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oh yeah today is an absolutely amazing day first I get an amazing drive and my baby right here and then I get a $10 million stock payout cha ching I can buy a new house but I better get ready so then those homeowners know I mean business okay that's good all right put that there thankful why is that even there I thankful for [ __ ] oh yeah your hair is looking sexy Goodman Goodman you're going to be getting that house today I got to look good got to look good wa what are you doing in my bathroom why do you have a knife I didn't know you were [Music] left-handed 2 hours later Mario why have you been staring at the wall for 5 minutes 5 minutes ago 5 minutes what 5 minutes ago Gman was supposed to be here asking for the house payment but he never showed up that's him wish me luck guys good luck Donny he's going to have to explain how he doesn't have all the money he only has $200 of the $2,000 well he has to do that every single month so he'll be fine yeah that's true hey Mom you want to see a cool trick I can do I guess uh okay hey good wait officer d y what's up officer d n how's it going I need you Rosalina and Jeffy down at the police station right now Mario wait what what's going on what are you talking about you three are suspected of a crime a crime I didn't get there do any crime I don't know about them but I didn't do anything I just need all three of you to come with me to the police station at this instant okay you're not going to tell me why or what's up go get the mate okay why am I still watching this guys we got to go wait what where are we going the police station wait what why I don't know he just summoned off three of us so we got to go oh my god do we have a choice uh no oh cool involuntary field trip let's go all right come on all right listen up everybody I have gathered you all here today because you are suspects of the murder of Mr Goodman so I'm going to have everyone come up one at a time and tell your stories of where you were at the time of his murder all right first person come up right now uh wait I I think this is a misunderstanding like I'm telling you I didn't do anything all right Mario the motive that's listed here for you is that you have a large house payment to give the Goodman that you cannot pay so tell me where were you 2 hours ago well I mean I was just at home spam calling Rosalina come on why she not picking up oh come on answer my honey booby hey D what are you doing stop I'm trying to talk to your mom daddy she's not going to pick up yes she is she's a perfectly fine little lady why would wouldn't she because she's cheating on you right now no she's not Jeffy stop with that nonsense Daddy I watched her cheat on you Jeffy that is so weird that I know you're lying whatever daddy you're the [ __ ] not me oh my God this is this pointless freak it God I'm freaking so sick of this I'm going to go cutle my custom made roselina body pillow now you sir a weird person but everything that you said in this room will stay in this room thank you and I'll I'll bring you in later all right next person I don't know what anyone told you but I promised I'm innocent all right roselina the motive I have listed for you is that Goodman said he would tell Mario about your guys' Affair so tell me where you were 2 hours ago well I was at Goodman's house but I wasn't with Goodman himself oh how was the best ever No Cap uh I've definitely had better No Cap what are you talking about you could have lasted a lot longer but I thought it was quality over quantity definitely not the case oh I think I laid it down pretty good I'm getting a phone call right now it's from my husband your husband hang up don't answer oh my God I won't pick up jeez oh my God that was a close one oh no he's calling me again oh God he going to kill me I'll block him oh yeah let's go titty oh my god I've got to go getting a Tinder notification oh you can't go don't leave I've got bigger things to do no come back okay fine fine I just want to hang out with you I just want to hang out fine a little longer okay anything to make you stay my my dad will be home in a few minutes we can do like a threeway I know you're into him uh I'll have a hard pass on that one [ __ ] okay that's all very interesting you can leave now guess that confirms Mario story all right next person come in here oh my God I could believe my dad is actually dead I mean he just sold me when I was just a baby never gave me a single dollar and was never there at my football games but still it was my dad well you made my job Easy Billy your motive is that you still hold a grudge for everything that your dad did to you so where were you 2 hours ago so you see I was with the straight up milk chaing I'm talking blond hair fat tits oh that was good no cap oh my God that was the best I've ever had yeah it was I you're the only one I want to be with now yeah same here someone's calling me it's my stupid husband you can answer it no I only want to talk to you okay he's calling me again block oh nice going oh my God I can't wait to go again well about that my dad's going to be home any minute now and if he sees us together he's going to be pitched cuz I know you guys have like a little thing going too no but it's okay he can join too wao I'm not going there with my dad you got to go all right I'm hungry wait make me a sandwich oh crap I'm too late I guess I have to make something for myself all right what should I make to eat so my dad hey dad thankful why do I even have that up I'm not thankful for [ __ ] what what was that about he didn't even say hi to me all right Billy well that makes me need to ask a followup question mate did you follow your dad up to his room after you guys left the kitchen no it was just me and my dad for like 5 Seconds all right that's interesting mate you can go back in line now that means Mario and Rosalina are innocent all right next oh man it's so dark in here God damn can you at least turn a light on in here jeez all right Richard your motive is that your dad put your allowance down from 50,000 a week to 20,000 so tell me what were you doing 2 hours ago when your dad was murdered well I was actually in my room playing Roblox oh yeah I'm getting so rich in Roblox I'm going to get paid this dog's going up up up to the Moon I'm like my dad I'm going to be rich in no time in Roblox what's going on outside what's going on out here oh I don't give a [ __ ] about that yeah whatever back to stocks 5 minutes later a come on the stock's down 30% I'm losing so much money what's going on out there now what's going on now oh hey all right Richard so I got a little question for you when Gman was [ __ ] himself did all right Richard so I have a followup for you so did you see Billy following your dad up when he was going up to his room no when I saw my dad come up I didn't see anyone behind him Billy was nowhere to be seen all right Richard thank you so much for your help you can go back in line well that clears Billy story next I literally had to cancel my only fans video cuz of this what do you want all right Trisha your motive is Gman has not been calling you over for your services as often bringing your income down severely all right Trisha so what were you doing today well I wasn't even at Ian's house today I was at another guy's house Tyrone all right baby ready to get down of business yeah but I'm just kind of nervous cuz I never had the thing that big before well was the first time for everything right yeah well Tyrone I just can't wait for your big hard throbbing J wo wo wo TMI girl will you not with Git at all today uh no i't seen ging since last Thursday when he called for my services H all right well I better make a phone call real quick come on man what the hell officer D you always be calling me up in here for no reason always accusing me of [ __ ] like come on CU they color my my brown eyes all right Tyrone you don't have a motive listed you're here to confirm a story so who are you with today well if you're talking about this morning I was with my wife but if you're talking about this afternoon that's when I call my side piece over we had a fun time oh what her name Tracy oh Trisha damn I can ever forget her name my Lord all right thank you so much man you can get out now next dude there better be food involved with this I haven't ate in like 3 days all right well since you're here what were you doing today well I will admit I did go to kum's house today but I didn't go inside but I did go inside his trash can oh my god dude this is unfair I walk all the way to this Rich ass neighborhood and still they throw away normal trash Oh my God I would kill for some good food dude is that Burger King oh my god oh my god dude there's nothing in it is it a Burger King drink oh my god dude oh I've been waiting for this this is so good there's nothing EG oh my God I want to die I'm going to go to the next house now all right so how often do you dig through his trash well every Tuesday dude it's garbage day thank you Joseph all right next person [Music] M oh sorry wrong month all right Jeffy your motive is wait you don't have a name or motive on this list why you even here I don't even know I'm sure my mommy and daddy right now all right well since you here what were you doing today well I was looking for somebody to annoy chefi shfp I want to annoy you J ah whatever oh come on my princess roselina please answer oh my h Honey Boo Boo baby bear come on what the hell are you doing in here Dad I'm trying to get your mom on the phone she's not answering me I'm getting worried that's because she's cheating on you right now no she's not CH don't even joke AAS like that what's wrong with you oh my God oh my God I need my queen and my queen needs our King listen Jeffy a queen would never cheat on her King uh if her name is ralina she'll cheat what are you talking about Jeffy you don't understand I would do anything just to be in the presence of her again Jeffy you don't get it you are a Shimp deal with it Jeffy why would you say that screw you get out of here Jeffy you made things worse I just want my Honey Boo Boo Bear you're a cry baby all right well that was [ __ ] useless but thanks for your help I guess all right last person mate oh you woke me up for my pity nap sir all right ches your motive is that you hate working for Goodman so tell me your story now well I was cleaning the house all day and then I went through the kitchen to be sure everything's in check in here oh oh my God Heavens the Betsy Richard must have made a big mess again all the chips need rearrange this is going to take hours oh my Lord I to cry myself to sleep on this piss poor couch while everyone else in the house gets to sleep on King beds I hate my life and I want to die I ain't got no iPhone well Richard has been playing Roblox he was not in the kitchen at the time what the hell could you possibly believe that well Billy was there the whole time mate and he said that Richard never went in and Richard said he never saw Billy pass up either so tell me where really were you all right I did it sir I wait in the bathroom and waited for him to come back and that's when I stabbed him and I was going to hide the body but but all of a sudden his emergency life alot went off and I had no choice but to run all right you are under arrest for the murder of Mr Goodman chives everyone else you can go home oh I hate my life how could you do this to me chives I'm so sorry my deepest condolence is to you Richard once I get the wheel money I'm going to get you out and we're going to be Rich As [ __ ] boy that better be the case sir cuz I'm not getting my butt mess with in prison for nothing you'll be seeing me soon chiv [Music] yes
Channel: SMLYTP
Views: 158,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, jeffy, funny, kable10, tom bomb, glider, sbl, sll, sml movie, parody, sml parody, movie, humor, jokes, bowser junior, mario, 2021, sml jeffy, jeffy sml, sbl jeffy, sml movie jeffy, sml parody jeffy, 2023, SML Parody: Who Killed Goodman?, who killed goodman
Id: Ot1qq2hd60Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 22 2023
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