So I Tried Palworld..

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power world now this game has come out uh a couple of days ago I haven't had a chance to play it until today and uh we're going to see what this game's all about you're going to love the game not lie well I don't know American Pokemon yeah it's apparently like Pokemon with guns like that's what people say like you've got Raichu right there with a uh a light machine gun don't see that in Pokemon huh here we go let's try it out all righty gentlemen it's a new day a new generation of Pokemon we have um American Raichu black Articuno Lugia molus a green elephant and underneath here we have Clefairy bird um that one Pokemon I don't remember its name but it was in Super Smash Brothers and it would do a lot of fire and there would be a pillar it be super annoying what's his name name inai yeah inai and then you got this this guy just looks like basically a like a guy I guess like a character in Legend of Zelda and then you have these two guys over here that just have a this guy has a shotgun and he's just getting ready to kill some uh oh there's Pidgeot over there look at that wow all right guys let's try it out create a new world world name [Music] um like I don't even know what to say uh as America yeah America confirm uh multiplayer is going to be on check the invite code for this uh this world uh I'll just I'll put it as like uh for veterans you pals are harder to catch you gain less experience Gathering resourc ources incubating eggs that I'm not going to do that um I'm just going to do it as normal difficulty and then items are dropped can I make it where items don't get dropped um death penalty no drops okay good right there yeah I see it I just want to be able to take some risks and try the game out without losing all my stuff right and uh all right I think that we're pretty much good to go let's try it out easy yeah I mean definitely it makes it easier absolutely finishing uh finish setting up the world and start the game yes this time you lose progression yep oh okay okay change character name all right that's going to be my character name okay um presets what do we have for presets uh I don't want to be a girl okay there we go um all right um sound is kind of annoying but whatever I could be this guy that guy is kind of [Music] cool yeah I think we're going to go with this here yeah let's go with this and I'm going to change it all right then for his body um we'll give him probably about like I'd say about like right there I think that's that's kind of close custom color it seems good to me torso [Music] so oh my bro he's a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle holy he's got the liver King build yep there it is okay um okay arm size like right about there and then leg size also skinny all right that seems about accurate somewhere around there what do you guys think 100 everything oh my God bro he's got it's like those guys with Synthol holy what is this popey's armed yeah exactly God damn okay let me see can you do this with with girls too okay wait a second let me go back okay uh how about this one all right oh what the oh now it really is America oh God Jesus man Jesus the face should scale yeah don't like a sack of potatoes mhm oh my God Jesus this is amazing and you can have her super skinny too wow gorlock the Destroyer is that it never sticks like that yeah oh my God okay well we'll go back to this one then uh I think that we will stick with this we'll go back to I think it was this color right yeah it was this color here okay and then torso size make him skinnier maybe like right about there and then arm size a little bit less and then leg size be zero all right so then that seems all good with me right and then face let's look at the face what are the face options no okay these are girls um no I think the eyes are what's what's messing it up okay we'll we'll just do normal eyes all right that should be good too oh an edgy boy look at that oh wow okay that's anime eyes I don't know about that one Snake Eyes Like The Witcher hypnosis eyes hard eyes like a vtuber or the cross eyes like a honkai star rail character okay let's go with this one here and then we've got I think we'll obviously go with the beard um H yeah I think that we're going to stick with this one this seems fine yeah this is decent enough what do y'all think AA anime face you think so is it anime face there's no way it's anime face what do you mean no I I think that that looks weird man that looks so weird eye color and make it brown okay good and then eyebrow color uh black eyebrows oh you wait oh so eyebrows are the same as okay um I'll make it a little bit darker yeah it's about right something like that that seems good okay and that's I I guess probably about as close as it gets and then for hair let's look at the hairstyles okay okay that should be kind of kind of close but uh it's got this okay you've got the emo boy haircut the um killmonger haircut I don't even know what this is like Roman statue haircut the uh person on Twitter who probably has like racist opinions haircut bald basically bald bald with two cuts in their hair what's this what the hell is this what in the a bowl cut yeah yeah bro this is like some Oliver tree haircut cut then youve got can I speak to the manager then it's just normal long hair dreadlocks uh Justin Bieber from 2009 amaru um I don't even know what this is this is another Karen haircut the lead singer from Sabaton Hanzo do they go back and forth kind of yeah actually Mr T is this Mr T oh yeah Mr T you're right holy I forgot all about him there's this one too well that's kind of like my hair yeah it's a little bit like it there's no receding hair cut option oh my God [Music] well I think we could just go with [Music] this what do you guys think go bald I'm not going to go bald okay guys it's not going to happen that's Karen haircut okay well then I'll just use the normal haircut here okay that's how I wish my hair was all right and so we could just stick with that as well is that fine cuz I feel like that's the only other option that's like even kind of okay yeah we'll stick with this all right that's good enough voice W that's a girl that's a girl that's also a girl girl no huh okay so the oldest character that you can have for voice lines is about 20 years old all right so I guess that's going to be me guys there it is this is now me this is my pal in pal World 20-year-old Grandpa that's right all right guys and so I guess now I just start the game here we go let's do it 20 years old and already bald that's right character creation complete ready to start the game yes I am ready to start the [Music] game oh my God it's Clefairy wait that's the chicken from Chick-fil-A [Music] oh he has a smartphone the towers or the key ooh the tree holds the truth okay so I get washed up on a beach and this is me okay um I'll turn down the movement a little bit uh options uh game settings mouse sensitivity we'll take this down to uh like3 I think it should be fine yep okay that's a little bit better all right good and so I've got a stamina bar here let me go ahead and do this for you guys I'm going to move it up a little bit so you can see where I am all right there's me actually I'll just do it all the way up to the top there we go Motion bar it's off I turned it off okay Ellie thanks for the raid thank you very much so jumping requires stamina and can I climb I can climb and the more I climb the more stamina I use okay this all makes sense Graphics look pretty good yeah okay so you have to hold down punch in order to punch things can I punch this tree can I punch the wall okay and jumping feels kind of good all righty so B for build and I need to uh I need to get some wood all right let's go let's go get some wood is this like seiro yeah kind of cuz you can jump in SEO yeah it's it's a lot like that game okay so I'm just beating the out of a tree okay here we go we're going to beat the out of the tree again all right here we go I'm beating my wood yep there it is okay I've got four wood now that's a lot of wood I've been beating it for a while okay so uh build menu and make a primitive workbench and set up the location well what happens if I just punch this oh okay so you can just beat the out of this thing what what are you going to do what you what you going to do huh what you level two it said it was a bad idea to fight one of those things so if it's such a bad idea then why is it dead all right I'm going to build my base uh let's build it we'll go down here we'll build the base down here all right so build and we'll go to primitive workbench and we'll put it right here and is it done hold build oh I did it okay select recipe and I want to make a wooden club and I'm going to make that right [Music] now oh so I have to do the work myself it's not like I can just make the bench do it over time okay so I now have the wooden club and I'm now going to try to kill another one of these things with the club again oh craft a pal sphere uh open the options with Escape check the survival guide okay um open technology screen from the menu okay and then I need to make a pal sphere are you sure you want to unlock pal sphere yes I do okay so I've unlocked this all righty and then craft it okay I need wood and stone let's go get wood and stone so this is probably where I get okay I'm getting wood there can I get Stone from this no how the hell do I get stone oh it's probably this rock over here oh yeah oh yeah okay let's get this here pickaxe um well it I'm just I'm getting Stone from this right so like I might as well just do that I'm not sure if there's any durability on these weapons or not you can enslave Pokemon and make them do work for you yeah no I'll do that just give me a minute attack Pals to weaken them and then throw a pal sphere on them to capture them okay so I have to beat them up and then I have to I have to kind of like assert my dominance over them and then I I'll be okay you put your camer on bottom right no I think this is fine um there there we go okay so yeah it's basically a slavery simulator yeah well I mean ideally let's see what's going to happen all right and this is going to take kind of a while so I think I got enough rocks didn't I yeah I have enough Stone and now I need a palum stone I don't know where the hell to get that I guess I'll figure that out in a minute okay oh I have it oh I need more wood ooh ooh big wood this is a big wood situation look at this oh wow okay good and so now we're going to make a sphere and I'm going to craft one of these right now I'm making one pal sphere press Q to throw a spere at a pal weakened pals are easier to catch okay um well let's go ahead and let's start weakening this one I got him holy that's it all right we're good oh my God open that t screen and unlock pal box okay unlock the pow box got it all right now what build the pow box in an open space the surrounding area will be your base okay and where's the PO Box uh one two maybe okay there we go all right I need another paladim fragment and I also need more wood okay and let me see can I actually make a um yeah you know what I'm going to go make a stone pickaxe and yeah I'll make a couple of these right here and that way I I just I have them just because I bet farming is going to be way easier with that you get it from breaking rocks really okay I didn't know that how long have you been playing this game yeah I just started like literally 5 minutes ago so like anything that you're seeing here is very much uh you know this is first impressions of the game okay so I AC to do this and then I can make at least one of these maybe what I should do is I'm just going to make a pickaxe and then wood plus wood equals wood yeah you put it together and then you get a lot of wood and then I just made a pickaxe and I'll make a stone axe as [Music] well okay and there we go and how do I change my weapons okay so I can just scroll all right let's go try out the new axe let see if this is any good okay um so I just killed them bro I just killed them oh my God okay so now what do I oh this is 50 Dam oh my god wow this is way better holy I felt like a idiot using the goddamn mace now look at this is way better it's disgusting Behavior well I'm just trying it out right I'm just trying to see what's possible like I'm not killing them on purpose I'm just killing them for fun it's for uh no it's not even for fun it's for um uh it's like an investigation it's for science I'm killing him for science okay and now we'll go ahead and we'll try the axxe okay how about that huh how about that cairy you want to come at me again the out of here huh little all right what's this we got red berries eggs loot some of this stuff all right what about the uh oh wow oh wow 60 damage okay so this isn't an MMO uh I don't know what the scope of it is going to be okay I think that I'm I'm filling up on inventory now so we're going to go ahead and go back and we'll start building some stuff I guess that must be like iron or some build a PO Box in the open space all right so build PO Box there we go all right access the PO box and summon your pal to your base okay how do I do that okay oh oh I have to hold them it that's right I'm not used to that are they going to be adding dungeons I don't know yet I'm not sure what they're going to be doing okay so there it is and then pal box management menu okay and then I'll put it right Pals at the base okay so open your inventory and press to consume food okay and then I will eat this he's on me all right there we go good capture five lambl in capturing 30 Pals you just leveled up okay well if I want to capture these things I'm going to need a lot of a lot of these right Pals without beds will get stressed okay well if he's stressed out I know what to do can I throw him I'm F oh oh no I threw him over there all right all right all right all right all right all right so we'll go back and we'll craft these three pokeballs oh he's pissed he did not like [Music] that okay fine fine fine all right open menu pet it okay good is it happy now oh wow can I feed it I'm going to feed it a berry yes okay good and there we go great and now just hold up open your inventory strengthen your stats all right how do I strengthen my stats shoty bed I feel like I should make a bed right um yeah I'm going to make a bed and then pal Deck Party Guild options [Music] and open your inventory with Tab and strengthen your stats where does it say strengthen stats enhance stats okay um well we want to put more points into attack all right well that was easy okay so I have to capture five of the Lambs okay I can do that I'm going to kill this thing right here that one I already own that one okay let's go kill this one and there we go is he in the ball capture rate 100% nice easiest game of my life okay what about this one over here we've got a Chick-fil-A chicken and we have to turn him into a number number six and 100% chance for number six great and we'll also use the axe here I've got to get more of those Talon and fragments too there we go press e what does he do what that whoa what the hell did I just do what the hell what are y'all trying to get me to do Jesus I summoned a Pokemon all right all right all right I get it my inventory is almost full I got to figure out what I'm going to do with that okay B for build and now let's look at storage okay I don't have any storage all right so let's go ahead and look up and see how I can make storage uh wooden chest all right let's learn that right there and so it begins it's go ahead and make one box here and Storage and there we go wow holy this is amazing okay and can I craft with resources that are in my inventory yes I can okay that's amazing um okay so wood Stone I guess I need to get more wood and how big is the map oh my oh my God this is gigantic I'm losing HP oh um build infrastructure shoty bed oh I need more wood I don't know what to do I have to go I have to go cut down another tree okay uh we're going to go cut down a tree so we have the wood cuz I don't have any wood at all start a fire how can I start a fire with no wood can I get into Pokémon I wonder if I can okay we'll cut down this tree that should help not yet I hope so I mean if you can't even skin them I mean what's the point right all right that's one tree we'll cut down two trees that way we have as much uh as much wood as we need capture five five lambl build up your base until it reaches level seven oh wow I never even noticed everything off in the distance there that's kind of nice look at that and I bet you can probably go everywhere on this map too oh wow yeah I never looked at any of this look at all that that's actually pretty cool okay well um I guess we'll just go kill this thing right okay there we go and is he going in the Box he's going in the Box oh he's in the box there it is all right so now we'll go ahead and we'll make the bed and I'll put the bed um two Coast to another facility build IND doors with a foundation and a roof okay so then I need to go and build production H how do I do that uh technology wooden chest wooden structure set okay let's go ahead and unlock that and how does this work no I'm not used to that okay uh wooden foundation yes okay if I click it multiple times okay the crafting I have to like craft each one individually I think or at least I don't know like what the command to do multiples is all right and then we'll build a wall it's kind of hard to build in the dark here but I kind of have to right click oh okay yeah that makes it way easier okay I just have a very small nice house nothing too crazy and then oops uh can I undo that can I undo that c no C is Crouch disassembly mode oh I see I see ooh all right we're good and then now we want to build a roof okay it's very dark so I want to build a um a place here and then we'll build the bed okay dead no I'm half Health man I'm fine you can skip the night yeah guys I'm not trying to get back seeded okay like uh if I ask I'll I'll ask all right so sleeping a that must be a chicken let's go kill it okay what's this Daydream what's up oh oh there it is whoa whoa what the bro get it get it get it bro nice nice nice good job bro we need to get a gun okay we're going to get one more hit on him we going to get one more hit nice okay we got it wait you idiot you I think we should kill him th this piece of oh wait hres don't you even think about it all right get balls I think I have a ball whoa whoa whoa there it is there it is there it is wao wo wait they social actro oh oh my God okay all right go go go go get him all right a jeez okay all right all right all right all right staying focused nice Jesus there I I'm going to send out both of them I'm send out both of them there we go there he go get him get him guys get him get him if he dies he dies he's dead okay all right then this is all you bro no [Music] okay now ball ball where's my ball no pal spere wait I have to go craft one I have to go craft the [Music] [Music] [Music] ball give me a [Music] minut we got we got to make one of these we got to make a ball are you able to not die there well I did die I literally just died okay what's this what did I get out of this I got lamb tail mutton okay this is only a level four I should be able to EAS oh got it got it got it 50% 50% come on come on come on oh my God I got him holy nice okay mission complete PO Box upgrade okay now we need to get more of those oh we need to get that too okay um now we need to make another one of these [Music] okay and there we go good and okay so this is unconscious take it to the pow box okay I'm going to put him right there okay so he's respawning and then I guess is he getting healed like how does this work okay yeah I guess he's getting healed all right now let's kill this guy oh that's right it's dead Okay um I I thought it was a new one yeah I killed that thing already heal no I'm fine I've got 500 health uh I've got to capture a few more of these that's what it tells me I have to do oh oh this one's dead too okay well then let me just get rid of him he's gone all right um I guess I'm going to capture another one of these okay oh oh why can I not why can I not attack okay ooh 78% no way he's not in the box come on come on nice easiest game of my life okay good and now we've got to craft more stuff so can I use the pickaxe on like just these rocks here no okay they're just like native structures okay um and I'll torch okay good and then I guess I put all these back in here and then read the bottom of the screen oh yeah um let me go ahead and do that my stat points I'm going to put uh a points into into uh HP oh 700 HP holy that's way better okay um and then oh I should be using a club for fighting them right okay uh next I have to get more of the Lambs all right well let's go get some Lambs oh I need to go get Pals though let me go get some uh some rocks and then we'll go get them it's on Game Pass tomorrow is it make armor I don't think I need armor yet I'm not saying I won't use it I just don't think I need it quite yet a lot of armor I can get here in 7 hours holy no we're making a okay there we go I got two pal fragments so each one of them gives me a new slave I hope there's music uh I don't know if there is or not I'm not sure if this is uh what it's supposed to be or not put pal in base to work okay I mean like again like uh you know I'm just trying to like I'm a I'm a slow learner with things like this right so it'll take me a bit of time to like figure out what makes sense and what doesn't how things work howy Mount I feel like um a bit of feedback I I I don't really think there's like a lot of point to giving you like a stamina reduction oo I'm weighed down by carrying too many items okay uh giving you stamina reduction whenever you're just like uh mining resources I feel like stamina recovery there is just like it's kind of just like annoying right did you know slaves didn't build the pyramids well how could they build the pyramids it was uh what do you call it um aliens yeah it was aliens yeah no I know about that okay uh you got to stay woke yeah okay and I guess I need more wood let me go get more wood I'll cut down like one tree and then I should have enough and then oh I see so I can rotate through my different Pokemon that I use here all right chickfila go nice that's cool that's a good one I like that all right let's go this way we got to cut down a tree um there we go amazing how people of hard build a base today well I don't know I don't know if it's hard to build pyramids or not I don't really give a to be honest uh game does feel alive it's it's a it's nice so far I mean the way it plays is pretty decent jump off the cliff and see if the chicken will follow you okay weapon is damag all right I guess I need to make that repair station now let me go do that no it doesn't it just patrols around but maybe if it was a larger area it would okay actually before I do that let me make the Repair Station okay so production all right I guess I need to learn how to do that make a repair bench there we go all righty and then build and repair bench there we go and we'll put it right here okay then we'll put it right here can I have him make do this do this for me do do start building this no you need to start building the sheeps have oh the sheeps are the Builder okay that makes sense the bird just does whatever the it wants okay yeah that that makes a lot of sense we got to get some more sheeps like we got to get a lot of sheeps summon the Sheep oh yeah I could just do that that would probably save a lot of time okay item management and now we will go ahead and repair this and then we will go ahead and repair the axe and we'll repair the club as well uh wait did it work okay yeah we did all right good and so let me go back over and I will use the Sheep okay fluff [Music] Shield wait I'm using him as a body Shield oh my God okay um yeah a great game yeah clearly I guess what I should do now is I should just get more sheep I'll get this one too how many more of the balls do I have oh I have zero balls I have to go get more balls he hasn't seen the rocket launcher yet no I haven't I'm sure I'll get to that soon Peta hates this game yeah that's what I hear okay so there we go work all right get to work oh man ain't that something damn damn this easy wow slaving away yeah bro like I get it now it's a fantastic game yeah it seems fine so far it's funny what the is [Music] that 17 bro like oh my God it only does three damage [Applause] [Music] okay bro we're not even doing damage to it Jesus [Applause] Christ oh my God I just got [Music] destroyed okay we don't want to oh my God it's still mad okay and now I guess I'll put it right in here and I can take these out and this is in my party and then this one is now alive and I need to put this one back in there and then this one as well right because I've killed both of these okay so I I run out of sheep once again all right we have to go get more sheep again hey buddy hey buddy why don't you uh why don't you come join my uh come get in [Music] advance okay there we go and he's in the ball for sure great okay and what happens if I mine this I'm getting ore out of this it's a level one yeah I know this is going to take a bit or what I don't know or I get something else crafting Gear Well I'm just I'm taking it as it comes I'm just doing uh it just says I need to capture more Lambs so I just probably should go do that now I feel like that's the best option like I've got enough ore right now I probably don't need anymore for at least a little while in the game considering this one takes a lot longer to uh to mine oh what happens if I hit this oh these just straight up give me fragments on their own oh that's great look at that durability On Tools yeah there is durability I i' I've uh broken a tool before I had to go and repair it it doesn't seem like there's like really a problem with repairing things or it's like hard to do oh what hell is this um oh a chest oh wow I got gold coin bread and A POW Soul Castaways journal what the okay yeah I I have their soul now okay um let me just go get a few of these pets man I guess and And So It Begins let's get some Pals and pow World okay and what's that one there a Wandering Merchant oh wait what's this he wandered away okay [Music] capture him wait I have to capture him no way right five captured bonus okay increase your player level by capturing 30 Pals okay I'll just capture this one too there we go nice and now I'm level six oh there we go okay 100% on him too damn bro I'm just putting these bro this is easy I just go around and put them in a box look at that is that easy yeah exactly okay well let's go back up this way all righty um was trying to get an idea how all this stuff is supposed to fit together I don't really understand it yet I want to fight that level 17 man let me go ahead and see if I can upgrade my character again I got to put more points into uh stats get more Health box equals prison yes yes that's correct okay okay a 34 oh my God okay dark knowledge what does he do so you can only have one of them out at a time so how how do I make it start working do I have to hit it he just chills you can use them in a base uh assigned to base well how do I do that is over here no data no not really a lot over here and this is I guess like this is my Pokedex and I guess these are where those little things that I captured went all righty at the bottom really okay let me see where that says um uh command pal [Music] four all right great no bottom at the bottom pal box okay uh Pal's at base oh I see now I didn't see that okay and there we go all right so now he just does work for me now right open menu return to box view details okay fluffy Shield equips the player and becomes a shield all right passive skills is Clumsy and his work speed is- 10% % okay so he's stupid do not even think about it no we're not doing it cuz they get level scaled anyway so there's like no real point in doing it okay so now he's going to do this for me right yeah he does okay good perfect all righty good and mission complete powerbox upgrade available okay where's the upgrade build up your where's the upgrade I I don't see the upgrade where do I do that uh technology maybe po boox upgrade uh available no it doesn't make sense uh how the does this work V okay um v no V doesn't work either maybe I press v no maybe if I go in here and I press v no V is missions okay uh base upgrade Max Pal's working at base okay and then perent workbench yes okay nice and now I need to make a feed box and a straw po bed okay straw po bed okay good and feed box there we go 20 IQ no I just I don't see things the way other people see them like I I don't really know how to explain it like I I just I can look at something and just simply not see it because I'm thinking about something else in my head and it's like it never was there yeah it's just that's blind well no I'm just not observant like I just I'm very good at just totally tuning something out like if I'm not looking for something I don't see all right so we'll build one here and I think you need to build three right oh my God tunnel vision yeah I'm super tunnel vision like unless I'm looking directly at something and even I can even be looking at something and I don't see it that's how strong like my my focus on not caring about certain things is okay let's sleep so I can see so dark yeah it is okay there we go that's better hey get to work guys guys come on there you go all right good and we'll go back over here we'll cut down some more trees you get attacked after a certain number of days yeah usually that's the way a lot of games work but I I'm not really too worried about that okay says you have a stacker one to molting wait what's this here a slacker huh okay we'll cut down I guess I can I probably can't even cut down one more tree but I'll do it anyway and just walk back encumbered shouldn't you upgrade the work speed as well well I don't know I I know what I'm doing yeah as I say I I'm not um okay I have to drop stuff so I do get to the point where I'm cumbered and I literally can't even move okay um wool why do I have so much wood oh that's wood okay um take half and I'll put it on the ground drop okay good cucumber yeah well I mean like have you ever seen cucumber move no wool is what you need oh do I I didn't even see that okay and there we go and now what do we need to make and we need more wood we sure need a lot of wood okay uh I'll just put all this stuff away I'll keep that there we go all right good that's my Pokemon doing work for me go pick up the wood yeah I know I'm about to I just have to go back and uh and and use some of it though you L fought a pickle and Monster Hunter yeah but I'm not talking about pickle I'm talking about cucumber those are two different things name one of the sheep McConnell can I name the pets I didn't even notice if I could do that I don't think I can maybe I could all righty so we have a really really nice base like this is coming along very well and now we'll go ahead and we'll make a feed box right here okay get to work get to work Buddy here you go a isn't that fun is not fun having to work for free great okay and now he should be doing this one too right and if I if he doesn't we kill him oh wait did he level up hey hey bro bro why is he not not God I got to do this myself bro like they're trying to make a union on me a union mandated you know one hour and a half Union mandated Union mandated four 4 and 1 half hour smoke break okay yeah PO Box upgrade available okay good um and then there we go all right great Max number our bases is One Max Pal's working at base is four all right great build campfire build Berry Plantation deploy a pal to work at the base okay um let's see here and then Pals at base there we go and we're going to have all four of them there yep Plantation yeah it's a bit on the nose didn't you think got to build a plantation all right um let's see here uh where is the berry Plantation um I'm not seeing it oh there it is okay good and I actually can make that myself and what was the other thing that I needed to make I don't remember so uh I guess I'll just do this I'll make it right here oh [Music] wow okay so how do I how do I make them work on the plantation seed oh I kind of missed didn't I how do I do that that oh I need another bed I need more wood let me start cutting down those trees the Sheep can't so each one does different things like some things build and some things uh like they they like gather okay I get it okay well let's cut down some of these then all right we go do one more that way we have enough wood to do a number of different things deers gather wood oh that makes sense because deers are in forests so they know where all the wood is because that's like their house their house is wood well I guess my house is wood too actually wait what happened to my wall oh I guess I never build a wall okay so we need to go over here and we're going to make actually I'm going to make I'm going to make six beds there's one bed two beds three beds all right get to work boys look how happy they are a wow Yay good job do it again that's good how much do you pay them that's the funny thing is I don't no I don't wow okay so now uh I guess we can make a few more of these St production all right go ahead hey hey hey you know what to do you know what to do good job good job all right and then open and then feed box we'll put some bread in the feed box and uh let's let's let them eat an egg and uh we'll give them some wood to eat on too okay they don't like wood okay so they're not going to eat wood they're unpaid well it's it's an unpaid internship okay uh what's wrong with that all right technology then we look at repair Stone spear I could also make bow and arrow how do you guys f up bow and arrow let's make bow and arrow am will make the spear it let's just do all of them okay and I have technology points I have 13 so I have way more that I can do uh normal parachute mounted torch wooden Tavern furniture set pal gear workbench okay I'll probably get that too and then cloth outfit okay that's good too and then oh I should be able to make cloth as well all righty oh we're making some really good progress campfire okay and there it is how do I do a campfire get to work boys get to work hey hey hey hey hey you get work that's right that's right that's right yep uh-huh yep nice slick recipe okay good we have baked berries fried eggs bro like we're not going to give them that that that's for me can I can I set myself on fire yes my health is going down oh I can tell my health is yeah um where's the water okay good it's getting worse yeah it was I wonder if I set myself on fire does it go away if I jump in the water no no it does not sounds like some to me brother not deep enough oh maybe that could have been it yeah all righty um what else do I have to do yeah um oh we don't want to deal with him okay let's see what we can do with some of the uh the uh the bow and arrow oh let me do this too cut down another tree asset flip garbage oh you think this is a garbage asset flip okay um oh I'm hungry yeah I kind of am um um okay so uh how do I use this again I'm going to use it on myself I never feed these things you never want to feed them you don't want them to get accustomed to the good life because if they do then they just start you know they start expecting you know a bunch of extra crazy stuff you can't have that all right Pal's working at the base level five wow pal gear workbench build a statue of power okay uh pal gear workbench I need paladini fragments wood and cloth okay well I guess I should probably make cloth first right okay uh we're going to make maximum cloth get to work and I think I'm actually just going to start I'm going to start getting some wood I'm going to fill up my inventory right now of wood it's a big wood situation leg go fortnite with Pokemon yeah I heard good things about Lego fortnite by the way I heard it it was a pretty good game padum fragment sounds like monster H our world yeah it does this is like Monster Hunter except for it's like Monster Hunter and then you take them and like you own them and they work for you for free and you can kill them if you want so it's like kind of like you're hunting them right yeah it's like Ark well I remember playing Ark and it like whenever I played the game I was actually really impressed because like I didn't know somebody could make a game that was that bad I like how is it possible that somebody can make a game that's this bad and I played it and it was like wow this is complete garbage how is this possible and we've got this oh yeah we got to make some cloth okay let's go and wool wait wo I thought I needed wood I didn't even know [Music] that get the work boys get the work you need wool how do I get wool oh I might know how to get wool I know how to get a w I know how to get some wool yeah yeah think about that now we got a ranch apparently okay let's look at this little ranch situation technology alarm Bell a ranch [Music] okay and what's this [Music] here okay and so this right here is going to be the ramp hey hey Billy get the out of there now you get to work 3 [Music] minutes hey guys he's sleeping hey hey hey hey you uh-huh yep come on boys let's go that's right that's right 42 seconds [Music] man the lazy peon worker uh the lazy peon beater doesn't work in this game okay um so we'll get some wool and we'll be able to do that and now I'm going to be honest I'm actually kind of getting into this now okay uh now I'm going to go ahead I'm going to make this myself and I'm going to have to work and do this on my own [Music] it's fun right yeah this is actually I'm kind of getting into it now like at the beginning I wasn't sure if I was like really into it but like now I feel like I'm chilling I'm calling Peter right now Panic yeah there it is hungry oh am I hungry I wasn't paying attention what do you want what do you want you little okay let me go back and I'm going to make some W arrows let's go go ahead and do that and then I'm going to take some of their food and I'm going to take it for myself that's now my food and I'm eating it now that's right they got robbed okay so he's building arrows that's good wait who's this guy hey little buddy sounds like somebody's going to the ranch there we go I I love how um capturing them makes that cute little sound isn't that lovely okay now we're going to put another one to work at the base okay so now we have five sheep working [Music] const cats don't do we have to get rid of the corpse though all right I felt like I was like an Aztec priest like I needed to pull out his heart before I rolled his body is corpse down the stairs I really kind of uh missed out on that feed it to the Sheep yeah exactly oh I should have them eating each other like a cycle of cannibalism oh that's cute that's very cute okay so all that's done and then seeding this do I want to seed this I don't know if I'm supposed to do this oh I do okay all right I'm going to have to do this I'm going to see if I can do this myself cannibals yeah yeah that would be great the human sacrifices will stop well we're not sacrificing humans so it's a little bit better right builds his own Pokémon capitalism bro I'm going to have those mammoths like I'm going to build the pyramids build them the same way the Egyptians did wait one of them says one of the pals is working a little slow probably a slacker should we kill that one oh yeah yeah oh yeah that's good o they're going to love these berries guys this is lovely set an example out of them I hope they do have a few sick things like that I don't think you're watering the seeds no I am uh you can see cuz the bar is going up I'm a winner okay so now they're growing and they're becoming bigger seeds and now I need to go and clumsy what should I do with this one oh I know why it's lazy it's a female oh that must be it guys look at that oh jeez how does this work it's sleeping okay yeah I don't know what to do [Laughter] guys remove it let's see here give it ice cream oh God that's giv me a bit of a anyway um so let's see here uh what else are we waiting on here all right so we've got the wool let's see can I Harvest these yet for wool put her in the Box yeah oh oh oh oh there it is I can't wait to see a Twitter post later yeah guys for any any Twitter users that are watching I was being completely serious by the way yeah and it's not because she's in the Box it's because that uh yeah that that that had nothing to do with it and uh yeah I don't know why she's uh it's it's sleeping does this make it work or anything like that I don't know how what is this yeah I was being completely serious guys and so oh oh wow well we'll put the ore away gold damn how do I keep getting these gold coins oh it's because I'm not paying attention to which box is which okay yeah that makes sense Harvest can I just get one of them to do this this is outr I'm not doing this this is I'm above this I'm sorry guys but I'm I'm above this yeah I need to get a chicken okay I know exactly who we're getting rid of oh where'd you go that's right come on you little dick sucker go get to work that's right that's right okay so uh paladini fragment and wood well let's go get some more wood how do I which how can I find some of them to go get wood for me because that's what I really need to do I need to I need to have them go get wood for me Pokedex I ain't going to read that a deer a cat all right I'm going to go get a cat in a minute y'all ever wonder like I remember in wow like there was like a conversation about this it was like you know those little owls in in the the shadowlands krian area like they never did get paid like they were basically slaves like blizzard blizzard was trying to tell us something and it was right under our nose the whole time we had no [Music] idea okay we'll repair all three of these there we go not a problem easiest game of my life wasn't everyone a slave there oh true to fate so that that's because the Shadow and story line was so good I'm actually still kind like sometimes I think about how bad that was and it was like it's actually like kind of impressive to me that it ever happened you guys ever have that happen like something that's like really really stupid like you know like Game of Thrones season 8 and it like just happens and then you think to yourself like wow it really was this stupid torch I'm not going to use a torch that can I capture the Moon Star Wars of force awakens I um I want see s house watch St here as land living hell longer they palade every one of them be careful out there here take some basic supplies you want to survive out there I'm not going to kill her she has a shotgun yeah I I would have I would have captured her and attacked her but she has a gun you know yeah fast travel Point true that's just it that's the gun that's the second amendment brother that's the second amendment in action there a great equalizer she's only level three wait should I you want me to go try and do it okay I'm going to go do it I'm going to go try and capture her yeah all right fine there we go okay now I'm now I'm full bow a captured human what the are you kidding me guys did I just invent slavery holy can I make her do anything for me oh my God wow well um let's wait to see what she does after she heals pal team is hungry oh no uh I'll give them berries okay talk to her I'm so tired I tried making Graves for everyone at first but whenever more than 100 died I gave up on the ideer here ignorance leaves to death there's this liver of hope he had to manage them a pal but not one of my comrades was able to capture that you have one of those ancient devices you should be like a pal sphere if you make some you can capture pal bro wait she's working oh my God oh my God check her skills you got what it takes to go a pal Tamer okay well yeah yeah yeah let me look at what her skills are okay um skills clumsy okay she can punch and that's about it she's not even really that good guys like she's only level three yeah I don't I know about this one okay and although and I used a I guess these arrows are pretty expensive to use yeah I I've got to go get some more Arrow actually you know what let me go see what I can make a cat do okay so we're going to take this cat this one's wait passive skills cold cold buted wait what what do you mean cold blooded wh how why why can I not what is this press F cold blooded increase ice attack damage oh okay well let me see what this thing does okay so what are you going to do transporting oh my God I actually have a Workforce I have a literal Workforce I can't believe this this is amazing I'm going to cut down some more trees this is this is so good CEO asthma yeah this is this is CEO POV guys this is this is it all right let's cut this down wait can I oh my God I can go up a tree okay cool you need a beaver I know I need something that's going to be able to capture these boys man why did I just Capt so I guess like capturing them is kind of like like it's like a mind control trees are regrowing pretty quickly yeah they are what's the uh rating for this game so far um so far my experience if I had to rate it after about 1 hour of playing probably less than that would be a n uh I I've been enjoying this a lot like I'm not saying that the game is amazing it's the greatest game that's ever been gamed but right now that's what I would rate the game this has been very good uh the reason why I like it is because there are stupid weird things that like I like games that allow you to do stupid and this game definitely allows you to do stupid and I I like that a lot I appreciate that okay uh we should probably make like more of these let's make some more of these spheres and then we'll also go and make uh the pal workbench okay padium fragment wait do I not have platium fragments wait I think I just used all my platium fragments on Crafting that okay so I need to go get more of them all right that's no big deal I'll just go do that um let's go put all these away uh yeah that should be fine I'll go get some more right now spend it on spheres yeah I just didn't realize it's okay there's more rocks down here I'll just go get these it's no big deal wait until you can a Charizard and shoot a rocket missile from the air yeah I'll probably be in an hour or so it should be no problem bu the how's the game so far like uh the game is good uh it's surprisingly good like I was expecting to play this game for like maybe like an hour and then just like stop cuz it's stupid uh but no this has actually been pretty fun season passes I don't care about that like I I don't really care like if you have a game that's being continuously updated and like you should expect to have to chip in somehow right and like a season pass or something like that where there's like some advantages that you get for having that I feel like that's like the the least painless version of it like now if you're if you're playing a game like elen ring right that's like you know you just buy the game and that's it you can play it offline then yeah I mean you don't really need to have microtransactions for something like that but for an online game then yeah I think it's pretty reasonable to have that um okay so now we can actually make the pal gear workbench and we're going to make it right here guys let's go let's go come on there you go good job boys good job good initiative okay uh pow box Ranch Feed box we did all these okay so what else do I need to do besides [Music] this guys are not slaves okay they're just uh they're uh workers yeah they're just they're they're just work working okay all right missions okay let's base upgrade oh uh build a statue of power okay um technology uh statue of power okay done I need Stone and Palladium fragments all right let's go get some rocks 13 the the refugees lukario yeah it does look kind of like ukio okay that's not what I meant to do um you're making your unpaid workers build a statue in your honor yes I learned that from Egypt yeah I'll just get all these and I might as well just kind of like knock out both of these rocks until I fill up my inventory they're very small SM yeah there's evidence they were paid in Egypt really that was a mistake oh what the hell did I just do oh I accidentally threw a ball I just hit the wrong button on my screen am I interested in replaying in the game anytime soon any the souls games uh right now I have so many other games that I want to play that I'm not not really seeing myself replaying a Souls game at any immediate time period because there's just a lot of other new games that I've never played before that I want to play but um uh I will eventually do that like play the convergence mod and stuff like that food for the team yeah yeah yeah can the monsters fight each other oh that's a good idea yeah okay I don't want to overburden myself oh my God bro like whenever we kill this thing and we capture it that's going to be like bro that's going to be the best day of my life it's going to be amazing can a monster die from Hunger I don't know I guess we'll find out right okay so let me go ahead and put all these away and I'll put those away too and can I upgrade this or not yes I can okay I want a statue in my honor right here man I I I'm I'm commissioning them to build an anime figurine for me oh my God enhance player stats offer lift monk energies to enhance your capture power okay well I don't have lift monk energy so I'm not going to worry about that yet okay we'll upgrade that build a Crusher a stone pit and a logging site okay we'll go ahead and we'll do that ooh I have to be level eight for this okay um egg incubator what the a bat okay I guess I'll just make these two so I need to make palad I need to get more paladini fragments okay so I guess I'll go do that now find a bird okay where do you find birds like in the air right um I'm thinking uh I forgot what I was going to think okay let's go and trees oh yeah you're right we got to go get more of these uh these Blue Rocks though there's a lot of these and also like especially as soon as I can get them like mined for me bro like we're going to start uh uh we're going to start farming okay yeah the hell are there uh I guess I'll just go all the way down here and remember we want to see if we can capture any more um uh any more people wait so couldn't I just have my entire pal like Ranch full of real people oh my God okay let's try to cut down some more of these what the hell weapons damage son of a no I'll just stop here and I'll go back Army building simulator yeah dragon skill fruit Dragon Cannon use a skill fruit in your inventory to learn a pal skill hes is learn Dragon Cannon oh my god oh wow minus one skill oh who cares yeah yeah who gives a like if it didn't work I'd just go and get another one it's whatever yeah it's all right yeah I'm sure I'll get another one fade your slav Z breaking new boundaries and not play balers Gate 3 to be fair I mean like I never said I was going to play it in any like you know reasonable time like eventually I'll play balers Gate 3 at some point I just don't really know when that's going to be I never I never promised people that I never said that shouldn't we it's going to be after genin no genin's going to be after Final Fantasy 14 okay and we'll go ahead and we'll repair this and we'll rep prep care this too might as well okay and I will feed them a little bit uh yeah they've got some berries here okay good acquire these logging site okay a facility for producing wood wow okay um well let's put that right over here all right guys hey hey hey hey you know what to do you know what to do get to work hey the hell is she doing okay so how does this work I guess I should help them build [Music] it pet team's hungry no it's okay I gave them food it it it should fix itself it it'll work itself out working Foreman yeah I know I have to okay hold work all right so requires lumbering so how does this work does it go down I see so it just straight up okay I get it cats oh oh okay so should I go capture another cat get a deer okay let me go find a deer where are the deers in the B of the water I don't know cats do mining yeah I'm not seeing any deer any anywhere here guys we'll look around a little bit and if we can't find one then we'll uh we'll just deal with the wood ourselves and we'll make a stone quarry instead yeah the open world in the game looks pretty nice I like this adult crackhead Ash [Music] yeah oh there a chest over there I'm going to go get [Music] it okay what do I get ooh pal spheres great I don't even know what those do okay so there's got to be a deer somewhere around here right where the are the deer further ahead yeah I'm going to keep looking okay it's fine it's a nice open world I think this is what the was that gun Moss xere deer sounds like a deer to me brother boom you going to re at me okay I hit the wrong [Music] button I'm dead by the way I'm like super dead I mean like I could kill one of them I just can't kill both like it's just I just can't kill both both of them can I hit me through a wall okay no it can't okay how many arrows do I [Music] have dude they're so fast okay all right let's run let's run I think we run away can I roll can I roll [Music] okay got him [Music] I'm going to handle his ass by the way okay they're resetting I'm still in the game boys I'm still in the game [Music] [Music] come on wait did I get him did I get him yo I think I got [Music] him oh my God I got him holy what's up idiot nice and he's making my wood all right lift wait what the no bro I don't need to do [Music] that dance can I dance with him a hold them that's my bad bro that's my bad get back to work okay good it still says the pal team is hungry why the are they hungry oh I don't have the berries seated or something like that I don't know I don't know why it says they're hungry who cares okay so we actually captured that thing I'm feeling pretty good about that that was awesome okay and pal gear workbench I'm not going to worry about that either okay cloth I think didn't I make this I guess I'm going to make one of them and that way I can make new clothes I don't know if I did that or not oh I do I did do it I did do it cuz I can see that all right um one second let me use the [Music] bathroom [Music] okay we're back oh we back all right now what let going go [Music] sleep need a restart from music out of combat really okay so I should restart the game to get music what happens if I get in combat again though won't it won't it just reset the music afterwards there is no music okay um how are hungry well I mean they've got food man yeah they got food like what what are they complaining about look at him bro he's working he's so happy look how happy he is okay uh we need more stones and penum fragments all righty get rid of all these too I probably should make a second chest ride the deer I don't know if I can I bet I probably can no okay and we'll make one more chest too all righty oh yeah that's one on my Pokemon 10 out of 10 base layout bro like this is probably the best base in any game I've ever made yeah like this is going really well oh I'm happy I probably should try to farm some of this other but I just haven't done that yet riding some technicalities down the down dark Road it's not a technicality like see what is the difference between people and Pokemon at the end of the day there isn't one people can talk no see he's talking speech no meow can talk and Pokemon yeah I don't no I'm not about that I don't agree you can't breed with Pokemon then explain voron go over here we got to get these guys too yeah you can Mr M yeah can't you just have like a ditto turn into like a a human like a like a a person and couldn't you just the ditto yeah they should have done that in the game like the anime or something something technically correct yeah yeah I feel like you probably could do that turn into a vapon yeah there you go lift monk FG oh oh oh offer SE power to improve your ability to capture Pals okay cool let me see if I can do one more of them I I feel like I need more of these blue things where do they be at where are them blue things at oh my God what's this blue oh oh oh I know what that is I can't go up there why the not in war humans used to breed with Pokemon thousands of years in the past but in reality they're still doing it to this day oh what's this oh another Pokeball this how we get Vaporeon yeah I actually was going to do a monster hunter tier list on the most attractive monsters in Monster Hunter world but I haven't finished the game yet so I didn't want to do it a bro what the yeah clue Tero I don't know what that is I haven't done that one yet see that's what I'm saying sounds like a banger yeah it sounds like something that like you know they'll be like Reddit threads about it like people like mad that I did it I wonder if I can kill one of these in one shot now oh I don't have any arrows left I really need to get a gun what's a rathan it's like a dragon yeah it's like a dragon that uh uh spins around and hits you with its tail a lot that has an STD and so whenever it hits you it gets you poisoned un use stat points oh yeah you're right I just uh you know as I said like if I'm not looking at something I can't see it um work speed weight let's do improve my weight that way I can carry more stuff okay food oh he got the food okay and what did I even go and do that for oh yeah the stone area Okay Stone pit oh I need more rocks okay let's go find more rocks actually let me do this first okay now we go find more rocks can you breed the humans um with what like the deer I don't know I guess we we'll have to try it yeah yeah I I'll try that myself self here we go yeah we're going to find out no you can't uh how do you know that I guess we'll find out all right we got a little bit more of this then we should be good another streamer tried oh that's too [Music] bad at least I've got enough Stones here we're going to have plenty of them now cuz now we can make the stone Factory I think I'm going to put it right over here on top of this like already like actually I'll put it over here that way I keep it out of the way okay Stone pit I'll put the stone pit right over here all right boys get to work perfect okay good and wait why is this thing not working why is it not working guys it's on a break they can do that they could just randomly go on break whenever they want that's outrageous What if I need them to work I got to do this myself finish this as fast as I can that way I get my next level yeah they farmed a union that would be funny if it was like a a meta mechanic for them to form unions in the game okay is this satisfactory but with Pokemon and slavery I don't know you provide Healthcare um well I mean it is what it is right okay so hold work all right so how can I make this work oh the the cats work for free oh that's great okay and then missions and we need to build a Crusher and in order to build a Crusher I think I need to get to the next level right technology and Crusher is level eight okay so what is the best way of leveling I guess probably the best way of leveling is probably by capturing Pokemon right yeah by captur them yeah let's go do that um and I'll make uh I'll make some arrows here and they'll go do that that and oh she's working for me too great and yeah we'll just go capture some uh some Pokémon you need 30 yeah I'm going to get 30 right now Nintendo ask that you call that you refrain from calling them Pokemon um really is that it they're not Pokemon well then why they look like Pokemon they shouldn't have made them like Pokemon they want me to call him Pokemon yeah that's not even my fault there a quest in a green tablet at your base really I didn't read that what the hell why is it not working oh oh okay I could try to get that other deer oh I'll just do this there we go that's done okay so what happens if I just go over here got you okay so I have to capture 10 of these all right there we go there's five let me capture this one [Music] here okay is there like a credit that I need to do for this too yeah I need to capture both of these I'm KFC there we go bro I we're getting them we are getting them damn I'm already level eight from that holy that was fast dude so this is how you level oh my God this is fast I need two more chickens there they are I'm farming the I am oh you're next buddy look at him smiling he's like huhuh that's right okay so now what now I have 10 of them and okay great and how many more of these do I have I have three more I guess I could capture some more sheep if I see them yeah I could get those on the way back what's this leather how you likeing it so far I think it's pretty good I'm going to be honest I think it's actually a pretty good game so using a Pokemon uh to beat them down you beat the out of them yourself [Music] yeah got you yeah I'm doing the dirty work myself got him all right is there one more cuz I just need one more and then I'm done this if I can find one more lamb there it is right there this game is sponsored by vegans clearly what's the most compatible Palace for human I don't know yet I'm sure we'll find out soon the goats you think the goats [Music] are I don't know if I agree with that one okay so let's see here we'll get a Crusher there we go poison bow oh wow um requires poison arrows oh okay well let's see how do I make so what do I need to our Crusher I need one more Stone okay I can just loot these here all right so we'll put this right here there we go yep get to work boys a shield oh yeah yeah yeah yeah and I need more uh more uh what do you call it stone for that too I'll go mine this one here do I kill it annoying okay don't you need 10 catch it no I already got 10 I'm good with that I do need to capture more of the cats though did I tell you how much this game will be on release there's no price on a steam page I don't know yeah I have no idea how much the game is going to be no clue whatsoever 30 bucks oh that's nothing man that's no big deal okay that's a lot $30 is a lot um I would say bro like if $30 is a lot of money for you the last thing you need to be doing is complaining about a video game like you need to F you need to get your you need get your money together get your get your fixed uh and then you can worry about a video game after that like let let's be honest here okay guys get Game Pass I don't know about Game Pass um pick up those arrows what are we going to do I forgot what I was going to do everyone's rich in chat rich is whenever you have $30 true yeah Rich is having $30 guys that's place oh yeah yeah yeah yeah there we go nice okay so now uh it's easier for me to catch things and what does this do no items in Q fiber and paladini fragments okay so I can actually make these myself [Music] now um I'll just craft that and see what happens okay um oh yeah that armor thing I was going to make oh I was going to repair that's what I was going to do I totally forgot okay all righty $30 just single Uber Eats order yeah I guess for some people it is true throw a pallet the thing you want to work at and it will force them to use the crusher right now oh so I can like make them work that's a good idea level up my base oh yeah I need to do that too what got to get this how many players I don't know I don't really understand like I think this game kind of works like valim or like V Rising where you can have extra players and like people play on your server 32 people yeah that's a lot oh wow he led me to a treasure chest what a nice guy I'll reward him by killing him are you you serious what no pal sphere is available well sorry buddy [Music] I didn't want to have to do that but you know it's just life yeah I just I didn't have I didn't have a Pokeball for him I had to kill him a monster I know okay so now at least I have the rocks and I can go and upgrade my base and build whatever the thing it was that I was going to build I actually forgot what it was Brite Monster Hunter apparently it is yeah I don't know what you mean okay so now we have this and they're making more Stones build what the hell was I going to do I keep forgetting okay um all right Max more bases Pals working at base a hot spring primitive furnace and a berry Plantation okay Shield oh yeah okay there we go and I'll just craft that myself I guess oh there we go all right great keep up okay there we go all right my food is good and I'll put all this stuff in there as well chapi poultry oh wait I'm oh oh I'm feeding them their own B oh so we are doing cannibalism now okay good yeah that's what that's what I was hoping for you have two more workers oh can I let me see I can have one more see like this is a human um I want to get another cat let me go get another cat oh means I need another ball okay um we'll make uh five of [Music] these got chickens already are cannibals to make your pals and Pokéballs e yeah I don't understand how all that works you've got what it takes to become a pal Tamer craft some pal fers get out there and catch some Pals man if only she knew if only she knew use stat points oh yeah okay and we'll do increased weight again [Music] again there we go nice and I am am I going to hit Level 9 wait what what's 100 out of 100 yeah that's stamina oh that's the shield oh wow okay all righty um oh there's some cats right there oops I didn't mean to do [Music] that okay there we go I'm not I'm not I didn't try to kill him man I'm not trying to kill the Pokemon sometimes they just kill themselves with my with my mace they're running into my [Music] attacks okay there we go we got another one and let's get this one over here [Music] too there we go and we got one more two more actually 300 damage holy oh my God okay and there's one more over there 300 again bro this is badass got you get in the Box microtransactions uh I don't think they really have a lot of those I feel like this is just like a game you know it doesn't have them yeah I'm not really sure okay so we did that we did this why did I do that I don't even know why I did that oh yeah for workers okay there we go all right we have another one of those and that should be good right I mean like I feel like we're we're farming now you need the the big Mammoth gun yeah yeah let me just go get the level 34 Mammoth man I feel like also even if I capture the mammoth it levels uh it levels it down like that's what it did with the deer and also with that uh that bird you need another bed oh yeah yeah yeah let me go get one I have to do this real quick stat point oh I forgot about that the hell is that sound what in the okay wooden bed oh I need more wood okay let me go check the wood the wood Farm wow bro this guy's been farming oh my God okay that's that's one I'll just make it myself more pal please go to water and get a grass type okay there it is wake up boys get to work [Music] I'm going build just in case we get more of them you know all righty so I feel like what I should do now is I should change the rotation and I should add in more of these and the chicken is doing what does the chicken even do I feel like the chicken doesn't do anything right oh he does the eggs I mean yeah maybe he lays eggs where are they okay um uh let's see I throw that one down okay yeah it's my bad okay the food box there's only nine eggs I feel like he hasn't been working very hard man the humans a slacker she sucks yeah she kind of does like she's getting outworked by animals okay I think everything else should be fine fine okay good good let me look at Tech all right oh hot spring I said I needed those pal fluids wait what pal fluids do I have to milk them uh you have to milk the male ones is that right um only Pals okay the water ones drop it yeah I'm trying to figure out like what to do with that I don't really know I'm very confused about a lot of things in this game top right missions finish tutorial oh yeah yeah you're right let me go do that can I shoot it from all the way over here okay he's [Music] mad oh I just wasted the good ball on him didn't I yeah I just yeah I wasted the good ball yeah oops that's just the way it goes boys that's the way it goes I up challenge the boss at rain Syndicate Tower the is that where the hell is that it's a huge map I have to explore okay all right I'm I'll pause it for here I'll call it for here I'll probably do some more of this tomorrow maybe play some more of this game this game seems actually pretty good like I'm going to be honest like uh I I I like this game I think this is a good game like I haven't really played it like all that much so I'm not really super sure but it's really fun man yeah this seems like really good like uh gameplay seems decent and um I think they've really got something good A's played it for 19 hours so far holy man yeah look forward to playing this myself yeah the game's coming out I think tomorrow or like in a few hours like seven people said 7 hours 2 hours ago so like 5 hours from now something like that so yeah we'll see what happens anyway guys uh thank you all very much for watching today I really appreciate it and automation seems really satisfying yeah it is and uh I I'll be excited to see kind of like how this game evolves and you know see what happens right but anyway guys thank you all very much for watching I very much appreciate it and I will be back on tomorrow all right boys peace see you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 1,800,155
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, zackrawrr
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 136min 11sec (8171 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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