this Minecraft base looked normal.. until I noticed this HUGE mistake in their base! (RICH RAID)

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okay for this recording by the way sorry the skin still here no worries about that but for this recording we're going to have to go very very quickly okay I say this a lot when I do this type of raids but honestly this one is something completely different I mean honestly I've done this a few times if I F who out curse who by the way if I do if map owns the actual base you guys will see these guys are worth five point eight million dollars that is a lot of money that's more money than I have that's more money than anybody else had right so together we are pretty much gonna take all their money so pretty much these guys are over claimable by 2070 by about 70 claims as you can tell math not my strong suit raiding definitely is one of them so if we go a fair bit away from this base we should be able to F claim s three there we go we've conquered their pace and just like that we have all of their base to play with oh my god so hopefully this is all full of like rich rich items that's what we're hoping for rich and more rich and definitely more rich than it was before if you guys to enjoy my craft rating make sure you guys do leave a like subscribe if you guys aren't you definitely with post notifications on because these type of videos are some my favorites to do set home raid that sir in here and look at all this we just have all of this to do what we want with all this TNT is mine by about dde 750 dollars but if you guys are new like I said makes you guys who like and subscribe it would be greatly appreciated if you could if you guys don't know what this is this is a raiding server this is a server where you take people's things you steal them and then they have to raid them back it's it's kind of in the name it's kind of a clue but right here we have three squid spawner so let's grab all of these and I'm also very very sorry but the very very stressed intro I was very very quickly wanting to get it done in case anybody else logged online another three cave spiders completely ours for slimes bonus lovely these are also now ours now I'm thinking about killing these alts because if I F map an F who outcasts you guys will see that they have two outs online and they've got one guy offline kodachi who I think is their like actual leader so I think if we just kill the guy definitely be a lot better because what I don't want is him being able to TP in his faction TP in anybody else now we're just place it you're gonna mind this base and see how it goes so obviously though I love over claim rates just for the fact that like lot more spoilers in here okay I love over claim rates just for the fact it's like so satisfying to do it's so so so satisfying so we'll grab these Skelly's that's another four skeleton spawner they're running out of room very very quickly two zombies as well are we running out of room could entirely please don't say this anymore spawn it's in this base otherwise we are actually gonna be like in severe trouble come on hurry up swim swim and swim faster and guy called Hera Brian dismisses me I'm better than you Hera Brian please but I'm very sorry for the lack of uploads the last few days I have been very busy I've been looking at houses I've been traveling the last few days that we seem to now be in a vault and we are also uploading though both things have maximum correlation here we've got some obsidian and stuff we also have oh I suspect five we can keep that for ourselves the rest of them not that great if I look through the chest again I think I saw armor somewhere okay armor some lethal armor would definitely take lucky is it worth it I don't think it's fully worth it I think just p4 we definitely should be taking anything else we can kind of just oh okay we found the good stuff we've got charm pages we got fish we got pure gems from the abandoned mine okay can we like put these anywhere can I go home growing two and we'll go put these in the actual base for the faction to use because a bit of an update on f-type we are now f top number two worth two hundred and forty six thousand dollars hello how are you I need a place to put things I'll just put it all in here so let's cover all of our spoilers from here and all of the TNT jiff so we can't actually give it to the faction and we will let the guy behind us know that there is actually some stuff in here don't think I'm gonna sell any of the fish or anything I think I'll just like leave it as it is just let the faction use it let the faction sell it because they obviously do a lot more than I do I'll say I don't know where to move it okay I just got this guy just to move it because I have no idea where to put it I might actually get him on the raid might be a bit more fun having someone with me you know another another friend but if we don't look at this site oh and other pigs blown up lovely it's another spawner for us well they've got a sharpness to sword looks like some grinding stuff a lot of pots and stuff water breathing night-vision hey looks like this chest room is pretty much empty but there is actually another old down one layer below if we actually start making our way to that okay another big chest room okay it looks like this isn't actually full of anything it looks like they were mainly using the one above for storage they might have been just using this for like the show oh I take it back we got some TNT lovely love a good bit of TNT in Tomb Raider elixirs or a Lola creeper eggs okay these are now ours we will now take all of these and below nothing thing oh I load more TNT that's nice now we do what you need is some chests to store it because in this base I haven't been on in a while so actually haven't got like a box or like anywhere I can put the things that I raid so a lot of the stuff I raid I am just gonna put in anywhere publicly at least three and heads as well or we can actually make some good money from this okay let's sell all of these heads itself bum bum $32,000 not bad at all this guy's doesn't worth anything and this guy's is worth $1,000 let's just put this back in hit buddy you are now safe oh it looks like it is in here past this little wall what looks like there is a double wall we need to get through let's quickly do this the easy way well I can hear cows I can hear chickens I can definitely hear like a lot of spoilers okay there I definitely are a lot of supporters in we head make sure we obviously kill the Oh cuz otherwise there we go - I think what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna TPA here the eye curry toe guy just so he can come and like take some stuff as well because without him we may not be able to carry as much that quick and I'll see if he wants to go for it I don't think he wants to come is he isn't turning up but they've got a mushroom spawner some rabbits and sheep or slow to cow a load of chicken and a load of Ocelot as well so definitely this base is worth so much money I think they're on effed our - yeah they are number 19 they've got 34 spawn ok so this guy in our faction lovely girls names curry toe underscore underscore is actually gonna go look at the rest of the he's gonna grab the rest of the spawn as well I'll go down here and have a little look look alike this is near enough the end of the base it definitely was rich ish I'd say definitely in spawn as this base it was completely rich they have like a secret vault here like a second vault maybe it could be anything to do with this base but if you guys do enjoy these videos like I said make sure you guys do like and subscribe turn on post notifications and if you do there will be something beautiful in this little chest room you guys are lying to me there is nothing in this chest room there is absolutely nothing wasted our time listen we are out of it all that sets off instantly doesn't it oh dear oh did that wasn't me that wasn't me maybe there's a bit more to the bottom of this base if I do have a look down um okay no that looks like that's just the pit of abyss that is just a pit of pure abyss and that is definitely the bottom of the base so what we might have to do I might go get a little bit more of that armor if I go back to home raid so if we head back up I think it was we had a look in these didn't wait okay some insurance not looking like much in here but we're gonna do is just put these so over here is where we saw most of that armor so let's have a little look this is anything worth taking I think I will take the P two and three we're gonna go home back to grind two though just so we can put this stuff away because without it we will be in in big trouble though we don't have that much room left in any of these chests I wonder if there's any where maybe along here we can do it hey there's some spare spaces obviously off camera I do need to like get myself a vault obviously just so I can I can store things for their videos and such but if we head back you kind of want to have a look see if there's any spoilers left and I think that's gonna be the end of this video because these spoilers are important they are now ours Oh mass fragments I'll take those I didn't even notice those the first time around play a good sword we'll take all the p2 is well just so we're actually gaining some F top value and I think that is actually it all for this armor and all for the stuff in this base and it's just anything else hidden but obviously we grabbed all the spoilers from here he grabbed all of these and I honestly think that is the end of it I think that's the end of this raid anyway so what I'm going to do is take a cut here I'm gonna sleep eg G to these guys obviously checking your power it's a huge things on factions because for F who outcasts you guys will notice they are still over claimable by 50 claims so if anybody is over claim belong factions make sure you do over claim them mane you piss for the fact you can grab some free stuff event of it you might be able to like rate their base entirely like I did anything like that it's definitely a very very good thing to do honestly though TG thank you for the money my skin is still a nightmare okay so a little bit of time has passed since that last clip I think it's been about a day just you know quick update the skin still here I'm debating what to do with it I might do another video with it soon I might try get the whole server to where the skin I'm not exactly sure how it's gonna go but pretty much TNT really a big update from this clip in the last clip which you guys did see which was the very exciting rate is the fact that we got raided okay so our faction hoax actually did get raided we've gone down 300 percent I have no idea who raided us but pretty much what we're gonna do now is we are going to quickly put everything in the PV we're gonna PV everything we're gonna head it over to shop and what we are going to do ladies and gentlemen children all ages is we're gonna go check out the abandoned base or the bases actually I think it's still there I'm not exactly sure I think the faction are working on a new base so if I've just explained that for the faction but I've just you know annoyed buddy I I apologize ducky he's back I said if I go home a grind - oh dear okay right it's pretty obvious to see where the issue was obviously the big the big thing is there's a giant hole in the base I think this is where they cannon from okay yeah it looks like this is where they can in from this is where they got in so does anyone have claims this way facing south I'm not actually sure it looks like they use like a really big cannon to actually get in here and that maybe you've two cannons it looks like it looks like two different holes because there's like sand here sand there no this is very very confusing I'm not exactly sure who raided us but I'm pretty sure all of the stuff we put in that base from the raid is now gone which is the ultimate karma I think that I've ever got because we obviously raided that base that big over claim base and then we got raided listen okay I'm very sorry for the break I had to go for a pee I'm also out of breath because I ran upstairs I'm fat leave me alone but pretty much the base seems to be completely destroyed it looks like they got rid of everything there's obviously a chest room in here that looks like there is nothing in here just fire some people want to see the world burn and that's what they've done now rest in peace to our base I think we do have a new one on the way so the next few videos might be me grinding out a base I could be doing other bits and pieces with it looks like there's another vault in here that someone actually did get it yet all fireballed and all they left some left some trenching TNT and making our money back mistake our cobble stone and I would see massive gg to the faction and did actually raid us I'm actually not sure who it is I saw I do apologize that GGT you guys honestly this is absolutely crazy to see how nice this base was before and it'd be completely destroyed now it's all gone it's never coming back look at it all down there dude there's so much more damage down the bottom as well oh my god okay so pretty much I think that's gonna be the rest of what we do for today I was actually gonna grind some levels maybe some money but but we've been we've been raided but before we go if I check out a home growing to and this is obviously where I had all the small spoilers I think although this is the exact same home I just went to lovely home grinder there we go so here actually there is still one chicken spawner or the chicken spawner we have some chickens still alive we don't need them they're here if we do thank you chicken for looking out for me always there are 10 spawn as here that's your really good amount for we end this video firstly make sure you guys do like and subscribe if you guys are new with post notifications on I can't stress it you get notified every time I upload a video right usually they're good I'm not gonna promise anything but we're gonna open this up open these up with our to enchanted chance that you guys can buy store lots like OPP calm come support me can support the server it means a lot there's a green thing in here I don't know what the green is it looks like a a bonus oh it was a random kid I don't even get a random kid we got two inch on the books and a deluxe soul pouch it can I get you in the comments ladies I opened it and I got nothing is that good I don't know if that's good I'm gonna say it's good and then we'll see I have one more to open let's open this up there we go we can get a wealth rune invincible creepers fishing boosters invincible creepers again okay so we can definitely make a lot of money from this okay we can make so much money this is what I'm prepared for so a flight fly my luck is finally turned it's finally time it's finally become better okay we now have ourselves slash fly for 14 days personal phishing booster and some stupid tools but we don't need those as we got fly well done to us our My Luck has completely turned I'm actually very surprised that work but guys thank you so much for watching today's video if you guys did enjoy make sure you guys do like and subscribe if you guys are new it is greatly appreciated thank you guys so much for watching I will see you guys tomorrow with another video and bye
Channel: JamieRaven
Views: 89,455
Rating: 4.9195046 out of 5
Keywords: factionsraven, factions raven, factionsraven raiding, raiding in minecraft, mine craft, minecraft, minecraft factions, raven, minecraft video, minecraft funny, no cursing, kid friendly, kid friendly minecraft, minecraft base, minecraft tnt, 1.8 minecraft, this Minecraft base looked normal.. until I noticed this HUGE mistake in their base! (RICH RAID), overclaim minecraft, minecraft raid base, factionsraven raid, survival, minecraft trolling
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 11 2019
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