50 Hours Later... You NEED to Play Enshrouded! (Exclusive Gameplay & Review)

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I have no idea how physics Works within this universe but I do believe this means I'm some sort of SLU ladies gentlemen and adventurers of all ages and shrouded is the newest Survival game to break out onto the scene and as a baseline let's just get out of the way it's fun it feels good it's satisfying and rewarding but obviously that's not enough detail by any means so today with a few hours in the game under my belt we'll be going over my first impressions of this pretty sizable game my thoughts on whether it's worth your time attention all that goodness without further Ado then let's just start at the top at its core enshrouded is a beautiful mixing and marriage of two game genres a survival game and a classic RPG there's Base building as complex as you want it to get sure but while this is mostly being built as a survival game with RPG elements I would say it's a little bit backwards to how I see it I would more label it as a sort of sandbox RPG that has Base building elements with most survival type games you have a number of essentially self-management timers that you have to be const stantly worrying about you need to eat you need to drink you need to sleep things like that are just a constant thing over your head a constant shifting objective that you always have displayed in front of you and in Ed the same mechanics are there but they're sort of muted there is a food system there is a Sleep System but instead of killing you or making you weaker if you don't interact with them they instead go the opposite way of every kind of food gives you different Buffs you have a limited number of food slots and eating these Foods makes you stronger for a period of time after the fact in varying ways things like a cooked chicken leg will increase your maximum health for example then there are also things like elixir later on but they follow the same Concepts really this game's survival aspects don't really punish you for ignoring them so much as they reward you for interacting with them as well there is a well-rested buff that you want to try and keep active and you get this by being in a situation where you are sheltered warm and comfortable meaning there's a roof above your head you are sitting or laying down and there's a fire nearby and honestly in this way while the acquiring of food is very survival gamees while you do have to punch random trees and rocks to gather materials to forge your first weapons things like that it is all very Survival game in that aspect what I would say specifically is the mechanics that I at least personally tend to find to be more tedious busy work in a survival game are cut down massively in in shrouded and where they do still have those Concepts they are again built to reward you for interaction not punish you for ignoring and it just makes it feel more satisfying to me on a personal level to interact with the game at least moving on past that then the next major thing I want to talk about is the combat itself for the game because feels really really good even early on there are melee weapons in a more standard sense there is a Dodge roll that has eye frames so you can time it right to make it avoid any attack in the game which is pretty fun there's a shield that you can make which lets you actively block and even Parry for massive stun because the game also has a stun gauge that builds up and things like that there's ranged combat in the form of classic bows and arrows of course but there's also even magic in the early game coming in the form of two items ones which let you cast whatever their base spell is just pretty infinitely and stabs which require you to find a magic scroll that has a limited number of uses to actually funnel through the staff essentially you've got your standard RPG archetypes represented in an interesting way and surrounding a really strong skill-based combat system and I always love a game with dodging and pairing and blocking that works in a way where at level one you could theoretically kill a super endgame enemy if you play perfectly it would just take a lot of time as opposed to games that make that completely impossible to do because of statistical imbalances or just an impossibility of avoidance past that then we have traversal early on in the game you are limited to standard human movement but two of the early items that you are asked to craft specifically in quest is a glider which does exactly as you'd expect Glide in a nice soft diagonal forward Arc until you're out of stamina or you hit the ground and sometimes even a little bit after you to the ground but then there is a grappling hook as well and I do want to say I was actually disappointed to find out that the grappling hook can only attach to set locations in the world it's not really fly targetable you can't use it to climb random Cliffs only ones that the developers specifically want you to climb which is in a way I think leading creat to the game being more RPG like than survival at the end of the day yes the world is open and you can choose to just run off in a direction and explore if you want to but it is built with a sort of progression path in mind ways you can clear out shroud from different areas to make them easier to explore to let you set up bases in them ways to make yourself more resistant to the Shroud things like that and there's also a quest line that lets you unlock NPCs to bring into your base such as a blacksmith who can fully set up shop there on which note we come to a mechanic that I'm not a big fan of which is item durability items in the geme can break quite easily and especially early early on that can be a big detriment once you start getting further in you start finding fancier weapons with much heftier durability ratings that will actually last you as long as you need them to in the moment but early game especially the first thing that you can craft is like a basic club and it lasts in exceedingly low number of hits even against level one enemies so realistically you have to craft like three clubs just so you don't leave your base and wind up with an enemy in front of you with like 10 Health that is just a nightmare to kill with your fists but again that is mostly an issue that becomes less prevalent as you get further into the game more just a warning to people were starting off early on up to the point that I'm at so far I would say the absolute start of the game then is the combat I do like these sort of lessened punishment survival aspects it makes it more approachable for sure while still having them be relevant but the combat is just so fluid and enjoyable it's tight the parrying feels great the eye frames on the roll feel really nice when you get them and there's even an entire sprawling skill tree in the game that lets you essentially specialize into a class and then you can go big Smash and just get a big special massive hit against enemies you can go stealth mode and get a 10 times crit on unaware enemies and those are just the very beginning of the skill tree I don't even want to spoil the things that are further in for people who haven't seen it before things like this just let you specialize into being whatever you actually want to be in the long run there are also of course bosses around the place at the end of larger groups of enemies and in my opinion they generally feel really good to fight highly damaging but well telegraphed attacks but of course if you combine that concept with ey frames on Dodges with a good block and Parry system with a shield or even just playing it ranged and position ING with bow and arrows or magic it just it works right it is a classic combination that feels really good in the setting of this game and that's what matters most at the end of the day all in all I think this game is absolutely worth your time to check it out if you are interested in the concept I think the promotional material for it has been pretty much on point up until now it has that beautiful medieval aesthetic as well and so if the trailers do look appealing to you if you like the concept of having Survival game mechanics made to incentivize you rather than punish you if you like skill-based combat that also is fueled from how well you manage the survival aspects of the game and just a fun Mysterious World to engage with all of it in with that beautiful aesthetic that we mentioned with interesting traversal and essentially just a unique take on this genre by way of mixing two separate genres in a fresh way this game is worth your time the only big unfortunate thing really is of course the timing of it this game comes out not even a week after the release of pal world and well of course they are completely different games completely different themes basic concepts and goals they're also occupying the same sort of space both of them are mainly known as as being survival games and with power world popping off as aggressively as it has been it means that in shrouded is unfortunately probably going to get buried comparatively as most people who play Survival games are just too occupied to notice it right this second which is a really big shame in my opinion and I absolutely hope that I'm wrong on this of course but I've been covering video games for quite a number of years now and this is a trend that happens all too often in any case hopefully ined still manages to Shrine through though I think it is a genuinely very enjoyable game that deserves it with a fresh take that deserves to be played especially as I think this specific blend of genres could appeal to a lot of people and even if it doesn't pop off too massively at launch exactly hopefully it can recover as power world calms down a bit and people potentially move on to other games that's pretty much it for me than everyone just a Roundup of my first impressions on the game from the first few hours that I have spent playing it overall I really appreciate the way that they are trading the survival aspects I think the combat is genuinely very good it's solid and enjoyable all around I love the way that they're mixing the survival and RPG type things together and this skill treat is deep the world is big and full of things to interact with or kill and it fully gives you the option of treating it exclusively As a Dungeon delving game if you want to or exclusively as a survival based Builder but of course the optimal experience you will have with this game will be for someone who wants to mix both of these together and get the most out of what the game has to offer like if you like the video subscribe hit the notification Bell for more and most importantly ladies and gentlemen until next time stay sweet Josh cotton and Hollow with the videos dropping the humor like a hammer on your tippy toes bringing entertainment on a daily arrangement to take our insanity and turn it into entertainment yes I said entertainment twice to reiterate that it is nice to look into your faces on a mostly daily basis when you let us in your homes to make the whole world our stage is uh goodbye
Channel: RageGamingVideos
Views: 41,800
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: enshrouded, enshrouded game, enshrouded review, enshrouded first impressions, enshrouded survival game, 2024, enshrouded 2024, review, gameplay, guide, enshrouded guide, ragegamingvideos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 51sec (531 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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