i found a HIDDEN WAY into this Minecraft Base.. but is it actually FULL of hackers?! (YOU DECIDE!)

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today we found a hidden way into this guy's base right here the base though is hiding a huge secret which is gonna be up to you guys in the comments honestly this one is absolutely crazy make sure you guys who like subscribe if you're new and without further ado we're gonna roll the clip so I've just started recording you guys have heard the introduction you know what's going on and basically this guy is currently moving around out there like I said there is a very very easy way these guys have messed up this faction base and it legit me is this right here this block so their base after well downloading shows it starts right here there are spawn is on this level here the description to is please don't raid I already makes me feel bad but we can basically get ourselves just right into here without even having to do anything now there is another way into this base we could actually just go through the top and like fireball or something but I don't want them to hear me and I don't want to basically make any noise so we're gonna slowly make our way down okay we need to make sure when we go down this guy here Adam is me doesn't see where we are and hopefully means we can just get right in to this base I say that now but we are gonna hope it looks like now he's going in circles which could mean anything okay we are in we are in the actual base there a mooshroom spawners it looks like they've just got some mushrooms here but everything is protected by this law and honestly it's gonna be a big struggle now to actually get anything else look they have spawned us all stir up over here but this man right here is just stood afk guys like I said let's see if we can smash 800 likes on this video if we can that I'll be nuts go down there right now slap a like right now and leave a comment saying something I'm gonna put on the screen once you have done it and I will hire all the replies for like until I fall asleep okay so this guy is fully afk right now he has to be he's been spinning around in circles for ages the only issue for us it's gonna be we can't open this door right which is gonna be a big struggle which means we're gonna have to okay stay calm it looks like he's killing something over there so we're gonna hope yeah he's killing chickens us can see so we're gonna hope he'll open this door for us no he's just gonna have care again okay so we're just gonna grab these mushrooms right now there are just one mushroom he is really not afk you can see he's just jumping right now I need him to open this door for us and we need to drink another in vs. well how does he know how how does this guy know he knew instantly come on buddy you don't want to do this I could just eat these crap Oh some day and kill you did he hear me mine or something listen I don't know what to do now what how does he know instantly so a name I'm envious the guy says he saw a name I was fully invisible the whole time this makes no sense this guy knows who I am he's a fan this is completely so weird this is the weirdest thing I think I've ever done I went to raid this base and the guy's a fan and he might be hacking ok we're gonna probably speak to the mods in this video and see what they say because honestly how did you see my name he said he saw my name but I honestly it's I'm very very confused right now because literally I was literally all liked it was - fauna and this guy ran out and just went straight for me on the mushroom stuff I was fully envious I don't understand how he saw me this is what I'm very very confused about Dori still right this base do I not raid this base I don't really know what's going on he said he actually saw my name okay I'll screenshot that just for the staff anyway we'll probably end up calling the staff in this video love your vids ok we'll see if we can actually get this guy in discord because if we can we might be able to get his side of the story and apparently we gave him a heart attack now he was very very close to killing us like we could have lost our head and stuff right there but honestly he says he can't talk right now I would have loved to raided this base and this guy his friend I think in the fashion is saying please don't write if you fo spoiled why is it spoiled one you can see there's the two people in the faction of these two guys right now can you not raid me I'm you ok we have a decision to make I feel like we need to get in a call I don't know if it's gonna be me me doing it if the guys hacking and we kind of need a staff member that's who I need now let's check discord and see because these guys are big fans so I guess for now will Lynch II just give him we'll see if we can maybe give him the mushrooms too wanna back ok Matt is on Matt probably is doing way more important things but we just need to make sure this guy isn't actually hacking he says in fact he saw our name ok I asked mad and I said to him listen can I call you on discord because without this we're gonna be in big trouble okay we need that staff opinion on how we are going to raid these guys because the guy was chief right what we need to do is get him banned okay we're gonna try get Matt in discord because literally all we've done all I did was stand here and mind this and he said okay okay Matt is actually here which it I'm on Timmy's account so we're gonna have to get mad to add Demi which honestly I didn't know that would happen so I'm fully invisible right now I do take off my armor at some point yeah I've got three minutes left of embers and basically he said he saw my name and basically as soon as I kind of like did one little thing that he was like walking around generally beforehand but I don't know whether he saw a name or something because as soon as I grab something he kind of just runs straight in and swings so I don't know what that is I don't know if he is actually hacking but walk straight in and hit me and then he said he saw my name hopefully I'm not dead if I cab back in yeah look it's this guy right here this one and then his friend is his friend didn't do anything but this guy kind of just ran in and killed me almost and said he saw her name so I don't know if it's he did actually see my name and it's like a glitch or he is actually hacking so there's absolutely nothing that shows name so if he is actually hacking I feel like it kind of he deserves to get raided now you know what I mean I thought I had kind of evens out the odds so I die I screenshot it all those messages when he was saying like oh I saw your name and stuff so I can give you a lap I don't know what you want to do whether you want to ban the guy or leave it for like a report I can report him if we want I don't know how we want to do it but I'm kind of debating now whether we rate this guy or not because it's just it's all kind of just sad so thinking I should braid the base right like Matt you are the manager of psycho your opinion to me is final so you're gonna look into it which I'm happy with this guy right now do I just rate them what do we do here just just go for it okay I'll take that thank you very very much for taking two minutes out of your very busy schedule I know you're gonna kill me for this later because you're probably meant to be doing a thousand other things but thank you very much I'm gonna go blow up the base now I have fun thank you thank you what would we ever do without Matt Berger and this video has gone severely downhill right now these guys are clearly hacking matt said he's gonna have another look into it but for now I think we get the faction and we basically go for I feel like if we go on what Matt said and obviously if these guys are cheating then we kind of just need to get rid of them so I think the best thing we do is we TP in Mikey and we just go for it okay we're gonna TP here and we're gonna raid these guys because obviously if they're not cheating mad can obviously look into it at a later date is if Matt can look into it we can figure it out but now we just go Mikey go Brit Mikey do it kill these guys Mikey the guy was cheating I'm like fifty percent sure okay there we go okay that may have seemed a little bit mean but we're gonna just kind of just take their smallness I guess we obviously we're gonna use this as a chance whether we should raid or not the guy is already geared again like he can just do whatever he wants to do but honestly this video to me could have gone so much better Mikey is just out here just slaying these guys but we're gonna grab his pigs bonus also and we were gonna use this as an opportunity to may be able to give their stuff back like when he said he was a fan I was fully like okay with that him being a fan like he I severely need help I was he the fact he was a fan was okay it would have meant I probably would have given some stuff back but the fact that Matt is certain that he might actually be cheating kind of just like finalizes it for me but we are at the top bit of their base right now there we go we've worked our way up we have a full inventory of everything and we kind of need to just siphon through and kind of have a look at what's going on to this guy's head over here that's 450 K apart so we will just drop ourselves two of these right now there we go to free a hundred K almost but guys leave in the comments if you guys think he was hacking he said he saw my name I'm not very sure of that because Matt said obviously the only way he would know is with kind of like a trace up hack or something like that this base does look pretty empty apart from the spoilers which is what we actually came in here for but this is the other entrance I told you about they have some signs here that say try to build up the walls with cobalt a for another cow spawner obviously just random stuff they've got equipment in here got some also they've got some diamonds we can sell obviously free money for us let's just sell these diamonds again there we go and they have just kind of like general armour and what looks like just random stuff around here they've got some deluxe fish we definitely know we can get a bit of money for that it's quick EPV there's bonus as well back again no listen and not happy with either of you because I feel like honestly one of you I'm not naming names mr. Adam person but I feel like we need to take like a rain check on this and we need to figure out what actually happened but the rest of these guys space actually does look quite empty I'm not exactly sure these guys are the richest apart from what they had in spawn us maybe it's the only thing in the furnaces some people usually do to store stuff in the furnaces note doesn't like anything in the furnaces equipment they have some hunter armors and p-two will definitely take that they've got some infused buckets some name tags what kind of looks like just daily and start a star falls and materials and potions and just some general more armor some p3 here there is what looks like nothing else kind of apart from p1 we'll get rid of the daily sword and just clear up our inventory just a little little bit but this is the other way I did tell you about obviously that you can literally fireball right here as you can just pile in I don't know what to make of this video this video could have been so much more but it actually looks like we did get caught by somebody who may or may not but we don't know for certain yet might have actually been hackers now we will obviously follow up with this video when we have to or when we can but apart from that I think this video might be ending here guys leave in the comments right now if you think he was hacking or not now if you think he is just drop that you think he is hacking and why you think he's hacking and if not then tell us otherwise but this video is ending on a cliffhanger guys I hope you guys did enjoy he's let me know you guys opinions and I will see you guys tomorrow okay as I said the video has kicked off or the video was ended it actually all kicked off basically mean like he was stood here literally doing nothing and the guy has basically tp'ed in this guy right here he peed in myth one of our biggest enemies on the server and I'm pretty sure there is some crazy God set pvp going on right now that we are gonna have to go help with so I'm with the boys in discord I'm muted right now but we're gonna see how these pvp goes and we're gonna see this is the guy this guy right here TPD myth and we are gonna basically just find where people are and we'll be back for you guys in a second so who are we killing and where is he okay we're killing this guy right the myth guy okay they're just gonna go straight for me this is what you guys realize right they're just gonna go straight for me so if you guys literally just I'll be bait and then you guys just kill him I I'm blind to be honest oh there I am okay let's get the guy in the squid mask right this guy he's trying to run away he kind of went away I can't par-4 go I stay on this guy with the squid Marcus he seems to be the one whose leaders running away so we can get a kill on him it's a free god set right that's why he's dropping like really fast he's dropping really quick isn't the squid MARSOC really good now okay I'm like right behind the guy but he's like he's got a bow so I think he's like trying to bow boost or something alright I'm on him again he hasn't got any fire resistance by the way he's TP did his friend his friends trying to save him poured his pole didn't go far at all he's on nine really low yeah I'm keeping him in combat because he doesn't have fire resistance so we can literally just stay on him but if someone stays on the guy with the horse mask then we should be okay my keys in my stead my key the guys on me good to stay on him still and we need to get this guy killed he's gonna die I'm gonna die one of us is gonna die okay they're all on me out they're all on me okay Jason hang on TP yes there you go just just stay on the squid goes down good go can someone go ahead of him maybe and someone go ahead of him claim and then okay I don't have depth Rees or anything and this guy is just on me so I might claim just a little bit maybe if we want to do that cuz I need help like right now by the way okay claim it Mikey at you no don't claim it Mikey I need help someone help me please ah if you can hold on just a second Jason I'll be with you f game s to TP yes have you choked bustering Jason go Jason do it my heroes wait who is the rest of my stuff Mikey can I have some more please some kind of half-baked you [Music]
Channel: JamieRaven
Views: 184,657
Rating: 4.7507334 out of 5
Keywords: i found a HIDDEN WAY into this Minecraft Base.. but is it actually FULL of hackers?! (YOU DECIDE!), factionsraven, factions raven, factionsraven raiding, raiding in minecraft, mine craft, minecraft, minecraft factions, minecraft trolling, minecraft pvp, minecraft tnt, factions, 1.8 minecraft, minecraft raiding, raven, minecraft video, minecraft funny, no cursing, kid friendly minecraft, minecraft hacker, hacker trolling, old school minecraft base
Id: ySEqdnqOiHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2019
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