So... I Moved To Japan.

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a warning to anyone who does try to move here this is the cockroach infested fridge that I bought on Craigslist this is where I let's say I'm probably not gonna do this again hi it's me you may have saw on Twitter that I posted this picture saying I'm moving to Japan that's true I'm currently in Japan right now and I've been here for about a month first off let's answer all the obvious questions what how why when on God's earth and why did you decide to do this you exorbitant sweep is that the right usage of the word exorbitant a price or amount charged excessively high it's close but it's typically reserved for money so I did use that word incorrectly see only a month in Tokyo my English is already gone poorer than it was point is let's answer the obvious questions first of all why why did you move to Japan this is gonna sound like the dumbest reason but honestly I had nothing better going on like such a dumb reason but I was in the very fortunate position of being a youtuber who films videos in his bedroom which means I can do my job anywhere as long as I have a room with all my stuff that I need to record a video in thank you car for pawning your hone I don't know hoarding your home beeping your horn honking your horn anything except for hoarding your horn I've been living in London for about two years and I was quite happy with London I had a lot of good voiceover work that I really enjoyed doing I really liked my friends and all that but I'm 23 and I got offered the opportunity to move to Japan I'm single I had nothing really keeping me there and I liked the idea of moving to Japan I mean it sounds fun I like anime I like manga of course there was a part of me that was like okay and another question if I'm thinking is Connor do you speak any Japanese no not at all not actually zero nothing and Japan isn't known for being able to speak a lot of English but it's been fine so far I have done a lot of practice and I have been learning quite a lot I can read hiragana katakana now which is somewhat useful but still I know enough everyday phrases to get by anytime I need to understand someone desperately I will pull out Google Translate on my phone and that normally is completely fine yes it's not ideal but I am learning and I am going to classes to learn more Japanese because I do want to improve it as I feel like it's such a waste to move to a new country and not learn language I mean you're in the perfect place to do it right so I'm doing that I'm doing that third question is how did you get this opportunity what who just asked if you want to move well I'm sure you guys know that I've worked with a book or a lot I'm not really sure what I'm allowed to say and not say basically it's like an agent if you will you're solving my sponsorship deals for me because I hate it are you talking to brands it was very frustrating and I felt like it took up a lot of time whereas I just wanted to focus on making videos and I wanted to focus on being creative having an agency offered to help me do that is amazing and please if you're watching this please please do not worry this might be another like defy media or another you know machinima thing it's it's nothing like that they have zero control over me and my channel I can do whatever I want I say yes or no to everything everything is my decision at the end of the day they just bring me sponsors and they take a cup it's pretty standard stuff so the content please do not worry it will be the same with a few little special stuff sprinkled in as you'll see right here of me going to your cafe [Music] [Applause] a book yeah are you gonna do the noises like sometimes do the normal stuff is not going away the core of the channel is still gonna be me being an idiot in my bedroom I promise you that but there will be a lot more just really interesting and ambitious stuff sprinkled in that's what I want and you know for me as a content creator I wanted an opportunity to make more ambitious and more fun staffers I just always want to keep pushing myself you know if you've been a longtime viewer of this channel one thing you know that I do is mix things up a lot I have a very different channel from when I started I'd like to evolve I like to evolve with my content and I'd like to think that you the viewer also evolves with me and your tastes change and hopefully I adequately represent that and then hopefully you keep enjoying what I keep it floating that's why I'm hoping at least by someone at my door got down at your back oh yeah there is just some of the packages I've ordered from China there is way more down there I missed you so much yeah the hair thing hey it looks like a midlife crisis I mean that's the only way I can I can say it is let's say I'm probably not gonna do this again but chai monster I'll link her Instagram down below she's an amazing hair stylist offered to mess my hair up I just couldn't resist I said yes yes but yeah I don't think it's for me so I think when this is gone you can expect the brown hair back at some point I'm really sorry for having to look at best just this in general I mean and this but yeah I've been here for a month so what do I think what are some stuff that I like some stuff that I hate there's this thing that goes off at 4:00 p.m. every day and it creeps me out feels like the purge is being announced yeah I don't really get what that is I think it's school ending because it's 4 p.m. right now like on the dot so I think a school just ended but there's always like cute sirens playing and stuff and like I could be dying and I wouldn't know because everything sounds so positive here I miss greasy foods sometimes I'm not gonna lie I love I love Japanese food it is amazing it is amazing but sometimes I just want a really greasy pizza or you know and it's it's so expensive it's like 30 bucks for pizza I'm not paying 30 bucks for a pizza I to me Domino's should be like 12 15 bucks max max but I'm not paying 30 bucks for a pizza come on you can't expect me to do that I'm already fat enough I don't want to feel bad about buying the pizza and then feel bad about eating it I want to feel bad only about the second part right that's normal I also had to buy a new phone that was really fun and buy really fun I mean not fun because I liked my old phone and I had to buy a new one because cell phone carriers don't work with every phone here and even if they do some networks just won't accept it like you have to you have to buy the phone through the network like you can't just buy a SIM free phone like I had so I had to buy a new phone and then cancel the contract that I bought and then get a new one and then that worked but then that was 70 bucks a month which is insane because that was like the cheapest one how I might be ripped off did they just rip me off because I'm an idiot I mean yes I am but like what being here now and being here for month a and kind of being I Tim settled in maybe I'd like to think I am at this point it's weird it's weird being here it definitely felt more like a vacation for the first two weeks and you know spending like a whole week or two weeks just building furniture straight was a nightmare the furniture on Amazon sometimes came with like the wrong screws and then maybe I lost a screw and so I spent that for like 20 minutes screwing in the screw I realize I put it in wrong because I can't understand the Japanese instructions how to take it apart put it back together oh wait every others I did it right the first time and then I take apart again but the point is I have been here for a month and yeah I'm really enjoying it so far and there's a lot of like you know things that might weep self really enjoys the fact that I was able to buy a jojo's manga in Japan and yeah I can read hiragana and so it's kind of cool cuz the kanji they always put the hiragana next to it in like tiny mini hiragana so if you if you do want to read it you still can but you obviously need to speak Aragona but I translated it while ago and yes it's very slow and totally ruins the manga but it's a fun way of feeling like I'm learning a little bit of Japanese whilst also reading something super cool so hopefully one day I can say that I learned some form of Japanese from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure that's that's the only reason I've come here which one I want to make that video I'm never getting Shepard II that way and I also made a tweet yesterday saying like how my twelve year old self would freak out if he knew I was gonna be playing Pokemon like living in Japan it's like little things that like oh and yeah I'm really really loving it here I love life here and people are very very polite and I'm really nice to you I'm trying not to do anything rude at all I'm completely paranoid at all times that I'm doing something rude like if I just like shimmy the wrong way on a train like I like you know I'm freaking out because I just I don't want to I don't upset anyone and I'm really paranoid about doing anything wrong here because everyone is so nice and they just want to get on with their lives and I don't want to ruin that which is why you'll never see me filming in in like on a train or anything because I can't that social secondhand embarrassment would murder me inside I'm too British for that I only want to see just pessimism and people drinking tea and sadness that's what we want you know being British I realized I'm completely rambling here and I'm so sorry I guess the main reason I want to make this video is to say thank you and give you guys in the loop I feel that you guys deserve to know you know any any big things in my life you know especially if it's gonna affect the content on the channel of what we're making and this will be a big thing in a good way let me add that asterisk it's not a bad thing I didn't I didn't go to a forest yet okay forest intensifies oh I should do a house tour otherwise people gonna be mad and comment on it right so we'll do that this is my office welcome there is Kermit it's pretty good I'm honestly I'm coming I'm kind of digging it this is the pile of wish and cosplays that I thought that we will be opening very soon go to my other rooms this is the tatami room which is a like a you know like the traditional flooring I'm absolutely terrified of putting anything in this room because I'm this stuff feels like it would break super easily so I'm not gonna do that this is my bedroom it's a mess this is my living room it's pretty nice pretty nice let's go to my kitchen this is the cockroach investment fridge that I bought on Craigslist for $50 I didn't know how cockroaches in it until I got it three days later about five cockroaches fell out so that was really good what I've learnt from this is uh don't buy stuff anything from Craigslist I don't know why I thought that was a good idea yeah I've cleaned it I bleach the hell out of it it's all good now it's all good we have food now we have food it's it's kind of a cute little small kitchen I won't lie is my bathroom sadly my toilet is not a amazing one it's just a normal one I really want hope that it had one with a foot warmer and a butt clean up but yeah you can't get everything on the miss use my bathroom I didn't Paris properly I've did a Jojo perfect this is where I judge your purse every morning as you can imagine I should really clean that but I'm not going to do it we both know I'm not gonna do it so let's not pretend like I'm going to the best thing about the bathtub right if you press this button and then this button the bathtub will start to fill automatically isn't that cool let's not waste water I don't wanna hurt the water so that's a tour of my place and probably filming some more videos in the tatami room like the cosplay videos and the unboxing videos so hopefully you get to see more of my house there you go that's the place is it way more room than I need yeah I don't know why it was so cheap though but hey here we are maybe someone died in here I don't know I haven't checked though please don't jack I don't want to check I'm not going to check that that's because there's someone dead in here I'm gonna feel awful and the reason it took me a month to upload this video is mainly the reason that I did want to have something to share for the move to show you that I was taking this seriously and that this move is a big deal to me and I'm really excited and also I want it to look and sound amazing so we have a film crew for it I bought some new expensive audio equipment which my bank hates me right now but it's gonna sound and look amazing I hope and you know what's the point in moving halfway across the world and to make videos specifically if you're not gonna upgrade the quality if you're not gonna make it look and sound amazing you know what I mean I feel like it'd be such a waste and I think you guys deserve that kind of quality for me I feel like I've been on YouTube for four years you guys expect and want the funniest okay maybe not the funny I mean like mediocre level you know I mean at least sound and look amazing you know I'm a voice actor I've no excuse for not sounding amazing oh there's also tons of cat cafes here which are really reasonably priced where you can play like Smash Bros and get unlimited hot drinks and and now I'm what I'm saying that out loud I'm realizing why did I live anywhere else for any amount of time what may have cafes here hey a warning to anyone who does try to move here that isn't unlike a student visa or anything it's really hard and it took a very long time and we've been you know planning this for about two to three months in total I think and yeah my god this round and I'm sure in the first recording of this video I probably looked way more stressed than now because my god I was just like at the end of my rope because it was just like everything goes wrong you know with visas and and how's anyone who's gone through visas and and gone through moving in and having to do both at the same time it's like trying to juggle a Rubik's Cube while trying to solve it with your tongue only it's it's not fun it's a little bit stressful and your whole family will die if you don't solve in two minutes it's kind of like that kind of stress I imagine to say the least a cluster stress and anyone who is thinking about moving to Japan not on like a student teaching thing you know because those visas are a lot easier and normally everything is like sorted for you if you are moving here on your own or you are moving here for work just prepare for it to be very difficult very strenuous and just so long so so long but now that I'm here I can say that it's worth it and I feel very happy about this choice and I feel like I made the right choice but I did just want to take this moment to genuinely say thank you thank you the viewer for sticking around and you know even when you see one of those thumbnails or titles you're like Connor the FBI is gonna be knocking my boy if you don't you'll calm down reading the girlfriend application Vidia was a really weird idea I don't know why I did it but I'm really glad it was a lot of fun but I admit I admit that title was a little scary it was a little like Conor Clark good bit of I really really really oh god can I just take one thing seriously for like 30 seconds or more no I can't because talking about my feelings is really scary and I should open up a lot more and I'm trying to I'm trying to but every time I'm talking about feelings I got a cracker Joker I just put up with it but over there but genuinely like thank you I wouldn't be here without you guys and the fact that you all support me and give me memes on Twitter and that one account on Twitter that keeps replying to me the pictures of cocoon from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is amazing thank you keep doing that wherever you are just dumb stuff like that really makes me smile and the fact that people shout at me when I'm tweeting really late at night and tell me to go to bed it's really sweet and genuinely feels like you the viewer cares and cares about me and cares about how I am and what I'm doing and that means a lot because I really care about you and I really care about making content that uplifts your day I get a lot of ladders I got a lot of emails of people telling them you know how much my content means to me I mean wow I mean your kana your videos mean a lot to you man that's really cool you keep that up alright I said what I say I'm talking about for like that perspective them saying how much my content means to them and it really does mean a lot I may not have time or the ability to reply to everyone but I do read them and it does me a lot that you know maybe my content or my video helped you get through something or maybe just made you smile on a bad day I know how important that can be and how much that can help and I just want to say thank you and then I am trying my best to make content that will make you guys proud and that you content that you guys can enjoy as well as content that I can be proud of in content that I feel expresses me and expresses my humor accurately so thank you thank you so so much for allowing me to be here and do these crazy things I know this adventure feels like it's just starting even though we've been doing this for four god damn long years it kind of feels like it just started all over again and I'm really really excited for that and I can't wear to wear those cheap Chinese cosplays in Japan baby oh you know it's not these nice so let me just say this I hope that you all have an amazing day and I hope that you continue to have an amazing year I will make the best content that I can for you and I will see you beautiful weebs rather soon I'm gonna wheel away now [Music] [Music] I also went to Disneyland as a Rapunzel that was good check out my Instagram why are you following a monster do it come on I mean it's free right it's free
Channel: CDawgVA
Views: 1,179,792
Rating: 4.9848905 out of 5
Keywords: Japan, CDawgVA, CDawg, Connor, Moving To Japan, Japan Move, CDawg Japan, Content, Funny, Update Video
Id: RXj0iSIcE9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 53sec (1013 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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