SML Parody: Jeffy's House Arrest!

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and so there I was mate sitting in a bush five players left and I had all legendary loot I even had the riot shield I knew this win was going to be in the bag but then all of a sudden my controller died on me and I had to find the C that's really cool and all but can you tell me your fortnite stories after work cuz we're already behind this week well okay mate but how about while we wait for something to happen we play a little bit of Minecraft look I already got it pulled up very tempting Simmons but we haven't made enough arrests this week for our quota so we should stop goofing off and actually get work done cuz I hate the break to you the reason that we're behind is cuz you keep procrastinating so you don't want to play fortnite with me later well I do but after work Simmons I mean this neighborhood is too safe nobody commits crimes anymore should I drive to the ghetto then uh maybe I don't know what about her but may she hasn't done anything I know Simmons but maybe we uh we cause some problems to solve some problems you know what I'm saying no okay well I got some evidence back at the station from a locker that I had the key to and I'm not saying we set her up maybe we just you want to do some rock candy well why don't you just say so pass me some no Simmons I don't want to do the rock candy I'm saying what if we plant the rock candy on the old lady and then we arrest her for it and then we get to go back home and play some fortnite yes and we get to play some fortnite uh I mean I guess it could work mate but she doesn't really seem like the Walter White type yeah she is a little old and she probably has a lot of money which means she has a good lawyer we need to find somebody young and stupid uh I don't know we can find someone like that m H oh oh and might what about that guy over there oh my God Simmons you're a genius that Jeffy kid is just old enough to get arrested and he's an idiot so no one's really going to Care oh my God I'll put in my disguise all right mate Hey kid over here I got something for you hey hey buddy what's going on playing Minecraft in real life oh yeah that's cool Hey listen you uh you trying to uh you're trying to buy some good stuff real quick I got some stuff I'm selling um well Daddy says don't buy candy from strange Rangers plus I don't even have any money well hey that's all right that's all right hey for today today only it's your lucky day cuz I'm giving out I'm giving out free samples if you know what I mean you trying to get some you you want some cuz I'll give it to you is that rock candy uh sure why do you have a police badge on but what oh um that's that's not mine that's I'm holding it for a buddy of mine uh he's a cop I I'm not I'm no op Hey Hey listen I I was just it's not my you don't have to worry about that hey let me just give you let me give you a free sample real quick d for the free rock candy Mister yeah don't worry about it remember kid that's yours that that's not mine it never was I never gave it to you and uh yeah it's yours now it's it's your possession not mine all right that right there Simmons is textbook drug dealing that is exactly how you get somebody hooked from the get-go oh might you didn't arrest him though I didn't ARR oh my God you're right I'm such an idiot how did I forget about that I mean Simmons it's a problem because sometimes I actually do deal drugs I mean I don't I'm a cop but I like I I dabble so like every now and then like if I need the extra money and Karen needs like a new handbag I'll like you know I'll get the uh you know I'm not I'm not I'm not a Walter White but I now he's getting away not if I have anything to say about it oh man I can't believe I got this rock candy completely for free can't wait to try it it's going to taste so good oh I might stop right there I didn't do anything wrong you're under arrest for possessing drugs I don't have drugs oh yeah you do they're Rock there in your diaper uh no that's rock candy the guy just gave me for free he's resisting arrest no ow ow ow ow ow ow ah perfect hey man oh hey Brooklyn guy look what I just put on the wall over there you just TR to see it oh wow that's that's actually really nice you got my good side too I like that I know I know it looks great Hey listen your son's under arrest for possession of drugs and assaulting a police officer Jeffy why I can answer that basically he's a teenager you know he he's getting in with the wrong crowd making poor decisions um don't look into the police report but yeah he had drugs and we uh we got him for it but don't worry okay he's not going to Big Boy jail he's actually under house arrest for like the next month so you got to make sure he doesn't leave the house wait so he's going to be here with me for a whole month yeah but he'll be fine we we had to talk with him he's going to be good okay we got an ankle monitor you just got to make sure he doesn't leave the house and then he'll be good in like a month okay well I'm so sorry he did that I mean how do he even get the drugs oh you I I I don't know you'd have to ask him well actually I don't know if he knows no he does but like I don't know just don't look into it okay I got to go oh wait wait wait broken guy yeah uh do you want to go bowling with me tonight oh yeah wait no I got fortnite with Simmons we'll go uh we'll go we'll go on Saturday okay sure yeah oh my God honestly Jeffy this is so stupid how Jeffy how did you get drugs I didn't even do anything dad I didn't gave it to me but who gave it to you was that PJ kid oh I knew he was a bad influence you shouldn't hang out with him anymore no it wasn't PJ it was a cops Daddy they gave me the rock candy what the cops would not give you drugs Jeffy Brooklyn guy would not do that of course he did why don't you believe me because you're always doing bad things like this D why did they put this on my leg because you're not supposed to leave the house and that's to make sure you stay inside oh my God it's going to blow up if I leave no it's not going to blow up it's just going to beep great now I can't even use the bathroom I just stopped crapping in my diaper now I'm have to start doing it again what no no you can use the bathroom that's been you crapping on my lawn wait Dad how am I going to go to school you're not going to school you got suspended for throwing green beans at everybody remember ah beautiful continuity what Daddy I'm guessing I can't play fortnite either yes you can play fortnite really yes as long as you stay inside you can play fortnite all you want you have a month to play start buying rock candy all the time if that's the case no no you're going to be on your best behavior for a mon wa wait Daddy what if I want to go hunting what hunting you want to go hunting yeah what if I want to go hunting you you have never ever once shown any interest in going hunting why do you want to go now I don't know what if I want to start learning how to do it then you wait a month what if I want to do it right now I don't want to do it a month then I don't know play a video game about H I'm going to go hunt people in fortnite okay Tom to play fortnite I'm bored I want donuts oh I wish Daddy actually bought food well guess I got to go get donuts myself oh God you everything myself I didn't do anything kid what are you doing we went over this you're on house arrest that means you can't leave your house what are you doing out I didn't even do anything wrong I just wanted donuts oh actually I do want some donuts though mate that would be pretty no Simmon shut up we're not his Uber e delivery driver he's on house arrest we're not going to deliver him donuts to his front door please oh stay inside if you get me donuts I promise oh come on M I know you want some donuts you were telling me about it in the car oh whatever okay all right if I get a Bost and cream we'll do it once but that's it that's it oh hey Daddy what doing how did you get these can I can I have one please pleas please I really want the Boston cream one it looks so good H I don't know Daddy what are you making for dinner tonight probably green beans unless you don't want green beans you you don't have to eat green beans tonight maybe uh maybe get some pizza you like pizza right not really really want the Boston cream donut dad you really want that Boston cream I do I'll do anything for it please can I just have it please wait wait a minute Jeffy how did you get these Donuts uh door Dash uh Uber Eats uh I ordered them for delivery H you know what I'm just going to take this doughnut then and leave it at that nobody has to question anything oh my those were some good Donuts right uh Simmons where's mine oh I saved you a piece right there that's it I I get a bite and that's all the donuts I get you bought a dozen where' they all go oh well I gave half to the kid and then I had the other half you had six donuts why'd you give him six I just want a Boston cream Simmy oh oh the Boston cream I I I forgot you wanted that Jesus okay well I'm not going back in there to ask him for them cuz he's going to make me stay and it's going to be a whole thing so let's just go home and place some fortnite yes we'll play fortnite all right let's go mate okay all right Simmons you're ready to squat up for some fortnite Hey listen can we please do no build I am not trying to get sweated on tonight I want a nice relaxing evening maybe afterwards we'll do some Lego fortnite or what's the one that you like with the uh the instruments the the Guitar Hero knockoff I don't know we can do that what oh come on come on oh Simmons the kid broke out of his house again I'll get the squad car heated up oh God Hey kid what are you doing no no you stay in the house no no no don't no no bad go no back in hey stop it stop it right now no listen kid every time you do that my phone goes off and I got to come all the way down here to make sure you didn't leave the house so you got to stay in from now on sorry I was just testing it out um hey can I get some more donuts come on for me me and Simmons were tired okay we worked a lot and and I know you're not happy but it it's just it's part of the law okay so you you stay inside okay so me and Simmons can go home and then and then you're going to be okay fine I won't do it again geez hey Jeffy I was going to kick the soccer ball at the soccer field you want to come with me yeah I want to go Junior oh wait I can why because I'm on house arrest for something I didn't even do and I have to wear this dumb ankle monitor and they'll know if I leave the house oh well that sucks why don't you just take it off because Junior I haven't thought of that yet wait Junior that's actually really smart I know we can just leave it here and they'll never even know you left they will have no idea okay Junior help me take it off okay all right Jeffy are you ready to play some soccer oh yeah Junior you're going to get owned no I'm going to beat you you get that side I get this side all right Jeffy Jeffy where'd you go you better not have left the house house oh my God where did he go wait that's it I'll just track his ankle monitor oh man please don't tell me he left the house what wait a minute says he's this way Jeffy come here Jeffy where are you wait a minute it says his ankle monitor's in here what's he doing in here it says he's right here wait wait a minute Morty what are you doing in Bowser's closet huh what oh hey Mario what are you doing with jeffy's ankle monitor where'd he go oh well he wanted to go play soccer with Junior at the soccer field so he told me to wear his cool bracelet for him doesn't it look cool he what Jeffy why' you leave the house and why' you take your ankle monitor off Daddy what are you doing here you idiot why did you bring my ankle monitor now they're going to know where we are because you you you I oh oh oh yeah that that is my bad I did not think that through no come on BR no one more chance one I gave him I gave him three CH jail no he didn't know what he was doing okay maybe he should have learned his lesson after the first two times I mean I don't want to tell you anymore he's dumb you know that oh you don't have to tell me that this kid's an idiot I bet he didn't even use the rock can candy I gave him what what he's an idiot I don't know what he's doing he's just no no no no no no what did you just say what that he's just not he's going to jail no you said that you gave him the raw candy yeah well no I didn't I didn't give you gave him that no I arrested him for he told me that you gave that to him you I didn't believe him no I don't know what you I don't know what you mean I I something funny what's wrong oh my God I'm rich Jeffy we're rich I can buy that yacht I always wanted I can get out of this stupid house oh my God we're rich did I miss something why are you rich oh you're getting sued you were getting your pants sued off if you had any pants oh my God we're rich oh my this is awesome thank you so much for this you don't have to sue me I mean it's not my fault you know what you know what let's throw another million there for my paint and suffing for him to deal with him all day well I'm going to get fired if you do that I mean I don't care buddies you know what that picture of us that picture see this right here our best friend's portrait not anymore come on not the picture frame man why'd you have to do that it was so nice we're not buddies anymore so I might as well just burn the picture frame don't say that we're still friends I mean come on we have bowling on Saturday nope the only thing I have on Saturday is get get paid okay no we don't have to do that okay listen I'll tell Simmons we'll forget all about this we'll arrest somebody else okay to reach our quota and then uh none of this ever happened no no I want my money I want my pain and suffering money Jeffy needs some money too okay well listen I I I'll burn the police report okay there's no evidence get him get him get him get him I deserve [Music] this [Music] m
Channel: Kable10
Views: 242,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CyZQjG-gkBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2024
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