SML Parody: Jeffy's Gingerbread Mansion!

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all right got all the gingerbread house boxes set up oh I can't wait to fill with all these what what is this Jeffy how did you f on these I sold my feet on only fans daddy Jeffy tell me the real way yeah here hold on let me show you so this one is on my big toes and this one over here is on my heel oh my God you're being serious okay jimy I get it I get it whatever you were curious oh my God who's buying those well 152 people including one who bought 17 of them what the freak I should start doing that Jeffy what are you going to do with all these I'm going to be building a gingerbread Mansion Daddy it's going to be huge and I mean huge oh you definitely have enough wait Jeffy why is there so many of the same one down here there's like 10 of these well these aren't from the only fans money these are from a gingerbread making class wait what well hello everybody Welcome to my house I'm going to be hosting the first annual gingerbread house making lessons now because of an amazing donation we got we have three gingerbread house kits for everybody so everyone can come up and take them this is going to be [Applause] awesome oh my God slay I can't wait to build Chu bread houses it's my favorite Christmas activity well Wy do Wy day this better be a fun [Music] day oh man we got all our gingerbread houses stolen we'll try again next year guys a that guy's lame [Applause] what well holy snaker noodles this is some B I'm going home and that's what happened Daddy just you have all that beat money but you decided to steal from a gingerbread making class well hey she said that they were free yeah a free kit singular one per person not 10 well I'm sorry Dad she should have been more specific and by the way I would have taken more if they ran out oh my gosh Jey this is not my problem anymore you have fun with this don't make a mess if you do you're cleaning it bye bye daddy sick I can't wait to build this now I'm going to invite Junior and Joseph over they can help me all right guys come in here I feel like I'm in heaven so much gingerbread oh my God it's a Play-Doh one Play-Doh more like playd nuts Junior that's stupid Junior that was awful please never say that again shut up guys all right what are we doing with these we're going to be building a giant gingerbread mansion with all of these going to be awesome it's going to take a while guys probably a few hours maybe even all day we should probably get started then 12 seconds later um guys I I think we might have a little too many of these nah this is going to be fine right guys gu I think so guys you know what we can do what you know we could make the world's largest gingerbread mansion in the world in the world on the planet dude dude we the record yeah we should do it let's get started right now the record a few moments later come on this is so hard to open how are they doing this come on what are you doing whoops dude why you doing this we need all the pie we can get we're trying to get the world record oh yeah right I forgot we were doing that dude how do you forget already do you see me I guess you're right dude I'm sorry it just got me really upset I can't figure out how to open it dude I'll just open them well it's a little too late now hey somebody come over here I need some icing please somebody all right Junior I have came to save the day Jeffy I appreciate you Ma but you completely missed oh uh my bad Junior I tried my best Jeffy you completely missing means that we completely wasted that icing well we didn't completely waste it Junior what do you mean you could just pick it up and then put it on there you know that right I mean I could do that what if I used my mouth Junior I would want you to do that I think I'm going to use my mouth ooh white stuff in my mouth look guys I got a second story oh a great Joseph we could have had something there we're never going to get this done now it just looks like a big white house guys we can't give up though we need to get this world record you're he's right he's right you're right we got to do it we got to do it yeah guys I'm so excited I need to put my PP in something wait what you broke another shut up it was already broken Joseph eventually dude I got all this candy for more decorations did you seriously have to do that in the icing pile D be happy I bought this from my own collection oh okay I'm happy yeah yeah all right let's continue let's go hey guys hey guys look at this it looks like a pee pee it looks like a pee peee okay there's no more candy we need it for the house hey Joseph do you know where have you been eating all our candy I'm sure the candy why man we're trying to use it dude I brought it my shelf so it's mine but but it was for the house dude I do have sh you can't have it's over here what is it what is it here it is dude here it is where's that I hold on let me check let's go look wait we still have Skittles left not anymore unless you like floor Skittles I do not like floor Skittles Joseph oh god seriously dude we can show using for the gingerbread though cuz it's still edible but but I'm not going to eat that dude that's the rules as long as edible you don't have to eat it but someone does and I think that's the judge whatever are we going to poison the judge dude I don't care you shouldn't eat a gingerbread house anyway Char yeah true right all right what were you have up there all right Joseph but what were you saying you had you can eat this candy dude ew black Twizzlers dude what do you mean ew they're gross what do you mean black dude just cuz they're black they're good they're black Twisters what's wrong with them huh I mean they taste awful you're racist dude can you guys get focused already seriously yeah Das if you to say we need to get focused when you're focusing like a peee touche all right let's continue okay it's time to be cooking in the kitchen what what the floor Skittles a million boxes what the heck oh my what is this what is this hey shpee what doing we're building a gingerbread Mansion right now a gingerbread Mansion yeah we've been working for like 3 hours 3 hours a mansion Jeffy this looks like the outcome after I've edged to leg go fortnite for 5 hours can we go back to that what did you say uh nothing uh so you're making a mansion a gingerbread that's cool yeah yeah this is what we're doing this is our progress how the hell after 3 hours have you just completely trashed the kitchen and just did this well it's really hard to make one Chef peee we got 20 sets and we're trying to make the biggest one yet you know we're trying to beat the world record a world record are you serious yeah the biggest gingerbread house we're making a giant mansion well guess what what you're not doing crap cuz you're going to clean up this whole thing no Chef peipi we're going to do this okay and you're going to let us no I'm not I'm going to destroy it all die no no wait wait wait wait wait wait we'll give you some of the money wait what what money you talking about well when we get the world record we're going to get some money so we can give you some of it wait like how much money though ah probably like $2,000 $2,000 yeah something like that how much of that can I have no you get the $2,000 look at do okay we don't need me too anything how can it help just stay on standby and you'll help us clean this up when we're done I get to clean yeah whatever all right back to this 3 hours later can you move it along I'm all out of time cards wow guys we finally got something done we finally built something yeah we did it that's amazing guys are you stupid or what look at how Bey this is dude at least we build something we did build this but he's kind of right Joseph this is not going to win the world record no it's not we're going have to step this up yeah 100 times bigger 1,000 times bigger 10,000 times bigger let's do it 8:01 p.m. all right that's looking great but it look perfect to Prov a few more Oreos for this by ran out cheffy what Jeffy do you need anything yeah I need some more Oreos you think you get me some oh I got you Jeffy I got just the thing all right perfect okay Jeffy I don't have exactly Oreos but I got something just as good what are they cocka no Jeffy it's kako yeah Kaka like poopy no it's pronounced coak but oh I get it now no no no if it'd be oh oh my just forget it just take them okay all right let's put up some Kaka guys I think we're done oh my God incredible oh my God oh my gosh we did it we made the world's largest gingerbread house we actually did it let's go all right Junior you think you can call the world record person gotcha babe what do you just call me maybe he meant like Babe Ruth maybe all right hello is he already here hold on I'm too lazy to go get the door let me go get someone else just went by guys guys the goodness World rug person's already here oh my God I can't believe it where is he at he's at the door can you go get it Joseph wait dude why did I get him because I'm too lazy to do it okay why not Jeffy gets him I'm too lazy too oh my God fine I'll do it oh hey what's up D IO there I am Dr massive nuts from the Guinness World Rec and I am here to examine the world's largest gingerbread house allegedly okay dude we'll come right in come on in that dude follow me for what so where is this world record gingerbread house um it's right here this giant thing Feast your eyes on the world's largest gingerbread house you guys brought me out for this gingerbread house right here this is not a record ah Jeffy I knew we shouldn't used cardboard but it makes it bigger Junior I know but we're not getting the record because it's not fully edible all right dude who said cardboard is not edible no no no no don't you don't need to do that but dude it's edible even if this thing was fully edible and made out of gingerbread it's still nowhere near the size of it needing to be the world record well how many more sets do we need like five more sets Jeffy do you have enough money for that of course I do junior I got that P asive income from my feet only F it's bigger than the size of this room what it's the size of a small house what you're talking about needing five sets you're probably going to need 5,000 sh or more to come even close to the record I'm going home this is a waste of my time Junior yeah Joseph yeah I don't think we're getting the world world record no we spent so much time on this I haven't slept in 24 hours 5,000 seted I may have feet money but not that much feet money oh we're not making a small house out of gingerbread but dude this is a small house look at it I mean yeah but you means like a legitimate small house oh it's good enough it's good enough for me dude I can have a place to live from now on uh I mean I guess you could it's a Christmas Miracle yay okay what what holy cow this looks amazing guys is that Joseph yeah it's Joseph in there is he okay yeah he's fine there he's just sleeping yeah he moved in there I can't believe it's big enough to move into oh my gosh yeah he's comfortable in there pretty happy it's a Christmas miracle honestly I'm kind of jealous that looks cozy oh yeah it looks like it but guys where's the price money well we didn't get the record what what are you talking about you want to get the record we weren't even close to it apparently it's the size of an actual small house what but this is my house oh my God I can't believe you get the record oh man here Chef Pee you can clean this up for us we'll see you later yeah she uh wait wait guys but but but what what no
Channel: SMLYTP
Views: 210,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, jeffy, funny, kable10, tom bomb, glider, sbl, sll, sml movie, parody, sml parody, movie, humor, jokes, bowser junior, mario, 2021, sml jeffy, jeffy sml, sbl jeffy, sml movie jeffy, sml parody jeffy, 2023, sml parody jeffy's gingerbread mansion, jeffy's gingerbread house
Id: _9w1at94aL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2023
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