SML Parody: Jeffy's Castle!

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who are you how'd you get in here y'all got any sprite sprite no i don't have any sprite why do you want sprite to go with my mcdonald's well i can't help you with that so get out yeah got any money money for a sprite you're asking me to give you money you need cash how much do you need quarter million quarter of a million for a sprite yeah it's got the new v8 v8 what is that like a vitamin or something for lamborghini what lamborghini a lamborghini you want me to give you money for a lamborghini i thought about the sprite oh man what are you doing just open the door go get out i just wanted to spread it just pull the handle yeah that's right just pull it all right now open the door pull it towards you no no pull it towards you oh my god what is wrong with you i always forget the stupid spot never have the sprite in the back never never never only demonetize the channel just fine but no sprite nope stupid sprite i'm just gonna buy another lamborghini [Music] oh mcdonald's bag well i love mickey d's come on tell me your spicy nuggets in here nothing good not even a sprite well i don't want this garbage i guess we'll just throw it away yeah goodbye mickey d never eat you again hey jeffy what are you doing eating out of trash again no junior i stopped doing that like a year ago oh well you wanna go inside and play fortnite then morty's in the item shot we can make fun of him for it wait morty i wish junior but daddy says i can't play fortnite for like a year oh why not because i was making fun of the people on voice chat i was saying really bad words daddy said oh well what do you want to do then well i was lining up this cardboard box you're thinking we can make a fort get like fortnight but with the fort jeffy that kind of sounds a little boring i don't really know if i want to do that boring junior we can have like a gaming room and like a living room would be super cool oh yeah that would be pretty cool uh you really think we can do that with one box i don't see why not all right let's go try it all right let's do it [Music] see junior it's a car my shirt uh jeffy i think you spelled fort wrong what no i didn't junior says for it right here wait no it doesn't that's his fart junior can't you read it says for no you read it that says fart not fort that's disgusting junior oh what's with the yellow paint down here oh it matches my shirt junior and look there's a blue for my helmet isn't that dope how do we get inside there's no door we got going through the top all right well what happens if it rains well you see junior there's air holes so you can breathe out of it that doesn't answer my question jeffy junior what was morty really in the fortnight item shop or were you just saying that yes he was in the fortnite item shop but that doesn't answer my question do you think morty wouldn't want to see this for i don't think anybody would want to see his fort but i guess we can go get him all right let's go see if he wants to see it oh what does it mean what does it mean gosh darn it what does it mean hey morty what doing oh hey jeffy i'm just annotating my whippy cake book see it's the fifth time that i've read this one and i really wanted i don't really care you see i built this cool fort out so i was wondering if you won't come see it oh no no no don't make fun of me for being in fortnite not you too all the kids at school are like rick doesn't need a mech to move around rick doesn't need a mech to shoot guns well i do okay i'm a little short so what morty what are you talking about oh nothing what do you want but i built this four dots so i add a cardboard and when you come see it oh really yeah okay that sounds kind of cool sure i'll come and see it cool all right jeffy where's the where's your fork is it uh behind the trash what trash this trash right here must be blocking your fort hang on i'll throw it in the recipe no no more don't do that this isn't trash this is my fort what yeah but but why does it say fart on it it doesn't say fart morty it says fort uh did somebody pee on it no it's just a car my shirt oh jeffy yeah i don't know how to say this but uh this fort is hot garbage i could make a better fort than this no you couldn't maury sure i could what do you think all the wimpy kids are for uh reading uh well yeah they are but i also like to make forts in my spare time well where are you gonna get all the cardboard oh i got cardboard follow me okay all right jeffy here's all the boxes we can use uh morty where'd you get all these boxes oh from tons and tons of fan mail what you get fan mail of course i get fan mail i'm like the favorite character why don't i get fan mail i guess people just don't like you what yeah i mean they send me fan mail if you haven't gotten any fan mail then i guess you don't have any fans whatever do you think we can make a cool fort with all these boxes oh i know we can make a cool fort we got so many to use i hope it's really big really awesome man i want a gaming room oh we can make a bunch of stuff but uh i don't know if we'll get power to it but we'll try anyway let's go all right junior we're making a big fort now [Music] [Music] perfect [Music] so [Music] so [Music] all right jeffy what do you think of your new fort morty it looks so uh bad what it doesn't look bad it looks way better than your other dumb fork not really morty where's the big one door we can't build a big one door we don't have any wood where's the air holes everywhere it's outside and what if it rains i mean look your house didn't even have a door or a roof all i had was air holes so look once you go inside you'll feel much better about it whatever all right jeffy no you're in the floor isn't it at least a little better not really morty there's nothing to do yeah there is don't you hear junior down there wait what yeah he's in our underground gaming room you look at this floor panel over here and you got access to thousands of games okay maury that's pretty cool there's a whole underground area yeah that's not all either we have an indoor swimming pool an outdoor swimming pool and an indoor outdoor swimming pool and we have a circle k and we have a target and we have access to fully functioning cannons wow more that's pretty cool but what's over here no no don't go over there oh what is that i don't know jeffy don't look at that look away look away jeffy junior morty it's time for lunch come inside what the heck is that who put this in my yard it looks awful i bet i know exactly who did this jeffy i know you're in there come on out yeah that's right jeffy i can see you come on out jeffy i know you're in there alright so i'm laying myself in all right jeffy you have to come inside it's lunchtime who is it who is it it's me it's your dad you can see me there's not even a door uh what's your password password oh shoot he got it don't you see your sign daddy what no daddy allowed jeffy i'm coming in anyway no no ah jiffy all i want you to do is come inside for lunch is that too much to ask jeffy since mario came inside you turned off the security system right what security system did i get out of here if i were you yeah where the kids are gonna get you cannons okay you guys here come inside too cause the food's gonna get cold i'm okay oh man i'm so glad i got into real estate this is the third house i bought today and it's well it's a little dumpy it gets the job done i just want something more elegant something like a castle something gorgeous it's beautiful i want that i need that i'm gonna buy that oh it's mine oh wow this thing's gorgeous hey who won't just join uh what's your password frankly i don't really care now how much you want for this masterpiece it's not for sale what sure it is everything's for sale how about uh i'll give you 50 g's for it still not for sale you drive a hard bargain buddy i'll give you a half a million for it nope yup nope yup nope yup nope yup right fat boy if you're gonna be like that i'm gonna go get my buddies and i'll take this castle from you the hard way i'll be back soon uh more you become a problem what well kermit kind of wants to take us to war that's it yeah that's not really a problem at all i mean he doesn't have anything to use against us we're the ones with the cannons the turrets and the air strikes well yeah but he's gonna get all his buddies and you're gonna try to take the fort so what we'll just blast him with everything we got i guess we can do that oh no here he comes all right goons you ready to take over this castle is charlie in there i don't know who charlie is but sure he's in there can i bully whoever's in there yeah you can volume all you want all right goons charge charlie charlie charlie charlie you in there charlie no where is he good job goons alright time to see this underground gaming room huh where is it the swimming pool even a circle k oh there's no underground section junior where's charlie daddy we don't have charlie here all we have is a target kermit lied to me what is going on out here jeffy what's with all the noise oh this is my kingdom now i don't have the energy to deal with this today ah oh yeah how do you like us destroying your stupid castle loser ready to get bullied i'm not getting boy today boy bill this will make you think twice about messing with us bully bill what are you doing loser no what what are you doing fire in the hole oh i'm outta here i'm sorry mother oh wow the fort's finally mine hey buddy what do you have to say for yourself i don't even care oh wow i finally done it the castle the kingdom the fort is all mine and it's well maybe a little destroyed but it's fine i have my indoor swimming pool downstairs all right maybe i don't well i got my circle k i don't have that either my butlers nope no butler's definitely not you know i have houses twice as nice as this not saying it's dumpy but well there's no walls anymore so it's not great sports kind of crap not great not great kind of a waste of time big waste of time actually what am i doing here what the oh wow look at this this is this is art abstract art but definitely art whoa it's even got a urine stain what are those air holes wow this is even better than that dumpy fort i i gotta give it a shot just a quick demo here we go oh this is comfort comfort plus comfort wow this might be the best ford i've ever seen junior i told you my first fort was great whatever i would never give this up this is way better than that other fort wow he's really liking that thing that's kind of weird yo gunny sprite [Music] you
Channel: Kable10
Views: 1,327,243
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6KNDlMnaYxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 28 2021
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