Amazing Island: The Game You Wish You Played

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

I feel like every game Jaiden's played is a game I wish I played.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/Leharen 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

Jaiden is turning her channel into a gaming-animation one

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Ferarri315 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

ngl, no I dont miss anything

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/xXx_coolusername420 📅︎︎ Aug 09 2021 🗫︎ replies

New video poggers 😯

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Varge1 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

I am still petitioning for her to play MHS2

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Bob_From_FNF 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

I watched when alphard played this game awhile back so when I saw the title I knew

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Mayh3m90 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

Jaiden gaming second channel when?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Jenny-Wakeman1 📅︎︎ Aug 09 2021 🗫︎ replies

jaiden and niche video games, a combination like peanut butter and chocolate (my art is in the end card :D)

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/smokinglotus 📅︎︎ Aug 09 2021 🗫︎ replies
normally i try to talk about games i've played before or at least have heard a bit about but when alpharad came to me and said jaden play amazing island i don't know why but i decided in that moment yes jacob my good friend i trust you i will play amazing island and let me say i do not regret it one bit let me take you on the journey that is amazing island the game starts by telling you the story of a mysterious picture book about a mysterious island with mysterious amazing creatures that everyone loved but then everyone suddenly decided it was boring and forgot about it for a thousand years anyway back to me please select your alter ego oh all right i decided my alter ego is this little boy mainly just because i don't want to be the girl little man's over here with bob the builder overalls and two whole sweat bands he means business so i find the book that everyone decided they didn't care about anymore read it go to bed and suddenly i'm transported into the book world because i am a human and i guess they have low standards also they gave me a complimentary trading card when i arrived i started looking around when oh why'd that get me hey kid time to play evil volleyball in the volcano and with that sudden jump scare i wasn't expecting i summoned the creature from the trading card spiked evil guy into the lava with a ball that i think might be the sun got a vision orb and skull man whose actual name sounds very kind of offensive is unpossessed and saved the town elder is like great job get seven more orbs and i was like yes because i'm an 11 year old boy stuck on a possibly not real island with monsters and little tiki torch people so to get the vision orbs you have to play a series of little mini games followed by a boss battle i can't do the mini games on my own i guess so i go to this mirror room and the little guy here is like your dreams and imagination will materialize to form your partner and turn it into a reality i will look into the depths of your soul and retrieve the being that is within you question one what's your star sign one deep dive into my creative subconscious later and my monster is i see so that's what's been floating around in my brain this whole time his name is nathan's with an s nathans and i merge and fly off to the first mini-game trial which begins with a simple foot race oh my look at holy crap look at him go oh okay there we go so that was an emotional roller coaster anyway on to the next game which is called water skip slider and oh my god this game destroyed me you've gotta mash a jump off the ramp and flick the joystick at the right time to skip across the water but for some reason i just didn't understand the timing oh i think that was too early uh go no go no go no i failed the game six times until i decided to give in and roid nathan's up with a stamina potion and then i lost again it took eight attempts to beat that game once and i really can't give you a good reason why i'm so horrible at it but dear lord do i hope i never have to play that game again anyway we're back on track we won beyblades attack large tower and finally reached evil volleyball again and what do i do i flopped it i lost like immediately now no no no now no okay all right i have to break i have to replay all those mini games again skipping some content hey look we got the orange vision orb what new power do i unlock with this shiny new vision orb i already have this ability actually so since i can create my own monsters now i decided to create one monster per trial introducing hayabusa humanoid jelly bean who is withering away mentally and physically he may be one windy day away from becoming dust but you know what he's good at playing basketball just kidding he failed he sucks his actual skill is matching big heavy metal heads ah he failed that one too well at least he can punch the most amount of little demons oh he filled that one too oh ha check it out green vision orb good job buddy really proud of you please stop being sad and pathetic back to the monster birthing mirror and out pops my pride and joy creamer kramer is the top dog he's everything hayabusa wanted to be and more look at him go a basketball pro next mini game is no not water skips are you kidding me so they make you play water skip slider again but this time on top of the previous mechanics there's giant pillars of rock you need to destroy while you're still trying to skip on the water anyway so i failed it three times in a row the stars aligned and i was on to catapult craze oh perfect all right do i click okay there he goes oh all right whoa there's like four different bird cameras there look at him go creamer oh no he's not gonna make it no creamer no well now i've lost all my lives i'd like to mention that jacob and i were in a call for all of this because he wanted to watch me play amazing island and at this point of the game he was muted because he was on the phone taking a business call but was still watching the screen share so we were both sitting there in silence watching me slowly deteriorate as i lose to water skip crusher literally six times in a row let's get to the end this is getting painful yellow vision orb woohoo in comes wagner the innocent little robot dog with one eye competitive beyblade stacking tower blocks racing he sounded in pain during the whole thing i also wanted to mention with the beyblade game you get points when you're blasted into the air by the volcano but turns out if you fall off the edge the game also thinks you're in the air like in a good way and gives you points so needless to say i started exploiting the hell out of that mechanic blue vision orb now i don't think you're ready for the next monster i created but i will present him anyway behold scoliosis the giant saw blade shrimp saw blades for arms saw blades for scales machine gun in the middle of his chest you don't know how badly i wanted to put it somewhere else but this channel is rated e for everyone so it took all my willpower to refrain myself now when i'm entering a mini-game the intro text looks like a diagnosis nothing really out of the ordinary happened with scoliosis but with one of the minigames i completely forgot i had to read the instructions and ended up not knowing what to do at all and i just thought this clip was really funny help i don't know what i'm doing i thought i was supposed to match it like like like the other ones i'm not getting oh great what's my score after a lot of trial and error scoliosis got the water vision orb i don't know if they started like running out of color ideas for the vision orbs or something all of the orbs so far have been like the orange orb the blue orb the green orb the yellow orb water orb i unlocked the monster body type kid so i decided to make a child his name is child holy crap child is buff as hello this is max he has many swords and here's all by the way this game has thrown like four different versions of water skip slider at me throughout this whole playthrough and i'm still not getting any better at them in the slightest ligaments go full-on sprinting with those swords like there's not a care in the world come on don't do this to me we're so close don't ah so now that i've got all the vision orbs it's time to fight the black evil that's that's the game's actual name for the final boss please don't come after me for saying this it's not under my control but i've got one last thing i want to do i wanted to combine all the monsters we've created so far and use that monster to fight the final boss nathan's eyes and wings hayabusa's arms creamer's tail wagner's little cognos thing scoliosis saw blades max's legs and swords child's happy face t-shirt they all merge into my other half this is animations you get it we entered the volcano willingly this time and there he is black evil again the game said it not me i don't know why but the game developers decided to crank the difficulty on this fight to hard as they possibly could it's another version of evil volleyball by the way if you expected anything else i don't know what to tell you he throws this astronomical freaking burning star at you and you have to press a at the right time to catch it wait until the very end of the cliff to throw it back otherwise you'll lose your platforms and fall off and also click at the right time to throw it far enough to hit him i know a bit confusing and it's not actually easier to play all right you're going down dude watch this big throw big throw all right this this one big throw whoo okay oh i don't know about this one final blow all right animations hold on yeah so here if you catch the sun at just the right time you actually don't slide back and can immediately throw it at him which is really good but i think it's something like a frame perfect maneuver so [Music] crap oh is this it oh look at that health no please but then oh come on come on yes is he dead [Music] i'll be honest i completely forgot there was supposed to be a phase two the tutorial totally told me about it but i was failing for so long it just completely left my memory i was freaking out because i wasn't mentally prepared and also didn't know what to do so jacob was trying to coach me in real time amidst the panic it was not good but somehow i did it dude i don't even know what's happening these special i can't even see like what is i won i won black evil was defeated and amazing island is saved there's a bunch of dialogue and plot afterwards but i didn't really read any of it because i just watched animations do various little dances and celebration in the background so amazing island i think this one sentence i said after the game was done really summarized it all up really nicely this game feels too good for what it is almost every single minigame played really well and the controls were never really a problem sure i failed an embarrassingly large amount of times but i'm pretty sure that's just because i'm incompetent the music they created for the mini games actually like goes hard basically i can't really point to any specific aspect of the game and say yeah that wasn't good and something about that scares me especially for a game that looks like this i will cherish my creations and the memories i made in this game for as long as i live especially creamer i really like creamer a lot and i have no idea why anyway my final thoughts i think more people need to know about amazing island so i don't know go play it so if you didn't know or have forgotten there was a pandemic and not only that but said pandemic ended up canceling the super awesome tour scribble showdown james dom ross aaron and i were planning on doing last year but the good news is it's officially postponed we have new dates tickets are on sale now if you already bought tickets from 2020 those are all still valid points of purchase you don't have to buy them again i think dc and london are still trying to get all straightened out but yeah all the other places are good to go you can go to to get tickets i put the link in the description and yeah i'm talking about this a bit early but i figured i'd let you guys know before we started going crazy with the promo so you've got a bit of a head start anyway uh thanks for watching the video amazing island is cool
Channel: Jaiden Animations
Views: 9,547,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jaiden, animations, jaidenanimation, jaidenanimations, amazing island, jaidenanimation amazing island, jaiden amazing island, funny video, tags, hi
Id: IGf9jAank64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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