I Went On A Date With A Fan (Not Clickbait)

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so what's the best that you've ever been on like how can I make this date better that's what I won there honestly my last dates have been sewed but this is gonna be the best one for sure is it weird and morally questionable to date your fans most definitely it is but I can explain one day I was commuting to the studio in London upon which I received this strange email it was titled business opportunity of a lifetime now I'm a businessman we're all businessmen on wind so I was intrigued hey Conor hope this email reaches you well I have a very very serious business opportunity I think you'll find interesting I'm interested I born and raised in Los Angeles want to move to London need some spice in my life if you know what I mean I think I know where you're going with this you just got out of a relationship question mark it's sort of correct and probably crave some affection me insanely attracted to you and watches your videos just because I'm into you know nothing about Black Butler used to watch anime not much anymore you're getting what I'm hitting out right business opportunity we get married we're a cute YouTube couple our accents mesh well and the height difference makes your viewers just about die I have no idea where I'm going with this actually seem like a total psycho although the chances of you seeing this are slim so I'll rolled the dice and of course the most important information here I'm 19 not 12 so she's late boys she's legal and I reply to Chloe saying dear Chloe I am beyond impressed with your dedication donkey and Frank would be proud I am happy to go on a date with you when I'm in LA next month you have my word I will ask two things that you allow me to film said date don't worry it'll be an amazing date I'm thoroughly charming to send me a picture of you with Kermit the Frog so I know you're serious about this and of course Chloe sends me a picture of her wearing a printed out version of cover the Frog well I am a man of my word so I packed my bags I headed to LA and here's what happened [Music] all right well in some tomorrow PLA and we're gonna go meet the skill and hopefully it goes okay or it might be really awkward and really weird I'll be right out right all right guys yeah let's go [Music] I think she's that she's that okay this is my friend you should find somewhere to go this is you send that email because I read the email and I was like oh I think I can mess with this post now literally no I was totally given into it to sitting there like I'm gonna entertain this for sure I think I said say it low I knew thank you obvious that I was like mocking yeah and I was just like I want to see where this goes because sometimes I have emails people and I think it's like the most absurd in Alabama and so I'm like okay I want to try see why this Jonas yeah I know your demographics like younger people - its y12 no no it's not a bad thing at all it's just like I mean it's been underage person asks you on a date then that's kind of creepy yeah like that you start strong with I am people I respect that every email was so like twelve-year-old I feel like that's something that would do when I was taught you know it's fine anyway so when Wei said what was like the video of what happened that made you want to like go in like then do this I want to know like the thought process between like alright I did email this guy I honestly like it's just so I didn't think about it at all it kind of happens yeah and then and then you ask for take on me which is one of my favorite songs of all time yes so perhaps you could send me an mp3 file of you singing take on me kind regards call her and then she sent me this mp3 talk in a way I don't know what what to say I'll say it anyway today's another day to find you take on me take on me you get the gist okay [Music] which we go see I thought that was gonna head and I thought when I asked you to sing take on me and I thought your gonna be like yeah no yeah I mean it was just it was such an absurd request that I was like I have to do it yeah yeah that's when I was like I kind of like sounds like okay waitlist going somewhat now like I can mess with this goal so I was like can you read the entire I'll be honest I didn't listen to the whole 16 spec team because I was like it seems that's all that like I was skipping through it and I was like wow this is ya know I literally thought about it after I was like it couldn't easily just you know part of his job harder no no no kiss away you'll complain it anything [Music] [Music] No all you want is your talent for gaming I know just where I'm going [Music] I don't know what point I was like okay let's do this I don't know what I think after the Shrek thing no no with the Shrek thing you said if I do the Shrek thing then you would take me on a date in LA so I was like I gotta do it because I think I spoke I think I spoke to Evan about it and I was like because I you know sometimes I have an idea and I'm like is this insane it kind of sounds insane right someone else goes no it's funny I'm like okay we'll do it yeah no for sure you didn't think it was insane it you thought it was good my friends thought it was insane they all told me not to do this and I was I mean it's kind of like the craziest thing ever I was just saying like if you failed it'd have been even funnier isn't the background music gonna be a problem it could be actually copyright that's true is that biker music over that that's good point it's coming yeah it's kind of we have a look over that let's move I'm sorry to make you move I don't even buy you any drinks or anything yet I'm so terrible we had to move because there was a very loud music that very much was copyrighted I believe so yeah that's thing you have to take into account on every day can I go on a date is that copyrighted music playing sorry cuz no copyright strike me IRL first thing so how long have you been like watching my stuff going on I'm gonna be honest not that long like I'd say like yeah yeah my new one well then I could put up with myself to be honest you know how your videos are great three points no I am gonna win the last time I went out on the day I think it was like over half a year it really yeah yeah no mine was them probably the same but mine was like tender dates I don't count it what happened it was a good date it was a good guy um it just ended weirdly yeah he's never gonna see it but like probably not PG stuff okay let's have it I'm going into it he basically had like a buddy and told me about it I was like I don't really care we're just going on a date then the date ended weirdly and then he told me a feelings for me and then it was just like I'm not really into it kind of thing we both go to this um do you know what the rocky where picture shows yes yeah so they have like live showings as well I've been yeah I've been going for a while now and so I see him few times there so it's awkward yes every time of day overall has been pretty awful yeah I know mine I mean I've gone on like three they've all been carried over all three as well I mean I was in a relationship for four years so yeah so I kind of just like I don't really have much like exactly well this is you know me professional beta this is like the most normal day of any date I give two very large cameras pointed right at my face what do you do what's your job oh we're kind animal rescue yeah it's so cool I've always liked Ben I've always loved animals and it just kind of came to me but yeah we have mostly cats right now and I'm not a crazy cat lady I've grown as a live cat so how long have you walking back for a year now yeah just all signs so no not really I just know the basics yeah wait so what's the basics of like me okay Leo's more like outgoing and more like what you have yes and more like a little crazy which I have two and usually like a leader and then cancers more like just really sweet is like sugar bursters you seem like a dick on the inside for like a good kind of dick you know good to like give me a guy to like surviving LA what did you say don't even try it just completely give up now I don't want to be here like I honestly ya know I genuinely am so done with no I don't like it either it's it's more just for people who don't have a motion from a third world country psychopath I think London is definitely like it's so weird because it's like the polar opposite at times but it's very similar and certain thing which is why I think I'd like it because it wouldn't be too much for far from home but all enough where Pilsner still speak English stuff yeah I was worried that you turn up and like keep you like quiet I mean I'm trying okay cuz here's your girls I'm totally in normal I'm toilets not normal I'm totally like a I'm looking out I'm kind of an outgoing person i consider myself i can have conversations I mean I definitely think if you would agree to do this you have to be somewhat outgoing right like this is kind of like episode you realize that this is an actual day I'd be the board have them no it's great it's going great it's a fake date but it's still okay it's not so real it's totally real no it isn't real yes we're dating okay this is our thing in the u.s. right I I would ask people like oh are you guys like dating yeah and then they would be so mean dating means like you brought it there yeah yeah no we don't see it like that at all yeah when you say dating here it means it just seeing each other yeah they're in a relationship yeah yeah I really like can [ __ ] me out the little things it's just I'm a nice bird someone favored lucky I'm dating someone like oh okay so it's a helots don't exist here should like actual day the crew takes gonna dig the thoughts help a lot of it's always been like maybe we can go to my house later and play some overwatch like no just someone asked you do you want to ever play overwatch and youthful yeah I would love to play overwatch like after the state I feel like the best way to get someone to like always make sure like you walk up is like Paige you wanna come over and like Pat my cat my dog because I would always be like I'd fold about 100 percent of the time I'd be like this like honey it's real a little romantic that was like actually sunsetting hilari Simon yeah it's really bright right now okay like fix that mm it's good wait so you just like in like a woman like I know two bedroom and I'm still wrong but yeah would you bring people back with like come on no not in my place I go to their place see that's the thing is I always date older guys which is the issue yeah how old we talk oldest 30 yeah holy [ __ ] he's pretty good look at that snacked 401k at that point like if I was a girl I just always assumed every guy should out to try yeah I mean I feel like I give some people the benefit of it if it was on like online dating or anything like that my whole relationship although my relationship yeah which I fully regret yeah I was 12 to 16 what home does he holder wait wait how about yeah one point would've been illegal yeah you know we got the police coming rehabs up the FBI not go for it it's you wait that's so weird because I feel like but like especially in your twelve twelve to like fourteen you changed like ten times how do you stay with like someone's with you online it was a really shitty like situation and like he was kind of like a really manipulative like yeah we both like talked recently and we kind of just resolved and we're like it's true you know we were kids that's a you know I was younger yes I'm Damon yeah I actually really have it's really but I was ready to be awkward normally first day I think that combined with having cameras you know definitely makes it really weird how's it been for you Evan being on a date you know being a third wheel not fun yeah you want to come in Johnna threesome on no like three some people not least would you wind your way man as a day out of time ten I didn't even give I felt like I was five so what's the best day you ever been that's what I'm honestly my last dates have been so this is gonna be the best one for sure like if you look at my tinder messages there take a picture there's gonna be no footage of ours there's gonna be those two laughing at each other I mean you guys gonna do you want to go on a date yes sir if you like this video are you going on a date with you as you know that's how it happens right like you hit that notification Mel you're guaranteed to get a date with me if you enjoy this video and you would like to go on a date with me in future you have to hit the notification Mel because that's exactly what Chloe did isn't that right and put all the merch right and like the video and went to patreon you didn't just send me an email that's not good enough because you shouldn't allow that so yeah that's about it I was getting very close to with my gosh [Music] [Music]
Channel: CDawgVA
Views: 807,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CDawgVA, CDawg, Girlfriend Application, Girlfriend, Application, Gf, Gf application, Funny, Memes, Meme, Cdawg, Date, Date With A Fan, I Went On A Date With A Fan (Not Clickbait), I Went On A Date With A Fan, cdawg, funny
Id: uAXjAr0oncM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 40sec (1120 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 19 2019
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