SML Parody: Jeffy's Stalker!

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all right guys let's play hide and seek yeah who's gonna be eight not it not it oh God damn it you're it Cody I know you know what I'm gonna count to 23. wait one two one four oh yeah No One's Gonna find me here all right I can hide here if I get low at the right angle they won't be able to see me let's try it yeah God what do I head where do I hide wait this crib is just perfect dude I can just squeeze myself in here 21 22 23 ready or not here I come all right where is he I found you oh all right you in there no I'm not seeing that what was that noise I found you you shouldn't have made noise Jeffy yeah okay he has been here every week at the same time with the last month so that means he will be here every Friday but you know wait I think it might be time I think it's time to finally meet my hero Jeffy from HML oh my God I'm really scared how do I start like hey Jeffy I'm your biggest fan no that might be a little too too I'm just too excited okay yeah all right where's Joseph he could be anywhere up here even in the place I wouldn't expect it could be it hey Joseph oh hey Cody oh I'm a little bit stuck right now but how the hell did you get stuck in this crevice I don't know I just kind of crawled in here to hide and you know I'm stuck oh my God you're stuck in the crevice yeah I'm stuck in the crevice step bro you know what let's not make this weird all right all right everyone it's time to go home right now I don't want to leave yeah I don't want to Mario more like Marvin what what type of name is that Joseph it's just an idiot old person named Cody yeah I guess so let's just go all right oh I was just having fun whatever hey yeah hey hey what doing I I always let you know that I'm such a big fan of you on SML usual oh thanks I love me in French oh my God look at you you're like the best everyone else sucks you're amazing bro nice to meet you well thank you I I have a really personal question if it's okay all right can I get your number I want to be your friend I don't really know if I can do that stranger danger so I don't think I can give you my number change your name I don't get my name my name is yeah it's on my shirt like you I don't know who you are please don't think I can do that all right I gotta go bye oh my gosh where's Jeffy I want to go die die right before I left over there there was this weird guy that came up to me and he was saying he's my biggest fan and all and uh he was asking me for some stuff and that is really really weird okay what was so weird do you asked for an autograph on his butt cheek uh no but he asked for my number I don't know if it was my phone number my social security number or my favorite number which is seven but I didn't want to tell him that because he should already know oh my God that's worse yeah I know well remember Jeffy stranger danger yep that's what I told him all right good let's go all right for their car and [Music] an array perfect I got their address okay perfect is time to like playing so Jeffy says No Stranger Danger because of you because of you stupid Mario I Hate You Mario so much I wish I could poke your stupid eyes out but you know maybe maybe if I maybe if I had you if I had you here you'll bring yay to my house and you'll be my friend yay [Music] if he doesn't come I will kill you I need my other way I've been waiting for this day to use anyway perfect again Damascus Chevy is gonna be the best friend ever and I'm so excited not again Mario Carl you're Mario I'm going to get out I should probably be quiet oh yeah getting a good workout in what are you doing Cody yeah dude what are you doing I'm walking in place right now I was just walking crazy yeah it's so weird never seen that before ah but guys I can't believe we had to leave the park so quick I know we were only there for like four hours if only someone didn't have a stupid dad hey it's not my fault I didn't make them stupid well anyway guys me and Ken has sponge day tonight so I can't stick around oh come on Cody yeah I know I gotta start walking home all right see you guys all right whatever what's this deal what are we supposed to do now guys I before we go hang out Mark okay it's fine can we meet you up there yeah go hang and I'll be up in a second all right let's go we'll be in your room all right all right I can't wait to sit down again Jeffy what are you doing here well Daddy I just want to talk to you about something real quick okay what is it well earlier at the park I just you know didn't feel comfortable with that weird guy wait the guy who asked for your number yeah he was really really weird well Jeffy I mean that's what happens when you have lots of fans you can run into some weird ones I don't die I just want to make sure I'm safe and okay and not in any danger oh come on Jeffy we're at the park we left the park he's probably still there like you're fine yeah you're right dang well I understand now I'm gonna go play with my friends I'll talk to you later bye yeah don't ever think it all right what should I watch maybe Charlie and friends I never watched that show before it might be good who knows [Music] hi Mario I know you don't know me but my name is Jerry and I'm Jenny's biggest fan you know your son that's very amazing work on the instrument I love him so much I was at the park today and I wanted to get his number but he said no and you know why because you said stranger danger and you know what that means yourself a lot I wish I could talk [Applause] but I need you hey so yeah listen to me do you understand perfect or else you're gonna be like hmm all right so let me explain so basically we're going to call up Jeffy and we're gonna say oh you should come to Jerry's house and be his friend so he beats my friend if he's my friend I'll let you go but if not I'll come get that so you understand oh wait I should probably take this off yeah yeah okay I understand you really understand I mean your eyes would be pretty nice Decor you know oh come on all right let's get his number show me what's his number okay seven two oh my gosh I couldn't find Mountain Dew but I found a 24 pack of MTA do dude isn't that the same thing no Joseph it might be like a limited special edition yeah you guys are limited special edition stupid what are you talking about Joseph what gosh I'm getting a call hold on a second come on we're trying to drink Mountain what doing hey Jeffy it's me you're dead you know what this isn't even We're not gonna do it like that okay hey Jessie it's Jay from the park do you remember me well as you're here I have your daddy and I have a night two inches to his face isn't that right Mario yeah yeah you're on that for my next Jimmy yeah I do now at least anyways here's what I want from you I want you to come to my house and we're gonna discuss friendship terms we're gonna be friends and I'll let your dad go if you don't I'll slice his head off indulge his eyes something please you have two hours Jeffy all right come to 56 Castle Street I'll see you soon oh my gosh guys my daddy's kidnapped wait while are you serious yeah this guy just called did I saw at the park earlier my daddy told me not to worry about him somehow he just got my number told me that he's gonna execute him if you don't go there right now whoa be legit yeah I don't know what's going on but we gotta go right now to his house yeah okay what what the mouth do with Joseph Randy MTM dude let's go all right here it is you guys ready to go in there and take some butt but dude we don't even have a plan oh yeah the plan is I'm gonna go distract Jerry where you guys go and save my daddy okay who's Jerry yeah Jerry Jerry he's the kidnapper jeffy's yesterday because I got tortured and then that's good for Jeffy right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Jerry you're insane hey Jerry oh look he's yeah yeah I'll be right back you better yeah you ready to get out of here oh yeah let's get out come on oh my God yeah I want my daddy back we have some turns to agree too some French kittens what are those okay so I want us to hang out twice a week for at least two hours I want you to text me every day maybe you're gonna FaceTime every once in a while you don't I will come back to your house and I'm gonna kill the both of you because you know what here's the thing I'd love to have you as a friend alive but he's not how to have you on my walk yard okay uh look over there oh my goodness well at least we're safe from that idiot no more of that freak uh guys sorry to burst your bubble but he knows where we live he's gonna keep coming back again and again no we won't let's go okay okay did they forget it I'll just come back every single person in the house no you aren't what you're under arrest for the kidnap of Mario or Marvin or whatever his name is oh foreign
Channel: SMLYTP
Views: 307,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, jeffy, funny, kable10, tom bomb, glider, sbl, sll, sml movie, parody, sml parody, movie, humor, jokes, bowser junior, mario, 2021, sml jeffy, jeffy sml, sbl jeffy, sml movie jeffy, sml parody jeffy, 2023, sml parody jeffy's stalker, jeffy's stalker
Id: kpM_Mzg4TVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2023
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