SML Parody: Jeffy's Christmas Revenge!

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was the Night Before Christmas in the cable 10 house as Jeffy lay sleeping snuggled up on the couch countless presents gathered by the tree wrapped in anticipation oh what could they be when all of a sudden a mystical sound Santa arrived with joy all around wait a minute that's not Santa Claus [Applause] [Music] Santa Claus is that you you're not Santa Claus Mr Grinch nope nope I'm ready for you this year Mr Grinch thinking you could steal my present on Christmas you picked the wrong house Mr Grinch [Music] what this is what you get Mr [Music] [Music] Grinch Jeffy what is all that noise it's too early for this what what is this why are there presents all over my floor wait a minute oh my God he just couldn't wait C he Jeffy had to go through all our gifts before we even got a chance to wake up and see them for ourselves what what The Jeffy what is wrong with you you look awful what were you up all night waiting for Santa it was breaking in your house Daddy I had to stop him what who who are you talking about Jeffy you're you're delusional I didn't have a choice and then and he fell into a pool I think he's dead what he's in the pool what are you talking about no can't have a normal Christmas never have a normal Christmas nope dadd what did you do what why is the gr the how did you I didn't have a choice Dad it was either me or him or the present and I wasn't trying to miss out on another Christmas je Jeff you killed the Grinch do you understand how serious this is he he's dead he had an AR and he was pointing a gun at me so I had no choice I had to do it oh my God Jeffy you're going to go to jail for this if anybody finds him well it wouldn't be the first time I was in prison on shut up Jeffy shut up this is serious I got to hide the body oh my God I can't believe I'm doing this do I do I bury him do I do I do I burn him in acid like I got to get him out of the pool I can't just leave him there at least we get to keep all his presents what that's what you care about keeping the presents yeah oh my God just get inside I I have to figure this out oh boy oh boy here what is it an i Ione 15 wow this is the best Christmas ever hey Junior Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Jeffy look at all the presents we got this year we must have been really good hate to break it to you Junior but these aren't even ours wait they're not you see the Grinch broke in this morning and I took care of him but he left his big bag with all these presents and they're not ours oh well I was wondering why my name wasn't on any of them yeah guess I don't want this iPhone then let's sure my present actually is it's got to be in the bag wait a minute what's that wait is that Santa's no it would make sense if the Grinch had that actually well let's see where you are on it shut up Junior I'm not on the naughty list if anything you would be on it well I'm not on the naughty list that was good this year uh junior you pretended that your dad died in front of the cops and you got paid for it uh well you pulled the fire alarm no I didn't Junior let's just see where we both are on it then all right all right Jeffy you ready to look at the list yeah Junior but I'm telling you I'm not on it I was actually pretty good this there you are what yeah you're right there you're on your bully Bill too that means he was better than you oh come on S give me a break I killed the Grinch for you what more do you want hey Jeffy I guess I win cuz I'm not on the oh you're right there Junior yeah I'm so sick of s in his high standards how can we get on the nice list I know it's like impossible I'm so sick of not getting any good presents yeah I wish the kids on the naul got presents too Junior yeah that just gave me a big fat idea what we keep the present for ourselves no but I do like that as well but if we take all the gifts the Grinch left and we just give them to all the naughty kids wait you're right that is a good idea then everyone can have a good Christmas I mean it's not fair that Santa discriminates against the na kids they deserve gifts sometimes too yeah and I don't have any incentive to get better if I don't have present we're going to be like Santa Claus but the opposite and not the Grinch cuz I killed him yeah exactly wait but how are we going to give him all the presents I mean Junior we can just use the big red sleigh wait we have a sleigh mhm follow me all [Music] [Applause] [Music] right all right Jeffy it says here that bully bill is the closest so let's do him [Music] first once again I got nothing for Christmas I hate you Santa Merry Christmas bully [Music] Bill who threw that wait a minute a present oh a Nerf gun thanks Santa all right who's next uh oh wait Frank's on here let's do him next he's pretty close Merry Christmas what the wait a present oh wow thanks Santa I didn't think I was getting anything after what I did this [Music] year you're welcome make sure you leave me milk and cookies next year oh yeah that was too easy oh wow another present thanks Santa I really don't know why I'm doing this I don't even celebrate Christmas I'm Jewish you get a gift yo ho ho all right we did that we did that yep Jeffy I think we're done yeah there's no more presents in that bag we did it Jeffy we saved Christmas oh man Junior we did so good I know right we did such a good job we gave away so many presents I just think we made the best Christmas ever we did way better than Santa could ever dream to do I know maybe we should just be the new Santa from now on yeah and Junior I was thinking maybe Santa Claus and Easter bunny are the same person but wait why because during Easter I never get anything good it's always a disappointment so my theory is that the naughty list actually transfers over to other holidays but he's the Easter Bunny which means we have to do the same thing for Easter and the other holidays uh I don't know Jeffy I think if we keep giving away gifts to naughty kids Santa might get mad well what's he going to do come here all the way from the North Pole U um I I'll get it okay hello Santa Claus myself Santa I pooped myself okay so do you want to tell me again why the Grinch is laying dead in your pool right now um yeah so about that it's a funny story actually you know so I was sleep last night as you are on Christmas Eve you know uh dreaming of gumdrops get to the point all that and so all of a sudden I heard the Splash in my pool I'm like oh that's weird you you don't usually hear that at night so I I went out look outside and and the Grinch was just in my pool so you going to stick with that story you going to tell me what actually happened that is what happened I I think he like he jumped off the roof maybe he was like practicing for the Olympics right the door wait s's at the door I want to see him no you don't Jun your had a gun he looked really angry is he here to shoot us I don't know it's cuz what we did oh my God keep the door locked don't let him in junior what do we do I don't know I I don't know what to do when Santa comes to the door I really think he'd show up we need a Christmas miracle to get out of this one can you please tell me what actually happened I want to go home it's Christmas day okay look I mean I I'm telling the truth I I mean did you shoot him you can just tell me if you did I didn't shoot him no did you push him in there no it was Jeffy okay Jeffy shot him he broke into our house last night and Jeffy shot him see was that so hard you're going to arrest him now aren't you no man it's stand your ground law if he broke into your house you have every right to shoot him I mean if he broke into my house I'd fill him with bullets okay so so we're fine yes you're fine I mean you defended yourself it's not your fault we just got to figure out how to get him out of your pool okay thank God yeah just get him out of there he's like he's getting green stuff all over I'm going to have to clean out all that fur oh my God he's moving and with a bit of Christmas magic the Grinch rose from the dead with one goal in mind to get Santa's [Music] head [Music] with his work done and the Grinch on his way he embarks to bring joy on each Christmas [Music] Day
Channel: Kable10
Views: 248,123
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Gzqu0CBhph0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2023
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