The Underworld: What's under our feet according to the Bible

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okay I'm Robert breaker and today's message is going to be on the underworld the underworld what I'm going to do is I'm going to go to our King James Bible I'm going to show you what the Bible says about the underworld now I know there's a lot of people today that believe in mythology and they teach that mythology is all a myth and in all the ancient mythologies where there's all these stories of the underworld but none of that is true they say well is that true I believe there's a lot of truth in the ancient mythologies you know the ancient mythology says these gods came down to earth and and I guess they have a sexual problem because they were sleeping around with animals and with human beings and producing Giants and producing a half-breed creatures and all these things and they always were going back and forth from the top of their mountain down to the underworld and doing all these things if people say well that's just mythology that's not real and I agree with that there's a lot of made-up things in mythology but as you go to the Bible you know what you find out is real you find out that in the Bible fallen angels made it with the daughters of men and it produced Giants so there was an element of truth in the ancient teachings of mythology I just believe they've been embellished by men and men had changed them a little and begin to teach them in a different way but if you want to know the truth about it let's go to the Bible what does the Bible say all cultures have a teaching about the underworld of what they believe is underneath our feet are underneath Neath the world well I don't believe in other religions or other cultures are there teachings if I want to know what really is beneath our feet in the underworld I'm going to go to the Bible because the Bible is the only book that claims to be the book of truth and the very first verse tells us who created all things and he is the one that created it he's the one that told us all about it so what we're going to do today we're going to look at the underworld I thought about calling this the biblical underworld because we're going to go from the Bible perspective of what the underworld is but I chose to stick with just the underworld so what we're going to do today I'm going to draw up here the world and I'm going to try to show you up here all about what's underneath our feet what's underneath the earth what's below us what's right underneath us if you will I'm going to show you what the Bible says about the underworld now I want to start with three very different verses - in the Old Testament one the new so let's begin with Exodus chapter 20 and verse 4 and I hope you have your King James Bible so you can read along with me as we study this topic of the underworld Exodus chapter 20 and verse 4 starting there verse 3 it says thou shall have no other gods before many God is speaking telling the people of Israel not to have any other gods verse 4 says thou shall not make unto thee any graven image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or in the earth beneath or that is in the water under the earth now what an interesting thing to say God says don't have any other gods and don't make any images of these gods and make sure they're not any other gods that are in the earth beneath you know in ancient Egyptian mythology well they have many gods that live under the earth in the underworld and God says no I don't want you to make any images or worship any such thing that's under the earth hence the term under world the underworld now let's go to job chapter 28 and verse 5 in job chapter 28 verse 5 we find an interesting thing in the book of Job while the book of Job tells us there's something underneath the earth and scientists have proved this that if you go down deep deep deep deep deep into the very center of the earth guess what you find you underneath you find heat behind fire in a job chapter 28 verse 5 it says as for the earth out of it cometh bread and under it is turned up as it were fire so underneath the earth here we have the crust of the earth down below underneath of the earth under the earth what do we have we have a place of fire a place of burning it's a place where something inhabits because God says don't ever make an image of any thing that lives down there or under there what an interesting thing to say who could be down there who could be living under there let's go to Philippians now the book of Philippians suffer God write down the verse so let me find it here for the libyans chapter 2 I believe it is and in the book of Philippians we find an interesting statement Philippians chapter 2 and I'll begin there in verse 10 Philippians chapter 2 verses 10 through 11 Philippians chapter 2 in verse 10 says that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow of things in heaven and things in earth and things under the earth and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father so the Bible says everything that is under the earth in the underworld down here below where we walk everything down there God says is one day going to bow the knee to Jesus Christ who could it be that's down in this underworld living here what does the Bible talk about what is the underworld so what we're going to do today we're going to talk about the underworld up here is the overworld I guess you could say we you are live we live up here above the earth we walk on the earth every day and we're alive when we die our body goes to the grave well I didn't do this right maybe draw this real quick so I can read it so our body goes to the grave and that's where we end up all of us go down into the earth usually about six feet under whenever you bury someone at the graveyard you put them about six feet under and that interesting six is the number of man the Bible says but here's the grave and so someone goes down into the grave and their body is buried in the grave when they die but the Bible teaches that everyone has a soul and so where does that soul go when you're alive if your soul is in your body but when you die the soul leaves the body and the body goes to the grave so it's an interesting teaching that the Bible teaches now what is underneath the earth we have the earth where we walk on every day we have under the earth our soul goes when we die if we're not safe and if we are saved our soul goes somewhere else but when we die our body goes below the earth about six feet under to the grave so what about below the earth what is down below the earth we're going to look at all these things today there are about three or four places underneath the world or underneath the earth that make up the underworld I'm going to talk about that today but show you these compartments if you want to talk about them call them compartments or our places where there are actual people dwelling and how would you explain it some are people some are spirits some are other things there are actually things that live under the earth or below our feet in the underworld so let's begin with Luke chapter 16 and let's talk about these two main places that many people may be familiar with some people may not and what we have to remember also is something very important and that is of course the cross of Jesus Christ and I will talk about that a lot more but Jesus Christ he died on the cross of Calvary and when he did so and made a little bit of a change in the underworld as well so I'm going to get into all this today and explain to you what the underworld was like during the time of Jesus and before then even way back to the first man Adam and then I'm going to show you about the death of Jesus Christ in Hell when Jesus Christ died on the cross and shed his blood on the cross of Calvary there was a change that took place in the underworld and a lot of people that lived in the underworld got out and then I'm going to show you about how today how it's a little bit different so in order to explain the underworld I've got to explain that there was a change that took place but I'm going to show you first in the Old Testament what the Bible says about the underworld and I'm going to take you to Luke chapter 16 now please remember that Matthew Mark Luke and John are all old testament still until Jesus Christ dies it says in Hebrews that the Testament does not begin until the death of the testator so if Jesus Christ is indeed the testator then the New Testament only started after he died so when you're reading Matthew Mark Luke and John in the New Testament of your of your Bible it's still all things that took place in the Old Testament until Jesus literally died in those books very very important so in Luke chapter 16 we have a description of what the underworld was like before Jesus died on the cross and we find two compartments under the earth where the souls of the Dead went Luke chapter 16 we begin reading there in verse 19 there was a certain rich man which was clothed which was clothed in purple and fine linen and fared sumptuously every day and there was a certain beggar named Lazarus which was laid at his gate full of sores and desiring to be fed with the crumbs which well which fell from the rich man's table moreover the dogs came and licked his sores it came to pass that the beggar died and was carried by the Angels into Abraham's bosom the rich man also died and was buried and in hell he lift up his eyes being in torments and see if they brahim afar off and Lazarus in his bosom and he cried and said father Abraham have mercy on me and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue for I am tormented in this flame but Abraham said son remember that thou and thy lifetime receiveth thy good things and likewise lazarus evil things but now is he comforted and thou art tormented or 26 besides all this between you us and you there's a great gulf fixed so that they which would pass from this to you cannot neither can they pass to us and would come from thence he then said I pray thee therefore father that would have sent him to my father's house for I have five brothers that he may testify in to them lest they also come into this place of torment abraham said to him they have Moses and the prophets let him them hear him and he said nay father Abraham but if one went from them from the dead unto them from the dead they will repent and he said of them if they hear not Moses and the prophets neither will they be persuaded though one rose from the dead so what we have here is we have a story that Jesus Christ is telling which by the way I believe is a true historical story some people say oh that's just a parable nowhere in the passage does Jesus say I said to you this parable Jesus says hey this is what happened so this is something that literally happened and the Bible tells us that in the center of the earth there are two places one is this place called hell H E double hockey sticks and then over here we have this place and the Bible called it Abraham's bosom it's called the bosom of Abraham or abraham's bosom it's also called paradise and we will see that Scripture here in a moment and so you have hell here where the souls of the Damned go it hell's the place of fire and torment we saw that it said there so this fire this burning in this torment is going on and this is where the wicked end up so someone dies and they are wicked in the Old Testament they went down here to hell for their soul to burn you know what's interesting almost all cultures and all mythologies agree that there was a place across the river Styx were the people that were damned go and burn where would they gotten that from brother Bible from God from the truth the fact that it really does exist but over here named hams bosom Abraham's bosom was like a a place of nice wonderful a goodness you know the ancient ancients called it Elysium field you know the place where there's all this nice and wonderful place to do certain things it's like this wonderful beautiful paradise some of even the ancients before they even knew God or the Bible heard about this and believed this where would they have gotten it from probably Adam probably probably able you know probably all these early people Abraham God revealed unto them this is what the underworld is really like and so when you read ancient mythology even though those people didn't know God they had it pretty much right what it was like after death you die without Jesus without God excuse me Jesus hadn't come yet you die is a wicked person you go to hell but had you obeyed God and done right you would gone to Abraham's bosom when you died your soul so there are the two places that people go when they died in the Old Testament and it was their soul that went there you remember a person has a body a soul and a spirit when a person dies their body goes to the grave so it would be their soul that ends up either in this place on this place so it's the soul now that's what the Bible teaches I mean I can stop right there but there's a lot more verses that we can look at about the underworld because there's actually a couple more places under the earth in the underworld but this is the most basic thing of the underworld a place where the souls of the wicked went to burn in a place where the souls of the just would go when they died now is it like that today no as a matter of fact it's a little bit different than that today but I want to look at Hell real quick and let me show you some verses there are people that actually believe today there's no such thing as hell there's actually denominations that claim to be Christians and say well we don't believe in Hell well let me show you a couple of verses about Hell because the Bible talks about Hell yes there is a place called hell and it does exist and the Bible even tells us where it is where is hell why it's in the underworld go to dinner on me chapter 32 verse 22 Deuteronomy 32 22 we read for a fire is kindled in mine anger now this is God speaking verse 21 a fire is kindled in my anger and shall burn into the lowest hell and shall consume the earth with her increase and set on fire the foundations of the mountains so God says there is a fire burning and it will go down and you will go and burn in the lowest hell so it sounds like hell is down the lowest Hellfire Kindle so hell is a place of fire down well if it's down and we live up here on top of the earth then under the earth are below the earth is hell and that's the place of burning where like we read it in Luke chapter 16 those who were wicked go and burn and it's a place of torment a fiery place of torment I'll go to Psalms chapter 9 and verse 17 where did the wicked go you know even if you'd like to study Egyptian history I like to study you know Egyptian history I like archaeology and studying Egyptian stuff even the Egyptians believe well if you were bad when you die you go to hell and burn but what does the Bible teach about this Psalm chapter 9 and verse 17 says the wicked shall be turned into hell and all the nations that forget God so once again if a man dies and he was wicked in his life before Jesus his soul went to hell and he burned there in hell while these people over here that weren't wicked they went to paradise and they lived over here but they wouldn't have any torments if they could look in and see people in hell and what could they do the people hell could look over and they're crying in their torments and see the people over here in Abraham's bosom and so we read in Luke chapter 16 this guy goes to hell he looks overly sees father Abraham he says father Abraham have mercy on me and Abraham - shouts back I'm sorry that's where you ended up because you were wicked there's no getting out of there so that's what the Old Testament was about in Psalms chapter 55 in the Old Testament a wicked man died and his soul went to hell if a man obeyed God and did what he was told and tried to do right and God honored that then if he died he went to Abraham's bosom so it's not like that today though after the cross everything changed and we'll get to that in a minute but let's look at some more verses Psalms chapter 55 verse 15 we're talking about Hell the Bible says let death ease upon them and let them go down quick into hell for witnesses in their dwellings and among them so let death seize upon them when you die then it says you will go quickly down to hell so if a person is not saved the Old Testament it was hard to be saved because Jesus the Savior hadn't come yet so the Old Testament you had to have remission of your sins through a certain way in order to go over here when you died and it was all about obeying God and having a blood sacrifice back then so if a person were to die in the Old Testament and they had not followed what God told them to do and they were wicked then they went down here to burn in the flames of hell and the Bible tells us clearly damn so hell is down hell as part of the underworld below our feet one more verse proverbs chapter 15 proverbs chapter 15 and verse 24 proverbs 15 24 the Bible says this the way of life is above to the wise that he may depart from Hell beneath so hell is literally beneath our feet and so you lived up here in the Old Testament walking and upon the earth and you were alive and if you were to die your body would go to the grave but if you were wicked your soul would go to hell now if you weren't wicked and you had followed God you did everything you could to obey Him and do what he said that God put you over here in Abraham's bosom but his goal was to later get you out of there we'll see here in a minute how there were many people that got out of this place in history because of what Jesus Christ did when he came to come right now let's go to Matthew chapter 23 Jesus Christ in his earthly ministry when he's on earth he's talking about Hell alot it's very interesting to me and I still don't understand how these people can claim to be Christians and say well we don't believe in a literal burning hell hell when I've showed you many verses that say hell is a fire and it burns and it's down in this below our feet and Jesus Christ talks about he'll probably more than anyone else how could anyone say they're a Christian and say well I don't believe in Hell the Bible tells us what hell is Matthew chapter 23 verse 33 Jesus Christ is talking to these lost religious Pharisees people who were liars and deceivers and thieves that were using their religious offices to steal from people and to do wrong they were indeed wicked and Jesus Christ says to them in Matthew 23:33 you serpents you generation of vipers how could how shall you escape the damnation of hell so hell is damnation if you're damned you go to hell what makes you damned of being very wicked and the Old Testament if you lived a wicked life you were damned for all eternity to hell so what would this be well this is eternal damnation and this would be eternal I guess life but yet the Bible tells us that eternal life didn't come until Jesus Christ so we're gonna get to that in a minute but in the Old Testament it was either a person goes here because they were wicked or they went over to this place of safety which was called Abraham's bosom because they had obeyed God and tried to do what he said to do now in Luke chapter 12 of verse 5 as she's going to show you one more verse in which Jesus Christ is speaking about Hell Luke chapter 12 and verse 5 the Bible says but I will forewarn you whom he shall fear this is Jesus Christ speaking fear Him who after he have killed have power to cast into hell yea I send you fear Him you know there used to be a lot of fear in the world and even in America of doing wrong because you know if you do wrong will you go to hell when you die and so people used to be afraid to do evil how many more people don't believe in hell well doesn't matter if you believe in it or not it exists the Bible says that it's there Jesus spoke about it and told us and warned us that it's there you said I don't believe the Bible ok huh ethology said it's there I don't believe in mythology okay well go to the scientists one of the scientists say they say the very middle the core of the earth is a burning fire love a flame I don't believe in scientists okay you know some people just don't want to believe that's the problem but science proves ancient mythology said it the bible teaches it there is a literally flaming flood fire we'll know beneath our feet in the middle bottom underneath of the earth and it's burning it's in the middle part of the earth and that's where the wicked go according to the Word of God now so that's hell that's where the wicked went when they died in the Old Testament it had many names in the Greek the names for hell were and I hate to run to the Greek you don't need to know Greek but this is kind of interesting so I'll put it up here in Greek it was called Hades it was called Gehenna these are transliterations of the greek words any other greek word of course was shield which i think is from the old testament if I remember correctly so these are what a lot of new versions of the Bible will do because they're watered-down usually put out by people that aren't Christians that aren't believers in Christ they will take and rather than translate the Greek word into hell they'll put Hades or they'll put Gehenna or they'll put shield all Greek words are this of course would be a Hebrew word so let me take that off we'll just leave that like that two greek words in Hebrew word those words mean hell those translate to hell but people say well no we don't want to translate those because we don't want to offend people or scare people now you go to many new versions of the Bible and then they say if you're not saved you'll burn in Hades now is the person going to get safe when they hear that or would they get saved if the passage says hell is they burning fire and you will burn in hell what sounds stronger you'll get saved you'll burn in Hades are you better get saved or you'll burning which one sounds better what hell and which one do you think will get people saved if people see help for what it is then they wouldn't want to go there then they'd look for Jesus wouldn't it why would anybody use a new version of the Bible that doesn't even translate the Bible it leaves these old words in that are Greek or Hebrew without translating it why would they do that why would they do that I think somebody doesn't like hell and they want to water it down well you can water down hell all you want but it still exists it still exists and what is hell will one more verse here let's go to mark chapter 9 mark chapter 9 Jesus again is speaking look what he says hell is Mark chapter 9 verse 44 verse 46 and verse 48 if you have a job a witness is Bible the New World Translation these verses are not in your Bible because the job of witnesses do not believe in Hell so they do their translation of their Bible and they take hell out that's crazy the Bible says every word of God is pure why would you not want to translate every word of God in the Bible why would they not want that in their Bible why would they take out these verses well look at what it says March after 9 verse 44 says where their worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched he's talking about hail verse 43 he says again in verse 45 into the fire that has never quenched 46 where their worm dies not in the fire is not quenched verse 47 it ends with Hellfire where their worm dies not and the fire is not quenched you know you have a soul and your soul if you're not saved will go to hell where the fire shall not be quenched where your worm dieth not the worm would of course be reference to the soul the souls of the Damned in Hell are burning in torment like we read in Luke chapter 16 people in Hell are burning there right now screaming in the pain in the anguish why they go to hell because they're wicked because they're wicked today we have a wedding we don't have to go to hell it's there Jesus Christ we can rather go to heaven but many people in this world and throughout history have decided you know I'd rather go to hell I want to live in evil like a life I want to lie steal cheat you fornicate run with those who do and people do that and all throughout history from the beginning of time people have chosen to go to hell because they want to live a wicked life there they are in hell fire that has never quenched where their worm dieth not that's where they will be burning and burning again not only one time will they get out of hell at the end of all things of the great judgement and then they'll be cast into the lake of fire have a message that I preached not too long ago entitled hell versus the lake of fire so if you get a chance check that out hell versus the lake fire you can find that on YouTube so that's hell that's what the Bible talks about when it talks about Hell it's in the underworld it's below our feet it's underneath it's in the heart of the earth and that's where the souls of the Damned go and burn if they do not come to salvation that God offers now let's look at this other place let's look over here in Abraham's bosom what does the Bible say about Abraham's bosom well back in Luke chapter 16 we find some interesting things there remember the passage that we read about these two men the rich man who was wicked and did whatever he wanted and did evil and died and went to hell but also it says there was a very very poor man a beggar and he died in verse 22 says and it came to pass that the beggar died and was carried by the Angels into Abraham's bosom so back in the Old Testament before Jesus's that had died if someone were to die and God looked at them not as wicked but as someone that was obeying him and doing what they were told by God to do then God would send His angels down and that person died God would pick up their soul and then have the angels drop them off in Abraham's bosom so they didn't go to this place they went over here to this place so that's how things were in the Old Testament verse 26 here in Luke chapter 16 says besides all this between us and you there's a great gulf fixed so that they would would pass from you cannot and on and on so between Helen and in between Abraham's bosom was this great gulf they could look back and forth and could see one another like it says in the passage so this isn't a parable this isn't a made-up story Jesus is telling us in Luke chapter 16 what the underworld is like and there's these two main compartments for those that die and one is the wicked their souls go to hell the other of those that have obeyed God and a done right and the angels carried them into this place Abraham's bosom now it's called Abraham's bosom but it also has another name what is the other name for this place well let's go to know I had it written down here someplace Luke chapter 23 yeah we're close one look sixteen so let's go to Luke chapter 23 Luke chapter 23 and verse 43 here we come to Jesus Christ on the cross and here Jesus is about to die on the cross of Calvary and Jesus is here and there's these other two if you'll remember as you read through the Bible there's these other two people on these crosses next to Jesus and one of them is a one that comes to Jesus and believes in Jesus and one of them mocks Jesus and says I don't believe in you well he went to hell for sure wicked sinner that Mop Jesus but this other guy that was next to Jesus says Jesus I believe I believe in you and what happened to him Luke chapter 23 verse 43 Jesus looked at him and he says in Luke 23:43 says to this thief on the cross he says and Jesus said unto Him verily I say unto thee today shalt thou be with me in what's watch what he says paradise so he said today shalt thou be with me in paradise so another name for this area on this side that's not hail the place where there was a great gulf fixed between them so that those that were damned could look over here at those that weren't damned those that died without having to go to hell because God looked at them and gave them some measure of grace God put them over here on this side and it had two names Abraham's bosom and paradise so this guy's died on the cross and Jesus says this day shalt thou be with me in paradise so what an interesting thing that he had the last second had an opportunity to not have to go to hell as a wicked one he came to Jesus and said well I believe in you and so he ended up in that place called Paradise so those are hell in Paradise that's what the Bible has to say about all of those places now we can stop there I guess but there's still more there's a lot more to this and there's so much more to show because like I said this is how was set up in the Old Testament remember the Testament begins with the death of a testator so after Jesus died when he rose again that it began to be a lot different because from then on people went to heaven when they died through Jesus Christ and there was no more having to go to Abraham's bosom in fact what we're going to find out is this Abraham's bosom ceased to exist we're going to find that out so let's watch this let's go to Ephesians chapter 4 when Jesus Christ came Jesus Christ is God manifest in the flesh in the most beautiful story in the entire world is that God loved us enough to die for us God Jesus Christ God manifested the flesh look down from heaven and says you know I created all them but I haven't made a way for them to come to me hey since I'm going to go down I'm going to die for them so they don't have to sit here in Abraham's bosom I want them up here in heaven with me so the Bible tells us before the foundation of the world God had this plan that he was going to come as a man Jesus Christ and die for our sin that's what he did and he did that but he not only died on our sparse Sansa rose up to heaven the reason that Jesus Christ died on the cross was because he was going to take all these people with him up here and then anyone who trusts in what he's done after trusting the gospel and they're saved they go up here so there's no need for this underworld to have people now God can have people in heaven with him now let's look at this official Shepard 4 verses 8 through 10 says this wherefore he saith when he ascended up on high he led captivity captive and gave gifts unto me I was talking about Jesus Christ he led captivity captive you see these people down here they were captives you see they still could not get into heaven because they were still sinners when they died but they were sinners that God looked at his people that wanted him and loved him and obeyed him so rather than ascending to hell because they chose to be followers of God he put them here but there still was the sin issue that had to be dealt with and when Jesus died on the cross the Bible says he paid for the sins of the whole world so everybody's sins were paid for on the cross but these people made their choice they're not getting out but these people before all they had was remission of sins but when Jesus shed his blood then they had Redemption and Jesus died to redeem and now he took them captive so Jesus Christ took the captives he took captivity captive and what did he do verse 9 now that he ascended what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth he that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens that he might fill all things so Jesus Christ descended he came down here after he died and then he ascended and he took captivity captive he took all these captives in Abraham's bosom and he took them back up to heaven with him he said I don't know about that or not okay let's go to Matthew chapter 27 because that's not all he did he actually gave them back their natural bodies and took them up to heaven in their natural bodies Matthew chapter 27 verse 50 through 53 this is only mentioned once in the Bible I wish God would give us a lot more information about this but he didn't this is what God says Matthew chapter 27 verse 50 Jesus when he had cried again with a loud voice yielded up the ghost Jesus dying on the cross and behold verse 51 the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom and the earth did quake in the rocks rent verse 52 and the graves were open in many bodies of the saints which slept arose hmm and came out of the graves after his resurrection went into the holy city and appeared unto many so what does that mean these people that died and were in Abraham's bosom when Jesus rose again after three days God had brought them up and let them literally walk around on this earth for a few minutes or a few days or however long it was it could have been as long as 40 days they walked around but this is what the Bible calls the first resurrection these people were taken up and walked around and then after that when Jesus went up they went up with him so you have this place here being cleaned out and that's what happened Abraham's bosom was completely cleaned out there's no one in Abraham's bosom today now when a person dies from then on till the end when a person dies they go to heaven so if you're a Christian and you die your soul goes to heaven not Abraham's bosom but if you have lived before Jesus Christ you would have to follow that Old Testament law you would had to obey God and do all the things the Bible said and try to live right and you would have gone down here today perhaps bosom but now that Jesus died and shed his blood now comes Redemption when we die and we're saved we go to heaven we don't go down to the underworld we go to the upper world amen the soul so that's the change that took place Jesus Christ so Jesus took those out of Abraham's bosom and resurrected them in their bodies and then took them up to heaven that's what the Bible tells us happened now what happened now you've got this huge big compartment down in the heart of the earth that used to be Abraham's bosom and it's empty so now what you got hell over here and it's getting full and in this big empty spot because God took all these people out and put them up in heaven with him well the Bible clearly tells us in Isaiah chapter five and verse 14 therefore hell hath enlarged herself and opened her mouth without measure so what was once hell when this place became empty all this became hell so hell took over all of this and so now all of this is hell hell hath enlarged itself so hell is everywhere down there now and now everyone who dies without Jesus they die and they go to hell that's what the Bible teaches at one time there was that Abraham's bosom but hell hath enlarged itself in the flames of the Damned are all throughout this entire region when people die their soul goes to hell all right so now where is Abraham's bosom can we prove from the Bible that Abraham's bosom is no longer there and that indeed people who die now go to heaven yes let's go to second Corinthians if you read your Bible carefully you see this clearly 2nd Corinthians chapter 12 and in 2nd Corinthians chapter 12 Paul is speaking and he says it is not expedient for me doubtless to glory I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord verse 2 I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago whether in the body I cannot tell or out of the body I cannot tell God knoweth such a one caught up to the third heaven and then he says here and I knew such a man whether in the body around the body I cannot tell God knoweth verse four how that he was caught up into paradise hmm and heard unspeakable words for it is not lawful for a man to utter so Paul says being up to heaven he called heaven the third heaven and he said by the way this is also paradise so now paradise is heaven paradise is no longer Abraham's bosom under the earth in the underworld now paradise is in heaven and now when a person dies they don't go to Abraham's bosom if they were Christians they go down to the heart of up to the heart of heaven now in the heart of the earth now they go up to heaven so that's what the Bible teaches about that now let's go to 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 Paul makes this very clear st. Corinthians chapter 5 verse 6 and verse 8 Paul says in 2nd Corinthians 5:6 therefore we are always confident knowing that walls we are home in the body we are absent from the Lord verse 8 we're confident I say and willing rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord so absent from the body what does that mean well your body is alive when you're alive when you die the body goes here but the soul leaves so where does the soul go well if you're saved the soul goes here absent from the body present with the Lord present where president a third heaven present in paradise present with Jesus Christ in heaven so that's what happens when a person is saved and they die their soul goes to heaven that's what the Bible teaches before Jesus Christ died if a person obeyed God and did what they were told in the Bible they went to paradise which was below here in Abraham's bosom people don't go there anymore there is no more Abraham's bosom hell hath enlarged itself so say people go up lost people go down and they go down to hell now absence from the body present with the Lord where will you spend eternity heaven or hell smoking or non-smoking where will you go when you die that's why it's so important to be saved now how do you get saved well the gospel is found in 1st Corinthians chapter 15 verses 1 through 4 if 15 1 through 4 the Bible says more other brother and I declare unto you the gospel and you go down it says verse 2 but which also you're saved what does it mean to be saved it means safe from Hell you don't burn in hell you go to heaven when you die that's what being saved is it's being saved from going down to this place of torment and burning for all eternity and that's why it's so important to come to the gospel what is the gospel we're told that it is Christ died for our sins so Jesus died for our sins he was buried and then he rose again the third day according to the scriptures so what Jesus Christ did was when he died and his body was in the grave his soul went down here and his soul went down here and told and announced to all these people names bosom hey that promise seeing you've been waiting for I am he I have come to get y'all out of here and liberate you and take you to a better place and take you to heaven now I couldn't stop there that's a pretty good study but I can't there's other places in the underworld that's not all there is to the underworld there are actually a couple more places of things underneath the earth so let's look at those quickly but this right here I hope will help you to understand what's going on you know this is all going on in the spirit world when you die the soul goes and this is where the soul spends a long time until the great white throne of judgment if you're lost if you're saved the soul goes to heaven you see people think well when you die that's it no it's not that's just the beginning your soul is going to live forever in one of two places heaven or hell flames of the Damned or eternal bliss in heaven you must decide where you'll spend eternity are you saved well first of all let me show you this revelation 1:18 and then we'll look at these other places under the earth Revelation chapter 1 and verse 18 the Bible says Jesus is speaking in Revelation 118 and Jesus says I am he that liveth and was dead and behold I am alive forevermore amen and I have the keys of hell and of death so Jesus Christ now has the keys to death and hell Satan had the keys to hell and death before but by rising again from the dead Jesus Christ showed hey I have victory over death I have the keys to death in Hell so isn't that amazing and that wonderful that Jesus is stronger than the devil amen and that he has the keys to death and he'll eternal life is only through Jesus because Jesus proved that he has eternal life by dying and doing something that no one's ever done rose from the dead so it's all through Jesus Christ that we have eternal salvation and eternal Redemption and eternal life see this is eternal damnation hell this is eternal life so what is it heaven or hell smoking or non-smoking are you saved are you trusting Jesus as your Savior let's look at some other places now let's go to 1st Peter chapter 3 because the Bible tells us that there's another place and in 1st Peter chapter 3 this is a place that God has a little bit of a separate compartment for a certain group of people 1st Peter chapter 3 and verse 18 I'm just giving you the gospel that Jesus died was buried and rose again and he did it for our sins well here is the gospel in a nutshell on 1st 3 1st Peter 3:18 and then he gives us something quite interesting in the next verse or two after that so 1st Peter 3:18 says for Christ also hath once suffered for sins the just for the unjust that he might bring us to God being put to death in the flesh but quickened by the spirit Jesus Christ died the just for the unjust we're the unjust he died for us but then when it says in verse 19 by which also he went and preached them to the spirits in prison which sometimes were disobedient when once the long-suffering of God waited in the days of Noah while the ark was a preparing wherein few that is eight souls were saved by the water but then it says not by the putting away of the filth of the flesh of the like figure verse 21 begins to talk there about Noah but look at verse 19 Jesus went and preached such as spirits in prison well the souls of the dead people were down here imprisoned in Abraham's bosom and the souls of the Damned were in prison and Hell where are their spirits down here well according to the Bible there has to be another compartment I guess or someplace down here and this word here in Greek where it says that the the spirits in prison he went down to preached unto them am I take you to another passage and explains more about who these spirits are and that word in greek is Tartarus hmm that's an interesting name Tartarus what is targis let's go to 2nd Peter now chapter 2 second Peter chapter 2 verse 4 and 5 it's taken Peter chapter 2 verse 4 5 it says for if God spared not the Angels that sinned but cast them down to hell and delivered them into chains of Darkness to be reserved unto judgement and spared not the old world but saved Noah the eighth person a preacher of righteousness again the context is Noah so some happened way back over here around the time of Noah what was that oh that's right Noah's Flood why was there a flood well the Bible says there were these fallen angels that came along and begin to mate with the daughters of men and God said I can't have that because they produced Giants and you get a chance and this is all your mythology - all ancient mythology is about all these these are God's came down and produce Giants when they made it with men and with animals that's not made up that happened according to the Word of God a video about Giants you can look that up on YouTube they really existed with six fingers and everything just as the Bible says so these fallen angels these giants they started doing bad things upon the earth so God sent Noah's Flood to drown and many of these Giants drowned you know what's interesting these angels that fell and did this God says they call themselves God's little G hey God says you say that you're God's but she shall die as me so all the old old mythology where they had the Greek gods at all even though a lot of it has been twisted and changed and embellished some of the names changed he does have some truth in the mythology because it goes back to that event that the Bible calls the following of the Angels mating with men in producing Giants and those fallen angels called themselves comets so it's all there in the Bible if you'll just look now what happened well the Bible says that these angels they were taken and they were in prison in this place down here and we just read here where it says here in this passage it says but God cast them down to hell well that's not Hades and that's not Gehenna it's a different word and the Greek Tartarus so either it's its own little separate compartment right next to Hell or somehow it literally ties into hell I think it may even just be an annex of Hell if you will there's a place called Tartarus where God is taking these fallen angels and he's put them down here in Hell or in Tartarus and they're down there and the Bible says they're in Chains of darkness so they're chained up down there and it's all because of their sin and their falling and sinning against God so that's another place in the other world how interesting is that where you have these spirits down here now the Bible talks about angels the Bible says angels are ministering spirits so what would a fallen angel be an evil spirit right and they are locked up down here now I'm not going to get into demons or where demons come from I have a video entitled where demons come from if you want know more about that that's another group of people or beings if you will spirits and they're called unclean spirits or evil spirits in the Bible and I think that demons come from a part of the fruit of the offspring of the Fallen Angels and I don't have time to get in that today it's a good study for know where demons come from so there we have a different one we have hell first we had Abraham's bosom but now that paradise it is now heaven and because of the death of Christ when a person say is saved and they die a same person there so goes to heaven there's no need for Abraham's bosom so hell hath enlarged itself now all this is hell and all the people who die without Jesus Christ will go to hell and burn and down they are somewhere in the deepest part of Hell or maybe in its own little cavern apart from hell is this place called Tartarus where God has these spirits locked up in Chains of darkness and no doubt they're those fallen angels that disobeyed God and that's where they are today now do you see why the Bible said in the verses we begin reading why it says make no image of anything below the earth these things are down here below the earth when these things were down here ruling on the earth fallen angels they would set themselves up little idols and say worship that idol and it looked just like them to this day we still have idols from ancient Rome in ancient Greece and they all go back to the mythology and they probably are true representations of what the Fallen Angels really look like so you got to watch out for that now we can stop right there but there's more there's some more stuff going on let's look at Matthew 25:41 when God granted hell he created it from the devil and his angels that's why I said that no doubt this Tartarus here probably has a back door straight into hell it's probably somehow connected in a way to hell and a part of hell because of what we're about to read in Matthew chapter 25 verse 41 Matthew 541 25 41 says then say shall he say unto Him on the left hand depart from me you cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels God created this little place in the underworld hell for the devil on his angels he didn't create it for man he created it it is mine thinking that's why I'm gonna put the Angels in the devil but men became that by satan and these angels and god had no choice but because they were wicked to put them in the same place can you imagine dying going to hell what you would see down there you're not just going to see people and their soul who actually live you might even be able to peek down in there and see the fallen angels as well maybe in a deeper little compartment in the fiery flames lower damned so I'm glad I'm saying I'm not I'm glad I'm not going there now let's go to Revelation chapter 9 there's another place in the underworld and I've got to hurry verse 20 it says in the fifth angel sounded I saw star fall from heaven unto the earth to him was given the key of the bottomless pit and he opened the bottomless pit and there arose smoke out of the pit as the smoke of a great furnace and the son of the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit and there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth and unto them was given power as the Scorpions of the earth have power and it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth neither any green tree I don't need any green thing neither any tree but only those men which have not the seal of God in their forehead and to them it was given that they should not kill them but that they should be tormented five months and it continues on and it talks about what these things look like verse seven the shape were like unto horses they had faces like women hey and faces like men hair like women in the crowns of gold and a teeth whereas the teeth of lions what odd-looking creatures but yet the Bible says they came from the bottomless pit so here we have another place down there that's different the paw bottom lists pit now I don't know how to draw a bottomless pit as a compartment you know some people say the bottomless pit is like this gigantic tube or circle that goes around and there's no opening to it so if it's a pit it's a continually going around in the circle and these things are just circling around inside this tubular compartment in which there's no way out so it's like a bottomless pit they're just continually going I don't know how I explained that I can tell you what it is all I can say is the Bible says there's a bottomless pit and there's these creatures down there and something comes down with a key and opens this up in the tribulation so that these can come out and it threw their key opening it up God lets these things whatever they are they sound like wicked weird creatures out on the earth and the tribulation so after the rapture of the church this takes place in the Tribulation Period and out of the bottomless pit come all these creatures and they have this this tail like a scorpion you know you ever seen a scorpion on an ugly ugly creature and they go around and somehow they can they can hurt people with that stinger on there right there like that so that's what the Bible says there's another place down there now who's in charge in that bottomless pit place let's read a little more Revelation chapter 9 it says verse 11 and they had a king over them which is the Angel of the bottomless pit whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon but in the Greek tongue hath his name apollyon so apollyon which means perdition well remember Judas was a son of perdition maybe he could tie into him I don't know Bible says he went to his own place well mine was pit that's pretty much its own place compared to everything else maybe that's who he is he's called apollyon he's also called a badan in hebrew tongue yeah that sounds like what he is he's sure a bad one huh about and he's abandoned all right because he's pretty bad so apollyon comes up and he's the angel and you know you watch youtube you find that people are saying that cern is all about opening up this pit down there and that's their plan is to try to open this up maybe that ties in with that I don't know I don't know there's a lot of things when I get to heaven I'm going to ask God what was that all about because I know about it cuz the Bible says about it but I still have a lot of questions I mean all I know is that it's there it's that it's there now there's another place if we can stop right there it'd be great we've got hell we have the Abraham's bosom we have this tar place which may or may not be part of hell it could be just a separate compartment we have this bottomless pit and all these things are in the underworld but that's not all there's more Revelation chapter 9 and verse 14 revelation 9 14 says saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet loose the four angels which were bound in the great river Euphrates and the four angels were loosed which were prepared for an hour and a day in a month in a year for to slay the third part of man and the number of the army of their horsemen were so you have one more compartment and it doesn't sound like it's in the bottom way down in the middle of the earth it sounds like it's real close to the crust because it says these were in the river Euphrates so somewhere over there and the natural true river Euphrates way deep down in the earth there's these four angels that were buried they might have been put in the heart of the earth and put up with a key - just like these other ones but there's going to be a time when these four angels get unlocked and get out and they come out now who are these four angels whoa I don't have time to go into this you get a chance to read the book of Ana Enoch Enoch talks about these four angels the first four angels that were the Fallen Angels that sinned and the first one was anak a NAC RA nak and what's interesting is his offspring were giants in the Bible and in the Bible in Deuteronomy 1:28 Deuteronomy - 10 and 11 and verse 21 and in many other places the Giants were called anakims huh and yet we're told that one of the fallen angels who fell back here his name was anak and what did he do he made with the daughters of men produced Giants and the Giants were called a nakum's huh so I don't know if it all ties into that or not I try to stay away as much as possible from extra-canonical books and try to only go by what the Bible says amen but it is interesting it is interesting so that is the underworld or is it have I forgotten something let's go to Revelation chapter 19 Revelation chapter 19 of verse 20 it says when the Beast was taken with him the false prophet that wrought merit before him with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast and them that worshipped His image both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone is that hell or is there another place called a lake of fire I don't know but what it appears is that during the millennial kingdom of Jesus Christ when he comes back to rule and reign in his Millennial Kingdom he comes back at the Battle of Armageddon the Bible says that he's going to cast the devil into a lake of fire and it looks like and all this is on my video hell birch is like a fire it looks like the people will literally be able to look down and see into hell they'd like they'll be this big huge hole in the earth during the entire millennium in which people can just pass by and look straight down into hell and literally see the devil and the beast and the false prophet burning let me show you that quickly I say in chapter 14 and then I'll close Isaiah chapter 14 says our thought falling from heaven o Lucifer son of the morning it says he did weaken the nations verse 13 tells us that the devil says I will do this and I will do that in verse 14 I will ascend to the sides of the north I will be like the Most High he says in verse 14 yet God says yet thou shalt be brought down to hell to the sides of the pit is that this hell and that hell is the lake of a lake of fire in the Millennium now there's another lake of fire at the end of all things at the end of the great white throne the judgment but is this lake of fire the same as hell or is that going to be a new compartment in the underworld don't know but we're sixteen says they that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee and consider the saying is this demand that made the earth to tremble let this shake the kingdoms people will see the devil as he's burning in a lake of fire possibly the same hell down here in the Millennial Kingdom the thousand year reign of Jesus I'll just say what an idiot what a what nothing and this is the guy that worked so hard to bring in a new world order this is the I killed and raped and murdered and plundered and stole and lied and did all he could to mess up people's lives he's nobody he's burning down there what a glorious day that will be so that's the underworld I hope it's been a blessing to you I hope you've understand what's below in the middle of the earth if you will or for some people below the earth the Bible teaches us that below our feet down below as hell there was Abraham's Muslim or paradise but now paradise is in heaven there's these other places where you got all these little angels down there for God's executing judgment upon them as well so that is the biblical underworld and if you're not saved I hate to say it that's where you're going when you die you're going to the underworld you may not believe what I'm teaching right now but when you die without Christ you believe it then because you'll see it firsthand but you don't have to go to hell you don't have to you can go to the upper world instead of the underworld you can go to heaven for all eternity if you'll come and trust the gospel of salvation trust Jesus as your Savior so there it is I'll get out of the way like said I hope it's a blessing I hope you learn about the underworld and I hope you get saved and if you are say to help you share this with somebody else god bless you and thank you for watching
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 448,238
Rating: 4.6523619 out of 5
Keywords: The Underworld, The Biblical Underworld, Hell, Abraham's Bosom, Paradise, Tartarus, fallen angels, burning hell, underworld
Id: YdLjQpOB6sw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 20sec (3800 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 26 2016
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