How They Turned Valheim Into An Open World RPG

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so these guys and they were working with gathan and they were setting up an entire MMO inside of valheim and they're making like actual like cities side quests bosses extra bosses obviously uh like weapons classes everything it is insane there was an idea to bring together a group of people to see if we could become something [Music] more over the course of a year I might play on this server I'm going to be totally honest like if this server goes well and it seems like it's enjoyable I think I'm just going to play on it myself few loose ideas had slowly blossomed into something much Brier for a while nine bite and I had been discussing combining multiple builds into a narrative driven map but he had just learned of a team with a similar idea who were looking for some Builders yeah after speaking with them we learn closely aligned and agreed to the project now this was more than just an idea now it was time to finally get to work 35 unique what the [ __ ] God bro this is a whole new game look at [Music] this oh my God a giant [ __ ] Tower oh yeah there's like spells and everything too oh God Jesus this is all fan-made by the way keep that in mind this entire thing is fan video I'd chosen to tackle the swamp whilst he worked on the other cities yeah the vision was of a fortified Township that once fell to a mysterious plague now infested with corruption oh my God first I would need to clear and flatten a large area to help plan the layout and position of buildings sure with the ground level of the city raised above the swamp Waters I could add undulations and crevices back in once everything had been placed next I headed to the build graveyard to shop around for some structures God I picked out some houses Gates and Towers to modify and split apart wait so they modified and they changed the buildings or are you telling me that these guys put more work into their mod for valheim than New World put into making settlements whenever the game came out no [Music] how oh my God now my chosen buildings need did some weathering and for that I was in luck thanks to some recent breakthroughs over at mad wizard headquarters we could now create infinite health objects with the damaged look in a vanilla friendly manner meaning they don't require an installed mod better yet the same technique can help reduce Network traffic by oh because it's not calculating damage numbers of course yeah were now looking appropriately aged but they still needed something more I wrote out command to rotate each object a small amount on its own axis which would give a crooked and collapsing appearance of course of course that's combining both together was exactly what I was looking for what the [Music] [ __ ] dude that looks [ __ ] amazing oh my [Music] God look at that I could accentuate the look further by removing that's what I was cuz I was thinking this like whenever they did the first video I'm like oh how the [ __ ] do you do something that makes sense for a swamp right this is how positioning parts of the builds a little something like this oh my God I wonder how many hours this took the final step would and like that looks so authentic too look at this let me go back it even looks like the side of the tower has actually fallen down oh my God why aren't these like see this is the this these are the people that these game companies need to hire stop hiring somebody who wants the video game to make a statement about a foreign conflict and start hiring people like this that know how to actually do work this is insane probably a better job yeah probably works as like a software engineer like a programmer or something like that right or he's going to school for it and he's like yeah no I'm not going to work at some shitty game company where they're just going to fire me randomly no be weaving fre Roots which had grown over around and through this long abandoned city what the [Music] [ __ ] what the holy [Music] [ __ ] a once Mighty City now a decaying husk this is [ __ ] insane like this is like and also by the way even the editing is sick yeah the editing is [ __ ] nuts oh my God and this is a mod for valheim not going to lie video games future is the Indie industry I can see why you say that lost to time what blight took Route here what plague befell its people they say answers are away you in the Forgotten fan but you may find more than you bargain for [ __ ] man this is amazing all of the main cities were now complete save for the Mist lands which we plan to do together as the final build it's going to be so hard to do the Mist lands but like I thought it was going to be so hard for them to do the swamps and they did it [ __ ] perfectly so it's like I'll be real like I this yeah this is a quadruple games yeah that we really needed yeah this is nuts man I now turned my attention to the class themed points of interest drawing inspiration from each archetypes abilities first was the jewelist lodge Brothers in AR train together and test their martial an outpost that stood watch over the road complete with an archery range and a central Arena Fit For A jeel oh my oh bro gicho is supposed to be right there what the [ __ ] this is insane man temp is home to the monks favor can be yours if order can be restored oh my God this is a mod for valheim gentlemen not so easily found is the Guild of the Rogues a den of Thieves gamblers and assassins who lur beneath the streets the Council of Mages look down Towers closely guarding the secrets of the Arcane Arts oh my God I want to see the Berserker one man that is so [ __ ] crazy the metav voker metav Focus means navigating a Labyrinth of unreality a twisting network of floating platforms invisible Bridges and cryptic puzzles this small so you have to do the entire thing you have to do the entire thing like I don't how would you do this oh I know how I guess you would do it you would have to stand in front of this and then drop an item and then see if it would fall but I bet some of the bridges are half full and half not oh my God yeah this is like SE the scales you know whenever you're going over to him or arrows yeah you'd have to use arrows you're right or by watching a YouTube guide yeah true this small patch of black forest surrounded by swamp was ideal for the Berserker you'll have to battle your way through the war camp past Barbarian Huts as you ascend the hill yeah the very top for a showdown with the Chie himself [ __ ] exactly that is perfect finally was the enchanters laboratory a Foundry of magical weapons and artifacts yet a little lacking in the maintenance department of late all the class themed hold up oh my this is insane look sick yeah this is nuts man of late with all of the class themed pois now completed I sent the world file back to 9 bites and we started work on the mistland I created a selection of hulls masks and rigging whilst nine bite worked on pirate houses and workshops we found a perfect spot in a narrow Canyon and added a giant skull you would sail under for the entrance this reminds me of another quadruple game twisting Canal lined with taverns and Jetties whil the floating plunder washes against holy [ __ ] so it's like booty Bay and valheim this is incredible okay yeah yeah there there's a lot of instances of that freeold yeah or the one even in the new world city like that is good too search for Treasure lost in nearby lag oh my God see a shanty or two at the timber at the far end of the bay a giant gallion awaits pointing the way towards the final boss of the [Music] gameing that's I like that's that's cool that is I really like that that's that's very cool that the the ship is pointing the direction that you need to go in oh man king of Boston is each of them would also be needing their own Arena we wanted to stay true to the original locations but at our own twist or upgrade I don't want to show too much of these but creating the centerpieces for them was a lot of fun well they already showed the oh oh no they're going to show it here for ik there a set of huge dag antlers was created these routes for you GL I recreated so yeah that's the first boss I think everybody's pretty much fought this guy right the decor tree yeah I want to go back and look at this real quick and then it show it's got like the little uh what do you call it the trophy of him right there with all the smaller like oh man or your GL I recreated his trophy with some mistland Cliffs and Rusty swords for the crown and for Moda this is [ __ ] nuts this reminds me a lot of uh it reminds me of Dark Souls 3 you know like right before you get to the nameless King it's like that one place oh man this is [ __ ] insane Motors the dragon made an icy adaptation of the wings for my good pal death Wing mhm every location was what the wings for my good oh my God H death way wow every location was then connected with roads and bridges which nine bite did an incredible job on whilst he grinded those out I worked on some extra encounters that we could place along the journey a mysterious shipwreck a wretched sea monster a beacon in the mountains I made a few small wagon dire armors which nineb then converted into a series of ambushed Caravans before he added even more encounters like secluded shacks and Treetop watch posts wow at last we were done with the builds or so we thought we now send the world fire over to Atlas who could then begin adapting the builds for the other version of the map that's right there's two versions let me explain the differences between them our is a 1 to 10 player linear playthrough okay with the builds and Landscapes as you see them in these videos it will require no mods and be crossplay compatible the what the [ __ ] so you just play it oh my God the second version is an up to 100 player MMO style experience with the bills adapted into a custom World Generation by Atlas to suit The increased player count this will be fully modded with quests Loot and NPCs full RPG experience oh my God yep I watched the first one of this I did I thought this was [ __ ] crazy and it still is so what about our version will that have quests NPCs and so on Yes actually over the last month we've been integrating these throughout the world to tell the story and bring these places to life but wait quests and NPCs I thought you said it was no mods it is through some clever tinkering we've been able to create all kinds of gameplay systems with vanilla mechanics let me give you some examples in every major location you'll meet several NPCs in wanderous rest one such NPC will teach you about about the quest log by accessing your compendium you can keep track of your current objectives just like you would in a regular RPG you'll notice our quests are prefixed with this symbol for easier management oh my God some quests have a trigger system this is back in the Forgotten fed you'll meet a ghost whose memory is fragmented and confused as you uncover Clues to the mystery of what happened here the fog clouding his memories will proed we've got effect s want to go searching through this goop well then you're slimed we've got what the [ __ ] how does this even happen this is crazy treasure hunting immersive hover text you've got traps don't stand here wait so did this with all the vanilla mechanics traps oh my God and a lot more so we've been weaving those in throughout the map and in some cases that meant more builds to facilitate the new quest lines this is insane man here we go again some locations were expanded others got completely new areas including custom dungeons uh-huh look at that our next steps we be finishing up the final Mechanics for some locations or adding in the enemies the loot and then the final touches and testing we are expecting to be finished around the end of February when everyone will be able to play the full release stay tuned to both mine and 9 by YouTube and Discord as we'll be posting announcements there when the time comes along with more videos about this project that's [ __ ] today holy [ __ ] relating to the MMO version check out galan's Discord and atas will have a video soon this has been a ridiculously enormous project I'm extremely proud of what we've achieved and so excited for everyone to finally get their hands on it thank you to Mr Gold for bringing so many extra sets of eyes to this project we're both eternally grateful for that but now though I've got to get back to work on the map look it that until next time oh my [ __ ] god this was even more insane than the first video like I'm going to be honest this was way more insane like this whole like this swamp City and everything what the [ __ ] one month ago so like they've been doing this now for like what a year like in total or something like that his monitors really put so many devs and companies to shame with this well it's just it's amazing the amount of effort and time that people put into stuff like this and like this is the product of that I think that's what's so impressive is to see like something that's like I I I think the best part was this let me see if I can show it again um yeah I think it was this part here dude this part was [ __ ] crazy that would be weaving in some swamp assets like trees and Roots which had grown over around and through this long abandon like this right here this was [ __ ] crazy this video was so well put together this was nuts look at that it's a massive value ad to the base product that's why games that have modding and that allow modding are are popular for so long give the video a like man uh I don't know how I'm not subscribed to this channel I guess it was from another Channel whenever I watched the first one that is nuts there's the video right there I linked it in chat they deconstructed the game engine to make custom builds it's a passion project yeah like it's just it's so crazy what like a few guys can do with a game they really love you know to me it is a [ __ ] shock
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 452,651
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, zackrawrr
Id: 7b8m-Ma0Qxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 46sec (1246 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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