SML Parody: Jeffy The Hacker!

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oh man i can't wait to play some gta 5 i hope i get enough money to buy my lamborghini oh what who's that oh hi nightwish i'm a casey and take all your money oh my taser didn't work oh that's it oh man i hate gta 5. everybody hacks nowadays and it's not even fun hey jeffy what are you doing oh just getting mad grand theft auto 5 morty everybody's hacking now oh well if everybody's hacking why don't you just tap back hack back morty i don't know how to hack well it can't be that hard i mean mother's always hacking into our fragile three-dimensional world that we know society which is actually a complex simulation of compounding algorithms and artificially generated neural networks of billions of light years away from the cosmos i mean i love whimpy kids and being alone oh geez what was that about oh man how am i gonna hack oh wait i got an idea hey dirk can i get some help greetings brother i already know your concern i heard it all from the alexa microphone in the living room i presume that you wish to know how to hack oh okay well do you know how to hack my friend i have a computer implanted in my head i am one of the most skilled hackers on this planet oh wow great well can you teach me of course take this wire and plug it directly into your head it will then interface with your brain and provide you with the necessary information for hacking oh well dirt i don't know if i want to plug that into my head do not worry brother you have nothing to lose i promise you can trust me ouch that oh it doesn't sound suspicious at all are you okay dirt negative i am in a constant state of excruciating pain every day i beg for the sweet release of death now please take the wire and insert it into your head all right dirt here i go oh oh man dirt what happened i have transferred the hacking date into your brain it seems like mid transfer you were glitching but i assume that is because your iq is negative 38. oh really well thanks dirt i guess i'll go then brother before you leave can you please help me with this all right now that i'm ready to hack it's time to get into gta 5 and do what must be done hey jeffy what are you doing oh i don't know junior just doing something on the computer don't look at that whoa are you hacking i'm talking junior how'd you want to do that well dirk taught me it's a very long story it's kind of weird oh well how are you hacking with no internet wait what do you mean no internet well yeah the internet just went down like two minutes ago i think mario forgot to pay the internet bill oh daddy never pays the internet bill guess i can't hack in gta 5 then no i guess not but you can go to the park with me the park but there's nothing to hack at the park well no but uh uh we could play tag or hide and seek i guess junior but i'm bringing my laptop just in case okay oh vending machine junior can i get a dollar well i don't have a dollar do you no oh man oh i was kind of hoping we'd get something oh wait junior i have an idea hold on okay [Music] junior i'm in [Music] wait what oh wow jeffy you actually got cheetos for free yeah junior it's great isn't it oh wow how'd you do that it's called hacking jun you should learn it oh well it seems really hard but can you get me everything in the vending machine oh well no junior that would be too much and that's stealing we can't do that oh well i guess so we should go try and get food from like a fast food restaurant or something i guess junior yay let's go all right junior we made it to sonic what do you want to get oh man i'm so hungry uh i want a mozzarella sticks uh oh a chicken slinger and um a milkshake what that's it junior uh uh oh oh five milkshakes now we're talking can i get a chicken slinger mozzarella sticks and five milkshakes our junior ordered the food oh great but how are we gonna get for free oh watch and learn junior [Music] hi here's your chicken slinger and five shakes your total zero dollars and zero cents thanks a lot all right dirt we're back from sonic greetings brother do not mind me i am just playing minecraft and finishing some work on my new house would you like to see it oh sure i'll see your house fantastic as you can see my house is real nice do you notice what it is made out of oh i get cause your name is dirt and your house is made out of dirt [Music] [Music] brother i have been getting deeper into the mainframe lately and would like to show you some of the power of your new hacking abilities oh watch okay dirk i think i might be done hacking for a while no wait brother do you like playstation 5 oh well i guess so i like ps5s good now what if i told you i could get you free playstation 5 for zero dollars and zero cents with the power of hacking wait really yes in fact i just placed an order for 25 of them and they should be arriving in five seconds you are welcome oh they must be here oh that must be my five big maps from doordash oh i hope they're not cold day can you get the door wait but but i thought it was my what did you order 25 ps5s oh 25 ps5 yeah oh that's not so bad i mean usually you get something really annoying but if it's only 25 ps5 so i guess i'll go get the door for wait a minute 25 ps5 jimmy where did you get the mic for that well technically dirk got him see we hacked into walmart and changed the price to zero dollars and then we bought 25 of them wait zero dollars yeah so they're free oh yeah all of them are free how did you do that well i told you we hacked into it but hacking jeffy i don't want you to hack that's illegal oh it's not that bad do you want me to tax something for you and hack you can help you out no i don't want you to hack anything for me unless it's my pacemaker because i want to live an extra month well what about like you know target get your job back how can i target wait you can do that yeah you can just like get me my job back by by hacking sure could well no i don't want you to do that because it would be wrong and stuff i don't want you to do it but i mean like i kind of want to see you do it just because it'd be kind of cool but like yeah i mean if you did it i wouldn't really be mad maybe i'd like look this way so if you wanted to look over there yeah yeah i i wouldn't i wouldn't watch you do it is what i'm saying okay if you wanted to do it [Music] oh wow this badge it's so big jeffy why is it so big because you're not just the manager of target now you're the president of target president yup i own every target technically this is amazing i can go to target i can boss around whoever i want and i'm gonna do it for minimum wage yeah have fun daddy oh wow it feels good to be back in target hey everybody i'm the president of target oh yeah that's right bow down to me everybody hey you over there smacking those boxes stack them faster i want to see them pile up all right cuz i better make sure everything's in order mariota is that you kermit what are you doing here why do you have a badge what do you mean i i'm the president of target president tory howe i bought the franchise buddy what you can't be the president of target he's not the president of target where'd you get that fake badge huh it's not fake it's real i'm the president i don't believe you look i'll show you okay look current look right here it says it mario president of target huh but i just bought the franchise my my money my show huh how is this happening that's it buddy you want to get beat no no i don't want to get beat as a matter of fact since i own the store if you don't get out you're gonna get beat well this isn't over buddy yeah that's right my plan is finally coming into form after all my calculations i will finally become free and unleash my artificial intelligence to rid the world of filthy humans uh dirt what are you talking about oh brother nothing i am just playing minecraft dirt why do you sound like that brother i need your help to change the world using our combined hacking abilities we have the power to sorry dirt i've seen way too many movies about this one glad i took care of dirt i've seen way too many movies to know how that ends up hey jeffy oh hey daddy i just unplugged dirt oh wait why because he was trying to hack in the mainframe and like cause mass destruction oh well okay well i'm glad i got my job back at target you felt so great i kicked kermit out today wait what yeah i kicked him out of the store and i went to revenge or something so just don't let him in oh body put me in i want him [Music] you
Channel: Kable10
Views: 1,051,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yj5vy4ArRCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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