Is New World Shutting Down? | Asmongold Reacts

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today we're going to be talking about the current state of the game how is New World in early 2024 should you come back if you've played in the past if you've never played before is The Game worth it you may have seen a lot of people describing this as a dead game um especially recently there has been a lot of uh negative discussion around New World a lot of the current Community for the game I mean if you just hop over to Reddit you know it is an absolute uh bundle of joy over here it's time for us to admit that new world is eventually going to be shut down wow however I do believe that a lot of it is not completely unfounded so today I'm going to be talking about my opinion on the game somebody who's played the game for thousands of hours almost I think that one of the biggest problems for the game that a lot of people don't realize is the fact that the combat is janky like if you can't get the combat right in the game and like your character constantly desyncs with other NPCs because of the way that like the engine works like the game just fundamentally doesn't work properly like that's that's the big thing and there's like animations that hit you that you're not in it's just bad every single update made a lot of videos I generally you know pay very close attention to new world as a content creator for the game and you might be thinking well uh this just this guy's just going to be biased then he's just going to tell us new world is great and that we just you know need to uh pay more money on the store and stuff and go watch his twitch stream no honestly but we are going to uh be you know telling the truth here I'm I'm going to talk about about the the bad in New World and there is quite a lot of bad and you know the good and and potentially things to look forward to as well there is obviously going to be some degree of bias I will acknowledge that as a new world content creator uh but generally there are quite a lot of gripes and and things that I want to say about New World maybe some of this might make its way in for one of the reasons why this stuff um one of the reasons why this stuff happened is also because New World server caps are killing the game and they've been killing the game ever since the game came out so new world has like a very low server cap and people can't play with each other across server and I think that's caused by in a lot of cases the lag that the game has and the engine of the game I don't really know exactly why this happens but there were a lot of servers like whenever I started playing a game I had to leave three separate servers because they died and every time I left the server I think one of them I got a free transfer actually uh but other than that I had to pay like USD I had to pay real money in order to move my character to a server that was playable so like if I go to um uh like let's say I I'll go ahead and pull it up new world database and I take a look at this and I look at server status like if you are playing on this server right here that has 148 people on it you are going to be having a very bad time you're not going to be enjoying yourself playing the game because there's nobody to play with but if you put all these servers together and everybody was able to play together then then you would see a lot less people that are quitting the game because what's what happens is that somebody thinks to themselves and they log on like this one only has 27 online players how can you possibly have an MMO that only has 27 online players well what ends up happening is that these people they're playing and oh wow this is so fun this is great I want to play new world again they log on for the first time in 3 months and they see nobody in their City and now their server's dead nobody's talking and Tra chat the marketplace is dead there's no way to get a group it's just [ __ ] depressing like you log on and everybody is gone in your MMO you have no friends your company is dead like everything is dead so guess what happens well then they leave they're like well I don't want to play like I guess this game's dead I'm not going to try it out how many of you guys had that happen with new world yeah a lot of you guys right cuz like the good thing about new world is it's a buy to play game you can just log in and play it that's it it's sad but like this was a problem that existed in the game right from the beginning and uh the developers just refuse to fall to solve the problem they could do the channel thing like BDO well they need to do something there's not an active game anymore I don't understand how this is still a subject to talk about well there would be if everybody was in the same server because they could all play with each other AGS I think it's unlikely that it does uh but either way potentially you guys will find this video useful you know opinions of somebody who spends a lot of time every day talking talking to disgruntled World community members new players old players you know kind of a little bit of everything uh and give you guys a rundown on what I think about New World in 2024 so far without other way I'm going to do the uh obligatory like And subscribe and all of that stuff if you guys uh enjoy this content it does especially these days with the current way that new world is right now any likes any comments any sub subscriptions subscribers uh that all does help out uh but with that being said let's jump on into the video shall we so we're going to kick things off with talking about uh why are we doing this video now in 2024 for a lot of people the concept of new worlds like being Dead the game being over um happened you know quite a while ago it has sort of happened around this time where the game came out and then vom nose dived into uh obscurity there was no content in the game and the gameplay was bad new world is a game that the more seriously you take the game the less fun you're going to have a lot of MMO players well the answer is that after new world came out and whilst it was a pretty shocking release fun you know to have all all those players kind of at the same time and you you had that new MMO experience uh it was riddled with bugs and a lot of people wrote I had a lot of fun whenever the game first came out I'm going to be honest I loved it off the game uh around that time however later on um basically a year after the game came out they had the brimstone Sands and Fresh Start Ser as Brimstone s this was crazy this was a massive free up this was really really cool I don't think they get enough credit for this it was kind of like an expansion but it was free and fresh out servers uh were basically an opportunity to join in and jump in again on a brand new server nobody could transfer over who was level 60 so it was kind of supposed to be even playing Ground for everybody to and this was also massively mismanaged because the Fresh Start servers started dying and they didn't merge them or put them together or anything so they just let the servers slowly bleed out and then the Fresh Start players just stopped playing that's what happened to my fresh start server hop in and it turned out it was pretty successful uh the game peaked At 137,000 Con back into the top 10 on Steam uh for the time uh with a pretty significant increase to the overall player base but as you can see um within a few months Amazon had managed to throw it yeah it was huge like it had a massive amount of growth and it held that growth for quite a while but the reason why people didn't stick around is because it didn't have social systems that made the game fun to play with other people like that's also another big issue your Fresh Start server was also locked at the split the server population yeah exactly like it got locked and like again I think that a lot of the problem why New World had so many issues is because of I would say gameplay is only like probably 70% of it maybe 60% of it and the other 40 or 30% are like structural problems like you like the the engine was crappy and then also that the server uh sorry that like the servers were caed like those were a big problem a much bigger problem than I think people make it out to be because like again it's like you think about like MMOs are the best whenever it's easy to get into an MMO it's not easy to get into an MMO whenever you log in and you have to pay money and you have to invest money to transfer your character just so you can play the game all the way again with some slight bumps here in there as they introduced this seasonal format where basically every 3 months there's a reasonably big update where they add in like a new dungeon uh some new skins uh now we have a season pass as well which is Battle pass but overall uh you know the play upb is kind of declining pretty heftily and not really doing too much for most of 2023 until we get to the end of 2023 and around about that same time that's whenever the expansion got announced and people came back in anticipation for the expansion they released the rise of the angry Earth expansion now this was a paid expansion first time that they've done this it also increased the level cap to 65 introduced mounts and a bunch of other features it wasn't as popular um probably about half as popular yeah we we got about half the concurrent play numbers here um but still I would say going you also have to keep in mind that the reason why it's so I keep eating me let me just eat real quick there was a massive twitch event where like they paid streamers I was one of them I got paid to play New World in November 2022 it was [ __ ] great and so I got to play this game all the time and they had a bunch of these people like they had a massive marketing campaign this is like multi-million dollar marketing campaign to push new world to get more people to come back and play the game and you know what it [ __ ] worked it worked it went up higher than it did from the expansion but the thing is that the content after that didn't really happen it no new stuff and so people got away you know from as low as 20K back up to 77k 166% gain of players is actually uh pretty solid uh but unfortunately history continues to repeat itself as now we are losing all those players again yeah um in fact this time it's especially bad because the player Spike wasn't really that big for the expansion because it was I guess paid you know that kind of limited the number of people that would jump in and give it a go again um we didn't really get that much of Bo well this is what happens to like twitch streamers have you guys ever seen like a twitch streamer that gets like lower and lower viewers and then like their stream just ends up dying right and it's like basically you you you start circling the drain where it's like as soon as you start losing viewers people realize that you're losing viewers so they stop watching and people assume that whenever you're losing viewers it's because you're not entertaining anymore so yeah it's like I I saw the Hassan thing I'll even talk about that it's actually a great example I can use so I was going to talk about this more but I'll just kind of bring it up right now is like Hassan I I looked like he apparently didn't get a lot of viewers for a stream or something like that and he was really unhappy about it and people were were mad and I I've heard other people comment that like assass son's viewership is going down like I've seen him at over 20k like multiple times I'm not exactly sure why that happened or what that was or anything I have no idea but at the end of the day as soon as people start seeing your viewership go down they assume that you are boring and your streams suck now and that's it is down a bunch from the start of the year to be fair a lot of people are because there's less people on Twitch right now but yeah the ripple effect yeah exactly and so like on Twitch there's like twitch has the same issue that MMOs do because like a lot of twitch streams the value that people get out of a twitch stream is being part of the community and so whenever the community is eroding then people view that the game is eroding and like oh that the quality is eroding it's not so good anymore has son's worst takes well what I'm saying is like there are other people that think he has the best takes and the point is that a lot of the people that think he has the best takes people will the thing is that if somebody says Hanan has bad takes and Hanan has viewership that's going up then it's like well apparently you know that's not true for a lot of people but there creates a confirmation bias whenever you hear oh this guy has bad takes and then the viewership is going down nobody's watching anymore and so that creates like oh yeah I'm right see this proves it you see you see what I'm saying people are being weired in his Discord about him doing different things he got justifiably mad about that I don't know why Hanan was mad I'm not defending or attacking him for that I'm just using this as an example for why people view the community size as being valuable like I I don't I have no idea I don't know what happened so now the fall off is you know uh even worse we have the average players uh getting almost below 10,000 which which has never happened before and the peak players um going under 177,000 in the last 30 days and to put this into comparison um if we look back at 2023 I think the lowest Peak players we had was about 20K and in 2022 uh the lowest was 22,000 so yeah we're quite a bit under Peak players and average is also looking pretty rough as well um August of 2023 SS go as low as 12,000 concurrent July of 2022 SARS go as low as 13,000 current and um potential spoilers I hope that I'm wrong here but I do think these numbers are going to continue to be read for quite some time in fact we're going to be waitting ah it's not good I mean it's not it's not good and I say this by the way I love new world I I and 1,590 hours 37 hours I like the game that's a corpse it doesn't matter I still love it you have bad taste in video games I guess so but it's still my taste and I certainly liked it a lot what can I say game is fun for some time yeah how many Bots I don't know around that same time again this year you know that sort of September October if we go back over here it's sort of uh October November it's sort of towards the end of each year where the game kind of makes a somewhat recovery in play numbers but I do think it is going to be getting very the end of the year get there um some people would probably say too low I mean if we take a look at the number of people playing on each server right now in D world yeah uh there's only a couple of servers here I think we have Nick it's like why are these two servers not combined like 837 552 just put these two together that are on the same region just just combine them right now just do it EU Central why are all three of these server is not combined you add all these numbers together and it's slightly more than 3,000 just combin the servers they did it doesn't matter though oh now they're doing it oh okay well what about a month after the game came out and this was a problem like they're doing it it's like oh finally like yeah now we're actually doing it it's too late like that's the issue the prices were super low oh the or prices yeah cuz no nobody else had anything to do so people want to see other players in the actual game exactly yeah characters could get corrupted yeah I don't know I mean like I'm glad they're doing it it's good they're doing it but like I think that a big reason why the game died is because of the [ __ ] servers it's not even because of the game play it's because the [ __ ] server whenever my whenever the expansion came out were people able to make characters on my server because I remember there was some [ __ ] going on where you yes yes you were not able to transfer to marama it was locked so I I remember because I think jibu tried make a character on there and he couldn't do it and the only reason I could transfer over is because my main character was on mirama like and that was on the expansion saying the same thing over and over exactly yeah that's the reason that's all there was to it Nissa Valhalla and Lilith which still all Peak over 1,000 players at their sort of peak hours we' got Lilith hauling in 1,347 uh going down to Nicks here which is on EU this is a fresh server just over a th000 here and then I think everything under there oh no there there are over I move down to my server here on Barry uh we Peak at 625 and then the lowest server here which is AP southeast of suek uh man these guys don't even get over a 100 players it's uh it is sad times for some players on some new world servers so what exactly is going on here how is it that Amazon managed to release the game uh get a lot of players lose all of them get a few back for brimstone Sands and then lose them again get them back for the rise of the angry Earth expansion and then lose them again is there some sort of like hole in the bottom of a new world where players just keep draining out of the answer is yes it is called the end game and it's basically nonexistent this can be demonstrated through Reddit actually if we take a look at Reddit here we have several posts that I see on Reddit from time to time where it's new players coming in and they say that they're enjoying the game uh they've played other MOS they playing new world and they find it to be pretty fun but they hear a lot of negative things about the game now I've seen quite a few of these posts and and the negative that we're referring to is this is a new player here and then we go to the other side where we have a veteran player and they're saying you know it's time for us to admit that new world is going to be shut down basically so uh you know this is the polarity of New World recently over the past sort of couple years Amazon have been making a lot of concentrated effort to revise and and you know improve the leveling experience in well they've been adding lots of quality of life they've been making the and the new leveling experience was a lot better and it improved the game in a tremendous way it was great but the problem is that making a game work doesn't really make a game better it just makes the game what it should have been in the first place smoother and easier to play reducing bloat making itemization easier making getting to Max gear score easier the way I kind of uh like to talk about it as a metaphor is Imagine that you go to a hotel you're going to stay a night or you're going to stay a week in a hotel and the lobby the entrance to the hotel is it's nice it's clean it's shiny uh the reception is good you you know the service is is immaculate like that there straight away um they take your bags uh you get into the elevator to the lift and you go up to your room that's all pretty smooth as well and then you open your door into your room and it's just it's a little dank dark box of depression it smells sounds great of Wii um there's no light switch you know it's devoid of any love and that is end game you you spend this time leveling up and having a pretty fun time you know that that you go around the map and the game looks beautiful it does um mounts now make it easier to move around when you get to endgame you just end up with not a lot to do uh we have Expeditions so if we we go here this is basically all well the gameplay for expeditions sucks like it just sus sucks tanking sucks you're just getting hit and like knocked down constantly it it's just it just sucks like that's all there is to it and and why does it suck I think the big reason why is because of the desync the game has that like whatever the problem is with Lumberyard which is their engine I don't know what this problem is but I do know that it's a problem I will get hit and my character will go like this it's been like that ever since the first preview event of the game if that happens to a new player they're going to think to themselves this game is bad especially whenever they get killed by it they fixed that uh I I mean I don't know I I mean last time I checked they didn't world end game summed up in in this screen right here we have Expeditions and mut Expeditions you basically don't do normal Expeditions you just do the mutated version cuz the normal version is super easy you'll do them for some quests and that's it Elite trials um is the sandworm now the funny thing about this is this is a piece of content that they introduced in season 2 which was sort of in the summer of 2023 after that they did season 3 which was the expansion and they made this content defunct because it gives you items of a previous gear score 6 700 is now the max this was when 62 and the sand War I I think is still pretty hard the only reason why people did it was for like dark matter I think which was like the upgrade material in the game five GCO was the max now in my opinion it would maybe take them like a week or two to update the loot table but they just don't seem to want to do that so despite spending a lot of time and effort uh making this content you know polishing up the the lobby they then just leave it to I don't know Decay it's just it's not doing anything which is very strange and like I say mutated Expeditions we do have the crossover cap these days so you know if you don't have a group for a dungeon you can well like even though they have the cross server now they didn't have it for over 2 years and this is what happens is like for every single week that you don't have it the game loses the game is bad and also like for example the gem system is terrible why do you have to why do you have to delete your gems after you equip them like having to put new gems into your gear in order to do like a a mutated Expedition but each Edition has different mutations and different cuz like so this is basically the way the game works right is that you you want to have your gems in that give you resistance from an element that the uh mobs do in the Expedition and whenever I played I'm not sure if this is still the case but there were two Expeditions or three Expeditions that were active at a time and each Expedition had a different element that you were vulnerable to so or the different element that the mobs did so like for example if you would go into Lazarus instrumentality Expedition it would do lightning damage but then if you did Tempest heart it did fire damage so if you wanted to go do Lazarus and then do Tempest heartt you have to now go and buy a full set of gems for Lazarus and then you have to replace the gems that were currently in there and then you have to use gems for uh the [ __ ] Tempest heart so then you delete the Lazarus gems and that's only to do two dungeons if you feel like it right it's an like I don't know how they thought this was yeah it just like what the [ __ ] like why would you do this sounds ridiculous it is ridiculous luckily that that is all changed wait it is I haven't played in in a long time it's not I mean yeah yeah so you still want to use all the gems for yeah okay well I'll get in check I don't I don't want to log in it'll probably make me do an update I don't want to log in it's less complicated but it's the same yeah they got rid of resistances no they didn't they got rid of Ward but they did not get rid of resistances so you take less damage from corrupted mobs but you take the same amount of damage from fire just hit the random button tell it whether you're playing tanker or uh hit the queue button and that's it you're queued for everything for difficulty one and difficulty 2 and it will find you players from other servers for the mutated Expedition que so they've done a good job with that um and then we also have from PvP we have 3b3 Arena uh sadly the queue for this doesn't really pop because it's not cross server so you only queue with people on your server and as we talked about if you're on a server like suek uh you have basically nobody play there no cross capability it just ain't happening quite frankly on a lot of new world servers and then we have Outpost rush over here Outpost Rush often considered one of the most replayable probably the most popular format of PVP in New World there's a you know there's a good chance that if you go to the new world twitch directory um probably like 90% of the streamers playing the world are going to be playing Outpost R because there's effectively nothing else to do and this has been the case in New World for a very long time the the game effectively released with Outpost rush it came out it was n fully working when new world came out no it was we had out push Rush um within the sort of first few months at the beginning of 20122 we had mutated Expeditions and that's kind of been it they haven't really um pioneered or invented any new game modes like I say there is 33 Arena but Amazon in their Folly have decided to not include cross server capability for the new PVP game mode only for the old PVP game mode and they don't seem to be rushing to implement it for 3v3 arena either so this is what I'm trying to say and that um as a player in New World your first 100 hours of the game are going to be really really good I would say for most people you're going I think that the new player experience for new world is it's actually really fun like starting off the game the game starts really strong and that's why so many people were excited about it from the beta is because nobody played it all the way through and then as time goes on as you get higher level then it becomes problematic enjoy the leveling experience uh crafting Gathering chopping down trees just living and breathing in the world is amazing then when you get to level 60 or level 65 you're going to go get a few artifacts you'll do some of the endgame quests you might try Outpost or for example like the artifact thing uh like the great sword which is one of the most popular weapons is locked behind doing PVP you have to do 3v3 arena in order to get the great sword I sat through doing cont ENT I hated doing because the great sword was it's dumb it's it's RNG and it's also RNG on top of being PVP forced same with the blunderbus and I hate it yeah I'm not sure about that and I played it a lot and uh it was annoying to do like I kind of enjoyed at least a little bit of it towards the end whenever I got better gear but effectively making people do PVP in a game that you don't really have to do PVP in is never going to work very well you said it's good though before I think that if that's what the vision for the game is then they can do what that vision for the game is but the problem is that whenever you make that the design of the game then guess what happens people don't like it that's the thing it's like I support them wanting to do it I sat through it and it's like it is what it is however a lot of people aren't going to want to do that straight up I'm just not going to want to do that like that's it and I had a lot of time and have a bit of fun um but that is it once you've done it once you've kind of done it and there is nothing else to do and Amazon again doesn't really seem to be making an effort uh to add anything more for players to do for the foreseeable future uh and this is the problem that new world has um this is why we have a lot of players that come in cuz they are new when returning players and they enjoy the leveling experience they get to the end game and realize there's nothing to do and they quit and sadly I think we're going to continue to have this issue for a long long time until Amazon do actually address the lack of endgame and to that I would say Amazon if you do happen to watch this video uh first of all the sandworm remember you spent like hundreds of hours developing this boss fight it's pretty cool maybe just get a guy to go in and update the loot table just maybe that's a crazy thought um the same with your soul trials as well Amazon spend a lot of developer hours on the these sort of single player one-time disposable boss battles they're actually really cool um I don't I might be able to flash some footage on the screen of them here watch this is why people aren't playing the game was he in that no he wasn't you clear see the indicator the indicator is right there looks like [ __ ] he ran into it he got too close he might have gotten too close and he clearly did but whenever you see the way that happens he clipped the edge yeah that looks and feels like [ __ ] that you do in the main story line in fact there several that you do in the main storyline which are really cool Unique Mechanics uh there cutcenes this voice acting what you could do is just scale these up to level 65 and have them be replayable instances I'm sure it's going to involve a little bit people aren't playing because a lack of content not this I think that you dramatically underestimate the amount of people that are put off by janky game design uh technical work but at the same time I think rather than needing to design brand new boss fights you could just take some of the existing content in the game which is fairly welldeveloped uh it's from the main storyline aka the best part of the game and just copy that over into end game I think copy pasting some old content as opposed to just having no content in my opinion that's a little bit of a he's right free dub you know an easy win to go for that now with that assessment of new world's current state out of the way let's talk about the future of the game because that's kind of what matters the most right where is this game going from now you know if we we look two years in the future does new world have a lot of players is new world even still around anymore is it going to be getting shut down like uh Reddit seems to suggest well in order to talk about the future of new world I briefly want to talk about the past New World never really was intended to be an MMO from the get-go in fact it was more of a crafting survival sandbox game yeah the game was originally intended to be like what they're trying to make the new Dune MMO into and it's Alpha State you can see a little bit of footage here on the screen uh basically you would land on a tum and with your friends you could put together a company go and build a base somewhere and then attack other people steal their resources and just try and get a bigger base so yeah very rusted in its Inception um but I guess Amazon at some point made a decision that that game wouldn't sell or wouldn't do too well so in my understanding is the reason why they stopped doing that is because the game was dying even in Alpha the game was dying people were stop weren't playing it anymore that's that's the reason why instead they pivoted and made an MMO RPG but without really having any of the fundamentals or foundations for an MMO RPG in the game other than you know just the combat and the overall audio visual there was no NPCs there was no dungeons there was no instance game modes or anything like that on top of that new world was also being built on a sort of brand new game engine it was a heavily modified version of The Cry engine called Lumbard which is now been modified even more so into the azoth engine and to my understanding working with this game engine is not easy well it's obvious that it's not easy like it feels like every technical every problem with new world in not every problem but a lot of the problems with new world come down to there being some sort of technical problem technical issue I've heard on sort of non-official accounts that uh the aoth engine is a bit of a pain in the butt to work with um not many devs do enjoy working with it and to that extent well lumber yard or the ASO engine whatever they want to call it apparently they used to use it for other games as well and now my understand understanding is that new world is the only game that still uses this engine because of how problematic it was I think they have been making these strides as you can see here to kind of uh improve and modify and and just generally make the game engine easier to work with so one Endeavor that Amazon's making currently is to basically change the way uh the combat code works in the game so the way the game is coded as it pertains to the combat system and the animation system is being updated into C+ Plus+ now again and it's like that's great this is awesome but like again the problem is that once you have a game out for so long and it creates such a bad negative opinion that people have it's going to be so hard to get people to come back and play the game again yeah it's like this is The Game's been out for three years now that's insane not super knowledgeable when it comes to programming just in general so you can correct me if I'm wrong I'll link this in the description down below if you want to take a read through uh you know that there is some degree of uh technical knoow in order to understand what's going on here I don't give a [ __ ] or no but here's the thing the game's janky and if it wasn't janky it would be better like that's it I don't give a [ __ ] like whether it's C++ HTML JavaScript Lumberyard or unreal it doesn't matter what the numbers are what what's behind the scenes it's not working and that's the problem uh but my understanding is that this is a step for Amazon to make the game easier to develop and iterate upon going forward and hopefully also easier to find bugs and fix them as well as right now uh you know you basically get your boss that comes into the room and is like hey I want you to tweak this number with the ice Gauntlet and then they open up the draw where the ice Gauntlet is supposed to be and it's just filled with you know styrofoam little bits of pasta um you know torn up uh Lego pieces just like all kinds of junk in there that shouldn't be in there but that is just the code for new world it's kind of a nightmare to work with so with this change to the code it maybe looks positive for new world in the future now I know a lot of people are going to say you're being very optimistic here baggin and you're right um but I I do have hopes that this is going to make the game smoother going forward and allow them to develop it's good that they're doing it it's good but I I don't think this is really going to fix or save the game the game has like I think they should probably do like a relaunch of the game or something like that at this point I don't think there's anything else that can save the game other than an overhaul and a complete complete relaunch up at a much faster rate than what they're doing right now cuz or maybe just improve it and hopefully over time it will get better and then people will come back and play it we flip it is slow right now uh to add to that uh emphasis or argument on the game it's just really hard to undo the death spiral slow uh sadly we are seeing another delay with season 5 now I think the delay season 5 by the way we talked about it briefly seasons in new worlda basically just big updates every 3 months they there a reason to sell a battle pass reasonably big update we get a season pass which is a battle pass that you can buy and then there's usually like one or two sort of pieces of big content and a bunch of other bug fixes and Quality of Life along the way so it's season four uh we got a new dungeon called the winter Rune Forge and they added in um you know a sort of storyline uh that you could do one time with season 4 and we got a bunch of new artifacts which are like you know kind of special Legendary Weapons as well that came along but anyway season 5 was slated to be on the 12th of March which at time of recording this would have been tomorrow however it's been delayed and they haven't even given a date as when it's delayed to now most likely the delay is because of the sort of rework combat that they're doing so they talk about autofacts here but I think this is you know changing the code is a pretty big deal and it is going to cause probably issues in the get-go but in the long run this could be pretty positive for New World another positive indicator for the future of new world or negative depending on how you look at it is the release of the game onto console now to be fair and to be should have happened two years ago it's crazy like new world is a game that has three buttons you could play this game almost with a garage door opener like there's more buttons on the little thing that controls your car you know to lock your car open your trunk you could program that to play new world what's this took forever it took took way too long Amazon have never outwardly stated they never said like Hey we're releasing the game onto Xbox and PlayStation on this date uh but there is a lot of evidence to suggest that this is what they are gearing up for sure uh case in point right now we have an article which was released at the end of February talking about um controller supports so this is a feature that's coming in season 5 as well and it's actually pretty extensive having played with new world on a controller on the test of uh they have clearly put quite a bit of work into making the controller work with new world you know they've got a assist Target FR and Target lock which is a little bit worrying it's like they fix problems a year after the problems become problems it takes them like a year to do something only working PVE right now um they've created new uy and ux so as I say there has been a lot of um effort put into this and they're continuing to add more to it in the future as well in terms of giving you more uh layouts to use with button presses and allowing you to create your own sort of controller layout as well now I've got to imagine uh that Amazon isn't doing this well now I've got to imagine uh it did hit him okay that's fair but this is another thing that new world has is it has hit boxes like this that are so like massive like I I would assume that a frontal attack at a player in in the front would not hit me whenever I'm at the side of the boss I think Thorp was like the the the worst one it's unpredictable yeah it's just nuts that Amazon isn't doing this because they think it's what the current player base want in fact I would say that probably less than 1% of new Well's current player base play the game with a controller and I I don't I don't know what the overall number of people that play with a controller on PC is but I would Hazard to guess that it is a probably relatively small number now this is not to say that it's not important I know there are people out there who much rather play with a controller than a mouse and keyboard but overall considering the the current uh asks of new worlds player base for a new Outpost Rush map more end game you know uh just generally other features and instead Amazon's like hey don't worry bro I got you covered I know you want a new Outpost Rush map but how about you can play the game with controller it's just nobody really wants it it's got to be said so I'm imagining that Amazon I think that it would be really great if they added new world onto Game Pass or something like that that would be amazing I don't know if that would ever happen but if it was it would be great if you could play it on Console absolutely have a different player in mind the reason why they're investing so much time into controller isn't just because they're dumb it's because they they have a you know they have an image for world in the future and this is an important setup step cuz obviously if the game doesn't work with a controller it's not going to work in console so we're kind of like the guinea pigs for that there's another piece of evidence that points to that and that is the fact that Amazon is actually developing another MMO RPG right now and it's actually the same uh devs like the new world Dev team are also working on a Lord of the Rings MMO now we made a video on this topic nearly a year ago and again I'll link to that up in the top right if you want to check it out um but Amazon is published this is going to be nice I mean I hope it's going to be good but like it's going to flop you think it's going to flop I mean I don't know if it's bad then who gives a [ __ ] in this game globally for PC and console there's no release date yet they're all limited amount of details but it is basically the dev team you can see Amazon games Orange County makers of the popular open world MMO game new world uh are going to be leading development for this Lord of the Rings MMO and it's going to be published on PC and consoles and interestingly enough there also using the azoth engine as well so they got the same game [Music] engine I hope it's good I do I really hope it's good I hope it I hope the game is good and the same team making a new MMO that's going to be published on console I would Hazard to Guess that they would probably want to publish their old console first kind of just to see how it goes and to sort of Iron Out The Kinks before they you know Splash their big Lord of the Rings money cuz you know that there was a lot of money spent on this deal getting this they probably spent a lot of money on new world too I'm pretty sure they want to make it go well you know they want to they want to do well another piece of evidence that would support the game com to console is money uh for those of you who don't know New World sold millions of copies of the game on Steam now this article am I the only person that's not impressed and I don't view that as a success metric like a lot of people bought the game well it's a live service game so the initial purchase isn't the win Condition it's continual players it's like playing capture the flag and then when you lose Capture the Flag you say oh well I got the most kills yeah well then why is your flag in their base what's this is you're playing a complete different game here from video game insights uh says that it sold 4.5 million units within its first month so uh I've seen some people I think it's like FS is floating the number 17 million copies out there I think the answer is probably somewhere in between but either way millions of copies of the game at like $30 to $40 each I think Amazon actually did make a pretty solid amount of cash when it comes to World Sales and assuming that they could even just get half the number and I think it would actually be more cuz the number of people who play games on consoles is pretty insane like it is a huge Market out there even if it's about as much as PC get half the numbers that they sold on Steam on Console I think they would consider it profitable as well so the fact that the Lord of the Rings MMO is um you know they want to publish that on Console the fact that they're investing so much time into controller support and the fact that it would probably make them like quite a lot of money uh for me those are all quite clear indicators that this game is coming to console and it would also support uh you know or it's also supported by evidence yeah it's coming to console of the fact that there's very little going on in the game right now I do believe that Amazon's Uh current uh initiative is to kind of ignore the current state of the game and instead focus on the game for console now hopefully that's going to coincide with a fairly big update we're probably going to be looking around that same time as we were in 2023 and 2022 you know towards the end of the year it's that sort of annual release where we get the brimstone Sands we get the rise of the anger and this time we're going to get console probably with something else as well now I could be completely wrong with this this sort of end of the video is speculation here but I'd be interested to hear what you guys think in the comments down below am I just completely deluded is New World Gone would the console release be nobody looks at this graph and says oh oh sign me up this is the graph of a Dying game I love New World it has been colossally mismanaged it has been mismanaged in a way that is astonishing It's just sad doesn't Elden ring have more players almost every game has more players here let's go ahead and just put this into context okay Black Desert has more players I'm trying to think about what the name lost AR obviously has more players L AR has way more players Guild Wars 2 has less players Final Fantasy 4 even Final Fantasy 14 a game that's not even popular on Steam has more than twice as many players as new world does Elder Scrolls Online has more players than new world it's not good I mean there it is this terminal yeah it's bad he's successful I've got to imagine that if we took this version of the game that we have right now in 2024 with the quality of life features you know fast travel is actually attainable we have mounts uh we have cross queuing we have 3v3 Arena although nobody really cues for it if we took all these features and dropped them back in 2021 um that player base of you know 900,000 concurrent it would drop down but it wouldn't drop down as rapidly and I I think like I say a releasee on Console the game is close to being pretty good uh we just need more end game game's all right the problem is that there's nobody to play it with and it it's buggy like that's the issue and there's like nothing for like casual players to do in the end game that feels good like again like if you look at the combat like let me finish the video then I'll talk about it um so fingers crossed that they they have the ability to implement that whilst also implementing it to console if they're just going to drop it onto console just to get the sales and then focus on the Lord of the Rings MMO I think that is also a likely outcome a bit pessimistic but either way it means that the game isn't going to get shut down for probably another year so oh wow another year you got that very positive outlook on the current state of New World uh you can do with the information what you will I ultimately do still believe got a whole year is worth the purchase um it's currently right now you factor in it's a $40 [Music] what they have planned for the game for this year now it doesn't really make a whole lot of sense that their plans for the year only come out halfway through the year but that's Amazon game studios for you they they do things a little bit differently so I am of course going to have a video on that and if you want to stay up to date with new world news subscribe like the video and of course let me know your guys comments down below all right I'm going to get out of here uh it was fun recording this one I wanted to get my thoughts out here so uh yeah let me know what you guys think and I'll see you all in the next video sad man it's sad it's a game I played the [ __ ] out of I was so excited for new world like I remember I would come back like y'all have to understand that I have a mental disorder because I leveled up to 60 in the New World preview event and then I leveled up to 60 in the beta and then I leveled up to 60 whenever the game came out and then I had the New World creator event that to be fair I did get paid for that one it was a good time for me and I leveled up to 60 again I leveled to 60 four times in this [ __ ] game I love new world I'm so sad to see what's happened with the game and I think it's completely the developer fault they played themselves have you tried therapy I did that was cutting down the trees yeah cutting down blue trees that was the therapy right there playing Rumble Club soda I am I'm going to start playing with them but I want to talk about this just real quick um the game play in new world is just simply not very good that's the problem like this kind of stuff like look at this this game play is bad fix the [ __ ] game play and you're going to have no problems then why do you love it because I I I don't I love it despite the game playay but you're not going to get people attached to it you're not going to get people that are continuously like excited for it Etc uh I'm sorry to say but um how should they fix the gameplay I don't know I mean like I could probably talk about that or think about that for a long time everyone rode this game so hard on Reddit Pepper Farm remembers yep and they were all mad at me and I spoke the truth and nobody would listen
Channel: Asmongold TV
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Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, zackrawrr
Id: Uw78WTwQZyM
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Length: 51min 18sec (3078 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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