Fatalis | Monster Hunter World Iceborne

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I'm a bit uh I'm a bit nervous I'm going to be [Music] real I am did you beat alron you can beat Fatalis we'll see what happens okay let me get a few of these things done do I have any of these done no not yet okay let me go get my stuff all righty collect my Harvest I also started doing flash bugs as well because I was going to start using flash pods cuz I might have to it's not that I want to it's just that I have to are any of these things any good uh what about this this any good no just all garbage okay what about this one all garbage this one also all garbage okay um it's all free at this point yeah basically but I don't really need any of that stuff okay um well that's my partner uh good to work with arreon think a future investigations can we co with monsters much less elder dragons I think we can funer understand what's possible ALR do you think the monster like that can live in the same world with us I think we had our answer as soon as we confronted it also I totally get why people want to accept alon's existence okay so that was just [ __ ] [ __ ] all right who do I talk [Music] to the commander purple all right actually I need to do something give me a second so I'm I'm fighting a new boss I need to change my gear do clue teroth event Quest I will do like two attempts on this like super hard dragon and then I do want to fight some of the other monsters okay okay um I'm debating whether I should use this armor set or my old armor set because like the frostcraft is really really good the Raging barados yeah H minus 15 fire res yeah yeah okay that's probably a good point okay all right we'll go with that and then with this weapon should I use this weapon the light Break Blade or should I use the Alton Revolution the ultra round weapon okay all right and I guess I need to swap over what are my gems and my weapon okay set decorations current equipment okay give me one second I've got to figure out where I'm going to put these other items oh I have agitator on that one had ice attack as well oh no that was on something else quick sheath that would be really good [Music] H let me see what I've got for my uh my Buffs here okay I think we could use could use maybe critical [Music] boost weakness exploit would be really good too [Music] agitator 7 is op yeah it really is but I don't know if I should be using it right now though that's the thing I don't even think I have an agitator oh I got one I saw it where was it did I really just read intimidate her and thought it was the same thing yeah I think I did okay um it's a level two okay I guess I don't have an agitator all right I think I should go with weakness exploit and critical boost I'm going to be honest I think that's the [Music] play you have weakness exploit maxed already oh sorry uh critical wait do I oh I'm in yeah yeah you're right okay okay well let's go with critical boost and H Destroyer is goed all right let's do it and what else do we have I think everything else is all pretty much the [Music] same yeah remove the frost oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay what can I put one point into um [Music] H stun resistance I already have stun resistance crit eye fire I could also do Fire Res yeah you're right do I have Fire Res I don't know if I even do oh yeah it's right there yeah [ __ ] that guys we're just going to go critical L yeah uh we're not doing Fire Res uh okay so we've got this set up and everything else is ready I think we're good to go guys I really do oh let me actually uh current equipment uh let me go back and and do this change equipment manage load outs I'm going to save this no no no no no no save how do how do I register a load out R okay yeah now I have like a new armor set okay [Music] save game [Music] true let's do [Music] it Safi J and its existence has been on my mind since this adventure began mhm it reshapes its surroundings so it can reap the benefits and however Safi Jiva has been defeated we killed him you must ask yourself why hasn't something come after us where does one draw the line this the wrong guy okay and if we were to be obliterated who will do the deed to be honest I am curious about when that time will come and what answers it will bring to us upon its arrival before long you and I will go our separate ways and after we say our farewells and several human lifetimes pass maybe the day will come when I find an answer keep that close to you [Music] Hunter well [ __ ] okay know I'm been thinking about with Handler said why did alra and go to secluded Valley because the Instinct that decided to go and dealt with that other monster no that can't be it how could we know it would interfere could you imagine if those two were to square off I'm guessing the end result would not have been pretty and I don't even want to judge us getting stuck in the middle of that anyway our investigations are far from over but for now let's take it easy especially you you deserve arrest okay so what do I have to do now I have to kill easy [Music] Alton wait do do I have I don't think I have to why would I have to do [Music] that check the other base map okay [Music] uh Quest is mandatory you still have to kill it to unlock Fatalis I'm getting a lot of different answers here I could just beat his ass right cuz I can't do this one you've completed the Fatalis investigation okay easily all right well I guess if I'm going to do that I'm just going to swap over and use my other gear then and then I'll swap back over yeah okay let me just I'm just going to do it real quick and get it done I probably could have done it with the other gear but we're just going to do this right now okay here we go you didn't save the load out yeah I did Dawn's [Music] Triumph oh okay so I start here instead how is it back so quickly something bad's happening um let me make sure that I have all the all my food and everything I didn't eat yeah I did I did eat that's why my health bar is bigger my health bar wouldn't be full if I if I didn't eat okay here we go let's try this out let's see what happens okay I'm going to go to the back there I'm just going to use all the [Music] Buffs okay decent [Music] enough okay nice I'm [Music] dead I'll get him [Music] here nice [ __ ] [Music] you I think he's going to do it twice [Music] got him I am shocked that worked by the way I just I can never get that roll right [Music] go get a heal oh [ __ ] what okay okay got him ruining the game by the way [Music] right oops I really thought that was going to go different way surprised I hit it there oh um okay I don't have any [Music] jerky okay all right that's a dead ass [ __ ] injuries to report great they did it again that's the easy version it's easy easy part of the boss it's not supposed to be hard it's just uh you kill it and then it's dead that's it low rank allran yeah yeah that was it and now we have to fight the hard [Music] boss first try I mean it has 10,000 health or something of course it's a joke all righty wa wait is it Fatalis time yeah yeah yeah God his [ __ ] ass damn I hardly got anything out of that I thought I was going to get a lot more loot I guess they probably don't want to give you a lot of good stuff for beating the boss it's super easy though right kind of makes sense okay um well I'm going to go back and uh take a look at this and change equipment we'll go back to level one is a load out yes okay and then oh you know what I was just thinking um did I change all my decorations too I did okay good so everything's ready to go all right oh [ __ ] is that him [Music] all right garw some work dude the field team Leader's waiting let's check in okay good work taking care of valat trayon I knew I could count on everyone yep I've never experienced such power before I hate to think what had happen if something like that showed up in the old world Chief I think we should warn The Guild about the growing number of incidents when we send off our next report The Guild collects Intel on Monster behavior in each region but they also gather disaster reports mhm we can send them what we have so they can prepare for a worst case scenario yeah you've got a p shoot him with a gun make the necessary preparations understood oh before I forget seems like the commander has returned to estera okay really he back already hey I got an idea how about when you report in on the allat trayon investigation you pester him until he spills the beans on why the guild summoned him good idea huh okay do we really need to get in his business okay okay I'll give you the papers speak to the commander when you're [Music] ready let's go yeah [ __ ] let's go what are we waiting for all righty greetings Hunter I just looked over the report on the alip Tron investigation we'll be sending this off to the guild immediately as always Splendid work okay triple dot I see I suppose it does make sense that the guild summoning me would cause gossip to spread this is probably as good a time as any to let you know what's happening truth is large scale joint operation between various countries and organizations has been in the works for some time oh [ __ ] the research commission has been requested to join the operation they believe our expertise with unidentified life and ecologies and our out out standing record in the field will be an asset let's prove them right okay now then we have a guest here in esta that will detail the operation representatives from each unit will be in attendance of course we'll need you there too oh [ __ ] yeah cuz I killed the dragon I mean naturally oh [ __ ] they got the whole Squad then let us begin Council as I told everyone an international joint operation is currently bro my weapon looks so good the research commission has been requested to join the operation Our Guest will provide us with the details thank you Commander I'm in charge of this joint operation and I hope to get to know each of you soon you you're with the commission General it's an honor to see you again never expected to see a familiar face in the new world my apologies we after to make some time to talk later now let's get down to the heart of the matter okay several rare phenomena have occurred in various parts of the world and we've also received reports from our special disaster unit small intermittent Quakes forest fires breaking out so frequently that there is enough smoke to blot out the sun well that sounds bad endemic life and monsters alike are disappearing and even the elder dragons are becoming more scarce damn no one has any theories however we located in our records one past occasion when all these current events did happen just one let me ask have any of you heard of trade before no yes the Glorious country of shra I remember reading it was a powerful nation that suddenly disappeared ages ago no one knows what happened to it and the region of shra is off limits to everyone from what I've heard you're well read I see then you must know of the Legends they speak of shade yes the story of sh's demise an incredible monster burned the country down to the ground in a single night uhoh but why are you bringing this up now I think I know why records of shade are scant but they do exist in various forms such as diplomatic documents or personal Diaries around the time when trade was destroyed we discovered several passages from one article earthquakes forests burning birds and monsters gone no sun elder dragons disappearing then several months later trade disappeared I wonder what it was no way that it can't be right I understand that catastrophic elder dragons have appeared in the new world it was no coincidence this is inevitable oh [ __ ] everything is happening again and it Heralds the return of the one that obliterated trade the black dragon Fatalis nightmare that lives only in Legend oh [ __ ] The Guild in every country have declared that Fatalis will appear in Castle shra again for its extermination our assignment will be to prepare for its eventual appearance and slay the Beast it says what the [ __ ] is it expected to show up in Castle shade we cannot say for certain but if we take the records we found at face value we have a few months before it shows up do we know its current location no we have no information on that nothing to tell us where it's coming from or where it's going information is so scarce that it's more accurate to call this the Fatalis event oh that's bad is it even possible to take it down if we don't everything will perish oh [ __ ] what we can do now is alert every participating nation and prepare ourselves the research commission will need to mobilize quickly the general and I will depart first ahead of our main Force we'll do our best to get a grasp of the situation we'd like to request that you Hunters accompany us yes sir okay later we'll gather the entire commission and explain what's going on for now we want you to get yourselves ready I shall guide us to Castle straight this will be a long struggle but I know we'll make it through this all right oh man that brings counil to an end dismissed oh man here here we go special assignment available the black dragon all right let me get my food buff people said that this boss is harder and easier than all a trayon so I mean I guess we're about to find the [ __ ] out right most people say he's harder you're right we'll see how this goes cuz I feel like all trayon was really hard we need is a bigger Harvest box wait what that's right torment sacks wait how many do I have oh wait I can get another part of my box let me think wait hold up [ __ ] yeah I I was wondering where that one [Music] was wait it's not even any bigger though oh it just made the box I thought I could cultivate another item oh who cares I see make sure there's anything else I had to do you can you can get four you can really wait what no no [Music] how it says only three though talk to get Bounty again I do it later on I'll do it later on this obviously doesn't matter right [Music] now [Music] run [Music] okay I think it's so [ __ ] cool that they have this much work put into a boss that probably less than 1% of the people are going to see here thanks stra it to your left I think this is so crazy got you this here uh excuse me okay oh I need to change his gear you ready oh [ __ ] I should have changed his gear thought we'd be going back home especially like this ah so nervous leave you me I get it but my new friend and I will give you all the support you could ask for that's a [ __ ] machine gun while I'm around huh what okay we know you're awesome but I want to know what he thinks yeah me too Hunters your attention this is the layout of Castle shade weapons from its Last Stand are still on site okay the Cannons are here or just shoot them with a cannon it's easy yeah here the ballast day hopefully we can find workable binders to use okay you can see railing here that means there may be a roaming bista and finally a dragon it'll be our that's a pokey thing the mechanism is dated so we'll need to manually fire the weapon okay finally we have a barricade here that barricade will need to be triggered manually as well uh-huh this is like a raid boss this is where the lever is we'll need it in case of emergency that's all carve this information into to your brain yes sir Fatalis Castle shade this still feels like a dream I know it's cliche but it's like we're in one of those bedtime stories our parents told us I know what you mean the legend of Fatalis has been passed down from generation to generation to generation many believed that the story of Fatalis and Castle shra was just a fable created after the fact I never thought those Legends would turn out to be true the word Fatalis was never meant as a moniker for an actual Beast no it was a word to describe an existence of some kind but over time seems to become known as the name of the monster well that sounds really bad isn't a monster it's actually history we're arriving soon steal yourselves oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] here we go we've located something it really exists there wasn't just a legend what the dragon where is he oh amazing yeah everything's [ __ ] up I I don't know how to put it but it's like somehow the past and the present meet up right at this point so I can use a can can just hit him with the cannon that makes it easy however that wasn't in the blueprints what the [ __ ] it's blocking the dragonator but then we can't reach the ballista or barricade either was it just slapped together they f brought back Fatalis and then propped it up I see so that means in the end they didn't have time to use their dragonator they realized all was lost and abandoned the offensive oh [ __ ] no they most likely used it they knew the stes they battled hard defended their home but were ultimately outmatched they fought until The Bitter End if they just gave up absolutely nothing would have remained once Fatalis was finished it was not my place to judge them so then what should we do with that in the way we can't use the dragonator just move it let's tear it down bring people in now our forces I heard they're arriving shortly sir good they're quick once we rendevu with them we should have enough manpower don't forget about us since we brought the wing Dres we decided to establish a camp up there we need to update the maps too what's wrong oh [ __ ] hang on no way what already get out are you okay Commander our main force is arriving soon right correct your odds in my favor as always we'll buy everyone some time to escape no this is madness Retreat now we can't have any missteps go get it done then yes sir oh [ __ ] to the camp hurry underestimating those two Hunters was your biggest misstep believe me I know all too well General so where is he oh oh [ __ ] all right all right time to fight history it's the last boss we need to hold out until the main group gets here it's still a monster head must be a weak [ __ ] to be able to hit his head they're fully loaded Jesus [Music] Jesus oh man I thought I could get him there hey time to give you a okay okay Jesus I was trying to scroll I wasn't paying attention oh my God don't worry I'll hold it off make sure you're ready to fight okay bro he killed me in like two hits okay let's go again still good to go don't be so rough okay nothing Jesus down on all aim for the head while you can oh my [Music] God she just killing me in like two hits don't worry I'll hold it off make sure you're ready to fight make sure I get my stuff um away two hits is normal it's going to one hit by the way yeah I [Music] probably okay dang the head's hard to reach while it's standing oh I hit him in the head once midsection TR to make a Jesus we have one B you attack this section and I'll find it when the time is right okay what's he going to do okay come on girl let's go I'm trying to look and see like how this works Christ it's down on all fours aim for the head while you can okay so I'm going to have to try to actually hit his [ __ ] head [ __ ] maybe I do like this standing up attack it midsection create a chance to fight it uh it's didn't really do a whole lot go don't be so rup okay it's time the binder get to the ballista near the wall okay the ballista near the wall which one is that there's like okay oh it's that one okay so I can get open once it fles I'll stare with the B oh I'm dead oh my God worry he'll handle the binder fight okay you have five lives on this fight that's how oh my God midsection to make it okay I have to hit the midsection [Music] okay Jesus I could barely even get one hit [Music] off got it firing the done Fatalis is bound this is our chance let's get in there okay so this is whenever I should like I should like really try to hit his head right keep attack section knock down nice our best option right now down on all four aim for the head while you can still good to go okay don't be so rough okay okay so I can't even do that maybe I thought I could go through it oh so I can't go behind that I thought if I went behind that I'd be okay don't worry I'll hold it off make sure you're ready to fight okay um I've got one more attempt until it kills me I feel like I can't even use the Rock Steady mantle because he just does so much damage that it won't even matter like I'll try I mean I might as well right I mean [ __ ] what else am I going to do but like still stood up you okay [ __ ] [Music] okayy time to give you a okay nice that was abdom did it now it's down on all fours okay down on all four aim for the head no he's not wait is he or not keeping me on my toes huh I think it's going to kill me here I don't know how that happened but we'll just call that a all again and get you know he didn't kill me I didn't kill him it is what it is right he oh time to give you a refresh full potion full potion we're good he going to do the same thing oh keeping me on my T come on come on a the Keep Jesus I thought I'd be okay with that I think he moved me forward that's going to hit me again I think this is a GG honestly okay so I kind of understand that now but then that staggered me uh-oh hey time to give you a ref okay I'm I try to get my heal oh my God [ __ ] [Music] nice it's three for this right I don't know is he aim for the head while you can I think I'm dead here yeah okay how much health does he have 60k okay that's not too bad 10K more and Al trayon yeah yeah exactly and like I feel like there's way more openings with this boss than all trayon 60k in 30 minutes is hard I don't I I I honestly I think I think I can do it I really do I think I can do it because like you have the extra abilities you have the damage phases as well um 30 minutes like I beat all of trayon in less than 20 or sorry in 20 minutes and that was at 54,000 so yeah I I think I can do it like it I I really I I actually think I can yeah temporal mantel I I'll keep trying when I'm using now it has three phases yeah but okay I might have to that's annoying um give me a second it it it it doesn't matter I I'll just go try again you find just a matter of energy yeah yeah this is much easier than all a trayon I feel like for for like my like for all trayon I feel like every single thing about all on [ __ ] using a great sword like everything about it is like extremely [ __ ] finicky and annoying whereas like with this like I don't really feel like this is that it's not even nearly that bad Fatalis is harder well it's not about whether the game is like I think he's harder probably I mean definitely is harder as a baseline it seems right especially with like his damage and everything it's insane but beyond that I don't think that he's harder in terms of like I I feel like so far the all Tron moves were easier for me to deal with you hit Fatalis for easy but that's it yeah and also like the more I learn about it the better I'll get I mean that's just how anything like this goes okay [Music] okay so he's got on 66k HP you need to get health augment on your ra swword I don't think I need health augment I think I need to not get hit by the attacks oh I didn't get my other I I forgot to get my stuff well I'll be getting it very soon I'm sure we need to hold out until the main group get okay it's still a monster head must be a weak point the cannon up above should be able to okay there's that and then I have to run out of that then does he always do a a triple combo no like this is like this is confusing for me like I don't really know like what is this right cuz like that seems so easy but like how can I it's time get to the ballista near the wall ah understood I think he's going to break this nice I got it ready make that thing so I can get it over shot once it I'll stare with the binder oh man that almost had it time to give you a refresh I don't really have any potions I'm just going to keep going he's going to do it again so like I should be moving forward and maybe trying to hit his head at the end of that that was stupid of me time to give you a re you got it firing the B down this is our chance get in there I [ __ ] my my [ __ ] up okay so oh that that sucks knock down that's the way it goes best option right now that's such a it's such a counterintuitive move the just the BL hey you okay I don't know how to deal with this attack cuz it feels like his whole body becomes his hit box and like I don't know do I just avoid that or what I'm out of potion so I'm not even really going to try here here's this will kill me okay so yeah there's like not even an indicator of like where that explosion starts from okay so maybe that's it's so [Music] big okay let me go back and I'm going to get my food and and all my Buffs and everything don't worry I'll hold it off make sure you're ready to fight yeah it's very hard for me to know like where like how am I in or out of that cuz it seems like it's just a blast explosion so there's not like an indicator of like where the hit box is okay let's try this again they tell us it stood up I rolled into it push me [Music] oh wow I got really lucky there oh no now it's down on all fours uh-oh down on all four uhoh aim for the head where you can hey time to give you a refresh did not [ __ ] expect [Music] that so like what do I do here like my to huh oh hopefully he turns that's a good amount of damage okay tell us to stood up this is like three right okay so what do I do here I just hit him in the head I don't know how that didn't hit me he's going to hit yeah he's got me here I'm going to try to get my heal over [Music] there it's down on all aim for the heck while you can um not to get into its wheelhouse okay hey time to give you a he's going to kill me oh was animation locked with the um what do you call it whatever it was it was animation locked don't worry I'll hold with with sheathing so I couldn't roll F okay um this is why I need to speed sheath yeah I I actually like that's the one mechanic in this game I I genuinely dislike I actually really don't like the sheathing mechanic and how it animation locks you it feels really bad whenever you're fighting super hard bosses and you get caught by it I I just need to get the the upgrade to where like it doesn't happen though yeah it just it's annoying like obviously as I get better at the game like it'll be less of an issue I just don't like it that it's it's a it's a factor you know okay here we go tell up Jesus Jesus it's too bad oh got some life be [Music] back Jesus Christ don't worry I'll hold it off make sure you're ready to fight I think I just need to practice without get worrying about like using potions and [ __ ] I just need to practice this fight cuz I I keep getting all that stuff and it's like I just need to figure out like what I need to avoid and what I need to not avoid it's down on all fours aim for the head while you can [Music] okay still good to go don't s up okay ah oh I don't think I should even try to go for that I should just hit the body I think nice I don't know why that didn't hit me maybe it's elevation that was stupid I'm dead all right got in between it nice nice okay good so now what abdom did now it's down on all dead aim for the head you can it's taking so long got the blank it's always three right I thought he was going to turn around towards me yeah the hit boxes on his body really are confusing to me I I I rolled too early ref so I can block this apparently not oh that was ni yeah this is what really scares me it sounds weird but like that attack scared me a lot this one makes it really easy I will eventually get it not now but [Music] eventually don't try to do three combo well I want to understand how the fight works and eventually I'll be able to don't do PCS you don't think so guard up does not work on great swword well somebody said I could use it on the big fire attack so I didn't understand like what the Nuance to that was I mean I I don't know how am I supposed to know still good to go don't be so rough okay that's [Music] good okay so oh [ __ ] phase two all right is it retreating nope too early to celebrate let's get in that in that rock oh man oh [ __ ] wait did he die oh [ __ ] report we have one down the Wall's been destroyed what about the dragonator all confirmed now we'll signal when ready oh it's the fire it's the commission they're finally here those two Hunters managed to buy us enough time time now we have a glimmer of hope we can't let it die no time to waste hurry yes sir okay bro how is he still alive damn looks like I'll never be like him hey guys bro that guy should be looking like one my Stakes right now like let's be honest two things first the roaming bista in the barricade can now be used the dragonator is being prepped when the time comes make use of them second the main group is here we can now call for [Music] help go I'll take care of him this thing is a reality partner that just means I know you can kill it oh [Music] [ __ ] oh the barricade is activ switch use that to take cover from its attacks make use of biste and cannons when it's blly roing ballista is now operational is this is it is that it no it doesn't look like that's it okay so where's the roaming ballista oh no he's back on the ground now okay so there's a door okay oh bro I hate that can I avoid that attack damn that was stupid of me I think this is my last my last one so I'm going to use a big heal I I I keep running out of Stam I don't have the the full Stam [Music] bar okay so I can be there oh [Music] wow where's the thing there it is okay back in the [Music] game it's so hard for me to know like he is such a [ __ ] man got him I took roll through that that was really good never going to do anything like that ever again yeah I think I just I can't I can't take that risk almost how of heals it's back feet right oh [Music] wow I'm dead hm [Music] okay yeah classic anti attack Fireball it just does so much damage like I I don't think I can really do much against that 50k left um I I think that went really well because also he's going to take extra damage from like the ballista and like the dragonator too so like he I don't really have to do 66,000 damage I have to do probably about 60,000 [Music] damage Dragon a is like 10% you got to do 40K first phase is 25% well that's really good then yeah if I've already got him down 25% I think that's really good fireproof mantle yeah yeah actually um let me uh let me go ahead and do that can I swap that around item box change equipment yeah I'm going to use the fireproof mantle and see what the difference is temporal too well let me try this one right now did you get health booster yeah I have my healing thing head must be a weak point okay here we go the Cannons up above should be able to hit his head yeah I just oh I guess I'll use the mantle now right damn did that even work this is new a [Music] [Music] bro like he just gets you when you try to do that fireproof manle sucks yeah I I'm I don't really feel like I'm getting any like I don't think it's really changing anything no more Auto healing oh so the guy is gone now and now I don't get the auto heal and and I have to uh I have to do it myself the whole time is that the way it works yeah okay I understand I thought I could go under it actually put my health booster down I thought I could tank through it okay let's go back and try it again you can't with that here yeah yeah I just got caught well I did tank through the attack it was just the other attack that got me [Music] [Music] okay [Music] it's ouch I think it'll kill me if I do one if I take one more attack [Music] yeah I need to be ready for [Music] that I don't know how I was like not getting hit by that before and now I'm getting hit by it all the [Music] time I'll use my Max po now seem like a pretty good time oh my God Jesus I can't even see that [Music] ah that was I got lucky on that one oh oh Jesus man judging distance is like always kind of hard for me to do all right drop this again it's fine I'll just heal for him okay so I can't even do that oh I didn't see that you have to admit that was really close though right it didn't happen but it almost happened oh [ __ ] another cone yeah he ConEd me twice man okay um yeah let me get my [ __ ] back yeah I I really don't think this one's that bad at least so far like he just does a lot of damage and because he does so much damage it's hard to learn because you just get punished so hard that like you can't really learn as quickly because of just how much damage he does keep the optimism yeah [Applause] yeah okay so how do I I don't what to do against that yeah it's just like I hate that mechanic I really do it's like it almost punishes you for doing something right okay I don't know how to do I don't know what I should do [Music] there yeah this [ __ ] is [Music] hard so I can barely get one hit off on him maybe who cares I tried to roll I just didn't have to [Music] time [Music] Jesus it's just brutal man see Mega yeah this just solo ain't fun uh I think the fight's fine honestly like it's the same as like all a Tron I didn't think the fight was bad it was really hard but it wasn't like a a again like hard and and bad are two different things in my opinion so it's just like I have to watch out for him doing he's going to kill me yeah my Panic roll zst fighting a game yeah I do think this fight is harder than all a trayon but I I don't like I like fighting this boss more than all trayon if that makes sense I know you're not big on tips but yeah I know I'm not you're right I'm not okay uh let's go back okay tempered velca well with Arc tempered velca I already know most of the velca attacks right cuz if it's like the um the arct tempered nuron that I did that one and it's just a few extra mechanics [Music] right it's not like it's totally different about staying alive no I I watched the video I I watched I saw a video of a guy killing it and and it did a lot of the same attacks it's totally different no it's not I watched it I saw it happen okay um well [ __ ] let's go it's still a monster though it head must be a weak point all right we're going to try to just put in 100% on this one let's go so he just he'll just do it again okay okay [ __ ] dude get the [ __ ] out of here I was not even in [Music] that I thought I'd be out of [Music] that he's so fast too man I'm really getting [ __ ] huh yeah weast still got one hit on him oh just heal here so like right there I feel like I can get into very easy hit on him if I I'm playing correctly obviously I don't know what to do there like if I should let it go I'm done oh my God you going do yeah should farm for health augments yeah it'll just like if I farm for health augments that'll take literally like a week two weeks of like getting those monster levels okay guys I I know everybody has like advice on how you want me to play I don't want any of it and I don't care about it and the more you spam it is going to make me just like want to do it less I just I want to learn and play the game myself I don't want to have people like constantly tell me what to do yeah I don't like that okay so what is what is that yeah like I I I really don't I hate advice like unless I'm asking for it obviously right yeah I don't know why I do that like I don't think I should do that at all maybe what I should do is I should only go for like one big attack like I just do one big charge rather than like two multiple attacks but then like the reason I don't do that is that it makes me think like okay well if I go for the one big attack then like I'm guaranteeing that but sometimes I will get the full attack off like I I don't know they is so risky yeah I know this fight's so hard because it it feels like I have to hit him in the head Jesus man he just does so much damage he's so aggressive and he's so strong he touches you and you die yeah like it's just nuts I feel like you're under geared to no weapon augments as hard as [ __ ] oh I'm sure people people have done this fight without getting hit I'm sure so like I don't need a healing augment I just need to avoid the attacks that he does that makes me need to heal like obviously it'll make it easier and I'm sure that like as I spend more time doing the fight Jesus oh the Bro the tail moved me into it I I hate that I hate that [ __ ] [Music] move who's above me yeah I I think I've said this before in this game I think that the fire breath attacks are [ __ ] I think their hit boxes are too big I get hit by the I get hit by an attack that my character is not visibly in try ah I just I paniced Jesus Christ what do I need like evade five for that Jesus [Music] [Music] TR [Music] ah [Music] okay oh [ __ ] theit boxes are massive yeah I know yeah I haven't even been able to get him back down to the second phase without that guy which makes me feel like I'm I'm pretty far behind [Music] okay is is low damage yeah I think I'm going to just try to give it like a a really really good try like I want to just put in you know 100% really try to beat him here or at least get him into that phase right at least and then see how it goes temporal Manel is very good against them yeah I think I should probably use use that too let me let me go get that because I feel like the one that I'm using isn't working cuz like this this mantle here is just useless oh I don't have the upgraded one uh I forgot how I need to get the upgraded one probably don't want to hear this yeah the backrop in the are looks good no no the game looks good the only thing I don't want to hear is people that are like spamming me to play a certain way I I I hate being told what to do canons up above should be able to hit his head okay so that was a roll from the temporal mantle yeah okay wow so that just makes me immune to an [Music] attack [Music] okay got it got it it's weird to me that um that I don't take damage from that but I take damage from the other things it doesn't make sense e to remove the mantle what do you mean REM How can I what do you mean remove a mantle like you mean the mantle doesn't go away on its own I thought after you after the mantle went away it goes away it does not go on cool down so is that why it's been taking me so long for my mantel to recharge cuz I didn't even know that cuz yeah I was like these are bad I think they're bugged holy [ __ ] I had no idea [ __ ] I've literally played the entire game with that okay you can guard the cone attack well why would I want to the cone attack is a really good opportunity to deal damage Jesus what a stupid mistake that I've made 50 other times so this whenever I hit him I guess this makes it to where he's down I guess you could say oh thought I thought if I did it earlier I'd be able to go through it okay so and then his head does come down whenever he's knocked though okay he moves back so far Jesus just going to go and do another big [Music] heal okay and then he gets back up oh Jesus wow oh man I I'm just going to heal a a [ __ ] Jesus Oh mechanics might be bad but camera control is good I mean well I think the problem that I'm having is that me p a gun yeah really I peat last round yeah yeah I beat it yeah honestly looks so hard it's really really really hard like this fight is really hard but I I like it more than Alton I I I think Alton like in a lot of ways I think it sucks and it feels worse to lose on okay so I can't do that [Music] it's like I dude what the [ __ ] are you kid I'm dead moves back so much I just I don't see how like sometimes I'll get hit by this sometimes I won't just doesn't make sense to me okay [Music] oh [Music] d ah I didn't realize he was doing that I'm going to try and heal what is [Music] this uh the belly flop yeah I know yeah baited by the heal yeah I'll just wait for that later I think I generally understand the mechanics I'm just making mistakes with them like so that was a temporal mantle prop right yeah it was okay that went really well there we go okay that was good is he going to yeah okay just so far away by the time that's over I can't even like follow up and attack at all okay oh let me remove the mantle get behind something all right you can see where I would think that would be maybe something but apparently not roing bista and barric are now operational okay I saw that it marked the other area but I didn't know if that was the only area now I do okay well all right to be fair they showed you in the cut scene yeah know I mean like but I didn't know maybe the other one would work too how could I possibly know oh damn bro I thought I rolled that like bro I feel like I rolled that I really feel like I rolled that [ __ ] you oh [Music] [ __ ] I thought that the the the thing it be in the way uh do I have any more max potions yeah okay so there's that attack that was pretty easy to avoid I think I can get two attacks on them there I think actually next time though I'm going to try to just go for one big charged attack instead like right here and then I can roll backwards assuming I'm not stupid okay now I can come in and hit him a little bit here okay that I kind of got lucky with that I don't think I really did that well I think I just got lucky that's too bad I almost had it I'm dead oh wow I oh [ __ ] okay all right um I'm going to just probably practice this a bit off stream and uh try and get a bit better at it I I don't think this fight's that bad I really don't think [Music] so maybe do a bit more tomorrow cuz like let me let me look through like cuz I need there's other bosses I need to do too and it makes me wonder like maybe what I should do is I should focus on getting the other bosses down that way I can upgrade some of my items like for example like I I I can upgrade my necklace that has the evasion charm but I don't know where to get the items I wonder like for example like let me see if I can show you uh this one here right it's like where do I like what do I do where do I get these Fatalis you definitely need to be maxed out I mean how long was that timer of like the amount of time that I spent on him guiding lands is that it okay how long was it what was the timer whenever I died there 15 minutes that's really good like if he if it's 15 minutes and I died five times I think my damage isn't that far off like it's it's not good like don't get me wrong it's not good but it's it's not so much astronomically lower that I don't have a chance if that makes sense yeah clutch claw helps a lot yeah you're far off I really don't think so because if you if you count like running back dying and all that other [ __ ] I absolutely think that I'm very far off or I'm not very far off so used to run out of time before I could kill him gold WRA and armor helps you yeah first NOA is 22% yeah and also I did more damage to him after that so like he probably I probably got him down to like you know 25 to 30% down I I actually think that's very good this level TCS does 1.5 to 2K well I don't know what I'm doing wrong then I mean I don't even know what to say cuz like there's a few other of these bosses like these brute TX like the zogre like I haven't done these guys at all and like this one here too like I I feel like this is what I really need to [Music] do do with other people CL teroth how do I do K teroth it's an event Quest last page oh I see [Music] [Music] is it a raid Quest is that right is that how it [Music] works [Music] let me see what would happen if I just did this one this yon garuga thing I want to see what happens if I just try to do it that one ain't hard at all we'll see what happens getting destroyed well let's find [Music] out Bring anti poison well I'll just do it I'll do it my way and I'll figure it out and learn it for myself okay what is this thing what the [ __ ] is this it's a bird what okay this a scuff R here that's too [Applause] bad nice [Music] oh it's a stagger what a what a dick sucker man he'll come to me I mean in my mind that was going to go differently nice does that twice right yeah e let's go for the heal I don't think I should have done that [Music] Jesus oh God okay too bad on that one okay so whenever he's running I need to make sure I'm not in front of him I got it holy [ __ ] I can break the tail give me a minute I'm going to try and get it stop stop stop stop stop real quick let me get it thank you okay right I shouldn't have I shouldn't have gone for that other charge man ooh what an idiot what a stupid idiot bro he's in slow motion so am I what the [ __ ] was I thinking there give me a minute let me just get my thing out come here come here come here come here bro come here come here come over to me come over to me all right fine fine fine all right I got to go over to okay [ __ ] since he missed the first one I oh wow uh ah nice I was in an animation lot okay I thought he could only go forward with that attack there's a lot of attacks like that where they can only move forward W nice just expecting something else got your [ __ ] got your [ __ ] ass see I feel a bit better now that was a joke that was easy yeah we beat the [ __ ] out of that bird that bird just got his ass beat I only got two items wait what why I only get two items what about all the rest of my items what about the other ones it's a baby wait what do you mean what you mean like there's another one that's [Music] harder this is tinier than normal one oh oh okay yeah I was like what the hell yeah that one was pretty easy so we got three I mean yeah actually I did get a lot that was no big [Music] deal tempered scarred uruga I don't even know what the hell that is okay yeah that was no big deal you cannot obtain monster materials from this [Music] [Music] Quest it's this one right that I have to do brute T-Rex where is that one can I do that one in the uh no it says I don't get uh I don't get rewards for that wrath of Thunder I'm not seeing that anywhere here page five no like there I have to kill all of them well this is a [ __ ] Elite yeah I'm not ready to I bro you want me do an elite all right try this out it's easier than all a tray on okay where is he there he is oh [ __ ] take this down okay o already okay nice here [Music] nice okay now I have to actually play the game [ __ ] nice I got get the tail [ __ ] he's doing the tail thing take the mantle off right right right right what what you what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing [ __ ] off just come here okay yeah okay I thought I could roll forward into him okay is it two no that's only the naruga that's two I thought I rolled that oh I got hit by the electricity that's why cuz whenever I guess this is like some sort of empowerment thing wow wow yeah I got completely [ __ ] cucked there that was so annoying okay you got agitated on Max uh no I actually swapped over I think I want to use the Raging bracho sword more I think it's better than y trayon sword personally maybe I'm crazy but like I feel like it is he mad he mad he mad nope I'm going to try and do uh get his tail off actually not right now cuz I'm just like right next to his [ __ ] head nice oh I got [Music] loot [Music] oh [Music] let me just heal I need to yeah I'm not ready for that one Max potion I can't see okay not great but could be worse nice what the Yeah right get the [ __ ] out of here I'm out of potions okay um go over to like right here oh I was not paying attention really no that's really disappointing okay let's go for how did I not hit the [ __ ] tail [Music] there what are you doing HCK ass oh oh that will damage me okay I think I should actually uh run away okay I'm out of Potions by the way nice come on you little [ __ ] I'm getting this tail boys we are getting getting this tail oh yeah there it is well I tell you guys oh I didn't think he was going to do that oh where's he going come on come on are you kidding me I swear to God if I put this down he runs away oh that's even better remove the mantle yeah I just forget okay uh I was out of potions for like a long time that's fine okay you can restart yeah I had to restock anyway it's not a big deal okay um oh it's still going to be up so that that's good wait where did Alie go son of a [ __ ] ran away okay get the tail yeah got well yeah it's actually crazy to fight these other monsters even as a tempered version because it's just like such a massive difference in difficulty versus the other guys like this is a joke this is so easy I I'm not even worried at all like fighting it versus like allran or Fatalis like this is just like whatever who cares oh okay I just got to heal I probably shouldn't be fighting him in the water man I tried to do some [ __ ] it didn't work Jesus oh my God bro I just keep sitting in it nice okay all right ah okay this the last phase I hope so where's my where my thing oh my God I just dude I just can't get a hit in okay okay should I put him in a box do I box him or what yeah okay easy enough okay I'll just let him sleep for a minute okay he's sleeping why see let me kill these so it doesn't mess it up that didn't work is it me in the shock trap yeah but the last time people told me that about the other zogre uh he wasn't so I thought people were lying about this one too but yeah that does seem to be true with this one all right he's dead [ __ ] [Music] him got [Music] him holy [ __ ] we beat his this decoration RNG well let's see what we [Music] get yeah I'm glad I got at least two of these other monsters done since I haven't done a lot of these at [Music] all attack four incoming is that good is that a good good one I don't even know Savage devil ho oh yeah yeah I well I need to do that I need to get my rank up for the gold rathen that's the [Music] thing okay so oh we got a lot of gems out of that that's crazy okay great [Music] wow she quick sheath oh that's insane that's really good sheath and evade window guarden Constitution marathon runner and handy handycraft that's good heroics and evade window jumping Jewel evade extender handycraft and health boost wow I'm going to be real like that's actually pretty good I'm happy yeah that went really [Music] well actually crack best decoration Farm I can see why God damn Che next yeah I'll do that one next um I'm going to go and uh get some food and chill for the uh for the day but um yeah I'll probably practice that uh that Dragon more and uh I don't know if I'm going to be doing it tomorrow or not uh I might do more of that other game I haven't really decided I'm going to be on earlier tomorrow I have a sponsor earlier in the day and so uh I'll be doing that quite early probably almost in the a.m. so that's going to be the plan and that's why I'll end early and uh hopefully try to get at least some sleep before then so thank you guys very much for watching I really appreciate it as always and I will be back on tomorrow and when I am what's this anyways I believe capture a brachos oh [ __ ] I hate those [ __ ] things okay yeah thanks a lot for watching guys I really appreciate it we had a good stream we had a lot of fun a good time anyway I'll be back on tomorrow and we will get back to work all right boys until next time peace
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 330,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, zackrawrr
Id: bK5MRgz2flI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 154min 12sec (9252 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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