SML Parody: Jeffy's Credit Card!

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time for my weekly target run oh man now that i'm on that disney plus i got that disney money i'm gonna buy so much stuff but i can't let miss piggy find out or she's gonna be like gucci is louie that i can't have that we're gonna have to get a divorce all right well time to go and buy some stuff oh i can't believe it's bringing your kid to work day man i hate this day all right jeffy you're going to sit in my office today you're not going to touch anything you're not going to look at anything and you're not going to talk to anybody because i don't want people to know you exist oh dad it's so boring would you rather be at school no exactly so come on let's just go inside you can sit on your phone or something oh fine daddy what's that whoa daddy what's that ugh somebody just dropped their credit card look it's fine they'll come back for it well if i take it what you can't take that if you take it it's a crime nobody will know oh no i'm the manager at target i can't have that well let's find that just ignore it pretend like you never saw it all right whatever i'll just leave it here and they'll pick it up all right whoa daddy i gotta get this no you're not getting the fortnite grenade launcher now come on i have to get to my shift well then go do your shift then but i can't just leave you here why not because you'll get into trouble no i won't ah fine then you have to stay in this aisle while i do my shift fine with me all right and then i'll come get you when i'm done all right now he's gone i can start buying crap i'll get this for junior uh-oh where's my credit card oh another day of work down man it sure is tiring in there jeffy you didn't get any trouble today did you oh dad i had a great day just uh don't look back here please what do you mean don't look back there jeffy what did you do okay hey fine jesus calm down all right we're going home now oh what the where did all this stuff come from uh jeffy what did you do like my loot daddy no i don't like your loot where did you get all this stuff oh you must have stolen this from target didn't you i'm gonna have to fire myself for this i'm sorry mario you're fired no no please don't fire me i promise i'll return all this stuff i can't do that for you buddy i'm gonna have to let you go no my place is my only job daddy i didn't steal this stuff relax you didn't no well then where'd you get it you know that credit card we found you used the credit card before the ground yeah of course jeffy that belongs to somebody well if no one else was gonna use it i was gonna use it well now you're gonna get prison time if they found out you stole their money well good i gotta go back to prison anyway they gotta finish my cat your what my prison cats daddy i got them on my back you have tattoos on your back yeah but they're never finished so i gotta get people to finish them whatever jeffy if that guy comes looking for his money don't get me involved because i didn't have anything to do with this oh whatever i'm over my fortnite grenade launcher oh i can't wait oh hey jeffy you want to do something whoa where'd you get all your stuff i went to target with my new credit card what you have a credit card oh yeah oh man you got all this cool stuff is that a fortnite grenade launcher it sure is oh that thing's so cool i've always wanted one yeah it is a fortnight figure oh yeah oh he's got golden guns on me oh is that thomas yeah junior i decided you know i'll give you or something oh you got me a thomas i sure did don't thank you you're the best i can't wait to play with my top oh what is that percy yeah i hate percy jeffy i wanted thomas you have like a thousand thomas's junior well that's because i like thomas and i hate percy well don't be a brat junior i got you something you better appreciate oh i'll appreciate it all right i'll appreciate with my sledgehammer junior no all right kirky time to put you in the destruction pit with all the other dumb percies junior you better not i bought that for you i don't care if you bought this for me jeffy you should know that i hate percy he's stupid and ugly and green you better not do that i'm gonna do it what are you gonna do about it i didn't buy this grenade launcher for nothing junior jeffy no jeffy yes jimmy stop don't shoot me this is what you get junior ah jeffy watch me and watch it then you almost hit me i think it's gonna blow up [Music] what oh junior what did you do what i didn't do anything you were the one that shot it you put a big hole in the wall no you did what guy's gonna eat my butt what are we gonna do well i do have the credit card i'll call somebody online they can fix it hopefully all right hopefully let's go all right all right junior we gotta find out hey man quick to fix the hole in the wall uh yeah what the heck i got an email junior we'll read it okay uh hello sir my name is i am an egyptian prince and i need your help i am in a great deal of trouble and need fifty thousand dollars to help free my people from the holy land there is little time to explain please send your money to my bank account quickly and after frame my people i will give you a large fortune in return please brother i need your help yeah jeffy i think there's enough of the computer for today wait why because that's such an obvious scam email scam email junior you're just jealous i'm not jealous you can't give that guy any money well i will and i'm gonna get that big fortune oh it's gonna be so great there's no fortune and there's no egyptian prince named dabula buddha it's all a scam yeah whatever you'll see soon you'll see oh whatever i don't even care about that i just want to fix the hole in the wall and go do it you loser i will i don't even need your help i'll fix it before my dad finds out and before he beats me dodging you're such a jerk jeffy why is there a hole in the wall you found out of course i found out it's a massive hole in the wall oh man well daddy i know it'll cheer you up i just got this email from an african prince or an egyptian prince and he's going to give me a huge fortune are you serious yeah you can't be that stupid you don't believe that do you i don't have to give him fifty thousand dollars he said fifty thousand dollars you are brain death that's not real of course is he's gonna go free the holy land with these people it's gonna be so great it's a scam email someone's at the door just sit here right here and don't answer that email do not whatever uh hello is anybody here oh fat boy kermit the frog is that really you sure it is then where's my credit card dog kermit can i get your autograph freaky can't now give me my credit card or i'll call the police wait what why are you gonna call the police because he took my credit card i got tracker on that thing wait that's your credit card sure is oh i i mean i mean we knew that was your credit card of course yeah that's why we saw the name on the ground and my son actually picked it up he knew it was yours and he wanted to return it to you so he has an inside i'll just go get it from him that's why you blew ten thousand bucks on it huh um we we didn't we didn't buy anything yeah no no no i i'll just get the card better yes confirm transaction uh yes full amount all 50 000 uh payments no i'll just do it all at once yup max it out thank you all right great well i hope he gets it free the holy land what oh he knows what who's at the door daddy the guy with the credit card he wants his card back oh you mean this credit card what did you just do you take the credit card i'm gonna give it to him wha what did you just do on the phone well i might have maxed them out i'm not sure you won yeah you mixed them up yeah that's not the guy that wants to get me because because he wants his money back well the egyptian prince daddy he needed his 50 000. i need the 50 000 because look over there huh where's my money come on come on oh daddy is that kermit the frog i gotta get his autograph no you're not getting any aircraft because you maxed it out oh that's criminal's credit card oh wow well daddy just go give him his credit card yeah i'm gonna die i'm gonna die daddy duh here's your card oh wow thanks fat boy now i got a question what you didn't think i would notice if you spend fifty thousand dollars right before you give me the card back i i didn't do that that was my son oh wow yeah i've heard enough you're going to call the pd now and give you a beating no no no wait wait what if i can get your money back give me my money back that's 60 g's how are you gonna do that i'll think of something please just don't make me go to the police listen if you give me my money back by the end of the day then well i'll only let you off with a beating okay that's the deal it's you i'll get my son to get the money back you better i'll be waiting oh man this fortnight action figure is so cool jeffy we got problems what's the problem daddy well current the frog is outside asking for 60 thousand dollars by the end of the day how are you going to get him his money oh it's so easy daddy you know the prince said he's on his way he sent me an email don't prince say he's on his way oh yeah he did i highly doubt that you know what i got that so much in fact i'm gonna go write my will because i know i'm gonna need it in the next hour oh that's really sad well i guess i'll just wait here for the prince three hours later wow my friend so not only are you the savior of my people but you're also a great musician prince is that you it is i tha oh wow you're finally here do you get my great fortune well my friend i agree to inform you i do not have your great fortune wait you don't no but i have something better what is it i will grant you one wish one wish yup uh can i can i wish for 100 wishes no you cannot wish for 100 wishes he cannot wish for 100 wishes do not be like him wait you cannot wish for 100 wishes why because it is against the rules how about 50 more wishes no you cannot wish for any more wishes you're fine you get two wishes are you happy oh two wishes wow okay for my first wish uh i want uh sixty thousand dollars in cash i did well you could have asked us so much more but okay i wish he's a wish oh wow that's so nice i guess i can pay off kermit now all right for my second wish uh i want yeah another credit card are you serious yeah that's kind of dumb i mean you you're not even asking for any more money you just want another credit card well i got mine on it right well no you didn't ask for that but i guess i can give you an empty car wait what all right your wish is being granted there you go friend but it doesn't have money on it well no because you did not specifically ask for one with money on it but you have another click on now whatever well at least i got the money payback kermit yup but it appears my time is up i cannot stick around for long i must go back to my people there he goes man you know what i wonder where daddy is all right my will's all done hi buddy you said i had to leave the day it doesn't look like my money buddy it's my will i'm impatient so since you don't got my money it's time for your beating can you please let me sign it first nope did not like that hey put that in the bts
Channel: Kable10
Views: 1,933,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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