SML Parody: Jeffy's Lucky Penny!

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all right jeffy we made the target you had the food stamps ready i got the food stamps up the butt why you have the food stamps up the butt so no one else steals them but nobody's gonna steal our food stamp chevy now come on get them out we really need them yeah well it's going to be a little bit oh they're really far up there ah whatever come on everybody let's just go inside man two for five that's such a great deal i love captain crunch hey daddy watch if you got those food stamps out yet uh yeah sure did well okay let me see him uh you're in the toilet what yeah i'd go to the bathroom really bad now came out flushed him right down the toilet too so instead of taking him out of the toilet you flushed it good looking captain crunch daddy we ready to go too i gotta get out of here how am i supposed to get captain crunch without the food stamps how you got money i only have 20 bucks left well you know what to do i have to waste my last 20 bucks on stupid food sure do oh well fine from your cabin crunch all right jeffy the car is over here so let's go dad look what i found jeffy didn't you hear me i said let's go but look it's a penny oh a penny yeah ooh i need that after spending all my money on groceries uh daddy finders keepers losers weepers whatever the heads is your head what does that mean well if it's heads and then you're supposed to get good luck but i don't believe in any of that crap oh i'm gonna take it jeffy it's not gonna work it's just a penny yeah i'm gonna take it anyway fine whatever just hold on your stupid peggy all right great all right daddy ready to go home now but no jeffy we can't go home we lost the house remember oh man i hate that now we just got rot in the car wait night how do you even have a tesla what this is morty's tesla it's not mine he's just letting us borrow it oh by the way mario uh in like a week or so i'm gonna have to take the tesla and leave cause i really don't want to be in here with you guys all the time it's kind of miserable oh great now we're gonna have to live in a stupid box oh man oh that's miserable oh man it's so boring back here i wish i had a switch or something to play it's so boring oh yeah jeffy by the way there's a switch next to you in the back uh it's somewhere in there i i couldn't sell it on ebay in time because we got kicked out too soon so i guess it's your lucky day or whatever because you get to keep a switch oh wait really we we still have a switch for me oh that's great maybe this lucky penny actually works oh wow thanks daddy ah well at least i got my switch now it's gonna make this car trip a little bit less miserable remember jeffy this isn't a road trip we live in this car now this is our home and soon it'll be a box thanks to morty so enjoy it while you can oh yeah i forgot oh well if this lucky penny actually works then hey daddy can we go to publix why i'm gonna get some lottery tickets i'm a win big jeffy is it because of that stupid lucky penny you found on the ground but it's an old superstition it's not gonna work but i don't have anything else better to do all right fine i'll take you to stupid publix or whatever all right great i'ma win big jiffy i can't believe you wasted your last five dollars on this stupid lottery ticket you're not gonna win anything what day i got the lucky pay i'm gonna win big you're not gonna win big you're gonna win like two cents or something five bazillion dollars that's not a number one million dollars well that's not even a prize on here no i want my scratch off anyway give me lucky paint jeff you actually won let me see this stupid card you probably won like 50 cents or something all right 28 11 oh and jeffy you won fifty thousand dollars are you serious we can buy back the house now come on let's get the house [Music] oh man jeffy i'm so glad to have the house back yeah it's okay waste the money if you ask me what waste of money jeffy we've been living in the tesla for a week this is fancy living compared to that yeah but daddy that lottery ticket money could have bought a switch could buy an ipad coupon a bunch of things come on boat daddy a boat we can't use that stuff if you don't have a house i can use a boat if i don't have a house yeah that's true you can't use a switch or an ipad or anything like that look just be grateful that we had the house back yeah whatever all right well jeffy since we've been gone for over a week i'm gonna need you to do some chores because we got some too so i'm gonna need to go get some scissors in the back and i need you to start cutting the grass okay are you guys hearing this no way i'm doing chores daddy i paid for his house now i'm the man of the house i pay the mortgage you're doing the chores what no i'm the dad so you have to do the chores the dad died that doesn't mean anything you should be calling me daddy you're you're a little baby mario i paid bills now so go motograss oh fine dad good boy ah come on grass oh man i hate being jeffy's stupid slave oh man if only i could get rid of that stupid penny it's the one that bought the house oh wait a minute i can take jeffy's penny and then get enough money to buy the house back from him so he can't boss me around anymore and then i have to cut the stupid grass anymore yeah it's a good idea i could get that penny wow this might actually work hey jeffy what are you doing oh you weren't supposed to see that what were all those lines and numbers on your screen junior you know what stocks are no well i don't either but apparently if i put a lot of money i know i'm talking a lot in this one stock i'm gonna become a trillionaire a trillionaire you're gonna be filthy rich whoa you could buy so much stuff with all that money hey junior you like boats yeah i like boat you want a boat oh i want a boat you want two boats oh can i get three boats well no you can't get three oh yeah well how'd you know you're gonna win all this money because of this oh is that a penny it's a lucky penny oh i used to have a lucky penny really what happened to it oh i i think i lost it somewhere but i don't really care oh it's sad but this is mine wow oh jeffy follow me i have an idea all right great all right jeffy i got the controller and the game's all set up you got a penny sure do i'm ready to go let's do this oh wow look at all this loop that we got oh man that penny really does work wow nice loot junior oh oh oh where's the penny yes yes i got it i got it i got the lucky penny hey daddy have you seen my lucky penny no you think i'm an idiot well yeah dad you're being extra brain dead again let me get that no i'm not giving you the penny back why not because i need it so i can buy the house back from you oh oh wow you're being so branded daddy i already bought the house you don't need to buy it again from me it's dumb well i want the house back so i have to listen to your dumb rules daddy you've been bad boy get to your room no room jeffy no i'm not i'm taking the peggy and i'm getting some money you want green beans for dinner no you're such a pain daddy well you didn't notice but you know what stock is yes i know what a stock is well i don't and i was gonna put all the house money we have left into a stock and make trillions because i got the lucky pay but you took it i'll give you lucky paying back if i can have half half a quarter no half half or nothing but i want to get in our boat fine you have half great come on let's get the painting also do the stalk all right great all right daddy all the money's in are you sure you put all 20 000 in there yeah everything we got left let's hope this works yeah i trust you for once jeffy you better not make us lose our money well don't trust the meat trust in the lucky penny that's what doing all this all right come on lucky peggy bring us some good fortune in about three seconds we're gonna see if we go broke or become trillionaires boy please let us be trillionaires please oh ha ha jeffy very funny now let's see our actual winnings jeffy jeffy let's see our winnings buggy come on i should have paid attention in stock clash you're serious we lost all our money i'm sorry daddy we can't live here anymore oh what are we gonna do oh the peggy was stupid it wasn't a lucky penny i screwed up bad stupid pain doesn't even work no there was no lucky picking at all what are we gonna do duh we're juked we're really juked i don't know what we're gonna do now we're out of the house oh man i'm winning big tonight slots are so much fun when you win thanks lucky penny i'm one and big well jeffy did you pack the bags yeah everything's packed i'm ready to go come on let's go yeah what day uh where are we going again a box no actually morty's taking us somewhere oh yes we're too [Music] so
Channel: Kable10
Views: 1,117,484
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zTghyRIge3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 9sec (549 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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