks about people to go into caves and say and they cry for the rocks to fall on them well you get killed that way too I mean there's no guarantee there's no eternal security in the tribulation period how can there be it's all dependent upon ever whether or not you endure to the intent you make it through all that and whether or not you take the mark and whether or not you get your head cut off the quickest way to be saved in the tribulation period is when they when they divide people up into two lines you say what's this line well that's the line for the mark of the beast and you say okay what's that line that's the line for those that don't want it the quickest way to be saved is step over here in this line and just wait till they chop your head off and right before they do say I love Jesus that I'm about to see a blessed God lunk and you just gave a testimony of salvation that you believed in Jesus Christ and you're gonna go before his throne when your heads chopped off if you believe it I hope this was a blessing to ya I don't want to scare you but maybe I do if you're still alive and the perhaps should not take your place there's still a chance to get safe today and go with the rapture I would really really recommend that you read for sprinters 15 1 through 4 I would encourage you to read your Bible go to Romans chapter 3 find out how to be safe today it's very simple trust what Jesus did for you then you'll be sealed with those spirit problems then you go at the rapture so please get safe today if you're watching this and the rapture has already come don't allow yourself to be deceived keep reading your Bible because the devil will do everything he can to send that lie to the seat people God will let him Bible says God will send them a lot lie how does God let people believe a lot because he backs away if you want that lie so bad here you go ahead and believe it but don't believe that lie believe the truth god bless you thanks for watching we'll see you next time
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 81,833
Rating: 4.8207154 out of 5
Keywords: Are there Christians in the Tribulation?, tribulation salvation
Id: txvRSGUfFM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 6sec (3726 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 31 2018
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