Minecraft, but we raid these ANGRY PLAYERS we met 7 months ago.. (FUNNY)

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seven months ago myself and creepers raided this base right here as you guys can see you guys killed the support on this video seven months later we found the same people again if you guys haven't seen this video pretty much they weren't exactly very happy about being raided myself and Ryan managed to sneak our way in there a little secret entrance it's right there can you see my mouse and today we managed to raid them again as you guys can see Ryan did a fantastic job seven months ago we got it handed to us pretty much and we are destroyed by these people though 7 months later let's see if they've improved a little bit all right you ready to do this I'm ready are you ready yeah do you know where you're going yeah I would hear your best battle cry before we start this come on battle cry ok that was awful I am terrified all right I have never been so scared by angry gamers in my entire life than these guys these guys murdered okay absolutely drilled also be careful like when we break in we get the spawner that's objective one chest second kill them if okay them we're gonna have to take it on tour because there's coal in the way and you can't mind it with a joke touch no wait I don't have a oh so you got a - born as well a well I'm gonna go for the spawn as' and then you are going to I can't mind the iron I'm just gonna watch you - born thank you and by the way we'll be under school XXIV yeah yeah see they look at their okay we're here we're here we're here okay fifty fifty five zero five zero because your man's poor okay look we're here we've arrived okay carefully have you got TNT because I have bought a few things I've bought some dispensers or big big big dispensers I got some redstone and some TNT I can always buy more stuff when we need so though don't rely on me for anything okay I'm poor I will be independent and we do everything myself have you got creeper eggs because your man's poor huh yeah I got some creep rags far right I got some creeper eggs for creepers edge I have some I'll give them back to you any other you didn't know that such an old joke that we dating or normal just normal just in case you get blocked you know somebody to say that's for you I protect you away too I think if we just make you know that it will like leave a flickery cannon thing yeah did one word dispensers on it uh-huh we just make a Leever flickery cannon now I've done this before it's blown up so you'll get what we need to do is know I know to do it but what we need to do is that we need to make sure that we have enough distance it's gonna burn fires it's not gonna backfire for a second this is for you we need to breach us LM sprays oh why do I have to do it because every time I do it it blows up I'm trying to keep pots on me and stuff like I'm trying to be organized I'm not recognized I have my inventory's full of absolute every soap bubble cobble cobble no couple here in Kabul here no no no that one's upside down I know we building I can I need a slab that's like okay slash craft we're taking a lot of time right this should be and I don't run it hang on you think I should move her back I said no no you'll be good to be good trust me trust me I'm trusting you I have buttons I need war and I know water and then we get we get the button on there okay yeah that's good and over here do you not on a button but your lever lever has okay because I lay the lever is gonna take more time oh no I can just buy one they go leave one lets me control it so we're all going on move there we go leave a required remote faxes read your inves is correct by the way you don't seem to be moving bobble underscore I was thirsty yeah they're not moving this is actually perfectly shoot if you put to you yeah if we put to you tea and it should work okay so I'll put thirty two in each I got there should be a stack in the other one like it doesn't matter just as long as each one like we're not going that fire so as long as we can have enough okay there we go there we go it's clear obviously were gonna be killing that guy right in front of us okay he's gonna be we're gonna have to sing through the doors yeah and then it go right for the spawn of spawn is first that's the main important thing I know I am broke okay understood ceptin nervous okay I am terrified let's do this okay all right I feel this is gonna backfire so you better be ready to repair this can as quick as we can okay hang on let me have everything fences water slab all right I'm going to go I'll push the button don't push the button Oh I told you repair put a TT back in okay TNT's in there you go go for it we need to bottom where's the boy mr. Bob okay have another button go go go okay press P that one's moving still they're not moving it's good it's good we good okay go go go Chris one button pressed flick the lever stopped one more one more I'll push the button why is I'm not working keep going you're gonna marry me press the button why is it not work is it like going too far up we'll be fine boys come just pop all right shake those doors like eight seconds egging sir gotta get a sports are we panic given a reason yes here okay right okay go for the sport is I need to clear my fridge for you pick up a load of stuff I'm looking for the head oh it's 115 thousand okay okay I'm grabbing this bonus I'm grabbing bubbles over there number bubbles the one you absolutely wrecked me the last seven months ago so we gotta go go don't go off and debt on that guy make sure you put it down right I'm gonna raid alright I got all those bonus we've got okay does he be done can you ope eat all good okay sick how much money is actually um I don't know okay this is very anticlimactic I thought they would be like a massive fight people would kill each other and all we've done so far is that's it they've got leather armor they have liver on they're playing an SMP we can kill Bowl before he began taking down rind vendetta by a bolt breaching to it I'm almost out cigs I only have two more one more now can you get more okay that's all I have I have no money on a raid this room no let's have a look yeah I'm ready emphasis it's just you that you killed the guy like one hit so they've got fish they've got I've got more bows Hey not enough of really worth take I'll take some fish they've got vine fish divine fish deluxe fish everything I guess and then we can kind of just like shift right you'll want to kill the man who saved ko do I say we kill the guy you could kill the guy that killed you last time and we end it before it begins so I already I did get my range that time those are I came back to kill it we have none really scared we leave him in his room nope yeah no let's kill him because we know how many Johnson fireballs hit the one behind okay I have one sec just want me to use it we got a roof and just five all this see I saw that when we came in right we might have been able to okay are you saying the door uh yeah I can take the door yeah to the perfect let's not chat about let's kill the guy before he goes back I already got one they have like four doors if I can count right keep going as long as it works I didn't renovate more we need one more fireball if you can fireball and open that door yes when you do it you deserve this okay right is he worth a lot of money I don't know what money's worth he has a hundred ninety seven thousand Ryan I said ho forty forty-five does that mean it could mean anything impure gems are you not taking those I'm taking you take him there's some armor in here it's only p2 though they're not looking very rich like they were last time don't know what I want to take like I don't need armor or some TNT we made back the TNT yet right some the TNT that'd be great I'll add you taken pure diamond some dispensers it's a bat right one one fish I'll take the fish well should have taken the fish okay they usually I'm we can PDP layer raid now all we have chance cuz if they come back that's a fair point you won't be able to actually break okay that's all true now we got this room to go in okay well I have to buy sex cuz I'm out sex completely completely out I gave you more heavy more and then I had the other half and I'm saving them for in case we get trapped or somewhere I can't afford anymore I am bro okay I can but I don't want you guys I don't want to be brokered and I don't know if it's worth that I say we should invest in fireball where'd she got a good pickaxe from them we got a pastry picker did you guys still touch from anyone no come on come on please work please work I missed you did it no you did it right what is this this is their cult room apparently is that how do you know that oh look at the chest it's a demon ritual look at this demon spud oh they got raw pork chops okay yeah this is very odd is this wait hang on is this like no we were unload there is no redstone control flying but the V underscore XXIV guy is now is still online well they haven't came home alright this door I said this one no that's the FK blow this one Doris you know having five walls I have to order it okay chop hang on you it's a sunflower I'm trying to save my money because I like it might not be worth these these rooms are more fit okay I got a door behind it okay that works now we just need one mortal oh oh yeah they I don't know we'll never know everybody wanna translate that for us that'd be great that's it last episode we did people told me and Ryan though they were Korean so if anybody speak Korean not offensive if it is you're in trouble my Bible hit the hit of course already to get stabbed in the back Oh lovely right we've got food we've got come on there must be one like mega-rich chest here there know many rich chests and again more chess I did sell a head for like 150 5k I mean this is the room oh do you want to split the money yeah we'll split the money if you want that's a thing I say no oh I don't have a lot picked you have a lot pick I have two more picks I have a throw fix we have to have to loot from that that's fair right yeah I have a 40% I have a 40% extreme treasure logbook and I take these fishes only yeah yeah go for it you take them you take the fish buddy you deserve this right so let's price already okay he's coming naked I'll kill him don't worry before I got his head I saw it at 400 K he's gonna be like not again at least we know this time where's the whole point trying to get them on this core nope because they don't speak English whoa whoa yeah I know I had to move my venturi from the other chest but I thought I'd get parts rather do you know by the way I've made the rookie mistake of taking these before have you actually in just what like killed yourself just slowly I didn't die from it but I right let's do this let's grab their armor get there all right one guy the other guy has armor in here get more of his money get more of his money I don't know where he's gone right I don't have a low fire texture pack on I'm not gonna lie to you oh my god how do you not have that on because I apparently don't know what to do you don't have a take do you want to run off and get that on cuz like will you be okay that is literally the worst thing but that's worse than dying oh okay kid guy okay I'm gonna put this on because I literally can't see did you grab his head did you yeah I got it I got it alright cover yourself right I'm coming hang on options he ages hurry are you good I'm good I want this guy honestly if we kill this guy I'm back and I can buy him a kiss meant it but I would have said okay I'll be watching Bell V underscore 360 cage so I got your protection I'll protect you we could hang out I'm gonna get something happen oh yeah she's just just throw him on and keep on and run don't you worry okay there we go let me grow some didn't get be in some different it might be he's already like 10 have 9 hurry here we go seven like you he had p4r we didn't get it cuz I killed him a minute ago they should've let you kill him I did kill him I got the kid all by you live a second ago as well so you don't get the head you can't film the heads you should have got the head the second time when you kill them no but I killed him and I killed him a second time as well I killed him a minute ago yeah i7k must be his chest that's what 40 40 40 means I was broke oh we got this room how do we get in oh that's me I was just drinking a lot just in case anything some money from this amazingly 183 K and we have this mourners as well don't forget that exactly a you hundred certain is no chest and hip side here I think there's not but I wanted I need to go in and we can do it just to be sure - fireball they go I would like that yeah we're clear okay so we basically read everything here so as long as we don't die we're all good to go take whatever is left I guess oh he's back again no they're fake the fake buddy I'll tell you that no they know you're alive I did I did I claimed I'm running into a brick thing but my god Ryan we might really be in trouble I brought my cell phone you're a team proper God says I I thought they were fake I'm not gonna like oh my god f claim square five we can't wait too close to their claims do we do well I'm in claim black so my I'm in claim land can you see me mine three mine to me okay I get some obsidian and some yeah yeah we might if we can get a God's out of this this is an ultimate win where are you come to me comes me I'm in a demi though I've got to be careful whereabouts are you me oh hello I'm gonna go make sure that they're still around here somewhere they're coming back they're coming back okay hang on can you get some obsidian I've got someone got some bone I'm baking the back I want this TNT oh no no no coming back no they're they're they're smart use the cannon the cannon I'm trying to say that we don't need the TNT I do maybe you don't you're in a rich faction called freak em I'm sorry knees covered okay we dumped seen insider dude for our safety as well Oh Ryan they have knock-back stuff as well Ryan say free bird Ryan I'm soaked right can you help will you get over into I did not expect them to have God says this is the guys here I put cobwebs what they doing no they are good they're really smart kill this guy this guy's able to drop potentially he's not in the god set did you expect them how do I know I know base like I have no idea okay so if we go out there we won't win just for the simple fact that we're I don't want a TPP Blaine because I want to try and oh that guy has a knock-back axe so he's like baiting in and then like switching it up you know okay if we get what okay so they're gonna try try boss oh yeah happily if we can get one person in here that's it like that's game over but we need to basically get a bit obsidian gone right now doc you involved i back I'm alive can you get up sitting can I have obsidian done this tunnel right here whereabouts just right here yeah just like this I'll just start upsetting everything just decide just decide so get them in here we can prompt oh god oh yeah exactly exactly if I make sure I get the I'll make sure I do the floors and everything as well is that you watching us right now right I know it's outside I don't think we're gonna be able to trap one of them but if we do it'll kind of so we could die but yeah if we can get one of these like I want to get them as possible that's for sure they're good players they really are and I just don't know how they have a God set in a base like this like they're good players but they're in like not to be rude but like in a like freaking out if we could lure them up to the surface we can kill everybody all it takes is one annihilation call I do have the money for anihilation call their 200k I have a bill as new bag haha if you get in an i elation call I think I do anyway I think it's in my base that's a I don't have one do we might be in trouble trying to get like I want to block them in they're not gonna fall for it do you want to try it a night Asian core thing we can but we need to get them up to the surface so that's the only issue with it well I was just thinking make a stairs you have to follow oh they're blocking it off fully they're making their own trap that's what they do and we just gotta make sure that we don't go over yeah that's right we need to outsmarting them I say surface I still have a home at the top I still have home raid yeah boy we go up to serve gonna know we're up inside real though holes cobwebs in that corner dude they're on eleven now drop the car yeah that's all so I just placed it six yeah for he's before he's droppable he's droppable I should have got knocked back and we could not pack them into the web's we can get one in the web seven seven that's so quick they faked us I think they're in Demi's I think which that's still pretty doing we could just go for them literally these guys are dying really quick or if he 4e is dying 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 is dying he's blocking it with wood though you can get me out I'm trapped by the way but you can get me out no I mean here's I'll okay I'm kind of trapped in the corner so you'll just go for it yeah kind of but at the same time like no this guy is like the guy in the slime the guy with the 5010 dude there darling that really quick they're placing cobwebs oh wait no they've got gods swords that's why right hang on I've got a sake I'm gonna like like this door really quickly hopefully don't know say come on say come on sake don't die don't die yes we got it we got it take it back out like recoup recouped I kind of can't that guy's not back I just don't like get two trapped in there and they're not blocking I'm helping out stuff in the back stuff in the back and that's one less if I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I have it bro come on you gotta sweat I can't I'm dead oh my god rest in peace
Channel: JamieRaven
Views: 19,145
Rating: 4.9081631 out of 5
Keywords: factionsraven, factions raven, raven, minecraft factions, old school Minecraft, minecraft raiding, I found this rich kids, minecraft, mine craft, Minecraft, but we raid these ANGRY PLAYERS we met 7 months ago.. (FUNNY), angry minecraft players, minecraft but, minecraft but we, creepersedge
Id: 7OL9a8aHBjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 30sec (990 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 29 2019
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