SML Parody: Jeffy The Bully!

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uh f f oh look f let me guess another a Jeffy actually passed one of his homework assignments oh this is big I gotta get balloons and a cake oh hey Mario oh thanks for finding my homework assignment [Applause] f another ass hey Dad can I get some lunch money wait no what happened to the lunch money I gave you this morning oh boy Bill took it hey brain dead give me all your lunch money you're not getting nothing oh yeah we gonna do about it loser well Jeffy I don't care if you get beat up or boy but when he takes my money that's when I have a problem but what do you want me to do about it well I don't know did you tell a teacher day I ain't no snitch well then beat him up oh I try that's your boy Bill oh that is it see Daddy it never works what are you talking about you didn't even show me anything the flashback what flashback what am I supposed to do I don't know throw rock through his windows slash his tires that usually works what I mean uh give him a cookie yeah that's good maybe to get rid of the bully I gotta become a bully no that's stupid why would you think that would work I'm gonna go do it no you're not gonna go do it that's stupid Jeffy come back [Music] d-a-d-y what's up dog Jimmy what are you wearing what's good G you feeling this fitter no what are you talking about and where are your helmet and your clothes gee I'm asking you if this drip is busting no cap on God no cap Jeffy tell me where all your stuff is you need your helmet no no kizzy father these kicks are fire I'm talking straight hot Cheeto fire I had no idea what you're saying dab me up fat boy fat boy I'm not that fat Carl you be looking like a chug jug from fortnite No Cap No Cap what does that even mean Jeffy I don't understand you at all gang gang on God okay now you're just saying nonsense I'm trying to throw down the streets kid stay Gucci homeboy whatever makes you happy but I don't see how this is gonna solve your bullying problem that's what I'm saying stay murked up oh man I wish my parents loved me what's good home slice are you making fun of me loser I'm just trying to throw down the streets G uh wait with the stupid hat and that stupid shirt loser you trying to be a bully or something you got a problem with it uh yeah I do it I should beat you right now to show you who's the real bully well Boy Bill always doing some calculations and I'm about 30 times your size so I think I can put you in a casket right now uh well that doesn't matter to me because I can't do math so let's go you want to find out uh well you know I I think you do Bully Bill come on let's go now for a round uh oh fine if you want to be a bully so bad then uh you can uh uh oh you can help me steal that Tesla over there yeah Tesla wait that's Morty's Tesla I mean uh all right Boy Bill that kind of vandalism in a felony but whatever well I don't care let's do it all right let's go hey boy bill this car is kizzy no God on cap loser if you want to be a bully you better stop talking like that whatever all right now help me get this door open ah wait Boy Bill you do know this is a Tesla right shut up loser I'm trying to get in it and change it to Tesla I bet there's gonna be cameras watching you right now don't care I'm trying to get in and I bet Morty's looking at those cameras right now thinking I'm gonna do something about it look Boozer there's no cameras on this car oh boy I can't wait to reread my diary wimpy kid box set oh which one am I gonna start with first probably just the first one because it is the first wait a minute notification from Tesla someone's trying to break in I better activate the security measures oh come on door open why are you being so stupid what's that noise loser oh wait it's moving by itself loser what do we do I told you so he probably saw me taking his car uh I have to go bully him so he doesn't tell on me wait what hey loser looks like somebody just tried to break into your Tesla yeah it was you guys you tried to break in no we didn't and if you say we did well this guy's right here he's gonna beat you wait what yep you're gonna beat him now do your bullying thing uh Morty you're really dumb and your haircut stupid well that's not very nice am I done no you're not done you're a Bully Now bully him even harder uh do I have to yes you have to unless you don't want to be a bully Morty no one likes you and you'll die of a Wimpy Kid books are annoying me I can't believe you would say that that was so mean I never want to see you again don't talk to me good job loser he actually bullied him he cried a little bit now let's go bully someone else okay oh man what am I gonna do about jeffy's homework he can't keep failing like this he can't oh I'm gonna have to have a talk with him when he gets inside someone's at the door they better be Jeffy uh hello oh hey sure I'm looking for jeffy's father uh yeah I'm jeffy's father wait a minute haven't I seen you before all those really old gray hairs that mustache oh and that suit wait a minute you're the game maker right you're Phil Jefferson oh you must be here for the game part two the fans have been asking where it is in the comments they really really want to see it so is it done oh you must be thinking of my brother Phil Jefferson my name's Bill Jefferson so so you're not here about the game Shawnee I don't know what you're talking about about a game I'm jeffy's teacher in school and he's not doing chill well oh okay uh we can talk about it inside come on so as you can see he's not doing very good in school yeah I noticed so I got his last time in here today with you I tried to give it to him today in Clash but he tried to bite me well it is a Jeffy thing to do he needs to get it done by tomorrow and he needs to get at least an eight or all she gets expelled expelled okay I'll make sure he gets all the right answers he turns it in first thing tomorrow bill bill I'm right Bill wake up oh sorry Johnny did you just die come back to life it happened sometimes Johnny I'm 197. 197. and you still teach wait a minute I know those guys that mustache that tie is new Mario is that you uh yeah it's Mario but I don't really recognize you oh my God I taught you in the second grade there's no way you taught me in the second grade that was 43 years ago 43. you see Mario I lose track of time the shoot I got on I've been wearing it for like 50 years I don't take it off so you don't take all thing in your clothes nope well then how you go to the bathroom I'm going right now okay so I'm gonna get Jeffy to do all this homework and it'll turn it in so you can go now Johnny I'm not done oh yeah you are the door's right over there I think I got a kidney stone okay goodbye Bill oh man loser we gotta find somebody else to bully quick I'm getting bored I think I'm dumbling for today bully Bill what did you just say I mean I'm just kind of sick of it uh boys don't stop bullying we keep going forever now let's find someone whatever loser look over there hey buddy hey you gotta get out of the road you're going like one mile an hour buddy the speed limit's like 30 here what are you doing hey can you hear me no don't don't wave you gotta move Bud you're holding up traffic oh my God buddy you gotta go come on move move loser you have to bully that guy over there I mean look at him he's begging for it are you sure that's a good idea bully Bill uh yeah it is so go do it don't ask questions wherever you say here I go all right sunshine I'm gonna take you to where the sun don't shine prison get it because there's no sunshine there and you're going too slow so so you go to prison get it hey officer wow you've had too many donuts today you're looking really big hey hey kid I'm making an arrest here you got you gotta stop that are you sure you shouldn't be arresting yourself I mean you are kind of looking slow what are you talking about whatever what sunshine hey where'd he go kid you made me lose Sunshine what are you gonna do about a donut boy all right that's not funny you couldn't catch me if you wanted to are you serious wait a minute is he bullying the police officer no losers stop I meant bully the turtle not the police officer you idiot you're really embarrassing all right that's it do you want to get arrested oh my God he's gonna get us arrested run Loser run wait what I gotta go officer sorry oh man I can't let Jeffy fail his homework assignment he'll get suspended I guess I have to do the homework for him it can't be that hard right he's in high school or was in Middle School or it could be Elementary School I don't really know I guess I'll get started question one explain the max Carl Ernest Ludwig plank theory of quantum mechanics and detail 100 points I don't know that why would Jeffy know that I'll just skip it and come back find the variable and solve the equation okay that seems pretty easy pi equals 4 minus four over three is well I don't know that either oh okay okay uh who is the most renowned leader of the Chinese Republic explain their political beliefs motives and structures with evidence oh man this is hard this is really hard I don't know any of these let's start with question one oh man okay done that only took me eight hours oh man I really hope this is right I don't know what I'd have to do if I had to homeschool Jeffy okay Jeffy what's two plus two oh oh I want Pop-Tarts oh God that would be a nightmare when Jeffy gets back I'll just give him this assignment and he'll keep it someplace safe so he can turn it in and he won't lose it or screw it up okay all right loser I'm really hungry but since we're bullies and we're not paying for that food we're just gonna go in and steal it sounds good boy but wait look over there [Music] who's there I think that's our teacher it is I'm gonna go bully him wait wait I don't think it's a good idea I mean that's our teacher he could fail you trust me Lily Bill I know what I'm doing I'm a professional now no cap whatever what's good teach you like those nuggets yeah you see I'm sick of you giving me F's on my assignments so I'm gonna bully you today I'm gonna take your nugget I'm gonna take your Frosty and you know what maybe I'll even take your teacher all right teach teach all right teach oh God hey loser are you done yet oh what loser you bullied him to death I did yeah he's not moving you idiot we gotta get out of here before somebody pins this on us how did I do that I just call them names well I guess he had a weak heart or something I mean wow I didn't think you were that big of a bully you really did bullying the death oh God we're gonna get in trouble we gotta get out of here all right let's go oh man Boy Bill we finally made it out of there uh yeah I know I think this is the first time I've ever been in your house it's a it's not a complete dump oh well thanks Boy Bill but I think there's something you should know uh what are you talking about I ain't no snitch oh but I get sick of being bullied bully bill and I figured to do something about it what are you doing loser so I don't know how else to say this but get em boys foreign how was school today oh it was great I'm so glad we took care of my bowling problem yeah I'm glad you won't get bullied anymore yeah I also got expelled what expelled why well you see I thought I killed my teacher by accident kind of when I was bullying but I was kind of a stunt but then the teacher is actually alive you thought you killed your teacher well also because I got a bad grade on assignment wait what are you talking about that's what mine is f minus why not a regular F because I didn't draw the pretty pictures he liked wait a minute this is the homework that I did for you yup no cap on God [Music]
Channel: Kable10
Views: 1,965,829
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QP03fxOS0oQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 13 2021
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