SML Parody: Cody's Barbie Movie!

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so Joseph what you want to do today uh we can go to my house dude your your house oh God no please never say that again hey guys guess who has three tickets to see the brand new Barbie movie you yeah and it starts in one hour so if we leave right now we'll get there just in time for previews and we'll be able to get snacks too uh okay Cody uh have fun uh enjoy the movie what do you mean Junior I don't think you understood what I said I said I have three tickets to see the Barbie movie not not one yeah I I heard you it's just uh we you know we don't dude that movie's for babies for little girls that's stupid so what if it's for little girls it's still gonna be good it has Ken in it no no Cody I think Joseph's right we don't really want to see that movie I mean what if somebody from school saw us there dude I'd end it on the spot right then oh come on it's not that bad it's just Barbie I mean it's gonna be really good it has good reviews it's gonna be lots of fun I think we should be Joseph's right it's a girl movie We're Not girls I don't really think it's for us my mom gave us money for popcorn popcorn yeah share a small popcorn come on guys let's go you and Joseph you every time every single time all right Junior are you ready for this honestly Cody no I'm not I'm just here for the popcorn okay listen we're gonna sit in the very front row because I want to be fully immersed I want to see all the details you mean you're gonna sit in the front row me and just we're gonna sit in the back like the far back where nobody can see us okay Sue it yourself all right Junior uh hold on my my Diet Sprite is hitting I'm gonna go use the bathroom real quick I'll meet you guys in the theater don't wait for me sure whatever yeah much better now what theater was it all right time for Ken's big screen debut yeah what feeder was it again I think it was number four shoot Junior has the tickets I gotta get in there before it starts I I think it was this one yeah God Joseph that movie's finally over oh hey Cody was that movie or anything you hoped and dreamed you would be I don't know what I just watched just watched Barbie it's what we all watch but Barbie wasn't even in it there was a nuclear bomb people were crying what Cody did you fall asleep or something we watched Barbie Barbie was in it Ken was in it they're all in it I I don't think so I I feel like I shouldn't have seen that I feel like that was wrong let's just go home guys okay guys I'm starting to think I didn't watch the Barbie movie no really Cody but what movie did you watch I don't know but like I said it was just a bunch of nuclear bombs and people screaming and crying that sounds like a way better movie than what we watched I know right I mean halfway through I was like okay this is not right but I wanted to stick around anyway because maybe Barbie would show up at the end she never did Cody I think you're stupid I think you walked into the wrong theater I think I did what a waste I wanted to see the Barbie movie not the stupid bomb movie such a waste of time Junior at least tell me was it good oh um oh yeah yeah no it was great it was the best movie ever really uh yeah dude it was probably the best movie to come out this year was canon in a lot how much screen time did he have Ken was on screen everything everyone was going nuts we're going back we're going back right now no no I want to see that movie you did no we're not going back it was my bad I walked into the wrong theater but no we are going back right now to see the real thing okay no we can't we don't have any tickets so we can't get in junior I don't care we will sneak in if I have to I already bought the tickets anyway they don't care no Cody come on just let's just do something else I don't care if you guys go I'll see it by myself what no Cody get back here I don't care what it takes I'm seeing that Barbie movie don't worry Ken I'll be there soon what is Buddy doing in the road oh Cody oops [Music] um hold on buddy you okay back there yeah no you ran me over yeah I'm sorry hold on I'll back up wait wait wait hey I got a new idea I got a new Fresh novel idea you guys should try it's called stop playing in the street uh we we weren't playing in the street then why is he in a full body cast he was um trying to see a movie what movie could be worth six months of no walking I don't get it uh Barbie Barbie but all this for Barbie oh my should have just watched Oppenheimer it's a better movie anyway what's Oppenheimer oh it's about this guy who makes nuclear bomb I'm gonna have to work to see it actually I tell you guys to watch it but it's rated R so wait a nuclear bomb I think he saw that movie already what yeah we were gonna see the Barbie movie earlier today but he walked into the wrong theater and he said something about nuclear bombs I think he already saw that movie I'm gonna pretend like you didn't say that because it's illegal for you to be watching Rated R movies uh I don't think he needs the stress right now he's been through enough today so just make sure you ice them every hour um yeah I'm not gonna do that sorry Cody how you feeling Cody I got hit by a car right Junior yeah yeah did okay so I saw the Barbie movie but I just lost my memory I can live with that yeah we didn't see the Barbie movie in fact you made it like 20 seconds out of the house before you got hit I didn't even see it oh what a waste I don't know what to tell you Junior get your phone what I want you to go to one two three movies go it's where I watch some of my foreign films they probably have Barbie by now what what are you doing what no I was just kidding I'm not actually gonna do that Junior listen I need you to get a camera go to the Barbie movie again film the entire thing and then bring it home I'm not watching the party fine I'll just walk there myself I can't go anywhere he said it was all for nothing stop crying look cheer up I got you these everything hurts and what there you go I got you the toys Junior that just makes it worse how does that make it worse probably I got your new toys you can play with that I like the toys but I want to see the movie well you can't see the movie Cody you have to wait wait a minute you don't have to wait for the movie you can watch it right now how me and Joseph will just recreate the movie I mean we saw it uh but dude we fell asleep shut up what no I don't know what the Barbie movie at home I want the real thing think about it this is more real than the actual movie because we have the real toys and the real cars so we can make the movie realer than it is in the movie you're gonna do an awful job you're gonna make it bad on purpose I just know you we're not gonna make it bad Cody we saw the movie now think about it do you want the movie in six months or do you want it now I want it now all right perfect let's go Joseph yeah you guys better make it accurate all right it's Friday we tweets it's time for me to get ready with my date with 10. I better pick out something nice to where he's gonna call me fat and young me again actually you know what I'm pretty good with this it's probably my best outfit I got anyway all right Kathy I'm heading out my gate so don't you chew up any of my shoes again I'm missing like eight or nine Gucci's and I want to buy anymore even though I can afford it because I'm Barbie and I'm rich all right time to get into Barbie dream Jeep so I can go pick up Ken all right I'm finally at Ken stupid house hey Ken get your stupid butt out here it's time for our date ew a date dude come on oh right sorry dude uh yeah Barbie I'm ready for our date I I brought my surfboard and my bathing suit so I thought we could go to the beach well Ken seeing as how you're a beta male pushover we're not really going to do what you want to do because I don't want to so we're actually going to go see the Barbie movie because I got two tickets to that and it's my own movie and it's really cool and awesome and I think you like it uh yeah sure Barbie whatever you say I guess all right that's what I thought get in the car Ken Junior you can stop now I've seen enough you can stop oh man yeah movie was so good I mean obviously it was because it was the Barbie movie and I'm Barbie so my movie was gonna be good I ain't got it right Tommy Taffy oh my God somebody killed Taffy why would they do this why would they kill my dog what does that say You're Next oh no somebody hired a hit on me Barbie the most beautiful woman in the world oh no I don't think so I don't think yeah all right somebody out there killed my dog to try to get to meet Barbie well I'm not gonna stand for it it's Barb in time all right I've trapped the killer down in this spot he should be here oh geez Barbie why don't we just put the guns down who are you did you kill my no but I might know who killed your dog better start talking you just put the guns down I'm not putting my gun down talk Harvey put the guns down or I'll have no choice I don't have to do this great more people just getting in my way ah Barbie why don't you put the guns down okay listen this is this is a way this is way more violent than it needs to be oh great Spider-Man's here or should I see the fun police you've been killing a lot of people okay my Spider Sense has been going off and you need to calm down yeah well my dog died Spiderman you don't know what I'm going through well actually I do you see I I I've lost my my parents my uncle my my girl MJ is gone so I I kind of know what what you're going through oh cry about it they're not as important as my dog probably not but you gotta put the guns down okay I'm not gonna put my gun down in fact I'm gonna put a bullet between your eyes oh that's a big No-No okay let's go see Ken wait what [Music] here she is Sir just as you expected very good dude with a common change accordingly thank you oh yeah that's right Barbie it's me I'm the one who killed your you're a terrible actor no oh oh yeah oh you won't be fighting back shooting up Barbie just you wait till Spider-Man gets back there you go Barbie I wish she was nice knowing you but it really wasn't in fact I'm already dating this other girl I've been cheating on you for a while so ha who's the beta male now do it Spiderman suffer I think she had enough we should stop no you better keep going you need to make sure she meets her dog look out is that a dinosaur dude foreign what was that so what'd you think Cody was it cool I don't think Jesus is coming to save us what I don't know what that was that was disturbing that was the Barbie movie it's what you wanted there is no shot Junior that that was the Barbie movie yes it was that's literally how it happened so you're telling me you walked in the theater and you saw Margot Robbie getting waterboarded by Ryan Gosling while Spider-Man stood there and watched what was Tom Holland there no I think it was Andrew Garfield oh my God yeah right yeah right Junior that was the Barbie movie it was the Barbie movie Cody she had her guns her dog died it was really sad Junior that's just the plot of John Wick wait no no literally John Wick Jr his dog dies and he goes on a rampage that's a coincidence whatever Junior well did you at least have fun no I okay it was a little entertaining but in a morbid way like I wouldn't want my kids watching that well no because the Barbie movie's not for kids right I never said it was okay well anyway Cody I'm glad you enjoyed it now you just have to wait six months before those casks come off and you can watch a real thing I want to die can you do that for me oh boy Bill's gonna make us Dynamic he's over there oh my God those two good not good but wait no oh no this is mine this is uh uh I well I'm ending it she guys never [Music]
Channel: Kable10
Views: 215,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: MTfaGOnXjGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2023
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