SML Parody: Tesla Time Machine!

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[Music] oh man that's a good coke time to get started on my lunch oh man oh wow daddy you brought home lunch for us for once but no not us jeffy me this is my lunch this is all yours then where's mine it's on the table over there you mean the green beans i'm not eating those well you have to it's your lunch and it's healthy guys there's no way you can eat all this didn't your doctor say your arteries are getting clogged yeah and he also said i need to cut back on my food which i am i was gonna get four big macs and i only got two and i only got one coke instead of two yeah who am i kidding i had the other coke in the car well daddy if you get a heart attack i'm not calling 9-1-1 you don't have to call 9-1-1 jeffy because it's not going to happen oh man i can't wait to eat this big mac [Music] oh oh man that was all so good i only have one sandwich left and it's the impossible whopper i just have to unwrap unwrap oh [Music] i just have to unwrap my sandwich so i can so i can eat it yeah all right time to dine to it hey daddy i fed my green beans to squirrels can i have some of your food ooh an impossible whopper daddy oh come on you fall asleep daddy wake up oh i get it you're trying to pretend to have a heart attack so i eat my green beans well it's too late already feminist squirrels daddy you okay daddy oh no out of the way kid oh man i knew he'd end up like this look at all this fast food let me check for a pulse sweet jesus he's gone kid how long has he been like this uh i don't know i just found him like this oh man good thing his life alert went off i would give him cpr but i bet his breath reeks from all that fast food too bad oh where are you taking him well kid he's gone we're taking him to the morgue the morgue broken guy come back uh brooklyn guy when am i gonna see daddy again oh well you'll get the ashes in like two to three business days all right off to the morgue oh okay thanks brooklyn guy hey morty daddy's going away on vacation so we can do whatever we want oh wow jeffy that's really cool where'd he go uh somewhere called the morgue i guess it's french the morgue yeah but don't worry brooklyn guy said he's gonna be back in two three business days or ashes i don't know what he said jimmy when somebody goes to the morgue that's not a vacation i think mario's gone what do you mean gone i think he's dead oh what no more that's not true i mean he did kind of pass out from eating all that food but he'll be back i know he will jiffy people who go to the morgue don't come back unless they're in an urn oh man you're serious yes what happened to him oh no this is awful what are we gonna do all right i don't know i'll think of something no oh man well at least daddy's gone i guess i can do whatever i want eat all the oreos i want no more green beans cop dubs and fortnite all day get the green goblin skin looks pretty dope and uh daddy can't tell me i can't [Music] it's just not the same oh who's that at the door uh hello oh it's you again hey ken uh sorry to come back so soon uh i don't know how to put this but uh actually i'm gonna take you to foster care because you know legally you can't be living here by yourself because you know you're under the age and since your father's gone and all and uh that bowser guy no way he can take care of you you know he's got warrants out uh so if you want to pack your things well i got to take you to foster care i'm sorry i'm not going to foster care that's miserable all right well i mean you kind of have to but i'll give you a minute i'll i'll be back i'll give you a minute hey morty i miss daddy what morty where'd you get this new tesla oh well you like it i have to get rid of my white one and ant-man got me this new model s plaid it's so nice isn't it ant-man uh morty i'm pretty sure ant-man just doesn't give people cars yes he does it was ant-man i know it was oh man i'm really bored of this dumb stupid toy tesla i missed my white test so that i could actually drive it's a shame they took it away from me after i hit that family oh hey kid you recognize me no the red power ranger no it's it's me ant-man but who from end game and ant-man oh and ant-man and the wasp anyway i can use my growing discs to make your toy tesla into a real one wanna watch me do it you you can't do that power rangers don't make things grow i'm not a power ranger okay now step back so i can make this tesla into a real one it's all right but i doubt you can do it there you go sport and remember no more hitting families oh wow thanks aunt guy you're like my 22nd favorite superhero now it's ant man dang it you're such an ungrateful brat you better not get any more car accidents okay i won't ant guy i'm gonna give it a ride okay morty there's no way that actually happened yes it did it's all completely true ask ant-man well if ant-man really made this car and it's the fastest car in the world then why don't we use it to go back in time and save daddy's life but because this isn't back to the future just because a car goes really fast doesn't mean you can time travel actually it can oh and man haven't you seen end game oh oh wait but but this isn't a movie this doesn't make any sense so we can save daddy's life but be careful you don't want thanos to get you so what do we have to go 88 miles an hour or something nope 89 miles an hour oh so morty we can use this car go back in time save daddy's life and then i don't have to go to foster care yeah i guess we could try it i don't know how mother will feel to be messing with quantum space time but i guess we'll give it a shot all right let's do it then okay sorry jiffy i found a nice long stretch of road you can use to get to 89 miles an hour all right morty i'm so ready for this huh i don't know jeffy i'm a little nervous i mean what if a cop sees us oh don't be nervous morty there's not gonna be any cops and we're gonna go back in time and save daddy's life yeah i guess you're right mario needs us so it's all right activate plaid mode plaid mode activate activate drag strip mode drag strip mode activated uh all right finally activate cool music cool music activate jeffy yeah what is that it's the ice cream man music oh well jeffy i said put on cool music you don't like ice cream well i do it's just when i said put on cool music i i didn't have that in mind oh whatever are you ready yeah all right activate launch mode it actually worked yeah i think it did wait jiffy how far did you send this back uh february 5th 2020 2020 yeah jiffy you were supposed to send this back two hours not two years oh hours don't mean years i got him confused no hours mean hours what are we gonna do well if we're in 2020 that means chapter two just came out more i gotta get the new battle pass no mario needs us now we're gonna go back morty we're practically in a time machine we can go back whenever we want just real quick when we go back home fine but you only get five minutes all right i'll make it quick wow morty look at her house she looks so different jeffy it literally looks exactly the same it's only been two years what feels different all right i'm gonna go inside get my tier 100 skin because i'm already tier 9 it shouldn't take too long whatever i'm going to find mario give him a salad or something mario mario where are you i have sweet butter crunchy lettuce nice and healthy mother i ask for your forgiveness for your guidance lead me to salvation and i will force all to obey you must be trying to summon mother mario oh geez i finally figured it out is it cloning quantum dimensions time travel yeah i'm from the future i probably shouldn't say that mother's gonna be so mad future so that means i turn good well no you can't turn good because you were never bad i don't even know who you are wait do i not exist i'm more evil death by my hit single now on itunes oh i'm so superior you're all inferior what are you gonna do i've never heard of that song in my life why do you look like me but with stupid eyebrows stupid eyebrows they're not stupid my evil eyebrows how did you even get here is it the lettuce do you use the lettuce to time travel i i better go i need to get this lettuce to mario questions come back oh we're too early dumb chapter two didn't even start yet hey jiffy i just saw something really really weird so can we go yet well not yet morty i gotta wait for chapter you to start in for tonight so i can get the bow pass but but doesn't it take like three days i can wait well the tesla can't it's gonna run out of power come on let's go oh morty all right jeffy this time i set the day to the tesla so there's no way we can screw it up all right morty punch it all right here we go sorry jeffy we made to the right time period this time yeah but morty daddy's car is already gone that means he left to get the food oh no well at least we know where he's going come on let's go stop him let's go all right i got my burger king and my wendy's in the car now to finish it off with mcdonald's hurry up morty we gotta go before daddy gets his mcdonald's hang on jeffy here we go come on morty go faster i don't speed well you did when we time traveled yeah well that was different okay faster morning faster i'm going as fast as i can oh man this is gonna be so good i can't eat all my food no all right we made it where is he i think he's over there more let's go get that food from him okay oh this is gonna taste so good hey daddy jimmy how did you get here not important i'm gonna need that mcdonald's bag no you can't take my mcdonald's i need it sorry wait no jiffy sorry daddy gotta run don't know my mcdonald's it's all slimy now oh my cheat day's ruined that caused like two target paychecks oh man stupid jeffy throwing my mcdonald's i was gonna eat that mcdonald's now i can't have anything else to eat because it's all gone i can only eat my other food if i have my mcdonald's uh dad what you so mad about you know what i'm mad about you throw away my mcdonald's mcdonald's i didn't even know you got mcdonald's how did i throw it away yeah you did you were at mcdonald's you threw my food away uh no i wasn't always here the whole day yes you were you were at mcdonald's now i'm thinking you're just trying to make stuff up to get me ground stuff i didn't even do jimmy stop playing stupid i know it was you what no it wasn't but maybe you should lay off to mcdonald's like your doctor said you're gonna get a heart attack soon if you don't stop you know what you know what maybe you're right maybe i shouldn't have that mcdonald's i mean i don't want to get a heart attack oh he's so bad maybe i should go vegan i am so confused right now [Music] you
Channel: Kable10
Views: 1,340,267
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 39DAXmuYMXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 07 2022
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