SML Parody: Jeffy's Electric Skateboard!

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oh man this skateboard's so much fun and junior what dawn oh i'm just riding on my super cool super fast skateboard oh wow can i try no you can't try it's mine you have your bike oh my bike i don't even know how to ride my bike what yes you do there was a video about it oh yeah well i kind of forgot all right well i'll go get my bike and give it a shot you want a race yeah let's race okay cool all right i got my bike it's a little rusty looking i hope i remember how i ride this thing oh man here i go oh i'm getting the hang of this thing hold up junior here i'll go oh jeffy you got your bike all right first one that blue car wins all right junior bet i'm gonna win this race oh yeah yes i win i beat you jeffy oh no jeffy are you okay oh i fell off my bike oh geez that looks like it hurt at least i got my helmet on i didn't hurt my head yeah i should probably get one of those two yeah oh man my bike is so slow i really wish i had something faster oh what what's that [Music] whoa is that an electric skateboard yeah it was going all by itself oh man i gotta get one of those let's go ask him about it okay let's go oh man my electric skateboard's so cool hey mister can i try your electric skate oh cuphead hey loser you like my board i do but cuphead what are you doing here i'm riding my electric skateboard and you're in my way yeah i'm sorry oh cuphead do you think i can try it no loser i mean look at you you're the spinning definition of a loser i'm a loser yep i mean losers wear helmets i don't want to have a helmet on so i'm cool so if i take my helmet off can i ride it all right sure if you take your helmet off you can be cool enough to ride my board oh challenge great all right i'll take my helmet off great all right cuphead i got my helmet off how do you work this thing oh well the board's voice activated so you have to say i'm a loser well what's that in your hand this is nothing oh okay well here i go i'm a loser yeah you are oh oh i think he's waking up jeffy jeffy are you okay oh daddy what happened me oh well apparently hit your head really hard on a pole out there and a junior brought you inside where's the electric skateboard well well cup i didn't want to get in trouble after you saw you get hurt so he ran away oh man oh daddy will my cover in well uh brooklyn tea guy came by and he fixed you up and uh he wanted to make you buy cast but i didn't have the money for that so i wrapped you in bubble wrap bubble wrap you also did a brain scan and uh when you hit your head you lost your last brain cell so your iq is officially in the negative oh man oh what's your bubble wrap for though well now if you do stupid stuff you can't get hurt anymore i mean everyone knows bubble wrap's the most safest material out there i can't get hurt anymore no you should be fine so i can do whatever i want well yeah i mean as long as you have the bubble wrap on oh thanks daddy out out out all right now daddy says i can do whatever i want without getting hurt i'm gonna do what i've always wanted to do jump off the roof oh it's gonna be so fun i got my ladder and up i go oh yeah all right i made it uh i could go to the very top of the roof but i don't got the energy for that oh oh man this is a long way up well i'm gonna do what i've always wanted to do oh jumping down green veins oh oh oh oh man that definitely didn't hurt yo couldn't feel a thing daddy was right ow my spine all right what's next oh jimmy are you sure about this i don't know if you can take this i can take it morty i can take it oh but it doesn't really hurt it's metal well morty look at me i got bubble wrap all over me hit me right in the gut morty i'm sure i can do it oh okay if you insist all right oh oh oh oh oh oh all right morty ow ow ow all right morty oh was that good that was more than good morning couldn't feel a thing because that looked like it really hurt no it didn't hurt definitely didn't hurt okay good because you didn't specify how many times i was supposed to hit you so i just thought i could do it a bunch of times that was good morty oh oh that kind of hurt but not really i got the bubble wrap so nothing can hurt me oh man i'm gonna go find cuphead and i'm gonna go ride this skateboard for real this time it's gonna be so fun and cuphead can't do anything to me because i got the bubble wrap on all right where's cuphead at oh man escape what are you doing in my way loser i won't ride the board get off now you already fell off the first time you're not getting back on i am no you're not it's my board yeah yeah why you got my helmet when you hit your head i took your helmet oh jeez you want to go you wanna go for round two yeah oh oh oh oh how would that feel it felt great thanks oh are you sure you want round three no i'm good thank you did i forget to pay the taxes this year oh why you look hurt jeffy oh daddy i screwed up screwed up how'd you screw up well i fell off the roof got hit by a baseball bat and got beat up by cuphead and i felt every single hit oh wait a minute jeffy did you actually seek out danger well yeah cause i got the bubble wrap i thought i'd be fine but no wait no you're not supposed to go look for danger jeffy it's just there just in case something bad happens oh well you should have told me that because i thought i was going to be invincible but no it really hurt all right look most of it's popped anyway let's just get it off of you okay all right jeffy now that we have that bubble wrap off you do you feel any better well i still hurt a little bit but i feel much much better okay good all right daddy i'm gonna go outside and go beat up cuphead wait wait chubby what you can't go outside wait why because you need more bubble wrap if you want to go outside you've been putting on bubble wrap all right look fine i wasn't going to tell you but you know how you lost all your brain cells in that accident today oh my gosh well look you legally can't go outside without bubble wrap wait why because now at your iqs and the negatives you can't go outside without bubble wrap it's the law quite frankly it's a miracle that you can even speak yes that oh well daddy i'm not dumb i swear well jackie your iqs and the negatives i don't know what to tell you how can i prove you're different you could take an iq test or something in an iq test how do i do it all right i'll call them up i'll get your iq test okay great all right jeffy here's your iq test well i do you answer the questions how i do that with the marker when when it starts was it start i don't know in like two minutes or something oh all right look you do your test and when you're done you sit here and wait for me to pick it up because i'm going to take my iq test well you're taking one too yes i want to see what my iq is oh i'm about mine gonna be bearing yours probably not all right look just start it and i'll be back okay all right let's do this all right time to take my iq test all right question one how many letters are in the output hub bet uh uh i don't know bet here we go bet all right question two what is two plus two oh that one's easy it's four uh wait wait a minute i remember during homework it's not four um baby two baby two what baby what are you talking because you have a mommy two and a day two and they had a baby and it's a baby too oh yeah it's baby two so it's gonna be b all right question three what is the color of an apple uh a color of an apple uh um that looks pretty good three hours later all right finally finished my iq test oh man i did so good on it i'm gonna get an a plus jeffy jeffy it's been a while are you done sure am jeffy what is this what you're submitting well yeah it's my iq test all right what is this what do you mean what is it what did you do to it i don't know i did it dad i'm gonna get such a good score it's gonna be past infinity are you confident in your answers i am very very confident my answers all right well i'm not let's just get this thing turned in all right great jeffy our iq test results came in the mail well they did oh i'm kind of nervous daddy if i got a negative score i can't go outside without bubble wrap yeah that's true but let's see we got okay all right good score good score your score is a one no a one if you got a one is that good no that's awful but it's not a negative number so that means i get to go outside yeah now you don't need bubble wrap oh great oh i'm so happy all right oh wait i gotta see what mine is okay mine is one i hey well oh man oh daddy you know what that means all right daddy time for your daily walk and then we gotta go take your bath oh you love the baths don't you we're gonna have a good dinner tonight too mr negative 26.
Channel: Kable10
Views: 1,517,539
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vp-1QdOsZV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2020
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