SML Parody: Jeffy Goes Camping 2!

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all right goodbye old house can't believe i lost it again all right everybody do you have your bags ready oh hey dad where are we going again jeffy if i told you where we're going you wouldn't want to go that's not true you got to tell me dad where are we going ah all right so you know how he went camping that one time yeah well we're going back wait to your old house yes back to my old house uh daddy i'm not going back there you remember how it happened last time no what happened last time we got run run is everybody in the car come on go let's start this thing up and get out of here oh daddy i'm not going back there that's horrifying well we can't go on the tesla you spilled ice cream all over morty's seats and now he doesn't want us in there well that's true and i crapped on the seat yeah and you rubbed it in too you didn't even just leave it there why don't we just go in the streets because if we go on the streets it'll be just as dangerous as sleeping in the woods that's not completely true yes there's a lot of crazy people on the streets i'd rather stay nice and safe in my cabin hard fine but if i see a scary man i'm booking it fine let's go all right everybody are you guys ready to go oh maury can we just stand a tesla this bed's so comfortable it can fit everybody no you can't stay in the tesla you ruined my seats you creamed up the vent and i'm pretty sure you broke a window and you're sure to make me crash the car while i'm driving all right fine all right here we go all right jeffy we're here jeffy what are you doing i don't wanna look it's okay to look there's no one here dad i know he's gonna be here when i look around no he's not gonna be here that i i ate him that's why he's not here you you what i ate him he was good too i know you're big and round but there's no way you ate them whatever jeffy come on let's just go inside okay fine ah we're finally back home jeffy isn't it great it's not that good well jeffy look at it it looks like home ah it smells like home daddy it smells like mold ah whatever jeffy oh there's my bed ah wow jeffy look at my bed still the same as last time ah and it still smells the same too why would you do that because i like the smell of it it's nostalgic that's disgusting it's not that bad look give it a smell i'm not daddy could go home no we're not going home this is home now oh i hate it jeffy if you don't start saying nice things about my old house then i'll make you sleep outside oh wow daddy i never realized how nice the walls look on the floorboards the bed is nice still not smell it though all right well you tried what's that over there huh all right where's my pencil sharpener i can't wait to play with it again what where is it someone stole it someone stole my pencil sharpener oh it's sad ah this is stupid i wanted to play with it again daddy what's that what's what are you making fun of my walls again they're not dumpy jeffy well they are very dumpy and you got pipes in here but i'm talking about the piece of paper what what piece of paper right here a piece of paper what what the heck is this doing here 2758 what is that for nuclear launch codes wait a minute luigi luigi guess what what i just closed my first game today wait a game where is it what's an arcade machine it's called donkey kong oh wow can i be in it but no you can't be my game never ever it's my games only you're never allowed in them oh man well where is it well it's an arcade machine and people go to it and they put quarters in there and i get the profit from it oh wow so that must make a lot of money yeah it does i don't know how much it made yet but i should be getting a check soon oh wow wait a minute someone's at the door that must be your money oh boy are you going to see it [Music] oh this is a joke right this isn't a joke this is my money no it's not you're pulling my leg pull my leg and at that point you're like look look at my money oh my god i've never i've never seen this much money in my life i there's literally tens of thousands of dollars in there oh my goodness i'm gonna throw up luigi we can buy anything we want we get out of this filthy dump what's a dump this house is a dump it's terrible look at it yeah this kind of a dump oh come on let's get the money oh my gosh i gotta jump for joy come on we're gonna be rich we're rich wait a minute what luigi yeah why did we just leave millions of dollars on the porch with no one watching it because we are very very irresponsible let's go get it sorry luigi where's my money i knew this was going to happen you took my money didn't you i was going to do you idiot why would i take your money oh you're right someone took my money oh mom we gotta tell mom come on mom oh so took my millions of dollars you know what my millions of dollars i got from my game well i saw the money on the front porch so i took it and put in the safe wait you what i don't want you to blow it so i put it in the safe and i buried it mom it's my money where'd you bury it i don't know somewhere in the yard no do you have a code yeah i forgot what it was oh what a key i lost it oh my money [Music] jeffy what i just had the biggest brain blast i've ever had my whole life what's that it's a brain blast you know what that is should i call 9-1-1 no no don't call number one look i know what this code is for what's it for it's for a safe right and it's been hidden around this house and it has an ungodly amount of money in it wait how well you see when i was a youngster i took a job for nintendo right and i got paid big and my mom took the money and she put it in the safe and she hit it we need to find that safe all right daddy let's find it all right get the shovel in let's dig all right everybody there's a money safe around this house somewhere we have to find it so we can get back home all right so everybody take a shovel and start digging around the house we have to find this thing fast [Music] i'm digging mario i'll find that money for you don't worry mario i'll find your money for you and then i'll keep it where's that money oh man daddy i'm digging gotta keep watch though i'm not getting slick tonight [Music] all right jeffy i got you one of these walkie-talkies you're so scared of the monster guy alright but yeah i don't go back in the woods it's scary well that's why i got you one of these you take one and if you see anything in the woods then you call me on the walkie-talkie got it do i have to yes you have to jeffy we need to find this money do you want to get out of here well if it means i gotta go in the woods no i'm perfectly happy staying here jeffy well i really want that money i want to live a good life and i mean i love my house don't get me wrong but i need to get back to our house so let me get that money and you're gonna help me fine can i get half no you can't get half quarter maybe no oh fine you can get a cent ascent from the safe how about that you guys hearing this jeffy just take the walkie-talkie all right fine [Music] jeffy jeffy are you okay daddy i'm running jeffy don't run look for my money i think he's after me i gotta go if you run away and don't file my money you're not going back inside the house are you serious yes i'm serious okay fine i'm looking for the money again dirt leaves the rocks nothing jeffy make sure you look around start digging holes or something it's around the house oh you gotta hit it i don't have any since my mom didn't tell me anything where's your mom at anyway why can't she help well uh she's um not that's not the point jeffy look i'm definitely looking for the money so you should be looking for it too all right that's all that matters uh oh what daddy i'm running back home jeffy no ah jeffy daddy he's following me i know he is jeffy there's nobody out there following you i've been watching everybody dig for treasure i haven't seen a single puppet following you you're delusional i am what there's nobody there you didn't see that there's nothing there look oh i don't see anything you're losing your mind jeffy stop running away you're being ridiculous wait a minute who are you all right look sir you're really freaky looking you're scaring my son all right and i'm just trying to look for barry treasure you know my safe was around here somewhere so can you just leave him alone what are you pointing at what is there something in the ground wait a minute you pointing at my safe well if you're right about this then i gotta start digging i hope my money's down here i really do hope i hope you're right sir all right time to start digging oh my is that it is that weird puppet guy was right that's my safe oh man i hope that combination works i gotta get inside all right i got my safe out of the ground i know this thing up at least i hope it's my safe anyway i don't know anyone else would bury my safe around my house but still kinda open this thing up all right the coach should be two seven five eight and open it up okay come to pop-up money what no it's not opening what am i gonna do oh i just forgot for success all right time to see my winnings oh oh my god that's a lot of money i forgot how much money that was i'm rich again i'm rich i can buy back the house i can get anything i want guys we need to get back in the car let's go home [Music] there you go
Channel: Kable10
Views: 1,952,446
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Imv0fON-T24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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