SML Movie: Neighborhood Watch!

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so guys what do you want to do today well me and Timmy were thinking we could take a big old friend bubble bath together yeah naked and then we can see who can hold their breath underwater the longest dude who invited me yeah why is he here he's not part of our friend group well he hangs out with us sometimes but he's not officially part of our friend group yet so he needs to go home well how do I become a part of your friend group uh you have to do a gang initiation yeah oh I love Gay initiation he did not say that he said gang yeah a gang initiation to show you're hard enough to be a part of the skeeter boys the skeeter boys yeah that's the name of our friend group I've never heard you say that ever Joseph what's the name of our friend group Skeeter boys oh I love that skeet skate dude we should probably change the name of the group now so what's the test oh it's got to be something very difficult uh I want to be a part of your friends group yeah he has to do it if he wants to be part of the skeeter boys well I didn't have to take a test because you're part of the three founding Skeeter boys if someone wants to join the skeeter boys they have to do a gang initiation okay well I'll just go do it right now wait no to Timmy guys why did you do that because we don't want Timmy to be a part of our friend group and we gave him something hard to do because we know he can't do it yeah he's not gonna pull it off dude I have to break into this car well maybe I should check to see if it's unlocked first oh my God so lucky a wallet wallet okay time for car number two it's locked time for Handy Dandy crowbar oh no I broke it well maybe it'll still work okay let's see if this Jeep is unlocked oh my God best score yet sorry Mom and Dad but I want to be a skater boy Don't Dance all right I got the baseball bat the car alarms going off I think a damn raccoon crawled across the truck I'm gonna go check it out where are you at you dang raccoon oh my God someone broke into my truck with a crowbar Suzette call the police someone stole your Lewis for Don burst oh baby where is it where's what Marvin my wallet it's missing you left it in the car silly oh yeah yeah yeah yeah what the my car door is open what someone stole my wallet someone broke into my car and jeffy's car doors open too someone broke into our cars hey Marvin somebody broke into your car too yeah they broke it in me and jeffy's car they broke into yours yeah they broke in and stole my wife's Louis Vuitton first he was the nicest person I ever had yeah I got a four for it I'm sorry for cheating on you with a babysitter gift [Music] yeah how badass did that look huh like when I got out of my car and I took off my sunglasses and just tossed them away that was badass right it was pretty cool yeah how about this how about I pull up again and you record it on my phone so I can put it on Facebook we don't have time for that there's crime going on in the neighborhood okay I'm kind of crying someone broke into our cars and stole our stuff like they stole my wallet and they stole my wife's Louis Vuitton burst well do you have security camera footage of the person who did it no no but there's a crowbar over there you could probably get some fingerprints off of yeah we don't really do that unless it's like a murder or a bank robbery or something actually important but this is important someone stole our stuff out of our cars I don't know what to do other than tell you to lock your cars they were locked well look I don't know start a neighborhood watch or something if you catch the guy that did it then I can arrest him isn't it your job to catch the bad guys look there are better guys out there for me to catch okay so I'm gonna go pick up my sunglasses off the ground and then go pull up like that somewhere else where a real crime is happening and hope somebody records it he said to form a neighborhood watch all right Marvin you and me sit in the car all night and Patrol the neighborhood honey do me careful oh I will honey I got my Louisville Slugger right here hey Joseph can you set the pins back up yeah bro I got you guys Timmy's taking a long time should we go check on him no Cody if he wants to be part of the skeeter boys he has to prove he can't get caught yeah dude he has to live that lifestyle oh my God guys I got some really good stuff you actually did it oh yeah no he didn't dude I believe it when I see it where's the stuff well I have four words for you Avril Lavigne and Jason Derulo CDs the greatest albums of all time fabulous that was more than four words dude I can't use that stuff everything is digital these days oh yeah well how about this the complete series of Brandy and Mr Whiskers on DVD oh that's what I'm talking about Brandy's sexy wait what's sexy about her look at her toes look at those toes she's a dog dude she's not a dog Cody but wait there's more I even got Tony Hawk's Underground for PlayStation 2. divs that one's mine and I found a phone but I got so excited on the way here I dropped it and now it doesn't work anymore we can't sell a broken phone Timmy yeah where's the good stuff like jewelry and money and stuff oh I got some of that too I got a gold chain and a gold ring that's what I'm talking about and I got Mr Marvin's wallet I'll just go through that oh okay just take this money in there and I saved the best for last a Louis purse Soleil well what's inside it I don't know let's see we have some lipstick and some bubble gum bubble gum what's this but I don't know what these are oh popsicles wait a minute Guys these aren't popsicles these are mozzarella cheese sticks oh dude even better I love cheese sticks cool they even have a little thing where you can inject the cheese right into your mouth guys I think these are stale well they have been inside a purse and I think you're supposed to refrigerate cheese oh man so guys can I be a part of the skeeter boys now well he did break into a car and steal a bunch of cool stuff yeah that is pretty gangster I guess so yeah you're part of the skeeter boys now oh my [Applause] we're gonna grab them and call the police well I don't think they're gonna try to rob the same truck they already robbed tonight I think we should walk around the neighborhood and try to catch them ah smart thinking Marvin here you take this talkie Channel 20. my code name is hucker doodle doo and you're gonna be Marvin the Martian okay okay all right call me if you see anything suspicious and I'll be right over all right let's go where are you criminal where are ya Marvin the marsh come in there's something creeping In My Bushes hey friends you're under citizens arrest oh my God it's a damn raccoon get on my bushes raccoon what the hell's going on there's a damn raccoon In My Bushes know you're not supposed to be caring about raccoons you're supposed to be caring about criminals you're right Marvin let's split back up hey I don't see anything oh my God I'm talking to you there's someone in my trash can I think it might be the robber I'm trash can I think it might be the rubber come quick all right Marvel where's he at he's in the trash can hey you get out of the trash can you're under arrest oh Marvin at the damn homeless you think he stole our stuff where's the Louis Vuitton that light reminds me of the aliens abducted me are you here to probe my I don't think he stole our stuff all right get out of the neighborhood yeah get out of here you goober I think we should stick together all right Marvin come on all right Marvin see anything suspicious no I don't see anything make sure you keep your eyes pale wait who's that wait I don't recognize that car me either hey stop the car yes stop your car is there a problem gentleman what are you doing in our neighborhood Bob oh I'm delivering pizza sheet you work for Papa John's yes sir where's your car topper oh I don't put it on because you know scratched my paint uh-huh likely story whose panties are those uh they're mine what are your pronouns Em's don't wear panties those are for she hers and they thems and a b c d f G's so I'm gonna ask you again where'd you get the panties I got them from some girl you've been breaking into my car stealing my wife's panties sniffing them huh well I mean I am slipping them but they're not your wives I got them from some girl online and I use them as an air freshener Marvin I think we got our suspect out of the car Bob for what we're making a citizen's arrest so get out of the car but I didn't do anything you were breaking into the car so I'm up against the car oh bones I didn't drink milk growing up shut up criminal hey Marvin call 9-1-1 and let them know we got our burp okay foreign [Music] someone please tell me they recorded that I did thank you send that to me okay so what's going on here what Jonathan thank goodness looking guy you're trying to arrest me for no reason no what did you do he's the guy that's been breaking into the cars in our neighborhood oh Jonathan doesn't break into cars explain the panties what the hell are those my wife's panties God damn it Jonathan well you never told me I couldn't take your wife's panties you should already know that okay I'm gonna take you back to my house so you can apologize to my wife Oh yay okay you know what how about I just tell Mom what you did no please so take my Xbox away you should have your Xbox taken away thanks for telling me about this guys come on Jonathan no problem just trying to keep the neighborhood safe so how do you play this game you've never bowled before no my father only lets me study and play instruments when you just roll that ball into the pins over there ooh I love balls and I love those wiener looking things Jesus dude he's out the skeeter boys yeah Tammy you can't be a part of skater boards anymore but I robbed all those cars yeah guys that's not fair dude we only have room for one gay friend sorry we never wanted four friends in our friend group four is a crowd three is a perfect number it's like the Three Musketeers they like three musketeers so much they name the candy bar after all genius Three Musketeers was a book first no Cody Three Musketeers the candy bar you think all those words on the back of the candy bar is a book that's a nutrition facts no Junior they named the candy bar after a book you think a candy aisle is a bookstore but my favorite book is the Reese's Cups my Starburst my Skittles Taste the rainbow Junior see look that's why you can't be part of a friend group because Cody is the gay friend you you you just can't be here okay it's a little overcrowded bro oh the cops Jesus dude but there's a cop car outside wait look Timmy if you if you want to be a part of the skeeter boys you have to go steal that Cocker outside okay deal with no titty sorry Jonathan I know you're gonna lose your Xbox but PlayStation's better route alive what the hell is a skeeter boy what hey hey noodle watch out for them oh Jesus you are grounded Mister for the rest of your life young man stealing the cop car is a hook or dog and crash in the cop car that you stole is a huckadome and going outside at night time is a hooker don't why are you guys calling it that some of those are just laws I'm sorry everyone I was just trying to be a skeeter boy wait I'm sorry you trying to say Skater Boy like the Avril Lavigne song No skater boy it's the gang I'm in oh my good man and a gang is a hooker no I knew all that rap music was corrupting our kids is mine in those Dawn video games anything else you want to admit to young man yes sir I broke into everyone's car in the neighborhood and stole a bunch of stuff you little I can't believe honey DNA test tomorrow because no way is a hooker do because a hooker do would not do the things that you did okay look I know you guys are really upset but he did crash my police car into my brother's car so I'm gonna need your insurance information because my brother is the suing type and I also can't arrest him because he's a miner upstairs now mister I'm gonna give you a spanking so hard it's gonna turn your little tushy purple you promise James I said read your Bible Leviticus 18 22. yes sir hey Timmy Cody hey what's up I'm grounded oh what happened well come over here I'll tell you oh okay yeah hey we heard you got caught I don't know why I asked what happened yeah we heard you crash the cop car pretty gangster dude so am I part of the skeeter boys now why aren't there sheets on your bed well Cody came over earlier they don't need to know about that be cool bro okay sorry so so am I part of the skater boys now I mean you did crash at cop car yeah that was sick as hell bro I can't even lie so am I part of the skeeter boys now or um I just I don't know I mean yes okay really yeah you're part of the skeeter boys oh my God yay welcome to the club thank you so much it was like chicken yeah chicken smooth if it's grilled chicken no it's not it has grill marks on it's got little ridges that I meant that the chicken you eat on Thanksgiving you mean turkey oh yeah I meant turkey smooth like turkey but like before it's cut up like when it's on the table wait wait so am I part of the skater boys or not I don't now okay bye honey how about we send little Timmy's hood rat out to military school get his ass in Chuck you don't think it's going it's good not any harsher than being in a gang little thinks he's part of the Bloods and Crips yeah hey I know you guys are having a conversation here but I really need that insurance information I cannot leave without it well how about this Mr police officer man how about I mow your grass for a year straight pro bono I would really prefer the insurance information that was a company car so you know I need that well how about I take you bowling on Saturday I think really you should just give me the insurance information because your son crashed my car what about a million grass and take your bowling on Saturday how about I arrest you if you don't give me your insurance card right now all right calm down calm down I'll go again [Music] good
Channel: SML
Views: 5,753,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, entertainment, neighborhood watch, marvin, hank, huckerdoo, puppet, puppets, show, laugh, hilarious, junior, joseph, cody, timmy, friends, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, fun, adventure, logan, lance
Id: qhp9gTAfn8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 23 2023
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