SML Movie: Jeffy Learns Manners!

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[Music] yo yo yo what it is daddy these streets is hard and i gotta stay strapped so you better run them pockets before i bust a cap you're not gonna bust a cap jeffy well jeffy don't shoot me with your stupid toy that hurt that was just a warning shot daddy to let you know i'm here to let me know you're here i know you're here jeffy that was really close to my eye there's no iron team sucka what jeffy that is what i'm taking away your toys daddy don't take my toy no you're not getting your toy back give me my toy back no i should give it back jeffy use your manners manners what are those say please i don't know i don't want to say that word jeffy just say please all right jeffy you can say it it's one simple word all you gotta do is make it come out of your mouth you can do this [Music] jeffy just say it just say please jeffy jeffy [Applause] say it say it please please please please please jeffy please please say it please please bury the blind bush but perry the platypus takes my words to say please just say please dang i can't say that word that you're never gonna get your toy back oh rosalina what should i do with this choice he's never gonna get it back oh i got an idea why aren't you cramming up your cramhole jeffy you don't say that word do not say that word oh what word cram-hole you do not say that was a very bad word cram old cram whole cranberry cram-hole cram-hole what is a crim hole it is a hole in which things can be crammed wait cram-hole don't say that word anymore jeffy well you have a cram hole and mommy has two cram holes and you guys can take this toy and shove it up all three of your cram holes that is that debbie you are grounded okay we need to get some help i can't deal with jeffy's behavior mario maybe we should call the doctor and he can help jeffy get manners yes go call a doctor right now okay call him right now hey there somebody call a doctor oh thank god you're here doctor what you're wearing a mcdonald's uniform oh yeah i just got off my shift to mcdonald's but i mean the m could stand for medical doctor well can you please just go change it to your doctor outfit because you smell bad well yeah i smell like chicken nuggies yeah i can do that hey can i use your shower though i don't want to go all the way back home use my shower yeah it'll be real quick i promise i just gotta you know like shampoo and condition and shave everywhere like like between the cheeks because you know i don't want to be like a fluffy cat and get poop stuck in my hair and then i gotta cut it out with scissors that's the whole thing yeah hey do you have any wax paper okay use the shower real quick just go okay okay jeffy you can see it i can't say it mommy what's taking them so long uh hey hey you're done with your shower no hey do you have a problem with your hot water because it's cold now you were in there for 45 minutes i was yes oh i guess i shouldn't have been on my phone the whole time you're supposed to be taking a shower well i was gonna but hey do you have a new bar of soap because it's like a there's like a hair that's on the bar of soap that's in there it's soap yeah but it's like dirty soap because if you clean your butt with that soap and i clean my butt with that soap it's like i cleaned my butt with your butt and that will butt buddies and i don't want that oh i think that was my barf soap i'd still prefer a new bar so there's new bars of soap under the sink hurry okay cool but also your toilet is clogged how well see i couldn't find any wax paper so i just used duct tape instead and then i tried to flush it and apparently you're not supposed to flush duct tape because it clogged up the toilet well then fix it well i can't fix it because i don't have my plumber outfit oh oh by the way do you have any rash cream because like i tried to wax with the duct tape and apparently you're not supposed to do that because it's all itchy and it burns just please go finish your shower right now just go but but but the water is still cold but i don't care take a cold shower well but don't you have like an endless hot water heater i mean my apartment complex has one then go take a shower your apartment like you should have done no i mean i'm already here and i'm already naked hey are you running the dishwasher because that might be why it's cold just go take a shower okay i'll go take a cold shower then gee oh hey there somebody call a very cold and well-shaped doctor yes listen my son jeff oh if i had teeth they'd be chattering right now i understand you're cold listen my son i think i have hypothermia get up your breath smells like garlic i was trying to warm you up look my son jeffy doesn't have manners so i was wondering if you could teach him manners teach him manners no i don't have time for that you're a terrible parent i was just hoping that you could teach him because you're a doctor you know i can't teach him manas but i can't inject him with mayonnaise inject him with manners yeah this is 300 cc's of manas straight into his bloodstream do you think it'll work i don't know let's try it come here jeffy i know not i didn't have to yeah those are some pretty terrible madness all right let's try it all right let's see what happens is it gonna work give it time please please please please please please thank you please please yes ma'am no ma'am yes sir no sir may i hold the door for you sure it worked yeah but it doesn't last very long and the withdrawal sucks with the withdrawals why am i so itchy cram hole heck okay we'll give them another one oh i don't know about that these shots are 500 bucks a pop 500 for 10 seconds what a scam yeah i know that's what i said to her but oh wait you're talking about the shot yeah yeah it is it is a rip-off you're right i don't want to pay 500 per shot is there another option well uh for uh oh oh uh for 250 dollars an hour i have a robot that could teach a man a robot that can teach a manners yeah yeah he's called uh mobot mobot i've never heard of a mobot well he's real and he's new and and i i have him in my car oh mario he has it in his car we should do that but it's 250 an hour baby we would only need it for a couple hours mario six six six hours is what is what i would recommend for the robot in your son cash okay he takes cash okay if it'll tease jeffy manners then we'll do it really he'll do it yeah we'll do it go get him okay cool yeah i'll just go get him yeah go to your car and get them but um you know what no no i actually actually have to have them delivered but he's in your car just go get them yeah but my car is not here i took an uber here and my car is at home so i got to go home get my car it's a whole thing but uh there's going to be a ring on your doorbell and then the box is going to be there and the robot's going to be in the box and it's very important that you open the box as fast as you can because there's no air holes in the box because he's a robot and he is also claustrophobic so so please make sure you open the box as fast as you can when it shows up okay why don't you just bring us the box into the room nope nope can't can't do that that's not nope i'm busy i have things to do so the just when the doorbell rings you get the box you open the box got it okay i'll open the box over the box all right okay okay all right just gotta ring the doorbell get in the box put on the mask and wait okay i can do this i don't have to be in the box for that long all right let's go that must be mobot it is all right baby i got the package that's awesome mario you should open it up yeah open it oh i think i hear the robot inside oh i want to hear you know what would be cooler than hearing a robot seeing a robot open the box i heard it mario hey daddy i want to hear the robot please open the box unclaustrophobic oh yeah i forgot he's claustrophobic okay i got all of it oh there's tape uh how do i open it oh i have a knife mario a knife yeah you open it okay no no no no no no stop that stop stop dab jesus christ no just open it from the top i mean open it from the top oh yeah open up on the top okay okay big boop i am mobot oh that's so cool oh we got the robot i'm gonna get you out of there okay whoa that's so cool a real robot i am mobot the mana is teaching robot nice to meet you i've never seen a robot before yeah daddy is he gonna take over the world i don't know mobot how do we get started well first you give mobot 250 dollars oh yeah i forgot i have to pay mobile here's the money um do you like insert it or something or uh mobot needs to use the bathroom use the bathroom it is hot oh yeah i'll take that money now i thought mobile needs the money uh he does but uh i i have to take it to him because uh he's recharging and i'm a doctor okay i'll just take this thank you okay thank you for the money i i will start teaching manners now okay jeffy repeat after me please peace very good he said peace not please i'm pretty sure he said please he said peas look man who's the robot me or you okay fine okay let's try another one now say thank you thank you very good he didn't say thank you he said spank you hey i'm a robot i have very good hearing no he said spank you not thank you no i'm pretty sure he said spank you he said spank you yes he said spank you wait no no thank you is what he said he said but you got it right i'm a robot i'm always right now who wants to go learn manners in the kitchen i do follow me all right jeffy here's your green beans i hate green beans daddy no no no that's bad manners you should say thank you dad for this scrumptious meal but these green beans show and take your elbows off the table that's bad manners well why don't you take your microwave off the table that's bad manners robot is very sensitive about his weight and drink your water because that's good manners but don't slurp it because that would be bad manners well you want to know what i think bad man is very bad manners jeffy do not do that stop it okay all of this all of this is bad man wait you're a robot shouldn't you like short circuit uh yeah this is this this is oh no i i need more money for repairs i have 250 more dollars hold on [Applause] so wet that's even harder to take off stupid kid okay give me the money what where's mobile he's just he's recharging again just give me the money okay oh god this is so stressful but 250 dollars an hour this is worth it we're on here hey hey hey hey no no no robot is changing it's recharging hey no open the door what's going on what'd i just see hold on the robot's getting ready open the door hey it's me mobo the man is teaching robot what's going on oh okay look when you kid through walking you know i think you know what i think's going on i think you want to scam us out of money so you dress like a robot to pretend that you know how to teach manners no no come on i wouldn't i would never do that to you guys no look what happened was that when you saw him through water on mobot he broke and i couldn't fix him so i was gonna wear him like a suit and try to trick you into thinking that i was the robot but i mean that would never work yeah we would never fall for that we wouldn't know if it was you in a costume yeah yeah yeah of course you would yeah we're not stupid here yeah uh but see the problem is that because your son broke mobot you owe me the rest of the thousand dollars so i can fit so i can fix them oh oh okay i mean i did see my son breaking by throwing water on him yeah yeah exactly that's why you need all that money okay i'll give you the money i mean jeffy kind of learned manners right yeah yeah yeah he's great sorry for breaking your robot come on no problem 900 950 1000. here you go thank you and i will use this money to fix mobot jeffy that was very bad of you to break this man's robot yeah jeffy sorry what jeffy just said sorry that's manners hey look what i did i mean what mobot did uh i did my job it's time for me to go jeffy i can't believe you learned manners jeffy i'm so proud of you fork was so stressful oh hi boingy how was work pretty good karen we're actually going to be able to pay our water bill this month so i can actually take showers here again um boingy how come you're in my halloween costume oh uh today was wacky work wednesday oh okay uh is there anything you need me to do boyd no you can just run along and be you [Music] sliss [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 14,038,529
Rating: 4.8537855 out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, learns, manners, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, rosalina, green beans, robot, puppet, hilarious, comedy, skit, entertainment, friends, super mario, mario, video games, brooklyn guy, doctor
Id: CdxHSQix1do
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 10 2020
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