SML Recreation- Bowser Jr’s Pool Party!

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oh my gosh wait what's wrong Joseph Junior why is your house so hot I really don't know yeah Gina I I'm really like so high here it's burning and I really just like outside well guys I I buy one staying here like just watch TV dude this Show's not even uh entertaining I want to go outside [Music] where you guys want you outside well dude I was thinking we could go to a pool yeah all right I'm gonna ask Chef PeePee see if he'll take us to the pool huh thank you dude I'm typing in this house hopefully we get out here soon yeah I think yeah all right just can't oh great I think Mario spelled some spaghetti or pretty sure it was Bowser because Martin does not make mouth messes like that oh my gosh all right so we'll see what I want to eat uh spaghetti yeah oh I'll take some steak baby oh great you're just gonna borrow me in three two Chef Pee I'm so high wow you're hot yeah what do you want me to do about it uh take us outside yeah you know you guys have freezing water down here so you guys don't need to go outside but please try peepee we want to go to the pool the pool uh oh yeah the air conditioning yeah there there's I I literally sense people well yeah Mario did to fix the air conditioner so you can just wait till then well no no we want to go to the pool because I I'm so bored and it's the last day of summer that's true please check TV tickets before nope I'm sorry I'm just uh ignoring my food what's that BB tickets I'm gonna tell you I might die if you don't no tell him I don't care you know Tom what's up I'm bad over here I'm about that one you about that life huh you can't take my shirt to pull it's Friends with Bowser it's you do you see how high it is it's 90 degrees I don't care look you're gonna go and uh take my uh China Express the pool I'm not gonna stop stop um you know watch out the pool responsibility easier you just gotta take him to the pool okay goodbye it's about to get to him yo I'm not gonna take you the book but have you one done I promise I'm going to really punch you right in the face so are you gonna take me to [Music] come on guys let's go let's go guys please kill me all right uh Bratz get in that pool okay like seriously uh I like just get in the pool please because like so I can watch y'all uh because there's no lifeguard here but there's our kids here so yeah all right just get in the pool and uh have fun I'm gonna sit down and relax constant let's go oh yeah yeah swimming is so much fun yo dude you wanna have a competition what type of cars where I told the prefer while you win all right uh let's do this all right here we go oh my gosh oh my gosh dude beat you whatever dude oh my gosh oh wow wait uh Chloe you offer is famous I knew we do with you really [Music] come on like can you at least like you know jump in the pool playing I'll jump three two one okay oh my gosh you you can't swim you just can't what yeah you get to it oh man I'm just gonna keep on swimming oh my gosh Cody cannot swim oh my gosh how embarrassing how embarrassing seriously uh anyways I'm gonna just uh continue swimming dude oh my gosh that was that was so funny I can't believe Cody can't swim dude oh my gosh seriously how lame okay you're so lame dude why we even hang out with you guys I'm just gonna do some sun baby oh yeah it's gonna be so awesome yeah oh man I don't know what else to do me ever do oh um um dude I think it's time for me to go home wait really yeah dude I need to catch some dinner you know dude so yeah oh man oh my gosh but it will just be me and Cody and Cody's lame he he never wants to do anything oh sorry dude I just have to go oh what whoa TV guys I'm gonna go home too honestly I'm just like you know so tired also I need to get home and take my pills my medicine the same place so I might as well go too I'm sorry Junior I'm sorry if I have to leave you I just you know I just really need to go home like because and there's nothing I can really do anyways because I can't really get in the pool I can't really swim so yeah I I gotta go too yeah I'll I'll see you later uh I guess whatever we hang out again oh my gosh can't believe they all left me huh what losers anyways oh my gosh you're just so bored now oh I guess I get this play a little squishy Splash like yay okay that's boring you know what I'm leaving oh my gosh it's just so boring uh like they all left me I can't believe they all did that to me oh my gosh she's gonna leave are you serious they left already all right it's only been 10 minutes and they left all right are you serious uh Chucky I'm ready to go it's only been 10 minutes this was a waste of my time oh Chef people I'm ready to go are you sure yeah I'm ready all right let's go then all right I'm wet oh man I was also finally at the pool literally it was only 10 minutes Chef Phoebe what can we go swim again [Music] foreign
Channel: OGSMLRecreated
Views: 17,926
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 42sec (402 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 22 2023
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