SML Parody: Jeffy's Corn Addiction!

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jeffy i don't like that you do that in front of me i don't care all right jeffy i got you a chocolate cake what the hell are you talking about i know it's just in the form of green beans bull crap no marvin i can't believe you would buy jeffy green beans well i had to cook them too well i don't like green beans daddy what will you get into your stupid bald head i'm going to the store to buy something jeffy will actually eat thank you mommy i'm going to try one last thing jeffy one last thing don't you get a guy i don't want grey means hold on i'm taking these what will he understand everything's ready the day has finally come i've been waiting for this day for ages marvin just keep your cool stick to the plan and this will be the day i finally make jeffy eat some green beans all right jeffy so apparently you don't like normal green beans well for that reason i got you different kind of green beans yeah so you're just gonna try every one and see which one you like the best i don't have to well you're going to so hold on no die i said no okay first up alaskan green beans oh my god okay he doesn't like the alaska ingredients that's fine let me just get the next green beans okay okay i got skinny green beans do you like these okay keep it together marge keep it together all right next up thick green beans okay he doesn't like thick onions okay all right egyptian green beans no it's kind of like these these are french style green beans okay okay green beans with beans oh my god okay okay i don't know what these are called okay jeffy to the last one italian green beans okay that's better than flicking them in the air i don't like gravy's guy why don't you like green beans i got you every single type of green beans so why don't you just try them give me a new vegetable wait what do you say give me a new vegetable daddy a new vegetable yes it's that simple you know there's there's like carrots there's corn there's there's broccoli something like that so like something other than these green beans yes oh okay how did you not get this after so many years daddy all right jeff hey let me get a bunch of different kind of vegetables for you fine i'm not cleaning this up all right ah poggers why marvin did you get jeffy in agreement i'm gonna take that as a no no oh well if you don't mind me asking where did all those agreements go i mean there was a lot there on the couch oh well sorry okay wait wait chef pee pee do you think there's any chance no marvin let me clean up all those off the couch there's gonna be like a mini in there oh well chef peepee did you know that there are some italian green beans italian green beans even though those are a thing can i have them if you clean up all the agreements off the couch okay fine i'll do it okay now marvin it's time to get some actual green no no no not green beans other vegetables that's what you need okay that's super good we can find okay marvin it's time to get some different greens not that green beans different vegetables okay you got this digging for gold okay jeffy hey yo why is it right here because he came and cleaned all the green beans die well you forgot to get the juice well sucks for you all right whatever jeffy this took me a lot of willpower but i got you vegetables other than green beans really diet no green beans i promise okay then i'm willing to try some okay let me get the first vegetable all right let's see that is a cucumber that's a giant green bean dye that's another giant green bean yeah it is dye look at it yeah and it's not a giant creamy green beans don't get that big well this one did apparently it's a mutant no this is a cucumber well then what's a cucumber here i'll prove it to you [Music] see jeffy look inside there it's like a pickle bean no it's like a pickle green bean i'm not eating it you're not gonna eat this no okay whatever i have more vegetables all right let's see what you got oh that is a tomato that's a fruit guy tomatoes aren't fruit yes they are diet they're fruits no they're not yes they are it's a vegetable no they're not okay when you go to subway do you get fruits on your subs no okay so why do people put these on their subs and their hamburgers i don't know diet because they're weird no because it's a vegetable it's not a vegetable it's a fruit so you're not going to eat this balls and sticks no listen i watched veggie tales enough to know that that's a fruit be it's called veggie tails veggie vegetable okay listen jeffy let me get the next vegetable if you're not gonna eat these all right what the heck is this that is a pepper it looks like a butthole day how does it look like a boho look at it okay it kind of does all right so you want me to try this yeah give it a shot all right [Music] who's that spicy pepper do you like it no okay jeffy i got one more vegetable for you to try it better not be another one of the stupid peppers daddy okay it's not i can tell you that okay what is this daddy this is corn corn corn well that rhymes that rhymes with something i watch every day shut up well all right i'll give it a try oh my god die this is the best thing i've ever tasted you like it yes it's amazing oh my god i need more of this day i need more of it oh my god oh my god my son loves corn oh this is so good daddy um this is awesome thank you so much daddy are you welcome jeffy oh my god i gotta tell everybody i know this is a bookstore but my son loves corn guys my son likes gold can i have everybody's attention only a small amount of you people are subscribed so subscribe also my son likes corn everybody my son loves corn everybody my son loves corn hey what's up man my son loves corn hey i remember you you're banned from here get out of here corn i don't care my son loves corn [Music] oh oh my god no it was that steamy hot juicy corn oh so good in my belly oh everybody my son loves cool oh yeah i'm done with that oh man i'm so happy you like corn jeffy i finished dying wait who ate all that corn yes i finished dying that was a lot of corn though yeah i want more in my mouth daddy you want more corn yes daddy i had a feeling this might happen i got some corn for just in case thank you i can't wait to have more corn but jeffy i hope you're okay with this what why this is all i could find what is this daddy it looks like a pee pee well that's an uncircumcised corn what yep it's a husk what a husk yeah so basically you to take all the clothes off the corn to make it to like the corn you like oh i'll take off it's gonna take off it's closed yeah let's do it jeffy i'll get one too i'll do it with my mouth see it could be really hairy like this oh oh harry yeah i love that hair it's kind of dirty too i don't mind but see jeffy the corn is coming out that's not even cooked oh oh die that tastes itself what jeffy jeffy wake up what jeffy wake up it's corning what yeah top of the corny to ya corning what are you talking about daddy hope you have a corny day corny d wake up and smell the corn oh my god there's so much corn daddy yeah and what's so special about it oh there's so much corn i'm in love daddy i need this corn in my mouth well i'm gonna go upstairs and have some corn and corn you have fun all right oh my god i could just eat all this right now but what's stopping me nothing wow monsters am i going crazy i'm going upstairs i need to find actual people i think i'm going insane oh boy nothing like a big bowl of corn in the morning hey chef pee pee wait what are you doing i'm just making breakfast oh corn yeah corn like we always have can i have some yeah i'll make you a bowl that's gang peepee okay we got that corn all right i like it now just to add the corn wait what well i never poured the corn before the corn only a psychopath would do that i'm all right i guess so let me add the corn wait what the hell [Music] okay there you go a nice big hot bowl of corn whoa oh this gun chef pee pee but i'm a little thirsty too ah do i have to do everything okay i'll pour you a glass of corn wait let's go glass of corn all right oh my god that's porn i'm in heaven what's new jeffy it's corn every day all day oh my god i'm in heaven chef pee pee it makes my life kind of easy though because it's just everything's going oh did i mention for dinner jeffy we're gonna have some chef pee pees corny surprise i want it now chef pee pee no you could have your other corn now ah fine chef pee pee and oh my god my stomach hurts that pee pee i think i need to take a poo poo well go to the bathroom you probably have corn up your ass oh okay i'll be back all right time to take a boo-boo why is my butt cold oh my god what the heck why is your coin in the toilet do i have to eat you to get to the water because i'll do it i'll do it really quickly guys help me there's corn in the way women need to poop and there's corn in the way where's the water you used to poop up the corn yeah come on no i can't do it i can't be that disrespectful oh move on sure go back to the factory and we can eat more corn guys i don't think i could do this are you okay are you a corn person i'm not a what are you talking about where'd the corn people go where's all the corn oh my god it was tactile over there where's chef pee pee he had my cord and corn with the corny surprise for dinner and a glass of corn for me what are you talking about chef pee pee's making a bean buffet tonight wait you said no corn no i mean there's corn there that's it was i dreaming daddy probably you were asleep oh my god daddy everything was corn in my dream well even the toilet water what oh my god daddy i need more corn jeffy you really like corn i need more corn daddy right now there's some right there now my god now he's like i'm done what i need more corn that was like at least five pieces of corn and i need more daddy well that's all i had where'd you get this corn warmer i'm going to walmart to buy the whole stock no you're not with his money yours what all right oh it's all the corn oh my god look at all of it i'm taking it all right all right and that's the last piece huh there's so much in there what in tarnation have you done here oh i took all the corn woody what did it look like you took all the corn how dare you well i wanted all the corn you cannot just take all this here corn well i just did so no you gotta leave some from the other people around here no i'm leaving hold up hold your horses all right give me some of that corn no get back in here son all right got all this corn on here check me out oh yeah oh yeah shake it oh yeah jeffy you bought all this what are you doing no no nothing daddy i'm not watching anything you seem suspicious no oh no i'm not sucks daddy you're you're what are you watching what are you looking at what you're looking at boring yeah yeah yeah i am what jeffy well i switched to it because it was easier to explain wait easier to explain what were you watching before oh no nothing died don't check my history i'm gonna check your history now yeah yeah let's see what's here let's see what's here okay pornhub a free corn videos corn up what is that jeffy no it's nothing guys it's nothing at all but show me what is it i'm not clicking it daddy click it fine i'll show you yeah what the hell oh my god jeffy you're addicted to corn no diet i'm not don't say that about my precious corn you're addicted just look at yourself okay and this is a problem and i need rosalina to help me with this problem where is she she said she'd be back oh my god wait someone's at the door it might be rosalina but she never rings the doorbell what the heck rose you better be here where are you baby rose where are you wait the tony's cheese pizza where's rose there's a note dear pesky plumber i've captured your pretty princess if you ever plan on getting her back bring jeffy's corn collection to my bungalow the alien on third street no my baby i gotta savor pizza all hail the corn king how dare you bring pizza into the corn castle be banished immediately but pizza is one of your favorite foods get it out of it wait i don't anymore no corn is the only thing allowed in the corn castle be banished just getting out of hand which i think i got bad news for you one answer you're gonna have to get up your corn be badass no no let me finish listen your mom is stolen by woody he wants the corn no bye mommy no we need mommy i'll hail the corn king jeffy you're gonna have to give up your corn for your mom back no yeah you do i don't have to yes you do have to oh hail the corn cake little jeffy you're gonna do it no yeah you are what makes you think i'm gonna do it because it's your mommy okay i said enough you get all this corn put it in the box and i'll meet you in the car that's enough said hmm i think i have a different idea to where we can get mommy back and keep the corn all right let me do it oh yeah these beans are so nice i'm gonna make a whole buffet out of them all right brb hmm [Music] okay now just for the bee oh freak i got totally beaned well goddamn princess i leave for two minutes and you don't spill the horny wheat braided twist pretzels all over the damn place all over this new imac computer right here what if you don't to the unicorn i got you oh you didn't even know it's the xbox one god damn chivalry is dead not so fast woody what do you want i want my wife back well you bear brought that corn it's got the corn hand it over or i'm gonna flip what is this show you call my bungalow a show this is my bungalow my castle with my princess peach that's my rose give her back now here's the deal you hand over that corn i hand over your stupid uh female yeah all right i'll do it all right then it looks like a lot of corn there all right run along fellow oh she got the handcuffs on let me get you um marvin she still got the handcuffs on her legs i can't deal with that right now whatever just thanks for my wife all right let's get to eating that corn all right for pete's sake this corn better be in pristine condition let's check it out already let's get what in tor nations am i looking at i said how i flip i'm about to flip goddamn why damn where's that happen what is this okay honey we're home i'll figure out the anchors later oh hell the corn came i thought you get the corn the woody i didn't daddy it's all right here what was in the box the green beans die what how did you get away with that i have no idea daddy you and woody you're stupid i don't even know but i still get my corn and you got rose back so when when i guess it's fine all right rose let's just eat the cheese pizza corn pizza die i feel like battles are with my princess peach may i interest you in some honey we ready to twist pretzels goddamnit chivalry is dead not so fast woody ah look who stumbled upon my little old bungalow what is this show you gonna be mean to me or you want your wife back i want my wife back all right you better brought that corn you better brought that goddamn corn i'm gonna flip i'm gonna flip right here i brought the cord i brought the corn all right here's the plan hold on wait let me get my my honey wheat braided twist pretzels god damn mario we can't do my name's marvin now shut up all right where's the beans [Music] my
Channel: SMLYTP
Views: 4,607,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, jeffy, funny, kable10, tom bomb, glider, sbl, sll, sml jeffy, jeffy sml, sbl jeffy, sml movie, parody, sml parody, movie, humor, jokes, bowser junior, mario, sml movie jeffy, sml parody jeffy, 2021, jeffy's corn, jeffy's corn addiction
Id: 8X0H0338EYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 5sec (1205 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 03 2021
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