accidently finding our enemies SECRET Minecraft Base.. LOL! (Hide or Hunt)

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welcome back ladies in German to another episode of hide or hunt before we start BAE's episode Tom and me like so we're gonna go fall on this video you are the the licker today it could at least sound like you want to give likes okay let's go one hundred and seventy seven thousand four hundred thirty two all right you heard him that's how many likes we're getting on today's episode of how to hunt but today we are once again on full base search there are 10 teams left we are one of them for once I told you it's gonna work all right I told you so today we're gonna head to the only area we haven't actually head to which i think is one of these directions i think is like a west we haven't headed this side of the ice right so if we head this way would you eat three people i just job should we go let's go let's head north west for today and then we will walk around there back into the mounting because we haven't really been near the border no we haven't really done but we've really touched is like the middle of the map maybe like oh wait this Alleva is this but it's been raided but okay well I guess we're go back to the health side last episode if you guys didn't see the link is in the description what did we do last episode Tom McKenney remember we we found a base we found a base and then we found a radio base we found the buried treasure we stole diamonds and we're just to get away with it yep I'm actually really surprised that is Emil still up there I have a feeling he's still up there honestly you wanna go up there at some point there just hide alright so we're gonna head to let's head to this side right just generally and then what we will do is yeah we've seen them with like twice this duration so if we start this end of the border and then we'll run all the way down facing north and then we'll head north right that sounds like a good idea then we're right next to the border let's go from the outskirts of the border today and just start like going down if we see anything out of place or anything a little bit different we know there might be a base near written from the corner like they're very very corner like they jumped off that big mountain across the river okay they crouched they crouched as soon as they got afraid of distance go for the mountain on the left I actually think now that he's probably okay you ready that was my Jack Sparrow theme tune okay let's just wait I can go through the border I'm free I'm not like it okay okay so they could be anywhere in this section right about a little bit it looks like it's been placed there were just been has been killed by were tea top of the hell maybe there could be something or somebody I'm still on top of the hill I'm still lychee just running around on top of the hill okay so there's some mind things in the corner so we saw two people from this direction Jun remember who it was but why would they be on the hill or something do we just start mining by the trees try it under trees try under trees and see what happens I'll just not minding under trees so much does it literally it would have to like just be just covered you know because they only left if this is a base and they only left a little bit of Goa if we do find the base though we're knocking them out straight away okay we are not being nice people we are not nice people Tommy will knock everybody out if we have to there's newly placed what looks like dirt unless that was just where I mined as a whole here there's water there's a little cave system Tom wait I'm gonna look a little cave there's cobble been placed it Tom this might be a UH where right here right here this around this corner oh yeah okay but look this is two bits of dirt that perfectly leads out onto the side look this leads perfectly out to the site so in here maybe there's torches and stuff as well your start mining everything exactly cuz I didn't put the cobble I didn't touch this well there's cobble right here we mined the cobble it's got two bits of Cobo right here no nothing the water get rizal to break the water yes I'll break great to break the water Tom usually usually this is a base its authority and I've been based go go go put it now my base okay diamond there's okay I robbed a dime unless their beacon it's gonna be here somewhere right oh you know what you take this pair Roma we can use that if we die you take everything we can use their beacon right if we find it where is that me don't look at this there's a chest here well I in as well it's gonna be people here somewhere you got it right use it use it though use it we can't use it can we go we can't use it okay we just have to break it right you go I mean we found the button it's I'm surprised we didn't see it but another team is our life is flat if an eliminated by fashion Raven and Tom's on a roll obviously do such a good call by you to see them on the outside right the fact that you saw them work so well in our favor they made Stuber so this is such a cool we should get out of here cuz they know where it is we should probably leave they know where we are we should leave take what you let's work down the border because our plan was right work down the border and go from there but we kind of got distracted how do we see that button before the entire time oh look at all the kills in chat wait what's going on wait right wait Ryan got killed Ryan don't kill each other they killed each other Ryan died other guy died peach died someone else died dude everybody's dying I mean you know cuz I mean you we haven't died yet right I say we walk along the border anything fishy that stands out we just go for it right I don't say we go mining in any tree if we find something that it feels a little bit weird you know hope there's cows we didn't kill it I mean it we've got loads of food I've barely used any food yes there's a treat I'm gonna write there's some cobblestone down there so we just keep going right I mean it's cobble it's been place so it's like something like it's in the floor or anything people are still died you look at chap Ryan's going back what is killing everybody Ryan's just killing everybody how was Ryan got geared that quick whatever they're fine there's a place something here okay let's head to the other end and just go should we well you see how my tree trunk tree chuck I could two people were getting it's already grass or anything like on the floor like indicate it cuz it's gross it's gonna have to be like directly down something like that I don't think so Oh was it the Sheep is that's to cross and the Steep just stood over it yeah I think it was a sheep like getting rid of the the grouse okay I say we just keep going we stick to our thing we're going to go outside the whole border today and hopefully if we find true basis and what episode right we need what was it a hundred and seventeen thousand likes I think this is the only fair thing to do we have so many diamonds on us as well we have six diamonds we haven't been back your bases so we've got seven diamonds I don't know what we can spend it on you should make two swords two swords and then probably like armor I mean if we get more diamonds from somebody right and we can just maybe save them for now okay I say we just keep going around it's probably the best thing to do because we're getting quite far like on the border but at 96 184 I say we go to this side and then take a right and then just keep going around the border anything fishy you see do point out though because we're gonna stick right by the border maybe someone's I'd like to direct corner because we haven't checked any of the corners look for like maybe things that stick out anything maybe some like dirt in the site well mine all this see if there's any hidden entrances anywhere I don't see anything I'm on fire though okay I'll go I'll go right slightly you go left if you see anything just like just pull it out and if mine it just go for it don't waste any time I see how a lava pit showing the lava I bet someone's like it's like it's all obsidian though but you have to get a diamond pickaxe and then break and replace all the obsidian so I don't think there's anything where the water look I'll take this arrows actually oh you got eliminated by yellow walk we did that Tom we did that oh yeah yeah we got rid of his beacon didn't we I'm round the other end of the border if you want my chords they took a screenshot they are one oh it is 205 68 around the other side of the thing I'm gonna start mining under some trees as well because this area looks like an area where people were going to make like it's quite flat if you know what I mean so people are gonna make bases like obviously in the floor because there's nowhere to do it in the side there's people right in front of me he didn't see me he didn't see me um I went along the border and then along the other border okay I'm hiding I'm crouched behind a tree he didn't see me but Nezu he's flying people I mean he was just literally running around at my armor he was breaking stuff underneath trees so he could be near here right yeah because he just popped out and just he just went I'm trying to find where you are I'm a 2/3 248 oh I see you I see you I see you he went this way so let's maybe go this way but carefully spider on the floor but you down there we go he didn't mind anything like not under trees or anything which makes me worry there's a hole here Tom Tom yeah I found him he's watching us no no we friendly you wanna be friends sia where they're hiding just maybe he wants to be friends he's having a chat be aware just hiding this wing he's just stood there Tom he's just I don't think he's very dangerous Tom there's a missing tree trunk this would be a perfect place for a base though like underneath either the grass or like in the mountain mining under trees he's really cautious like Tom he's like watching our every move coming around must be wait there's got to be something here he's literally refusing to move who's his teammate I can open up his teammate is what's his name his name is somebody that's not on the list oh he was he got replaced he was with he's with ice wolves I have more people my friend swear there are people oh it's ice wolf okay just call okay these guys these guys are friendly they're friendly Tom we're good okay I'll move I'll move them in if I can find them there they are hang on the telephone is one hello hello hello my Aussie boys how are we doing good we're good we just found the fatty and life is a freestyle space they just got knocked out nice way around here just we're checking all the boarders for today's episode we're mining under some trees money some mountains no home here you guys seem to be getting a little close which make me think maybe you might have a base here if you want to we do have a vague area of where our what's-his-name wine gamer is living okay Oh what you think in we trust it or not I just I trust the waxen I trust the accent that's I mean who trusts in it Australian and New Zealand accent exactly it's just it's just the best thing to do exactly can I tell you what we'll do that means I'm gonna have a little talk and you guys go away for a second and we'll get back to you Tom Tom Tom can make there's a base in the mountain where I just might there's a base in the mountain behind us like it's all from me don't we watch a staircase I'm not gonna unshifted air base this has to be their base you think they were honest they didn't leave for like a second he instantly could his teammate over as well look are they coming down the studio lights at the end of the tunnel I can't see his name like there's a pressure Pratt be careful be careful mind the pressure pad mind the pressure pad look at this crafty pressure presence where is it but go pause me this break it was that stairs the stairs oh there is redstone to be fair this stairs there's a big there's beginners beacon okay let's just watch it sign I can't read it oh I see what I see what's I steal okay take the stuff take this stuff take your stuff take all the staff to take all the stuff I curse you with I steal is with toxic shadow 49 iron ingots no way dude they have golden these in the furnaces as well to breed if I don't know this is two basis of I swear to God once you learn hide or hunt like how it works you can find bases so easily it's the easiest thing in the world because you know where people do it but the thing is they've got a fun dude they've made a farm he won up to us yeah I had a look there was a taking all the coal okay yeah you have a look I'll chassis with anything else we need some more right stones and sticky pistons I think we're good we get rid of the beacon all right you ready you do the answer you do the honors check there's no secret chest oh and this is all you Tom and there we go Tom's on a roll god I don't want to I think this is our luck over I think this is we're not gonna find another base for the entire season now all right we are we are definitely done for okay thing is now the issue with this is ASA knows what in his base this is the trap they had by the way it was some lava by some Pistons yeah I think it was a meant to be a trap because I just mined it and there's like stuff below it but I mean sneaky tempt sneaky attempt you know he tries that's what's important wait there's only five left as eight teams left there's eight teams left there's only five beacons left Oh is there five beacons left so who's in the top five me you Ryan like me you Nixie bauble buzzer it's wise mine gamer and Jacob and I think that's it hello am we still allied yes II know we just took out Jason so home to the Maughan on the north side I'm coming we're coming were coming we've got on four teams actually technically three but the guy might get geared peach might get geared we're coming Tom we've got nature is that what's been happy with just with those yeah dead they're basically wearing what's not gonna mountain right now and like just out so he's just getting back on his feet north mountain like facing north like are you on the border or sure well sure actual course ago so at record so we're close x3 we're behind you were behind him let's count let's count room let's go Emily she means home we're right behind all of them life is a free soul has no beacon left by the way mean Tom got it no knock him out I need a sword dude I need you sore toes in the water Tom there's a creeper course we will it with just behind you in the base there was a base about two feet behind you guys okay guys okay we would literally about two feet away from you guys to McCain away we think we know where doc and doc and yellow were living there you go you got the stuff back life so free so he's he by himself life is a free salad with fatty fatty die he's knocked out because we got rivers doing he's like or that's what I want thank you for helping us you're late you the only allies we have we go you know we got you as soon as she said North Mountain I realized I was like that's about really more meantime do you know what crew we need to take out the bobble and they all and were t like raw steamed all of them yes if you can find horrible then and we're in luck I'm down tom yeah come come with me they're over inside the map but you always see bobble and Nick see over here seen him a few times out but we see Hydra and ice wolf we literally have seen them over that side the map they were stalking us they would not let us go anywhere near that section but Nick C faked us out the entire last season I refuse to listen to him yeah yeah yeah yeah Nick's he said that so we had an alliance with Nick's he had a start but we broke that when I killed bottle by mistake right you guys doesn't matter and this is a shield I have right now family but they said that they set up a base or something over there or they set up a camp or something over there but like I asked him living areas like no and so put yeah he could be literally anywhere right now X is a crafty guy like him and Bobo are crafty guys like I say I say they're over here if they say they're in one place they're in the other you know let me act one of those type things means someone pretty lucky though we found life is a free star he had a button on like in the inside of a cave and then Jason we literally just mined one block into a mountain while being stalked to hide and we found it oh yeah Jason's gone we got it very nicely we thought we were looking because we thought we found a base all right we can do better so dark and yellow up we're on which which corner are you in [Music] got you're on edge now I don't know it's called a min timer and so just forget you want a clue yeah Jerry do big ol Jerry are you leaving dog just duck just killed Jacob and Jacob killed dark mind gamer just died by drowning swimming down Dixie was just swimming down to somewhere he was just we turn around swim attack swim attack twin behind him they can't be gone I have cobwebs I have where he's gonna place a lava bucket get ready get ready I missed the cobwebs I want if there was a sword get short he's he's fully out he's fully out that mixi down right there running to fight number day let's go figure out where they were going I saw him I initially saw her he was going I saw when Nix was going I'm going for it okay we before me one that poor guy it's getting rid of teams because soon enough we're all gonna break off there's only five beacons left we're not gonna be in all teams soon so no no it's I mean we have to work together where we can right I saw Nix he was swimming just down here and the moment he saw me he swam straight away from it so maybe in this area yeah he was swimming down there so maybe I just don't see why would he swim down to his base though if he's worried where it was what he's knocked out though but where he could knock him out still low still a threat Oh so where was he swimming down to exactly Yeah right we're twinners well what's that I dug if it's a hole through the other side that was me you want to go where I think Dhaka stuff is yeah let's go there right because he just killed mine gamer and stuff right so they have to be near each other yeah we have ten seconds ten seconds just to get off yeah we need to get off have you got a standoff no but yellow was here too yellow just said well guys I think yeah well he might be trouble let's see what kind of tricks he's gonna pull
Channel: JamieRaven
Views: 47,112
Rating: 4.9594688 out of 5
Keywords: factionsraven, factions raven, raven, minecraft factions, old school Minecraft, minecraft raiding, I found this rich kids, minecraft, mine craft, accidently finding our enemies SECRET Minecraft Base.. LOL! (Hide or Hunt), hide or hunt, minecraft hide or hunt, factionsraven hide or hunt, finding a secret minecraft base, secret enemy base found, secret doorway minecraft
Id: 6D067QlT6c0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 15 2019
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