SML Parody: Jeffy's Art Heist!

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Jeffy Teenage Mutant Ninja Jeffy heroes in the half shell turtle power ow Jeffy what was that for that was really close to my eye dad I want to play Teenage M Ninja Turtles you want to play with me no I don't want to play okay I've been working all night I just want to relax oh Dad why not you can be Raphael and I'll be Leonardo where's the pizza must find the pizza we're not doing this okay don't you have homework to do or something instead of bothering me wait a minute it's Tuesday why aren't you in school uh don't have to yes have to oh my god you're an hour late come on chy get in the car uh Hey everybody sorry my son's late I completely forgot he had school today but he's here now so don't fail him please oh dumb dumb right today what you can't get up in the morning to get to school on time whatever dum dum go sit down I tell you what we're going to do hurry Jeffy go sit down and try to be good today I want to go home hey shut up today we're doing our cross today now you R so you have to catch up and it better be good or I'm going to fail you teach how come I only get a pencil everybody else has markers and crayons because you right we run out our surprise because all students get here before you so you have to use paper pencil and eras or nothing else and it better be good or I fail you oh my God this is going to look so great when I'm done hey Cody how's your art coming along I'm trying my best oh yeah I am channeling my inner Bob Ross there are no mistakes only happy little accidents oh shoot I made a mistake I don't want to get an F time to create my masterpiece oh yeah that's good that's perfect all right Cody R see what you got here it is what is that it's supposed to be you it's a portrait oh really bad why do I have gray hair it's not gray hair it's supposed to be your crown I tried okay you didn't teach us how to do anything you just gave us crowns and tell us a draw M and my eyes look really bad they're not SWAT enough okay well I'm sorry I just I tried to do the best I could and oh man you made me look really really fat I get it's not great okay I mean what do you want Oh I going have to fail this this is f minus F minus it's going to ruin my grade I know I let me do it again no I only see one piece of paper you can't do it again let me flip it over I mean no try on the no you not try again there's a rune right here everybody gets one shot and you get F minus so you fail I hate you all right Junior what you got oh it's a Teleport you to me but it's not done yet m H B minus all right Jeffy what you draw hey wake up you not draw I'm tired you not even try you're not drawing yes I did it's on the back you'll flip it over oh it's on the back it better be good or you fail okay oh better be good oh oh did I do good you draw Dwayne The Rock Johnson who's that oh you cheat where your phone you probably trace it I didn't cheat I use my pencil and eraser right here and my hand really hurts oh so much much detail oh it look perfect you you get a no no you get A++ plus cool can I go back to bed now I got to show cross all right cross Ren up this is what I expect from all of you this right here best art I've seen in years it Rivals the greats like Michelangelo Donatello Leonardo my drawing is as good as the nals um Jackie chew can I get my art back please uh no no no I hang it up yeah I hang it up so future students can use this as example whatever at least I didn't get an F so Daddy can't yell at me I'm going back to bed okay well now I kind of see how I got an F it's not my fault I can't draw nobody taught me how to do art my dad wasn't a famous artist from France I I don't even [Music] care folks an auction has just begun for this masterpiece portrait of Dwayne The Rock Johnson bidding currently St at $800,000 oh my God this just in the real Dwayne Johnson is now the highest bidder at1.2 million the oddest behind this masterpiece is school teacher Jackie cheu he definitely won't be a school teacher when this one sells oh my God Jeffy did you see the news Jackie Chu is selling your drawing that you made for like a million 5200 crack that he's so low you're so bad your family hates you have Z earnings you're a bot get out of my Lobby Ninja Turtle Power baby oh sorry Junior what were you saying well I was just saying that wait are you playing fortnite you got banned oh I did Junior but I think v-bucks sales are down low cuz they had to let me back in because I'm one of their biggest Spenders Junior I'm like a whale I buy more v-bucks than anybody in the game so they had to UNAM you for that huh that's pretty cool anyway Jackie Chu took your drawing you made at school today he's going to sell it for like a million dollars oh this kid has a medallion oh that's cool Junior that's cool that's not cool Jeffy he's taking your money basically okay listen Junior I like to separate my school life from for my fortnite personal life so whatever Jackie Pooh does on his own doesn't affect me so I don't really want to hear about it but it does affect you I mean that's your drawing that should be your money J okay Junior what do you want me to do about this kid's so bad he's cheating I hate this game so much okay well now that you're done with that what if I get you some art supplies and you make an even better picture and then we make some money off of that yeah sure whatever jior I don't care okay awesome I'll get the supplies I'm definitely going to win this game all right Jeffy here's your paint canvas go ahead well you doing Junior you're making a painting like what we talked about oh right okay all right Junior here we go okay okay yeah that that looks um looks like something you sure you know what you're doing here you go Junior what is that I think this guy's a medallion I'm rushing Jeffy what is that my loot is so bad I don't know Junior you wanted art so I made you art I'm trying to play fortnite right now that that is not art okay Jeffy I don't know what that is that's definitely not art nobody would pay a million dollars for that a million dollars yes a million dollars like what Jack and Che was selling your drawing for that fat Chinese man stole my drawing yeah he's selling it for a million dollar that's what I said oh my God I knew that guy was up to something Junior we have to get it back well yeah we do I he's probably still at school too if we go there we can get it Junior we got to get in there and take my drawing back yeah let's sneak in there let's go grab it and then get it and sell it for ourselves did you say sneak in yeah that's what we'd have to do I mean school's closed like ninjas yeah sure I guess like Ninja Turtles sure whatever gets you in that school let's do it all right let's go Junior Follow My Lead moving in [Music] okay Junior I think the coast is clear ready to infiltrate Jeffy why do we have to wear these stupid masks my face itches because we're ninjas Junior keep your voice down where's your nunchucks right here okay let me see what you've learned all right ow ow no Junior we're going to have to work on that I need to make sure you have my back in case we get sneak attacked by Shredder okay I don't think Shredder's real you don't know that junior he could be in here at any mo money oh re time Jackie Che I knew Shredder was going to be here Jun was a trap he's going to have my drawing and he's going to destroy it that's not Shredder that's Jackie chew why is he still here school's over if we're quick we can defeat him now and then Splinter will give us a bunch of pizza when we get back or we can just take your drawing back yeah that too but we have to be sneaky junior or else he's going to wake up yeah sure let's Okay Junior I'm moving [Applause] in I've got my eyes on Shredder Junior moving in it's over Shredder we have you now Jimmy what are you doing we don't even have the drawing yet Junior hurry grab the drawing before he wakes up oh man where is it where is it come on come on wait found it oh and it's frame too Ninja Turtles take this Shredder Junior we got to get out of here JY what are you doing I have the drawing let's go hold on Junior I'll get back up Splinter we need the turtle mobile now oh my God we don't have time for that come on fine okay Jeffy we got the drawing and I just called the auction guy he'll be here any second hey there I'm Steven stalber yeah we know can we just get our money for the art already oh my God why do you have that you're not Jackie Chu where didd you get this um no I'm uh I'm Jackie Chu's son you're his son yeah I'm adopted that seems very suspicious but unfortunately for you kids the drawing did not sell wait but I thought Dwayne already bought it no he was the high highest bid for 1.2 million but when the auction ended he said he didn't want it so no money no he said it was cool but not 1.2 million cool and then he just stopped responding to our text messages he never paid us and we can't really get him to pay since it was an auction it's like the coolest drawing ever I mean it's literally him why wouldn't he want that I mean it is pretty cool I'll give you 15 cents for it 15 cents 20 cents I'll throw in some v-bucks see this kid oh my God he looks like he's having a seia yeah he does like v-bucks all right fine 20 cents and some v-bucks and some v-bucks perfect oh good morning cross today is movie day today it's going to be easy day cuz I think I got attacked by ninjas last night and now my head really hurt I should be in Costa Rica right now oh thank God we're not doing art class again I don't want to fail oh Jeffy I want to say sorry for taking your art even though if I was in Costa Rica I would not be sorry but I got caught so I'm sorry that's okay Mr Chew just don't do it again or else I'm going to have to call them Ninja Turtles if you know what I mean oh you have connections to Ninja Turtles a little bit me and Junior we dabble I may need that sometime keep me in touch all right Jackie [Music] you
Channel: Kable10
Views: 286,162
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OwBq2LNWL-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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