Getting Started and Fighting The Thunderbrute! - Enshrouded (Ep.1)

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hello there and welcome to enshrouded my name is tamy and we're about to head off to our first boss fight but first let's have a look at my workshop here been working on this for about a day or so I think I've been playing for maybe four 4 to 6 hours at this point I did play the demo during the steam nextfest which was like last October I think and um I made it about this far during the demo so if you want to kind of catch up on how we got here you can watch that video but you really don't have to I'll give you the rundown right now just get the HUD back on here and um yeah so basically you spawn up there I went over there and fought some Bandits I went down in the Shroud which is in this Valley over here check this out I also have a glider woo that's pretty fun you can go all the way down into the Shroud Valley down there basically that's where the mushroom fungus bad guys live yep I went across the bridge over there I haven't checked out that gigantic Tower that's I didn't even notice that that was there it kind of just blended into the land landscape here all kinds of ruins around here but I'm sure there's something important going on there the next task is for us to go down there into that ruin and um kill our first big boss what was his name the the Thunder brute or something so in the demo of the steam next vest I I did all of that and I didn't want to do it all over again on camera so I kind of skipped over that but yeah check out the little Homestead I have here just been building and harvesting resources it's it's just so satisfying to build in this game you've got you got like prefab pieces like you can set big wall sections roof sections like you could in a game like Ark for example but you also have like these voxal where you can just like take those little nuggets apart and make little archways like this and um yeah I've been really just very pleased with the building system so far this is my little humble bedroom and this will be perhaps a lter or storage or something I'm trying to make like a little Tower here but but I can't figure out how to make ladders in fact I'm not really able to craft or build anything else I think um by the way this is my friend Oswald here he's a guy that I rescued recently and um there are many more NPCs to rescue and bring to your base as well and so that's where why we need to pick things up right now I need to get access to new NPCs I need to find new recipes I need to be able to build more stuff cuz I pretty much maxed out my potential so far right and it's um it's just turning Nightfall so perhaps we should wait out the night and Tackle this big project first thing in the morning so just by chilling out here in my bed nighttime zooms right by it's not a big time Skip it's just a big time acceleration I guess I would call it and uh here are our fungal shroud enemies right here let's just get a weapon out I have a sword and a club and a bow and I also have some magic stabs as well but um I think I prefer the sword the most right let's set out I've got plenty of food I'm well rested so it's um the UI is a bit complex I mean it's not complex but it's it's new to me and I'm sure it's new to you so it might take a little bit of getting used to let's just fly straight down here air assault style but basically yeah you can see my stamina depleting really quickly there on that radial so good thing I landed when I did or else I might have suffered a little bit of a fall we're about to enter the Shroud and you'll see a timer in the top middle of the screen but there are also there's some health the top left and that um is so large you have like two big health bars there because I'm well rested I have a very cozy warm shelter back there and that um contributes to my maximum health and I maybe maximum stamina as well I'm not entirely sure about that I'm just getting these twigs and plant fibers cuz uh plant fiber is actually not the easiest thing to come by so I want to get it in every little place that I I can even little mountain tops like this okay I have um I have some food Buffs so if you've ever played valheim you'll understand how all of this works we're going to drink water that's going to take up one food slot also this is the same as Icarus we're going to take a grilled wolf meat which will give me maximum health increase and we'll take some purple berries which will give me some healing that'll run out really fast but berries are everywhere all right we're flying down here like I said I've gone through this part before in the demo so I know what I'm getting into I know how to defeat the Thunder brute and I know that there are a lot of bad guys here okay combat style it's I guess they call it Souls like it it basically is just a hack and slash action adventure RPG style you can loot your opponents get a little bit of shroud stuff and some shroud spores I guess technically and some torn cloth runes yeah those things are kind of specific to the creatures out here oh boy Archer ow took an arrow to the knee there it's all right shrug that one off right okay and there are these beacons here shroud Beacon I just have to activate this and it will replenish my shroud timer you get a maximum of 5 minutes I guess to start maybe it increases in the future but it will drain over time and if you get like a Spore attack against you it'll also It'll like accelerate I guess the timer you know it kind of contaminates you a little bit more all right this is the layer of the Thunder brute he's down here somewhere can we get a good look at him no I don't see him that red thing in the back there I don't know what that is but that's not him okay there's one more thing that I can take here let's go with this mysterious flask this gives me actually more damage in the Shroud perhaps let's just double check on that it's um increases your damage by 30% reduces your max time in the Shroud by 1 minute I did see that just a second ago but a plus 30% damage multiplier I thought that that was only in the Shroud no I guess that's everywhere my bad okay well good enough we'll have that for the big battle ahead here and that did not take a food slot so let's go ahead with a honeycomb that'll increase my stamina regeneration and here we go let's get in here I'm going to go with these Scrappy sword it's probably the best weapon I have although it ain't it's not that good um the fell Thunder brute where are you dude there he is what is up man long time no C all right we got to be careful here this guy can totally kick me and kill me like pretty much instantly lots of dodging required here there we go who yep took a bit of a hit there no big deal if we take too many hits all we going to do is do a little bit of healing I got some bandages I've got a healing potion will be fine ow as I get kicked right in teeth all right it's a good thing I'm so well rested I've got all kinds of stamina and health I'm feeling really confident about about this Mr Thunder brute here is about to go down couple more hits and we got him and he should have some good stuff oh my God he's got a cool sword all right take all of that and that was a bronze sword I'm immediately going to whip that out and see what it looks like the last time during the demo when I killed the Thunder brute there he gave me some kind of a awesome spiked axxe oh right the Shroud route is the source of our misery destroyed it with a felling Axe and prosper Roger that come on Chop Chop there we go got a skill point too nice right so this is the pestilence that has been cast upon the land as far as I know from the lore our ancestors I don't know how long ago but I'm going to go out and guess like maybe like a thousand years ago our ancestors were dabbling with magic and somehow brought out the Shroud I think they were trying to harness its power or something and um now now it's completely taken over the world not completely but you know for the most part it's driven all of us humans or whatever we are humans I guess um into hiding basically so we all went into these capsules you might have seen these capsules before I'll I'll Point them out if I see them again and we've just been sleeping in the capsules for who knows how long hey we got some loot up here Hunter's bow I don't think that's as good as the bow I found a couple of days ago but now we are emerging I think I was the first one to leave and then I got Oswald out so you know there's two of us now but there are more people that are stuck in these capsules around the map and we've got to go track them down and I can't help but notice that there's no more like shroud timer here like like did I just eliminate it entirely from the region or no I can still see some shroudy stuff oh ow my ankles I can still see some shroud over here yeah okay still a shrouded region I think from here I want to go kind of back oh who bit of a fight here oh my many many people are here let's run away a little bit I got The High Ground holy crap this guy is who who are you you are fast and you're doing more damage than the Thunder brof did here have a shield bash I'm just realizing I'm doing terribly in combat because I I'm trying out a new setting where your attack goes in the direction of your character and not of your camera and that is definitely not the setting that I want I wonder if they can climb ladders or are you guys just stuck down there yeah they're just stuck down there I'm going to just leave them to it yes action Direction let's put that back on camera direction that was really throwing me off there for a second yeah I wanted to go back here because I never I've never seen what's back here before there could be some good stuff there's some more shroud for sure got the new sword it seems to be producing uh performing very well that is and look out we've got another guy here what are you doing trying to shoot me point and blank like that amateur oh that guy had the right idea what kind of a special Arrow was that oh I was getting backstab damage I didn't realize that was a thing so if you get around behind them you can get some extra damage with the backstab right okay let's um just take a second here to look at what this bronze sword is doing cutting damage of course 14 damage and oh all of this stuff is locked right here check out my bow though because that kind of has the same thing I had to unlock these I had to upgrade it back at my base at one of the workbenches so that's pretty cool we have an upgradable sword now cool nice okay so there's like a cavey section of uh shroud over here all of these guys are level three they're a little bit stronger than what I'm used to not that they're particularly dangerous but yeah I do want to explore back here and see what's going on I should have crafted some torches I don't have any I will get some though oh deadly shroud okay yes that is not where we're allowed to go I don't think perhaps we have to oh see these big puff balls here yeah if you destroy those or they get destroyed that's how you get spored and that's not good not good for your health right I'm just wandering off and probably that's not no no no no no no that's bad shroud there I think and also I'm like super shrouded right now so we need to wh get over to some safe terrain over here oh I just got shot with did someone just hit me on the run like that that's crazy nice shot I'm impressed actually okay my original plan though was to just go this way let's get some metal off of this if possible oh and yeah we'll see some of the terrain destruction I think you can dig Like the quote unquote Bedrock like the bottom of the pl area is like a 100 m or something underground it's crazy maybe we'll dig a big tunnel here in the future but for now let's proceed on the road here and see what we can find looks like we have a little village up ahead that could be a bandit Village oh we got some native Wildlife here level three wolf okay A Little Bit Stronger Than The Wolves we have back at home do a little bit of a shield bash there if you time your block just right you can stun them and then you do extra damage when they're stun so that's the way to go about combat and this is a bandit area camp thing over here as well as probably M shaft by the looks of it yep I think they are mining what is this this is probably Flint yeah Flint stone I have a Flintstone mine kind of closer to home so this is of no interest to me other than the fact that it just exists which I find kind of interesting oh hello got a dual wielder here let's see if we can stun him oh I was off on the timing there oh that was terrible actually let's try that again there we go and he recovered pretty quickly but he's stunned again rookie and and these guys are a good source of metal scrap as well also sometimes you get swords and stuff off of them and where are your friends the southern Caravan camp this in fact is not a bandit settlement there was just a random Bandit outside but here you can find some lore and kind of piece together the whole story in fact this is from the queen it's kind of like a journal entry actually from the queen she's praying for safety as they make their way to longkeep they are putting their faith inight I'm not sure if that was a hero or a God but she has a strange feeling of dread and that was rightly so because it looks like they didn't Faire too well here we have a magic staff there we'll check that out in a little bit pretty much just break everything down because you can get just interesting not interesting things but you know metal scraps and string and bandages and stuff kind of falls out randomly yeah these people I could just have a nap on top of this little skeleton here don't mind me perfectly comfortable okay A little bit of metal off of that and I think I'm ready to call it good here so the long keep that looks like a long keep right there that's where they were going but I think they got ambushed along the way at least part of the Caravan I didn't see a body that looked like it was the Queens perhaps she is still alive so everyone's comparing this game to valheim and you know having played valheim for something like 20 or 30 hours I definitely can see the similarities between the two games although this definitely feels very much different who the heck is that okay we're getting into a species or perhaps faction that I've never encountered before H yo jeez there's another one there are several in fact and that one looks like he's holding a big fat log all right let's um get some space here I don't know if these guys are tough or kind of pushovers like everyone else has been so far woo okay he's not stunning he does a lot of damage okay he's level five as well right I'm going to take this guy out but I don't know about taking out the whole Camp honestly okay o getting some backstab damage just kind of just discovered we could do that and um okay our furry friend here has kind of some random materials oh my backpack is full okay so we'll do just a little bit of rationing and then I think we can press on okay that's my healing spell heal Channel and it appears that's the only magical spell that I have I have some lightning bolt spells back home but overall I've never been much of a magic person you basically you've got magic you've got stealth you've got fighter I'm always the fighter type I want to get up close and personal with the enemies hack and slash I'm kind of interested to know though like from you guys what's the what's the prevailing class like what what kind of class do you typically take you know so we were talking about the comparisons to Val alheim but to me this game is starting to feel a lot more like never winter nights have you ever heard of that game cuz it's a very very old game and it kind of dates me a little bit to to reveal that that was one of my Early Childhood games but yeah never winter nights it was kind of like an action RPG style like this but it um it kind of followed the DND D guidelines like you had to choose lawful neutral oh the Wolves man they come out of nowhere sometimes and just totally Ambush you love five wolf no less oh boy yeah we're into like level five territory now this is this is a tough spot anyway never winter nights it was a very story Rich Game very much DND D feel felt a lot like this game to me but yeah let me know if you ever played that one and if you haven't and you're looking for an old retro game to play man that one was a gem one of the greatest games I've ever played okay well nope I've just aggroed both of them and um the big one with the club I I don't know about that man he's wearing armor I think I'm going to cut my losses out here I always say that cut my losses I haven't lost anything I'll take my gains and um let's probably just get out of here give me that stuff off of him yeah there's lots of stuff to see and do and explore around here and we have plenty of time to do all that I'm going to head back home and I've just realized too that I can fast travel to the last visited altar which I would imagine is home so I don't know let's give that a try and zip right back home I think I would have to walk you know back to where I just teleported from o hello there right let's get the uh inventory situation squared away a little bit Inventory management is not perfect I would say but it it's not bad either I have these small storages which seem to hold quite a bit of stuff I've got four of them I'm only using three I actually I have another one out there that I'm not using at all so it's not too bad but there is not like storage broadcasting so I do have to get the materials out out go to the workbench I wish that um any storage within your flame alter area which by the way you can see can you see you can see it now that I have the hammer out inside this zone is your building Zone it's the flame alter Zone I wish that anything inside this Zone any storage would broadcast to any workstation that's within this Zone that would be a huge quality of life fix if you ask me which you know the game developers they they don't ask me this kind of stuff they're going to do own thing regardless scaling an ancient Spire before our time a race of ancients built Towers to survey the land the ancient spires so perhaps those are the big towers we've been seeing one of them is close by climb it and discover the world a new okay so a little element perhaps of like the Assassin's Creed games you climb to the top of the tower and get a lay of the land well before we head out let's do a little bit of cooking I got some extra wolf meat this is good for I think it was uh health regen or maximum health or I I don't I think maximum health is what it was good for good to have around anyway and we're fully rested we've got 14 minutes there we we're sheltered we're warm comfort level is level 9 I think the more furniture and cozy things you put around your base the more you decorate the more your comfort level increases right and we're we're setting back out again that was actually a short-lived trip back home I didn't did I unlock anything when I was out cu I was really hoping to get like more options here you know cups and platters and jugs and tables fireplaces all kinds of cool stuff here I'm not sure maybe I've just like Ma I've already unlocked everything and they'll be adding new furniture in as we go along but nope I don't know I'm going to continue searching so for an early access game man this is it's going really well the performance for me has been great uh no stutters no crashes no lag nothing of the sort and it's about to be Nightfall I'm going to go take a nap oh I I can't sleep just yet but what I can do is I can take take the Shroud core that we stole from the Thunder brute the fell Thunder brut's layer this guy right here and I can feed that to the flame here to upgrade my altar which will increase my building area I don't think I need to do that but I'm going to anyway okay that that should be you know about double or so the size you know what this place is really missing is a nice cozy little fireplace here let's just get this rotated kind of kitty corner it here in this corner and we'll have a nice warm fire to keep us toasty at night when we're sleeping and you hear the rooster in the background there it's morning nice oh if you get to have animal husbandry and mounts at some point oh this is what the house looks like from outside I was thinking to have like a little you know lookout tower there just a I don't know for decoration or something yeah cuz um we're setting out on foot here and it's kind of a long walk I'm going to go to that Tower there I think that is is that the ancient Spire that Oswald wants me to go to it looks like probably it is is we'll cross brillin bridge and we'll be there in no time just maybe sneak in a little bit of flying here and there oh W interesting flight there I also have a fancy grappling hook so when you see these little like shimmering iron bars there you can just you yoink yourself right over no big deal just don't try to do that when you're out of stamina cuz you'll just it won't work at all you'll fall to your death that's never happened to me I'm not speaking from experience yeah you got to watch out for traps there are booby traps there are explosives booby traps there are those little bear trap things and sometimes there's a guy over here yep he's still here he's got a triple shot crossbow we'll just wait till he gets up close and then we'll do the backstab thing if we can who take that and dead see he's only a level one guy so we're in like the beginner area for sure I can build one more flame alter you can only have two at a time though so I guess that'll be the primary base where we just came from and at some some point we'll probably need to get an outpost okay we're going to get a view like I haven't had before over here overlooking the Shroud overlooking perhaps a different biome out there kind of like an orangish colored biome I'm not sure if there are different biomes I don't think I've seen that in any of the preview trailers or anything and this is a hidden tomb well you know I'm right here let's just you know poke down here and see what we can get into um we need a torch though for sure here we go now we can see something a hidden tomb so hopefully it's not not a huge labin I haven't been in a two oh spiders okay no I've seen giant rats before but I have not seen spiders yet are you going to shoot nope nope nope okay sorry for all you Arachnophobia types um hopefully they're not too prevalent down here ah at least one more though they die easily though or that or they're very weak to oh look at the spiders on the wall too oh this place is giving me the creeps yeah I think they might be weak to slashing damage with the sword well anyway we're getting Critter Parts off of these guys and string of all things Mak sense I guess I guess I didn't really need the torch this place is well illuminated who oh hi there yeah these guys don't do much damage they're more of an inconvenience I think yeah I want to see if I can open these SAR copag guy and shroud survival flask plus 2 minutes in the Shroud oh cool some Flint arrows as well I oh right cuz I was trying to make flint arrows there recently but I can't make them yet I think I might need I've got to do something obviously to unlock them okay they do poison damage for sure I am taking a little bit of damage there let's just uh take some berries that will give you some health regeneration it's kind of like just having a bandage basically just a little bit of passive health regen nope whoop that looks like it might be the main room right there though right boss battle or ooh bone block oh wow a a block made from the pale ribs and cranial bone its Ivory gu decorates tombs and temples alike and that definitely is what we're seeing on the wall right here wow so we could like dig a basement out under our base and um make ourselves little tomb down there that'd be fun all right more spiders but I think we're wrapping it around and getting out of here that's very cool I I see I'm at the point right now where I'm discovering new things everything up until you know the last couple of minutes here the last half an hour I guess has been stuff that I already experienced in the demo and so I wasn't excited about it and does that look suspicious to you right there like there was a doorway there let's oh oh open whoa oh it opens oh secret stuff man oh I love it when you get secret stuff makes me feel smart yeah but ever since we found those furry people it's been all novel stuff to me so really exciting let's get these uh be stuff be honey bwax here and press on to this Tower wow man whoever came before us whatever civilization this was the ancient ancestors or whatever they were calling them whoop okay we yeah we've reached the ancient Spire it's official now uh they were magnificent Architects this is humongous I got to climb to the top of this somehow too okay what is going on in here though lava got to be a responsible looter here and make sure that we're getting every little bit that we can get okay we're all looted up nothing special there what's this is this a flame alter like one that I can teleport to perhaps what is this though uh oh this is a Teleport to I feel like I'm in the tower like near the top or Midway through maybe oh are we getting into like a puzzle area oh who some doors are locked but can be opened by finding and pressing the correct button well that was easy whoa metal star mace there 14 damage that is about the same as the Bron 's sword although this is just a common item and I don't think it would you know you could upgrade it one level here get plus two cutting damage but for the most part I think the bronze sword is going to be the go-to for a good long while oh these are all lootable here wa okay give me give me a ton of wax in here so far every one of these has contained wax wax would be used for making candles which increases the lighting at the base there was a health potion in that one okay so you got to break all these down health potions are hard to come by I've only found I think four so far and um I'm expecting a grapple spot there it is right there to this whoop and uh button wait a minute scratch that a button is not required for that door uh-oh that is a trap though wow oh imagine if you could build a horde base if they were like if there was some sort of a horde wave defense thing you know and you could build some of these traps to help defend your base against um you know shroud enemies or those furry enemies I'm sure there are probably some faction names hopefully I will figure those out whoa just a magic whoop I did it again I'm trying to pick stuff up off the ground here stop that oh my God it's just a massive storage room that's full of loot everywhere okay all clear here nothing partic I mean very very special things like healing potions and such but nothing that we haven't seen so far anyway let's hit this teleport and head up to the next level not sure if we should be expecting any sort of a fight here or if this is just a huge looting Excursion oh but I just lost my pickaxe which I guess we're switching over to the axxe seems to be not nearly as effective but we'll manage aha we got a little bit of a puzzle to do oh bit of danger here it seems nope nope that didn't work oh I see you got to just grapple onto this thing over here yeah I'd say we're making some progress up the tower here look how far down that is there's brillin bridge I can just about see my house from here in fact going up oh jeez oh my God the thing I said about the Magnificent architecture man the these guys were kind of some psychotic Builders weren't they got a treasure room in the back here but I can't open that door without finding the right button for it so I think we are going to going to go this way maybe up that to the um up up to this platform over here also climbing uses stamina and if you run out of stamina you just drop off here we go here's the button treasure no treasure did it maybe unlock the door I can open it now nope ah oh right to over here I was just over here there's another platform to crawl up on to O more traps just a wait for the stamina to recharge there basically you got your regular stamina bar and then you have your buff stamina bar to increase that buff stamina portion we'll drink some water hydrate a little bit get a little bit more max stamina and hustle this is the button we're looking for right here I think it's got to be right let's just drop down here and gold treasure chest with a forest Longbow nice the inner Explorer in me has to go check and see what's back there if anything another Treasure Chest oh it's so so satisfying when you find those little nuggets there now I just wonder how many I've missed along the way another chest outside here with some healed channels and we're going up once more I think judging by where the location above marker was there yeah I I feel like this is probably the top I think it said that I just unlocked fast travel at the Spire so perhaps we can utilize that from now on or oh are we okay here I think we are commune with the flame these ancient spires open fast travel points all over the world and will reveal ancient knowledge of Ember Vale a little bit mysterious ancient Vault The Alchemist is over there ancient Vault Hunter are these the people the carpenter yes okay these are the people we need to rescue the farmer as well there's farming wow okay another licks are well that's where we destroyed the fell Thunder brute before I I think yeah it was this one down here there's another one nearby oh my God there's lots to do around here flame sanctums kind of close by to home so on the way back I think we should try to get another crafts person while we're kind of out and about yeah how how about the hunter that's kind of where we were exploring before and we kind of turned around as a result of those furry people and I think they were guarding something special this ancient Hunter Vault thing so let's see if we can head over there and investigate you know what I'm willing to bet too is that when you fast travel to a location like this it's going to bring you to the top so that you can jump off and glide down which man that's awesome it's time to do the experiment we got to go home sleep for the night and then we'll fast travel back here and then fly over to the east that's the plan got to stash our inventory anyway so I'll meet you back home all I just heard the rooster there it's time to go we are going to fast travel see I cannot I could only set a wayp point to the southern camp there which is close to where we want to go but um oh this is blinking over here that might be the next like Quest location we'll see how far we can get today but for now fast travel to the ancient spire and keep your fingers crossed that we're on the top and not the bottom we're on the top that's so cool all right our inaugural flight off of the Spire here to the east let's just make sure we're at full stamina cuz this is going to be one heck of a flight here and let's [Music] go right that was cool let's see how much distance we traversed there we made it about a third of the way to our destination I would say and I'm on the top of this big Ridge here I landed here on purpose so that we could probably jump off of this and get a little bit more distance H oh look at that house down down there is that our destination I love the architecture Style on that that's I don't think that's where we're going though it's where I'm going but I don't think it's where we need to go ultimately let's check it out see if anyone lives here there's also a broken down house next door could have a basement maybe or what's going on here anyway wow what a lovely place is this like a Trader or or perhaps it was Once Upon a Time this guy drank himself to death right not much going on here I don't think uh was there an upstairs though who hello eat that fire axe to the face these guys they sneak up on you I don't think there's anything up there honestly sorry for the the jitteriness here but no I've been I've been finding so much good hidden loot I couldn't help myself but check and see what's up there but no nothing exciting in this whole little compound here my brain is telling me that this guy is trapped up here in this Fortress Oswald the blacksmith was trapped in a not a fortress but you know a place that looked similar to this indeed yes we're going to have some fighting on our hands here for sure and and it might be the level five types too oh wait a minute there's a whole bunch of wolves out there and one of those furry creature type guys I don't I can't tell offand but I don't think this is where we saw them before I'm going to bypass for now let's keep our eyes on the prize here let's eat a little bit of wolf meat let's rehydrate and we'll have a little bit of Berry as well just in case we take a little bit of damage here and um oh I just I don't know I just ate something randomly I have no idea what that was I have food poisoning as well that's interesting I'm not sure how that happened what did I eat ancient Vault Hunter yes we're in the right spot now for sure we got to kill the furry guys though what even are you guys though oh they got a sling they're level three okay these guys are a little bit more tame here I have a bomb ow that that hurt me nope not quite we're doing good I think these guys are so strong I can't stun them with my crappy little wood Shield yeah it doesn't give me any indication of what these guys are there's no like it's just enemy we'll call them furries for now until I find a better name for them ah yes the big furry there hello I brought some Arrows with me except I'm not a very good shot yet and I much prefer hand toh hand combat anyway are you a mage or you just like a like a behemoth with that big Club there whatever you are you are bad at fighting they got some interesting Furniture over here I'm not sure oh animal fur Okay I guess this is where they dry out their Furs or maybe that's they got all kinds of fur around here well the courtyard appears to be clear now we're heading into into whoa The Vault itself right this is a oh yeah they must have been doing some raiding here and it wasn't going very well for them clearly yeah Oswald was easy Oswald was like you just walked in and he was right there I had to kill like three people to get to him but I think that was the freebie now you got to kind of work for your companions ah treasure room in there okay we got to find the button though it's got to be around here oh maybe three buttons it looks like okay is that one of them over there no I don't know what that is I can't reach it though oh no this is a button right here so we must press on I think just going to see if I can get over this yes oh oh I didn't see that that was there earlier oh no no no no I'm in the lava I'm burning in the lava actually it's it's it's not terribly dangerous lava I totally didn't even see that there my bad then I accidentally grappled onto it looks like this door automatically opened when I passed by yes these are the capsules these are where I came from it's where Oswald came from and it's presumably where you know a lot of people were stored there was some lore that I read along the way that said they made these capsules to infinitely preserve our species while the Shroud took over and now it looks like we are reemerging to kind of retake the world here we go aalon SC is what that said we will say hello when we get home and that unlocked Scout gloves and 14 more at the hunter right cuz the hunters are all of these people will help you craft new things maybe I've got to shoot it with a bow you think that'll work oh that totally worked aha secret up here that I missed crawling up to the rooftop now it seems where yeah I guess we got to wrap it around there must be the third button up here I didn't see it anywhere else incorrect no there's no button up here oh I finally found it I was just like you know what I'm done I'm leaving but on my way out I saw another grapple spot right there can I oh that was not okay not not what I was looking to do there we need a good running jump and grapple and who up to the grapple over here I could have just shot an Arrow added I suppose but that was fun and now I whoops just sprayed my ankles slightly I'm actually really not doing well on the health front what happened there so the loot chest is open hopefully this was worth my time oh Misfortune mace level three mace this is doing 21 damage man that's a huge upgrade epic quality here and um yeah the bronze sword was shortlived I think we're switching over to the new mace all right let me gather this stuff up and I think we're heading home to meet the is it the Ranger and we're home so when you have a new companion you need to get your summoning staff out and I've got a couple of open spots here I think I could park this person so how does this work again tab to ready the summoning staff aalon scree the hunter we will set her right about there you have to in my experience you have to kind of set them far away cuz if if you're set setting them too close together it's hard to interact with things because it it doesn't know exactly what you're pointing at but here we go aalon scre hello finding salt without a steady supply of salt it'll be challenging to preserve fur I've actually found a ton of salt I I I don't think we're short on that right now crafting Scout armor set plus 12 ooh extra stamina ooh that is tempting that is going to take dried fur though okay so that's what she wants the salt for right oh a drying rack no we got to we got to make one of these yeah craft that oh she's the arrow crafter I see okay so now we can get a steady supply of arrows in as well and carpets yes please a big straw mat we also have fur rugs straw mat okay wall decor we can do the fell Thunder brute trophy wood planks though I don't have those a wax torch resin torch okay so actual like long lasting torch that won't burn out on you and enhance equipment right I can actually use these little token things here to upgrade my stuff it looks like I have five levels on the bronze sword which is the legendary quality and I have four levels on the misfortune mace which is an epic quality the forest Longbow as well I've upgraded that a couple of times anyway let's get this drying right got to put this outside cuz these things are kind of stinky how about uh right around here right right here I think is a good spot for it so there's a couple ways to do this you got the free form right and then you can also snap it to the grid so that it's a little bit more you know s centered which it's not really looking good like that so I'll turn this off and just set it right there man this is going to be fun we're going to have all kinds of new equipment and crafting stations and Furniture to put up everywhere really looking forward to that and this is uh wait purple berries no I thought we were doing fur over here put the fur in put these salt in is that not how this works here's the recipes right here dried fur requires yes it's fur and salt we just need more salt we can also dry the berries dried berries do not regenerate as much health as the regular berries but they the duration lasts longer here go ahead and put my berries in there then should have a whole ton of salt here somewhere where is my salt we have not a whole ton we have 10 I thought cuz we were getting a lot of that over at the Spire that we were at earlier well anyway put what I have in there and um wait a minute what was she saying about finding salt we're going to need more salt oh look at the mace that's why it does more damage it's a two-handed weapon all right I well I don't have a good Shield so wait didn't I unlock a good Shield there a second ago well I did but it's a spectral Shield it's a bracelet not an actual proper Shield although I never did make this proper Shield here so that's uh we got to make a decision here do we want to go two-handed with mace or one-handed with The Shield or both kind of thinking both let's get a better Shield crafted here we go Rising fighter Shield craft that all right last thing to do here I've collected up my runes I think I get runes mostly from killing creatures in the Shroud the the Shroud humanoid type things the the melium Warriors or I don't know what their name is quite yet I'll get there maybe I should check the journal is there scavengers okay that's what those people are called I'm sure we'll get there okay anyway we've got the runes we talked to one of our companions here we going to we go to enhance equipment and I'm going to upgrade my sword a little bit it's going to take 12 we're going to get plus two cutting damage we'll use 15 we'll get another plus three cutting damage we will use 18 to get plus three piercing damage excuse me so and that's all I can afford at the moment that's now a level three legendary bronze sword put the runes away for safekeeping and I think we're ready to head back out again the next thing we have to do though is go west to the flame sanctum I think that's probably you know the next thing on the to-do list I guess I don't really know what what's what are my objectives here do I have a journal I'm not sure i' I've read all of these these are like Pages if you read all of the pages you can go back and you have the whole kind of History thing and sometimes it unlocks areas on the map but I don't think there's any indication of what's going on here at the flame sanctum just yet set that as the Waypoint we'll get a good night's rest and we'll head out in the morning here's a look at the new torch I just made with the hunter there this is made from wax and resin and stuff like that should be well it does more damage it looks like it might cast a little bit more light and it has a lot more durability we got to chart a bit of a a course here and see how to get to where we're trying to go okay we're going to just wrap it around the big mountain here and I think it's basically a straight shot over pass by the scavenger camp with M shaft along the way oh yes this way right this is where I was doing a little bit of experimentation who look out we got a guy here I guess these pois regenerate over time cuz I had a whole bunch of fun here a couple of days ago playing with the explosives this is essentially what I was doing before and I'll do it again it's hecking fun there just blowing stuff up playing around with the terrain destruction there are no physics though so what I did before is I took my pickaxe and I chopped all of this stuff out and the second level there was just hovering I couldn't find a way to bring it all down so I guess that's just how it is oh no this is the scavenger camp with M shaft I've been here before what's going on all right we got dogs armored dogs we've got people we've got the new Shield though bring it on yep dog down oh my goodness my sword is doing so much extra damage it's insane there we go one 2 2 three four I guess five slashes it it it feels like a lot but it was like 10 before so I'll take it yeah and I've completely looted this place once and it's all back to normal so that's good to know that if I need extra scrap metal and such that I can just swing by one of these places I've been to before and grab what I need ah this looks like the destination right here it's that same architecture style the flame sanctum okay what's going on here open sesame oh location reached these lovers sought refuge in the flame but it warms them no longer offer its spark at the flame altar in your home let us share these hours before they're Swept Away by the Shroud come rest your head on my shoulder my daffodil yours forever Saleem bit of a sad story over here then oh Metal Sheets right that was the spark I think it was called The Flame spark or something like that so we can take that back to our base and feed it to the Altar and that I think that's a part of the global benefits we'll investigate that when we get back home anything else out here while I'm this far from home though I'm tempted since we're already kind of on the exploration path here let's go do north and see what lies over that way oh all kinds of cottages and Villages and stuff down here ooh okay and this is as far as the the path takes me here so yep off we go looks like a little bit of a homestead here a bit of a farm in fact maybe we will be introduced to wolves wo weekly level three wolves I've been killed by level three wolves before I shouldn't be saying that we can tear out the crops oh plant fiber here yeah these are all kind of gone bad here that one looks like it's okay though yeah corn cobs I bet we can Grill those up on the fire and eat them for some kind of a benefit ooh they were growing mushrooms too oh my goodness I just broke my way into this little Hut over here I think it was the bathroom and um yeah someone had a a bad time in the tub over there treasure on the rooftop though one bandage let's check the main house here what's going on inside rats whoa get out of here mostly just odds and ends here so far just regular loot things like this you know get a Shelf with some junk on it basically oh this chest over here requires a Lockpick I don't have any of those with me but I should have some metal scraps crafting and I should make a lockpick there we go opens one lock one time use only I think it I think it's open already buddy okay there you go some Flint arrows all right I'm satisfied with the loot Hall here moving right along get rid of this guy oh level four as well so here's a look at the the skill tree here and the all the directions you can go in it kind of gives you an indication of what what you're working toward like the wizard pathway the trickster pathway I kind of just took some points here like The Lumberjack and the Mason just to help me do a little bit more damage against um resources so I can gather resources more quickly I pretty much want to be the Barbarian I'm the Barbarian type here so let's try to move in this direction here strength strength attribute by one melee damage 5% okay I'll take it I'll take another Point into strength here and I can take one into Constitution here and then I'm out of skill points now so we have one in Constitution two in strength now and that's all we can do well I've decided to close things out here we're going to go to the menend Old Wounds checkpoint there and from there we can progress to the salt mine and then over to The Alchemist look at this little cave that I found though that's not creepy at all what is this anyway some kind of a den what happens if I like mine this oh I get Twigs which is kind of interesting I don't think anybody's home though kind of fortunate for us whoa what a cool place that is and I I think that's where we're going let's jump down here and sort things out a little bit okay we've got some shroud in between us and this Cathedral here at the bees oh bee attack oh fly wood guard is the name of this location here interesting oh it's a whole little Farm Homestead here this is so cool okay well my friends I think this is where I'm going to leave things off for this one I'll be playing this very often here over the next couple of weeks so if you're interested in joining me for this long adventure and and basically this full playthrough of and shrouded the bees are back what the heck man then uh I hope you're subscribed I hope you'll tune in next time anyway thank you very much for joining me on this adventure and I will see you hopefully in the next one just let me get away from these damn bees hey everyone I just want to say thank you for watching for leaving a like but most of all thank you to the long list of amazing supporters that you see right here I hope this episode has earned your subscription and I can't wait to show you the next one best wishes to all and [Music] goodbye
Channel: Guns, Nerds, and Steel
Views: 41,446
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Keywords: enshrouded part 1, enshrouded tips, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded game, enshrouded guide, enshrouded, enshrouded review, enshrouded trailer, enshrouded walkthrough, enshrouded release date, enshrouded early access, enshrouded starter guide, enshrouded base building, new rpg games 2024, keen games, new survival games, part 1, where to find, valheim lets play, valhiem, valhiem 2024, guide, how to, survival, gameplay, coop games
Id: qki9turSgUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 49sec (3049 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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