How Much Longer Til Jesus Comes Back?

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okay welcome back I'm Robert breaker and our sermons for this week will be on this topic how much longer until Jesus comes back how much longer till Jesus returns I get a lot of emails from people asking that question how much longer I just can't wait well I hear you I don't profess to know the day of when Jesus will return but I want to talk about that subject today how much longer so Jesus comes back what does the Bible say and and I get a lot of emails from people and this is what's fun to me is another breaker what do you think well I'm thinking this what do you think have you read this first and there's all these people that are looking for the return of Jesus Christ and they love to talk about it and discuss it and go over scriptures together and I love that I love a good Bible study so I said you know what let's do that let's have another Bible study on this subject of when is Jesus coming back now before we begin let me say this I am NOT nor will I in this video setting the date of the rapture so I hate to disappoint you if all you do is watch me just to attack me you're not going to be able to attack Robert breaker from this video okay so go ahead and tune into something else or go do whatever you need to do this video is not for you I have noticed over the years there are two different kinds of people that watch Robert breaker those who watch because they want to learn something they want to know what the Bible says and they enjoy the scriptures and and studying the Bible with me and then those that are just nitpicking and just looking for something that they can take and they can twist and they can turn and something that they can take out a context in order to attack Robert breaker if you're one of those would you just please go watch something else no I'm not going to attempt to set the date of the rapture in this video as a matter of fact I've never set the date of the rapture but yet the latest thing I've heard is people are coming out and lying about Robert breaker and saying Robert breakers a date setter no I'm not a Harold Camping I saw what Harold can't be did what was it 2000 and I don't remember the date 11:00 or something like that and which he came out and told the whole world on such and such a day Jesus Christ will return at the rapture and it didn't happen and how the world laughed and and made fun of him and rightly so he was a false prophet he said on such and such a day thus saith the Lord the Lord will come back on such-and-such neck and he didn't so he was wrong but I had people lie about me Robert breaker said well Robert breaker why he's a date Center and ago really why would you okay why would you say that and they said well you made a September 23rd 2015 video and you made a September 23rd 2017 video and those were the two dates that you thought Jesus was coming back and I'm like oh ha ha have you ever seen those videos and if so did you read the description in the description I went head wrote it down on the September 23rd 2015 disclaimer this video in no way attempts to date the rapture in the September 23rd 2017 video disclaimer this video in no way attempts to date the rapture rather it seeks only to present what many are presenting on the internet about pasal event the possible events that may take place in the near future you see what I did is I went and found some things on the internet there was a lot of interesting things and I said well there's a lot of people talking about the Bible and the coming of Jesus Christ in the end days and a lot of them are thinking that he might come at this time a lot of them think it might be this time and I said you know what I'm gonna be like a reporter I'm gonna take a lot of the things that they're saying and just kind of put it all together in one place and a lot of people have told me from the break I've gone back to those videos the 2015 September 23rd September 23rd 2017 video because you have so much information there that I can go back and look up and see that still pertain to today and the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ so I have never said a day of the rapture and I never will I don't plan on it I was thinking the other day even if I knew the date of the rapture I wouldn't tell people no I'd probably keep that to myself and then just do my best to keep preaching and teaching and be faithful until he comes but I can't wait for the rapture of the church and I'm looking forward to it and today what I'm gonna do is the same thing I did in those September 23rd videos I'm just gonna show you what people are thinking I've got a lot of emails from different people and they said mother record my thought is the rapture might be in this year or others well I think about so I said okay well I think I have about five or six different ideas that people have come up with of when they think the wraps are made may not be but you know what I will not do in this video I will not give you a day in which I think it's going to take place I just want to show you what they're saying and what they're thinking and and just have a good fun Bible study as a Christian about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ so before we get started let's go to Titus chapter 2 Titus chapter 2 we're just gonna have a Bible study in which we speculate and we look at what the Bible says look at modern events look at years in the Bible numbers you know there's a book in the Bible called the Book of Numbers it's quite interesting and we'll just come up with some stuff and just kind of think out loud is what I plan to do in this video and just give you some things that I've been thinking about what other people have been that I'm showing me and asking me about as we hope and longed for and look for the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Titus chapter 2 verse 11 through 13 Titus 2:11 says for the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men yea Jesus Christ died for all men all men can be saved we're saved by grace through faith verse 12 teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts we should live soberly righteously and godly in this present world and yes after we're saved that's how we as Christians should live we should live a sober life a righteous life a godly life we should be good examples of true Christians and then verse 13 looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the Great God and our Savior Jesus Christ well that's what I'm looking for I'm looking for the soon appearing of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ if you know it's not a sin to look for Jesus coming I'm looking for him and I can't wait for him to come and you know what I'm not trying to set a date any way shape or form I just want to keep looking and keep thinking about you know what if it was this time what if your Bible says that the body of Christ is the church you know what the church is like in the Bible the church is likened unto a bride and the church is like a bride and a bride getting married the church goes out at the rapture in the rapture we go up to the mayor of the land what woman when she's ready to get married doesn't look forward to that you know I look forward to my marriage when I got married and I was so happy and so thankful and I just couldn't wait and as the days got closer and closer I was just all so excited about it well how come there's people out there today that claim to be Christians that they aren't excited about the coming of Jesus Christ they say oh yeah I'm a Christian you know Jesus coming out whatever whatever seriously no how about I can't wait the sooner the better man I can't wait come on come on back I'm looking I'm longing I'm wanting you'll return Jesus please come and one thing I like to do is get around with other Christians and talk about the coming of Christ I get phone calls I get emails I get people all the time sending me stuff asking me questions saying hey brother Brecker can I share with you what I think oh sure a lot of people asked me they said brother breaker when do you think the rapture will come Mike oh no no no I'm not going there oh come on tell me brother breaker what and I say honestly it could be any time honestly I think it could be this year or next year or it could be I just I want to show you some of the things that people have shown me some of the ideas I have and I don't know but I'll do my best to give you some possibilities what we're gonna do today we're gonna speculate there's some people out there that make their living call called speculators and they look at the markets and they speculate they guess on what's going to happen and then they they make these guesses and then they try to make a living off of speculating off of investing on something that they think will give them a return well I don't know anybody that that puts down speculators and say why they're their date setters know what they're doing is they're doing their best guess sometimes you're right sometimes they're wrong so what we're gonna do today we're going to speculate we're gonna look in the back we're gonna guess when could the rapture possibly be now I'm not setting the date so I don't know but I do want to show you what the Bible says because I do believe that the Bible does contain the mind of God and the Bible does show us some things and I believe it's in the Bible somewhere when Jesus is coming back I'm gonna get to these verses I just want to give you what the Bible says today amen so let's get into this in Titus 2:13 it says looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the Great God and our Savior Jesus Christ now I didn't read verse 14 and 15 look at verse 14 who gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all iniquity and to purify himself a peculiar people zealous of good works verse 15 these things speak and exhort and rebuke with all authority so there's some things in the Bible that we can't speak about and we have all authority to speak on these things now I just want to read that because I get a couple of people now probably 20% of all the emails I get are people wanting to talk about the rapture brother breaker wouldn't you think it's coming I can't wait for Jesus to come back I say me but then I get this 1% maybe 2% of people to say well Robert breaker you should never talk about when Jesus is coming back why it's wrong for you to try to think about when the rapture might be we don't know when the rapture is gonna be and how dare you try to tell people that you know and you think you and it's like what's wrong with you and some I wouldn't even go so far to say you should never even talk about now for what oh hold on who are you to tell me what I can and can't preach on according to the Word of God when right here the Bible tells us in verse 13 to look for the Blessed hope and the glorious appearing of Jesus Christ and that I can speak about that and I can exhort and I can rebuke with all authority and I don't need to let any man despise me and I have some people out there they despise me and they love to attack Robert breaker and say things about me that aren't true and they go out of the way to say oh you're such a liar while you date center you date center and I thought for a minute you know maybe I shouldn't do a video on this because then the liars will come out and say Oh bro breakers shutting a date again but I thought no the Bible says these things speak with all authority so I'm going to enjoy myself today speaking about these things and I'm not going to give you the date of the rapture rather what we're going to do is we're just going to look at some ideas some of this the things that people sent me some this comes from my own mind but I study the Bible I read the Bible and I obey the Bible and the Bible says to look for the Blessed hope and the glorious appearing so I want to give you some ideas of what the Bible says and what the thinking of many Christians is of when Jesus is coming back now I don't know for sure but there's some ideas and it's fun to speculate to guess to get an idea certainly we know the times and seasons and I do believe we are in the time and the season of a very soon rapture I'm just going to tell you how soon as we get into this and I don't want to go too long I've got a lot here this is actually almost like three sermons in one so I've got to go quickly giving you a bunch at a time but the question comes up and the question is can we know the date of the rapture is it in the Bible some people say well nowhere in the bible does it ever say when Jesus will come and I think that's interesting because Jesus told us through the prophet Daniel in the Old Testament when he was going to come the first time born of a virgin and when he was going to come as the Prince so if he tell us the first time why wouldn't he tell us the second time I think that's interesting but there's a question that comes up can we know the date of the rapture well a lot of people want to go to Matthew 24 and say no Matthew 24 says that we cannot ever know the day or the hour of the rapture okay there's a problem with that these people that say that are taking this verse and they always leave off the last part of the verse and they don't go to the rest of the scripture so let's look at this okay this is another lie that people have told about Robert breaker I just heard this one the other day someone says that Robert breaker called Jesus a liar and I'm like no I've never called my Lord and Savior a liar I don't know what that person means by that but I go to this verse and I read this verse and they don't even read it they won't read the indeed part of it and they won't read the rest of the byte and they say the Robert breaker called Jesus a liar well okay let's look at that let's see if there's any merit to what they're saying if it's true or not Matthew 24:36 many people love to go to this and say this verse says we can never ever know the date of the rapture well is it even talking about the rapture I'll get to that a little later but Matthew chapter 24 and verse 36 look at what it says Matthew 24:36 but of that day and hour knoweth no man no not the angels of heaven but my father only and many people will go this verse said no man knows the day or hour no man knows the day or hour no man those are there when was this said when did Jesus say this he said it right here Matthew chapter 28 just human chapter 24 24 and verse 36 Jesus says this here where is Jesus when he's speaking this he's in his earthly ministry so Jesus says this Jesus is on earth and notice what he says he says no man knoweth the day or the hour except my father which is in heaven not even the angels but the father knows so when Jesus says no man knoweth the day or the hour when is he speaking he's speaking here on earth does Jesus stay on earth is Jesus Christ still in the grave thankfully no the Bible tells us that Jesus rose again the Bible tells us what the gospel is the gospel is 1st Corinthians 15 one through four how that Christ died how'd he die in the bloody manner he shed his blood for our sins they got a man but the Bible says that Jesus Christ was buried and then it says that he rose again the third day according to the scripture now where did he go when he rose again why he went to heaven with the father and there are many verses and John and other places where he talks about how he's going to go up to the Father again now when Jesus rose from the dead and went up to heaven and sat down at the right hand of the Father do you think that he just looked at the and the father looked at him and they never spoke I think's went and that was it well if all we had was the book of Matthew then we could run back to this verse and say no man knoweth the day or hour but that's not all we have we have more revelation we have the revelation of Paul much which was said by Paul was revealed to him by Jesus Christ we have the revelation of the book of Revelation and in the book of Revelation look what revelation says see a lot of people they love to run back to Matthew Mark Luke and John and they forget yeah but there's a lot more Bible in the New Testament after that so when Jesus is saying no man knoweth the day or hour he's saying at that time while I'm here on earth but Jesus went up to heaven and I'm certain that God the Father told Jesus God the Son when when the day and the hour would be so let's look at that here's Revelation chapter 1 and verse 1 and revelation 1:1 tells us that the father revealed some things unto the son that would have said revelation 1:1 the revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave unto him to show unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass now read that again the revelation of Jesus Christ which God who's that will that be God the Father gave unto him who was him Jesus God the Son to which unto his servants to show things unto his servants which must shortly come to pass so the book of Revelation is given to us and it's the revelation of Jesus Christ given to him by God the Father for us for what to tell us of things which shortly must come to pass so the book of Revelation is written about things that shortly will come to pass well what's supposed to come to pass well the rapture comes first the next big deal on God's calendar is the rapture of the church do we find the rapture in the book of Revelation I believe it's there I believe when the door in heaven is open in chapter 4 I believe that sounds a lot like a rapture doesn't it well the book of Revelation has a lot of information a lot of people say well yeah but the rapture is not in the book of Revelation it doesn't say the day or the hour in the book of Revelation and I go have you many times people that come out and say things it's like there's always a verse that says the opposite of what they just said it always makes me scratch my head and go have they ever they ever read the book is there anywhere in the book of Revelation that says that we might be able to know when the rapture might be well many people say no okay have you read it I have how about you go with me to Revelation chapter 3 verse 3 because in Revelation chapter 3 and verse 3 we read through something quite interesting look at what it says revelation 3:3 in Revelation 3 3 it says remember therefore how thou hast received and heard and hold fast and repent if therefore thou shalt not watch okay what else does he say if thou shalt not watch I will come on thee as a thief and thou shalt not know what hour I will come unto thee so notice what it says there it says if you're not watching then you won't know the hour that Jesus comes now what is the opposite of that what is that mean if you are watching then it sounds like if the opposite is if is that you will know when he's coming did you catch that let me read that again look at the end of that verse revelation 33 if therefore see it's of an if-then statement if therefore thou shalt not watch I will come on thee as a thief and thou shalt not know what hour I will come into thee okay so if you're not watching you won't know what's the opposite of that it sounds like if you are watching then you will know and he won't come as a thief how about that so it sounds like in the book of Revelation God is saying you know if you're watching if you're looking for my coming then you just might know when I'm coming back so all these people they read that no man knoweth the day or hour nobody knows the day or hour and you look at that you know okay if all you want to do is run back to the book of Mathew well you can get in the mass because Matthew still Old Testament so Jesus dies so here hun run back to an Old Testament verse and hang off your doctrine on that how about we rightly divide how about we read the whole entire bike so all I want to do is run the Matthew 24:36 but that's when Jesus was here on earth in his earthly ministry that he said that I'm not calling God a liar I'm just rightly dividing the word of truth I'm reading the whole Bible and I say yeah Jesus said that then but later he said something else why don't we look at everything Jesus says not just a statement of something that he said at a certain time back then what was the other revelation later and it says well if you're not looking you won't know the hour so what's the opposite of that will if you are looking you just might know yeah so I teach that I believe that in the Bible somewhere is the rapture I believe that the bible does teach when the rapture Albina I don't claim to have found it but I believe God put it in there and I believe somewhere in there now can we know the date of the rapture well in the Old Testament you had these prophecies of Daniel and God said to Daniel he said 490 years seventy weeks are determined upon thy people in 483 years passed and then there was a last week or last seven years and this was all talking about the coming of Jesus Christ so if in the Old Testament God gave us the exact number of weeks until he came why wouldn't he do the same in the new testament the book of daniel has a lot in common with the book of Revelation and what I find interesting is you go to the book of Revelation and it talks about a passage that says and there'll be this many days 1260 days you go back here to Daniel it says 1260 days I think it says 1290 days or 1335 days God's giving you the number of days that are going to take place in a certain time in the tribulation in tribulation of course is that final week of Daniel final seven years and it's divided in half in the first three and a half years in the last three and a half years and you know 1260 days is exactly three and a half years so people say no you'll never find no date of the rapture in the Bible it's not there and I look at my Bible and go but that tolls it there would be this many days so you just double that and you know one thousand two hundred sixty one thousand you would think that that's how easy it is but no it may not be that way because there's other places where it's thirteen thirty five or twelve ninety or something else so but why does God tell us how many days are going to take place in the future God is a God of numbers you know in the Bible we have a book called The Book of Numbers so if God told them in the Old Testament when the Messiah was coming wouldn't God tell us in the New Testament when he's coming matter of fact it's in Revelation revelation 12:6 revelation 12:6 is where it talks about 1260 days the actual number of days that Israel's gonna be in in the tribulation in the last three-and-a-half years he tells us how many days exactly it's gonna be so I look at the Bible and I say wow these people think all they want to do they're so narrow-minded that they just want to take one verse and then and then just close their eyes and close their ears and say no I can't hear anything else no no no no and it's like oh okay so you don't even want to discuss any more about Jesus return and when it might be is that because you hate Jesus I mean because if I if I love the Lord Jesus Christ and I want his return I enjoy talking about these things why don't they but let's go to Matthew chapter 24 why is it they just want to attack if you're saved and I've saved this is something we should be excited about and enjoy speaking about because we're looking for the coming of our Savior and we ought to be excited about it and we ought to look into Oh what do you think you could be and we ought to enjoy discussing it it's crazy for me to hear there's people that don't but let's go back to matthew chapter 24 verse 36 a lot of people will run to this verse Matthew 24:36 and they will say Jesus said it no man knoweth no man knoweth the day or the hour and they say period and you can't say anything else shut up you're not allowed to speak anymore that's it and you look at your okay the day in the hour of what well they'll say well he's talking about the rapture oh well hmm okay let's read Matthew 24 and see if that's true the whole context of Matthew chapter 24 is Jesus speaking to Jews about guess what the tribulation and when you read Matthew 24 it's very hard to to try to apply all of Matthew 24 and even this part to the rapture look at Matthew chapter 24 verse 34 verily I was saying to you this generation shall not pass till all these things be fulfilled who's he talking to verse 32 he's talking about a fig tree he's talking about Jesus Christ at verse 29 coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory when does Jesus come in power and glory why verse 29 says after the tribulation so the context of Matthew chapter 24 and the day and hour that nobody knows isn't the rapture it's Armageddon let me show you that verse 35 heaven earth shall pass away but my words shall not pass away what does have an earth passed away way out there it's not the end of the world is it the rapture now we're gonna read here verse 36 but of that day and hour knoweth no man no not the angels of heaven but my father only so what day is he talking about listen let's continue reading verse 46 down to the 51 blessed is that servant whom his Lord when he cometh shall find so doing great I say to you that he shall make him ruler over all his Goods but if that evil servant shall say in his heart my lord delayeth his coming and shall begin to smite his fellow servants and to eat and drink with the drunken the Lord of that servants shall come in a day when he looketh not for him and in an hour that he is not aware of and what will he do to him verse 51 and shall cut him asunder and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites there shall be weeping and washing and gnashing of teeth weeps weeping and gnashing of teeth weeping and gnashing of teeth why Jesus uses that expression weeping and wailing or weeping and gnashing of teeth with people going to hammer out Armageddon when Jesus comes back there'll be some people that are cast into hell and you look at Matthew chapter 24 you go wow that that whole chapter looks a lot like God talking to Israel about what's going to take place in the tribulation so I mean look at verse 16 16 then let them which be in Judea flee into the mountains clearly that's a tribulation passage because it says in revelation 12:6 they flee in the mountains for 1250 into the wilderness so people want to come and they want to attack Robert breaker and say router breaker such a liar no man can know the day or the hour of the rapture and you go oh really we're okay when when when you say no man no the day the hour proved to me that that scripture is Jesus speaking of the rapture because it appears Jesus is saying no man knows the dari hour of Armageddon so there we go huh so is that what it is so see how easy it is to take something out of context and then just call somebody to liar because you don't want to deal with it and then continue to press forward with your false doctrine by quoting one verse out of context and miss applying it and people do this all the time all the time people say well Matthew 24:36 well that's talking about the rapture and no man can know the day or hour the rapture and you look at any context you go no no man no today router sounds like the Battle of Armageddon because the chapter 24 in context is Jesus speaking to the Jews about what they're going to go through in the tribulation and the rapture will already have taken place so it must be talking about Armageddon well if that's the case though how about this can we ever know the day or the hour of Armageddon well if we ever figured out the date of Armageddon then theoretically no the day of the rapture right we just go back seven years because the prophecy of Daniel as' is 490 years and 483 of taking place and there's a final set so if you can ever figure out when Armageddon will be well then you just count 1260 + 1260 back and then you've got the date of the rapture a lot of people go that's easy well there's the problem Matthew 24:22 look what it says Matthew 24:22 speaking about the tribulation verse 21 for then shall be Great Tribulation such as was not since the beginning the world this time know never else show the last three-and-a-half years verse 22 and except those days should be shortened there should no flesh be saved but for the elects sake those days shall be shortened oh no so somehow the days are shortened here according to Matthew 24:22 so yeah so I don't know that they farm again and even if I did even though no manner who knows the day or hour except the Father in heaven and well father and having probably revealed it's Jesus but if I did figure out the date of Armageddon I still probably wouldn't find the date of the rapture because guess why because the days are shortened so it's not going to be an exact so you're getting a mess when you come to the Bible and you go to one extreme like mr. campy and you say I know the day the rapture is such-and-such a day no you got to mess there buddy because you were wrong and you get in another extreme and you say I know the date of Armageddon now I just subtract seven years exactly there's many days and I go back and then guess what then I figured out that it's kind of hard to do now with that said can we still figure out the date of the rapture it sounds like no man knows the day or the hour is referring to Armageddon and can we know that I don't know in the future God revealed some things so maybe the date of Armageddon is in the Bible I don't know but I haven't seen it there I haven't figured it out yet but what does Paul say about this let's go first Thessalonians chapter 5 God revealed some thanks to the Apostle Paul and when we go to Paul there's some there's some clues that Paul gives about the rapture in 1st Thessalonians chapter 5 and these clues that Paul gives about the rapture makes it sound almost like we could figure out within very close maybe a week or so of when the rapture could be maybe even to the very day now I'm not saying I do but I'm saying there's some clues in the Bible as to when the rapture will be let's go to 1st Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 1 through 4 but of the times and the seasons brethren you have no need that I write unto you for yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night all right the day of the Lord is armed again so Armageddon is the thief in the night but then he continues by talking about but to you brother and that day won't overtake you what's that the day of christ the rapture when it comes you won't be like oh didn't realize it was coming instant no he says it's like this for the rapture verse 3 for when they self say peace and safety then sudden destruction cometh upon them as travail upon a woman with child and they shall not escape but she brother and her not in darkness that that day should overtake you as a thief so Paul says I don't need to write to you the times the seasons you already know it's like no Paul I don't know what is the rapture he says well that's easy when they start calling peace and safety and when you hear people started talking about peace and safety well then you know that it's closed because sudden destruction cometh you say really so peace and safety and they says it's like a woman in travail well a woman in travail while she has a baby in about nine months so does it say does that sound like within about nine months we could figure out when the day of the rapture is almost sounds like that doesn't it I had a friend in Honduras and I was with him when I was there a month or so ago when I was back in Honduras and I got to see his daughter she's like 13 14 now man how they how they grow so fast and I remember when they got pregnant and I remember them telling me hey I'm pregnant I said oh really and how much longer how far along are you and they told me and this was way back in 2006 and I said wait a minute hold on and I did the math and I go your baby's gonna be bored on six six oh six and they go no no no do the math mean you said you got pregnant at this time now nine months I said what if your baby is born on six six six why you'd be the Antichrist hey oh no don't say that brother breaker and I think she was only like three four months along when I said that guess what day the baby was born on six six six six six oh six and they said I thought your fault you said well that's the only time in my life that I ever set a date and I got it right and I wouldn't even meaning to I was just joking and but know one thing I know for sure and their child's not the end of Christ because it's a girl it was a girl but it's like a woman in travail it you know oftentimes when a woman's pregnant some people say well I think it's gonna be this day well I think it's gonna be and sometimes they're right sometimes they're wrong but they got nine months to figure it out and the closer it gets one of the closer will be like Oh what if it's in the week what when we had our last baby but little boy Conrad when he came two weeks early and I'll tell you what's interesting okay it has something to do with the moon I don't know what it is but the moon has something to do with the woman's pregnancy they say the moon has something to do with the tides on the earth with the water well when you're pregnant in the water the the baby's in the water and a friend of otters Hina's wife got pregnant the same day that we did and we said well love it we'll have our baby first though though we bet we'll have our baby first so we we we we waited and we went and hung up and our baby came I think it was two weeks early and once we delivered that baby I went outside from the birthing center and we had a midwife and I walked outside and the moon was so big and so close to the earth and I just I won't forget how big the moon was and I said man maybe that's why it was two weeks early it came on a full moon well we got home and we called my friend that had gotten pregnant the same day he and his wife and we said guess what we beat you and he goes nope and they had their baby 23 hours before ours two weeks early and it's something to do with the moon now I'm not sure about the rapture of the church maybe it has something to do with the moons I don't know that's a lot of people on YouTube or talking about the moons and how you know on on the feasts of Israel house and I'll get into that here in a minute but I just thought that was interesting how we had our baby that came a little early but it all lined up with the moon if you know your Old Testament all those Old Testament feats they line up with the moon so could the date of the rapture have something to do with the moon I don't know but Paul left us some clues and in first Corinthians 15:22 he says at the last Trump all right we could never figure out what the last Trump is then we know when the rapture is coming he said it's coming at the last drop some people think well that's that's the Feast of Trumpets the last blow of the trumpet and it could be if so then we might need we might know the date of the rapture the only thing is the Feast of Trumpets why it's based upon the moon and it's one of those feasts where you don't ever know what the exact day will be until 24 hours before because it's the time of year when the moon is iffy and it could be full on this day or or not quite and you have to wait another day before it's full it's the weirdest thing so could the rapture be then I don't know in 2nd Thessalonians 2 verses 1 through 4 the Apostle Paul tells us some more clues about when the rapture will be and people say well nobody can ever know when the rapture is coming and you go well no there's clues in the Bible as to when it's coming now I'm not giving you a day because I don't know the day but it says in the Bible we can know more or less like a woman in travail like a woman we know in about 9 months she's going to have a baby so it sounds like in the Bible that can we have some clues on we can add them and it sounds like the closer we get the more it'll be just like staring us at the face Wow here it comes it's got to be like if you hit up today or tomorrow or something like that see some safety and all these things are coming to pass so let me read this for you quickly 2nd Thessalonians 2 1 through 4 now we beseech you brethren by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and by our gathering together unto Him rapture they give me not soon shaken in mind or be troubled neither by spirit nor by word nor by letter as from us as that the day of Christ is at hand let no man deceive you by any means for that day shall not come except there be a falling away first so before the rapture can come there's got to be apostasy the falling away and I've showed you many times how we are definitely in these days of apostasy many people in this world have fallen away from the truth of the scripture and they don't want to follow what the Bible says many have fallen into false doctrine and then it says and the man of sin be revealed the son of perdition now notice what it says the man of sin be revealed , the son of perdition the Bible here gives us the name of the Antichrist and he gives two names why is that because he's called the man of sin the first three and a half years and then he's called the son of perdition the last three and a half years but Paul just said when he is revealed that's when the rapture takes place so are there some clues in the Bible of when the rapture will be yeah as soon as the man of sin is revealed well that's what the Bible says is the rapture takes place so I don't know how that's gonna happen I don't know what that entails I've always thought that means the the guy that takes over the United Nations and when they elect the man of sin who will be the future and of Christ as the head of the United Nations that's what every Christians gonna go oh okay get ready and then we're gone now how long will we be here after he's been revealed I don't know now people have attacked us hello Robert breakers waiting for the Antichrist not for Jesus no I'm waiting for the Lord Jesus Christ but I'm reading my Bible how about you because that's what it says it says right there the following away first and the man of sin be revealed okay soon as he's revealed as the end of Christ and he comes on the scene to rule his future seven years as soon as he shows up they were gone and so that was my thinking I'm not sure but sounds like he'll be the head of the United Nations because he's going to take over the world as the head rule link leader and he rules for three and a half years of the man of sin then he's assassinated in the book of Revelation he comes back to life as the son of perdition Satan incarnate and he rules the last three and a half years now there are other clues in the Bible Genesis 1:14 says God gave the the stars for lights and times and seasons and days and hours and Paul says look I don't need to write unto us as unto you know people that don't know you said you already know the times and the seasons and things like that so did God give the stars in heaven as a calendar well it sounds like it because he says it was for days and years and times and I'm not going to get into Revelation chapter 12 but Revelation chapter 12 verses 1 through 2 in 2017 there was this thing up in the constellation Virgo that looked like a woman and this thing happened in Revelation 12 it talks about a woman in heaven travailing in birth wow that sounds like Thessalonians chapter 5 where Paul talks about a woman in travail and we look at that we go huh could it be that Jesus is coming back and is this all tying together well I don't want to get too deep into it I've made other videos about it but I teach that somewhere in the Bible it's there and I think the closer that we get to the rapture the clearer it'll be and every day more and more people are bringing more outside hey how about this I got a guy that calls me on the phone who's used to be in the Navy and he was a codebreaker in the Navy and he's going through his Bibles counting up every time certain word shows up and and he's pulling things out of a Bible he's going through this stuff it's blowing my mind it's like wow God is the god of numbers and numbers have meanings and there's things in the Bible there's so many times that this work shows up and so many times did that worship and the Bible is so so detailed in the Old Testament with with Moses and the children and on this day on the such-and-such day of of this month they did this and we look at that we see how that lines up with other things in the Bible that are type of the rapture like like like the Noah's Flood and things like and you look at that you go may I bet you God has hidden in there the date of the rapture and if we just study our Bibles we'll see it now I don't claim to have seen it but I believe there's a lot of stuff in the Bible so I do think that the Bible shows us just exactly what time and what season we're in and as we study the Bible we see just how close we are just how close we are to the Raps Hosea chapter 6 verse 1 through 2 God is speaking to Israel and in Hosea we have a prophecy you know the Old Testament is full of prophets and they're prophesying in in Hosea chapter 6 notice what we read here Hosea chapter 6 verse wanted to come and let us return unto the Lord for he hath torn and he will heal us he has smitten and he will bind us up after two days he will revive us in the third day he will raise us up but we shall live in his sight now 2nd Peter 3:8 Peter says in 2nd Peter 3:8 a day with the Lord as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day so a thousand years in God's sight is like one day and one day for God is like a thousand years for us so when Hosea says after two days wouldn't two days be two thousand years well when was Jesus born Jesus was born here in zero ad so at zero ad he died in 33 AD so that would put us out here somewhere around 2033 I guess I'll put it down here 2033 that would be two thousand years or the year 2000 from when he was born well must be going by when he died in the Book of Daniel when he was cut off so twenty thirty thirty so if the Bible is legit and it seems to me all the prophecies have come to pass so far and this prophecy is God we'll go back to dealing with the nation of Israel after two days well here we are looking at our Bibles were like well we're almost there because from 33 AD to 2033 that's two thousand years and so two thousand years has passed so God is going back to deal with Israel and you know what's interesting in 1948 they became a nation again and at 2018 they celebrated 70 years as a nation what's interesting to me back here why with Moses the children of Israel they left Egypt and they were 40 years in the wilderness and that was the that was because of their murmuring and their complaining and their sinning against God God says okay 40 years of probation well here the Messiah shows up according to the Old Testament which God gave them how many days it would be before he showed up they should have known and guess what here they rejected the Messiah this time instead of 40 years it was 40 Jubilees and God deals with the Israel with Jubilees was 50 years every 50 years well 50 times 40 is 2000 I think that's something so 50 years times 40 is 2000 years 50 40 Jew beliefs and that interesting so you got 40 years in the wilderness and the moral of that story is don't make God mad because he will times the the suffering on you then he did the first time if you disobey so here we have the Bible laid out and I can't tell you when Jesus is coming back I don't know what day but as I read my Bible I keep asking how much longer till Jesus comes back and I'm looking at history I'm looking at dates I'm looking at how things are happening I'm like it's gotta be soon it's gotta be soon I've got several theories here let me just throw these up here when is Jesus coming back some theories that people have given me over the years that I'm like oh well is that plausible is that something that could be here's the first theory okay the first theory is this 2040 rapture now that's after the 2000 years but they say well 2000 years of waiting would be 2033 then you add 7 to that than be 2040 and they say 2040 would be Armageddon because you have 7 years so they say rapture 2033 I put 2040 rapture 2033 well that's a long ways off I tried to wait that long how many years is that well this is 2019 so that's what 14 years from now yeah that's a long time well I sure hate to wait 14 years of course maybe there's something to that that's quite interesting because when Joseph was in Egypt and Joseph is a type of the Jews of the tribulation why we look at Joseph and in the time of Joseph there are seven good years and then seven bad years well the seven bad years is the type of the tribulation seven years so seven good years before that on us yeah that kind of any of some of these things they just logically go well that makes sense but is that the way that God did it I don't know see we're looking at things through our carnal mind trying to figure it out and sometimes we get it right sometimes we're just like oh I don't know so that's theory number one people think well 20:33 rapture the second theory that I get emails and people talking about and that's what most of this is although some of this stuff I've thought about is it 2026 rapture could the rapture be in 2026 here they go to 2033 as the two thousand years subtract seven and you come up with 2026 if the rapture is in 2026 well that's only what seven years away will that be interested I'd be very interesting the third theory or idea that people have is a 2022 rapture well that's even better that's only three years away wouldn't that be nice of course be pretty far away that's a hoping the Lord comes back sooner than that but the way they get that 2022 is they say the calendar is off four years you go back and you read Bush Bishop Ussher my old Bishop Ussher says no the calendars off four years so that would take you to 2022 and he says the calendar is off four years well I don't know I don't know about that the other idea is well in 2021 rapture well that's interesting because that's seven plus seven plus seven is twenty-one and we're in the 21st century right now a lot of people say you know God God loves the number seven I've had people tell me Jesus is seven seven seven I'm like okay alright now know where you get that from but okay and so they say 2021 well that's seven seven seven that works out perfectly and you say okay alright you add seven to twenty twenty-one well that's twenty twenty eight well that's divisible by seven well some time in twenty twenty eight might be the Battle of Armageddon and God likes the number seven okay that's a possibility I don't know you see the more I study the more I know what I don't know but I like to look at possibilities I like to wonder I like to ask how could it be this could it be this other people say well it's a 2020 rapture the rapture is gonna be next year in 2020 you say okay why do you say that well because perfect vision is 20/20 look yeah yeah I've been that weird when we have perfect vision it's not have your visions 100 know you have 20/20 vision well the year 2020 be a great day to see Jesus coming in the clouds wouldn't it and then other people say 2019 that would be this year and a lot of people are saying Feast of Trumpets because the last Trump well I looked up Feast of Trumpets and it came out to September something ah what our October 1st so sometime between on September 30th to October 1st is what people say let me put a question mark there so no one will think I'm setting the date of the rapture I'm not saying the rapture will be on September 30th of 2019 I'm not saying that I'm saying there are people that are throwing that out there and saying I wonder I wonder if dot dot dot okay it's an interesting thing to think but you got to think about it you need to think about the coming of Jesus Christ because he promised he was coming and he said watch watch for his coming now an interesting thought about 2019 rapture is this 2018 is became in 70 years as a nation 2019 would be the 71st year of Israel and I've had people send me this Burke's go to Jeremiah chapter 29 and they say brother breaker in the Old Testament why God dealt with Israel and gave him 70 years of captivity or going through bad stuff and then he says in jeremiah 29:10 after the 70 years the way says jeremiah 29:10 for thus saith the lord that after 70 years be accomplished at babylon i will visit you and perform my good work toward you in causing you to return to this place so God says after 70 years that's when he begins them well 2018 they celebrated seven-day year 2019 why that's the 71st year of Israel I'd be a great time for the tribulation to start and have to start some time around after this or whatever so some people are thinking the rapture could be very soon some people are thinking no it's in another year or two I know one thing I don't see how it could be past 2033 you got to have that 2,000 years for that prophecy and Jose had to take place so we're anywhere between a couple of months to 14 years away from the rapture depending on how you look at it and actually depending on how God looks at it because the whole thing is well god what are you doing and how are you gonna do this now there's a couple of things what I call monkey wrenches in the works if you will there's a couple things to keep in mind when you're looking at this and you're trying to figure out when Jesus is coming the first one is this I wonder if I have room for all this okay things to keep in mind and this is something that all over the years that I've been studying the Bible and thinking about when is Jesus coming back already these are all things that I've had to think about and I need to throw out there and give you first of all is this spring versus fall rapture when I got saved I went to a certain church and everybody around there and all the other good good King James Bible believing people we're talking about all we hope the Lord's coming back we hope he's coming back and a lot of people say well what do you think he's coming in the spring or do you think he's coming in the fall and some people will say well it has to come in the fall it's the Feast of Trumpets okay that's a possibility then other people said no it's got to be in the spring because the Song of Solomon oh okay so we go over to the Song of Solomon let's look at songs of Solomon when it's after the Book of Proverbs and in Song of Solomon chapter 2 people say this is the rapture and this is not in the fall so in song Solomon chapter 2 verse 10 through 16 we read my beloved spake and said unto me rise up my love my fair one and come away there's the rapture they say verse 7 the voice of my beloved behold he cometh leaping upon the mountains skipping upon the hills rapture but then verse 11 for lo the winter is past the rain is over and gone the flowers appear in the earth the time of the singing of the birds is coming the voice of the turtle is heard upon the land wouldn't would that be that would be spring and let me read a little bit more here down to verse 16 the fig tree putteth forth for green figs and the vines with the tender grape give a good smell arise my love my fair one and come away o my dove now we're in the clefts of the rock and the secret places of the stairs let me see that countenance let me hear thy voice for sweet is thy voice and that countenance is comely take us the foxes the little foxes that spoil the vines for our vines have tender grapes my beloved is mine and I'm his he feedeth among the lilies it's so for years as long as I can remember ever since I was young preachers have been saying anyway we think it's going to be a spring rapture sometime around Pentecost or or or Passover and they say that because of Song of Solomon after the winter is gone in the time of the lilies and the time of the flowers and the singing of the birds sounds like spring but then if you listen to Paul when Paul says with the last trumpet some people say well that's the the Feast of Trumpets s first Corinthians 15 15:52 at the last Trump so that's what's kind of hard to figure out is it going to be a spring lapse or a pop up sure we're still kind of scratching our head going I don't know I guess we'll find out when it happens they meant but you've got people in either camp is what I'm trying to explain to you another thing when you're looking at when you think the rapture will come the other thing is is God going by the Jewish calendar or the Gentile one all right the Jewish calendar according to the Jews the Jewish calendar is 360 days our calendar the Gentile calendar is not that the Gentile calendar is 365 and a quarter days because the Jews have a lunar calendar and the Gentiles have a solar calendar so when you look at that you say well that's not the same the Gentile calendar has more days than the Jewish calendar so when I look at the Bible and I see this prophecy in Hosea of 2000 years I say what's the difference of 2,000 years between the Jewish calendar and the Gentile count okay I'm not great at math math is my least favorite subject but let's do some math the Jewish 2,000 years and I'm running out of room up here on the Jewish calendar comes out to 7,000 of 700 scuse me 720 thousand days on the Gentile calendar two thousand years would be seven thousand three hundred excuse me told you I hate math seven hundred and thirty thousand five hundred days now what did I do here I took two thousand and I multiply it by 360 I got seven thousand seven hundred and twenty thousand I took 2,000 I multiplied it by 365 0.25 and I got three seven hundred and thirty thousand five hundred and these are how many days are in the Jewish calendar how many that's a difference of 110 thousand five hundred days okay what does that come out to in years well on the Jewish calendar that would be ten thousand five hundred days if you take 360 that's twenty nine point one years that's a big difference in the calendar over 2,000 years if you take the Gentile 365 and a quarter that's twenty eight point seven four years so my question is is God using the Jewish Jen type of calendar or the Gentile calendar if God is using the Jewish calendar then this is not the year 2019 this is actually 1990 almost so when we're trying to figure this out these are the frustrating things about trying to look at when Jesus is coming back is it in the spring or in the fall I don't know I'm trying to figure it out is God using the Jewish calendar of the Gentile calendar there's quite a big difference between the two which one is God using it is the calendar off four years or three four or three years or two there's some people say the calendars off by four years some play three others have said two years I don't know some say it's off just by one year in the last thing here is 70 or 80 years for Israel so I want to just throw this out here for you and show you the frustrating thing about trying to figure out when the rapture is that's why I have never and never will say oh I figured out the day of the rapture in the dead rapture is such-and-such a day there's just so many variables but in Matthew 24:34 we read this generation shall not pass until all these things be fulfilled what is this generation well that's the generation of Israel lives real came back in the land in 1947 and they declared themselves a nation see the UN declared the declaration to the land in 1947 but in 1948 they declared themselves and they formed themselves a government so if we count from 1948 and we count seventy years that's 2019 that's last year well rapture didn't happen but look at what it says in Psalms 90 and verse 10 Psalms 90 and verse 10 says the days of our years are threescore years and ten threescore and ten is seventy because the score is 20 so threescore would be 20 40 60 and ten seventy and if it be reason of strength they be fourscore years yet in their strength labor and sorrow for an assumed cut off and we fly away so how long is it generation in Matthew Jesus says that this generation shall not pass till all these things be fulfilled well they get their government back in 1948 so it's either 70 or fourscore 80 well 80 years would be 2028 subtract 7 from 2028 you get 2021 could the rapture be in 2021 the old 777 could it be 80 years what an interesting verse and then we fly away no no but they don't but we do at the rapture we who are saying no I'm not saying the rapture is going to be in 2021 I'm hoping it's in 2019 well that'd be a blessing but when will it be I don't know what I wanted to do is put up here today what the Bible says I wanted to give you verses I wanted to show you God's God of numbers God is a God of details God is a God who gives us the number of days that are going to take place in certain times God is a God of Prophecy than in the Old Testament prophesied how many weeks or how many years it would be before he showed up the first time why would God not give us clues of when he's coming back the second time in the New Testament if he gave it in the old and so a lot of people are reading their Bibles are studying they're looking at all these things and they're trying to figure out well if 2033 is 2000 years you take away well that's 2026 but what if the calendars off four years are three years one 2020 to 2021 good 2020 we're pointing that I don't know when the rapture will be I don't see how it could possibly be any way past 2033 I think that would be like the longest we'd have to wait you just don't see it in the scriptures so what do we need to do well I've already gone an hour but I wanted to finish this up could here's the other thing is feast day feast day he's got gonna complete the rapture on one of the days of the feast remember the feast days were for juice and the rapture was hidden and the rapture is going to be of the church and so but some people think well it has to take place on a feast day and it could because the feast days that will tie into Christ in it's the Bride of Christ Christ died for his bride he shed his blood for the bride so it could be on one of the feast days well if it's all one of the feast days then we could know the day couldn't we because we know and the only feast day that that the Jews called the day that no man knows that they're an hour is the feast day of trumpets because trumpets is one of those were you kind of like I don't know if it's this they or the next day they saw depends on how the moon's gonna show so I don't know if we that are Christians got this right and there's all these theories out here and I've done my best to try to explain them to you and there's all these questions spring or fall Jewish calendar or Gentile calendar all three years or four or two or is it off at all 70 or 80 years feast day or not and let me close with this what should we do until Jesus comes Jesus is coming soon what should we do well the first thing we should do is win souls second Timothy 4 2nd Timothy 4 I told you this is like three sermons and one I should stop here but I wanna I just want to encourage you what you need to do until Jesus comes it could be tomorrow it could be 14 years from now or any time in between here's what we should do until he comes we who are Christians 2nd Timothy 4 verse 2 through 5 preach the word be instant in season out of season reprove rebuke exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers having itching ears and they should turn away their ears from the truth that should be turned unto fables but watch now in all things be watching endure afflictions do the work of an evangelist make full proof of thy ministry preach the gospel what should we do until Jesus comes preach win souls trying to get people saved what else should we do well quickly first that's long it's 2:19 first that's the longing in chapter 2 and verse 19 and we read there for what is our hope our joy our crown of rejoicing are not even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ that is coming for ye our glory and joy I'm asking a question if you're saved have you ever once someone personally to Jesus Christ you can give them the gospel and get them saved and you will be so happy when the rapture does come because you'll take someone with you it's important next thing I want to say is 1st Thessalonians chapter 3 verses lunians 3:12 we should continue to love one another 1st Thessalonians chapter 3 verse 12 through 13 and the Lord makes you to increase and abound in love one toward another and toward all men even as we do toward you to the end he may establish your hearts unblameable in holiness before God even our father at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all these things let's love one another until Jesus comes 2nd Thessalonians 3 5 a lot of people out there claim to be Christians and they have no love especially today they attack they ridicule they lie they mock they put down and they claim to be Christians and they do not manifest any of the fruits of the Holy Spirit of God that's sad that's sad 2nd Thessalonians 3 5 second Thessalonians chapter 3 and verse 5 says the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God into the patient waiting for Christ while we're waiting for Jesus we ought to love one another not attack one another not put each other down not be mean that hateful mean spirited to each other we should love we should also wait spend your time waiting I'm waiting for the Lord but that doesn't mean I can just go sit like a bump on a log and do nothing I'm waiting but while I'm waiting while I sure want to try to get other saved I want to continue pressing forward and doing right and living for Jesus Romans chapter 8 verse 23 Romans 8:23 and not only they but ourselves also which have the firstfruits of the Spirit even we ourselves groan within ourselves waiting for the adoption to wit the redemption of our body when do we get the redemption of our body at the rapture for we are saved by hope but hope that is seen is not hope for what a man seeth what nothing yet hoped for but if we hope for that which we see not then we do then do we with patience wait for it we should be patient and patiently wait for the Lord Jesus Christ looking for it's coming living every day like hey today could be the day every morning I wake up and get out of bed and say okay Lord today's a good day I'm waiting any time Lord first us only has one 10 and to wait for his son from heaven whom he raised from the dead even Jesus which delivered us from the wrath to come are you waiting for Jesus while we're waiting we should also watch out for false brethren and boy there's gonna be a lot more until Jesus comes they're going to bound more and more of these false teachers trying to deceive people we need to watch out for him Philippians chapter 3 warns us warns us greatly about these false teachers and boy there's a lot of them I hate it I hate there's so many false teachers but there are Bible says in Philippians 3:17 brethren be followers together of me and mark them which walk so as you have us for an ensample for many walk of whom I have told you often and now tell you even weeping that they are the enemy case of the cross of Christ whose end is destruction whose God is their belly and whose glory is their shame who mind earthly thinks for our conversation is in heaven from whence also we look for the Saviour of the Lord Jesus Christ are you looking for the Savior up in heaven up in glory who shall change our vile body that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself so wait watch for the Lord to come but also watch out watch out for these false teachers that are preaching a works gospel or preaching something other than what the Bible says and in 2nd Thessalonians 2:1 through 3 again he warns us now we beseech you brethren by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and by our gathering together unto him that she be not soon shaken in mind or be troubled neither by spirit nor by word nor by letter as from on stood by the day of Christ is at hand let no man deceive you by any means and they're out there they're out there there are many out there that are trying to deceive what should we do we should live holy and have a good testimony so that when Jesus does come people will remember who we were when we leave and say yeah yeah that was a Christian and our testimony we need to protect our testimony until Jesus comes second Timothy chapter two second Timothy chapter two verse 19 through 26 nevertheless nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure having this seal the Lord knoweth them that are his Amen and let every one that name it the name of Christ depart from iniquity continues on there I'll skip down to verse well no let's continue reading 20 but in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver but also wooden and of Earth and if some to honor and to some to dishonorable you know there's some people out there today claim to be Christians and that yeah they are they're safe but they sure are dishonorable well when the rapture comes people go wow I didn't know that guy was saved not the way he acted be surprised to some people if a man therefore purged himself from the e-z shall be a vessel unto honor sanctified and meat for the Masters prepared unto every good work I want to be that I want to be the good testimony guy who was living holy and living for Jesus I want to be honorable and sanctified meet for the master G I want God to use me until he comes I want to get away from sin and live a holy life about you flee also youthful lust verse 22 but follow righteousness faith charity peace with them they call on the Lord out of a pure heart calling from the heart but avoid but foolish and unlearning questions avoid knowing that they do gender strikes and the servant of the Lord must not strive but be gentle and all men have to teach patient in meekness instructing those that oppose themselves if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth and if they've been troubling themselves out of the snare of the devil who are taken captive by him at his will until the Lord comes back I'm still praying for certain people out there that are wrong that are falling to false doctrine that aren't saved or maybe they are saved but they're just preaching the wrong thing they've been falling into the snare of the devil I'm praying for them I want to see them get right I'll see him get right in the fusions chapter 4 will close with this vision shot before starting verse 24 and that you put on the new man which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness wherefore putting away lying speak every man truth with his neighbour for we are members one of another being angry and sin not let not the Sun go down upon your wrath neither give place to the devil last thing I want to do before the rapture is just do wrong and get in the flesh and then I'm used more of the devil than of the Lord no I want to be the kind of Christian I'm supposed to be meek kind loving caring preaching the truth verse 28 neither let him that stole steal no more but rather let him labor working with his hands the thing which is good that he may have to give to him that needeth let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth but that which is good to the use of edifying that it may Minister grace into the hearer I want to edify and grieve not the Holy Spirit of God whereby you're sealed unto the day of redemption I don't want to grieve the spirit I want to walk in the spirit I want to do right 30 all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and evil speaking be put away from you with all malice and be kind one to another tender-hearted forgiving one another even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you what a great way to end this sermon Jesus is coming back when I have no idea lots of ideas people have and they've been sending them to me and I've read my Bible and trying to figure it out and well this would be the best time for me it was sooner the better my whole pastor said one time there's not one problem that I have in this life that couldn't be fixed in less than a minute when Jesus comes back all my trials and tribulations and problems are over the sooner he comes the better until he comes I'm gonna be faithful preaching the true gospel I'm gonna do my best to love others I'm gonna wait I'm gonna watch out for these false brethren and not fall into what they're teaching me today teach the tribulations not even seven years they say it's only three and a half or something like that they're changing the doctrine I'm gonna do my best to live holy and please the Lord and have a good testimony how about you well that's the message I hope it's been a blessing sorry I went a little long but I wanted to get that out there it's not wrong to look in your Bible for when Jesus is coming back yeah it might be wrong to set an actual day of when the rapture is and I haven't done that some will say yeah you said September no I didn't see the question marks there I can't wait til September 30th comes so we'll see and then we'll then we can scratch that off and go well that wasn't it it's probably one of these other ones but we're still looking we know one thing it's 2,000 years in 2,000 years in 2033 I don't see how it can be after 23 intruded B 2026 if you subtract that I mean all I know is he's coming back and the sooner the better until he does I want to be the type of Christian that I'm supposed to be so hang in there read your Bibles study and look for his coming god bless you bye-bye
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 263,870
Rating: 4.7864695 out of 5
Keywords: How Much Longer Til Jesus Comes Back?, the rapture, when is Jesus coming, rapture of the church
Id: 05QkJ38whkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 28sec (4468 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 23 2019
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