SML Movie: The Acorn!

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officer Simmons officer guy get in here what's up Sir I'd like you two boys to meet Enrique Enrique huh Ola Amigo can we see El green cardo yeah show me some papers no no no boys he's Puerto Rican oh so he's one of us barely welcome to the United States buddy he was born in Alabama his parents were born in Puerto Rico yeah I can speak English oh how incredibly racist of us exactly and I need you two boys to knock that offer today Enrique here is from the show Cops he's going to be following you around recording everything you do today oh no sir me and Simmons don't play by the book yeah we say bad stuff in the car all the time well today you don't I want you two on your best behavior cuz the whole world's watching can we still say bad stuff if it's in a rap song no oh man I guess no Kanye West people in Paris we mostly just like to say the title of the song specifically the first word okay come on Eric my name's Enrique nobody from Alabama is named Enrique hey there I'm office of Brooklyn Guy this is my partner Simmons hello I'm on TV hi Mom yeah we like to patrol this neighborhood a lot of crazy stuff happens around here things you wouldn't believe oh look at that a nice man taking out the trash hey there yeah see not everybody in this neighborhood's bad I think we should look out for some real crime oh look at that Simmons an African-American man jogging now he might be just going for a daily jog but he might be running away cuz he just did a crime I don't think a little stopping for us could hurt oh hi guys I'm Charlie and today I'm going on my daily jog excuse me sir stop right there oh what seems to be the problem officers we're going to need to stop and frisky hands on your head but why you see the neighborhood you're in I know it's nice right yeah a little too nice you got anything in your pockets see here what what is this oh it's a little grass weed leaves you know I love nature I heard weed all right you're under arrest I'll find you back come on in you go uh officer could you loosen my cuffs I I can't feel my rist and there you go another criminal off the streets cuz that's what we do here protect and serve now I hope you enjoyed this episode of cops oh look at that it's our friend from earlier he's got a ladder he's probably going to go change a light bulb somewhere see we need more Good Samaritans like that in this community well let's get back to the station was that a gunshot shot fired shot fire we didn't down good up shut up shut up sh up sh up breaking news okay two police officers shot an unarmed black man while he was handcuffed and in the back of a CP car when an acorn fell from a tree hit the top of the car and made the officers think that they were being shot at by the guy they had just arrested and put in handcuffs a godamn acorn guy you couldn't tell the difference between a gunshot and a [ __ ] Acorn it was a very loud Acorn sir but it was still an acorn listen sir you weren't there it was the biggest acorn I've ever heard it had to be like the size of a baseball I'm pretty sure it dented the roof of my car you know that Acorn that Scrat from Ice Age is always going after it was like that you you shot at a man 27 times I helped and that's the part I don't understand Simmons why did you start shooting because I saw Brooklyn start shooting and I thought he was obviously shooting him for some reason so then I started shooting and if he jumped off a bridge would you do that too well it depends do we get to shoot someone after this is not a good look boys people already think cops are racist wait sir are are we not supposed to be racist no are you sure cuz I think that was like one of the first things in the handbook we got a new handbook okay well nobody told me so uh how was how is the black man doing well luckily he survived because somehow not one of those 27 bullets you shot at him hit him oh good luckily I have the aim of a stormtrooper so uh since he didn't die are we good is everybody good no we are most certainly not good now he's suing the department and he wants you fired what me fired but I'm the [ __ ] sir everybody loves me listen guy I don't want to have to let you go as an officer but it's not up to me it's up to the judge usually we can just sweep things under the rug but this one was on National Television so go see the judge okay everybody wish me luck good luck Mike order order order order I am the honorable Judge poer and today we will be hearing the case of Brooklyn guy who's being accused of shooting at a black man 27 times because he thought the sound of an acorn hitting the roof of his car was actually the man he just attained shooting at him uh Charlie could you please explain what happened happened well I was going on my daily Jog and then I got randomly searched like always then the cops arrested me and put me into their cop car and then bullet start randomly flying to the window going crazy man it was crazy but I could to die so let me get this straight you did not have a gun in your possession nope no gun and my hands were handcuffed and behind my back I see so Mr guy please tell me how you thought the sound of an acorn hitting your car was you getting shot that well you see you're on our acorns and bullets are basically the same size so when the acorn hit the top of my cop car it sounded like a gun going bang and then when I saw the acorn bouncing away it looked like a bullet shell bouncing it's an honest mistake really no way in hell does an acorn sound like a gunshot oh how do you know you haven't heard it okay well I'll tell you what I want you to turn around and I'll shoot a gun and drop an acorn and you tell me which one is which okay but this is going to be really hard they sound the same okay which one is this oh that that is definitely an acorn okay now how about this there's a shooter in the courtroom everybody down where is that bastard all right I've heard enough clearly you have bad hearing and someone with bad hearing should not be a police officer I hereby strip you of your badge and order that you are never to be a police officer ever again no please your honor I love being a cop what about Simmons he shot too he only shot because he saw all you shoot this is all your fault now hand over your bands go on hand it over oh okay Marvin Marvin did you see the news about the cop who shot at a guy over an acorn yeah I just watched the cops episode that cop is such an idiot yeah what a bozo hey I'm not a bozo baby look it's the acorn shooter Acorn shooter is that what they're calling me now that was you you piece of [ __ ] hey can I have an autograph I don't know I just feel bad about this whole thing okay do do you want that from Acorn shooter or a piece of [ __ ] both okay Acorn shooter can you make that out to my niece what's her name Lucy to Lucy watch out for those acorns Acorn shooter piece of [ __ ] hey can we get a picture together okay say cheese oh you know what to make this even better hold on oh say acorn acorn but like I was saying I just feel so bad about this whole thing I feel partially responsible but I don't understand how you mistook a acorn hitting your car for a gunship shot hey it was a really loud Acorn okay it must have fallen from like 35,000 ft I thought it was a meteor slamming into the Earth like boom like I thought it was a cannon from a pirate ship shooting at me I thought I was shooting at Captain Hook well listen I I don't know what kind of punishment you got but you deserved it well they fired me I'm not allowed to be a cop anymore well that's for the best well tell me something bad about you well every time I pee it dribbles a little bit in my pants haha pee pants maybe you shouldn't have to wear pants anymore huh how about that maybe that's for the best may maybe it's your fault that your penis leaks how about that listen you shot at a guy over an acorn sound well when you put it like that it sounds worse yeah so I just want to be a cop again well well you don't need to be a cop you're a doctor and a firefighter and a pilot yeah but I want to be a cop I had so much power I could do anything I wanted well go be a mall cop Marvin I don't weigh 400 lb I don't own a segue they're not going to let me do that well then give up on being a cop and then focus on your other jobs no I want to be a cop and I have a plan what is it okay so maybe if I do something really good people will forget about the bad thing I did so I need you to strap a fake bomb your chest and then get on an American Airlines flight and then halfway I need you to stand up and say I'm going to blow up this plane and then I'm going to say Oh no you're not and then I'm going to tackle you and say you're not going to do another 911 on my watch buddy and then I'll be a hero and then make me a cop again but then I would go to jail for the rest of my life at Guantanamo Bay yeah but I'll come visit you I'm a cop I'm not doing that oh come on Marvin I do it for you no you wouldn't yeah you're right but come on please no think got something else okay well I'm a pilot so maybe I could fly through a bunch of birds and then land my plane in the h River but where would I find the birds I'd have to fly around for a while and hope I ran into some birds low in New York that's not going to work man he got really lucky I bet he gets sucked off all the time whenever he wants I want Tom Hanks to play me in a movie well then do something good we we got to do the bomb thing Tom Hanks would love that no we're not doing the bomb thing think look there's got to be something else in the world that's really good that would make your name look good I don't know just saving a plane is like the peak American hero thing to do oh look the news breaking news a murderer known as the trash bag Strangler who goes around strangling women and putting their bodies in trash bags has claimed another victim taking the death toll up to 19 police are urging women not to go outside and if you see a man in all black he's probably going to strangle you and put you in a trash bag Morphin I never want to go outside again I have a plan what what if Rose goes outside with a trash bag and whenever that guy shows up to kill her and put her in the bag I shoot him in the head and I'm a hero and then they'll make me a cop again and then I'll eat a toaster strudel and then I'll be happy and I'll do my happy dance what if you miss and then shoot me instead I never miss you missed today shooting at a guy sitting in a cop car handcuffed and you were a foot away from him yeah and it's a good thing I missed too cuz otherwise I would have killed an innocent man but you were trying to kill him I was trying to but I didn't and that makes it okay look I'm not going to miss this time come on Rose okay I'm going to stay inside in the nice warm house where it's safe with my gun and you stand out here in the cold with that trash bag until the SC G Strangler shows up and starts strangling you then when he starts strangling you I'm going to open the door and shoot him in the head wait why are you waiting for him to strangle me to shoot him shoot him when he walks up well I got to make sure it's the Strangler before I shoot him I got to catch him in the act I don't want to be strangled have [Applause] fun I'm just a girl alone holding a trash B I'm going to strangle you John Jacob Jingle H Schmid his name is my name too how is his name my name too is my name John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt cuz that's not my name is it that common of a name what a weird song why am I singing it oh oh [ __ ] I forgot yeah hold on okay okay I'm here I got him just hold on um oh damn this is hard hold still uh damn it I missed I can't stop choking her I'm going to get him don't don't worry oh God's sake but hold on I can feel the TR breaking yeah I can too maybe oh come on okay okay what what would Alex Baldwin do this is a prop gun okay I got him I saved you all right now we're just got to tell the judge well Mr guy you did it you did something so good it overpowered all the bad you've done in the past I hereby order you to be allowed to be a cop again yay how are you feeling baby hey everybody guess what but I'm a cop again and it's all thanks to you Rose you piece of [ __ ] yeah I know I took a really long time to shoot him but hey I got my aim back that that was the point of this video right to get my aim back that that that's what it was about me not having good aim that's it that's the only thing that was wrong with me just the aim [Music] thing [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 2,731,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, entertainment, the acorn, puppet, puppets, show, joke, laugh, fun, hilarious, brooklyn guy, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, simmons, marvin, rose, squirrel, adventure
Id: aNryGERdduQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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