SML Parody: Jeffy The Werewolf!

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yo Junior look I'm in the fishy yo that's so cool dude how dod you get up there I don't know dude but I think I'm stuck wait you're stuck yeah stuck bro I'm stuck you're making me not want to go up there and help you D serious I'm kind of stuck up here please help okay I'm coming oh my God dud seriously you're stuck in there D I'm stuck in the Gill oh my God okay I'm helping my God dud that's crazy thanks a lot man I wonder what Cody Jeffy are up too oh yeah what are they doing let's go find out all right Jeffy you ready to race down these slides oh hell yeah I am Cody and trust me I'm about to kick your ass wait how you going to do that Jeffy I'm totally going to beat you well I'm heavier so I should be able to go down faster we'll see about that Cody I win oh this isn't fair what how's it not fair you have longer legs than me so you had a better Advantage oh shut up man you're just a sore loser hey guys what you up to over here oh we were just racing on these slide it's actually really fun yeah you guys should try it hold up a second why you guys over here doing the twoos slide racer when over there there's a three slide racer wait there's a three slide Racer oh my God I can't wait I would love to get some three-way action oh yeah let's go welcome everybody to the super epic amazing slide race we got three amazing contestants here we got Jeffy on the left we got Joseph in the middle and we got Junior on the right let's see who wins 3 2 1 go ah it looks like Jeffy is the winner again I got second that's not too bad what the heck how I not win I a straight shot down the middle Jeffy much Have Cheated yeah he had to have cheated Jeffy you cheated see that's what I thought when I raced him too but in reality he's just a big boy con if you don't stop I'm going to slap you that's my favorite type of slap all right spocky today we're going to do something truly e ow that was not the evil thing I wanted you to do today yeahaha what we're going to do is we're going to have you go over to those kids and bite one of them go do it now go go all right who here wants a rematch oh it's a dog I bit me oh come back here Sparky oh you're such a bad boy you're such a bad boy you want to go get one of those ghost Peppa treats you like let's go buddy let's go let's go help me guys it hurts so bad dud are you okay no I'm not can you guys take me home to the place where I belong West Virginia or it might have been Kentucky I don't know take me home okay come on let's go oh my God why is he crying uh it's something happened at the park Daddy tell her exactly what happened well some got bit by a feral dog how could you let him get bit by a dog I didn't let it happen it was his fault yes you did daddy you let it happen you weren watching any of us shut up no he was just walking around it's it's not my fault okay we need to take him to the hospital right away this could be serious take him to the hospital it's not that deep that's what she said Daddy shut the hell up both of you you need to give to the hospital quick look at him no that won't be necessary Jeffy just wrap it up you'll be fine that's also what she said that was funny wasn't it I think it was really funny you know oh my God okay hello you need to take him to the hospital no no no no look he's not being silly he's currently wrapping his Willie he's going to be fine when did we get a dog uh never what's that noise uh I I don't know I don't the air conditioning what's behind you an air I don't know oh Jeffy next Halloween costume it's not Halloween yet I know Jeffy you're early I want to eat you Mario what's going on uh jeffy's just playing games you know I'm going to eat you daddy oh my God people watch Twilight once and they become a furry Jesus that was about vampires honey oh well same thing dude those look sharp run run close the door close the the door I got Char Le on my [Music] TV why are you guys in my room did we turn into a werewolf you have to keep us safe can we hide in here please please please please please stop us I don't care if Joe Biden ran for president beat Donald Trump and became the 46th president of the United States y' are not staying in my room he is the 46th president of the United States oh my God he was going to keep us safe we can't trust Bowser to help us we need to find place to hide and it will be completely fine SpongeBob SpongeBob Patrick Patrick Squidward Squidward Squidward uh Mr Krabs what's happening what is going on why are you guys ruining my SpongeBob marathon SpongeBob marathon you should be doing homework what you think I do my homework lady girl girl you wonder why this house is so toasty I burn it all the time you're going to only be able to work at McDonald's if you keep it up like this yo why are you guys having a normal conversation there's bigger things on our hand right now what's up Jeffy is a werewolf wait what yeah I know I mean first he was a vampire then he was a skeleton then he was a dog then he was a Sonic and done oh my gosh not a boring day I feel like nothing crazy happens in this house anymore just kind of boring H hi shfp I'm hungry oh my God Jeff it's so late what do you want to eat chocolate cake corn May some macaroni I want to eat you shfp my God in that case it sounds like you want to eat a knuckle sandwich Buster get over here shfp ah nothing good in the blue bin there's nothing ever good in the blue bin how about the purple bin though let's go hi Joseph oh what's up Jeffy I want to eat you I want to eat to dude honey what's the plan for tonight you know honey I thought we just order some that good good little season Pizza that deep deep dish pizza I kind of want some sausage pizza I think we can make some special arrangements for that one yeah hi guys oh hi Jeffy hey yo you back to bank my wife again I'm here to eat you both oh that's oh yeah calm down for a rle Ken Ken where are you where's my cuddle buddy I'm ready for Betty by hi Cody ooh I never thought Jeffy would be in my room a nice furry costume that's kinky I'm going to eat you Cody oh yeah do whatever you want with me oh my God this is so hot oh Lord Jesus what are we going to do I'm so scared I'm trying to think what do we do to a werewolf h thank Junior I know I know we can trap him let's trap him let's trap him great idea but I'm not helping with that why not why not I just got my nails done yeah you don't even have nails guys guys calm down he'll be back any minute we got to go okay all right guys we're here in the laundry room now okay what are we going to do all right so basically what we're doing is we are going to be waiting in here until he gets here once he walks into the room we are going to shut the door on him okay we're just going to get him the come inside that easy yeah it's going to be that easy okay we're just going to wait all right ooh oldies ah oh go guys we just tried to werewolf let's go we did it we did it yeah uh now what now what yeah Junior what do we do with the werewolf now what I I didn't know we were doing anything with the werewolf I thought we were just trapping him Junior you idiot oh my God I want to eat some Mone oh my God oh my oh my God wait guys guys guys guys what is it what is it there's one thing we can always try what is it call 911 I'll be right back what's that going to do with a werewolf hi Mario officer D I'm glad you're here if you're so glad I'm here say the joke what what what joke say the joke Mario the joke yeah the joke officer D's Nuts got him oh it's so good it's so good it's my favorite J you're not laughing I was the one who said the joke ah fair enough all right what do you need Mike I just come in here I really need your help all right all right Mario tell me what's going on okay Jeff's a werewolf what yeah yeah I know it's hard to believe like Twilight PS but he's actually a werewolf Twi white was vampires Mario okay but still I'm I'm telling the truth he's a werewolf I don't believe you why am I going to make you believe me mate how am I supposed to believe that your son's a werewolf that's some movie crap that's ridiculous look look look behind you all right hi I want to eat you now you see that sounds like a very convincing werewolf you know looks very convincing um so I got to give you a little bit of a bottle mate R Mario oh my godio we got to think we got to think yeah we got to think ooh boobies we're supposed to be thinking about planet here oh yeah right right right let me think uh hold on okay where will sarw movies come on offer do you've seen so many of them oh my God I got IDE Mario do you have any Sila I definitely have at least a silver necklace all right perfect so here's the deal we're going to do what they do in the movies now all right and what they do in the movies is they go into a doorway and then when they're about to bite they shut the door so then the teeth get stuck in the door uh what yeah yeah and then what you do is you're going to hit the werewolf with a silver anything anything silver and then it makes makes them turn back to normal that's how it works yes that's how it works Mario at least in the movies it might work in real life okay I guess it's worth a shot all right let's do it Mario let's go okay hey Jeffy you want some food buddy yeah Jeffy you're hungry you want to snack I want to eat you guys all right Mario we got to run come on all right easy now there mate you know what I noticed officer D what how bad Jeffy reaction time is like he literally only bites as soon as we leave yeah he's kind of a sucky werewolf he's not even that much of a threat yeah true this is a great show and all but I want to see some more drama oh come on square is about to deck Patrick that's pretty dramatic no I want to see someone cheat on their husband well the SpongeBob actor apparently cheated on his wife if Arana gr does that count I guess all right Mario just a little bit from the B okay okay all right we're going to stand right here all right I'm ready to eat you guys nowhere to go now Mario okay okay [Music] ah no my chance here you go Jeffy get whipped yes yes oh my God oh my head hurts we did it officer dude we did it oh my God we did it no way let's go I can't believe it worked what happened to me well you kind of turned into a werewolf wow that's actually pretty neat you guys okay we're good Mario a shoot we missed the Fatal hit well that's good I'm so glad everything is back to [Applause] [Music] normal
Channel: SMLYTP
Views: 277,606
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, jeffy, funny, kable10, tom bomb, glider, sbl, sll, sml movie, parody, sml parody, movie, humor, jokes, bowser junior, mario, 2021, sml jeffy, jeffy sml, sbl jeffy, sml movie jeffy, sml parody jeffy, 2023, SML Parody: Jeffy The Werewolf!, jeffy the werewolf, werewolf jeffy
Id: c4bkg5_OOCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2023
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