So I was right about WoW..

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was asman gold right uh oh it's because I'm right but I he though asman gold has been having op I remember for a long time and has been multiple times for them and I think he's right and there is data to prove it it's all just a personal attack there are no actual arguments against what I'm saying this is actually about something else attacks that try to discredit me because and and I I'll tell you why the reason you you want to know why it's because I'm right around September 2023 asmin was grilled by quick and Max about his take on rating because he was either not able to raid anymore or at the very least not capable of actually Mythic raiding for those of you who don't know quick is the former president of blizzard and a prominent high-end Wild player and Max is the GM and raid leader of liquid multiple winners of race world first titles yet they were both wrong first of all as far as being a capable Mythic Raider asong gold is no slouch man has been anybody can be a capable Mythic Raider there's literally shiny lights and buttons that tell you where to go to press buttons in the game it's not hard it's a video game the video game is programmed to lose is not impressive that a person can play a video game at a high level this is one thing that happens with like one game Andes where like they view being good or bad at a game as an indicator of virtue I'm sorry guys it's really not Mythic greater for you years now I'm not sure what is qualified as skill but if I can clear Mythic bosses with these parses then we can assume asang gold can smash it provided he played the game consistently yeah which is why we go to the second point of it all I mean I raided in WoW for over 10 years I'm pretty sure I could raid if I wanted to I don't know like what wow players think about raids but if you really think that being able to clear a Mythic raid to 2 months after its release is anything more than a participation reward I don't know what to tell you man prove you can I did for 10 years I did it 30 times but I can't do it 31 he doesn't rate or maybe even play anymore maybe I don't know I wish I had the time to watch all of his streams but I can only say he cleared air dril this year at the very least now the overall takes that as has having about the game revolved around rating but not exclusively and they stem from the perspective of a gamer more so than a wow player what do I mean by that well there are two main types of players that enjoy World of Warcraft there's the wow player someone who really only plays wow maybe dabbles into another game once every few years or so or maybe play some mobile games primarily however it would be that that person just plays wow then there's the gamer the wow player that might also play Final Fantasy maybe other RPGs maybe Dota or League gets into some Elden ring balers gate valerant and so on that person would be a gamer a player that dabbles into video games like what a regular gamer might do the main difference between the two types is a simple difference of context which is true over any genre not just W and not just video games the more you know the better you can judge and assess things and sometimes W players unfortunately fall into an echo chamber type bubble where they cannot really see past what wow is or what a game could be outside of Azeroth I think this is 100% true this is probably the the thing that like I've been saying the most is that like before I played a lot of other games like dark souls and like Final Fantasy A lot of my opinions about wow were very much contextualized only about wow but whenever I started playing other games and I saw how other games solve problems that wow had I realized that there were a lot more shortcomings in the game than I had imagined and I think that really there a reason why these other games are very popular there absolutely is so yeah I think this is an issue that like Wild players have like for example I think that the best example that I can use is having to run back from a boss fight I think that having to run back after a wipe from a boss fight and like the metag game of Soul stoning and resing people and then summoning them summoning them into the raid I think this is the most obnoxious annoying time wasting mechanism that ra s have and I remember going through a raid and like looking at like the amount of time that I spent actually doing the bosses versus doing other things related to the bosses whether that was doing trash doing runbacks resurrecting buffing and I found that I was doing bosses less than half of the time so like over half the time in the raid I wasn't even really doing what I was there to do it was horrible and I think to myself like what really is the purpose of this gives you time to refle on your failure well you can just stop pulling like let's say you have a time to reflect on failure that the tank disconnects what did he fail did he did he have the wrong ISP or maybe right but like sometimes mistakes just happen I think that wow players that defend having to run back to a boss that's like my Peak example of wow brain where like they've only played wow and it's always been like that so if somebody wants to change it then they don't want it to be like wow the person that has never played another game besides wow will not have a fully fles out opinion over how well-designed wow is or could be that just wouldn't make sense it would be just like someone saying that a bowl of cereal is the best dish one can cook but they never had a steak a risotto a cake or a burger you cannot say wow is good or bad without playing other games at most I think that you can but you don't have as much context or information about what that opinion really means compare one version of wow with another version of wow yeah unfortunately World of Warcraft does not exist within its own pocket Dimension but exists in the direct competition with other games making the quality of other video games be relevant hence why it is important to view wow from the length of what a video game can be like yeah I made this whole tangent to point out that just because asmin doesn't play WoW anymore or didn't at the point of this controversy doesn't mean he doesn't know if wow is good or bad because we as well play other games we have a second YouTube channel dedicated to well I mean I play a lot of games I played W for I have 35,000 hours in the game like if me playing the game for 35,000 hours and raing seriously for 15 years 10 15 years like if that's not enough then I'm sorry but you're just coping like I know it better than almost anybody if I didn't then people wouldn't have watched my videos for 10 years about the gameo 4 which was previously made to cover variety gaming we play Rogue lights and single player RPGs like Witcher and God of War and still have very similar opinions to Asen gold with that out of the way as far as opinions go I believe all of ours are valid now whether we are right or wrong that's a different topic and today we'll be talking about why I think asman gold is right and I can also prove it his main concern was with the fact that rating sucks and fewer people play it this opinion extended to Mythic plus and other facets of the game like PVP as well the game has issues and because of these issues people are playing it less and this was just before 10.2 was released with the numbers pointing that he was right at the time one of Asen Gold's biggest opinions that can be unpacked in a lot of ways is that the game is designed for the 1% for rating that essentially means people focused on the race world first and most likely guills that aim to get into the Hall of Fame meaning and blizzard has even said that they judge whether a raid is too hard or easy based off of like they want a raid to last more than one reset why does that why are you even thinking about that why is that even on your radar you're talking about like less than a 100 people and you're designing content around that that you're going to Nerf 15 times that's insane one of the first 100 to kill the last boss of a raid before everyone else or if we look at the numbers now out of the total 22,000 farak kills only 651 are on Mythic and this is close to the end of the season not even Hall of Fame meaning that less than 3% of the kills are on Mythic now that doesn't mean that less than 3% of players have killed frock but a further look at the number of guilds that actually killed frock points that the number is fairly close currently sitting at 670 guilds as of recording this video out of the total 5,470 guilds that can be considered Mythic guilds I got bored trying to scroll more to see how many heroic guilds there are and normal guilds as well but it's safe to assume that there will be way more left should everyone be able to kill Mythic frock probably not but should there be this big of a difference I don't think so and neither does asma and the reason there is is because the game is being designed for the 1% which is a cute way of saying it's probably too hard or hard it's too hard there's too much going on in the game it's too much and again the reason why people say there's not too much is because number one they've played the a lot of these people played the game for like 10 years and so it's like of course it's not too much for you you understand everything about the game you know everything about it and number two you have add-ons that are telling you everything like look at this like I bet a lot of people if they had to do this boss with no add-ons they would have a very different experience so like this is the issue that happens is that like you it's again like this artificial difference between like difficulty it would be unplayable yeah it would be extremely hard so I'm sure like people probably could do it but it would be like like twice as hard I think that if you want to have a hard boss fight that's okay but the way that they do it and the way that people have to like solve the problems with like add-ons and [ __ ] makes the boss fights like it's like you're not really like how can you accurately judge the difficulty of something whenever you have three programs and installed on your computer that make it easier and you've played it for 10 years it's like people that say Dark Souls Dark Souls is easy like yeah I think Dark Souls is easy I've played it for 300 hours a new person isn't going to think that and it should be the difficulty of the fights with intricate mechanics already create a huge barrier of entry for people when you need complex we car to even offset the fact that now we have private auras I think that the race world first and Blizzard's fixation on creating competitive content has ruined the game a person wanting to clear it has ruined like endgame PVE progression because like Mythic plus is designed around poop so soccers Mythic plus is designed sorry Mythic plus is designed around neck beards raiding is designed around neck beards like that's it and it's not the good kind of being a neck beard it's the bad kind Mythic for rock the boss with the best loot in the game has to be in one of these small percentages of people skill wise needs the right amount addons the proper schule to allow for the progress towards the kill to be made and for what a piece of gear that is equivalent to next season's normal or heroic raid level gear this is why I don't raid this right here is why I don't raid this is a joke I have a gear reset every 6 months and then LFR gear is better after that what the [ __ ] like no I that's awful that's stupid as [ __ ] yes overemphasis on the race world first and Esports in general has shifted the game to an overly designed overly complex combat system that still alienates a lot of people and essentially has made rating less popular than literally spamming the same dungeon over 30 to 40 times per season in Mythic plus well rating is like the reason why Mythic plus is is better than rating is because it gives you better gear and it also is easier to do and you don't have to commit to a schedule like I think a lot of people downplay the idea of committing to a Mythic rating schedule hey guys I can't do anything for Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday night because I have to play a video game between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and midnight that is insane I think every single time that blizzard has to retune a boss it is a failure that's right you should never have to retune a boss that's right the boss should be released in a way that is fair and fun and if people kill it quickly so be it and if people can't kill it then get better gear at this the fact that even for those Mythic Raiders most of them us included cannot kill bosses until they get nerfed after we tested them on the PTR beforehand this is so so much and why is this all needed who are we making the game for the 100,000 people watching the race world first for a week and a half what about the other millions that play for the other five months potentially millions or would play if the game didn't feel like you need a University degree for it the problem is that nobody want I think also like people will try the hard raids and then because they're not in their nerfed state they just get completely farmed by them and they get demoralized like Mythic plus is probably like that for people too to an extent there's like just like you think about doing one trash pull in Mythic plus and how many things that you need to be aware of happening at the same time in that one trash pole that's a lot man it is a huge amount of things and like at a certain point you ask yourself this is the question that I ask is this making the game better by having this many spells this many things happening this many mechanics I don't think it's making the game better I think it's making it worse wants to raid nobody wants to raid because raiding isn't Fun obviously asmin is hyperbolic here but the numbers of Raiders being several times lower than that of the Mythic plus an endless predictable grind for mediocre results points to this conclusion and there are likely issues and will likely always be issues that can be improved for all things sure and this isn't an argument against the game being difficult just had this conversation well you have you have again like and why would you raid at any level besides Mythic because all of the gear sucks like really why would you do that like maybe you do heroic for like trinkets or something like that but like especially normal mode raids what's the point of this like what are you getting out of a normal mode raid it's a waste of time with our patreons earlier as well the game can be hard and easy as long as it is fun an example of the game being hard but fun was and still is the Mage Tower this was a massively successful system introduced in Legion that pit the player against some of the highest individual skill expression they had to put out but the encounter and rewards were so sought after that people just spamed the living [ __ ] out of it and it wasn't even that big of a deal the Mage Tower just gave you a cosmetic and everybody wanted to do it this whole thing changed for rating I won't stay in debate every single boss but currently after a few nervs of course the raid is overall easier than abis and in my opinion frck is way easier than Raz this is mostly on the heroic side since that's where most people play but likely it reverberates the normal and Mythic as well I haven't and if we look at the numbers we can see that just 1025 has more people playing than entire previous patches I'm looking at log since it's the only access to any form of data that can point to how much the game is being played this does yeah I think that really if you make the raids easier like you're always going to have people that want to make content harder like you'll have speed runs you'll have different challenge runs you'll have different stuff like that you don't need to make super super hard content in a game like it's okay to have some things that are like this like Final Fantasy like ultimate fights it's okay to have this but like whenever this is a core part of like player power progression it becomes a problem because you can always find a way to make things harder on yourself and that's what people that are competitive do you don't need to just make it harder as a baseline doesn't mean we have 500,000 players but it does mean it's at least a few more times more popular than previous raids and you might say that this is just red Paladin's wanting the legendary and you may be right and at the same time that supports the argument even more especially asman Golds complained that the gear gets less relevant with each tier farming op legendary gear that lasts for longer is more enticing and brings people to the game so what if it's all because of a legendary axe isn't that great isn't that what we yeah that's what it should be like people like oh wow people are only doing this raid because they want the cool weapon from The Raid yeah I would would uh I'd guess so yeah I think that's about accurate isn't it what the vanilla model is superior don't need add-ons don't need sweats everyone get fulfilled that is another reason why I thought like larger raid sizes are better is because you can carry people that suck just straight up I just think that's a better MMO experience I think that trying to make an MMO hard is a mistake you should not try to make an MMO hard he want in a game a cool badass weapon to Chase and get if anything that just proves that having meaningful loot brings people back into the game now imagine if this loot was not just a legendary strength axe but something for more people imagine if the loot could carry you through at least half of season 4 we can speculate but we can also use the freaking data in front of our face to point out that it is what people have been wanting or at least part of what why they're enjoying the game currently it is what asmin was saying he would want meaningful loot if he was right about this thing what about the other stuff this is what I think Buzzard should do I think they should remove 80% of the trash from raids and they should add a summoning Stone right next to every single Boss Arena and next to the summoning Stone there should be a respawn point that you that boss you respawn at that point yep although I'm not sold on the raid trash I think trash makes the raid feel more like a lively place than a corridor with eight bosses is just sitting in silence awkwardly waiting for people to come in I can I think that's a good point and I can see why he thinks that I do think it should be at least toned down to where it doesn't take as much time as it does I think that there is too much trash currently a few PS are about the other stuff having to wait for people in any form either them getting their butts to the raid or coming back to start another Pool is incredibly boring and Wast so much time for a raid night this is even more of an issue when bosses are particularly difficult and require multiple pools to down cuz you know the raid is tuned for better and better people how would the game turn out if more of these things would be addressed and what about Mythic plus well if we can summarize asman Gold's opinion into a concise point of view uh the game is overly designed and overly tuned to the point where new people and current people are finding it hard to engage with then we can draw conclusions about Mythic plus over the it's just look at all this [ __ ] going on man it's too much [ __ ] going on I get sensory overload just looking at the screen course of dragonlight the Mythic plus system has been drastically nerfed we don't have a seasonal affix anymore and affixes in general are less of a headache this alone should point to an already existing flaw with the design aexes are only fun if they can be ignored or if they don't just pose walls for arbitrary friction and if I may be so bold I point you towards encrypted awakened reaping and generally affixes that provided bonuses for being cleared or just sheer stupid fun but putting that aside and plus is easier and more people can do it evidence how about the fact that there are five times more keys done now than any other season easily summarizing a full expansion's worth of keys done within one patch that is not even over we covered this in a previous video by the way and this is without even all of the things being changed for Mythic plus that people could enjoy one of which was also pointed out by asmin one that we mentioned before and agree with I don't think that there is a single reason for a key to deplete in Mythic plus listen asango does not speak for us or even the player base he's just one person I do and the biggest content for that covers wow cuz I don't think he can be called a wow content creator anymore so naturally large part of the player base watches him may or may not agree with him as well but asang gold is a reflection of a section of players within the wow Community oddly enough some of the stuff he says resonates with us as well so there is something here nobody is 100% right but in this sense asmin criticized aspects of the game designed to be of a negative impact on the game's popularity and enjoy yeah I think that key depletions are stupid and I don't see any reason for I I don't see see them adding anything into the game like in no way do key depletions make the game better like I I just I think that they just they just make it worse like and I think that this is really kind of a a good way to look at it is is this making the game more fun is it making people play the game more are people enjoying doing this because there's a lot of times where like it's something that you're doing but you don't really enjoy doing it key depletions are why I paid the sub yeah not deplete yeah it's just silly it scares people from trying yeah exactly people are punished twice they make the io problem worse why would you want to risk some newer players whenever you can just wait for guaranteed carries to apply exactly and that's also another issue is that like the reason why there's so much meta so very simple I've said it many times I don't want to spend a lot of time talking about it the harder you punish players the harder players try to avoid being punished and what that manifests in with wow is that people will try their best to avoid playing with anybody who's not meta because the odds are if you take two equal players and one person is doing 100,000 DPS and the other person is doing 110,000 DPS and that's the only frame of reference that you have to go off of you're going to take the 110 every single time assuming that you don't have any other data and that's really what happens without key depletes you would literally do a massive pull over and over until you succeed which is a negative play style restarting the key over and over I would rather people do massive pulls over and over and over resetting the key constantly then them and also like why would they do that like who's doing who would do that like a small subet of people and this is what the problem is right is that wow players have this mentality that if somebody can slightly take advantage of a system we have to completely remove this system no you don't it's not a big deal if people take advantage of a system who cares and looking at how some of them were addressed and as a consequence got people to play the game more kind of makes him right in a abstract way and maybe even more of an empirical way if this path continues with war within yeah all of this to point to a really cool thing which is the devs are actually making the game better they have been for a while honestly but we can see it in the numbers as well since it's unlikely blizz will ever publish player based numbers unless they get back into the multi-million Zone and if you still don't believe that wow is doing way better than before and likely better than what most people think check our video about it right here more facts and evidence will be provided I promise I think that's a pretty fair video I'm glad that he agrees with lot of this stuff there are more people that used to play wow that quit than people that are currently playing wow so whenever I say these are reasons why I'm not playing the game I think that there are a lot of other people that are also not playing the game that agree with that asmin gold makes the wild Community rage yet again this is always what it is this is always what happens it is the worst time of the year in North Carolina it's allergy season for those that don't know I am horribly allergic to Grass pollen which is why I wearing this otherwise I I cannot go outside today though as we go on this adventure out into the woods we are going to address a little bit of controversy that our favorite bald streamer has created that's right asman gold is at it again pissing off the World of Warcraft community so what did he do you might be it's crazy to think to yourself that I've been doing this for 10 years I've been making people mad about this [ __ ] for 10 years wondering well he shared his three ideas for how he feels blizzard could fix World of Warcraft and I am going to go over his three points and share my responses to his ideas as a vanilla wow veteran player myself here's how to fix wow reset everybody's SP remake every class with like 10 spells or less before I answer there's a lot of ants on this rock so let's uh move to a different place come on let's go this okay okay idea right here here I actually disagree with it 100% I'm a really big fan of role playing games and when it comes to RPG by the way when I was saying like 10 spells I meant rotational spells like you should have other flavor spells like portals and stuff like that yeah I was only talking about rotational spells is I want to be able to play whoever it is that I want to play I want to have a bunch of spells and abilities that I can choose from to really create the character and to fulfill the fantasy that's going on in the back of my head I just got stung by a yellow jacket that kind of suck I'm assuming that what asmon gold is arguing for here is just an argument from balance he wants to play an MMO RPG where the classes are very simple very welld designed very well tuned and perfectly balanced with each other however I would make two I think also it makes it more accessible for people to not have to deal with like 50 different buttons like in a lot of times like I think that one of the best high points of class design was actually in Legion and I think that Legion was such a high point because of the prune of wad like wad after the prune was bad but with Legion adding in the like I miss Pandaria in my opinion was way too much I thought it was way way way too much and like uh Legion was like that perfect Middle Ground where like every class felt complete and it felt good but there wasn't like an overabundance of skills and there were still a lot of things that you could press that I I think a lot of people are going to disagree on but I'm going to say them anyway because why not Point number one you want to play a perfectly balanced game you could play chess role playing games can be kind of stupid there's always some crazy overpowered nonsense when it comes to playing an RPG he's totally right about this and I agree with him I don't think that you should build the game for like absolute balance but at the same time whenever balance becomes too asymmetrical then everybody starts playing and doing one thing and it ruins the game so like balance does matter whenever it Trends in an extreme and like some class or some is like unbalanced to the extent that everybody is playing it it becomes such meta yeah and I think that really the way you solve that is by frequent updates and redesigns regularly to always keep that meta from shifting because the meta will always happen and the longer that you let it crystallize the more people that start playing towards that meta in Skyrim you have the stealth archer in Wrath of the Lich King to name just one expansion example you have the death knight in a game full of complex spells and abilities there's always going to be a lack of balance and blizzard trying to make every class equal in terms of damage and numericals I would say that's the reason why all the classes feel exactly the same and the second reason why I disagree and this is one yeah like with every class there's a big AOE like back in classic wow I I think that classic wow the reason why class design was so good in classic wow was because some classes were bad at stuff because like really classes in order for a class to be able to shine other classes have to not shine so like if you look at for example like Dragon's Dogma there are probably classes that can kill Golems really easily but as a warrior I am [ __ ] fighting a Golem however if I'm fighting a drake I can destroy it's not even a big deal at all so like each class has like different advantages and different things that are easier for them and that's kind of what my point is I know a lot of people are going to disagree with but it's I actually think having more spells makes the game feel like a proper role playing game and news flash and this is something I think even Blizzard Entertainment forgets sometimes World of Warcraft is a role playing game or it's supposed to be and I would definitely argue and this is a whole other subject world of warcraft's RP genus has definitely fallen into decline over the years I I genuinely hold the opinion that uh more abilities more customization more opportunity to make your class who you really want it to be I agree with that but I think that you should make sure that a lot of the abilities that are added aren't expected to be rotational combat abilities that people have to have on hand all the time to be using on a extremely regular basis because it just creates keybind bloat and it makes it harder for people to keep up and learn new classes so like you should have these like Flavor abilities and cool things that classes can do but it's like uh like uh like enslaved demon for example enslaved demon is like a perfect example of a spell that's amazing in the game but you hardly ever use it and it's so cool that it exists so you want to have spells like enslaved demon but you don't want to have just like random filler spells that you have to spam and keep doing all the time that that's good for RPG to conclude when it comes to this point of Asma Golds I'm actually on the exact opposite wavelength he wants L I'd be curious to hear what nix's perspective is thinking about it in terms of like rotational combat abilities because like that's really what I mean because like for example like if you had a mage like I mean if oh 10 buttons total well then you couldn't have any portals or teleports right so logically of course that's not what I meant however I i' actually be curious to hear what his his opinion that is because I think that he would agree but I don't know abilities maybe he's making this argument more for the sake of balance I'm making this argument I don't care about balance more for the sake of because I think fun and Madness and sometimes even broken builds I think that's a part of what makes RPGs very special it does he's right I'm not saying Dev shouldn't try to balance the game at all but the pursuit and perfectly balanc in overg has led the game into a state where figure criticism is a class class is feeling too similar not enough identity thoughts yes or no I think that classes felt amazing there were three high points of wow in terms of class design Wrath of the Lich King missa Pandaria and Legion and classic I would say I think that even season of Discovery goes too far with giving classes tools that they don't naturally have I think that in order to have class identity you have to have classes that are bad at things like what like a mage being so now let's move on to asman Gold's second point and hear what he has to say shall we are you [ __ ] kidding me are you [ __ ] kidding me number two remove all raiding difficulties except for 40 Man raids and then make 40 Man raids of the relative same difficulty as like old war hard modes one factor is that I think that optional hard modes for certain bosses like again old the war hard modes or like Terrace of the end of spring the first boss are cool this point is absolutely [ __ ] stupid because it should be 20 man not 40 now look I'm a total class Andy I mean I'm even wearing my death equals delete shirt hardcore classic but I think that 40 Man rating although really cool although a bit of a nightmare to organize 40 players is a little too much 20 I think is a good compromise between the classic Andy you know the classic Raider and the modern 10-man Raider to meet in the middle with 20 but I do agree with you who's doing 10-man rating uh like I I personally like look I think 40 40 man is too much I guess I have an unpopular opinion I do I I guess I guess my opinion is not popular but I don't think that I'm wrong I I I do I I think that 40 is way way more fun it's much cooler it creates more of a athetic of being in a real raid I think 20 isn't enough people I think 40 also creates it's like a community inside of the raid with a lot of people in it I like it yeah like I do I like it it seems that I'm massively outvoted with this but I do genuinely believe this would you settle for 30 no the idea of the raid just having a single difficulty in fact personally in my opinion I've always been against all these different tiers of difficulty when it comes to raiding I would rather it be that when you go into a raid you have the same experience that everybody else has had that went into that raid you get 19 of your closest friends together you go and do whatever the latest content is it's a very challenging piece of endgame content and you come out with that new tier set those pieces of gear and you feel like a complete badass yeah I agree with that I wish that game like the game playay was more uniform and I think that even inside of Mythic rating there's like multiple difficulties like how they Nerf these bosses like I look at some of the Nerfs on loses that happen and it's like this is being reduced by 20% this is insane like the AOE damage to this is like reduced by 30% oh my God this totally changes the way it works so whenever I see this I I feel like that's that's also a different difficulty and I think that every time that blizzard has to Nerf a fight in like a big way that's because they they they tuned it badly I don't think that you should have to ever Nerf fight because it should be tuned in a way that's good from the beginning think LFR and normal heroic and so on so forth I think that's all just so unnecessary just have the raid be the raid have it be that when you killed the boss you killed the boss of the expansion you know you don't go and you can kill him again exactly I don't know I've never really liked difficulties in MMOs like difficulty scaling when it comes to rating I feel the exact same way that's why I don't like Mythic plus I just don't like I I like games that have like one uniform difficulty and the thing is that you can always create difficulty but if the game creates difficulty you can't like uncreate it in a way so like whenever you have a game that has like an easy Baseline the difficulty Factor becomes speedrunning and I feel like speedr running is cooler than just fighting a harder and harder version it's just my opinion I've never been a big fan of that so I actually agree with asman gold on that regard a single rate difficulty a single challenge that every single person equally has to take part in I actually kind of like that yeah and it provides like a shared player experience inside of the community so for example if you killed ragnaros in classic wow you had the same experience as anybody else now obviously if you had better gears later on in the expansion it's not completely the same but it's much more the same versus like LFR and Mythic or LFR and heroic so like in Dark Souls if somebody kills orstein and Smo that means one thing everybody knows exactly what that means and I think that that's what makes it exciting same as Dragon's Dogma it's kind of the same thing there's no difficulty mode on it I like that before we talk about the third point I do want to quickly give a shout out out to this channel sponsor zygor it's world of warcraft's Ultimate Guide add-on for leveling getting achievements mounts pets whatever you want and it's all linked Down Below in the description and before you ask this water is absolutely freezing because we are not in summer yet but Jesus feels nice on the feet remove all add-ons with no exceptions 100% please agree with me please all right let's get out of here please please bro please this is not a good take from asong gold in fact I would say that he probably wasn't really thinking when he said this I was thinking perfectly I regret nothing there should be no add-ons period no add-ons zero and that's not an insult by the way it's not an insult towards asong I like nixi a lot by the way I think this guy's great I've known him for years if he disagrees with me on Wow it doesn't mean I hate him okay whatsoever what I mean though is a lot of players genuinely depend on add-ons to play the game shout that's the problem though isn't it out to these guys the first group I thought of when he said oh move all add-ons were the role players role players depend on add-ons like tongues and total role play in order to really bring out their character to connect with other role players and speak other languages in game Griffin har items so on and so forth role players need this and then in regard I agree that they do and I think that's why blizzard should add it into the game as a baseline just the same way as they did with a lot of the features like for example in I think trial the Crusader blizzard did their a first version of like raid uh like raid frames and it was amazing and people had already had raid frames from like X Pearl and stuff like that but whenever blizzard made theirs then everybody was it was accessible to everybody so I think that really it's about creating again a uniform experience that people can enjoy but if you like you can't say remove all add-ons with all without also at the same time saying blizzard needs to be more proactive in adding the tools that add-ons are used to solve right and so that's basically what's happening is add-ons need to also be added into the game as a baseline like for example Final Fantasy 14 they don't have chat bubbles in Final Fantasy 14 so people did an add-on for it and then finally Final Fantasy came down really hard on add-ons and now Final Fantasy is just adding that feature into the game as a baseline that's what should be happening rather than people putting add-ons into the game and the UI just being bads to just simple conveniences I don't think there's anything wrong with bagnon for example questy or even zygor I completely agree with you in theory but I think in practice it would be impossible to draw a distinction between add-ons that are problematic versus unpro I would even be okay if there was like a community accepted add-ons like just for a bag add-on or something like that but where I draw the line completely is with combat add-ons I think there should be literally zero combat add-ons and I even think things like handy notes are bad quality life is fine I yeah like they're okay but I would just prefer and I think that like really whenever you start to draw the line it becomes impossible to know where it is so like whenever I say remove all add-ons this is my realest take because I think that there would be no way that you could implement this this rule with having gray area and I think that it would be better for the game to have no add-ons than to have the the culture that we have now with add-ons guide add-ons just to help you kind of get to max level faster for the sake of you know maybe running some raids with your guildies or saving you time from having to boot up a wowe head to figure out where that mount is that pet how to make more gold or something something add-ons like zygo show you how to do all of this we made it to a bench everybody now I can finally there's a lot of add-ons that do that and I think that's fine right it's not really a big deal it's the combat add-ons that are really really bad and I just think that blizzard can't remove combat add-ons exclusively and they would have to remove all of them and I would rather them remove all add-ons completely and also I think that there's another factor with this is like Nick cm and I like we've both played the game for over 50 years right so we understand all the nuances of the game but I want you guys to understand that for a lot of new players the prospect of having to download a third-party application that then downloads additional mods onto your computer in order for you to play a video game as a baseline is very unsettling like I remember whenever I I I had to do it in 2006 and I was like is this like a virus or something like that it's like it gives people pause immed mediately and I I think just asking people to do that at all is a bit uncomfortable it's [ __ ] and also not to mention the fact that it's [ __ ] annoying so I think that really whenever I'm talking about removing add-ons I am talking about it from like kind of both extremes because I think that like Middle Ground players don't really care a lot about add-ons but I think that they're incre incredibly toxic for like high-end players and also really low-end players because for low-end players now this is like you know this is a person that's like just started the game recently and now they have to learn about like you know like uh add-ons and all this other stuff it's like basically an extra hidden Iceberg of like learning curve that doesn't even have anything to do with the game so it makes it really hard for like a newer player to get into the game and at the same time it creates such a contrived high-end player experience with all the add-ons and we oras and plugins and tools that they have that the way that they play the game is so different that the developers literally have to make the game around that context and those are the people that really get damaged by add-ons now I think that add-ons decrease the overall quality of the game collectively but I think that those extremes of players like the bottom and the top 10% of players are the most negatively affected by add-ons shes on you can see that my shoes are uh a little bit covered in mud it was the bottom of my feet for a while but walking uh from way over there has uh pretty much cleaned them off there it is nice I just go hiking like this all the time that's so much better now look I know that asold I used to have a place like this near my house I built forts out there you know what that place looks like right now Apartments along the lines of add-ons like details or deadly boss mods add-ons that essentially play the game for you at endgame I not even play the game for you add-ons that provide you a higher degree of awareness anything that increases your awareness or the way that you are processing information or add-ons that just track data so that people can like smack talk you because you're not doing the highest DPS I'm pretty sure that that's what Asma gold was referring to when he said yeah yeah definitely that that's the worst offender but I do think that I I do think that I have a strong and compelling like my argument for 40-man raids is like I think 40 Man raids are really cool and it's like you know it's like a whole group of people and it's like a movie like you know Lord of the Rings there's a bunch of people fighting against something like that's my argument for like 40 Man raids it's mainly just a Vibes argument and like kind of like I think this is cool argument but I do think like my add-on point is a lot stronger and I think that I can really like I can argue that a lot more because it's not just like my opinion like my opinion is I like 40 Man raids but I do genuinely think that add-ons are bad you know removing add-ons without prejudice know you could make the argument that endgame add-ons like dbm is cheating but then you'd also have to make the argument that using questy is cheating using an add-on that records where like your certain peace Bloom spawns are and stuff that would be cheating I personally don't agree with Asma gold on this one either I think add-ons are fine be them small add-ons or more complex ones I think they're okay all right we've made it back look at this dude in the time that we took that walk for a second I thought that he wrote asmon sucks on the [ __ ] window for just like a split second I was like did he really write Asun sucks this allergy season message is almost recovered in pollen that's how bad it is out here well friends I hope you enjoyed our little Adventure out here in North Carolina today hopefully the comment section doesn't get too salty because I disagreed with asthma gold on some stuff but to be fair I don't give a [ __ ] if you guys want to go in another adventure with me I highly recommend my day one classic wow hardcore self-found video check that one out next it's on your screen right now and if you guys would like for me to make a video sharing my thoughts on how I would fix World of Warcraft let me know down in the comments I want see I'm going home man it's hotter than a camel's anus out here I definitely want to see that [ __ ] oh crap I think I left Asma gold back at the creek okay he'll be fine I would be yeah be okay with me that's fine with me absolutely uh getting rid of add-ons would require an impossible amount of Dev work to compensate I mean yeah but don't you think it's important to invest into that into the future of the game if you think that it's problematic because I think that it is I think it's worth it I I really do I I I think it's it's such a big deal to do and make that experience better for like the average player those poor devs yeah I think it's it's insane how just get rid of Mythic plus I mean I don't know if that's really going to solve it but um yeah this is the way that I feel about it I I feel the most strongly about add-ons like the uh the like rotational spells this is like it kind of depends it it's like whatever like I I think that yeah like basically reduce half of the abilities that people have in the game like it's just way too much stuff going on especially with like rotational abilities that players have to like dynamically choose when to use in combat I think is overwhelming it's just too much stuff going on and also people have add-ons that play the game for them in that aspect as well but the main thing that I really care about the most is the add-ons I think the add-ons issue is the biggest deal but the other ones are you know kind of like whatever look at uh PVP for example one big add-on takes up your entire screen complete disconnect from the games add-ons are [ __ ] [ __ ] and cheating really sucks so much stuff going on yep there we go I think this video is bad faith there's no way he doesn't know the Nuance your takes but they're emitted here he's just talking about it it's not really a big deal uh yeah and I I'm just glad people are talking about what I was saying and I think that really I I was surprised to see how many people agreed with me about add-ons like I knew that the 40 Man rating thing there's the video I think this is a good video give it a like I I I I really like Nick a lot I've known him for years
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 1,174,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, zackrawrr
Id: rrjdexaBja4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 17sec (3077 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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