I Built a SECRET Gaming Room in WALMART!

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all right guys today we finally made it to Walmart we're going to go in there and we are going to behave all right Johnny I don't want you looking at any toys Gooby you're not stealing anything and Daisy no looking at the flowers but I'm already thinking about the flowers and I can see them right now nope you're not allow look you're not allow to look yeah I want to take some things and just bring them back to my house without paying up for them uh that's robbery okay and we will not be going to jail today oops daddy why can't we get a few toys just like one or two because I don't have the money to buy those toys only have money to buy the essentials like we need some toilet paper cuz Gooby likes to use all the toilet paper and collect the toilets oops well Daddy why are you poor hey I'm trying to work I'm trying to get enough money to pay for everything all right we're just going to go in there and we're going to be okay we're going to be nice and happy today all right we're going to go into this Walmart and you guys are not going to take anything all right follow me all right Daddy come on guys this is going to be so boring it's going to be fun we're going to buy some toilet paper this is the worst Walmart trip ever up Daisy don't look at the toys don't look over here keep walking keep walking walking wow daddy those toys are awesome can I get one I want the kitty maybe this one of these octopus no put it down oh come on this one's just octopus I don't care if it's an octopus you're not taking it home all right everyone just follow me this way ddy what are you even coming here to get I need some toilet paper you need a Xbox no I don't need an Xbox where'd you go no Johnny no Gooby o What About Cupcakes no cupcakes everybody stop everyone follow me and drop all the things in your hands oops Yeah oops you should feel bad where is this toilet paper at Oh Daddy check this out what what are you looking at they're like little cars daddy oh yeah get out of there I want to ride one who I want to try one of these Daddy it's just a shopping cart yeah but they have motors on them so I think it's like a go-kart watch out daddy oh yeah what are you going I'm catching up speed daddy oh yeah in wolfart oops ow Gooby you crushed into me ow Daisy I'm going so fast hey Daddy no come back here go what are you doing I'm not getting this caught by you no Daisy where'd you go I'm Coming For You M no no no don't you dare hit me with that come here Daddy no stop stop com come here Daddy get away from me ow oops a quash you will not bully me into allowing you guys to buy stuff zoom zoom zoom hey get control of your kids you're not supposed to be driving those things around no I know I'm trying to get them off them uh Mr Clark I apologize I apologize everyone get off the damn carts oops sorry but Daddy it's so much fun I don't want to get off of them no cuz if you breing something guess what I'm going to be the one paying for it hey don't throw those TVs around they're very expensive take your take your TV back I didn't mean that this is clearly damaged you're going to have to pay for this it's not it's not damaged it looks pretty good to me Mr Cluckers this is a special Blu-ray OLED 35 Hertz this is going to be so much money well I don't got the money to pay for it Mr clucker so I think that's something you got to deal with well guess what if you can't pay then you're going to have to work for it wait what you want me to work at walart you're going to have to work for 1 hour to pay for all this damage oh that's not that bad I can do that hey Daddy check this out what are you doing the wall daddyy themselves o that looks like a little fun I think I want to do that no Gooby stop do too Daisy you know better hey enough stop all of this stop it guys knock it off stop I don't want to work here longer than I have to that's it because of all this damage you're going to have to work here for 3 days three days yeah so pick up this broom and get to sweeping I don't want to sweep clean up all this mess dang it look what you guys made me do now I got to work in a wallar for 3 days can I at least get this plushy no put the plushy down you want to ride no don't want to ride get off it get off it right now okay before I smack you upside the head with this broom and as for the rest of you kids I just got off the phone with my general manager and he says that you're banned for life from Walmart what banned for life no that's not fair I love Walmart yep so all of you get out of here right now oh what about like in like 2 days can we come back no never again what about 3 days nope not even 4 days or any of those days after that now get out of here oh my goodness all right well I'm taking this cart home hey hey don't do that see you that's it 4 days you got to work at Walmart no I don't want to work at Walmart we got to replace that cart somehow oh dang it guys this isn't fair we literally got banned at Walmart for life I love Walmart well now we could never come back ever and my Daddy needs to work here for 4 days yeah that really stinks I can't believe we can't get all these foods and toys how am I going to buy my plushies and flowers now yeah guys this sucks guys I just thought of a genius idea what if we make a secret room in the Walmart and then we could like sneak out of it and get everything for free that would be so cool o yeah yeah it's a good idea yeah but where we going to put the secret WB can't we go into the Walmart well that's why we got to sneak around the back come on guys follow me okay now that you have your uniform let's clean up this big mess over here all right fine what do you want me to do you want me to do the shelves again oh no here you take this mop what what do you want me to do with this I want you to wash up all the messy stuff on the floor I don't see anything to mop po Mr clockers yeah well germs are very hard to spot I'm fine this is horrible I don't want to do this no more yeah well you should have had better control of your children fine fine yes it's my fault just put this back here what a mess all right does this floor look good now no you missed a spot where did I miss a spot right there where right there you just broke the floor yeah well I can do that cuz I'm the manager fine I'll clean it up is that better we'll see just keep going in the back all right fine gosh you really mean got to put all these carts away all the put all these things back all right guys I think this is a good entrance into the Walmart they're never going to know that we're going in through the side entrance all right let's just go through here be careful Johnny we got to be secret okay guys hurry up we can't get in trouble uhoh I see my daddy look it looks like he's rebuilding some of the shelves y do next kill oh God I see Cluckers oh my goodness okay guys come on keep going keep going o what's in this room wao it's like the delivery room where they get a bunch of their products this truck is so cool guys what if we make the secret room in here it's under the truck yes exactly Gooby we could like go into this area and then just break some of this and now boom I'm underneath all right guys what do you think of this entrance you just go here and then you crouch and then boom you're in no one's ever going to see this exactly and now we'll just go down a little bit and boom now we can make a secret base down here wow super hidden we're literally making a secret base underneath Walmart right now this is so crazy what kind of secret base do you want to make um we need ones with a lot of junk fruit from Walmart obviously and big TVs and a lot of PC gamings ooh this is perfect we can just take whatever we want from Walmart and just put it in here it's going to be so so awesome all right the next thing we got to do is put these carts back but don't get any enjoyment out of bringing them back it's kind of fun but don't like it okay fine I won't like it I'll go get this one over here this is supposed to be your job I get it I know it's my job Mr clus why is this really fun hey you're not supposed to be having fun woohoo yeah stop enjoying it I love this job hey what what what just put it back in a calm manner with no yelling oh you're the one yelling I'm the manager I can scream if I want what if the customers he that and they get you know scared you're scaring them off I'm not screaming to the customers I'm screaming at you okay fine I get it Mr manager Cluckers I get it fine what else you want me to do now let's just find that last cart and we'll move on all right I can't wait to find it have so much fun wa guys this room is looking huge look how much space we have underneath Walmart yeah we can just one L yeah we we can do whatever we want in here all right well I'm going to make my room over here I'm going to make mine This Way well I'm going to make mine while he nice we're all going to have different separate rooms that are going to look amazing all right just going to make all of these walls yellow since you know yellow is the best color in the world but guys what are we going to use to decorate our rooms we don't have anything well good thing that you know right above us is a huge Walmart guys I think we should sneak upstairs and get some stuff to decorate our rooms with oh yeah that could be pretty good but what if we get caught Daisy we're not going to get caught this is the whole point of making it in Walmart come on guys everyone follow me all right guys come on let's just sneak around this door hopefully my daddy and Mr Cluckers aren't around here Mr Cluckers I am not going in there and clean that toilet you have to it's a mess it's full of poo poo guys my daddy is literally right here oh no no no about to go clean the toilet but he needs to go go now Mr Cluckers this was not in the job description I'm not going in there and unlocking that toilet I can see the water pouring out of it no more SS I am your manager bye just give me the plunger now G take this plunger and get in there okay if I go in there and I die it's because of you Mr Cluckers you're not going to die don't be a baby oh Mr Cluckers is bad there it's B there it's like a cat Dy just hold your nose and get in fine all right we go all right guys this is perfect timing my daddy and Mr Cluckers are inside the bathroom guys let's go around Walmart and get everything that we need to decorate our rooms okay go go go pps5 I'm going get a Nintendo switch what else do we got I'm going get the skeletons I'm going to get the Santa Claus skeletons and Santa Claus yes I'm making a special base okay ooh I'm getting so much food over here I need octopus plushy and cakes Gooby there's more plushies over here oh yeah I'm going to come over there guys hurry up we don't have too much more time o cupcakes uh ooh cakes o I need a pps5 o yep yep all right guys I think I got everything I possibly need I need a swagon and uh oh I need a CV okay I all right you guys got everything come on everyone back in back in back in hurry all right one two shut the door yeah yes we did it we got a bunch of free stuff from Walmart guys that was so good we did it we did it guys I just came with a great idea what's the idea Daisy well I felt kind of bad that your Daddy has to clean the toilet so what if we make our own Walmart wait what make our own Walmart well yeah then we'll make so much money your Daddy won't have to work you're right Daisy we could just take all the items from up there bring them down here and then we got to have customers down here exactly o yeah it's like a weir Walmart Gooby our Walmart's going to be so much better we're going to have cheaper prices uh better items and more customers yeah maybe some like fun areas for them so they just stay here and have fun and buy more things ooh that's a good idea Gooby all right well let's finish our rooms and then we'll make this area a giant underground Walmart let's do it all right I'm going to finish my room right now it's going to come out amazing all right my room is looking amazing I made all the walls yellow and the floor and seals white this room's going to be awesome all right so the first thing I'm going to do is add a desk um let's see what we got here ooh this desk looks really good all right we're just going to put the desk right here and then I'm going to put down my gaming monitor that I got from upstairs maybe my Nintendo switch and a pps5 ooh also this little Enderman plushy cuz he looks cool all right now that I have a bunch of cakes that I want to place down I need to make a little kitchen all right we'll put the kitchen in this corner o we need a fridge all right let's get one of these boom fridge and now I can place down all these cakes and muffins ooh this is looking really good all right let's get a little stool stick those in front like that maybe add some decoration over here ooh I could put an armor stand right in the middle as well and I'm going to put this armor in and now all that my room is missing is a bed all right for my bed I'm going to start by doing something like this all right this is looking like a pretty good bed so far then we're going to do like this design and then put a bunch of signs in the front and then we'll do something like that ooh that looks pretty good this bed looks so big and comfy all right let me give it a test a oh yeah that is actually insanely comfy best bed in the world oh it smells so bad here Mr clus but I think I cleaned the bathroom all right I guess it looks okay what do we do now all right now follow me uh-oh I need to teach you the cash register I'm not good with money clearly all right so how do I work this thing okay so first a customer's going to come and give you some items to scan okay should I get some items to scan no it's fine just pretend okay I'm pretending that throw the items on the the conveyor okay so let's say you just gave me like one of those Plushies that are like $5.99 so you got to put it into the cash register and take their money put it in there and give on the receipt oh okay I think I can do that all right so now let's switch rolles here now I'll be the customer okay okay so what if I just put a little like cake on here or something give me your money I want your money right now this is Walmart we don't mess around we take all your money hey who are you yelling at I am the customer I'm yelling at you I want the money be patient I'm getting it from my wallet okay then I would get money from my wallet give you the money probably insult you for being rude to me probably say like like you're fat and bald and smelly then I would respond saying you should die wa you can't say that to a customer I think you've had a really really good life I think you should just give me all your money in your wallet cuz you obviously don't need it and I need it so I don't have to work a w far all right I mean that was kind of relatable so I guess you could say that but maybe just hold it inside that's what I do okay fine I'll think it next time I'll think it I'll think it all right I think you might be ready for your first customer okay I I'm ready to go all right guys my base is officially complete and it looks amazing Gooby what have you been working on o my base is so cool it's like a living base what the heck is going on in here look all the walls have eyeballs and and all the ceilings have ghosts in them and the floor oh my goodness yeah it's pretty cool and I put all these plushy collection right here this is the worst base I think I've ever saw in my life what I could be bad that's T all right let me just go see Daisy's base all right all right go over here W Daisy actually has a good base oh my goodness what it's so awesome in here wow I really like your PC monitor setup that's awesome I have to have three so I can play Roblox Minecraft and fortnite wow and you got a bunch of food a bunch of plushies look at this big sale right here this is a nice sale well guys now that our rooms are done we have to build Walmart now ooh you're right we need to make the underground Walmart all right so I think think this whole area should be the Walmart like over here could be shelves we can make a catch register over here I think we need to build a better entrance too yeah Daisy you're right this ladder is kind of poop all right well the first thing we're going to do is replace all the flooring with these smooth quartz everyone help me break all the flooring break break break break break we can't have any poopy Stone we need our Walmart to be the best Walmart in the area all right guys the floor looks awesome now what color should we make the wall o we should measure it um we should make it uh green what no Walmart's blue oh yeah oops their main color is blue ooh that looks good Daisy yeah so let's make the walls this color all right let's do it that's pretty Walmart yeah this looks very Walmart guys this is coming out so good what the heck it already looks like Walmart wow all right we'll just break this do something like this this looks awesome what do we do for the roof though oh um let me see ooh we can make it gray concrete this will look really really good all right I'm going to break and you guys can start placing there's so much stone that we need to break but what are we going to put in our Walmart um obviously the best items in the world Daisy so like plushies and flowers and a whole bunch of gaming stuff yep yep all that stuff we need to be better than the Walmart above us when all the customers go uh we're going to bring them down here and they're going to want to shop only at our underground Walmart maybe we put some like spooky skel and some Santa Claus and some chips all right all right those are good ideas yeah I think people really like those all right guys there we go the ceiling is done check this place out it looks awesome in here okay so we need to figure out how to make a goodlooking shelf um let's see um one of the problems is that uh how people going to get in here when they have to go under a secret truck entrance H that's a good idea um maybe we make another secret entrance somewhere else but a little bit more public okay I'm going to walk on that what if we put it right here Gooby okay okay I I'm going to work on the shelves all right Gooby you break this and make sure if you go upstairs into the Walmart that my Daddy doesn't see you okay a never make him see me it's a Walmart exactly ooh Daisy this is looking pretty good yes we can play so much stuff over here all right I'm going to start placing items down while you make the shelves uh-oh uh-oh what what what uh secret entrance kind of went into the Walmart a little bit oh my gosh I knew it okay don't worry I'm going to walk around it okay good just be careful I got a secret ideal that's going to be so good oh my God I'm placing down Mega pps5 all right place down some Xboxes on top and then we're going to place down some gaming PCs so we'll put the monitors down here and then we'll put the PCS up there ooh this looks sick ooh this's is a good looking shelf over here I think I'm going to start placing down some food uh Johnny can we get rid of this ladder so we have more room ooh Daisy yeah we probably get rid of it because we need more space for shelves all right get rid of that um what should I put on these shelves over here we need snacks you're right we do need snacks ooh I'm going to place down a bunch of cakes that's a good snack everyone loves cake all right get this place down those there we go now we'll do some muffins down here and then we'll do some chocolate cakes up there ooh that looks super good wait wait Daisy where are we going to put the cash register I figured over here in this corner yeah that would make probably the most sense let me check what Gooby is doing Gooby what are you doing I made a secret entrance okay Gooby the thing is you need to make your ceilings higher you can't even walk on the staircase right now what why not it's just too low the ceiling look you got to break all this oh oops go over here wa it's right here that's actually really good I like it Gooby good job yep I'm going to put a sign right here that says better Walmart yes yes yes that's perfect here I'm going to replace the floor with this though okay there we go now this is looking good and then we'll replace all the walls with this Blue Block just like that just like our regular Walmart colors exactly Gooby do you know what the Walmart colors are yes green and indigo no it's yellow and blue oh oops oh my goodness how do you not know that so it's green Indigo for some reason oops all right now for this ceiling we got to make sure to use this gray concrete there we go just break all this all right this is looking pretty good Gooby I like the way this looking thank you thank you ooh I like this too Daisy this cat reg store looks awesome now people can just come up and check out all right but we still need some more stuff on the Shelf so let's see what we got o I'm definitely going to add some plushies all right let's see which ones I like ooh I like all these sheeps get the sheeps get every single color of the sheeps all right then I'm going to place some more plushies down here oh yeah these Plushies are so awesome o o s look at this look where am what' you do Gooby okay so you come in here okay you get a sign right there that says better Walmart okay okay that makes sense and then when you walks down here there a little welcome button a welcome button welcome to Walmart wa welcome to Walmart wait let me hit it again welcome to Walmart that is so awesome I'm just going to spam welcome to Walmart welcome to Walmart welcome to Walmart if we press it too many times it might boak so you might not want to press it that is so cool isn't that c instantly our Walmart is so much better we're going to get so many customers with that yep you just got to press this button welcome to Walmart it's a really cool button you can press it really fast too welcome to Walmart okay I guess you can't press it real fast all right Gooby well come downstairs and help me fill up all these shelves we need to make sure we have the best items ever ooh yeah wao wait over here I want to make a little pumpkin section ooh ooh I'll get my skeletons all right this is already starting to look pretty filled up yeah I don't think we have much space left um where can I put my big giant wagon plushy um I think that might be too big for our Walmart Gooby what yeah I think it's going to be a best seller wait something else I wanted to add was the shopping carts guys check this out now people could drive around and then get their items from the shelves o yeah that's a good idea yeah it's a really good idea o I think I'm just going to put this right here oh yeah okay Gooby gooby no no no now people can't walk over here oh oops maybe we make like a little in the wall kind of shelf all right you can do that Gooby ooh Daisy you added the Walmart symbol on the floor now everyone will know that we're actually Walmart that's actually so genius oh my goodness all right guys I think our Walmart's pretty much ready to open yeah we're going to get so many customers it's going to be so awesome but we don't even look like we work at Walmart Daisy you're right guys we need Walmart outfits wait maybe we could just go upstairs and steal them from the real Walmart yeah okay all right everyone follow me all right we're just going to go up here hopefully my daddy isn't around here oh I see Mr Cluckers all right just sneak over here and then if we go into this room it has to be hiding some outfits in here this is like their storage room so everyone look around o look at these look at these things no Gooby stop playing those those are note boxes they're pretty fun wait guys look over here employee uniforms wa we got uniforms o that's cool all right I'm going to put mine on me too I want to put mine on too wa guys we look so cool check it out I got a uniform on why you just like a person that works at Walmart well obviously Gooby that's the goal now we need to get back downstairs you're right come on guys hopefully we don't get caught yes we did it all right everyone downstairs and get ready for customers to come flying down o yeah go go I took coffee mugs too ooh that's a good idea I made like a back shelf section all right Marty looks like your first customers here don't mess this up okay won't mess it up Mr Cluckers Hi how are you today to AR to you I just came in from work and I wanted to buy something nice for me daughter's birthday oh nice okay uh well you can give it to me real quick and I'll scan it I got her a pps5 and of course I got a cake for the party I mean do you think you could actually afford this of course course I just got me paycheck okay well it's going to be uh $500 here you are okay see what we got here uh 500 on the do well that that's pretty good right Mr CL we like this I'm doing good yeah don't mess it up just give them your give them the receipt uh I don't think there's any more paper in here uh-oh looks like we got to change it okay well I don't have a receipt for you but here's your pps5 and here's your cake and then this money I'm going to put in my pocket and I'm not going to give to Walmart never you mind thank you very kindly have a nice day what do you mean you took money that's not what you're supposed to do I thought he was giving me a tip no all that money's for the cake and the pps5 just put it in there well I want it too bad fine I put the stupid money in the cash register I give you like a 5 out of 10 on your first customer dang it I wanted a 10 out of 10 I want to get out of here you're going to have to work twice as hard I hate W far wait guys did you hear that that I just heard a cash register go off and it wasn't ours that means the Walmart above us is getting customers and we're not what how could they get customers we're better we're literally better Walmarts scoby I think it's cuz people don't really know about us yet so I think you need to go up there and get the customers from that Walmart down to our Walmart oh yeah yeah I'll yes all right go tell them about our amazing deals oh gosh I hope this works Daisy me too uh wait wait uh so so before you go uh do you want to go to even better Walmarts better Walmart what do you mean yes well um there even better Walmart uh right uh so if you just follow me comes to the better Walmart oh wait uh I just bought a pps5 so do you have those oh yes we have those they um I think they're like $2 $2 I got to see this for myself yes so follow me uh right here just go through this section uh don't go in there that's the W Walmart you don't want to go in jail you want to go see better of Walmart see and you just press this button right here welcome to Walmart see isn't that so cool I put that myself well that's terrific where do we go now uh yes just follow me right here go through the sentence and here we are it's B Robos we got a customer let's go well this looks interesting uh do you have a pps5 yes yes yes over here check these out we got the huge additions look how big they are oh oh that looks very nice probably a little too expensive though well good thing they're on sale today for only $2 $2 $2 well I'll take one then I can play with my daughter oh okay there we go there's a pps5 all right uh Daisy ring them up right over here sir oh thank you very much do you have change for a five um no sir we do not well that's fine keep the change cuz this is clearly the better Walmart I'm going to go tell all me friends thank you have a great day yes thank you tell all your friends guys let's go we got our first sale we did it we did it we made a better Walmart good job Gooby you did a really good job getting that customer down here hopefully that person tells all of his friends and then we get a bunch more people in our Walmart uh Mr Cluckers uh I haven't seen any more customers here yeah it gets kind of slow in the middle of the day why don't you just go uh clean clean up the other bathroom cuzz I noticed you didn't clean the girl's bathroom but I'm a guy I'm not supposed to go in there don't you have like a girl employee to do that nope so go here's a plunger there's lots of poops in there too I already have a plunger Mr clucker from the last bathroom I I don't need your stupid plunger you're going to need two cuz contrary to what many people think girls do poop oh gosh you're fine I'll go clean the bathroom gosh this is going to smell so bad um am I at the right place what what sky what are you doing here um are you working at Walmart right now um maybe you're so totally a loser hey did you just come into our Walmart to call us losers really Sky I mean honestly I thought this was going to be Target Walmart's for poor people okay well you're the one that showed up here do you want anything from our Walmart or no well actually I was just looking for some more camera equipment for my Tik toks oh well come over here hello custom I can help you um who are you my name is kby uh I walk out you and can I interest you in a blender um Johnny why is this loser talking to me and why is he trying to sell me a blender okay Gooby just go somewhere else I'll handle this customer all right okay okay all right Skye come over here look we have a bunch of PCS a bunch of monitors um we got cupcakes guys where's the cameras at I don't think we have any cameras wait Daisy what I'll go find some right now just give give me a second all right go go go I'll distract um Skye check this out there's Santa Claus you want that um no I do not want a Santa Claus I want a camera okay okay uh we'll get you the camera but before Gooby is going to show you a magic trick all right Gooby go a magic trick uh oh yeah um uh I can do the bestest magic trick ever so just close your eyes really quick um could you actually do me a favor and like swallow the spit in your mouth uh yeah all sorry um I can't do that uh but why don't you just close your eyes really quick so I can show you the bestest magic ever Johnny I'm not closing my eyes just bring me the cameras now Sky I can't he's got to show you the magic trick and then I'll show you where the cameras are at I'll show you a magic trick right now and it's going to be me disappearing from the store okay okay okay okay we'll get to the cameras all right oops I'm gone I'm disappeared Scooby that was a terrible magic trick but look Daisy's back and she's got your camera so we have a film camera we have um this big camera this bigger camera and this camera this is exactly what I was looking for but um how much are they um how about this if you buy all four of them Skye I'll give it to you for $5 these cameras must be for poor people no way I'm buying them wait okay okay how about this they're actually $500 cuz they're really expensive ooh then they must be awesome all right there we go $500 dollars uh uh Gooby you want to ring her up oh yeah come over here all right Gooby you know how to count money right yes okay can I have your monies one two three four that's only four can this guy even count yes he can count he's a trained Walmart employee yep I just need um uh 600 million jillion dollar more that's not even a real number oh okay how much money did you give me I already gave you $500 okay I believe leave you did you even count it you need to make sure she actually give you $500 I think she did I'm not sure oh my goodness all right Sky you're fine thanks losers see you later all right bye sky enjoy your cameras bye guys that was an insane sale we just made $500 off of other people's cameras let's go I can't believe Sky came into our Walmart yeah who was that she was so nice what Gooby she's like the meanest person at our school she is yeah Gooby she bullies me oh that's not good I don't like her mm- yeah she's a big bully oh it smells so bad in here excuse me Marty what we need to have a official Walmart employee talk okay what do you want to talk about follow me okay I'm following do you see this shelf right here yeah it looks pretty empty it used to have a bunch of camera equipment and as soon as I told you to go clean the bathroom all of it's gone yeah and how does that relate to me so you're you're stealing cameras I am not stealing cameras Mr Cluckers okay are you accusing me of stealing stuff obviously yes they're all missing where am I going to fit all those cameras where am I going to fit them I don't know maybe he stashed them in the bathroom somewhere well you can go check my my cleanup because I did not take any cameras they don't just get up and walk away on their own well you know what Mr Cluckers it seems like you got a problem cuz you know you're the guy running the place so actually I think you might be stealing cameras how could I be steal healing cameras I was at the cash register waiting for you well I was in the toilets cleaning the toilets you know what let's go find those cameras and if we don't find them anywhere then you clearly stole them and you're going to have to work here forever I am not going to work here forever you know what let's go look for those cameras cuz I can't stay here any longer cameras where are you they better be here somewhere uh maybe by the Santa no I don't see them anywhere hey wait a minute there's a camera right over here ooh is this one of the ones that you were actually selling in here that was one of the missing cameras for sure oh maybe they're in here Mr Cluckers that's odd employee uniforms that I had here are gone oh maybe someone came in here and stole them we've got a culprit on the loose huh this is kind of this is getting weird Mr Cluckers everything seems to be all right what what is this is this looks like somebody made a tunnel over here oh my goodness this is crazy what the what is this uh-oh guys um look behind us uh oh it's Mr Clos and my daddy what is going on here this looks like an illegal Walmart underground what what are you talking about this is this is not Walmart this is Target very much Target no I recognize these colors anywhere these are blue and yellow that's Walmart Johnny what are you doing down here well Daddy uh since we got banned we wanted to make a secret underground room underneath the Walmart why why would you do such a thing because we still wanted to get the Walmart stuff but also be not banned okay I mean I guess that kind of makes sense and we made all wart even better I mean it kind of looks nicer well it was Daisy's idea to make a secret Walmart and get customers down here to give us money ooh that's actually not a bad idea we already made like $600 that's crazy we probably have enough so that you don't have to work at Walmart anymore oh really that's that's amazing Mr cers it looks like uh looks like I'm going to quit I'm pretty sure all the money that you made was off of the stolen products from our Walmart nope we didn't steal them we made it see this milk I milked a cow for that oh looks like the money belongs to them there's no way you guys have been stealing look I found this camera that was supposed to be on our shelves and it was on the floor uhoh oh yeah we sold those we made like 600 bucks off those exactly what are you doing Mr CL what are you doing what the heck Cluckers whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa uh don't put that over here don't putting at us we we can talk about this this is an outrage I will not be fired from Walmart again what Cluckers you're not going to get fired relax exactly I'm not going to get fired cuz you're going to put all this stuff back and give me all your money okay okay okay we'll do anything you want just please put that gun down all right we're just going to start taking all these items and we're just going to put them upstairs right guys everyone takes their items come on you guys just going to grab everything I can yep I'm going to grab one of everything oh look I I can't forget about this I got to bring these carts back upstairs quick everyone get in the carts and get out of here go go go go go go go go uhoh uhoh I'm just putting milk run I'm going to run I'm going to escape hey everyone get back here go go go uh sorry Mr cluckles we got to get out of here yesc go go go go go come on guys shooting you guys I got the milk I got the milk still he's shooting well if you enjoyed watching this video then make sure to leave a like and hit subscribe right now bye ah
Channel: Johnny Minecraft
Views: 507,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cash, family friendly, no bad words, minecraft, nico, nico and cash, cash and nico, kid friendly, aphmau, sml, skit, cash vs nico, Minecraft, minecraft build to survive, sml movie, minecraft mod, no cussing, noob vs pro, here's johnny, heres johnny, johnny, minecraft johnny, ssundee, johnny minecraft, maizen, omz, I Built a SECRET Gaming Room in WALMART!, walmart, minecraft walmart, minecraft walmart tutorial, minecraft walmart build, secret base, minecraft secret base
Id: oHjE7mzsk7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 7sec (2227 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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