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oh yeah guys it's time for the glow Berry Prime this is show PE PE oh yeah Jeffy I'm ready to drink this glowry Prime hey Joseph are you ready to drink this Prime dude I'm ready Freddy I'm more ready to drink this Prime then I'm ready to see the new FNAF movie all right guys drink up oh yeah this is great oh that stuff's amazing what do you think Joseph here's the thing I love glowry Prime but tired right now and this really ain't doing anything for me I got an idea for that Joseph all right guys we should Chow Down on some Prime energy seriously Junior Prime energy we've had this stuff so much yeah and blue rash too I mean nothing against Blue rash it's lit but we've had every single flavor over 100 times oh yeah but what do you guys think we should do then guys I have an idea all right guys so here's what we're going to do we're going to take these two glowry primes and these two prime energies and we're going to make globber Berry Prime energy Joseph do you think this this is a good idea well we were complaining about not having a new flavor and I mean this is a brand new flavor you're right let's make some Glover Prime [Music] energy oh my God this is so heavy what's your problem you need to get out of here you need to get out all right guys now I'm going to take this Prime energy can and fill it up with this new stuff all right just got to fill it up cheers guys [Music] oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God get out of the bathroom get oh my God Joseph he's going crazy he's cracked out that means we got to try it go we have to try it oh my God holy holy peace and quiet hey Dad hey Dad you watching Charlie are you watching Charlie dad are you watching Charlie are you watching Charli you watching to I'm going to go look at Charlie hi Charlie hi Charlie stop you blinge hey hey Shut up let's stay oh my God Junior your dad just kicked us out of his room I know that's freaking crazy it's super crazy yeah it's super crazy some food oh my God what's up I'm trying to find some food right now you're trying to find some food yeah dude oh hold on I think I saw something in the purple B no way dude oh my God cor you oh my God oh my God God jeez that was awesome guys I know that tasted amazing I know that was unlike any Prime I've ever had we just invented something something really cool guys this is PE PE guys now I have an idea oh God what is it what is it Junior let me go get my laptop all right guys watch what I'm going to make and then once I'm done with it we're going to print it out and we're going to make something really cool okay a few moments later all right guys Feast your eyes on the glowry Prime energy drink oh my God these are so PE dude that's ins Shan yeah and they're the rare design look at that Junior rare design are not the're pretty freaking rare there're the only three in the world he's got you there Junior whatever dude we can totally prank someone with these you're right what if we put one in Target that would be so peepe you're saying peee a lot today come on let's just go let's see what happens all right guys now it's up there and all we got to do is we got to wait for someone to come by and they're going to think it's a real Prime flavor this going to be so funny oh my God we got to hide though do the CH be the shal I hope there's Cheerios I see oh boy I can't wait to get more Prime N I don't like the Reds I don't like the blues either oh these flavors suck I don't like these in all oh my God is that a glowry Prime energy drink oh my god I didn't even know they made these I got to buy these before somebody gets it oh my God guys someone took it I know this freaking crazy so we're got to follow them all right let's go oh my God I just got the glowry Prime energy drink I'm so excited to drink it there's nobody around I don't want anyone to take it oh my God this is so awwesome she goes oh my God I can't wait to see it oh my God she got cray cray dude she's acting like the purple minions from desable me yeah she is but guys we have a couple more cans we can totally do this at another store oh yeah we totally should let's go guys let's do it 20 minutes later Junior why are you having us come out here in the city yeah it's not like there's a Walmart or anything out here dude well guys here's what I was thinking we could go to like a restaurant or something it would be really cool whatever Junior what's that hey hey kids you have anything to eat or drink I'm really at my last leg I'm going to die pretty soon oh I need something to eat or drink what should we do guys you can eat these nuts just if you're homeless how can you be that insensitive just don't like the guy dude he gives me bad vibes guys I think we should give him one of the glowry Prime energies what are you guys thinking H we probably should whatever dude I'll get Hey sir do you want this energy drink oh my God yes thank you so much I appreciate that kid there you go have fun oh that'll get me through the night thank [Music] you oh my god oh I just feel like I took 400 ads oh I can conquer the world guys I think we did a pretty good D today I think so too Junior yeah D but now we only have one more globber Prime energy oh I'm going to go get it all right guys I got oh shoot great going Junior you got it in there I don't have any GL cries now oh come on guys it's fine we could just go home and make more right I guess that's I guess we can you guys hear those alarms oh they're coming from over there what all right mate you're under arrest we trying to rob that bank mate oh I'm sorry mate I'm sorry I'm sorry you're coming to jail let's go oh shoot guys a homeless guy just robed a bank that's not our fault right door we should probably get out of here I wonder how the rest of the situation went down I'm sure they're talking about it on the news by now yeah was a long walk breaking news Okay local homeless man just robbed the B after drinking a fraudulent globber Prime energy drink it's a fake Logan Paul and KSI do not make globber Prime energy and now Logan Paul is pissed because Twitter is canceling him over this even though he had absolutely nothing to do with it guys Logan Paul is going after who did this and he will find you and he will get you oh my god J we're so screwed oh my God we believe guys are you stupid or what what do you mean look at Paul's coming after us yeah D we're done for no he's not guys there's no evidence that we did anything oh you're right to a good point yeah I guess we're good let's go we are now here with the hyper homeless man that broke into the bank do you know who gave you that glowry Prime no but I have a picture of him oh do you show us yeah yeah all I got this picture so can always remember them I know exactly who those guys are yeah they're coming for you oh my god where're go scre freck dude why is a homeless guy have a brand new iPhone homeless people always have phones for some reason they can have phones but can't afford food guys I need you guys to calm down okay why junior because it's probably just an empty threat that was going to happen are you sure that's an empty threat Junior gu it's probably just Cody okay he's probably mad that we didn't include him again whatever hey Cody what's up wait a second who are you and what are you doing here as a representative of Logan Paul look at Paul you are be soon soon oh no I'm sorry is this about the globber Prime energy thing this is exactly about the globber Prime energy oh my God we're sorry we didn't know anything would happen please don't sue us oh he's suing he wants your money and he wants it now he wants our money how much money we don't have a lot of money one crisp dollar bill what one crisp dollar bill and it's got to be crisp I'm talking crispy okay I I'll get you a Chris dollar bill I'll be right back all right man I got the dollar bill here yipp yipp be time yay that's the most crisp dollar bill I've ever seen in my life Logan Paul I got the dollar I look okay well guess that's [Music] over hey guys I'm back but did you seriously have more yeah Junior it's really good stuff good dude anyways I just got sued for doll by Logan Paul oh well that shocks that's one more dollar than I have dude what the hell stop
Channel: SMLYTP
Views: 241,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, jeffy, funny, kable10, tom bomb, glider, sbl, sll, sml movie, parody, sml parody, movie, humor, jokes, bowser junior, mario, 2021, sml jeffy, jeffy sml, sbl jeffy, sml movie jeffy, sml parody jeffy, 2023, jeffy's glowberry prime, glowberry prime, prime energy, glowberry prime energy, sml glowberry prime, sml prime
Id: 3AmIoABK3gc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 7sec (547 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2023
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