Salvation through Faith ALONE (only) in the whole Bible?

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misting one two testing one two who testing one two I'm just so anxious I wanna get started early I want to make sure this thing is working let's see if I got any sounds here can anybody hear all right I can't hear any sound because I've got these on does anybody hear the sound let me know so we can get started today if there's any sound do you hear any sound in the chat only to change that live chat okay we got yes yes and yes so I guess we do hear some sound okay I hope it's good I hope you can hear really well what we need to do before we get started today is I want to pray so let's start with a word of Prayer or we just come to your prayer now God and I just pray you'd hide me behind the cross Lord and Lord you just you'd get the honor and the glory from this today may our Bible study be edifying Lord God may you speak Lord I'll my plan my desire my goal is that we look at what you say Lord in the Bible not what man says not what I say what not what somebody else says Lord but what did you say and Lord that people might take what you say and believe what you say because it's all about you Lord who you are what you are and what you've said they would be edified may we all come to the same knowledge of the truth and believe it in Jesus name Amen all right we're gonna get started here today and we're gonna look at this subject salvation through faith alone in the whole Bible there are some people out there that like to use this term faith alone in every dispensation and they go around and they say well in the whole Bible everybody is saved by faith alone and they add that word right there and when they add that word I can't go along with them yeah I could go along with them if they said it was faith in every dispensation the whole Bible because all throughout the Bible people had faith but we're people saved by faith alone in every dispensation that's what we're gonna look at today why are we doing this well I want to go by what the Bible says there's some people out there that they have their own understanding of the scriptures their own beliefs their own doctrine and you know if they believe what they believe and they just believed it but they didn't tell anybody okay but sadly there's people that want to take something that they believe and they want to attack anyone that doesn't agree with them 100% in what they believe and that's the problem look the Bible tells us let me go to James the Bible says in James chapter one in verse 19 wherefore my beloved brother and let every man be swift to hear slow to speak slow to wrath for the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God verse 20 now verse 21 says wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness and receive with meekness the engrafted word which is able to save your souls 22 but be ye doers of the word and not hearers only deceiving your own selves there's some people out there that are deceived and they're deceiving others and they claim to be Bible believers but it's clear they're not even Bible readers because a lot of the things that they teach is not what the Bible says but they're angry they're dogmatic that they're hateful and mean spirited and they're like unless you believe what I do well you're a heretic you you're if they name-calling they attack and they intimidate people that's not what the Bible teaches that we're supposed to be or did so we're going to do we're going to look at one of these things that some people people have said and we're going to find out are they correct in their saying is this a correct statement that salvation through the entire Bible is by faith alone is it correct to say that salvation is by faith only in every dispensation is that correct some today teach that they teach the salvation in the entire Bible has always been the exact same way and that it's never been different it's always the same way through faith alone okay they make a big deal of the word alone or only I'll put up here only faith only there's another term that they like to use they this Latin feed a solo soda feeding only faith and they say only it's only been faith in the whole Bible people are only saved by faith never by works and you go okay I mean it sounds pretty doesn't it to say that but is that what the Bible says because these people that say this oftentimes they have their YouTube channels and they attack and they say you're a heretic unless you believe them when they say this but what if they're wrong who then is the heretic so what I want to do I don't want to give you my opinion I don't want to tell you what I think I want to go to what the Bible says so they say that faith only in in the entire Bible that is only by faith without works so they believe that there is no faith plus works in their theology according to them in no dispensation ever has it been or will it ever be faith and works but is that true does the Bible teach that well today it is by faith alone and many of them will say that many of them will say today it's faith only and faithfully they do because that's correct today we are safe by faith alone thank God for that but was that the way under the Old Testament law here we are today in the church age and it is only through faith and we have to go by our apostle the Apostle Paul who tells us all about that and in fact what does Paul say well in Ephesians 2:8 9 Paul says for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of works lest any man should boast so it's not a works today and many people would say ever and rightly so and if so and if they believe in the blood atonement of Christ and they're not trusting in their works they're trusting in the blood they're my brother in Christ and we're saved and say people should get along they shouldn't be attacking one another and fighting and mocking and make you fun they should go about what the Bible says unfortunately a lot of them don't they just want to argue and that's a shame but day today it is faith alone only by faith are we safe today when I say today I mean this period the church age we're about right here in the church age we're waiting for the rapture and it's coming very soon and the Apostle Paul clearly tells us that today salvation is by faith faith only Romans five four five Romans four five and four six but to him that worketh not but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly his faith is counted for righteousness even as david also describeth the blessedness of the man unto whom god imputeth righteousness without works so here we're saved by faith and you know what I'll say faith alone because it's only through faith that we're safe today it's not by works when I say the term alone I mean without works to me alone means without works we're saved by faith today without works that is the teaching of our apostle the Apostle Paul so yes salvation today is through faith alone only through faith that were saved not by any works that we do not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to His mercy he saved us it says in the book of Titus so today today let me put this real big today today it is not by works that we're safe it is by faith that's the gospel truth but was there a time in the Bible in which there was some works that works were involved that works was a part of salvation or maybe faith plus works well let's go to the book of James let's go to the book of James and I'll go ahead and try to screen share here and I want you to read this with me in the book of James and remember what these people say all right they say unless you believe it's faith alone in every dispensation you're a heretic okay so all we have to do is find one verse of scripture in which it says it's not faith alone and then we know they've just lied to us is there a scripture in the Bible that says that in a certain time in a certain dispensation it was not faith alone yeah over here in the book of James let's go to the book of James and here's James way down here in James chapter two now we're gonna be starting the book of James very soon and I can't wait I tried to post James chapter one verse one and it turned out it went to five minutes in and then it froze up something was wrong with the video so I had to redo it now try to repost that today well what does the Bible say does the Bible say in every single dispensation it's only faith alone well let's read look what it says here James chapter 2 verse 21 was not Abraham our Father justified by works when he offered Isaac his son upon the altar see us now how faith wrought with his works and by works was faith made perfect and the scripture was fulfilled which saith abraham believed God and it was imputed unto him for righteousness two different things happening in this in this verse or in this passage one is God imputing righteousness to him but the other is justified and he's justified by works so one is by believing faith and the others by works so this passage of scripture tells us that Abraham was imputed God's righteousness by faith but he wasn't justified until later by his works if Peter and him four righteous he was called the friend of God verse 23 you see then how that by works a man is justified and not by faith only alright look at what it says there and not by faith only now look at verse 25 likewise also was not Rahab the harlot justified by works when she had received the messengers and sent them out another way so let me give this off-screen sharing you get back there to you so what does the Bible say these people come across and hopefully this is okay there's the picture these people come across and they say okay faith alone faith alone in every disposition is the whole Bible everyone is saved the same way is what they say they're only saved by faith in not works well over here was a guy named Abraham and the book of James says that Abraham in his case it was faith plus works and it says you see then it's not by faith only it's the by faith is not by faith alone there was a time in a different dispensation where God justified someone by works I don't know where great cab would fit into this I know she was well it must have been under the law so I'll put right now here R a cab or Rahab how everyone spell her name says she was justified by her works so for someone to say it's faith alone in every dispensation and then attack you and say you're a heretic if you don't believe what they just said then that's kind of an error isn't it because when you go to the Bible it says well there was a time when somebody was justified by faith and works faith plus works means not faith alone okay so who am i speaking about I don't know I'm not gonna say you see I don't like to deal with the man I want to deal with the issue and this is the issue the issue is there's people that say unless you believe what they do you're a heretic and you are a deceiver and they attack you alright let's look at why they attack they say salvation is by faith alone in the whole Bible and you say oh I don't think I can agree with that because there's a time in the Bible where it says someone was justified by works but there were puny God's righteousness by believing by faith so I can't go along with you because that's not what the Bible says oh then you're a heretic you're lying I desert you to attack you and I get to put down your ministry and I get attacked by people all the time but it doesn't work so many people contact me and say brother breaker what's wrong with those people do they read their Bibles we're gonna go to the law now and I'm going to take you through Scripture and I'm gonna show you what it was like under the Old Testament law and guess what God dealt with man under the Old Testament law based upon their works did they have faith yep in Habakkuk it says the just shall live by his own faith so there was different times and different dispensations you know this all goes back to dispensations and how important how important it is to believe in different dispensations and I do so today all right make sure we understand this today we are saved by faith alone but what these fellows do is though they'll take this truth of faith alone and then they'll try to force it back or forward into a different dispensation and you can't do that you can't take what Paul revealed to us as the way of salvation for today and then try to force that back into some other dispensation and say and it was the same way back then - it wasn't you have to read all of the Bible and you have to understand so notice what it says in the passage of James chapter 2 it says Abe was justified by works verse 21 and it was faith plus works verse 22 in his case in Abraham's case thus their argument is wrong and the Bible proves their statement false now if they dropped alone well that sounds great salvation through faith through the whole oh yeah everybody the Bible had faith in something Noah had faith to believe that the world's going to end in his time in 120 years that's why he built the boat you know everybody had faith in the Bible Hebrews chapter 11 talks about how they had fate has faith have faith but were they saved by faith in every dispensation did the faith save him what if Noah had not built the boat what if all Noah back here he said Lord I have faith that you're going to destroy the earth like you said but I'm not going to build the boat I'm just gonna believe in you and just pray that you'll save me he would have died with everybody else and not one of us would be here today because he had to do the work of building the ark to be saved so that that was kind of a faith and works things set up there for him had he not built here he wasn't enough to just sit around like a Calvinist and say well I just believe and I hope God will save me there were some things that God told people that they had to do in other dispensations and it had they not done that then they would not have been saved now notice verse 24 in James it says no not by faith only it says and verse 24 and not by faith only not by faith only but what did they say they say faith only so let me get this to where you can understand what's going on here man says man says faith alone in every dispensation and they're really big when using that word alone in every dispensation the Bible says not by faith only in other dispensation not by faith if only our faith alone in other dispensation so I got a question who are you going to believe a man or the Bible here it is one more time here's the passage right here in a James so let's see if I can show it to you or is it James right there I don't know if this will there we go it says not by faith only but people will shout and holler and scream and call you names and say you're a heretic and say you don't know what you're talking about and they say I believe it's by faith alone in every dispensation and you're wrong if you don't believe what I say okay man that's your opinion I don't want to follow your opinion I'm gonna go by the scripture and the scripture says not by faith alone in the case of him and her so here's the problem a lot of people will come out and claim to be Bible teachers many of them are not ordained many of them have not even read the Old Testament many of them want people to think they're a Bible believer but they're not and they'll preach their opinion and they'll get a following and they'll have people follow them and say hey follow me it's my opinion and it's like no I don't want to follow you or your opinion I want to follow the scripture so this we're going to do today I have all these Old Testament verses then we're going to look at and I'm going to show and I'm going to prove to you that under the Old Testament law it was through works that man and God dealt with man and that's not Robert breakers opinion that's not Bible teaching that I got from Bible school that's not me following a man some people said record-breaker you just follow Rukmini what he taught say no no we're up and taught the Bible I just follow the Bible he told us don't follow me follow the scripture so let's look at the Old Testament and see what the Old Testament says because the Bible says there was a time when it was not by faith only our faith alone there were some works involved let's look at the Old Testament law and let's start out with Exodus chapter 18 and verse 20 I want you to take your King James Bible with me and I want you to read now what we're doing here we're just going to the Bible I want you to see what the Bible says Robert breaker doesn't believe in it in his opinion and spreading his opinion and saying you've got to believe what I believe matter of fact I have a little bit of grace and I have tolerance I tolerate people if you don't believe what I do okay I'm not making a video about you and calling you a heretic and all this stuff you can believe what you want just make sure you have scripture to back it up and I'm gonna prove to you the scripture that proves that this this isn't a biblical state a statement this isn't right let's go to Exodus 18 20 go with me to Exodus chapter 18 and verse 20 God gives the law to Israel okay this is for the church this is for Israel when God gives the law what is the law the law is God saying that these are the works you must do and there's some work that they had to do under the law it wasn't faith alone under the law what if a guy was under the law and he says you know what the law is beautiful and all but I'm not going to keep it I just believe in God who could have died and went to hell they had to do with the law say like it says in Exodus chapter 18 in verse 20 Exodus 18 20 and thou shalt teach them ordinances and laws and thou shall show them a way wherein they must walk in the work and the work and the work they must do did you read that in your King James Bible that's not Robert breaker giving his opinion that's Scripture and the Bible says that there was a walk and a work that they must do and under that Old Testament Exodus 18 20 God says I'm dealing with you through work through your work that you do go with me also to this verse Exodus 19 and five Exodus 19:6 God says that what the Old Testament law is and he gives a word he says it's a covenant covenant what is a covenant well let's go to exodus 19:5 a since nineteen five and six says now therefore if you will obey my voice indeed and keep my covenant then you shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people for the earth for all the earth is mine and she'll be into me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation these are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel so God says this Old Testament law is a covenant let's go to the Webster's 1828 dictionary let me screen share what is a covenant well let's go to the English language and let's go to the dictionary find out what a covenant is here I've got the 1828 Webster's dictionary 1828 Webster's dictionary type in the word covenant what is a covenant well here we go let's read this together coven a mutual consent our agreement of two or more persons to do to do or forbear some act or think so to do or to not do a covenant is you agree to do this or not do this alright we go down a little farther look at the third definition of Covenant in the 1828 Webster's dictionary in theology was that the study of God in the Bible and studying the scriptures the covenant of works do you see that I hope I'm screen-sharing I hope you could read it in theology the Covenant of works that is implied in the commands prohibition and promises of God the promise of God to man that man's perfect obedience should entitle him to happiness this do and live that do and die now God gave us a new covenant with Christ through the blood of Christ through the redemption through the blood that's the covenant of redemption we are no longer under the Old Testament covenant were under the New Testament covenant where it's not of works lest any man should boast but under the Old Testament it was a covenant of works even Noah Webster knew more Bible than a lot of these guys that are going around saying it's not it works the whole Bible is always faith well somebody's not reading their Bible because under the Old Testament law there some works that someone had to do now what happened in the Old Testament there were two places that you could go there was this place over here called Abraham's bosom and then there's a place over here called Hell and these were the only two places now today it's different today if we're saved when we die while we go to heaven and that's wonderful if you die today and you're lost one you go to hell but in the Old Testament it was different there was Abraham's bosom and there was hell if you follow the law and you kept the law and did what it said and then you died well you would go to enhance Plus or in the case of Abraham if you did what God told you to do then you would go to Abraham's bosom it was a faith that works that somebody fell through I'm going to show you as many verses as I can that show that the Old Testament God dealt with man based upon their works it was not just a covenant of just saved by faith there were some works involved Exodus 19 eight Israel swore to do what the law said Israel said we will do what you say God that's the covenant God said did you do this they said we'll do it they agreed in Exodus 19 8 it says and all the people answered together and said all that the Lord has spoken we will do and Moses returned the words of the people unto the Lord now under the Old Testament law there was capital punishment for not doing what the law said Exodus 35 verse 1 and 2 exodus 35 one says and Moses gathered all the congregation of the children of Israel together and said unto them these are the words which the LORD hath commanded that you should do them do should do them these were commands so the law under the law God gave Commandments and they had to do the commandments when God gave you the Old Testament Commandments that was the covenant of works that God said Israel you got to do certain things and it said you should do them verse two six days shall work be done but on the seventh day there shall be to you a holy day a sabbath of rest to the lord whosoever doeth work therein should be put to death the death penalty under the old law for disobeying what it said Wow do we have that today is that how God deals with us today in the church age well if we go garage saleing on Saturday are we to be spawns put to death thank God no because today we're under grace but they weren't under grace they were under the law they were under that covenant they were under having to do what it said they had to observe the law and do it Leviticus 19 37 therefore show you observe all my statutes and all my judgments and do them I am the Lord I don't know what you define works as but the Bible defines works as doing something there was something they had to do according to the law that's works today we don't have to do anything we just believe and we're saying now I do works for the Lord because I want to now that I am safe but I'm not trusting in my works to get saved but under here they were doing this and they were they were doing the works and then thinking that God's got except me by doing this and by doing that and following it and being under that then they knew they would go here when they died not there I'm going to show you verses on that as well so they had to observe and do Leviticus 19 37 therefore show you observe all my statutes and all my judgments and do them I am the Lord Deuteronomy 4 or 5 behold I have taught you statutes and judgments even as the Lord my God commanded me that she should do so in the land whether you go to possess it they are things that they had to do under the Old Testament law they had to keep the law and statutes doing them and walking in them Deuteronomy 4:6 keep therefore and do them for this is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the nations which shall hear all these statutes to say surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people if you have your Bible nor did Deuteronomy I want you to see these verses for yourself and I wonder if these people that say oh it's always been by faith only it's over that big have they ever read the Old Testament I think God works not under the Old Testament but if you were alive under the Old Testament you didn't have the New Testament you didn't know anything about faith alone all you knew is I have a law that I have to keep and I have to do what I'm told so I don't go to hell and that was the Old Testament way that God dealt with them under that covenant of works Deuteronomy 531 but asked for these stand out here by me and I will speak unto thee all the commandments and the statutes and the judgments which thou shalt teach them but they may do them in the land which I give to possess it you shall observe to do therefore as the Lord your God hath commanded you you shall not turn aside to the right hand of the Lamb so you have to observe the law what is that you have to do it you have to keep it if you keep the commandments verse 33 shall walk in all the ways which the Lord your God has commanded you that you may live and it may be well with you and you may prolong your days in the land she possess deuteronomy 819 and it shall be if thou do all and all forget the LORD thy God and walk after other gods and serve them and worship them I testify against you this day that she shall perish perish what is perish mean remember Jesus says that if you believe in him you should not perish but have everlasting life what's perish go to hell sounds like it Deuteronomy 8:20 as the nation's which the Lord have destroyed before your face so show you perish because you would not be obedient unto the voice of the Lord your God so being obedient what is obedient obey there were laws and commands that they had to obey under the Old Testament law thank God that that's not salvation for today it's different I believe in dispensations I believe there's different times that which God dealt with people in different ways Hebrews 1 1 and 2 tells us all about that under this way God is dealing with this nation under a works covenant and their salvation depended on whether or not they followed that law or not thank God that's not the plan of salvation today the law was God's commands to Israel Deuteronomy 26 16 through 19 this day the Lord thy God hath commanded me to do these statutes and judgments thou shalt therefore keep them and do them with all thine heart and with all thy soul that has a vouched the Lord this day to be thy God to walk in his to keep his statutes and his commandments and his judgments and to hearken unto his voice and the LORD hath avouch thee this day to be his peculiar people as he has promised thee and that thou should ask keep all his Commandments and to make the high above all nations which he have made in praise and a name and in honor that thou mayst be an holy people in the LORD thy God s yet spoken okay Deuteronomy 27:26 I hope you have your Bible turn with me I want you to see these scriptures this does not sound like faith alone this is God telling them you must do what I tell you to do under the law you must obey you must keep the commandments that's works Deuteronomy 27:26 cursed be he that can perform ahthe not all the words of this law to do them and all the people shall say Amen now Deuteronomy 6 24 and 25 Deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 24 through 25 we read and the LORD commanded us to do all these statutes to fear to fear the Lord our God for our good always that he might preserve us alive as it is at this day and it should be our righteousness if we observe to do all these Commandments before the Lord our God as he have commanded now our righteousness today is through faith alone and we get imputed righteousness through Christ but that verse says there I just this is dependent on whether or not they were doing what they were told that's Deuteronomy 6 and C router breakers not giving you his opinion I'm not standing up saying well to me I think the Bible is this way all the way through no I'm saying this is what God said under the Old Testament law it was like this and it was not faith alone it was their righteousness was whether or not they were doing what the law say let's go to Exodus 12 Exodus 12:15 in 19 the soul was cut off for not obeying or not doing the works of the law Exodus 12:15 seven days you shall you know and love and bread even the first day you should put away eleven out of your houses for whosoever eateth leavened bread from the first day until the seventh day that soul shall be cut off from Israel verse 19 seven days shall there be no leaven found in your houses for whosoever eateth that which is leavened even that soul shall be cut off from the congregation of Israel whether it be a stranger or born in the land so it's about yourself and what is the soul well the soul is what's inside your body and if your soul is cut off from God's people where do you think it's going to go people say well that's just now they're no longer okay so that they can just be saved by believing even though they're no longer under the Covenant works no there had to follow that because that was the law and that was the way that God was dealing them if their soul was cut off then they would have gone to hell and there's more verses on that let's go to Exodus 31 14 Exodus 31 14 you shall keep the Sabbath therefore or it is holy unto you everyone that defile pitch shall surely be put to death death penalty or whosoever do with any work therein that soul shall be cut off from among his people now when that person was put to death for not obeying the law you seriously think they went to Abraham's bosom that's what saved was in the Old Testament sense saved from hell so you didn't go to heaven you went Dave hams bosom and it was dependent upon whether or not you obey that whether or not you rocked in that and did what they said and observed it and kept it home otherwise you were to be put to death and your soul was cut off so where would you have gone I have to be here why would God put somebody over here who's a law breaker who wasn't following his law if he made a covenant of works with them that they were supposed to walk in let's go to Leviticus 18 29 Leviticus 18.9 for whosoever shall commit any of these abominations even the souls that commit them should be cut off from among their people therefore verse 30 show you keep mine ordinance that she commits not any one of these abominable customs which are committed before you and that you defile not yourselves therein I am the Lord your God therefore show you keep my Commandments and do them I am the Lord so they had to do them over and over again I say to you you have to do now there are several times under the Old Testament law that if a person committed this there was no forgiveness there was no way for them to have a sacrifice now I'm gonna talk about the sacrifice a little later because it was through the blood sacrifice that's how they got forgiveness because it's impossible it's impossible to keep the law that's what Paul tells us later is the SKA law was a schoolmaster to bring us to Christ because through the law is the knowledge of sin and all of these people that lived on the Old Testament model they all came to the same conclusion man I'm a sinner because I can't do everything that that says so God wrote in the law now there's a sacrifice if you'll do this sacrifice then I will give you forgiveness based upon the blood and that's where the faith comes in faith in the blood sacrifice but you know offering the sacrifice that's a work and I'll get to that to here as well so you've got to understand all this it's a false statement to say that salvation is by faith alone in the whole Bible because if that's true then nobody had to do a sacrifice nobody had to keep the law while back here they could have just said no I believe of Jesus hey God want to save them and put them in Abraham's bosom then why did he make a covenant with them with all these rules to follow if it was only through faith somebody does not thinking before they're speaking and they're trying to give your up their opinion and say you must have believed my opinion when the scripture says no it's this way watch out for opinion opinions are like armpits everybody has two and they all stink I'm not interested in opinion I am interested in scripture what does the Bible say so we're just going to verses today look at what it says in Leviticus 23 29 live aren't you glad you're not in the Old Testament I'm glad I'm not under the Old Testament law I don't think there would have been enough lambs for me I probably would have been going to the temple sacrifice the lamb five times a day thank God I'm not under the Old Testament thank God we're under grace and Jesus is our sacrifice today it's different though it's not the same let's go to leviticus 1829 we just read that one excuse me leviticus 23 29 omitting is 23 29 for whatsoever soul it should be that not be afflicted in that same day he should be cut off from among his people cut off means no longer the people of Israel he's gonna die and go to hell verse 30 and whatsoever soul it be that do with any work in that same day the same soul will I destroy from among his people now we know that you can't destroy us all the soul is an ever dying thing that's inside your body it's immortal and when you die it will either go to heaven or to hell today so in the Old Testament your soul either went to Abraham's bosom I went to hell but Jesus reiterates and he explains he says fear him speaking of God the Father who is able to destroy both body and soul in hell so the destruction the destroying of the soul is going to hell so we're seeing in the Old Testament under the Old Testament law God is telling Israel you do what I said you do it you do the works or you go to hell that's not faith alone how can someone say that and try to be taken seriously by the body of Christ I'm coming to the body of Christ today without my opinion and I'm saying I want you to look at the evidence and you be the jury and you decide is salvation through faith alone in the whole Bible we're looking at scriptures and according to the Word of God I don't see how you could say that there's a time when God dealt with man based upon a covenant of works not to mention the time when God dealt with Abraham through faith plus works and Rahab he said she was justified by works so it's not by faith alone Deuteronomy 4 or 5 today it is thank God for today but over there it wasn't Deuteronomy 4 or 5 behold I have taught you statutes and judgments even if the Lord my God commanded me that you should do so in the land whether you go to possess it keep therefore and do them Deuteronomy 46 or this is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the nations which hear all these statutes and say surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people or seven for what nation is there so great who have God's own eye to them as the Lord our God is in all things that we call upon him for and what nation is there so great that has statutes and judgments so righteousness is all this law which I set before you this day verse 9 Deuteronomy 49 only take heed to thyself and keep thy soul diligently lest I'll forget the things which thine eyes have seen unless they depart from my heart all the days of my life but teach them by sons and my son sons keep your soul diligently how do you keep your soul from going to hell by following the Old Testament law how do we keep our soul from going to hell today by believing in Jesus Christ in his shed blood today it's way different way different than it was under the law but how you try to make that the same as this I have no idea people have asked me brother breaker why haven't you talked about this before well I did one or two videos about this a long time ago one of them I was out on the beer but I just I haven't mentioned much about this because I think it's so ridiculous and most people see through this argument oh stop nation's Bible own and every dispensation and people hear that let's go because we know our Bibles there we go that's not no not in that dispensation it wasn't faith alone but I need to speak up I need to say something because there are still people out there that are falling into this trap and believe you're safe saved by faith alone and every dispensation that's an opinion that's not Scripture and when you say that I believe the salvation faith alone at every dispensation you know what you're saying you're saying I have not read my Old Testament and I don't know and I had someone say that to me brother breaker you know I don't read my Bible so I just go by what so-and-so says don't do that read your Bible make sure what you believe is what the Bible says I don't know what else to do but stand on the Word of God and where the Bible speaks I have to say what the Bible says Oh preacher said one time he says where the Bible speaks we speak where the Bible's silent we're silent all right the Bible clearly that in one of the dispensations this one at least there was a work set up where a person's soul depended upon whether they diligently kept and followed the law just as we read in Deuteronomy chapter 4 ezekiel 1414 though these three men Noah Daniel and Jove were in it they should deliver but their own Souls by their righteousness saith the Lord God's looking at these men and said Noah Daniel and job worked the three most righteous men that he'd ever seen and they would have saved their souls through their own righteousness that's not salvation today we're not saved by our own righteousness by any means whatsoever our works or as filthy rags our righteousness is nothing it's through the righteousness of Christ imputed to us that we get saved back there God was looking at how people lived whether or not they were following what he said Ezekiel 18 verse 20 through 30 we have here in this passage in Ezekiel what I like to call the lordship salvation of the Old Testament this sounds like lordship salvation because it's if you do right you're saved if you do wrong you're not that's making Jesus your Lord follow him as your Lord at you well Jesus wasn't named in the Old Testament so they were just following Jehovah but look at what it says go there with me in your Bible in Ezekiel 18 Ezekiel 18:20 this is God speaking to Ezekiel and the children of Israel under the Old Testament law seal and it sounds like works it not just sounds like it is works I'm following what Jesus in the Bible says if for us the day Jesus says it's through faith alone but in the Old Testament we have Jesus the angel of the Lord the Lord of the Old Testament is the same lord of the New Testament Jesus is Jehovah because Jehovah said besides me there's no Savior and he said I'm the creator what is Jesus he says I'm the Savior and he's the creator so it's 1 God not 3 different gods like some people try to say nowadays it's one guy these three are one father the word and the Holy Ghost 1st John 5:7 so there's a work set and I listen listen to this Ezekiel 18 I hope you found it ZQ 18 verse 20 the soul that sinneth it shall die the Sun shall not bear the iniquity of the Father neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the Sun the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him and the wickedness of the wicked should be upon him hmm but if the wicked will turn from all his sins that he hath committed and keep all my statutes and do that which is lawful and right he shall surely live and shall not die now what do you mean a guy won't die you mean he's still gonna be alive today a 2,000 years later no there's spiritual death there's physical death and we know that Jesus talks about you know the second death so it's talking about clearly whether man goes here or here it says in verse 22 all his transgressions that he hath committed they shall not be mentioned unto him in his righteousness that he hath done he shall live 23 have I any pleasure at all that the kid should die saith the Lord God and not that he should return from his ways and live 24 but when the righteous turned it away from his righteousness and committed iniquity and doeth according to all the abominations that the wicked man doeth shall he live all his righteousness that he had done shall not be mentioned in his trespass that he had trespassed and in his sin that he had sinned in them shall he die all right if a man died in his sin in the Old Testament where do you think he went you think Abraham's bosom was we're all sinners when it was here and it was based upon whether or not he was in his sins or not that continues there verse 26 when a righteous man turneth away from his righteousness and committed iniquity and Dieteman them for his iniquity that he had done he shall die again verse 27 when a wicked man turneth away from his wickedness that he hath committed and do it that which is lawful and right he shall save his soul alive that sounds like a works gospel based upon whether you go to hell or not based upon whether or not you do right and follow the law do that which is lawful or do wrong that's Old Testament now what's sad to me is they're people that try to force that into today and that's your lordship salvation people they say well yeah you believe in Jesus and you make them you'll order than you do works and the fact that you're doing works that proves you're safe nobody know that that might be in the Bible but it's not an artisan sation that's back here you're still trying to put yourself in the Old Testament you've got a false gospel for today because today it's not of works but back there yeah God was looking at whether or not a man was keeping the law or not and his soul depended on it now this is a Robert breakers opinion this is Bible verse 28 well verse 27 he shall save his soul alive based upon him turning from his own wickedness and doing that which was lawful and right I want you to see this with your own eyes in case you're not there with your Bible that's what the Bible says not Robert breaker not my opinion okay you say you're getting upset breaker no I'm just so sad to see so many people and actually it's not that many but seeing more and more people contact me and say brother breaker I don't follow you anymore because I believe they were saved by faith alone in the whole Bible and I'm Mike ever read it just ask him because it wasn't faith alone the whole bio under here there were some works well verse eighteen excuse me Ezekiel 1828 because he considereth and turns away from all his transgressions that he had committed he saw surely live and shall not die yet say it the house of Israel the way of the Lord is not equal oh how so Israel are not my ways equal are not your ways unequal there was somebody that left a comment one time in one of my videos or one of the things and they said Robert breakers such a liar it's always been through faith alone in a whole Bible otherwise God wouldn't be a just God because he wouldn't deal with people in an equal way and it would be unequal in my mind instantly we went back to Ezekiel 18 I said you sound just like the people of Israel yeah it doesn't matter what you think God deals with people the way he wants when he wants in the dispensation that he wants and we can't in our own little mind try to change what the Bible says so we can believe in a certain way we have to go by what it says well verse 30 therefore I will judge you o house of Israel everyone according to his ways saith the Lord God repent and turn yourselves from all your transgressions so iniquity shall not be your ruin alright let's go to Ezekiel 33 here's an interesting verse a lot of people try to apply this verse to today and say this has to do with soul-winning but this is still Old Testament this isn't for us today but Ezekiel 33 5 it says he heard the sound of the trumpet and took not warning his blood shall be upon him but he should take his warning shall deliver his soul say unto Him verse 11 as I loser upset the Lord gotta have no pleasure in the death of the wicked but that the wicked turned from his way and lived terney turn you from your evil ways for why will ye die on house of Israel therefore o son of man say unto the children of thy people the righteousness of the righteous shall not deliver them in the day of his transgression as for the wickedness of the wicked he shall not fall there buying the day that he turns from his wickedness neither shall the righteous be able to live for his righteousness in the day that he sent it but when I say to the righteous that he shall surely live if he trusts to his own righteousness and commits iniquity all his righteousness shall not be remembered but for his iniquity that he hath committed he shall die for it again when I say to the wicked thou shalt surely die if he turned from his sin and do that which is lawful and right if the wicked restore the pledge give again that he had robbed walking the statutes of life without committing iniquity he shall surely live and he shall not die none of his sins I'm in Ezekiel 33 16:9 of his sins that he hath committed shall be mentioned unto him he hath done that which is lawful and right and he shall surely live so God has given him the message of repent and do right and then God won't put you in hell you'll live your soul will live but it's not your soul will die go to hell and he says here again about not being equal verse 17 yet the children of the people say the way of the Lord is not equal but as for them their way is not equal when the righteous turn us from his righteousness and committed iniquity he should leave and die thereby but if the wicked turned from his wickedness and do that which is lawful and right he shall live their body verse 20 but you say the way of the Lord is not equal well house Israel will judge you everyone after his own ways or after his ways sounds like God said I'm gonna judge you based upon your works your ways under the Old Testament law it was a works covenant set up you don't believe that they would you do me a favor if you have some scissors take them and start cutting these verses out of your Bible that's what you'll have to do you have a choice you can believe what man says or you can believe what the Bible says I'm gonna go with the book and I'm not going to cut these verses out of my Bible I'm gonna stick with what they say because I rightly divide as equal chapter 3 verse 19 through 21 yet if I warn the wicked and he turned not from his wickedness nor from his wicked way he shall die in his iniquity but thou has delivered my soul again when a righteous man hath turned from his righteousness to commit iniquity and I lay a stumbling block before him he shall die because thou has not given him warning he shall die and his sin and his righteousness which she had done shall not be remembered but his blood will I require at thine hands nevertheless if I warn the righteous man that the righteous send naught and he does not sin he shall surely live because he is warned also thou has delivered my soul Old Testament works bait that works you don't have to say works alone but it's not faith alone works all throughout that old test now blood atonement is written into law and forgiveness is through the blood sacrifice in the Old Testament but making your sacrifice that was work so here's your faith in the New Testament Bible says in Romans 3:25 that we're supposed to put our faith in the blood of Christ was there faith in the Old Testament in the blood of Jesus no you say how do you know that Robert breaker because Jesus had not shed his blood yet how could you trust in something that hadn't happened yet you see all those Old Testament sacrifices in the blood of animals were types of becoming Christ the Lamb God Jacob who would would die but in the Old Testament they didn't understand that they didn't see that a matter of fact there's a lot of verses in in the New Testament where it says that The Salvation even the angels desire to look into and I think it's Peter that says that that they didn't understand in the Old Testament about what it was like in the New Testament yet they were looking forward and trying to figure it out but they didn't understand all they knew was God gave them a book of law that they had to keep and whether they kept it or not their soul depended on it so they had to keep it now you say well Robert Baker huge such a heretic you know what you're talking about because no one could keep the Old Testament law exactly the law was given for them to follow but they couldn't keep it so when they sinned against the law and offended it and they did no one ever lived without offending the law once at least Jesus was the only one he's God what did they have to do well the law said bring a sacrifice so the sacrifice is written in the law that when you do offend that you must bring blood now Leviticus 17:11 says for the life of the flesh is in the blood and I've given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls whereas the blood to make an atonement for the Soul now Leviticus chapter 4 here's what happened if a man was over the Old Testament law and he sent he was supposed to bring a sacrifice and he had to bring that animal and he had to be the one that sacrificed let me read that to you Leviticus chapter 4 and this my friend is a work I was just in Cho latekka Honduras really hot place I saw many times there was guys and they were trying to pull a lamb one of them had a cow another one had a horse or a mule and they were trying to get that animal to come with them and that animal wanted to go over there or over there or over there and so they're pulling and the work that they were exhorting and trying to get that animal wherever they were trying to take it I looked at that and I go wow because the Old Testament when you said you had to take an animal sacrifice imagine the work involved I'm having to pull that animal through the desert because under the Old Testament law what were they 40 years in the desert they had to make a sacrifice well had to pull that animal then they had to cut it stroke and I'm about to read that to you I had a friend from Alaska that was here a couple of months ago and he told me bit before he came he's there slaughtered a big just gigantic cow our bull I think it was a bull he said his dad could barely get through it that's the hide was so was so tough and he was just having to saw on that Bain in order to cut that he's just sweat running down his face and I thought yeah yeah Old Testament that's what a man had to do that would have taken work so there was work involved in the sacrifice oh yeah you could bet your bottom dollar there was so Leviticus 427 look at the law what the law demanded what the law said when a man sent Leviticus 427 if any one of the common people sent through ignorance while he do has somewhat against any of the commandments of the Lord concerning things which ought not to be to be done and be guilty or if he said which he has said come to his knowledge then he shall bring his offering a kid of the goats a female without blemish for his sin which he has sins now watch what it says he has to do and he shall lay his hand upon the head of the sin offering and slay the sin offering in the place of the burnt offering so he has to put his head on the animal take the knife and go and cut it why would he place his head on that animal signifying God for me in my place takes the blood of this animal and look what it says happened verse 30 and the priest shall take of the blood thereof with his finger and should put it upon the horns of the altar of the burnt offering and the priest shall take up the blood thereof with his finger see I messed up there I went back to the first phone oh and she'll pour out all the blood thereof at the bottom of the altar okay so after he cuts the throat with his hat on top the priest is catching the blood so that the priest can then go offer up the blood and then in verse 31 he shall take away all of the fat thereof as the fat is take away from off the sacrifice of peace offerings and the pre-show burning up on the altar for a sweet savour unto the Lord of the priest shall make an atonement for him and it shall be forgiven him and if you bring a lamb for a sin offering you shall bring it a female without blemish and he shall lay his hand upon the head of the sin offering and slay it for a sin offering in the place where they shall kill the burnt offering and the priest shall take up the blood of the sin offering with his finger to put on the horns the altar of burnt-offering and should pour out all the blood thereof at the bottom of the altar and and I wanted to get down to verse 35 so I said verse 34 but I want verse 35 also verse 35 and he shall take away all of the fat thereof as the fat of the land was take away from the sacrifice of the peace offerings and the priest shall burn them upon the altar according the offerings made by fire unto the Lord and he shall make atonement for his sin that he hath commanded committed now watch the end of the verse and it should be forgiven him forgiveness of sins under the Old Testament law based upon the blood sacrifice and you want to tell me that it was only faith it was faith alone the whole Bible no they didn't have to make a sacrifice now they didn't have know the law commanded the sacrifice so if you're keeping the law then you would do the sacrifice otherwise you're not keeping the law and it was work it was a lot of work to cut the throat of the animal to drag it along to bring and you had to obey so there's where forgiveness comes from it's through the blood now today it's different Jesus is the Lamb of God he sacrificed himself for us then he rose again and went up to heaven he took the blood he offered it up on the mercy seat in heaven for us so it's not by our work we don't have to do a sacrifice it's through the work of Christ and it's through faith alone believing today that's not what it was like back there I don't understand how a man can say salvation was by filth alone in the whole Bible I don't see how he can say that and then they expect the body of Christ to look at that man and say he's a great Bible believer he's a shallow person who has a very shallow understanding of the Bible because he doesn't know what he's talking about I've read you verse after verse after birth where it was through works through works through works and that's part of the works is that when you did mess up and didn't keep the law then you had to do the work of bringing your sacrifice and killing it yourself now let me show you another verse numbers 15 28 through 31 with everything that I've given you and I've given all this before in other sermons there are still people that will persist that say no no no no no through through the entire Bible it's faith alone it didn't depend on their words I don't know how it what are they 20 different scriptures that they're sending against to try to teach that but they said no no they were just cut off from the people they still had Abraham's bosom they didn't go to hell all right well let's look at this numbers 15 28 through 31 numbers 15 28 what happened to someone who died without a blood sacrifice someone who did not follow the law and make a sacrifice what if they live back there and they sinned but they said you know what I just have faith alone I just believe God's gonna save me by my faith anyway but they didn't obey the law and make a sacrifice were they saved not according to the scripture numbers 15 28 through 31 and the priest shall make an atonement for the soul that sinneth ignorantly when he sent it by ignorance before the Lord to make an atonement for him it shall be forgiven him forgiveness through the blood atonement he should have one law for him that sitteth ruing risk both for him that is born among the children of Israel for the stranger that sojourneth among them but the soul that doeth art presumptuously whether he be lauryn born in the land or the stranger the same approaches the Lord and that soul should be cut off from among his people they said well that just means he's no longer a Jew he could still be saved look at the next verse if it finds what it means to cut off verse 31 because he that despised it the word of the Lord and hath broken his commandment that soul shall be utterly cut off his iniquity shall be upon him so here a person dies with their iniquity on them not forgiving no forgiveness and it's based upon whether or not they did the work and they didn't do it with their iniquity on them they died where do you think they went they went straight to hell they died in their sin because they did not obey the law and do what the law said to get that forgiveness which was through the blood sacrifice had they offered a lamb they would have found it but they chose to not Bay so they went to hell so he what died went to hell why because he was not following the law he broke the commandment he despised the Word of God verse 31 okay so there you go I want to put this out there too the body of Christ I want the body of Christ to see that there are some people out there today but say thanks and you need to check out what they say and see if what they're saying is what the Bible says see I wouldn't even talk about this it's not really that important but they're people out there that want to make a statement and then they want to attack you and say you're a heretic if you don't believe what I say and I say look at that and they say why is that person all worked up about it and why are they so angry and why don't they read the Bible the next time you see somebody make their video or they go around and they set up breaker guy he's a lawyer well he believes they were saved by works in the Old Testament why don't you just go to them and just leave video or leave comments of just pure scripture I've shared with you like 1 2 3 4 5 pages of scripture that proves salvation might fade below the whole Bible is not a Bible dr. salvation by faith alone today is but not in that dispensation that was works involved let's go by what the Bible says let's don't be swift to speak let's be slow to speak slow to anger as the Bible says let's go get mad and attack one another I get so tired of these people claiming they're Christians and all that they do is attack one another over the dumbest little things and they're not even right they haven't even read the Bible to prove what it says well here's another one people like to argue about the tribulation and they say well in the tribulation why it's faith only is I believe the tribulation is faith that works you know I believe that is what the Bible says let's go to the Bible about the tribulation revelation 12:17 talks about those people in the tribulation and what they're believing in and in Revelation 12:17 it says in the dragon was wrought with the woman and went to make war with the remnant of her seed which keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ Revelation chapter 12 and verse 17 says those people in the tribulation they keep the commandments and they have faith well I have given you as many scriptures as I can to prove that keeping the commandments is works so if they're keeping the commandments over here then what is that that's works so I clearly see that faith plus works in the tribulation period let me show you another one revelation 14:12 here is the patience of the saints who at this Vigi this would be Jewish tribulation Saints they're not Saints because they believe the gospel they're Saints because they're God's chosen people who said he would protect until they get through so they're Jews this would be Jewish people and notice what it says here's the patience of the Saints here they to keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus Christ so here's revelation 14 was at 17 14 12 they keep the commandments and they have the faith of Jesus Christ up here it said testimony of Jesus Christ I'm sorry I don't want to change the Word of God amen and make sure I say it right but what is their testimony that they believed in Jesus so you've got two verses here they talk about faith that works now what did Jesus say about how a person could be saved in the tribulation why I'm glad you asked in Matthew 10 22 Jesus says and you should be hated of all men for my name's sake but he that endureth to the end shall be saved endure to the end does that sound like works to you having to endure some enduring to the end Matthew 24:13 but he didn't she'll endure to the end the same shall be saved he that has hated of all men for my name's sake but he that shall endure to the end the same shall be saved mark 13 13 so here you have the different dispensation in the tribulation in the tribulation there are some works because there are some people that are doing works by keeping the commandments now what else is there there's the mark of the beast and you are to not take the mark you're supposed to say no to me that's a work because what happens if you take the mark of the beast you go to hell revelation 14:11 says and the smoke of their torment ascendeth up forever and ever and they have no rest day or night who worship the Beast and His image and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name whosoever takes the mark of the beast will go to hell and when Jesus returns and Armageddon all those that have the mark of the beast he's gonna put them straight into hell so thou shalt not that's what the book of the law is thou shalt not thou shalt not thou shalt not all right over here thou shalt not take the mark of the beast is that not a work you can argue that all you want I'm just giving you scripture I don't see faith alone in the tribulation now I've had people attack Robert breaker and say the robber breaker well he's such a heretic he doesn't believe and I look at that I laugh and I go yeah because it's not over here the law it's different up there it's different that there's different time periods in which people working but I had someone say well because Robert breaker preaches works why he's damming souls to hell and I'm like no we're in this to period and I preach it's not of works so how can I be damming souls to hell by preaching that in other dispensations it was works when the Bible teaches that there were some works involved in how and the oh and then I figured it out oh I understand if a person today buys a time machine and he goes back in time I don't know I still can't figure it out I have not figured out how they could say that one person said breaker is such a heretic why he's deceiving people in the tribulation that if the rapture comes well if they believe him while they would they would believe in faith their works and they'd go to hell and I look at that and I go are you nuts no no faith alone in the whole Bible or faith alone in every dispensation would damned someone to hell if someone believes that in the tribulation because if the rapture comes and someone's left behind and they're thinking well and the whole Bible you just saved by faith then they'll say well I just believe in Jesus now ok I'm saved and the Antichrist says well come and get this mark on your hand or I'll cut your head off well ok but I still believe in Jesus oh thank you for the mark I still believe in Jesus I'm saved by faith alone no you're not you're damned to hell because you took the mark of the beast I don't see my teaching as heretical and putting people in hell I see they're heretical teaching that can do more damage than anything if someone giving you an opinion rather than scripture and that's sad that is so sad how do you get saved if you want to use the term saved in the tribulation instant salvation in the tribulation is beheading if you're in the tribulation it's not my faith only you have to let them cut your head off for Jesus you have to become a martyr because in Revelation chapter 20 and verse 4 we read and I saw Thrones and they set upon them and judgment was given unto them and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus and for the word of God and which had not worshipped the beast nor His image nor had received his mark upon their foreheads or in their hands and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years people that didn't take the mark of the beast what happened they were beheaded and we see that in Revelation 6:9 and when he had opened the fifth seal I saw under the altar the souls of them which were slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held those that are in the tribulation they have to have faith in Jesus but the work is don't take the mark and if they're in a situation whether captured and they're forced and they say take the mark now they have to say no I'd rather die okay as soon as their heads chopped off they're up before the throne of God in heaven that's faith that works to me because the work is being willing to die for Jesus see over here you made a sacrifice for your sins over here you are the sacrifice for your sins but over here Jesus is the sacrifice for our sins and today is the best day to get saved because it's not what we do and it's not what we have to do in order to get to heaven otherwise we go to help we take the mark it's trust the blood of Christ and you're saved today by faith alone but I'll see that in other misconceptions I don't see it I didn't read the rest I'm sorry I forgot to read the rest revelation 6:9 revelation 6 10 and 11 a relation 16 and they cried with a loud voice saying how long O Lord holy and true dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell in the earth and white robes were given unto every one of them and it was said unto them that they should rest yet for a little season until their fellow-servants also and their brother and should be killed as they were should be fulfilled that should be killed if they were of tribution how's that heads cut off so there is people on YouTube that claim to be brothers in Christ that live to cause arguments and to fight and to name-call and to attack and to ridicule here's what they've said about Robert breakin and they do this deceitfully on purpose to try to hurt me in my ministry and it doesn't work thank God but they do this on purpose they say well Robert breakers a heretic because he doesn't believe that salvation is by faith alone and they don't say anything else they intentionally lie and don't explain my position my position is I don't believe it's by faith alone in the entire Bible I believe it's by faith alone now today but in other dispensations it was different and I have scripture to back that up but they will lie to you and say well Robert breaker boy he teaches works for salvation I've heard of yeah back there and over there there were some works there's some works involved how do you deny that with one two three four five seven eight pages of scriptures that we've gone through today to prove that point so I come to you the body of Christ you are the jury with everything we've looked at today I want you to to tell me are they saved through faith alone in the entire Bible I don't see it Abraham it says was faith their works now yes God imputed his righteousness unto him by faith only he got a pewter X but he was justified later through works that's faith plus works not faith alone Rahab was just fiber works under the law that works they had to do I read you the verse how people can deny exodus 1820 they might as well just cut it out of their Bible because Exodus 1820 says and thou shalt teach them ordinances laws and shall show them the way where they must walk in the work that they must do I'm not a heretic if you think I am please do me a favor leave me alone okay instead of making your horrible YouTube videos attacking me with your false doctrine I think we've given enough scripture today to prove that you have false doctrine if you teach this that salvation is by faith alone in the entire Bible because it's not there were other dispensations where there were works involved if you believe otherwise you are denying all of the scriptures that we looked at and it's not my opinion I do my best to give you Bible so I'm going to look now and see some of the the comments here because I haven't been reading any of them if you have some questions I'd love to hear it now here's the one thing though before I get to the questions is how is everyone ultimately saved through the blood of Christ I can't leave this out this is important all those that had sacrifice that did it and and it kept the law all those that did what they were told and went to Abraham's bosom when Jesus died he went down here and then he took them up there so everybody ultimately will be saved by the blood of Christ but in the Old Testament they didn't even have salvation that like we have it today they didn't know down there Paul tells us that today salvation is seven things salvation is God imputing his righteousness to us and justifying us at the same moment that we're safe an age case if it didn't happen the same moment it was 13 to 18 years in between it was two separate things that took it at place to Abraham not the same salvation today is when we're sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise I don't see people filled with the Holy Spirit or even receiving the Holy Spirit under the law in fact Paul tells us he says received you the Spirit through the working of the law or through faith everything they did under the law they didn't look in the in their body in the flesh then he'd get the holy spirit when the Holy Spirit came on somebody in the Old Testament he could leave today Paul says we receive the Holy Spirit and we're sealed they can't leave David prays in Psalm 51 11 Lord take not thy Holy Spirit from me why because the old Old Testament the Holy Spirit could come and leave and come and leave and whether he stayed with you depending on whether or not you were holy today when we get saved were put into the body of Christ we're born again we're spiritually circumcised we're given a mansion of gold in heaven all this takes place today today it is faith alone but how anyone could say if the whole Bible it's always the same that's someone that doesn't know what they're talking about and those type of people should not be taken seriously as Bible believers as people that think they know what they're talking about and yet there's people all over YouTube going around that breaker guy's an idiot he's our boys well hey it's not about me I don't want this to be about breaker this is not about me this is about what that said their statement and whether or not what they believe lines up with the Bible or are they giving you their opinion so about what God says or what does the what did they say I'm gonna go with what God says I'm not interested in what they say if you're gonna keep listening to people like that they do me a favor give them scripture show them the truth why should we tolerate and put up false with the false doctrine we shouldn't we shouldn't so there's any questions remember to put at Robert breaker so to show up I hope that this has come across clearly I'm not yelling I'm sorry if I sound up I'm coming I'm just happy to be able to share this with you I've been more than patient what have I waited like three years to do a video on this but it's just sad to me I've had several people this week say brother break here you know what I don't believe in what you say I believe in the whole Bible they're all say by faith alone and I said well I'm sorry you think that because the Bible says this and I just want them to follow what the Bible says that's what it's all about so amen and that's the question do you believe the Bible or are you following some man and his teaching they accuse Robert breaker they say well route record you're just preaching and regurgitating what Rahman taught and I go no I'm sorry what the Bible says if Rahman believe this it's because he found it in the Bible just like I did not because we're following the opinion of a man so that's what it's all about well let's see if there's any questions here I wanted to get this off my heart while I was in Honduras I was thinking about this message and want to get this across and I want to make sure I explained it correctly and the only way that I know to explain things correctly is to give you Scripture and that way if you're against it I just want to remind you then you're against scripture it's not that you're against Robert breaker you're against what the Bible says okay well then I know who you are and I don't want to be friends with people that doesn't go by what the Bible says a question can we lose our salvation not today under Paul's ministry under the church age under today we're given eternal life when we're safe eternal life is life for all eternity and Paul tells us in Ephesians 1:13 were sealed with the holy spirit of promise until the day of redemption and Jesus said you know when your Savior says you're in my hand that no man can pluck you out of my hand of your son Oh God you've been born again alright to lose your salvation have to be unborn again how can that even happen so when you're saved there's either Christians that are obedient or disobedient they're saved but they're sons and if you're a disobedient sign well then you're going to lose rewards in heaven but you can't lose your salvation you can't lose salvation that's a good question are you a pre-trib believer or a post-trib believer I am a pre-tribulation believer because Paul was a pre-trib or a post-trip a pre-tribulation believer is someone that believes that the rapture comes before the tribulation there are some people that believe the rapture comes at the end of the tribulation and that doesn't make sense because the tribulation is for the Jews it's called the time of Jacob's trouble we got to get out so God can go back to dealing with them now why do I believe in a pre-tribulation rapture first thessalonians chapter 4 all said then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up to meet them in the clouds and so shall we ever be with the Lord riding this way back here Paul says and when we go up at the rapture and we that are alive he was thinking in my day and the rapture is coming and he included himself as we one of the living that shows me that Paul was a pre-tribulational rapture person and I'm gonna follow what the Bible says what do you think about telling someone do you know Jesus loves you as well share well here's the problem with that the love of Jesus is here at Calvary the love of Jesus is found at Calvary a greater love has no man than this that he lay down his life for his friend you want the love of God the love of God is shown here when God loved us enough to die for us but you know there's a verse in the Bible it says God hated all workers of iniquity so God hates sin people say love the sinner hate the sin yeah but we're in the Bible to say that God loves all sinners it says God so loved the world past-tense and what I fam is when you go out to a sinner who's in their sin and living like the devil and you say well Jesus loves you that makes them feel like oh okay I can continue to do what I'm doing and I don't feel so bad so I don't go ahead and give them the lovey-dovey W gospel I go give them the gospel of condemnation hey you know what the Bible says the wrath of God abides on you Jesus loves you enough to die for you but if you don't come to that love then the wrath of God is gonna come on you and you're gonna go here and that's oftentimes what a person needs to hear is uh-oh I'm gonna go to hell if I don't get saved but just go around tell anybody how God loves you God loves you guys hey then why would a person want to get stay there thinking well God loves me would put me in hell so you got to be careful with the way that you share the gospel with people the way that I do a good opener as they say here as I asked him hey when'd you get lost and a lot of people say hey when did you get saved and you know that's good to ask a core person to or Scrope someone say head you know beyond he shouted out that if you were to die now you go to heaven but another question is hey would you realize you were lost on your way to hell a lot of people go uh so there's a lot of different ways to deal with people but the best way is hey have you ever heard the gospel and then take that - have you ever heard of the organization named Christ Gospel Church I have not I don't know anything about that I'm sorry let's see what else do they say more questions here watch out for people that give their private interpretation - here's the thing you got to watch out for when someone goes well I know what you said the verse says but what it means is no no the Bible says what it means it means what it says when you look at the scripture and it's right there in your face telling you it's works involved back then you can't go well what it meant was no it says what it says it means what it says is is Jesus or yes you are you how are you - wha correct to me he's Jesus that's his name in my English language Jesus now I'm not a Jew I was a Jew I column Yeshua or how are they pronounced named Joshua or whatever but I'm a Gentile who saved and I speak English and in English the name of Jesus is Jesus so I stick with Jesus there's no more beautiful name for the name of Jesus what is the age of understanding when a child understands well that's different for every child I have a friend who denies the Trinity that's sad most of your cults they deny the Trinity and you mark him down when someone begins to deny the doctrine of the Trinity that's a cult you need to watch out for that I ran into that in Honduras several cults and they all attacked the doctrine of the Trinity and I say wow the devil hates that doctrine of one guy he's three but he's one but he's three but he's one so what is he he's one it eats the Bible says these three are one and if people deny that and they just their head in the wrong way doctors and devils the Bible says is repent of your sins to achieve salvation and a false doctrine yes if you're making repentance works that you do to get saved then yes we're not saved by any works today the word repent means to feel sorry for something or to change your mind that's how it's used in the Bible some people try to say repent means to quit sinning all right if you have to quit sitting in order to get saved nobody will ever get saved because we can't quit sinning Paul said he was the chiefest of sinners he said the things that I would not those I do the things I do was a wretched man that I am who feel Liberty Paul was a sinner to the day he died there's two kinds of sinners in this world save sinners and lost sinners when you get saved by faith you can't enjoy the sin like you did before because the Bible says the Holy Spirit comes inside of you and when you sin you grieve the Holy Spirit and it grieves you and you're like oh why did I do that so you don't quit sinning and then when I finally made it to her I no longer sin anymore now I'm saved because I believe no salvation is to realize your sins put Jesus on the cross that he died in your place for your sins okay now I need to trust him but wash my sins away my sins are washed away through his blood when I believe I don't get rid of him first he says coming to me all ye that labor and heavy laden I will give you rest you come to God as a set to get saved I think it's silly for someone to say well you gotta quit Synod and then you can come to God and get say that why do you come to God if you quit sin and you don't need to be forgiven you got rid of them there are a lot of people out there with a lordship salvation gospel and they teach it oh you got to quit sinning to get saved no you shouldn't sin sin is evil sin is wicked sin is ungodly God doesn't want sin but you don't get saved based upon whether or not you quit sinning your say based upon whether or not you understood heard and believed the gospel um let's see if there's some more questions here so I hope this has been a blessing to you I want you to know what the Bible says well lordship salvation believers and teachers be left behind that's an excellent question if they're lost yes I've come across people that used to preach the gospel correctly and now they preach more lordship salvation I think they're probably saved but they just forgot and now they're preaching a false doctrine they'll go with the rapture if they're safe they just divert it into false teaching but if someone is a true lordship salvation is in the sense that they believe that your works are dependent upon whether or not you claim to be saved or not and they never got saved because they from the beginning thought that quit sinning was part of salvation then they're not saved and I can't see a person's heart so I can't see who saved it who's not but the Bible says by your fruit you shall know you got to watch out now notice there are some people on YouTube that preach lordship salvation all the time and I've found that many of the people that follow them are so confused and yes come where you say they go I don't know because I'm doing this and I'm doing that and I thought I was good enough to quit but I can't stop and it's not and they always doubt their salvation because they got preached so much works that they think works are essential to salvation not today it's by faith alone back there maybe but not today so a lot of people have gotten saved by hearing the message of the gospel grace salvation by grace through faith and then they don't doubt it they don't wonder if they're saved or not a lot of them told me if who you're preaching you do it the guy now I know I'm saved and I don't doubt it and the lordship salvation thing has has had me so messed up when I saw that it wasn't through my works now I'm safe so I give glory to God for that do you have any plans to begin to verse-by-verse Bible study of Old Testament books yes once we finish the New Testament and then one thing that's amazing to me is how the Lord works this week we're starting our verse-by-verse Bible study through the book of James and in James we're going to be talking about this faith alone in the whole Bible chapter two so all this is coming together and then I'm getting emails about this and people attacking and hello brother breaker you're just such a liar it's always through faith the whole Bible s okay whenever somebody says something and the Bible says the opposite that makes me even more want to tell you what the Bible says because I don't want to attack those people and go after them I want God to do it through his word and my thinking is you can't argue with God in the Bible so let's just go out by what the Bible says and then these people the more they say what they're saying that's against the Bible and you people that are reading your Bible and you hear that you say no they're wrong and all they're trying to do is attack and make me look bad and hurt my ministry and put me down and it doesn't work because they're giving their opinion rather than scripture I want to give scripture I don't stand up here in my youtube videos and say follow me follow Robert breaker it's all about me it's not about me what does the Bible say I don't want to give an opinion and then say you must believe what I say because I said so no what does the Bible say let's follow that and that's what we should always go back to is the scripture it says I came across a false teacher not going to mention his name he preaches I repent of your sins doctrine it says when people die they don't go to their terminal destination immediately I don't know who that is or why the Bible tells us that are saved today absent from the body present with the Lord now back in the Book of Luke he talked about how there was a guy in Abraham's bosom and a guy in hell and so the Bible tells us the Old Testament the wicked shall be turned into hell so according to the teaching of the Bible if you die and you're lost you go to hell if you're dying you're saved your soul goes to heaven there's not some place where you go in the meantime some people preach what they call soul sleep and they say your your soul just stays in your body and just stays there until the judgment that's not what the Bible teaches let me read you a Bible verse in Genesis chapter 35 what happens when a person dies in Genesis 35 here's Rachel in Genesis 35 I want to say 35 18 let me make sure that's right Genesis chapter 35 and verse 18 it says and it came to pass as her soul was in departing where she died that she called his name Benoni but his father called him Benjamin when you die your soul leaves your body and if you're saved today that soul goes to heaven if you're lost that soul goes to hell so there's no place that someone goes that they don't go immediately when you die you immediately drop off into hell if you're lost or you immediately go up to heaven if you're safe Jean Kim has a sinner's prayer yeah I don't know Jean Kim if he's telling people a sinner's prayer that's that's a real sad thing because it's not a prayer that saves us I mean it's faith I got a wonderful CO phone call here before I started about Oh 40 minutes before we started and it was an Independent Baptist preacher and he said that his wife had gotten saved a few days ago he said his wife was very big into the Hiles movement and she just did what they said all that time was all part of that church but she had done a little prayer and she was trusting in her prayer she wasn't saved by that and through my teaching on YouTube the husband who was a pastor he he preached to her he tried to show her what the Bible says but she didn't want to hear it but finally she accepted I said you know yeah yeah I doubt if I'm saved or not because I'm trusting in my prayer I'm not trusting in the blood and so he was excited that his wife got saved and that's almost same testimony as my wife you get in this religious system and the system teaches man's opinion rather than by and that's the problem with the day a lot of people are going around teaching their tradition or what they think the Bible says and it's their opinion but you have to go by what the scripture says not by what man says a lot of men today say we'll just ask using your heart or ask God the Savior you know invite Christ into your life or and where is that in the Bible the Bible says you're saved when you believe faith and he said and this was encouraging to me that he was going to go to Texas to a church and that he had found that a lot of independent Baptists are starting to wake up that they're preaching now that it's not the prayer it's when you believe that you're saved and a lot of people are beginning to wake up and see that and so I think that's a blessing I don't know who he was or what crowd he was some people out there will tell you all and been about to stir up the devil and they're all in the pasta see well my wife and I go to an Independent Baptist Church over if it's Cola and it's a great blessing and matter of fact they're the ones that paid for the trip to go to Honduras and we had a good time in fellowship with them last night and I see that there still are some good Independent Baptist churches out there and some of them are starting to wake up and realize it's not the tradition it's the Bible get back to the bike so that phone call was a real blessing from a man who said that he and his crowd that he runs with that are independent Baptists they're seeing that and they're seeing it's not the prayer it's the faith and they're preaching hard on trust the blood of Christ he told me that he said we're all about preach the blood and trust the blood what I was encouraging to my heart more and more people are standing up and seeing that well let's see is there any more questions I wanted to preach on this because I'm not afraid to preach on what the Bible says when a man makes a controversy we should deal with the issue and not the man notice that I haven't mentioned the name of a man in this preaching notice that I haven't attacked I have it mock to have it ridicule to have a name cult I'm dealing with the issue not with the man and I'm going to the scriptures not my opinion and I don't want to attack other men because those men they're wrong they could get right with God and if they do then praise the Lord but if I call them nay and put them down and attack them and then they get right with God then I've got to go back and delete my video because they were because now I'm wrong because now they're right so that's one thing I never want to have to do is take down my video and reboot it now this week I had to take one of my videos Romans four and there was a couple things that I said in that video I was like or did that come from and I was so tired on that video I just said some things and I was watching it over and I was like I was thinking two different things at once and then something else came out of my mouth so that's why I redid the Romans for video and put it back up on YouTube because there was a couple of things missing in it but I should have said and I said a couple things it was like wow that doesn't sound right let me make sure I edit that so I want to make sure that I don't have videos that have false doctrine and I want to make sure that I say it correctly and I want to make sure that what I say lines up with the Bible I'm not going to say what men say salvation through faith the Lord in the whole Bible no that's a statement of an ax man's opinion what we've studied today is that there are times when there's some works involved but thank God thank God it's not today today we're saved by grace through faith alone so any more questions does anyone else have any more questions I'm looking forward to going back reading all the different comments because uh yeah because I haven't had time to look at them even someone asks a question does the lukewarm Christian make it to heaven what is a lukewarm Christian a backslidden Christian if you're a Christian but you're living in sin well here's the question are you safe if you're truly saved you go at the rapture because the Bible says in Ephesians 1:13 after you believe your seal will always be the promise you can be a Christian and live in sin you shouldn't be but you can be what do you lose you don't lose your salvation you lose rewards in heaven but there are people out there that claim to be Christians that aren't there believing in works and they're lukewarm and the reason they're lukewarm the reason they're in sin is because they were never saved to begin with many times so here's the thing what makes a person a Christian whether or not they believe the gospel and the blood of Christ the gospel is first Corinthians 15:1 through four and the gospel is how that Christ died for our sins according to the scripture how did he die and through the blood atonement it's through his blood and it says that through the blood is forgiveness of sins and the Bible tells us to trust in the blood of Christ for salvation so if a person is a Christian it's because they've trusted in the blood of Christ if a person says I'm a Christian but they're not trusting in the blood they're trusting in their prayer are their works or in their repentance or in their confession or in something they do and yet they say I'm a Christian they go to church that's a false convert that's the religious person that's going to church but not saved like the wife of the guy that I just told you the story about she was in church her whole life she'd run around talking about I'm Christian I'm a Christian but she wasn't safe she was trusting in her religion and in her works and in her prayer and but she wasn't trusting in Christ alone for salvation so someone said can we trust focus on the gospel from now on please amen that's what it's all about the gospel of salvation for us today and that's the dispensation we're in today so to me it's more important to preach this message for today because we're here today but you can't deny what it is in the other dispensations we need to understand and the reason I like to tell people about how it was back then is because that makes us so much more thankful to have been born today I am so glad I wasn't born on the Old Testament law it makes me even more want to serve Jesus because today it's by faith alone not by works and then let's see anybody else here trol say breaker is wrong see there you go opinion people can say whatever they want what does the Bible say there's the Bible back this up I just gave you scripture today who was the man that with the sword Joshua worshiped in Joshua 5 I'm not mistaken that's the angel of the Lord the angel of the Lord the captain of the Lord's hosts in the Old Testament the age of the Lord would be Jesus in his preincarnate state in Genesis I believe it's chapter 19 he showed up to Abraham and he sat down and ate with Abraham so Jesus could come and show up in some sort of a body before he came born of a virgin back in the Old Testament he came as the angel of the Lord and so that would have been Jesus but today well he's he's Jesus and he took on the body of sinful flesh but yet without sin so he took on a body of flesh like we have our sinful flesh but yet his flesh was without sin and the Bible is very clear about that yet without sin I think it's in Philippians that it says that so Jesus has a body like ours today because he was born of virgin mary but it's without sin and he that knew no sin became sin for us that we might be made the righteousness of God in him Jesus Christ the only one to ever keep the law without sinning he didn't need a sacrifice but yet he chose to be our sacrifice for our sins and he allowed the sins of the whole world to come on him and then God judged Jesus for the sins of the whole world what a wonderful sight amen um let's see seventh-day adventists yeah they do believe that it really messed up in a lot of things what happens after the win oh I am and who where and whom will we be um after the Millennium God destroys everything and that's when the great white from the judgment is everybody that's in hell will be brought out and be judged and then then put in the lake of fire and then God makes the new heavens and the new earth that's a good question so we that are saved we have our glorified body will be with Jesus and they will go into the new heavens and the earth new earth with Jesus oh I've seen a lot of Chick tracts does he preach a repent of your sins doctrine i I don't like Chick tracts on the last page because I find it confusing I don't see them telling you now here's the gospel believe it and be saved by trusting it I see you will repeat this prayer after me that thing and I don't like that too much but other things in Chick tracts are pretty good my personal testimony is I had chick tracks when I was a kid and I'd read them and they they did not save me all they did was make me repeat the prayer every night from age 13 to age 18 oftentimes I get the chick track and repeat the words because they made me think that the prayer is what saves we're not saved by the prayer if I was saved by the further why do I have to do it over and over now you only said once so it's not the prayer itself that saves you it's whether or not you're trusting in the blood of Christ that's the thing so I'm not a big fan of Chick tracts if I give out a chick tract I usually will print up something and put over the back page of the chick tract in which I give the gospel more plainly than the chick tract can you touch upon the everlasting gospel and the difference of today's gospel yes in revelation 14:6 it talks about an angel from heaven coming and preaching another gospel and the angel is coming and this other gospel preaches fear God and give Him glory and worship Him well Paul tells us in Galatians chapter 1 verse 8 and 9 he says though we or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you let him be accursed so Paul says this is the gospel and if an angel preaches a different gospel he's accursed only this gospel saves today but yet in the tribulation here comes an angel friction and other gospel is called the everlasting gospel so there must be dispensations in the Bible because if there's no dispensations that angels cursed but if there are dispensations then the rapture starts a new dispensation now the angel is no longer accursed now that's the right gospel for that time so there are definitely higher dispensations and the bible watch out for people to say there's no such thing as dispensations when the word dispensation is in the bible four different times amen let's see here any more questions so what you need to do is watch out for people that teach something different than what the Bible says and don't give them the time of day I have friends that watch other people on YouTube and they make videos about them and I'm just like why do you even give them the time of day the best thing to do is just forget them just forget them that's the only thing I know so I try my best to and in please don't send me emails saying bro Brecker this guy says this about you this guy said I really don't care that that is something that I don't need to know what they're thinking about me because all that will do is just bring me down I just want to preach what the Bible says I don't care what man says and I want to preach what the Bible says so any more questions if you have a question you need to put the @ symbol Robert breaker otherwise I can't see if it's a question it pops out in red when it says that Robert breaker I'll record when the rapture happens can you imagine all the parents losing their babies two million babies going in at the rapture yeah yeah I thought about that I don't know if a pregnant woman if the baby will be raptured out of her belly but can you imagine how weird that would be that would be crazy but yes I think the children will go at the rapture and I think that will really really upset a lot of people and hopefully they'll watch Robert breaker videos and they'll hear oh guess what if you missed the rapture because I have a video what to do if you missed the rapture don't take the mark of the beast and believe in Jesus somebody else now we get some more questions here please don't allow the haters to steal your joy yeah man the joy of the Lord is our strength the Bible says and there are haters out there there are people out there that hate Robert breaker and they live to speak bad about me and I don't even understand why I'm worth their time you see I'm not interested in what they have to say I'm interested to what the Bible says so if they were doing like I do it just simply teaching the Bible man I'd watch them all the time but every time I try to watch them it's just the smirk on their face that that smirk of just I can't even do it that it's just the most hateful smirk on their face at this time mocking and making fun of you haha it's just like no I don't anything to do with that person no thanks I have not read everybody say we'll hear a well done in judgment is it true everybody say we'll hear a good question I mean what had you done for Jesus you get rewards in heaven for what you do for the Lord if you don't do a lot then maybe you won't hear that I don't know that's a good question is baptism part of salvation if so should Beth needs to be done in the name of the Father Son Holy Spirit should be done in the name of Jesus right I'm not going to go into that I have a video on YouTube entitled is water baptism essential for salvation it's not now most churches wants you to be baptized in water in order to become a member of their church so yeah there's nothing wrong with being baptized in water it's not a sin unless you think it's takes you it doesn't it has nothing to do with salvation people can be baptized in water and it's a symbol of hey I'm already baptized in the Holy Spirit buried with Christ arisen with him so it's just assembled two other Christians as hey identify with Christ and his death burial resurrection style it's not a sin to be bought or baptized but for me I don't have to worry about it because I've been baptized years ago I don't count it as salvation and I work more as an evangelist so I don't even have to worry I don't baptize people as a pastor I did but working more as an evangelist I don't worry about it are you going to Kent Hovind dinosaur Adventureland maybe someday we'll see I don't know I've heard about it I've heard where it is rough in Alabama but I don't know who knows we'll see let's see what else can you touch on millennial salvation well they're not much time to get into that but in the Millennium Jesus Christ is going to be sitting here on earth and when Jesus comes in the book of Matthew he starts talking about the kingdom and as you read Matthew Mark Luke and John remember that Jesus is speaking about the Millennial Kingdom when he's preaching the kingdom gospel and look at how many times it says Kingdom gospel the kingdom gospel and Matthew chapter five six and seven sounds like what it's going to be like during the Millennial Kingdom and there's times where God says you know if you do this you need to do that so you don't be cast into hell don't do that so it sounds like you literally could be pitched into hell in your natural body for sinning in the Millennium so it sounds like the works set up that people in the Millennial Kingdom they're say by doing what God said or else and some people say God's going to be a dictator and if you read the Bible well at the end of the millennium Lord's gonna let the devil out of hell in order to deceive people and many people will say I'd rather have the devil than Jesus so that shows you that they're they're just upset with having to do everything that Jesus says even though Jesus is a holy righteous guy but they still don't like him so is it is that it is that the reason why because they don't like the setup if you do what he says or else type of thing live holy or else be pitched into hell I don't know let's see here someone says anyone who doubts Robert breaker please take the time to watch all his videos yes and I would recommend that you go to the website D cloud Church org and I always say watch them in order go back to 2014 go all the way to the bottom the first one the gospel and then start watching them in order it would be better if you saw them in order let's see any more questions how did you get 1948 from Adam to Abraham I ended up and got 1946 well that's just what I found going through and taking the numbers that I found as you add up from when Abraham did what he did so I don't have to look at that again how close biblical event wise do you think we are on the rapture I'm not saying set a date you think we're in the season I hope the Lord's coming soon I'm still like scratching my head like why hasn't he come yet because I was reading this in Jeremiah just the other day and God says in Jeremiah after 70 years I will come back to you and do this with you that so the 71st year would be after 70 years well here we are the 71st year after Israel so this is a good time for God to go back to dealing with Israel and the tribulation so this would be a great year for the rapture but hey God says his ways are past finding out so I don't know but I sure hope it's soon there's so many things going on in the world today that just point to it you know it looks like there's gonna be a war with Iran before we know it and all these things what do you think of the hell description of Mary Kay Baxter I have no idea about that so I can't answer that what this sitting at the right hand of God means a place of honor yes so I don't know that's a good question is there free will is God's sovereign go into your Bible program I hope you have each sword and look up the word free will and you'll find that it's there if I remember correctly at least 17 times so yes there is such a thing as free will is God's sovereign yes God is sovereign sovereign means well I have to look it up but sovereign basically means all-powerful he is in charge and everything so I don't see why God's not sovereign now I'm not a Calvinist I don't go any deeper into it than that Calvinists do and they they try to get rid of man's free will things like that and that's sad how can we explain the gospel to someone who has a severe mental and illness just do the best you can try to get it across to them that he who did no sin love them enough to die in their place for their sins he's their substitute and they should be able to understand that pray for my mom and pop my pop has cancer all right we'll pray for them keep them in prayer those that are reading this and watching do you believe people going to hell will be tortured forever or just annihilated Adam Eve didn't eat from the tree of life so he didn't receive eternal life I think Adam and Eve went here Abraham's bosom what do I believe about hell well yeah they're gonna be in there forever or their worm dies not and the fire is not quenched you believe in Calvinism I do not believe in Calvinism and I do believe we have free will Asians for for one body amen age of accountability is different for every child when they first realized they're a sinner people are jealous that why they hate him yep people are jealous that's that jealousy is the rage of a man the Bible says if you see a man out there raging all the time he's probably jealous well that's about it I'm getting tired are homosexuals who believe in the faith alone the New Testament saved or do they have to be spiritually reborn after accepting faith alone through okay if your say if you're safe if you're not you're lost can a person be saved and be a homosexual that's a good question that's something that's more than just the sin of the flesh I believe that has to do with demons and I believe if you get saved you get the holy spirit although that would make you not want to do that any longer so to me being saved from homosexuality would be not going back to it hopefully but are they if you're saved you're safe that's it now most people think homosexuals can't be saved I think anybody can be safe but they say well but if a person's a reprobate yeah but how long is the person reprobate I mean you can become a reprobate but as long as you have breath you can still be saved and I've heard people that were homosexuals that were filthy wicked sinful people and then on their deathbed they got saved I have no reason to disbelieve and say no if they didn't really good say I don't know maybe they did maybe they weren't as reprobate as they thought I don't know how how far is too far to where you can't get saved that's God's business not mine and I can't judge all I know is we're supposed to preach the gospel so I do it and the way I look at it as long as they have breath they can still be saved so as long as they're still breathing it's on me to give them the gospel and then it's up to them whether they can get saved or not whether they believe it or not that's that's God's business that's their business but my business is to preach to them the gospel is confession needed for the spouse in adultery are only to God for true repentance hmm well you should tell your spouse that you did something like that that's a horrible thing if you've ever committed adultery in your spouse yeah you should explain that to them and say you're sorry that's a sad sad horrible thing the Old Testament you would even be alive if you committed adultery those are the Old Testament law they they stoned adulterers and we're getting a lot of questions best way to present the kjb the true Word of God to already believers who don't get it try to show them the truth I've got some videos on why the King James but the best thing is to ask them what lie will they use and then say hey can you find this verse and then after you've studied that version we'll ask them to look for the verses that you know aren't in that version for example if someone uses the NIV say okay you know what I'll give you $100 if you can find acts 8:37 I said oh yeah okay they it's not here yeah it's not there because the whole verse has been taken out and so there's a lot of verses that have been taken out of different so-called versions of the Bible the best way for me to deal with them is to show those verses and say now you want you want to call this a Bible and yet it's not there the vs. aren't there my dad dealt with my uncle I call him my uncle he's not really my uncle but I call him uncle ad and my dad showed my Uncle Ed who used the NASB new American Standard Version he said well you using that Bible huh okay well let's let's read a passage of scriptures together let's go to Colossians 1:14 together okay so he turned to Colossians 1 14 in the NASB my dad turned to the Colossians 1 14 my dad said now I'm gonna read it you read along with me and it said in whom we have redemption through his blood even the forgiveness of sins or however that verse goes and his version left out through the blood or through his blood and he said wait a minute Robert read out again my dad write it again he goes how come my version left out the blood and my dad said exactly he said that's a perversion that's not God's Word why would it leave out the blood and oh my uncle head was just like I can't believe they call this a bio I just spent $70 for this and they call this a Bible and it leaves out the blood and he was so mad and my dad had just spent like $80 on the brand-new King James all leather and my dad said here I'll give you this one if you give me yours and that's how my uncle had got on the King James only and my dad took that Bible he's disposed of it if you will and went bottoms up a new one but you got to show them that those Bibles they do affect doctrine they take out the blood of Jesus they take out video someone says a certain false teacher claims that you can be saved if you take the mark of the beast so what does the Bible say well we've already gone there I've already showed you that in Revelation chapter 20 and verse 4 it says I saw Thrones and those who sat upon them I saw the souls that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus which had not worshipped the beast nor His image now we also read revelation 14:11 the smoke of their torment ascendeth up forever and ever had no rest day or night who worship the Beast and His image you received the mark of the beast so if someone takes the mark of the beast they cannot be saved so I don't know who that certain false teacher you're talking about is but he hasn't read the Bible you take the mark of the beast well then you're going to hell at Armageddon now is it possible you can cut off your hand you know Jesus said if thy right hand offend thee cut it off is he saying if you took the mark and then you realized oh no and you cut your hand off to get rid of the mark I don't know I don't know if that's a possibility there are people today that say if you take the mark of the beast of that that's gonna change your DNA I don't know there's a lot of ifs that's why I'm so glad I'm saved today so I don't have to know what's going on over there but all I know is don't take it do not take it don't take the mark of the beast if you missed the rapture if a person walks away from their faith becomes an atheist then return again where they saved how do they know they are saved now that's the kind of question that people ask that it doesn't we don't know who saved or not God knows all we can go is by their testimony if someone claims to be saved but then they reject their faith and become an atheist my first thought is I don't think that person trusted the blood of Christ I think that's what you call a false convert someone who repeated a prayer or something like that when they were young and went to church but they never truly got saved they became religious but they didn't become saved because when you're saved by the blood of Christ why would you reject that and become an atheist so that's a great question but I don't see a true born-again person becoming an atheist later I don't see that what's the difference between soul and spirit I always believe that when I die my soul goes to heaven well first Thessalonians 5:20 three tells us that we have a body a soul and a spirit when we're born our spirit is dead and our body and soul are together when the soul and when the body dies then the soul leaves so what we need is to be saved when we're saved God makes us a new creature he puts his Holy Spirit inside of us he makes us a new creature and that new creature is our soul with the Holy Spirit of God inside the Bible says reckon the flesh dead says the spiritual circumcision has taken place and he circumcised us so the new creature goes to heaven but the body is the problem and it's still a body of sin so yes if you are saved your soul goes to heaven and it's the Holy Spirit of God that takes you there but if you're lost then you're still over here with a dead spirit and your your body dies guess where that's going that souls going down so it's important to get saved what about those who are left behind after the rapture do they have a chance to go to heaven this is concerning Gentiles well if you're a Gentile and you want to go to heaven and you miss the rapture then you have to get beheaded so the sooner you become a martyr then the sooner you get to heaven because I read you the verse that those who were beheaded for their faith in Christ or those that didn't take the mark of the beast and were beheaded so they became martyrs for Jesus and that most undoubtedly mostly will be Gentiles because Jews will be here and God's going to be saving a lot of the Jews so that the Jews will get into the Millennial Kingdom in their natural body now that doesn't mean that a Gentile can't somehow get into the Millennium - sounds like there will be some Gentiles who do get saved and do get into the Millennium but not all can Florida State fans be something yeah I like Florida State I like the Seminoles the only Indian tribe that the federal government never was able to completely defeat and subjugate so I kind of like the Florida State but can they be saved I guess was the question I guess so I don't know about Alabama though I don't know if Alabama can be saved but sounds like Bhama Alabama close to Obama do you believe we live in a generation of a lovey-dovey works-based salvation gospel time I just love these questions they're so funny yes unfortunately we live in a day where there are many different Gospels the true gospel is the blood-stained gospel of Christ the false Gospels plural are the many different bloodless Gospels that leave out the blood and yes some of them are lovey w works-based Gospels and they're awful and that's not the way of salvation true and salvation is through the blood-stained gospel of salvation please explain explain how Matthew 24 is in the tribulation I would love to go there but that's a long chapter but if you get a chance read Matthew 24 and look at how it ends it clearly ends with the truth with the Millennium I mean with Armageddon so Matthew 24 is Jesus telling Jews about what's going to take place in the last days and then how he comes back at Armageddon but there's just not time to get into that someone says is is there free will aren't people who are saved chosen in advance okay there is free will I've said that already there's at least 17 times in the King James Bible but the word free will is given so there must be free will now our saved people chosen in advance God did not in eternity past say this guy's say guys lost those guys going to heaven what God did was he said those that trust me will be saved those that don't we'll go to hell and God had that in his mind way back when but it's up to us to decide which of the two groups will be so we decide where we spend eternity based upon whether we believe or reject the gospel it's all up to our free will God doesn't save people against their will it's all based upon whether we accept him because the Bible says God is not willing that any should perish but that all that comes through repentance God wants everyone to be safe but those who aren't saved of those who have their own free will said I don't want to be saved and they reject those who are saved are those who accept the gospel of their own free will what are your thoughts on the Flat Earth always always always with the Flat Earth here's my thoughts on the Flat Earth when the rapture comes I'm going to look straight down they don't know if the earth is flat or not till then I don't worry about it because it has nothing to do with salvation it's not important and I don't see why people are making it such an important thing I do understand how NASA is evil Nassau people say and Ebru means like false or lie or something like that most of NASA is Masons and Masons are known liars and Luciferians I've always questioned NASA that's about it man I'm running out of voice here I get any more you believe faith is a work the only thing you can do this not to work is belief why do I say that Ephesians 2:8 9 for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves is the gift of God not of works lest any man should boast so faith is not a work so the only thing you can do that's not a work is belief simple I mean that's pretty much defined in that verse Ephesians 2:8 night let's see I've already looked at what happens after the money of Kingdom I went to a church that has a assistant pastor who preaches occasionally that's a woman I know Paul forbids this should I leave this church or am I missing something no I'd get as far away from there as I can because the Bible says suffer not a woman to teach nor usurp authority over a man in the intima Timothy and he says that a woman supposed to be silent and she's not supposed to preach in the church and that's that's a bad thing that's someone who's not following the scriptures and if they don't want to follow the Bible then why would you want to follow someone like that so I wouldn't go to a church like that my local church thinks that homosexuality isn't by choice and that pride isn't a sin when I'd leave that church - yes homosexuality is a choice the Bible says male and female created he them it doesn't say and then the other 29 genders or however many others are our pride is a sin it's the first sin the devil is the king over all the children of pride according to joke sir pride is a bad thing does the Bible teach that we still have free will in heaven that's a good question some people say well if we did then we could fall just as the Angels fell in the Old Testament so we must not have free will I don't know I think somehow God lets us keep freewill but it's such a way that we cannot send we won't even it'd be impossible for us to fall into sin our free will will just be we're free to serve God because we want to I don't know I don't know how to explain it our Adam and even I don't see why they'd be there thank you for your videos get someone with severe autism or bad intellectual disability get safe anybody can get safe unless they are so far gone mentally that they can't ever reach the age of accountability to where they understand right from wrong and that might happen to some people with autism are other things yeah most of these other things I just can't I'm losing my voice go Gators for Christ's but that's it I'm gonna stop there if you have more questions we can do it on another one I really wanted to get into this about the faith and works and how it was not faith alone in the entire Bible was it faith alone in every dispensation there were a time was a time which it was some works involved in if you can't see that then you're denying many many many many scriptures and I would encourage you a people say brother breaker we're not under the Old Testament so I don't read the Old Testament that's not good you should read the entire Bible even though we're not in that dispensation all Bible is given for our admonition in our learning we should read the Old Testament we should read the whole Bible we should know what it all says even though we know that's not for us today for salvation we should read it we should read it so that's about it I'm tired and salvation today is by faith alone amen and I'm thankful for that salvation so someone asked for my social media accounts I don't even like the word social socialists are evil but you can go to my website the cloud church org and I don't I don't do Facebook and things like that so that's it I'm gonna call it quits there and I hope this has been a blessing and again when you run across those people that believe this don't attack don't name call don't ridicule don't mock don't don't be like with them be a good godly Christian if you're going to write something in a comment or something just give scripture let's be good testimony for Jesus amen one thing I never want to be is a bad testimony I think that would be awful I just want to have a good testimony always and follow the scripture so salvation today is by belief only amen amen amen PS amen that's true all right so thank you for watching I hope this has been a blessing I hope it's been informative I hope I have IDI aside you because that's what it's all about is being edifying and I tried to edify with Scripture and I hope that it's been a blessing so edify others as well god bless you thank you for watching this was been a rare when on a Monday night but I wanted to get this out as most of you know they're doing away with Google Hangouts the first of August so until the first of August I want to try to do some more try to get some guests on because I'll have to figure out something different after August first in order to do things like this with guests well tonight it didn't have any gas but we'll see how it goes and figure out how to do something like this again next time okay god bless we'll see you next time adios
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 15,278
Rating: 4.7636633 out of 5
Keywords: #hangoutsonair, Hangouts On Air, #hoa
Id: penXzkkhcOo
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Length: 128min 41sec (7721 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 22 2019
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