Helldivers 2 Bans Players Asking For LGBTQ | Asmongold Reacts

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hell divers bands players asking for lgbtq what is this true like something rather fascinating is going on in the hell divers 2 Community by now I'm sure you aware that hell divers 2 has become ridiculously popular absurdly so and as with anything in the modern day world whenever something becomes popular people begin to flock to it they and subverted to their own goals which is what we're seeing Happening Here hell divers alerts you might at first glance be tempted to think this is an official account saying friendly reminder don't be a fascist oh really now oh that's an interesting take particularly from a game that so obviously satises it but oh well and you should not be genuinely reciprocating approval of Conquest genocide and violence well actually genuinely reciprocating approval of Conquest see do you remember what I was talking about how a lot of these people are looking to make fantasy media congruent with their Real World Views and they have an inability to separate fantasy and fiction from reality and they have to make sure that all fiction is congruent with their Real World Views and the Brain rot goes so deep that even whenever you are killing mindless bugs and literal Terminators who are programmed to kill people yeah but these these bugs remind me of this marginalized people I'm trying to help really really so so these bugs remind you of the marginalized people I see and that makes everybody else a racist I get it of course of course it does what do you like what is the logic in this if you are in a war where all the sides are attempting to conquer and genocide one another with violence then yes responding with those exact same things is 1,000% legit to quote another handsome with a massive forehead in another very very relevant movie we are in it for the species boys and girls oh boy but of course this is not an official account this is the official account held by others 2 it has the exact same logo as you will see it's got much the same name as well only adding alert and it doesn't do a whole lot to make it clear that it's a socalled fan account yeah sure because this is of course about clout as the one position in particular that is so very interested with seeing fascists on every single Street Corner in every don't be a fascist man you know back in the day we used to take people like this and we had like these rooms where like you would put them in a jacket they'd be like this so they couldn't hurt themselves and then they would uh they'd have like a like a mattress on the wall so they couldn't you know like get themselves all [ __ ] up and so you just put them there and everything kind of work itself out you know maybe in time but you know now now like we have mental asylums but they're called social media and this is the world that we live in right here this is it this is a person who's making a fake account pretending to be the uh the developer I guess talking about fascism making multiple tweets about this like do you really think people are being fascist and Hell divers oh my God single game Etc the antifa do you even know what a fascist socialists or Communists are in these days let me explain it fascists are right-wing people Communists are left-wing people and socialists are kind of left-wing people that's just that's it's that simple and if you kind of yeah that's that's how it is God you're stupid so I'm actually curious so did do you think that I was talking about that honestly did you really think that I meant that or you you thought that I wasn't joking didn't you you might be but 90% of Americans truly believe that I'm sure glad you're part of that 10% oh man we're lucky to have him here political crowd now normally you would think that the no politics in games approach would be the correct one however this is where we get to the interesting part I was banned from the Discord for what I'm about to say but I do not think it is controversial I would like this game to remain politically I was banned from a Discord but it's not controversial what I said no I will not say what I said no no no nobody nobody sees what I said no but it was I didn't say anything wrong someone in disc suggested lgbtq skins and my response was to keep homosexual politics out of the game all right fair enough in fact this seems like an actual legit problem because there have been plenty of Demands on the steam forums of just this I have found dozens of threads like this but this is this is what it gets really funny you may know so every single person that tells me that they get banned for no reason on my uh on my stream they submit their ban appeal and they're like I can't believe this would happen I can't believe this would happen to me and then I read their logs and you know what their logs are I got banned for no reason bro I got banned for nothing I was just stating what my opinion was uhhuh for sure the strange stripes in the background indicating that all had been locked well there like this friend got banned for asking to add one lgbtq cap mhm they seem to legitimately be banning both sides of this political discourse in other words they are actually saying no politics in this game they are actually keeping the politics out of the video game regardless of the political position thank God please remove these I don't even what even are they like what are these people where are like it it's just like these people want to take over media and make the media agree with them now of course being on the more Central rightwing side of things I do believe that this is something that needs to be said I do believe that most companies require this call out for them to even begin to think about the fact that the doctrinal philosophy that they've been infiltrated with is going to damage their product but it seems as if the developers of Hell di have actually realized that no we can't have the political discussion we are not a forum for the political discussion we are a [ __ ] video game about killing robots and bugs we don't need this here we are not the correct Avenue or the venue stop both of you and I am 1,000% in favor of this yeah I generally am I mean like I'm also completely in favor of doing it but I'm completely in favor of primarily the developer being the one that chooses and not a group of people who think that they have a moral mandate to bully the developer into making that choice I think if a developer wants to have a rainbow cape and have a pride event great that's their right to do that and as customers you can either if you don't like it you can quit playing the game now what we used to do back and like and I don't know if they can do this because it's like I was thinking like can you just like make give people like an emblem where they can put like different colors in their emblem and then I was like hm well if somebody can make a flag like that I bet they could make a swastika too so it probably probably isn't a good idea to do that but um you know if you if you gave people the ability to do that yeah because I'm like cuz you know it's like I I do remember yeah or a dick right I I'm I'm not 14 anymore but I do remember whenever I was 14 and I would have 100% made something stupid or super offensive right and so yeah anything that can be used that way will be abused obviously the [ __ ] counterargument of the leftist is don't you realize is the game as political you make political jokes in the game you must yeah this is uh this is what a lot of these people do is they try to say that every single thing is political in order to normalize pushing their political ideology into the game uh it's very common oh everything's political well it's that's why it's okay to be for for it to have my politics be open to be a political spectum no no not at all you can have a game that has political themes you can even have a game that has overt in Universe politics is it you can even have a game that makes overt political declarations in it as well as the game definitely does make fun of quite a few authoritarian philosophy I think the problem is whenever the video game is a bad metaphor for real life I think that going and like for example um you look at Final Fantasy 16 a lot of that story is about slavery it really actually is [ __ ] slaves like it and it's it's bad and like they talk about it and it's not like it's ever viewed as a good thing there's like not really a lot of nuance it's a great story it's a good story right and you have Metal Gear Solid but like the problem that people have is whenever they want to make the politics like their idea of politics is representing a political event whereas the good politics and stories are representing a political ideal I think that's a good way to say it I'm not sure if it is but I think that's the difference and still not make it a correct area for political discourse which is exactly what they are currently trying to do will there be transplant capes locked thread trans lgbtq I A Plus representation in game locked thread no lgbtq plus representation in game seriously locked thread this is the correct way of dealing with this you yeah you don't need to have have representation in a video game like for example in last Epoch I played as a black guy because the void knight uh the base character is a black guy now ideally I generally play as a white guy that looks kind of like I do right to an extent but am I going to be belly aing over the fact that oh my God the character I have is black like I don't need to be completely perfectly represented in every single game it's really not a big deal like what is this not bow to either side you simply take a Firm Stance and say no I'm not not here this is a third person shooter action video game we are going to literally accept as broad a constituency as you want your trash want to play our game go on your right winger want to play our game go on conservative leftwing antifa we don't care just play the game because we are a video game well and also like another factor of not caring is the idea like one of the really good um one of the really good messages of Hell divers 2 and it's like it it's overt but I think that the the meaning of it is more uh you know it's not as overt is that you're not fighting for super America you're not fighting for the UN you're fighting for super Earth and so like the entire story like for example like it has like a multi-racial family in like the first 5 minute cinematic so it's very clear that like the game is about you know coming together for a certain specific cause and the focus is not necessarily about a person's individuality and I would argue that in fact the foundation of the game is against that individuality with that shared goal and I think that that's probably another reason why they're trying to avoid trying to create factions of people in the game and like appealing to people like that because it is kind of antithetical to what I think one of the really positive messages are in the game you know human Supremacy yeah it's a genuinely loable position now of course again I sympathize significantly more with this Pol position than I do the other one because this is absolutely subversive I've talked about this in multiple I don't have a problem as again I want to say it again like I think that the developers should do what they think that they should do they should do what they want to do artistically and the problem is whenever developers are not doing what they want to do but they're doing what they have to do or what they feel like they have to do that's the problem even if it's entirely possible the guy in question here has has no the majority of these people are probably honestly relatively well-intentioned they're looking at the game it's like my friend got ban for asking for this isn't that a little bit extreme I mean it's just one Cape right fair enough and if it ever stopped at one Cape I wouldn't even have a problem with it either but it never does because of this this is why you cannot have one Cape because well if they have a rule against it not not having like real life politics in the game then just don't have any of it it's actually like super [ __ ] simple right like because if you if you add one thing then other groups of people are going to want something else and then it's like okay now it's like everybody's trying to fight for like getting represented in this way or having their agenda be in the game it's bro come on just play the game moment you do people will see it as an affirmation of their political beliefs the accounts are already there chasing clout in the name of the game attempting to push a political philosophy and opinion that is what they're already doing like this hell div is alert like oh I'm super fan of this video game I don't quite understand what it's satirizing or the humor in it but I am totally a fan and maybe he is maybe he's just a morons it's entirely possible yeah like if you want me to be honest like I always thought that like Starship Troopers and uh like hell divers is doing a very on the- noose satirization of like American imperialism and and like the military industrial complex like I I I feel like it's so obvious right like the people but like the thing is that and the reason why it's good is because it doesn't saiz those people as being universally bad but it just satures it as being misguided or kind of silly which is what makes it good it's good because it doesn't provide a one-dimensional Viewpoint of people that are Bad actors and that's I think what makes good satire like good is whenever you actually have a degree of like kind of realism to it and usually most things in life are not black and white the entire ideology is designed to be subverted I've read enough of the original philosophers now to recognize that very fact and so yes even giving them the pinky finger will only result in further demands it is quite literally inevit and then you're going to have other people demanding like different like country flags like it's just you remember like our slpl I wish they would make a rule next year to not have any flags on that like I I hate like oh my God it's like guys does the turkey flag really have to be one fourth of the whole thing do we really need the France Monument of the Eiffel Tower to be the entire like it's the entire left side come on guys jeez but at the same time you are also going to need to deal with a rising counterbalance to this which is going which has realized what I just mentioned that this is subverting and must be stopped at the beginning and hey this might even be an acceptable conversation in a in a closed vacuum right somebody says Hey can I have this somebody goes no I think that bringing the ideology can we not and I again sympathize primarily with this post because he has the best point but if you are a thirdparty developer the easiest and by far the most effective way to deal with this is to Simply say no you don't get to talk about it you don't get to discuss it we are enforcing the 100% politic free zone so and as long as they keep to this as long as they keep to keep dude my favorite part is like I remember whenever especially hell divers was like really really really popping off people were bringing up like Israel and Palestine and it's like I'm thinking to myself wait so are you saying that Palestinians are oh what the [ __ ] which yeah who's the bugs who is this oh my God it's like an that's what I was saying before about how these people that are on Twitter they are the ones who are the most racist they game entir neutral Wing symbols no left wing symbols nothing whatsoever I am completely satisfied with this approach in fact I think it might be the ideal one so do let me know what you think down in the comment section below as well do you approve of this or do you suspect that there might be concessions made in the future I I I am personally worried about that because this is probably eventually going to grow into a larger story we'll wait and see at the moment I think hell divis 2 has the sheer influential clout as the game of the moment to ride it out I don't even think most of the gaming most people just want to play a video game and like that's it I don't think normal people really give a [ __ ] about this one way or another and it's like two very vocal 5% of the gaming community that are trying to fight it out like the two monkeys and the Simpson thing where like they have knives and everybody else is like instead of cheering for them they're like oh [ __ ] oh they're going to ruin another one oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] here we go here we go we G have to deal with this [ __ ] again Outlets will to Tong it right now because if they alienate the hell divers fans which they are currently trying for CLI as hard as they possibly can then they will lose a great deal of Revenue and seeing as Steve areus gaming websites are currently crashing in burning at a frankly hardening speed that might not be what they're searching for right now in fact yeah I haven't been noticing an interesting Trend that more and more of these sites have deviated away from politics themselves and simply producing the good old fashion clickbaity guidy garbage that we all know gaming journalists exist to make it might still be garbage but at least it's non-offensive garbage I though I actually think IGN's done a really good job with making good quality videos on their channel uh on YouTube at least that's why I've watched a lot of them and I think that they're a lot better um obviously like I think that written media right now for gaming is in a very very bad place and I think that like woke politics stuff is like only probably 10% of the reason for that I actually think that like there's a number of other problems that like these uh websites have that are like foundational and quite approving resent Evil 5 yeah I disagreed with that one but I would say like overall thank you all very much for watching and I do hope to see you all again soon a good day yeah and IGN changed how they did videos in a positive way yeah for sure I mean like I think that like again having a no politics rule is probably a good idea and not having people bring in real world agendas into a video game because I don't think it's really about politics it's about real world issues because whenever you play a video game there's like a degree of escapism in that game and whenever you start seeing uh you know connections to real life like even something as simple as having TTV in your name right it's like TTV like that's immersion breaking it's like oh Twitch TV right I'm not in a video game anymore and so I think having as few of that as possible is a uh it's a very good thing did they block the comments on the video oh I don't know I just I watched it on their website I'm not sure if they did that or not many people turning politics into their personality yeah some people are why isn't this video game addressing the real world issues I think about constantly this needs to change yeah exactly I mean this is a pretty fair uh Fair take on the on the topic and I think that the idea of just Banning uh I'll link you guys the video give it a like if you liked it and uh first comment on the video um are you a man or a woman I'm a hell diver what gender are you democracy yeah but like what's in your pants Liberty yeah it's just like and and I think that the the silliness of that is what makes it very appealing I mean this is a pretty fair take on it I I definitely agree yeah I think this guy brings up good some good points and I think that more games need to take the same policy of just simply not having any sort of connection to real world like current social issues or politics I feel like every single time that a video game does that it's always there's like always a like a a bad component to it there's always some version of it or some part of it that people get upset about and it just makes the game worse overall I don't think also like I I also don't think that like having these things in video games helps at all because I'll tell you what's going to happen like uh if you if you give people the ability to have the rainbow cloaks then people are going to kick those people out of the group or and this is going to create toxicity in another way it's going to create more problems and it's not like this is something that's a uh it's a good thing it's a bad thing but it will just create more dissonance and then people want another flag and then they'll want some other stuff and then they'll want some other thing and you know that want the company to make statement so yeah you just never give these people an inch like just keep the video game being a video game right just let it be a [ __ ] game h 2 has ended racism oh sure something unique and unprecedented is happening on the hell divers 2 servers I've played this game for three days now and I've yet to hear a single racial SL I've sunk 10 hours in this game to play 10 hours of multiplayer and not hear a single racial slur is unprecedented in gaming this just proves my theory the best way and human onh human racism is start a conflict with an alien race that's what they should do they should invent aliens and that way people stop being racist or I'm going to say it again Mankind's not going to unite as one because we've grown spiritually and we've learned to love one another the only way we is we gain a common nonhuman enemy you might call me crazy but look at Hell divers too all right they're fighting bugs they're fighting robots there's no racism and it's it's not even real fighting it's fake computer fighting on the internet people have gone a small tiny little simulated Taste of mankind fighting aliens and they've already stopped using the hard R only word being said with a hard R is automaton and it's fine to say that because they are robots they don't have feelings you can be racist towards them I'm not even a religious man but every time I blast a ter in the face with a shotgun I think to myself now this is why God was made in man's image I never been to church one day in my life I don't even know where this is coming from man was made to fight amongst the Stars time we've set aside all these Petty stupid Earth squabbles and begin Intergalactic conflict no more genocides it's time for genocide yeah I think he right you know it's like uh people find a common enemy and then suddenly they figure out a way to get along what a surprise the government should do that
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 1,401,908
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Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, zackrawrr
Id: 3-6E7dNwNVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 17sec (1517 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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