SML Movie- Junior's Wings! 2023- Full Episode

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hey Junior check out my new toy oh what is that it's a ball drone it costs 580 bucks my mom bought it for me why does it cost $580 because it flies it lights up it plays music this is some military great [ __ ] we're talking about here the public doesn't even have these yet I had to beg my mom to get it I told her I didn't even want anything for Christmas just this it's made of steel and titanium and it's completely indestructible well I want to see it Fly okay check this out I said check this out out got to hit me in the face it's still pretty cool though right I want to see it Fly okay it broke that's my one that was my one toy oh my dad's coming Junior what's wrong Dad look there's something I have to tell you so have a seat this is going to be a tough one are you sick no it's worse than that are you dying oh I wish I was look Junior you have a twin brother I have a twin brother yeah when you were born there were actually two of you but I was going to pay child support for two kids hell no so I shipped your twin brother to London home of the brid well can I meet him yeah he's actually coming to visit for a week when's he going to be here looks like that's him so have fun Cody I have a twin brother yeah I wonder if he's hot well he looks just like me yeah so he's probably hot well hold on let me go answer the door hello what you looking at if it isn't my twin brother Junior how's it going bro oh well Dad said my twin brother was coming and I have never met you before so what's your name name's Nigel but not like the Thornberries ain't that a ho a real n slab but that one is yeah it's real funny you know it was a long way across the pond is it and that cheap smug bastard dad couldn't afford first class had be sitting coats next to a booger eating n whacker watching Puss and Boots the whole way here bravely or k cat that one was though futing bad guys and such but I'm being rude you can invite me in for a biscuit or maybe some Bang Mash some beans on toast um yeah come inside hey Junior's your brother here yeah he's right here oh who's this ugly mug this is my friend Cody Cody what kind of name is Cody what is that something you hang your coat on a c what are you Americans going to think of next a shiry maybe a trous never heard of a cat before that's hard to believe there's quite a few of us Cody that's a new one yeah well we usually do make fun of Cody but we usually make fun of his fat mom oh you like mom jokes oh got a great mom joke I heard in the market the other day Cody your mom's ass is so wide no no so fat actually that Taurus mistake it for the Big Ben taking pictures with it and such you mean like the clock yeah like the clock C okay what's his name Junior Nigel Nigel what like like Nigel Thornberry yeah like the cartoon oh okay well what where are you from Nigel oh I'm from London is it oh well what do you guys do in London oh I see how it is you think just cuz I'm from London all I do all day is sit around and watch Harry Potter on the T C I don't know that's why I asked you know it's a bit nippy in here is it maybe you should go grab your coat off the coat coat okay I get it Junior how long you say he was going to be in town for maybe a week okay I'll just see you at school tomorrow no I like him a right bloke he is hey dude you want to play fortnite not right now Joseph I'm hang out with my twin brother wait you have a twin brother oh who's this blo with the basketball on his shirt LeBron James is that you Sprite cranberry a that what you drink Sprite cranberry like on the commercials dude my name's Joseph Joseph reminds me of mnan Josephine she made a mean pee and crumpets o Joseph is your favorite color green wait how do you know that dude it's all over your fit bro oh dude why is he talking like that listen Joseph I'll just hang out with you at school tomorrow okay I'll talk to you guys later then where's Cody on Miss Cody listen Nigel I have to go to school tomorrow so let's go to sleep yeah I'm a bit knackered from that long flight time to hit the sack in it yeah I got an idea Nigel we look exactly the same so you could go to school for me and I can stay at home all day and play video games yeah that's a good idea that where the British keep getting smarter while the Americans stay dammer I got to tell Joseph about this Joseph are you still on the house yeah dude I was laying on the floor behind your couch why dude it's super comfy duh well I just want to let you know that I'm not going to be at school this week Nigel's going to go for me wait wait why because he looks just like me and I can skip the whole week oh okay okay I'm going to call Cody and tell him oh dude dude he's laying on the floor behind your couch too Cody yeah what are you doing I was laying down behind your couch why dude it's comfy yeah it's really comfy very comfy dude that's weird listen guys I'm not going to be at school this week Nigel's going to go for me so I can stay at home and play video games Junior don't make us hang out with him yeah dude I don't like his accent well listen it's only for a week and I want to week off of school so just just play with them and hang out with them tomorrow okay fine all right CR today in American history we're going to be learning about the Boston Tea Party the British were bringing a bunch of tea over to America and they were taxing the [ __ ] out of it and the Americans got pissed and dumped it all in the water so to this day if you go to Boston Harbor and you drink the water it tastes like tea boy what a load of rubbish talking about the Boston Che party like that more like when the Americans threw a bloody fit over a little bit of spil tea hey man don't look at me I wasn't there you know speaking of spiled tea I might fancy a Couer right now anyone got a [ __ ] right here I'm not talking about you you stinky brck I'm talking about a Siggy oh no I don't smoke dude he's starting to get real Annoying oh Poe down you bloody wankers at least in the UK our schools ain't shooting simulators he kind of has a point dude and then after the Boston Tea Party was the Revolutionary War where the Americans bent over the British and made the British their [ __ ] oh what a load of cord swallow up I mean come on Buck off if went for those stinking Frenchmen coming in with their french fries all you bloody Americans but be pledging allegiance to the Queen the queen died oh I put a shck in it the Queen's just waiting to win the goog against Betty White to come back what and then after the Revolutionary War we erected our first President George Washington he's on the one bill because he's number one you mean the bloke with the disgusting wooden yellow teeth if you Americans had free health care he'd be rocking pearly watch like mine I I really can't see anything all right CR that does it for today's wring so go around and brag about all the American history you learn today have a good day that's the end of a school day a little short isn't it that's why you Blacky Americans are so stupid with your summer vacations guys what's wrong with Junior that's not oh look at this end what oh you you want a snor excuse me oh if you let me take you out I'll be chuffed a bit um no whatever you stinky morgy okay wow jior that was harsh I I think you want to go play some Cricket you mean baseball dude yeah come on okay oh what am I supposed to do with this thing beat my mother with it or whatever you Americans do if your angle problems and depression what the [ __ ] is he talking about I don't know dude I've been blocking him out the whole time it it's a baseball bat you just hit the ball with it this ain't no bloody Cricket come on let's play a man's game it's American baseball nothing but men play this sport throw the ball Cody oh what kind of thow is that you thow like aissy like a [ __ ] dude that was a pretty bad throw well you throw it then okay watch this wow dude he actually hit a home run God damn it now we're never going to hear the end of it oh you say that I'm blasting it over the platy fence I'm better at an American sportting you w cu now who's got a bottle of water on Bloody Parts like you stupid American saying your Christmas song with the pear trees oh thanks for a bottle of water so you guys had a fun time hanging out with Nigel today kill me Junior he's the most annoying person I've ever met but he hasn't called me Cody all day and I think he forgot Cody can you pass me that bottle of water dude Cody almost forgot your name is Cody hey Joseph can you believe this bloke's name is Cody oh wait till you found out his last last name dude oh what's your last name Cody nobody tell him my last name oh come on Cody give us a laugh come on Cody we got to know yeah Cody yeah Cody it's nut kiss nut kiss what are you gay yes oh we right then dude you sound like the gecko from the Geico commercial Oh you mean like switching the Geico can save you 15% or more on car insurance yeah yeah but way more obnoxious you know all this yelling's got me a bit famish how about we go grab some grub oh Junior has you met Chef Pee yet Chef peep like penis yeah oh all right then yeah let's go meet chef peipi Nigel make it the Kito hey Chef peee oh you is Chef penis Junior why is there two of you oh this is my twin brother Nigel wait twin brother oh no I quit I can't deal with two of you hell no now I understand why he was making T quos cuz he quit you know before he left he should have hung up his coat on the coat yeah I really wish we could eat McDonald's oh just get me some car you see me and c will draw there wait do you even have a license no but drove me Nan's Lorry all the time come on man American cars are weird with a steering wheel on the left hand side yeah how about you drive on the right side of the road screw your American driving laws so left side of the road is much better you guys use miles instead of kilometers too you bloody idots yeah you okay can can we just get on the right side of the road before you kill someone all right fine why don't you ready oh go can I got a kitty me fish filet of chips with a Dr Peppa a froggy in a hammock with a little bit of toad in the hole and don't forget my titer sauce with my piggies in a blanket it's not a pepper's good ain't it Cody I wouldn't know I just got chocolate milk it has a mustache on it oh yeah and I also got my free medium french fries I get from McDonald's every week so everyone can shut the hell up about that how's your fish fillet Nigel oh I haven't tried it yet I heard you Americans put a lot of preservatives in it to make you fat and Creasy come like your m co you know he getting a little bit nippy in here my nips could cut through glass right now if only someone could hand me a coat how about you actually you know what Nigel how about we play a game we only play here in America all right what's the game the game is called get in the Box all right how do you play you just get in the box and whoever can stay in the Box the longest wins all right what's in it for me uh I'll give you a Lolli oh what flavor Lolly it doesn't matter just get in the Box all right I love lollies yeah that's great that's all right what do I do now you just stay in the box and then I'll close it good thinking Cody putting him in a box yeah now we just have to send him back to London so I never have to hear Coe ever again he's really still going he just doesn't know when to quit yeah just go drop this box off of the ups and send him to London okay I will come on Nigel all right dude watch me make this shot blindfolded behind my back down the stairs that's impossible Joseph huh impossible for you not me dude watch this you made it I told you I make it do I'm like LeBron boy the one at the door hold on hold on okay hello hey guys I heard you guys screaming before I rang the doorbell and now I can see Joseph has a blindfold on did I miss a good time oh yeah you missed the most amazing thing ever Joseph tell them what you did dude I got it in the hole one try blindfolded woo nice Joseph did you at least get to feel around for the hole no no no he just felt the ball very very nice do you want to try oh yes God please oh you meant basketball no no no it's okay I'm I'm good well what's this box for Cody oh my parents were cleaning out the attic and getting rid of stuff so they wanted to know if you guys wanted some of this junk oh we'll go through it come on bring it inside dude I love junk yeah so what's in the box Cody I don't know let's check it out dude I don't see anything there's nothing in here oh what a waste of time you still have your blindfold on Joseph oh my bad I see everything oh there's so much cool stuff in here yeah look it's a copy of Paul Blart malop oh I love that movie yeah and it even comes with deleted scenes I wonder what scenes weren't good enough for Paul Blart malop oh look and the packaging is even eco-friendly so when you throw the movie in the garbage you don't hurt the Earth that's so cool yeah oh oh hey look at this oh it's really big it's an advanced double electric breast pump oo what's it do it sucks the milk out of your boobies oh I want to try it I want to try it me do you guys don't have boobies well does it work on something else oh no I've tried Believe Me Girl get all the fun oh oh hey look at this this is fun it's a bicycle horn what you must be really horny yeah I am and really really am oh look at this it's handcuffs oh these belong to your parents yeah I don't really want to know why they're in there yeah let's get let's get rid of that oh look it's it's a it's Aqua Sand I guess why is it in that tube I I don't know it's shaped weird oh I wondered where this was it's my grandma's ashes that your grandma well it was why is she sand cuz she got cremated what I thought cremate was another word for girlfriend what like you go up to a girl and say I want you to be my create could you cream no no one says that cremation is when they burn dead people oh so it would be really bad if I went up to a girl and said I want you to be my create yeah yeah she'd think there was something wrong with you oh oh oh this is cool look at this it's a Tom Brady action figure you pick it up Cody all right Cody what were you saying before you violently through this in the ground I was saying that it's an action figure of Tom Brady that looks like it was autographed by Tom Brady oh can I open it and play with it well Junior I just said it was autographed by Tom Brady it might be worth a lot of money but I I want to play with it but Junior if you open it it might not be worth as much money Cody life's not all about money I want to open it and play with it you can I'm just saying it won't be worth as much I don't care about the money I just want to play with it it's an action figure Joseph should we open up this Tom Brady toy duh dude it's just a toy yeah let's open and play with it hey hey Joseph can you throw the rapper away yeah no problem dude hey look Cody Tom Brady can s crisscross applesauce wow that's really cool Junior hey how do you get this stupid thing to work Cody have I already told you it doesn't work oh I'm going to make it work I'm so stressed out I'm just going to watch some TV breaking news M K if you have this rare Tom Brady action figure still in the box and if it has been signed by Tom Brady in a mint condition it could be worth up to $2 million there's only one known in existence so check your closets and basement and you could be a millionaire oh my God oops Junior what did you just do I was trying to bend his leg back to normal and it snapped off Junior did you not just see the news that toy was worth $2 million unopened and unbroken what $2 million yeah it's the only one like it in existence and we had it well what if we just put it back in the packaging and try to sell it what Junior they're going to know it's broken well well you could just tape his leg back on and the packaging it wasn't in bad condition oh Joseph what did you do with the packaging oh work stupid thing work come on come on huh the packaging I I threw it away in the trash can in the kitchen okay okay I'll get the packaging you tape his leg back on okay okay work M my spaghetti is almost ready all I need is a pinch of garlic oh God D it now it's ruined oh my god oh now I got to throw it all away what a waste oh man where's that Tom Brady toy packaging spaghetti Chef why is there so much spaghetti in the trash can I messed up okay I'm a horrible shf I shouldn't be in the kitchen is that what you want me to say God okay oh it's all covered in spaghetti oh man I guess that's just going to have to do did you tap his leg back on yeah but but Junior what is that it's a toy packaging yeah I can see that why is it covered in spaghetti oh cuz cheffy threw spaghetti in the trash can Junior you can't even see Tom Brady's signature cuz it's covered in marinara well look I tried to clean up as much as I could Junior no one's going to pay $2 million for a box full of spaghetti with Tom Brady's name on it look look how about we try to clean up the case a little bit more put Tom Brady back in it and maybe it'll look good as new Junior I highly doubt that come on we have to at least try all right Cody I put him back in the packaging and he's good as new Junior what's wrong there's a piece of spaghetti on Tom Brady's face oh I must have forgot that piece well yeah yeah you forgot that piece and obviously Tom Brady's leg is coming off oh well you must you should have done a better job taping it that's your fault Junior we're going to get like 50 cents for this you still think we'll get money for it no no no actually you know what we're not going to get anything for this the most we could do with this is give it to a homeless person so that they could eat the spaghetti on Tom Brady's face look Cody it doesn't look that bad it looks almost brand new the slightly it's slightly used okay yes slightly yeah I already called the to praiser so he can tell us how much money it's worth you already called him yeah I I think it's worth a lot of money Junior I don't want to be here when he shows up this is embarrassing that must be him well Junior I'm leaving well no no well when I get the millions of dollars I'm not sharing oh hello where's the toy what you must be the toy review guy where is the toy oh it's upstairs well the toys right here it's good as new brand new never been opened wait wait wait what are you doing with the whistle why'd you blow the whistle I blow the whistle when I find a fault with the toy wh what's the fault it's brand new it's never been opened the spaghetti wa it came like that I do not recall the 2011 Playmakers Tom Brady toy coming with a spaghetti accessory well I'm going to give it a Zach rating and I rate this a 2.5 2.5 good day wait what's the Zach ready I said good day 2.5 hey Junior do the toy reviewer come I I think so well what'd he say he said it's a 2.5 out of what I don't no well like 2.5 out of 10 cuz that would suck he didn't say well I guess if it's like a 2.5 out of 5 that'd be okay he just said his Zach rating is a 2.5 who the hell is Zach I think he was Zach he didn't say his name no what who is this guy I don't know well can you call him back let me try you have reached a number that has been disconnected the number's disconnected that's weird yeah who is he was he even real I I don't know but look he said it's a 2.5 so maybe he meant it's worth $2.5 million I don't think this is worth $2.5 million well this guy named Zach said it was a 2.5 out of something so how about I call a memorability shop and tell them what I have and maybe the guy will come over and buy it okay all right Cody it's ringing hey there thanks for calling we bu Sports well we'll buy any sports thing you get an old jock strap just send it our way we'll buy it all well you go ahead sir are you there I'm here I have that to you see all the news the Tom BR toy that's worth like $2 million yeah I did it looked really cool that was worth a lot yeah yeah it was I have it what really you have that yeah I do what is it signed by Tom Brady uh yeah yep it has a signature on it wow uh okay wait is there anything wrong with it though anything wrong with it no no it's in pristine condition nothing wrong with it wow okay I'll be right over to look at that you might be sitting on a gold mine well it also has a Zach rating of 2.5 who the hell is Zach I I don't know he came over to my house okay I'll be right over okay bye hey there I'm here from weport I'm here to look at the $2 million Tom Brady toy well it's right there okay let's have a look at this baby oh no no no no no that's no good Houston we have a problem junior he sees the spaghetti yeah that's pretty bad there's a big old scuff right here on the side of the box like somebody dropped it off the couch and onto the carpet Cody you did that earlier really that's what you see and not the spaghetti in the box spaghetti in the Box oh my God there is spaghetti in the Box how did I not see that thanks kid I was about to give you guys $2 million wow Cody why you have to tell about the spaghetti what Junior how did he not notice that well how much money you going to give us now oo I can't give you any more than a million dollars for this you can still give us a million for that you're going to give us a million doar even though the leg is broken what what oh my God the leg is broken wow kid you are seeing everything wrong with this toy today man yeah that's pretty bad I'm going to have to take off some money from that well how much do you give us now um oh man probably like $100,000 but you're still going to get go $100,000 even though the box has been opened what the box has oh yeah there's tape on there the box has been opened oh man kid kid you are saving me a lot of money today that's Cody why do you keep opening up your mouth Junior how is he not noticing these things okay how much can you give us now uhuh I'm going to have to give you like 20 bucks now okay we'll take it we'll take it we'll take 20 bucks Cody don't open your mouth I don't want to hear any more stuff from you I ran out of things to point out we'll take the 20 bucks okay I'll get the money I can't believe that guy gave us $20 for that destroyed toy well maybe there's somebody who really wants that toy who would want a Tom Brady toy that's covered in spaghetti and broken here you go Zach thank you we can be alone now oh man these paper airplanes are going to fly so far oh so cool hey dear what you doing oh my God you're so cute oh thank you you're cute too oh you want to be my girlfriend uh oh my gosh what is that is that is that a bird or a plane oh no that's just my friend Joseph what's up dude what's up Joseph look how far my paper airplane went wow you threw it really far I threw it really far oh my gosh is that your friend he's so hot wait Joseph Joseph's not hot he has wings I wish I could fly oh sh less baby you can fly with me I could show you the world well Joseph you can't just take my girl cuz you have wings oh she only lik him cuz he has wings baby o spicy I love it hot I can control it Asim more spices baby sh baby what do you want you annoying Brad well there's this girl that was really cute and I really liked her and I wanted her to be my girlfriend but then Joseph came along and now she's his girlfriend she probably doesn't want to be your girlfriend because you're ugly and you wear a bib and you cry all the time no no no no no she didn't like me because Joseph came along and Joseph has wings so maybe if I had wings she'd like me well there's some wings over there have at it eat up you know what they're extra spicy so she better like spicy wings baby oh a wings I mean these aren't the wings she likes but I mean there are some kind of wings let going try this baby with these wings I can fly you anywhere you want to go you want to fly to Paris I can fly you to Paris you want to go to China I can fly you to China shoot I can fly to the Moon the Moon oh yeah we could go to the Moon baby hey baby check these wings out wings dude she don't want them Wings she's talking about these wings but these are hot and spicy I don't like spicy food I like to fly yeah so scram Junior she's with me let's fly to Paris baby and enough we go to Parish but These Wings Are Good what am I going to do oh I wish I had wings like Joseph I'll never get wings I'll just sit here and watch TV squish Red Bull gives you wings what Red Bull gives you wings I have to go get some I have to get some right now oh yeah I definitely feel like I have wings I have wings oh yeah I can fly I can fly oh yeah I'm going try I'm jump off the roof I'm going jump off the roof okay one more for good luck dude what are you doing on the roof I drank a Red Bull so it gave me wings dude that's a commercial they don't give you actual wings oh maybe they're invisible wings dude you better not jump please don't jump watch me fly baby there you go kid you're roll bandaged up all right kid I hope you learned your lesson don't believe everything you see on TV Red Bull doesn't really give you wings next time drink a Monster instead cuz it really turns you into a monster just ask my wife yeah he gets really angry yeah I'm trying to get help for it I tried to call the cops but I can't cuz he is one yeah that's right now you get home home right now Junior what happened to the wings that you took oh I left them outside sorry Chef peee Junior it took me forever to make those wings well you don't have to get so angry about it well he must have drank a monster man just so angry all the time want to hit something uh I'm going to hang up on him real quick yeah do that do that sorry about that Chef Pee Pee wait Junior what happened to your legs oh I saw a Red Bull commercial and it said if you drink a Red Bull you'll get wings so I drank a bunch of Red Bulls and I jumped off the roof and I broke my leg J you're such an idiot why would you jump off the roof oh it's a commercial you won't get actual Wings well the Red Bull commercial said Red Bull gives you wings so I drank a Red Bull I thought it would give me wings and I could fly well did you get your wings no exactly it's a commercial you idiot I should sue them for false advertising oh you idiot you can't sue them want a bet all right kid so let me get this straight you want to sue Red Bull because you didn't grow wings after you drank it yeah see I saw the commercial it said Red Bull gives you wings so so I drank it cuz I thought I was going to grow wings I'd be able to fly but I didn't grow wings I end up falling and breaking both my legs H well I've seen the commercial and after watching the commercial I would think it's just a silly cartoon and I wouldn't believe what it said well you see if the word Wings had three eyes in it then I wouldn't believe it but it's spelled perfectly as wings so I want to sue them for false advertising cuz I think I have a case okay all right well let me see what I can do all right kid so I got you $10,000 for your settlement with Red Bull and Red Bull has agreed to change their slogan from Red Bull gives you wings to Red Bull gives you wings so the word Wings is going to have three eyes in it instead of one good good hopefully nobody else will get hurt like I did yeah so uh what are you going to spend the $10,000 on I know I'm going to buy a buzz Lighty your toy all right now that I bought this cool Buzz Lighty your toy maybe he can teach me how to fly since he knows how to fly all right Buzz lye teach me how to fly to Infinity and Beyond what that's all I got to say it's two infinity and beyond okay but but but how do I take off I mean you have wings right let me see to infinity and beyond okay okay I I get it I need to break the Wings off this Buzz Lighty your toy and then I'll be able to fly as long as I say to infinity and beyond yeah I'm going to break him off his back oh yeah I'm going to fly Daddy's going to fly today hey Joseph dude is that Buzz Light your wings yeah I'm going to fly for real to infinity and beyond you got to stop doing dangerous stuff kid I just want to fly like Buzz Light you did in Toy Story he doesn't fly in toy store you idiot didn't you see the movie he falls down then his arm breaks off Karen get me another monster okay boy I'm going to sue Toy Story for making me try to imitate it and fly like Buzz Light you well you can't sue Toy Story kid it's just a cartoon watch me so let me get this straight kid you want to sue Pixar because you decided to imitate something that you saw in one of their movies no I want to sue Toy Story cuz I imitated something I saw in Toy Story well Pixar created Toy Story so you have to sue Pixar look I just want to sue somebody because I got hurt trying to do something I saw in a movie and I tried to fly like buzz liyar did in the movie okay well if you want to fly like buzz liyar buzz liyer also straps himself to a rocket and he started flying so if you wanted to fly you should have just strapped yourself to a rocket yeah that would work I mean I wouldn't have wings but at least I would fly and the girl would think I was cool all right thanks for the idea okay I got a bottle rocket I'm going listen to my lawyer and strap myself to this cuz then I'll actually fly and then that girl will love me all right let's do it whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoaa let me get this straight you want to sue me because I told you to strap yourself to a rocket and you actually did it well you told me to do it so I thought it was a good idea but the rocket blew up but I blew up into a million pieces well it's not my fault you're an idiot well I want to sue you for a billion dollars cuz you told me to do it well I'm not paying you a billion get back here I'm just ahead a what do I do I don't have wings or a body I guess I'm just going to go to bed I guess I'll just go to sleep cuz I'll never get wings and for the people wondering how I got my body back this is a YouTube video it's not real unless I invite jooa for sleep over and then I break his wings with a hammer and then he won't be able to fly and the girl will like me yeah that's what I'm do I'm going to go call Joseph oh man I can't wait for Joseph to get here cuz as soon as he gets here we're going to go to sleep and then I'm going to break his wings with this Hammer so that he can't fly and that girl will like me yeah he's here he's here hello oh dude I'm sorry it took so long but I had to drop her off at her house you know that ain't quick oh hey but first I had to take her to the drive-thru cuz she was hungry you know people Wings we call it the fly through can we just fly through there you know what I'm saying yes wait what's wrong dude uh nothing nothing just come inside Jo let's have our sleepover oh yeah sleepover so dude what's the first thing we're going to do for the sleepover tonight H play video games have a pillow fight wait what's this hammer for oh uh uh this Hammer I I was going to I was going to break some stuff oh what were you going to break it's not important you want to go to bed dude I just got here yeah you look tired you're flying all night let's go to bed I'm not tired dude there you go Joseph dude I'm not even tired good night sleep tight don't let the bed bugs bite oh they always bite in my house wait where are you going dude oh I'm getting a glass of water oh can you get me one too I am parched uh no I I only have one cup left what and we only have enough water for me oh god dude good night good night [Music] what's wrong Joseph dude I just had the worst nightmare you were going to bring my wings with a hammer because you were jealous that the girl like me more than you whoa Joseph that's a crazy insane nightmare I I can't believe your mind would even think of something that crazy I know dude I know but look I'mma go and stay tonight at her house so she can make me feel better if you know what I mean I'll see you later dude no Joseph no I supposed to break his wings oh I guess I'll go for a long lonely walk outside since I'll never get wings what's that a shooting star I got to make a wish I wish I had wings I have wings it worked I have wings take that Joseph oh I can't wait to show Joseph in the morning I can't wait to get that girl in the morning oh yeah hey baby check out my wings what's wrong Joseph oh it was an accident dude what happened I was flying with her and I dropped her you dropped her yeah from How high oh 1,000 ft Man 1 th000 ft is she okay I don't know look I was flying with her we were just trying to go so high and a fly flew in my face and I just dropped her well I got these wings now she was finally going to love me and I have the wings now maybe maybe the lesson is that we shouldn't change our true shelves for a girl you're right Joseph a girl should like you for who you are you shouldn't have to change for them yeah you know what Joseph what dud I'm never going to let a girl get in between us again let's fly together I believe I can fly I believe I can touch this oh man I can't wait to play video games all summer no sir no video games for you why dad you're not going to sit in the house and play video games all summer you're going to do something healthy like go outside and play or uh read a book read a book do books even exist anymore of course they exist what kind of question is that I got the perfect book for you right here it's the Guinness Book of World Records 2015 that was 6 years ago hey hey hey it's a classic I think it's about a kid who becomes a wizard and uh somebody bangs a wolf or something and uh oh oh they got fat people right here fat people yeah all types of stuff you can learn a lot of stuff in here okay I'll read the book yeah yeah what are you about to go do oh I'm about to go and watch TV why do you get to watch TV hey I'm old I given up on life look you you're still young you can learn so get the reading okay tell me what you learned okay stupid these are World Records wait fattest person in the world have they seen Cody's mom yet tallest person in the world whoa these are really cool so if I set a world record I could get in this book I want to set a world record yeah I'm going to set a world record this summer Chef peipi oh man so many dishes I swear I watch the most dishes in the world hey Chef peipi oh what do you want junior well my dad got me this book called The Guinness Book of World Records book and and I decided I'm going to set a world record you set a world record yeah Junior you can't set a world record it takes talent to set a world record and you don't have it well I have talent like what well I can pick my besides picking your nose uh I can dance dance well well dance for me oh oh wow yeah you might actually get in there really no no Junior that was sarcasm you don't have talent well I can sing well sing for me hit a note uh the wheels on the bus go round and round round and round how do you ruin a nursery rhy my ears are about to bleed well look chy I have talent I'm going to set a world record the day you actually set a world record is the day I'll admit I'm gay wait so you are gay you just haven't admitted it yet what no no no no look look I I I you're gay no no no I I I was just going to say the day that I I you break a record is the day I say I'm gay no you said you know what shpi I'll go break a world record just so you can finally come out okay no I like women Junior you just miss you hurt me God dang it stupid Chef peee saying I can't set a world record I can set a world record all the records in this book are dumb like look at this guy all he do is open his mouth see I'm a dinosaur it looks like you saw a dinosaur and look at this guy he all he did was look open his eyes all he did was open his eyes stupid and look at this guy all he did was stick his tongue out as he put me in the book these are dumb I can easily get in this book you know what I'm going to call a guy from The Guinness Book of World Records to come over to my house and he's going to witness me break 100 records I'm going to break a 100 records in front of the guy yeah that's what I'm going to do oh man that must be the guy from the goodness broker world records I'm going to set 100 records today hello hey you the kid who said he's going to break 100 records today I sure am wow you must have a lot of talent yeah Talent is my first and last name wow that's a lot to live up to and also kind of a weird name talent talent H yeah so you want to come inside and watch me break a 100 records I'd love to no one's ever done that before yeah come on yeah all right I call this the record-breaking couch cuz I'm going to break all those records on this couch okay oh I see you get the book you've been doing research yeah the book is what inspired me to want to break a world record okay show me what you got Mr Talent Mr Talent who's that well it's you right cuz your name is Talent Talent oh yeah I'm Mr Talent yeah so show me what you got okay record number one uh what are you doing I'm doing what he did he opened his mouth no his mouth is way bigger than you no no no I'm opening him bigger it's just like a normal mouth I can do that look hold on you just beat him yeah W you should be in the book yeah maybe oh okay you got that record but uh I got this one uh what's that I'm take get my tongue out no no no no no come on look his tongue is way bigger than yours no my tongue's out of my mouth it's not even coming out of your mouth oh okay okay um I got this one what I'm doing I'm doing what she did with her eyes you look like you're trying to read my mind my eyes are coming out of my head no they're not they're like the most two-dimensional eyes ever they're not sticking out at all I thought this was going to be easy if it was easy then it wouldn't be in the book well look all this guy did was have an afro yeah you're right I feel like I've seen people with more hair than that yeah so this is dumb well if you're not going to break a record I'm going to go home well no no no no no isn't your job to like wait around until I break a world record no I'm not just going to sit around all day and wait for you to do something cool well that's that's what you got to do what if I break a world record on on on accident if you accidentally break a world record I'd be very impressed look just give me some more time okay I'll give you 10 minutes and if you don't break a record I'm go on home okay uh what can I do um uh what's an easy world record to break well uh people usually try to eat a lot of food you know this that Joey Chestnut guy he ate like 73 hot dogs in 10 minutes 73 hot dogs in 10 minutes yeah I can eat easily break that I can eat like 100 hot dogs in 2 minutes God damn all right give it a shot kid all right come on yeah I can eat those woo man thank God I'm finally done washing dishes sh Chi what I need you to make me 100 hot dogs 100 hot dogs Jesus Christ for what I want to set the world record to eat the most hot dogs oh my God we already established this you're not going to break any world records today but the hot dog record is easy what's the record oh okay so this guy ate 73 hot dogs in 10 minutes I'm going to eat 100 hot dogs in 2 minutes are you crazy Junior you're not going to eat that many hot dogs and we only got like two in the refrigerator we only have two yeah okay make the two hot dogs cuz then I'm going to eat those two hot dogs in like 3 seconds there's no way you're going to do that Junior yes I am you just don't want to come out of the closet hey hey I'm going to make your stupid hot dogs because I'm not coming out of the closet I I mean I told you I mean you know what I meant just make the hot dog god D it oh man I can't believe I'm about to set a world record shfp where's the hot dogs hold on hold on I'm bringing your stupid hot dogs now break the world record that is not not 100 hot dogs not even close I know we don't have 100 hot dogs we only had two what record are you going to break with those well I was thinking I could eat two hot dogs in 3 seconds wow okay that sounds cool yeah so I'll eat these in 3 seconds all right I'd love to see that all right and go well I'm not ready yet okay okay okay okay okay I think I'm ready go I'm not I'm not ready yet all right hold on I'm ready I'm I'm ready go hold on hold on hold come okay okay okay okay count me down from three okay three no no no like one what you said okay 1 2 3 go oh God I'm so full hey mister how long has it been it's been 45 weight 46 minutes oh did I break the record no absolutely not you took one bite of one hot dog and you spent the rest of the time complaining about your stomach hurting oh okay so I clearly didn't get that record no okay but I have one hot dog left what if I eat one hot dog in half a second no no no no no we're not going to do that because we just proved that you can't do it how about how about this what what was that it it was the hardest throwing of a plate of hot dogs in a kitchen that okay that was really specific I don't think that's a thing oh I got that record you have to give that one to me okay I'll tell you what I'll ask them about that one okay so I have one record right now okay so let's let's try to break another one ooh ooh how about loudest burp okay yeah that's a real one oh okay cuz cuz I just got un eating so I could burp really loud sure okay so get your earplugs ready I'm ready I don't want to rupture your eard drums I'm good okay are you ready to listen to the loudest burp you ever heard yes I am all right watch this what was that it was like hold on hold on I I that wasn't a burp it was just kind of like a squeak oh okay okay okay how about loudest fart is that is that is that a record yeah I guess okay loudest fart ew was that loud no it was just gross oh okay okay how about ooh ooh fastest uh fastest saying ABCs is that is that a record yeah yeah that's a real one okay fastest time saying ABCs okay listen listen ABCD FZ no no no no you're just saying ABCD FZ no ABC ABCD FZ no you're skipping like three ABCD FZ no no no you just say ABCD no no no you're saying ABCD that's not that's not like what you can say your abc's fast too no I'm not doing it I'm just like speeding through it okay so me and you both have that record we're tied with that one okay how about fastest time counting to 100 yeah if you think you can I can count to 100 really fast you ready okay 1 2 300 no you're saying 1 2 300 1 2 300 no you're just say you're just speeding through 1 2 3 you're missing most of the number 100 what you 1200 that's what you said 100 you're just saying 100 you're just saying 100 now that's nothing oh wait how about fastest saying 100 no 100 no you're not you're not even saying it that fast you're just making noises you're just yelling at me okay we're going to move on to something now 100 st stop 100 100 stop stop try to break a record in here somewhere okay just look around okay uh ooh shfp left the bread out how about fastest time putting the bread back in the pantry what no you're just doing chores at this point isn't a record how fast was that I didn't time it because it's not a record okay so I have that record so I have like three records now what how about loudest cabinet slam what what are you talking about what no that was loud yeah it was it was just annoying okay so I got that record oh how about longest time sitting in the microwave what what what oh yeah watch this what are you doing get out of there no I'm breaking the record no this isn't a record is it in the book no see look I'm the first one to do it so I just set another record it doesn't it's not the book cuz it doesn't matter oh okay okay watch this watch this loudest microwave door slam no you can't just that was loud you're just slamming things and calling it a record oh most paper towels wasted no now my kids already got that one I'm doing it more no really not that's a lot of paper towels wasted yeah okay so put that in the record book I'm not doing how about biggest brain freeze I don't even know how to measure that let me go get the ice cream all right mister I got a big old bowl of ice cream yeah that's a bowl of ice cream is it the world's biggest bowl of ice cream no definitely not okay well look I'm going to get the world's biggest brain freeze I'm going to break that record but how am I going to tell how big your brain freeze is based on how loud I scream because of how much pain I'm in from the brain freeze I'm going to scream really loud and that's how you're going to measure it and you're also going to give me the record for the loudest scream okay whatever and I'm also going to eat ice cream with a fork so I get the world record for the first person to eat ice cream with a fork okay you're definitely not the first person to do this and then I have this big bag of Gummy Bears so look watch this most gummy bears on an ice cream no you're just making a gummy bear mess that's a lot of that's a lot of gummy bears yeah it is yeah and also um uh fastest time counting all the gummy bears on my ice cream 1 2300 2 300 stop okay just stop it you are not going to break any world records okay you're too young and you're really stupid okay I don't think this is going to happen am I the stupidest person in the world is that a world record no no you're just stupid okay you're Rock stupid maybe when you're older and you're more mature and you're less stupid maybe you could break a world record but for now it's not happening sorry but I guess shfp was right I'll never break a world record wait a minute I got an idea Mr wait wasting my damn time hey Mr M please don't leave yet no no you just wasted my entire day trying to break world record no no no no I promise I have one more world record I know I can break it you just have to give me 2 minutes you have 2 minutes no more no less no come on come come on okay okay mister just stand right here and give me 2 minutes I'm going to break the world's biggest record okay you have 2 minutes okay oh the gummy bears okay yes I'm going to make the coolest thing [Music] ever around there you only have like a minute now and all you're doing is picking up gummy bear well just turn around stop watching fine okay that should do shfp does this all the time and I'm going to make the coolest thing ever okay mister just 30 more seconds okay you have 30 seconds One Mississippi two Mississippi or or would you prefer 1 230 come on come on hurry up hurry up hurry up it's done hey mister it's done all right what' you do all right check this out but no no no no no not loudest oven door slam wait that's not ow ow ow ow move it move it move it move it ow I'm so sorry ouch oh no no no check this out I made the world's biggest gummy bear wao kid you made that damn thing yeah I did the world's biggest gummy bear right wow how did you do this I I smashed together a bunch of little Gummy Bears and I made the world's biggest gummy bear I don't really see how that's possible but kid you did it this is a world record I said a world record yeah I set a world record so I'm going to be in the book you're going to be in the book oh really so I get my picture and everything yeah yeah I'll take your picture oh okay take my picture with it okay got it great oh my God so I'm going to be in the book yeah yeah I'll get you the book real soon oh my go rubbing in Chef pee's face oh man I can finally relax hey Chef peipi junor what do you want I'm trying to relax turn to page 57 57 for what I want you to see something wait junior is that you yeah I'm in the goodest Book of World Records wait you did this you actually cook this yeah I set it one record I made the world's biggest gummy bear well you must get your cookie skills from me especially if you're breaking records I just smashed a bunch of gummy bears it had nothing to do with you oh wow well well you actually did it you proved me wrong Junior yeah I said a world record so hold up your end of the deal huh admit you're gay I'm not gay Junior yeah Junior my knees are weak and my arms are spaghetti dude that's crazy shoot me with the spaghetti Ray and change me back to normal okay D oh good I have my arms back I'm never making a spaghetti Ray ever again what were you thinking Cody I really have no idea okay okay that was the last scene for SML movie Cody spaghetti arms instant classic yeah Joseph killed it bro it would get more views if it was called Jeffy spaghetti arms well obviously why wasn't Penelope in the video because no one likes her why isn't there an Anthony puppet shut up Anthony all right guys we got done filming early today you want to go do something o we should see the Marvin Bros movie o that sounds like fun yeah that would be dope dude it would get more views if it was called The Jeffy Bros movie obviously all right guys let's go see the Marvin Bros movies hey boy can I go no I'm so excited to see this movie yeah one ticket to the Marvin Bros movie please that will be $20 oh highway robbery this is why nobody goes to the movies anymore am I right I should have just waited to see it on Amazon Prime hey one ticket to the Marvin Bros movie please $20 please Jesus thank you hey one ticket to the Marvin Bros movie please $20 SH damn dude a expensive ass movie one ticket to the Marvin Bros please and I see your $20 here's your movie ticket thank you uh one ticket to the Marvin Bros movie ooh sorry sir I'm afraid you can't see this movie why not I have cash it's a 20 yeah it's the whole you know lawsuit thing I I I don't use those characters anymore I made my own I'm sorry sir I'm not going to be able to give you one of these movie tickets oh can I speak to your manager sure all right here's my manager what the [ __ ] do you want uh I I want to see the the Marvin Bros movie please you know you can't see that well I I thought me and the company were cool like I stopped using their characters I thought me and pendo were cool no they hate you they told every movie theater in the world that if they see your stupid face trying to come see this movie to tell you to leave so leave it's true it's true I heard your whole thing oh look I I got I got $20 look let me just see it I won't tell anyone oh you have a 20 great well I'm keeping it for wasting my time now leave well come on please leave if you see him come back to this theater you call the police yes sir all right this disguise should work no one will recognize me wearing this hello sir how may I help you today one ticket to the Marvin Brothers movie please ooh the only movies we have left are in 3D uh that's fine I'll watch it in 3D perfect that would be $20 here you go and here is your movie ticket yes wait a minute don't I know you from somewhere uh no this is my first time ever at this movie theater are you sure cuz you look really familiar well maybe we went to high school together what's your name uh Marcus Marcus I remember you you're the guy that P me in front of all the cheerleaders and Expos my wieners that was classic it's a good thing I'm a shower and not a grower anyway here's your movie ticket I actually got a ticket and don't forget your 3D glasses oh thank you so much sir enjoy your movie oh man I can't believe I actually made it into the Marvin Bros movie okay I got to put my 3D glasses on let me take this disgu off all right let me put these glasses on enjoying the movie about to get the [ __ ] out yep come on man you know you can't see this movie oh come on just let me watch the intro nope let's go oh come on yo where's Logan at oh I think he's in the bathroom pooping pooping Everybody taking a big old stinky [ __ ] actually I think he's banging in the family bathroom who is calling me I'll hop off my pecker the movie hasn't even started yet hello hey poopy oh where are you I told everybody you were pooping pooping [ __ ] you want to go this old hag just threw popcorn at me listen poopy they won't let me in the theater oh why not because of the whole lawsuit thing oh that's crazy yo is that Logan tell them to give me a popcorn bro level says get him a popcorn they won't even let me in the theater oh that sucks look can you let me into the back exit no but why not well I don't want to get in trouble I want to see the movie too just open up the back exit just ask lville if he'll do it what that L open up the back exit wait wait you can't afford a ticket my boy no I can't afford a ticket just open the back exit all right uh bro it says the door is alarm just push it open it hi Hur your ass up man I can't believe believe I made it into the movie thank you yeah no problem bro that alarm was loud do you think the manager heard yes I don't think he did these theaters are loud yeah you good bro hey you're supposed to buy a ticket like I did I've been saving up my money all week well just shut up yeah mind your business snitch okay I can't wait to watch the Marvin Bros movie me too hey get the [ __ ] out how'd you know I was here you think I wouldn't notice the fire alarm going off yeah I told you he was going to hear it all right man come on you're under arrest under arrest for what the sign says trespasses will be prosecuted and trespassing you basically signed a contract to get arrested so come on well I I wasn't the one that opened the door don't do it boy actually I was yep come on let's go yeah good call good call get in there you oh come on let me out I didn't do anything wrong no no no you know you're not supposed to be watching that movie it's not for you it's for everybody else who didn't piss off that company but we don't use their characters anymore no it doesn't matter they don't want you watching that movie cuz they don't want you getting any ideas the movie's too awesome is it is it awesome oh yeah I've seen it three times it's great can you tell me if Junior's in it no I can't tell you that well can you at least tell me the ending no I can't tell you that either look you're going to have to ask the judge but don't worry your Court's coming up pretty soon well can I at least get my one phone call oh yeah you do get one of those I guess I probably should have given you that before I put you in here well come on you get one phone call okay oh come on please answer hello hey Chile listen I just got arrested I need you to bail me out of jail what are you in jail for I tried to see the Marvin movie you know you can't see that movie I didn't think it was going to be that big of a deal just come bail me out well I have no one to watch Lily well then get Tito to come bail me out well Tito's going to go see the new Marvin movie right now heck yeah I am later losers well someone just come please bail me out all right time's up but but no one's going to bail me out yet doesn't matter come on oh that movie was amazing I loved the Marvin cart scene and Cody even dressed up like a girl like he did in that one video why wasn't that Star Princess person in the movie oh they're definitely going to milk that in like the third movie her little star was in it though I'm mad that fire breathing Turtle wasn't watching Charlie and friends though and I can't believe Jeffy wasn't in it wait where's Logan oh he got arrested what when did that happen while you were out getting popcorn [ __ ] yeah maybe we should go bail him out M I'll go do it you guys stay here someone please get me out of here hey Logan hey poy did you come to bail me out oh no I just came to tell you how good the movie was how good is it oh it's really good it's Junior in it no no he's not but Cody is he dresses like a girl and everything so he's gay yeah I guess so that's so cool how does the movie End oh you see they actually go to no no no no no don't tell them How It Ends you it's time for court come on oh I'll get my Rob on order order order order order order order I am the honorable Judge poer today we will be hearing the case of Logan 30 who is being accused of trying to sneak into the Marvin Brothers movie which is very good by the way Logan why were you trying to sneak into this movie film oh well I tried to pay for it and then they wouldn't let me in so I snuck in I see and why would they not let you in because the company that made the movie uh sued me one time for using their their characters and I don't use their characters anymore but I guess I'm just not allowed to see it oh so you knew you weren't supposed to be seeing this film well no I didn't know I wasn't allowed to see it because I used my own character so I thought me and the company were cool now so when the theater turned you away that is when you decided to sneak in and break the law correct yeah I went into the exit but but I did pay $40 I paid twice and I didn't give my money back so since I paid I should be allowed to see it CU you know I paid well the door that he broke into said that the trespassers will be prosecuted so he knowingly broke the law so the door said that and you opened it anyway knowing you are committing a crime that is the worst felony I have ever heard of oh God I just wanted to watch the movie it's not like you guys can stop me when it comes out on DVD or streaming it h now that is a good point I suppose there's no way we could prevent you from getting it on DVD or streaming the movie then you leave me no choice I will let you choose your sentence I could either sentence s you to life in prison in solitary confinement because there's no way you could ever watch the movie in there or I could surgically remove your eyes and ears so you could never possibly see or hear the movie you choose uh what if I just promise I'll never watch it and you just let me free we already tried that once and you tried your sneaky Shenanigans at the movie theater so choose before I choose for you uh uh I guess the eyes and ears okay cool good choice I order a do to remove his eyes and ears I'm going to go watch the Marvin movie again oh my God Logan yo what the hell happened to you bro Jeffy yeah man what happened oh right he can't hear us I'll I'll explain uh so the judge which is me decided to have his eyes taken out and his ears cut off so that he could never see or hear the Marvin Brothers movie because that would be illegal well damn poy that's harsh yeah I mean I don't make the rules well I guess I do but I mean hey I didn't know what else to do movie was great though Mor Marvin Marvin we're 3 months past due on our bills how do we get so behind it's because you don't have a job you don't have a job either my job is to sit here and look pretty well you don't do that job very well Marvin go get a job well no one's hiring when's the last time you tried it's been a long time hey Daddy I need a new TV because the TV in my room is broken how' you break it I don't know come see Jeffy I don't noce anything wrong with this TV you don't see that see what the big a mark right there no I don't see an a mark you don't see this Jeffy what the hell's wrong with you I can't help it it's my brain my old mommy said it was broken oh your ass about me broken when I beat it I can't believe this what's wrong Jeffy okay calm down take a deep breath now start from the beginning Daddy hit my TV with an axe and broke it what Jeffy you are so grounded Marvin How Could You Break jeffy's TV with an axe oh hell no I didn't do it he did it don't blame Jeffy yeah don't blame me you [ __ ] Jeffy language Marvin we can't afford to buy Jeffy a new TV you hear that Jeffy we can't afford to buy your new TV because we're in so much debt well then why don't you go get a job because all you do all day is sit on your butthole and scratch it and sniff it yeah Marvin you need to get a job well no one's hiring well let's check online oh look Marvin the neighbors across the street are looking for a pool cleaner I'm not going to clean their pool but they're paying $50 an hour that's a lot of money well go across the street and see if they'll hire you to clean their pool okay I'll go over there I can't believe I'm doing this hello hello welcome to our home go to your room [ __ ] yes Father you sound like [ __ ] and practice your vocals sorry about that Marvin uh he thinks he's going to be part of the Sydney Opera one day but he's got a lot of practic in ahead of him okay so what do you want what Marvin I'm here for the pull job oh yeah the pull job better be grateful that you're not here for the rim job cuz my tires are dirty so can I go see the pool yeah the Pond's back this way come on Marvin okay okay Marvin you see the leaves in the pool yeah well I'm going to need you to get them out with this thing just like this see that oh that's easy oh yeah all right now you see the leaves at the bottom of the pool I need you to take a snorkel and go down there and get those too okay okay all right and if you need anything I'll be mowing my lawn why didn't he just hand it to me oh pool boy yes Ma'am why don't you come over here and put some lotion on my back Well ma'am I I really just need to clean the pool that's my job and my front ma'am can you please put a shirt on that's very inappropriate oh come on now don't be shy well do I absolutely have to you want to get paid don't you on your back yeah M that's nice now get my front uh like you want me to touch your mhm well I have to go use the bathroom well hurry back now you rascal honey all the leaves out of the pool oh that sexy pool boy is just lazy I told him to get those leaves and he's been taking a bathroom break for over an hour uh uh-uh people just don't want to work in this economy you go get them honey I will I'm going to put a hucker doo foot down so weird so Marvin did they hire you what the neighbors across the street oh no they already hired a pool boy there was someone already doing it oh that sucks Marvin that's okay we can keep looking oh look Marvin there's a dog pooper scooper job I'm not going to pick up dog poop oh Mar go get the door well I I really don't want to please Marvin okay hello now Marvin I gave you a fantastic opportunity to make money getting the leaves out of my pool now gosh darn it why couldn't you do it well you see Mr hucker do I was just uncomfortable uncomfortable getting in my pool oh you can't swim no I can swim nothing to be embarrassed about Marvin my wife is a phenomenal swimming instructor and she'll have you Swimming by the end of the day she can hold her breath for minutes believe me no you don't understand I'll send my wife right over and she'll teach you how to swim in your bathtub baby steps Marvin baby steps no no I can swim don't send her over oh darn it who is at the door Marvin oh it was uh Girl Scout selling cookies oo did you buy some no we can't afford it we're in debt a but I like cookies well how about you like air cuz air is free Hey Dad I just realized that you pay $994,000 you're disgusting Jeffy you're so disgusting oh Marvin there's someone at the door again oh no one answered no one answered the door why because since I didn't buy girl SC cookies they said they were going to hire a gang of guys to beat me up oh don't be ridiculous Marvin I'll go get it no don't answer don't answer it Marvin you didn't tell me you couldn't swim I know how to swim you don't have to be embarrassed Marvin Mrs hucker came over and told me they hired you for the pool job but you quit because you couldn't swim oh is that why I quit you don't have to worry Marvin you'll be Swimming by the end of the day I'll go draw a bath I'm not taking those swimming lessons Marvin go take your lesson I know how to swim she's lying to you so what happened okay look they did hire me for the pool job so you lied yes but that's the only thing I lied about everything now is the truth so they hired me for the pool job and then she wanted me to rub lotion on her back yeah so she wouldn't get a sunburn no it was not sunscreen it was regular luider lotion Marvin I'm sure it was fine no and then she rolled over and wanted me to grab her boobies Marvin you don't have to make up stories because you don't know how to swim I'm not making up stories I know how to swim and she wanted me to grab her boobs Marvin go take your swim lesson okay can you come watch no what are you five okay look come check on me in 30 seconds bubbles baby I'm not doing these swimming lessons Marvin get your butt in that tub hey there big boy but why are you naked because clothes restrict your swimming abilities I suggest you take yours off too no and why are there bubbles in the top of I'm trying to learn to swim because bubbles help you float better see now give me some sugar get off B okay that is it I am done what's wrong Marvin she tried to make out with me what that is not true I was helping him because he doesn't know how to swim he was drowning so I was giving him mouth to mouth Marvin you're freaking out over a little CPR she put her tongue in my mouth this is the worst case of Hydrophobia I have ever seen I recommend he never get in the water again Marvin it's okay you don't have to feel bad I know how to swim everyone's lying about me um Marvin before I go do you mind if I borrow a cup of sugar okay baby you go get it it's in the kitchen what I can't reach the top shelf okay look I will go get the sugar but I promise you she's going to end up naked Marvin don't be silly just go okay there's the sugar you can have all of it well I only need a cup Will you pour it for me oh no I think some got on my dress well you gotten the way do you mind if I wash my dress here you live across the street but my husband will kill me if I se this dress it won't take long no no no and she's she's getting naked where's your washing machine uh it it's over here okay your dress is in the washing machine can you please cover yourself up with that towel no it's already too hot here kind of like you okay listen I'm married you're married we can't be doing this I hate my life I hate my husband all he wants to do is mow that lawn of his I need a hardworking man like you I'm not a hardworking man I wouldn't even clean your pool remember man that mustache shut up and kiss me you fool mvin come back Marvin did you give her a cup of sugar I sure did and now she's naked in the laundry room what hey Daddy while you and that lady were in the bathtub I was hiding underneath the water and I saw a hairy octopus with no legs so I just saw a hairy puss Jeffy well I don't remember seeing that in my Zoo books Marvin how could you leave her naked with no clothes after ruining her nice dress I didn't ruin her dress she ruined it and it was just sugar she could have wiped it off well I gave her one of my shirts to wear okay can you walk me home it's dark outside and I'm scared scared no you can walk yourself home Marvin don't be rude I'm going to be rude I'm tired of her I don't want her to come on to me she can walk herself home it's just across the street that's fine I'll just go oh no Marvin she left behind her pearl necklace she did that on purpose you need to go give it back to her no we can mail it to her Marvin they live right across the street okay I'll go outside and I'll throw it in their yard you better not Marvin okay look I'll take it over there but I'm only going to give it to the husband not the wife okay what the [ __ ] you doing here Marin it's late at night you're over here banging on the door kids are sleeping being loud as [ __ ] oh listen I just came here to give your wife a pearl necklace oh the pearl necklace that old thing come on inside take a load off get something cold to drink I don't want to come inside I insist Marvin come on all right Marvin pop a squat you want some of my feiji water no all right well let's get down to business let's cut the [ __ ] we're both men here my wife's trying to sleep with you I know and you're okay with that yeah I've cheated on my wife countless times too many times to count on one hand well count on the other hand oh well in that case six I've cheated on my wife six times I'm giving her a hall pass to cheat on me once with any guy she wants she wants you Marvin I'm so honored you should be this is your one opportunity to do a hucker do I don't want to do a hucker do I want you guys to leave me alone well I need you just to hurry up and get it on so I can get over it you hear that Marvin the night is young and so is our love I just came here to give you your pearl necklace you want to give me another one well I'm going to go upstairs and blow my brains out all right listen why me why are you choosing me because of that sexy mustache Marin you're so manly okay what if I find you a guy with a mustache you can do him no I only want you oh okay well I I I have an idea how about we turn off all the lights and then oh I I will give you that that mean sausage okay mavin okay let me go turn off all the lights don't keep me waiting okay all the lights are off can can can you see me no okay that's good okay I'll be right back what I'll be right back you just stay naked on that couch you keep it stanky okay I'm going to go get chef peee and I'm going to ask him to do it who the hell spilled sugar all in my kitchen hey Chef peee what do you want Marvin I'm trying to solve this mystery uh I need your help a big favor I don't have any money what do you want no it does not involve money listen so the lady across the street she sells uh uh solar panels okay and she said she'll give me 50% off if you do the nasty with her what me do the nasty I'm a nasty individual but why me she said that you're the sexiest man on the planet she ain't lying I guess she's speaking some facts yeah so can you go over there and you know do the thing with her okay okay I'll do some things with her then okay come on follow me okay she's in there on the couch oo all I got to do is go in there and give her that shf peee loving yeah but please don't talk oh she don't like to talk she just get straight to business my type of girl also whatever you do do not turn on the lights come on Marvin I've never been a fan of the light come on and she might call you Marvin wait wait what I told her your name was Marvin ew that's weird but listen Just Go With It just get in the get in the groove you know all right all right I could do that yeah I'mma let that dog out please don't do that look but she loves your mustache she wants you to go crazy with that thing ooh she a fre mustache yeah so hold on all right here I come go go go go go go Marvin are you here yeah baby I'm here I heard you want some peee what's with the accent oh my bad uh let's get down to business don't mind if I H could do finally that Situation's over with Marvin I got her dress out of the dryer do you want to take it over to her no you can take it over to her tomorrow I think they're sleeping now Marvin I came by to get my dress and to tell you that you were magnificent what a man Marvin what is she talking about uh I went over there to give her her necklace and she gave me one more swimming lesson and she said I'm magnificent at swimming yeah he was well I'll see you later big boy bye oh Marvin man I'm in love man you are a true friend thanks so much I hope those solar panels are worth it too wait we're getting solar panels oh no no no we're not getting solar panels I realized we're in too much debt we can't afford it oh a that sucks man uh well if you know any girls that work at these places I'll let your boy I could probably get you 50% off you know give her that business that business you know what I'm talking about oh man oh man I can't wait to watch Char your friends it's my favorite show ever Charlie and friends was filmed in front of a live audience oh hi guys I'm Charlie and today I'm going swimming but there's one little problem I can't swim let's see how this [Applause] goes Charlie why would you go swimming knowing you don't know how to swim you're such a silly Billy you silly goose hey all you Charlie and friends fans out there have you ever W to meet the one and only Charlie from Charlie and friends well now you can meet and greet tickets are now on sale to meet Charlie I can meet Charlie I got to get tickets oh my God man oh man the pie Ros are almost ready snap B SN b s baby H why would you do that you ripped off my arm bro you get it back I Carly he's having a meat and greet and you need to buy me tickets right now I hate you [Applause] pron I can't believe he ripped my arm off let me buy these stupid meat and greet tickets so I can get my arm back wait what it's sold out no way I need to get those meet and green tickets so I can get my arm back I'll never get my arm back hey all you Charlie and friends fans out there are you upset that all the mean greet tickets are sold out well we're holding a hand clapping competition whoever can clap their hands the fastest wins a free mean GRE ticket are you serious a hand clapping competition how am I supposed to win the competition with one hand hey shfp what are you doing don't talk to me right now Junior I need to figure out how to win this hand clapping competition with one hand why do you have one hand because your dad ripped off my other arm oh well I can enter the competition for you look I can clap it's too slow Junior you need to clap faster like this wao your hand super fast that's what all the ladies tell me Well what if I hid in your coat and I came over here and I helped you clot with this hand you know what J that's so crazy it might work come on hello and welcome to the first annual clapping competition whoever can clap their hands the most in 10 seconds wins tickets to meet Charlie you're going down Nerds come on shf let's practice okay now hold your horses two people can't clap for one that's cheating but I only have one hand all right let's make it fair damn sorry Chef Pee what come on Junior three two one go God you know what I'm out of here and we have a winner afraid dang it now I'll never get a ticket or my arm back I'm sorry Chef peipi I tried to help uh hello I I heard voices and I was wondering if someone could help me who are you oh my name's Floyd I'm blind I was wondering if someone could help me find this Charlie and friends meet and greet see I have this ticket but I kind of can't find it cuz I'm blind I can find it I can help you sir shf peipi don't you dare Junior I need this ticket I got to get my arm back so scram brat right now uh let me see that ticket let me make sure it's real sir oh yeah of course you know it's been a lot of scams lately oh definitely so is it real Hello so is it real hello hello here I got you your Charlie and friends Mee and greet ticket now give me my arm back you actually got it oh my my God Charlie here I go wait where's my arm oh man oh man I can't wait to see Charlie oh I'm first in line no I'm first in line oh well second's better who's ready to beet [Applause] Charlie okay he'll be out in 5 minutes oh man I'm his biggest fan no I'm his biggest fan no I'm his biggest fan I'm as big as hey hey hey hey break up you guys all right guys get out there you banned from meeting Charlie no seriously you can't do he me you know you me dud he did it it's not me I don't want to hear it you guys can't go back in there I got to meet Charlie I got to meet Char the bigest I'm the biggest fan don't you start it again guys it's not going to happen oh man you don't even know this tree oh the tree is going to get it I'm not even deal with this anymore see what you made him do I don't care how many temper tantrums that grown man throws he's not getting back oh my mom said that to me one time guess what I'm telling you he's Hur Tre that's too bad guys you're not getting back in there oh come on this is so I'mma find a way back in I'mma sneak in using this disguise I'm going to sneak in wearing this disguise what you stole my idea no you stole my idea you look stupid anyway now shut up we're going to get in and see Charlie well let's work together then then let's work together now shut up Le the way God nerd who's the next fan me me me me me hi guys I'm Charlie oh yeah oh man I can't believe We snuck in shut up you're going to get us Caught no you're going to get us caught you're going to get us Caught no you're going to get us caught shut up you're going to get us caught is there a problem here no sir no me wait a minute you two look kind of familiar nah that's probably cuz you kicked us out earlier but I hold on what I kicked you guys out earlier wait get back here uh next man oh my God oh my God oh oh man security you big bastard you're next thank you all right you two are going to jail for assaulting Charlie assaulting Charlie I didn't assault Charlie I was giving him a big bear hug cuz I love him I'm his biggest fan no you're not I'm his biggest fan hey hey hey hey break it up see this is why you're in here you can't control your anger oh I won't make it in here you don't get it I need my Peppa Pig to sleep at night okay look you're going to have to stay in here for at least 30 days 30 days you know how many days 30 days is 30 days it's it's at least it's more than 10 uhhuh I'm just going to let you count that out you you don't get it come on bro snap out of it we need to find a way to break out of here so we can meet Charlie you're right I'm a man I ain't no whip let's go we're getting out of here guard has it been 30 days yet it's been about 30 seconds 30 seconds I just came to tell you you still have your one phone call phone call I can't in here oh come on buddy hey hey look who it is oh oh oh it's Peppa Pig Peppa Pig okay okay your Peppa time up oh no this one I hate it calm down bro the sooner we break out of this jail is the sooner we see Charlie and Peppa Pig you're right for Peppa and Charlie him too we need a plan like what you know what I still have my phone call and when that guard comes over I'm going to pun you in his face ow you didn't have to demonstrate on me sorry I just get excited hey guard hey I'm ready for my phone call okay come on okay here's the phone wait are you going to hit me I don't know my mom's number I don't know what to tell you man what are you doing you're supposed to punch him Mom I'm arrested again and the mean man put me that go I don't think I'm that mean come on P I'm already do you promise I love you mom mom said I behave and do my time so buy me the Peppa Pig box set okay okay buddy let's go back to yourself what are you doing you were supposed to punch him oh yeah hey guard what ow what the hell now you get 60 days 60 days this is your fault see what I told you you going to give me it was your plan look guard can I get my phone call please all right thank you all right make your phone call okay all I have to do is punch him in the face and I can finally see Charlie wait what is that what's what wa is this is this a human arm oh yeah that's ship's arm okay you're too dangerous to be making phone calls I'm going to have to add another charge for murder or at least dismemberment get back in yourself what no I need my one phone call all right you two are staying in here come on we need to think of another plan to break out of here talk to me anymore you got me in trouble what you got me in trouble we're in jail because of you hey all right that's it I'm putting you two in separate cells good I don't want to be in here he smells bad and I got to go tinkle really bad get in there at least I got my own celf what's up big and beautiful welcome to sale be for bubbles M you cute M you're cute too man I need to break down so I can see Charlie hey bro I knocked out my cellmate wait what how did you do that trust me you don't want to know but I've got a plan I'm going to call the guard over and tell him that he needs medical assistant and when he comes in I'm going to punch him in the face are you really going to punch him this time I won't forget hey guard what do you want inmate my soulmate he needs medical assistance look Jesus why is he naked I have no idea but he's bleeding okay let me let me take a look at him let's see what's ow Peppa hey come on we got to get out of here well open the cell then first who's the biggest Charlie fan it's me duh well I guess you can stay in here then guys look you're the Biggest Fan okay yes come on we got to go man oh man I can't wait to watch the Charlie friend marathon with you I know me too we're the biggest fans ever yeah time for Charlie who likes Charlie we like Charlie everybody loves Charlie who got where is there is he got everything that you need he likes to eat food and stuff but Charlie he is he's awesome here's the Charlie and friend show is it is it real I don't want to be late to the meet and greed so man you must have like a magnifying glass or something looking at it real good huh so what do you think you think you think it's real and done all right dude my bowling ball is ready for the Bowling Championship Joseph can you believe we're playing in the Bowling Championship tonight oh dude I'm so ready oh we need to hurry up and go we're running late we have to wait for Cody hey guys Cody where's your bowling shoes in the bowling ball dude oh guys I'm sorry but I'm not going to be able to play in the Bowling Championship tonight what you can't play in the Bowling Championship why because Ken has a waxing appointment tonight Ken has to get wax he can't even grow hair he's a doll dude oh he can grow hair believe me Cody you understand we're playing in the champion ship game tonight against the Ramirez family oh that damn Eddie Ramirez he needs to lose yeah Cody we're undefeated and so are they this is going to be the best Championship ever I know guys I'm sorry but I can't play but why don't you just reschedule the waxing appointment yeah dude we won like 12 games to get this far well I'm sorry but I can't reschedule yoland doesn't have another appointment available for another 2 months and I'm not going to deal with the hairy bum Cody look we need you we're going to get cramed without you yeah I'm sorry guys Ken's just more important so the only reason you're not bowling is cuz of Ken oh yeah that's correct the you're not getting K back until you bowl hey give him back Junior give him back no you're going to cost us the Bowling Championship give him back he needs to be whacked Joseph catch I got it dude Joseph give him back oh go long no Ken oh man I can't wait to eat the strawberry banana milkshake it's going to be so good get in there you stupid banana there we go no no kid in there in there in there kid's in there no he's not it EMP it it check check check check check I'm telling you guys Ken's not in here pour it out pour it out pour it out oh God [Applause] no oh damn I thought he was a banana guys I'm so sorry God no k Why okay look he's just he's just like he's okay he's dead K's a milkshake he's milkshake K he's a chicken maybe we can wash off the pieces and put it back together get pieces get your pieces get all the pieces let's put them back together put back together yeah look Cody look we have all the pieces maybe we can put them back together we can't put them back together Junior he's dead he's all cut up into little pieces he was never alive to begin with he's a dog dude now let's go to this Bowling Championship screw the Bowling Championship my boyfriend was killed look look look maybe after the Bowling Championship we can put him back together no Junior the only person who could possibly put him back together is a doctor we're not calling a doctor over your broken toy Cody please call a doctor I'll go to the bowling Championship if you call a doctor oh okay let's call a doctor hey there somebody call a doctor yes doctor my boyfriend got blended into a million pieces he was milkshake kiss yeah his toy got Blended up well kid you got to take better carry your toys he's not a toy he's my boyfriend well look Joseph accidentally threw Ken in the blender no I was aiming for the blender dude oh god look can you just please put his toy back together no I don't think so wait is that a Kendall huh you know my nerd brother has one of those he does yeah he collects dolls and action figures and nerd stuff like that well can you please call your brother and ask him if we can have that action figure because Cody need to stop crying cuz we have to go in the Bowling Championship wait Bowling Championship you guys are in the Bowling Championship yeah against the Ramirez family oh I hope you beat that bastard Eddie Ramirez I'm so tired of seeing him win well we need Cody to be able to beat him so can you please make Cody happy I'm not going to bowl until you fix my boyed okay I guess I could try calling my brother but he really doesn't like messing with his collection all right I'm calling come on Cody stop being so sad come on Jonathan answer you're always on your phone hello this is Jonathan sorry I couldn't make a see the phone right now I'm currently covered in heart babes o he not a shop I'm sensitive there leave a message after the beep beep I got his voicemail you actually thought that was my voicemail that's the oldest tck in your book yeah you got me you are so dumb yeah yeah I am so what's up look Jonathan I need something what's wrong your wife need a real man pleas what no Jesus Jonathan do you still have that kandall you mean my 1997 limited edition together forever Kendall only open once Museum quality yeah yeah I guessed that one of course I have him he's laying on my bed right now okay can I have him do you know how rare he is can you have him he is only one of 69 made and he's number 69 my favorite number okay so can I have them I mean I guess I'd be willing to make a twade what do you want I want you to send me nudies of your wife do you really think my marriage is that good that I have nudes of my wife you can make it happen look Jonathan that's not happening it's not even for me it's just for somebody else that wants it well there is something I I would trade okay what do you want and they're kids so don't be weird you may have heard of it before the year 2000 performance collection Britney Spears Barbie doll it's so nervous yeah believe it or not I haven't heard of that yeah well either get the all or the to off okay look he wants some kind of Britney Spears Barbie doll wait wait a minute I think my daughter has one of those well well then go go grab it from your daughter and make the trade so that we can give him the doll back so we can go bowling I I mean I could but look what am I even getting out of all of this you get to see Eddie Ramirez lose in the Bowling Championship yeah you're right I do hate him okay yeah I'll do it just give me a few minutes all right Cody you hear that he's going to try to get the kindall oops I rode a pony again hey Penelope what do you want Dad oh I see you playing with your Britney Spears Barbie yeah she's my favorite Barbie doll uh-huh so can I have her what why Penelope you don't understand this Barbie could prevent Eddie Ramirez from winning the Bowling Championship tonight what are you talking about look I will do anything for that Barbie anything yeah I want to meet Justin Bieber what why that of all things dad Justin Bieber selling meet and greet tickets okay how much are they $10,000 holy [ __ ] no no that's not happening fine then you're not getting my Barbie doll h i I actually actually you know what I just remembered I actually know Justin Bieber personally you do I do I I used to I used to brush his teeth you did I did I was his dentist I brushed his teeth all the time I I bet I could get him to come here right to your room oh my Thought Justin Bieber's going to be in my room hold on we'll see oh man who am I going to find to pretend to be Justin Bieber at this time of night ooh B change hey hey buddy uh look I'll give you 20 bucks if you'll pretend to be Justin Bieber to make my daughter happy you want me to act like a beaver or Flop like a fish yeah sure all all of that yeah oh my God oh my God oh my God hey Penelope what did Justin Bieber say he's actually right outside your door all right yeah calm down see Justin Bieber gets nervous and he doesn't like it when people look at him so you're going to have to wear this blindfold I can't see him no no he he's afraid of eyes so you're going to have to wear a blindfold but you can still hear his beautiful singing voice oh my God Justin Bieber is going to sing to me yeah maybe I hope so I mean who knows what's going to happen just make sure that you wear that blindfold cuz if he sees you see him he's going to freak out okay okay Dad I'm so excited okay hey honey you got that blind hold on yeah Dad okay no peeking Cuz Mr Bieber will go crazy okay Dad just bring in Justin Bieber okay Mr Bieber you can come in now I'm the beaver man oh my God it's Justin Bieber I like beavers and chewing and wood sing the baby song baby baby that's not the baby song Justin you're so funny s sing the real song uh beavers and Dan Beav wait a second that's not Justin Bieber oh yeah yeah yeah yeah it is he he just he has to wear a disguise when he goes out in public cuz he's so famous he doesn't want people bothering him so so he chose to disguise himself as a stinky bum he smells like one too yeah yeah he does but you met Justin bber so can I have that Barbie now can Justin stay the night I'll be the coolest girl ever oh honey I I don't think you want that oh nice warm comfort bed ooh and a pony oh my God he can sing to me all night long okay you know what sure yeah just take this Barbie and leave beavers and dams beavers and dams beavers and Dam beavers and dams all right I got the Britney Spears Barbie wait where's your friend he's crying in the bathroom you better get him cuz my brother's almost here with the kand doall oh hey pukan guy I have your Kendall right here great here's your Barbie you actually found her and in pristine condition look at those feet yeah okay why did you even want her I have my reasion what happened to this K doll oh he fell in a blender I don't want my K being Blended up he's not going to get Blended up just go be weird with Britney Spears okay we got kin back Cody can be happy now okay now you boys get to that championship and kick Eddie Ramirez's ass you don't have to ask us twice Cody get in here what do you want guys look Cody Ken's back Ken you're back oh I miss you so much how is this even possible the doctor's brother had a k doll so he brought him for you no k I love you so right so Cody I got a question so your old K doll got Blended up so is this a new Ken no this is Ken so but it's a different kend doll so it's not the same Ken you made all those memories with uh the memories just transferred to him it's Ken what but no no no that's not the Kendall that you made the memories with that old Kendall is right here I don't know what you're talking about this is Ken look guys let's just cut the chitchat we still have time to get to the Bowling Championship what Bowling Championship well you you know the Bowling Championship we have to beat Eddie Ramirez who the hell is Edie Ramirez well he he's the bowling champ you guys you guys were all talking about the Bowling Championship we're not in a bowling league Cody how can we play a Bowling Championship we're not in a bowling league well I I don't know I mean I I thought that was weird too but you guys were really confident you guys had bowling shoes it was a bowling ball we don't have bowling shoes or bowling ball cuz we're not in a bowling league Cody yeah I only been bowling one time in my life dude yeah wait no no no no no no no the doctor knew about it and that's why you took 10 from me in the first place is cuz I didn't want to bowl but why would we want you to Bowl if we're not in a bowling league Cody what what the [ __ ] is going on I wonder what's taking Joseph so long to come over dud d dude I'm sorry I'm late but you'll never believe what happened what happened dude I'm skating over to your house and out of nowhere I hear screams so I'm looking around and then I look up it's a dude skydiving and he's struggling with his parachute and I'm like don't open please don't open and then right in front of me he splashed like a pancake and his brain pops out did you catch his brain did I catch his brain like bees and a already girl parade yeah you C the brain yeah dude now let's play brain cats oh I love brain cats come on dude dude go long I'm Tom br catch I got it I got it m I can't wait to make my famous baked potatoes is that a brain hey shf peipi have you seen a brain in here it's right there what do you mean where did you get a brain from oh my girlfriend told me she was going to give me some brain and she gave it to me literally Junior keep your stupid brains out of my kitchen get it out oh it's so gross keep those brains out of here all right Joseph that was a bad throw you like Tom Brady on the Buccaneers overthrowing everyone yeah you're right all right you go long this time I'm going to throw okay dude I got it dude now that the potatoes are in the oven just got to let them bake dude where did the brain go oh that was a sucky throw Junior well I'm sorry I'm not a professional brain thrower Joseph wait what's chpi cooking he smells like potatoes let's see what he's cooking okay dude there's the brain why is sheipi trying to cook a Mr Potato Head I don't know dude he always makes weird disgusting stuff wait Joseph you know what I always wanted to do what dude I've always wanted to throw a Mr Potato Head into a ceiling fan and see how many pieces come off of them dude me too but I never had a chance to do it me either let's do it okay dude all right Mr Potato Head prepare to go into do the blades of Doom yeah adios Mr Potato Head bye-bye Mr Potato Head dude oh you shatter that was sick dude look Mr Potato Head lost all his pieces I wonder where they went oh dude it's probably scattered all around the house you lived a good life Mr Potato Head yeah rest in peace is Ming Potato Head yeah speaking of all the excitement let's go see if ship is done with dinner oh dude I am hungry shf peipi we're hungry yeah and enough for Mr Potato headge yeah we don't want to eat toy chef peee chef peee maybe he quit I wish um let's see if he was cooking anything else in here oh dude it's that guy's brain maybe we could eat the brain and get some knowledge I don't want to eat brains I don't feel like being a zombie today I guess so uh oh I know Chef doesn't like it when I threaten him with stupid stuff CH peee if you don't come out right now we're going to eat that Mr Potato Head Toy okay I guess you don't care if I eat a Mr Potato Head Toy or we break stuff all right Joseph I'm a man of my word we have to eat this Mr Potato Head since Shep's ignoring us I don't know dude it's kind of hard and plasticky wait wait it's a note inside what a note yeah let's read it all right Joseph let's read this letter what it looks like it's from shef peipi oh dude I do a perfect shef peipe impression let me read it you stupid brat turned me into a Mr Potato Head turn me back right now Chef Pee was Mr Potato Head I guess so well he did have a chef head on and he was cooking potatoes what if he accidentally turned himself into a Mr Potato Head dude how do we turn him back I don't know let me call a doctor hey there you call a doctor oh yes doctor my friend was baking potatoes and he turned himself into Mr Potato Head oh oh man I've seen this one before you have oh yeah it's actually way more common than you think when you're baking potatoes and you get trapped in the oven you can actually turn into Mr Potato you can oh no that means shampy be SM A Potato Head what are we going to do calm calm down calm down it's fine it's an easy fix all you got to do is put him in the freezer that'll unbake him and he'll turn back into a person all we have to do is put him in the freezer we can do that that's easy well he see the important thing is that you have all the pieces of missst a potato head before you put them in the freezer if he turns back into a person you don't have all the pieces then whatever pieces I miss a Miss A Potato Head are going to be missing on your friend whatever pieces are missing on Mr rated head will be missing on Chef peipi well he doesn't have anything he doesn't have his eyes he doesn't have his nose he have his mouth he doesn't have his arms well then you better go find those pieces your friend's going to be a vegetable I guess he already kind of is a vegetable well I mean we lost all the pieces we threw them into a a ceiling fan oh sick I know the pieces exploded everywhere Joseph we have to go find those pieces I mean we have we have a while right well no actually see that's the important thing see you only have about an hour to find those pieces or he's going to be stuck like that forever only an hour why well cuz then he won't be a hot potato it'll be cold oh all right J let's let's go find those pieces let's do it all right Joseph we have to find every single piece because whatever piece is missing on Mr Potato Head will be missing on Chef peee and I don't want to deform Chef peee oh definitely bro what o I found his butt oh thank God you found his butt Chef peee has the nicest butt oh yeah the nicest dude if I wasn't in the girls i' just take a chunk out of smack it yeah all right so uh we put this in a very safe place cuz we don't want to lose his butt so definitely you go that way looking for pieces I'll go this way looking for pieces okay okay where could those pieces be I Don't Want to Miss a single piece no no oh come on Joseph I found one of the ears me too dude I found one in the toilet all right so we found both his ears and his butt yeah so he can hear himself fart so now we have to find his mouth neck so he can hear all the crap that comes out of it dude we are on the roll all right so let's go look for more pieces okay hey Joseph did you find any pieces in that couch no I don't see any dude this is going to take forever and we don't have that much time hey Joseph does it ever feel like you're being watched yeah all the time it's usually my uncle though but now he has to stay 100 ft away but it doesn't stop him from using binoculars man they make binoculars real good these days Joseph look you see those eyes yeah I see them Mr Potato has eyes Joseph how are we going to get up there dude I have wings I believe I can fly I believe I could grab the eyes Junior they're coming down okay all right Joseph we got his eyes now we just need his nose and his mouth and I think that's it okay dude hey Joseph yeah I see the mouth it's on this sleeping cat dude get it but don't wake up the cat I'm not going to wake it up hold the Wake there that looks like Chef peee yeah especially with those big ears yeah Chef has the hugest ears what are we missing uh looks like we need the nose and the arms dude yeah and the mustache yeah oh don't forget the chef hat he can buy another one but dude I guess so and we don't have to find the legs cuz he never had legs to begin with that's true all right let's go look for the nose and the arms Joseph look I found the nose that means the mustache can't be too far off yeah because the mustache is attached to the nose hey guys don't you like my new mustache isn't it cool toad we need that mustache no way I always wanted a mustache now people can take me seriously you understand we need to save shf pe's life and we need that mustache toad a I I kind of like this mustache though we'll do anything for that mustache what can we do for that mustache H maybe if you make a fire rap song you could probably have it back but I doubt you could do it Joseph we have to go make a rap song come on oh let's do it hey Joseph what's up bro he doesn't want to give us that mustache back o that's a problem that's a problem I know I think I need to tell him how bad we need that mustache yeah he got to give it up all right let me spit something to him okay we need that mustache really bad Chef PP is Mr Potato Head if we don't get it back then he'll be dead we need that must you heard what we said we need that mustache really bad please give it back we want Chef back we need that mustache really back please give it back we want Shep be back we need that much Dash really B okay if you don't give it back we going to be mad if you don't give it back we going to be sad if you don't give it back I'll tell my dad if you don't give it back I'm a okay if you don't give it back punch you in the face what's my fish taste like I'll give you a taste I'll end your life make it seem like a waste I don't have any new lies let's copy and paste hey need that mustache really B please give it back we want be back yeah we want them back yeah we want them what what yeah we want them back yeah we want them give them up yeah we want them back yeah we want them yeah we need them yeah we want them back yeah we what wo I can't lie that was fire that was fire oh here you go guys you deserve the mustache we have the mustache oh this is so cool oh yeah I found this hat too but it didn't fit okay so we have his hat his nose his mustache what are we missing Joseph uh his arms dude okay we to go find his arms we only have like a minute left though Joseph screw his arms yeah he get robotic ones we can put him in the freezer oh yeah hurry Joseph dude it's heavy all right we'll see you soon Chef peipe all right close it all right you just going to wait a few minutes okay okay all right Joseph I think he's ready shf peipi Junior what happened to me shf B your back we accidentally turned into Mr Potato Head but I don't have any arms oh well we couldn't find your arms you know we were looking all over the house and we just couldn't find them hey dude look it's down there never mind Chef we found your arms what am I going to do with Mr Potato Head [Music] arms how's it going Chef peipi I hate you Junior I hate you I hate you I hate you you should be more grateful like you know T-Rex has had short arms like that too I'mma kill you Jun hey daddy do you want to play the game where you guess a letter and if you guess the wrong letter I got to draw a stick man up there until he's hanging I mean I can't call it the real name cuz we might get in trouble and end up on Good Morning America again no Jeffy I don't want to play any games oh come on Marvin it'll be fun fine all right Mommy get a letter H is there an H yep yay I got one right all right Daniel turn is there a c yep ooh good guess all right mommy H is there an i yep all right there is there a t yep oh no all right Jeffy that's it you're grounded why because you put a bad word up there I didn't put a bad word up there I just put what you call mean lady oh wow that's it Jeffy that's exactly what I thought it was you're grounded do you give up yes I give up cuz it's a bad word all right the word is which oh thank God no no Jeffy you know what you meant you meant to put the b word what boobies Jeffy no no no no you know the b word that that spelled same way with but with the B boobies no you know B boobies no baby finish the word for me b no boobies no Jeffy you know it sounds like beach be boobies Jeffy you know you're grounded take your little stupid board to your room you're grounded hold on dadd before I go can I tell them something tell who something the people watching the video what what what hold on let me talk to him real quick hey guys it's me Jeffy I just wanted to say that I've noticed a lot of people who are watching our videos are not subscribed to the channel so why don't you go ahead and hit the Subscribe button down there I'll wait Jeffy who are you talking to I'm talking to them day the fans who haven't subscribed to the channel yet and uh while you're down there go ahead and smash the like button while you're at it and uh yeah oh and also don't go in there and start putting comments saying oh I'm not going to hit the like button I'm not going to hit the Subscribe button cuz no one cares Jeffy go to your room all right I got to get my board what who's at the door I don't know oh hello what Goodman what are you doing here guess what I did what come on I want to show you look isn't it gorgeous you bought a Ferrari not the Ferrari dummy what's in the Ferrari well what's in the Ferrari ew what is that thing it's my clone I want you to meet him come on your clone yep Marvin meet Mr Goodman too hi I'm Mr Goodman too why' you clone yourself because I make so much money that I thought if I clone myself I can make double the money so I clone myself and I doubled my net worth but bad news for you cuz you now owe two house payments two house payments why well one for me and one for Mr Goodman too yeah where's your house payment I don't even have one house payment how I suppos to pay two what Mr Goodman too you want to come inside Marvin's house that we're about to repossess sure okay who was at the door Marvin someone who's going to take our house a tornado what no why would a tornado ring or doorbell because it's a very polite tornado oh my God there's two of them now yes two tornadoes right here Goodman too you like this house cuz we're going to be repossessing it soon H seems nice what they're going to take the house well yeah because I haven't made my house payment look you have to give me more time to make two house payments you throw them on me today yeah that's fair Goodman too how much time do you think we should give Marvin here to make both of his house payments h two days come here come here come here he can leave the country in two days well if you can't afford a house payment that he can't afford to leave the country well he can swim to Switzerland well that would take long two days shut up you know what Marvin God I hate that name I'm going to give you until tomorrow morning to make both of your house payments or else tomorrow morning I can't make that payment or else what or else this oh hello it is me Dr finger sheets did you forget I was in here cuz I I helped you with your clone so can I go home now shut up okay so Marvin both of your house payments by tomorrow morning or else I'm going to get Dr fle sheets sheets Dr fle sheets whatever I'm going to get Dr fle sheets to make a nipple in larger array to turn your nipples into big pepperonis and then me and Mr Goodman too are going to eat them one nipple each okay I'll get them by tomorrow all right can I go home now shut up tomorrow morning or yummy your nipples okay okay I don't know what I'm going to do Marvin where are you going to get two house payments by tomorrow I don't know they're both $2,000 each so where am I to get $4,000 in one night hey D you want to play a game in this time I made it easy on you and you only have to guess one letter Jeffy stop writing bad words I didn't write bad words Daddy yeah Jeffy that's a bad word I'm not going to guess cuz it's bad you give up yes I give up I'm not playing well the word was duck no it wasn't Jeffy you're trying to make it seem like it's a bad word then you make it not a bad word it was duck Daddy I got I got my idea look tomorrow when Goodman shows up for the house payments I'm just not going to answer the door Marvin that's not going to work yeah yes it's going to work because what's he going to do break into my house I'll call the cops I'm not going to answer the door tomorrow when Goodman shows up what a good day driving my Ferrari to go get Marvin's two house payments or else I get to evict him is that a Pity so Marvin do you think Goodman's going to be coming by today to get the house payment look I don't want to think about it cuz if I think about it I'm going to get stressed out and I'm just not going to think about it I'm going to oh no he's calling are you going to answer it no I'm not going to answer it because if I answer it then he'll know I'm home and I'm just not going to answer it Marvin he's calling again okay how about this how about this what if I answer it and I tell him I'm swimming to Switzerland um I don't think you would have signal out there look I'm going to answer it and tell him I'm not even home so there's no point coming by okay uh hello Goodman I can't really hear you right now I have a really bad signal I'm swimming in the ocean Marvin open the door right now I need help open the door uh good minute I'm not home I'm I'm swimming to Switzerland right now Marvin I see your car out front quit playing games open the door someone's trying to kill me but but I'm not home right now I I don't have my house payment Marvin screw your house payment I need you to open the door right now someone is trying to kill me really you're not lying just to get my open the door Marvin open the door okay okay I have to uh go open the door what because he's saying he's saying some weird stuff look look look if he tries to come in for the house payment I'm just going to run okay hello Marvin wa where are you down here what oh my God what happened to you get me inside quick okay so what happened to you Goodman too he's trying to kill me he is but how he threw a penny in the road and he knows that I'll never hurt money so I swerve to not hit the penny and I crashed my Ferrari into a tree you crashed your Ferrari yeah but don't worry cuz I had the Ferrari insured for twice for what it's worth so I'm good there cuz I'm about to get paid but I hit my face on the steering wheel wheel because I had my airbags taken out to make the Ferrari lighter so it would go faster well what what happened after you crashed into the tree I was knocked unconscious for 8 hours and then I woke up to a pack of wolves eating my pants and the only spare pair of pants I had in my car were my carrot pepper pants oh well why is Goodman 2 trying to kill you I don't know but I need you to figure it out Marvin how am I going to figure that out I don't know just figure it out oh no that might be him at the door you have to figure this out Marvin and I'm going to go hide somewhere in the house okay okay I'm going to go answer the door and figure out what's going on okay uh hello hey Goodman 2 what are you doing here I'm just here to see if Goodman one is hiding in your house no no no Goodman's not hiding in my house you better not be lying to me Goodman 2 doesn't like liars oh no no no I'm I'm not lying you can you can check if you want to okay I'll do that okay see look there's no Goodman here H are you sure are you sure he's not hiding in your house somewhere but no he's not hiding in here baby have you seen Goodman in here um no not for the past couple minutes oh really no no no no she doesn't know what she's talking about no no no she sees you now she thinks you're Goodman so she thinks that's what she's talking about H okay that makes sense why are you looking for Goodman anyway I'm going to kill him why well because if he's dead then I can take over his company and I can get all his billions of dollars that that's how I laugh oh how about this well sent your Goodman's clone why don't you just go to the bank they're going to think you're good Goodman and you can just take out billions of dollars and leave no cuz I want all this money well well well um how about how about how about no oh wow really I hadn't thought about that yeah you're right well how about this how about if you help me find him you never have to pay me another house payment ever again and it'll give you a million dollars oh a million dollars okay yeah sure I'll do it I'll do it I'll do it Marvin no you could go to jail but it's a Million Dollar Baby no my wife thinks we'll go to jail we're not going to go to jail what are they going to arrest me for killing my clone I'll just say he was the evil clone he's evil not me yeah yeah yeah just just just don't laugh like that when when you say that to them okay let's go find him oh yeah uh baby we're we're not going to go find him I'm I'm going to show him the door so he leaves Marvin I'm literally standing right here I heard everything that you were saying actually we're not going to what is that this is my smashing Hammer oh so if you're not going to go kill him then why do you need that uh uh because the front door jammed and he's going to bust the front door down yeah sure I'll do that right after I smash Goodman's head with my hand oh no no no no baby come on guys look it's a million dollars how about this how about this we're not going to do it okay we're not going to do it you hear that we're not going to do it we're not going to we're not we're going to we we're going to do it okay oh baby I'm going to show him the front door okay come on okay where is Goodman at yeah where is he he's in the pantry there he is kill him kill him kill kill him kill him Marvin you're helping him yes hit him with your Mallet what why are you smelling pepper cuz I just want to smell some pepper you want some no the only reason we found you is cuz you sneezed oh no please don't let him hurt me Marvin it's too late he say he's going to give me a million dollars and he says I'll never owe him a house payment ever again I thought we were friends Marvin no we were never friends you can hit him now I want that million dollars no no no wow Marvin I'm disappointed in you hit him harder I'm disappointed in you too Marvin wa wa what no no no you're supposed to kill him give you a million dollar I can't believe that you would choose a million dollar a measly million dollars over our friendship what we're not friends oh yeah clearly but this was all a setup Marvin a setup Yep this is just some guy in a suit some guy in a su yeah clearly it's a guy in a suit it's your clone no take your mask off what oh man it is hot in there it's still on your chin got hair on my mouth so wait so Brook guy was you in a suit yeah he paid me 10 grand to do this what okay you need to explain what's going on okay so this is what happened so I took out a $2 million insurance policy what in the hell are you doing it was on on his ear I got hold I got it you good yeah can I continue with my story explain what was going on great so I took out a $2 million policy an insurance policy on my my Ferrari then when I wrecked it I got paid $2 million so what I did was I hired Dr fingle shits to make a suit that looked just like me and then I paid him 10 grand to get in it want more continue your story continue your story so you put out you wrecked your Ferrari for $2 million yep and then I like I said I had Dr fle shits make a suit that looked just like me I paid him 10 grand to get in it and then for fun we decided to see if you would choose our friendship over a million dollar which you didn't oh come on you kill me for a million do I would I wouldn't I I I I would I don't know why I lied I just lied straight to your face like that I'm sorry okay so you did so you just admitted that you did insurance fraud and aren't you a cop arrest him well I mean he's going to give me a cut so I'll look the other way well I want some money a darn it I guess you're right I guess the best I can do is 2 months with no house payment and you want some pepper wait that's you yeah get all right all three together now let's go hey Daddy want to hear some funny jokes sure Jeffy what did the farmer say when he couldn't find his tractor what where's my tractor okay what's a vampire's favorite deser a blood I I don't know nothing vampires aren't real what what's red and bad for your teeth red candy a brick what what does a basketball and a football have in common they're both balls one of them is Orange what's yellow and is something you shouldn't drink a pee a school bus you can't drink a school bus Jeffy I got one more Daddy what do you get when you mix a goat and a sheep I I don't know a geep who's that Jeffy stay right here uh hello hey Mario uh Hey Goodman uh you must be here for my house payment I wouldn't be here for any other reason yeah well funny story I don't really have the money to pay my house payment this month I know you know well then what are you doing here if you know I can't pay pay it cuz I wanted to show you the new magic trick I learned you want to see it sure I can pull something out of my butt watch what is that looks like an eviction notice and it says get out an eviction notice you're going to evict me yeah Mario because I'm done I'm done with you and your hat every single month I have to waste gas and put miles on my Lamborghini just to come here for you not to have your house pay well look look it's just a lot of money to pay and I don't have the money to pay that bill you know oh well it looks like you have money to pay your electric bill so how do you not have money to pay your house payment it's just so much you know look look look look don't evict me just come inside and we can work this out Mario there's nothing to work out you're evicted no no no no no come on inside look come inside I promise we'll work something out come on come inside please come on just come inside okay good look just sit down relax make yourself comfortable take your shoes off let me rub your feet no Mario you get your hands off my innocent and defenseless baby seal shoes baby seal shoes yeah the cruelty makes them softer well look just please don't evict me well Mario the only way I'm not going to evict you is if you have your house payment right now in cash so do you have it of course I don't read it and weep well look just give me another chance e Mario stop you sound like my ex-wife after I cheated on her she was like oh please give me another chance I promise I'll be hotter and I was like ew no there's other women out there and I don't want you well why are you evicting me now you've never evicted me before it's your hat Mario what every time I come to your house I stand outside your door and I'm like he's going to answer the door in that hat and sure enough you come to the door and what do I see hat okay so if I get rid of the Hat you want to evict me oh I'm still going to evict you Mario well I'm not going to get rid of my hat all right well you got N9 days to get all your stuff and get out of this house what nine days why nine cuz it was off the Dome Mario but if you're going to complain about it then get all your stuff and get out in seven days seven no no go back to nine all right what about five no go back four you what two you can't do that get out get all your stuff right now and get out you have to give me some time all right 6 days get all your stuff out 6 days my house okay fine I I'll get out in 6 days so Cody what do you want to do tonight I don't know Junior you want to watch TV uh yeah sure I'll go get the remote huh wait Junior whose wallet is this if there's money in it it's mine okay well let's have a look uh wait hold on Junior there's a there's a credit card in here a credit card yeah who does it belong to uh it says Mr Goodman Cody it says billionaires Club on it do you think it belongs to a billionaire oh well yeah maybe oh we should buy stuff with it Junior we can't do that that's illegal it it's called credit card fraud okay well how would they figure out that we used it well they'd probably just used the security cameras in the stores we bought stuff from well why don't we just buy stuff online then I don't know Junior the right thing to do would be to turn it into the police so they could return it to the original owner well that's lame Cody look we have a credit card that probably has a billion dollars on it and we could buy whatever we want and and nobody would ever find out well Junior the billionaire would find out no Cody he has a billion dollars so if we buy stuff for like a couple thousand he'll never notice a couple thousand doar if he has a billion dollars I guess but if we buy stuff we have to buy really small stuff yeah Cody look we'll buy really small stuff that he won't even notice okay really small stuff you bought a monster truck Junior yeah isn't it sick yes Junior it's very sick but you said you were going to buy something small this is the opposite of small come on Cody it was like $500 the billionaire is not going to no there $500 now shut up and say grave diggers so I can crush this Barbie and her Corvette Grave Digger yeah waa Cody look her car is destroyed yeah that's why you don't mess with the Grave Digger all right Cody now you got to buy something H I don't know Juni I just really don't want to get in trouble but get in trouble Cody I bought a monster truck come on live a little yeah it was pretty cool okay okay I'm going to buy something all right what are you going to buy uh I have an idea check out my pony Carriage Junior waa this is sick yeah it is I got 24in rims in the back 18in rims in the front one horsepower and check this out Junior I got a frunk that's a front trunk I can hide all kinds of cookies and stuff in there you got a frunk on your monster truck Junior no that that's where the engine is okay whatever so Junior you want to go in a nice stroll through a park somewhere um yeah but real quick I definitely think we should return this credit card you know before we get caught yeah that's a pretty good idea if we spend any more money they might catch us yes let's go put it back in the wallet okay all right Junior let's put this credit card back in the wallet before we get caught we're not going to get caught Cody we only bought two things yeah I don't feel that bad hey guys you want to hear some jokes sure yeah okay why do you call a dog with no legs what it doesn't matter what you call him he's not coming what's green and has wheels what GR assass I lied about the wheels all right what has four fingers and a thumb and looks like a hand what a hand all right I get it ask me if I'm a tree Junior are you a tree no he's not that's all I got well Jeffy we found this credit card that belongs to a billionaire and you should buy something with it okay but no Junior we've spent too much money already we didn't spend too much money we only bought two things it was like less than $1,000 let Jeffy buy something okay but just tell him not to spend too much money all right Jeffy here buy whatever you want all right I'm going to go spend $10,000 on v-bucks what Junior he's going to get us caught well that's not that much money to a billionaire $10,000 on v-bucks hey hey Jeffy buy me some v-bucks too all right Jeffy $10,000 worth of v-bucks for you and $10,000 worth of v-bucks for me oh yeah Junior this is show pee PE yes it's very pee PE can we stop committing credit card fraud now I guess Cody let's go all right Junior we're putting this card back know that you and Jeffy both spent $10,000 each on v-bucks well Cody you should have got you some v-bucks no Junior I don't play fortnite I play Minecraft like an adult oh Cody if you put an L right there that'd be you what if you put an L right there before the G it' be you oh yeah I guess it would all right now let's get out of here before we get caught all right oh Bo man I can't wait to play me some Call of Duties man I got to turn on the game ooh here go a wallet and I ain't even have to mug nobody man ships must be my birthdays ooh and here go a Chris's car and I'm going to get me some chicken with that because obviously whoever left it here was thinking about me and was like uh Black Yoshi should go treat himself to some chicken trick or treat smell my feet let's go get me some KFC to eat oh man that's some good chicken be man what's wrong with you Mario I'm sad man why you sad you white because black yhi we're about to lose the house why we going to lose the house folks because I haven't made a house payment cuz I can't afford it man don't worry about that fol just use my new gbt card I got from the gun Ms what gbt card yeah it's kind of like the EBT card except they changed the name of it so now it's like that thing that they give you if you go back to high school after you done dropped out what a GED yeah that what black Yosi this says Goodman Bacon trust how did you get a credit card I found it you found it where'd you find it at right here right where the two Fair left it he said I was a good boy I just need to floss a little bit more and so he gave me this credit card Black Yoshi this is Mr Goodman's credit card how did you get Mr Goodman's credit card oh my God Black Yoshi where didd you find this wallet at I told you the too fairy done left it to me right here he said I need some treats there's no too fairy Black Yoshi the good Mr Goodman left this wallet here oh my God I know what happened Mr Goodman left this wallet here and you found it Black Yoshi what did you buy with this credit card man all I bought with is fried chicken some Kool-Aid and I'm about to peep game on this map pack no you ain't about to peep game on no map pack Black Yoshi you cannot use someone else's credit card to buy something that's credit card fraud man who's the credit card fraud do he go ribit black your it's credit card fraud fraud man I don't know why you be talking about those frogs like that folks black Yosi you cannot use someone else's credit card that's illegal it's against the law you can go to jail Mario I ain't going to go to jail because the courts ain't going to allows it black okay okay so when you go to court and they say who gave you this credit card and you say the tooth fairy that's not going to hold up in court it doesn't have to hold up in court what they going to do bring in the to fairy cuz I can guarantee you he ain't going to be there yeah and how and why is he not going to be there cuz he ain't real Okay then if he ain't real then how he give you the credit card well he was real for that 5 Seconds where he came in here and left it disappeared black y I don't have time for games like this I have to find a way to get my house payment so we don't lose the house Mario like I already said just take the gbt C and go pay the house payment folk I cannot pay the house payment with the credit card of the person that I owe money to yes you can fol get that cash ADV you never know it nether it would be better to just pay the house payment I guess yeah see see check that let me peep on this m pack all right Black Yoshi I took out a cash advance and got the money out to pay my house payment Mario I found this infection notice and it say we got to get out before we get sick black doesn't say infection notice it says eviction notice man what's the eviction is that type of book no no black Yoshi eviction means we have to get out basically like we have to move out yeah we have to get out because the infection we going to get sick black there is no infection look look look you know yeah you know what yeah get out just how about you just get out but Mario let me just grab that gbt car real quick and I'll be on my way well no no no black Yosi know I have to give it back to who it belongs to it belongs to me cuz the to Fair done gives it to me cuz I need them treats oh no black Yosi I feel the infection all over my body oh my God eating me alive we got to guess out get out Mario hurry quick who's that uh hello hey Mario you don't talk until I tell you to talk yes sir you know what Mario go back inside come back to the door and we'll start all over since he ruined it okay uh hello hey Mario hey what are you doing here well an hour ago when I was at your house the craziest thing happened I noticed that I didn't have my wallet and so I started to check my bank account instead of coming right back here and I noticed that someone had been using my credit card ow tell them uh yeah yeah someone's been using his credit card and they've spent about $30,000 $30,000 you didn't tell me they were spending $30,000 $30,000 on chicken what hold on are you telling me that Old McDonald had a farm and he stole my credit card information and and he spent $330,000 on chicken no no no no I didn't say $30,000 on chicken I said $30,000 missing that's crazy we're coming in hey you tell them we're coming in but why because because we got to find my wallet tell them tell them we're coming in we don't have a warrant yes we do we're we have a warrant because I say we have a warrant uh uh yeah stop stop uh we're coming in and we have a warrant hey and stop stop hitting me take his hat I'm sorry I stop I'm going to have to take your hat why well it's it's uh I don't like it tell him I don't like his hat and we're going to take the Hat he he stop stop I'm saying it he he he doesn't like your hat and we're going to and we're taking it we're taking it I'm going to wear it I'm going to wear your hat and he's going to put it on my head okay stop stop hitting me oh okay well come in real quick okay all right Mario where's my wallet I don't know it was right here I mean I I don't know I haven't seen it you take his hat what no where's my wallet I I don't know give me the hat what the Hat give me the Hat where's my wallet I I don't know Mario if you don't tell me where my wallet is I'm going to eat your hat don't don't eat my hat no don't eat it where's my wallet I don't know don't eat my hat come on spit it out you're chewing on it I'm your hat spit it out Mario what is that oh uh oh um uh this is uh my house payment money so you can't evict me Mario where on Earth did you get $2500 in 1 hour what corner were you on you've been selling Flintstones gummies huh how'd you get that kind of money I I I broke up with my piggy bank oh really a piggy bank full of 100s did you steal one of my piggy banks no no I stuff money in my mattress that's where I got it okay well I'm just going to pretend I didn't hear that no no no no look I paid my house payment so you can't evict me you said if I pay in cash you can't evict me right well that is true Mario since you did pay your house payment in cash I can't evict you great it's just really weird that there was a $2500 Cash Advance on my credit card and here's $2,500 in cash and there was also a KFC charge on my credit card here's KFC and then Kool-Aid how do you explain that who whoa who well the KFC is old this this food's old well it wasn't here earlier well well it's like a couple days old I like to move my trash around I'm I'm a hoarder e well look I don't really see any evidence here just a whole bunch of coincidences yeah yeah darn well the case has gone cold hey you bring me your face okay find who stole my wallet okay okay so um you know everything's fine right so I'm free to go right I guess Mario well you're not mad about that $30,000 that's missing on your credit card no Mario you think I'm going to worry about a small $30,000 charge Mario do you know what my credit limit is what my credit limit is Buzz Lightyear to infinity and beyond Mario my credit score is yes I'm not mad about $30,000 okay yeah well I mean you can go on your way then that it was nice seeing you officer and and I'll see you next month G with your house payment all right have a good night Mario good night okay okay where is his wallet who has his credit card I just need a couple million more v-bucks okay yeah you are so done I'm about to Orange Justice all over your face hey Danny I got a question what is it Jeffy when Pixar made Mrs Incredible why did they give her a union job Class B license heavy duty dump truck what are you talking about I'm talking about that wagon daddy Mario don't look Jeffy if you're going to play with your Mrs Incredible doll take her to your room and does Mrs Incredible ever get constipated what because she's so stretchy shouldn't it just fall out like laying an egg Jeffy go to your room and when she gave birth did it even hurt or because she's so stretchy did the kid just flop out like fish Jeffy Jeffy go to your room and play with your miss incredible doll we don't want to hear it all right daddy he's so annoying huh who's at the door uh hello hello hey Mario do you know what this is uh an egg it's not just any egg it's a dodo bird egg a dodo bird egg yeah and dodo birds are extinct but I bought this egg for $10 billion at auction and it was preserved in an iceberg so they told me that it could still hatch as long as someone sits on it so H me you want me to sit on it yeah cuz I was sitting at my desk after I bought it and I was thinking hm who has a big fat lazy butt who doesn't pay their house payment and who doesn't have a job so I was thinking huh that's Mario so hm look I I don't want to sit on a 10 billion doll egg cuz I'm afraid something bad will happen to it yeah I'm afraid something bad will happen to it too Mario but that's why I'm going to incentivize you to be careful with it by saying that if you sit on this egg I'll pay off your house you'll pay off my house I sure will Mario oh I'll definitely sit on I'll set on it so hard that's what she said and that's how I ended up with two kids okay look I'll be really careful with I'll be really careful as long as you pay off my house all right Mario now be very very careful remember they're extinct good thing I bought two what you bought two you spent $20 billion on eggs I sure did because my thought was I'll buy a male doo bird egg and a female dodo bird egg and I'll bring back the dodo birds but that's not going to happen anymore thanks to you Mario so what you might as well do is you might as well scrape that up and make A1 billion omelet okay look I'll be super careful with this one you better be Mario that's $20 billion okay be really careful be careful okay okay so you want me to sit on this until something comes out that's what she asked and that's how I ended up two kids okay okay okay I'll be really careful with it all right okay Goodman wants me to take care of this egg but I really have to use the bathroom first and I don't want to put it near anyone cuz I don't want anyone to break it so I'm going to put it right here yeah it'll be safe right there time to make some scrambled eggs who cares my first egg hey little egg you want to be friends yeah I want to be your friend psych I don't have any friends boom well next egg oh you want me to slam dunk you well twop pointer oh I think I got a runaway egg oh you can't get away from me cuz I'm about to dunk you wait what's wrong with you Mario what what did you do that like that was right here uh uh it's in my hand no it's not hold hold hold okay orange orange okay my mind didn't have an orange thing on it I'm pretty sure it's in my hand Mario let me sit okay oh thank God what are you doing why are you trying to destroy this egg I'm not trying to destroy an egg I'm trying to make breakfast wait that's A10 billion egg and you're trying to break it it's an egg Mario it's not10 billion well stop trying to mess with my egg what your get out of my kitchen I'm trying to cook okay I got to put this egg somewhere safe so nothing bad will happen to it who's at the door uh hello freeze you're under arrest why why why I'm just kidding it's a little cop joke okay what are you doing here yeah listen I'm sorry I know it's late but I just got off work and my wife called and said she wanted me to pick up some eggs from the store but all the stores are closed right now cuz they're closing early so I was just wondering do you have some eggs I can take no I don't have any eggs come on man don't Li to my face like that I don't have any eggs I'm looking at an egg right there oh no no this is my egg it's just like your egg like you laid it now you carry it around the house no no no no no no I'm babysitting it okay you CUO for Cocoa Puffs or something what's wrong with you no no no no no no look this egg is a rare dodo bird egg and I'm babysitting it because it might hatch okay listen I don't care what kind of bird it is I need that egg you don't know what my wife is going to do if I come home without some egg she's going to be like bo b why didn't you get eggs from the store so I can make an omelet at 4:00 in the morning well look you're going have to tell her that she's not getting her omelette and she has to wait till the morning okay why can't you just wait until the morning well no no I need this egg I just can't give it away give me that egg come you bite my ear stop it okay I'm sorry I'm sorry I carried away okay look Chef peipi might have some eggs in the kitchen so so go ask him that actually seems like a very reasonable solution to our problem thank thank you this is going to be a long day give me that stop biting me sorry I I said go to the kitchen I know I just it was just worth the try and I it's so far away you're already halfway up the stairs go go walk to the kitchen oh yeah I guess you're right just I don't like shf people hey Mario who was at the door oh it's Goodman he want me to walk hey what was that for Mario I have oop phobia what is that I have a fear of eggs no you don't Mario get it out of my face no it's just an egg get over it Mario it's so freaky if you don't like it then leave well fine then if you won't get rid of it leave then leave I have to watch it hey man what I I got one of the eggs from the kitchen but it has like this weird little red mark on it I don't like it okay and well can I trade with you no mine's a dodo bird egg well how do you know this isn't a dodo bird egg it's a regular egg well but maybe it's a dodo bird it's not look I'm not trading eggs if your wife's going to eat it why does it matter if has that dot on it okay listen I'll be honest my wife didn't really want eggs I just I wanted to get a head start on coloring Easter eggs this year cuz there's like an Easter egg coloring competition coming up and my neighbor Fred hucko is really good at coloring Easter eggs so I was going to paint this one green but that little red mark on there's messing me up so can we trade no well if it turns out dumb it's your fault I'm going to put it right here nice and safe hey Danny who are you at the door Jeffy do not touch this egg you shouldn't have told me that I didn't even notice the egg until you said something about it Jeffy Jeffy this egg is super valuable and I don't want anything to happen to it did you lay an egg Daddy no Jeffy I didn't lay an wait wait a minute I should tell him that I did lay an egg and then he'll help me take care of it he won't want to break it yes Jeffy I laid an egg are you a chicken Daddy no CeCe I'm not a chicken that's the weird thing uh humans aren't supposed to lay eggs and I'm the first human to lay an egg so this egg is super valuable and you could have a little brother or sister in there I want to be an only child I don't want a brother or sister well why not cuz I don't want one I don't want to have to share toys I want you to give me all the attention and I want you to buy me all the toys I'm going to get ready this day we I don't know what to do with it I don't know what to do with it Jeffy you give me that egg right now okay Daddy wait really catch wait anybody seen the Q ball oh there it is all right now I'm going to break all right uhhuh boom wa look at that break what are you doing playing pool you want to play no this is not a ball hey you put my cball back I didn't scratch hey where you going my CQ ball Daddy what are you doing well Jeffy since you're trying to break this egg and ruin my life I'm going to put it in a safe so that it's safe oh that's smart yeah it is Smart Lock that up so now you can't break it oh really ow why are you hitting me because you just broke the egg Jeffy I thought you said it was safe Jeffy not now now it's broken oh Dad that didn't break the egg wait you don't think so no but this will Jeffy [Applause] Jeffy what Jeffy I swear to God if the egg inside this safe is broken one Daddy I just wanted to tell you that scream you did earlier was so loud and so powerful you could have filled up an entire Monsters Ink scream can with how loud that was I'm talking you go live in Monsters Ink world and powered the whole city you would put Mike wasowski out of business shut up Jeffy a you're broken what do you think Jeffy H I'm going to go strong no you know what hold on maybe a crack I think I I'll give you a crack well that's what you're on if you think it's not broken so is it broken yes it's broken jimy oh I just it was worth1 billion well I'm at least worth a smooth Millie but it's okay Daddy I'm glad to see that you're picking favorites Jeffy do you know what was inside that egg a Dodo it pooped no a dodo bird uh Poopy Bird no Jeffy a extinct bird Jeffy look look this bird was extinct and we could have brought it back and you you just don't care daddy don't cry don't do all that I don't want to see that Danny was your prank what the egg inside that shave was one I got from the refrigerator here's the original egg why why would you do that cuz it was funny no it wasn't JY I laughed do not touch this egg who's that I'm not leaving this here cuz I don't want you to touch it uh hello well I see you didn't make an omelet no no I didn't what are you doing here well I came to check on my egg well look your egg is perfectly fine and you can have it back cuz I don't want to sit on anymore why because I I just don't want to sit on anymore it's uncomfortable my butt hurts and it's worth $10 billion and I don't like stressing about it so here have it back all right Mario nothing happened to it did it no no no nothing happened to it it's perfectly fine look it's a perfect round egg no cracks no scratches no one threw it off a balcony no one used it as a CQ ball while they were playing pool uh no one put it inside a save and threw it down the stairs it's it's perfectly fine it's the original egg and it's yours so you can have it back okay but it does look a little different Mario no no no it doesn't that's a dodo bird egg like if you Google Dodo bird egg that that's what that looks like I I just don't want to deal with it it's stressful I don't want to deal with it anymore but Mario your butt is so nice and plump it's perfect for sitting on eggs you got that dump truck Mario I don't I I don't have a dump truck see see look it's a normal a normal truck actually it's not even a truck it's it's it's a small car see Mrs Incredible has a dumb truck you should hire Mrs Incredible cuz she's got that dump truck I saw it today so so my butt is not perfect for that egg maybe your butt would be perfect but not my butt okay Mario Mario that's fine why would you do that you really thought that was a dodo bird egg Mario that was just a regular chicken egg that that was a regular chicken egg then why did you make me sit on it cuz I was bored Mario it was me Elon Musk Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates and US billionaires were sitting there making bets on if you would destroy the egg or not I'm honestly shocked that you didn't well well thanks for wasting my day you're welcome now I got one more task for you Mario what is it hold on one second I need you to sit on this dinosaur egg no Mario who are you texting just a friend Mario do you hear that what's that noise I think it's Jeffy oh no he has his hammer Jeffy what are you doing hitting holes in the wall with my hammer what why cuz it's fun what D stop it you lost your Hammer a baby Jeffy broke a hole in the wall Mario I went through your phone who's Peach it's just my ex but why is there a heart by her name I forgot to delete it Jesus Christ daddy look at your font size are you blind do you want people in space to be able to read your text messages Mommy I promise you he wasn't hiding anything obviously and are you you Blood Cuz how did you not see him texting her Mario why are you talking to your ex oh come on you talk to all your exes and you have a million of them which say a lot about you you take that back oh what are you going to do hit me with a hammer yes yes I am run nny you're crazy put the hammer down Mario I'm going to hit [Applause] you what was that good car Mari I'm so sorry I didn't mean to get in the house get in the house r Elena why'd you throw a hammer at Goodman's car I wasn't trying to hit his car I was trying to hit you I know I wish you would have hit me instead because I don't know what Goodman's going to do now Mario why were you texting your ex all I said was happy birthday there's nothing wrong with that there she is Officer there's a crazy lunatic who threw a hammer in my car all right ma'am you're under arrest under arrest for what for property damage over $1,500 which is a felony Mario I can't be a felon I'm not from this planet they're going to kick me off Earth what yeah it's true we're putting all the felons on Mars now it's part of the Mars instead of Behind Bars program where we put them all on Mars instead of putting them behind bars so we'll just hope they start their own little criminal Planet up there oh look officer look it was a complete accident she wasn't trying to hit his car with the hammer she was trying to hit me with the hammer oh well that's a whole new charge then wa no no no I don't want to press charges then look look look look officer officer I will pay you to to not arrest her are you trying to bribe a police officer I no well I CU I don't think you can afford to do that cuz my bills are pass du and my electricity bill is through the the roof so you could slide some cashh my way I'd really appreciate it listen I'll pay your bills arrest her all right you're under arrest man but I too pretty to go to jail and don't forget to read her her Miranda rights oh yeah I always forget those what is it you have the right to remain silent uh something about an attorney Mario I can't believe you're throwing me in jail me I'm not throwing you in jail you're the one who threw the hammer I didn't tell you to do that all right come on ma'am oh God I got to listen to this all the way to the police station God I'm going to have to put on some kids bop or something to drown it out well no no no no baby I'll bail you out I promise Goodman Goodman please drop the charges please I don't want her to go to jail no Mario she's getting what she deserves she has to face consequences for her own actions well I know but she she wasn't trying to hit your car with the hammer she was trying to hit me with the hammer well then why wouldn't you want her to go to jail for trying to hit you with a hammer I mean unless you're into that sort of thing Mario I mean I'm not judging I I like kinky stuff too although I wouldn't want anyone to hit me with a hammer unless I was paying for it so I will pay for the damages on your car no Mario I don't need money I you think that's what this is about no Mario I could just buy a new car she needs to face consequences for her actions but the jail is so dark and scary and full of scary people well then good she's in there with the people just like her what it was just a mistake she was she was mad okay Mario well when I'm mad I know not to throw hammers at people's cars because I was raised right look look I I completely understand look I I will do anything I will do anything for you to drop the charges please I'll do anything H well I did have to fire my maid earlier today h and she did wear a red thong when she cleaned the house so Mario I guess if you're up for it you could be my maid and wear a red thong okay I did it nice what do you want me to do now we'll just do everything I say and I'll drop the charges hey you guys get some e plugs cuz she will not stop screaming and my kid Bob CD has scratches on it wao oh hey there hot stuff why you wearing a thong cuz I'm trying to do everything he says so that he'll drop the charges okay I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that because witness intimidation is illegal but I guess in this case it's more like witness seduction right cuz oh god look officer can you just please not take her to jail I'll do anything I'm sorry man she's got to go to jail okay so when can I bail her out what's her bond Bond James [Music] Bond what's the song that goes I was about to do that just getting that one I like that one I like that one a lot that was really cool what do you guys doing oh we were just talking about oh yeah yeah so so when can I bail her out like what's her bond Bond James Bond I'm kidding I'm not doing that again you can't bail till tomorrow till tomorrow why not well you just got to see a judge first okay well is jail going to be scary it's jail so what do you want me to do what's the first thing you want me to do H I want a Big Mac and I want you to get it while wearing that thong okay thong here's your Big Mac I can't wait you uh you want to tell me why there's an egg roll in my Big Mac Box well I I I don't I don't know it was is that the new Big Mac Egg Roll in China Town well I I don't know it was supposed to be a Big Mac I I don't I don't I don't understand what oh hold on hold on it's jail it must be Rosina trying to call me Mario why would you want to talk to her anyway uh hello so how is it in there how is it how is it it's gross and there's cockroaches in here hey hey hey Mario tell her that when I opened up my Big Mac Box there was an egg roll in there and see if she's as shocked as I was when Goodman opened up his Big Mac Box there was an egg roll in there what I know he said the same thing Mario I'm in jail because of you because of me I didn't tell you to throw a hammer at someone's car why am I not bailed out yet because the judge has not set your bond Bond James Bond what I'll go look look look the jail the the jail has to set your bail and then you can get bonded out tomorrow tomorrow I have to stay all night in here Mario I can't rest there's people screaming and I'm starving they only give us bread with peanut butter on it well that sounds yummy hey Mario you want to know what's not yummy opening up your Big Mac Box finding an egg roll in it I promise I'm doing everything I can to bail you out Mario you don't care about me at all don't care about you you have no idea what I'm doing right now to get you out I'm literally in a thong a thong that mean you're with your girlfriend what no I will I will bail you out I'll talk to you later so Mario I have a question for you what where did you go besides McDonald's I I only went to McDonald's I went to McDonald's and got you a Big Mac I don't believe you there's no way that you went from your house all the way to McDonald's and then back to your house and somehow magically the egg roll fairy put an egg roll in my Big Mac Box I promise you I only went to McDonald's all right Mario then get your phone and call the McDonald's that you went to because I want to speak to them okay all right good minutes ring in here oh thank you for caring MacDonald's my name a Jackie to what can I do for you today never mind I got all the questions answered I needed all right Mario sorry I doubted you I just didn't think it was possible so is there anything else you want H well I'm still hungry and I don't want to eat this questionable egg roll so why don't you go down stairs and make me a hand tossed pizza with all organic ingredients I don't know how to do that well you better learn Mario if you want me to drop the charges okay we going make you a pizza this is the only Pizza I know how to make Mario what are you doing in my kitchen I'm trying to make a pizza dang Mario you dummy thick I know I have to be oh come on Mario let me smack it oh you just got your cheeks hanging now come on one time I'm just trying to get Rosalina out of jail wait Rosalina's in jail yeah she tried to throw a hammer at me and I'm trying to get her out of jail we throw a hammer at you why because she was mad you trying to get her out of jail yeah because you know Jail's really scary I don't want her in jail you know that's where she belongs right that's what that's what happens to criminals when they do bad things Mario I know I'm just trying to make an organic Pizza okay oh nothing's organic about this it's all preservatives and pig nothing but preservatives and pig well you open the stove please okay okay oh really just going to throw it in there like that well I don't know how to make it no care huh can you just please make it for me please I don't know what I'm doing oh I guess so Mario so Mario where's my pizza it's in the oven hey you better watch your attitude before I decide not to drop those charges oh God help me hey thank God you're here yeah thank me wait what's that thing on your ankle oh yeah I'm under house arrest for what well I got another Pui on New Year's Eve well if you're under house arrest what do they consider your well I created the entire universe so I can go pretty much anywhere but I can't leave the universe which sucks cuz there's a great party In Another Universe and I really want to go cuz all the other gods will be there like Zeus and Poseidon of course I call him piden you know cuz he's always swimming in well you know the ocean cuz he's the god of the sea oh well I really need your help God yeah yeah you only call me when you need my help look my wife is in jail I know I saw it's rad well I want you to help me get her out why do you want to get her out she threw a hammer at you bro because she was just mad yeah one time I was mad and I threw a rock at the Earth and I killed all the dinosaurs which sucks cuz they're my favorite thing I've ever made and then I tried again with you guys and you guys suck you're the worst dinosaurs ever God I I don't want her to be in jail jail is scary well it's fine I've been in jail tons of times what you have oh yeah I'm really popular there I mean a lot of people find me so they like me I've got great street cred this one time I traded a guy at Debbie cake for me to turn his toilet water into wine and I did it it was awesome wait do you smell something burning yeah it smells like burnt pizza oh no burnt pizza hey god get a look at this there was a egg roll in my Big Mac Box M crazy oh God please don't be burned please don't be burned oh man this is the only Pizza I had I have to give it to him all right there's the pizza where's the pizza right there yeah I think that that is supposed to be a pizza there's no way Mario did you go outside and get a tire off my car and try to pass it off as my pizza no no that that's a pizza yeah it looks like the meteor I used to kill the dinosaurs it looks like you took it right out of Pompei no no look look look you see the pepperonis you see them they there were pepperonis yeah there were yeah it used to be okay it's a little overcooked a little wow yeah just a little bit Mario come here come here what come here come on what okayy nice hit hey you hit me oh yeah and I'll do it again come over here you hit me so I'm going to call the cops and press charges on you oh no yeah I'm going to press charge on you and you're going to go to jail so H Mario I can't go to jail I'm a billionaire well I'll not call the cops a press charging you because if I call the cops I have God as my witness and they're going to believe me so if you drop the charges I won't call the cops all right Mario I'll drop it like it's hot as long as you drop it like it's hot one time in that thong mhm go ahead drop that thing okay yes very good we're my ones at M don't drop the charges all right Mario I will I'll be right back Mario thank you for getting me out of jail uhhuh Mario why are you wearing a thong because I like the way the couch feels on my butt cheeks Daddy got that wagon let me G Daddy got that butt floss well I guess the best part about you getting bailed out is I didn't have to pay your bond Bond James [Music] Bond Daddy they messed up my SpongeBob book how' they mess up your SpongeBob book Jeffy looking see for yourself notice anything wrong with it uh they're not underwater no SpongeBob has two tongues he's got one down here and one up here licking his eyeball he does have two tongues that's so silly it's not silly mommy this is serious business this is a colossal [ __ ] up this officially licensed by SpongeBob SquarePants you know how many people this had to go through before it hit the shelves someone's getting fired today unless they can confirm that SpongeBob actually does have two tongues and then I'll get over it Jeffy just calm down and read your book no cuz I'm going to call a Nickelodeon and fire somebody after I give him a piece of my mind there's someone at the door hello hey Marvin I need your help what do you need help with Goodman you're poor right yeah well I need you to teach me how to be poor teach you how to be poor why well I just found out that I have another kid down in Mexico or some [ __ ] and the mom's wanting me to pay her $5 million a month in child support I didn't know Taco Bell was that expensive I mean I can afford it I just don't want to so what I did was is I moved all my money to an office offshore bank account and then now I have to live off the least amount of money as possible for the next few months while the judge goes through my bank accounts cuz I don't want him to see that I have a lot of money so I need your help to teach me how to be poor well I mean I'm really busy I don't think I can do that right now I'll pay you $110,000 I mean sure yeah I can teach you to be poor so rule number one don't give people money cuz poor people can't afford to give people money well if I don't give you money then how am I going to get you to do what I want you to do by being nice ew poor and uh the next rule is come here so another thing you can do to be more poor is not drive a Lamborghini not drive a Lamborghini what else am I supposed to drive a bicycle ew no no you don't have to drive a bicycle you can drive a car you just need something more poor H more poor I know exactly what you mean I'm going to go buy one okay where's Goodman at what the all right Marvin I did what you said I bought a poor car this is not a poor car this is expensive it literally has the the word poor in the name it's a Porsche what it's still expensive though listen Marvin I can't go any lower than this it's already shitty well it's not a shitty car this is really nice no it is shitty it's Porsche it's Porsche shitty and it's offensive cuz it was named after George Bush a 9911 it's a Porsche 9911 okay fine so you're saying this is the cheapest car you'll go yeah I can't do anything less than this Marvin it's shitty okay at least it's a start you got rid of the Lamborghini so let's go work on some other stuff all right hey baby I need your help what's wrong with Marvin well Goodman paid us $10,000 to teach him how to be poor wait he spent $10,000 to learn how to be poor yeah I already told him that poor people can't hand out money okay good and I told him that poor people can't drive a Lamborghini okay so what other things can we teach them to be poor well poor people don't walk around everywhere in a nice suit so you're going to have to change your clothes you want me to get rid of my elephant [ __ ] suit 75 endangered African elephants were poached for their [ __ ] to make this suit suit this suit cost me $55 million I take a bath in it I sleep in it I'm not getting rid of this well why don't you sell it if you need the money sell it I will never sell this suit I will be buried in this suit well how about you just take it off because if the judge sees you walking around in a $55 million suit he's going to make you pay child support you're right so what am I supposed to wear to be poor all right look I'll pick out a poor outfit come on all right baby I picked out an outfit for him I look like Old McDonald without his farm no I think you look nice e i EI I no I don't I look like I smell bad if a kid said hey Dad does that man smell bad he's going to say yes yes he does stay away from him he's stinky my name's Mr Goodman not Mr Goodwill well Goodwill is where we got this outfit from and it smells like the person who owned it before me [ __ ] my pants well look it only cost $5 well I would pay $5 not to wear this well look when the judge sees you wearing this he's not going to make you pay child support yeah you're right he's probably going to feel bad for me and make the woman pay me child support well that's what we're going for right I guess oh I'm getting kind of hungry I want a fet minan I think I'm going to have chives prepare my meal oh chives wait wait wait no no no no no no all right sir here is your 8 oz Fon cooked medium rare are you sure it's 8 oz cuz it looks more like seven I can assure you that it's eight sir I waited before I cooked it let's see about that sounds like seven well sir when you cook meat it doesn't maintain listening very well sir chives did you take a bite out of my carrot it was more of a nibble sir what is that chives a nibbled carrot sir you nibbled my carrot put it back on my plate well I had to make sure that it was cooked thoroughly well next time eat theing thing get out of here bugs budny yes sir but before I go I must ask why are you dressed like a farmer ask morvin well Goodman wants to act poor for a few months H good luck with that well Goodman you can't eat all this yes yes I can I'm a growing boy well no no I meant like poor people don't eat this kind of food you're telling me poor people don't eat fet Manan no I'm going to starve what am I supposed to eat then well look I will go cook you a meal that poor people eat do not eat this because if you want to look good for the judge do not eat food like this hold on all right Goodman I made you dinner are you eating your steak no it was a fly there's no way a fly took that big a bite yes he did he was a big old bastard listen Goodman here's your Ramen noodles instant lunch ew poor what is this it's called ramen noodles and it's really cheap but it's really good who's Ramen and why do I have to eat his noodles because it's really cheap and it's really good try it and what is this a Rice Krispy treat no that's what the noodles looks like before you cook it it looks like dried worms ew you're trying to poison me help help ches he's trying to poison me what's going on sir he's trying to make me eat ramen's noodles well that's what I had for lunch today sir oh no somebody call Poison Control tries has been poisoned well it's it's actually pretty good sir oh no the worms must be eating your brain and making you delusional help look Goodman listen everyone eats ramen noodles it's really good and look you can't keep calling your butler because poor people don't have Butlers well if I can't call my butler then who's going to wipe my ass you ew my hand has got to go near my ass crack poor listen poor people wipe their own butt so tell your butler you'll see them in a few months oh chives go to your room in the basement and I'll be home in a few months very well sir Marvin Marvin Marvin what's with all this screaming he's trying to feed me worms ooh Ramen how does everyone know who Ramen is and his worms I love ramen well I hate being poor I can't drive my Lamborghini I have to dress like Ronald McDonald I have to eat ramen's worms and what's next you're going to tell me I have to wash my own clothes yeah I got to go lay down oh no no no I can't do this anymore I can't do this come on Goodman you can do this don't call me Goodman call me Poorman because that's what I am well if you can't do this and you have to pay that woman 5 million a month in child support I'm not paying her $5 million a month that kid's not worth it that's a lot of money Marvin well if you don't want to pay it then you got to learn how to be poor all right I guess you're right Marvin just go give me some water and let me clear my head uh uh Voss water sparkling please no poor people don't drink Sparkling Voss water Fiji no Evon no we drink water from the sink ah like where the toilet is or the kitchen sink it's all the same [ __ ] it's pipes in the house e poor listen it's called tap water well I'm tapping out well listen you got to drink stuff like that if you want to be poor what's other stuff they can do to save money well what do you spend most of your money on well my haircut cost $20,000 well why is that haircut $220,000 because three naked girls cut my hair while giving me panut coladas well we're not doing that anymore your haircut should only cost $20 $20 they're going to stab me in the eye with scissors or something that doesn't usually happen and what else do you spend your money on well I did put a $250,000 down payment to go see the Titanic in a submarine but that guy hasn't called me back I think he's ignoring me okay look you can't buy stupid stuff like that and if you're going to buy stuff you have to go cheap oh so you're telling me not to take my big private jet I got to take my little one no no private jets poor people don't have private jets well then how am I supposed to fly to Paris for lunch you're not going to fly to Paris for lunch and if you have to fly you're going to fly cheap like Spirit Airlines cheap I'm not going to fly cheap when I'm flying through the air look it's called Spirit Airlines it's a nice Airline what if I fly Spirit Airlines I'm going to turn into a spirit listen it's just what you got to do to be poor wait my phone's ringing it's my son Richard calling hello hey Dad me and my friends are down here in Orlando trying to rent out Disney World for the day and they're telling me that it cost $4 million but my credit limit's only 3 million so can you give me the other million hold on Richard my son he's in trouble he's down in Orlando trying to rent out Disney World for the day and they told him that it's going to be $4 million and his credit limit's only 3 million so do I give him the other million no but he'll yell at me no you got to tell him no you're poor but I don't want him to yell at me yeah who cares you're poor now tell him no fine Richard no what the [ __ ] dad y I'm down here in Orlando with my friends trying to rent out Disney World and you're going to tell me [ __ ] no well you want me to be poor that's embarrassing you want me to be embarrassed when I go back to school and be poor hold on Richard Richard no you're not getting that other million dollars I'm putting my foot down I'm going to increase your credit limit okay I love you bye I put my foot down not going to give him that million dollars see good you told him no what' he say he said he was fine with it that he understood okay well I don't think he should have a $3 million credit limit I think you should lower it to like $100 I agree and I'll tell him that later okay so look we're saving money already Okay so let's go teach you how to unclog a toilet what Marvin Good News Jiffy already clogged the toilet that's good so now you can learn so look sometimes when you're taking a poop it gets stuck in the toilet and you got to push it down with the plunger yeah I'm done what I'm just going to pay the woman $5 million a month in child support why cuz I don't want to be a caveman and push my [ __ ] down the toilet with a stick you only have to do that if it gets stuck oh great yeah I'm definitely done so enjoy dressing like a farmer enjoy eating Roman's worms and enjoy being poor you taught me to feel worse for poor people so now when I see them on the side of the road I'm just going to drive by them faster and enjoy the $110,000 I'm done here so Marvin what are we going to do with the $10,000 I have no idea hey Daddy I called Nickelodeon about this SpongeBob situation and what did they say about the two tongues they said one's for the pink and one's for the stink what yeah they told me that if I wanted it change that I'd have to pay to have it republished so how much would that cost $110,000 Jeffy no Houston we're ready for liftoff five 4 Jeffy play with that somewhere else 3 2 1 Jeffy you're being loud we have successful liftoff we are now in route to Uranus Jeffy stop trying to sh that my butt but it was going to Uranus well Uranus is closed fly somewhere else all right Houston change of plans we're now going towards a black hole stop trying to shove that my butt we was going towards the black hole oh man we lost another one daddy hold on there's someone at the door hello hey Marvin I want you to meet my dog Prince Charles guess how much I paid for how much $2 million $2 million for a dog yeah because he's a woolly tusin long-haired SCH snower he's a cross between a woolly mammoth and a Shih Tzu see what they did was they found a fossilized testicle of a woolly mammoth and they stuck it in the Vine of a Shih Tzu and out came him he's a one-of a kind there's no other dog like him well why'd you bring him here well because I'm entering him into a dog contest tomorrow Marvin and tonight I'm having a chocolate eating party at my mansion and obviously dogs can't have chocolate so I don't want to run the risk so I'm dropping them off here but no you you're not dropping off here I don't I don't want the responsibility of your $2 million dog well I have no other choice Marvin listen look if you watch him for me tonight and he enters the dog show tomorrow and wins I'll give you $50,000 wait wait you'll give me $50,000 if I watch your dog for a night yes but keep in mind he's very high maintenance he only eats Japanese A5 wagu bee flown in from Japan if he eats anything else he'll [ __ ] all over your house um I mean uh is that a yes yeah sure I'll do it all right great here go ahead Prince Charles he's so heavy yeah he's part woolly mammoth Marvin keep that in mind come on Prince Charles Marvin you found a dog no it's Goodman's dog he wants me to watch him a well what's his name my name is Prince Charles but you can talk of course I can talk I'm rich and B hey Marvin I almost forgot to bring you his chew toys there's one of them right there oh this like a squeaky toy no that's a real $10,000 you let your dog chew on money yeah he's teething I also have his gold bar right here here that helps sharpen his teeth but you let your dog show on money and gold yeah cuz that's what he wants to do ew it smells so poor in here I agree Prince Charles you'll be home in the morning Marvin you don't know anything about watching a dog who is this witch oh this is my wife Rose you poor poor thing and B look baby he's paying me a lot of money to watch his dog hand me my chew toy pin okay look we're going to be respectful in this house prin Charles he spit my face hand me my chew toy peasant here hey Daddy oh look at puppy what do you want Jeffy I found this moldy chicken nugget behind the refrigerator can't eat it no Jeffy oh no spit it out spit it spit it out yummy oh no what's wrong Marvin it's just a chicken nugget Goodman said he can only eat A5 wagu beef from Japan that's ridiculous Marvin it's a dog it can eat anything uh-oh I have to take a dookie doesn't carry me outside come on Jeffy let's lift him up what why do you have to carry him I'm too rich to walk oh come on Jeffy okay Prince Charles hurry up and take a dump I only poop on Bermuda grass this is St Austine bar well look this is the only grass we have just hurry up and take a dump well it's hard to focus when I don't have my Mountainside view well look we don't have any mountains around us all we have is this just hurry up well I guess I'll try bark hey look he's pooping I know it's gross I'm going to have to clean it up P you is that money it is I only poop cold hard carh you poop money Jeffy I think I like this dog I think it's like I like this dog a lot uh do you have to use the bathroom anymore I'm done now Carry Me Home and bark okay all right Jeffy get the dog all right baby you won't believe it what's wrong Marvin the dog poops cash what yeah literally this cash came out of his butt Marvin there's no way that he poops cash he does so I made him this big plate of food so he can eat it up and we can print money you can't do that you can't use a dog for money it's the circle of life baby he eats food he poops money it makes sense I don't know about this Marvin come on Prince Charles bone Appetit e no thank you what do you mean no thank you what do I look like to you a French Bulldog but but you ate the other chicken nugget that's because it was green like The Color of Money well I can I can paint this green no come on just eat it I'm fool no Prince charge you're going to eat this food right oh my God you B me oh Jesus Christ oh I think he broke my head oh my God we need to get you to a hospital take me to a hospital Jeffy watch the dog shit's crazy out here who are you supposed to be my name is Jeffy here play with your toys ho ho scooter CLA is in the house hey Scooter what are you doing well well well someone got a puppy dog that's what puppy dog says oh my God what breed are you w we W look at all this money you can buy a lot of yo-yos with that money I want yo-yo what is this thing wait a minute does that dog talk yes good that dog can talk someone bear call the news this poor thing needs a haircut I do not need a haircut well how many fingers am I holding up four poor thing can't even see time give him a haircut I hold him down when you cut his hair scoter go you are not going to give me a haircut oh still damn it and now you look all pretty pretty yeah he does what have you done to me my beautiful hair how am I going to win the dog show now boy now look like rudol the red noos reindeer time to put a red nose on you don't you dare I'll hold him down come here a little fella but would you look at that he look just like Rudolph I'm living in Hell come on Rudolph let's go to your North Pole you're so love get up fat boy see you guys later say hi to sand Claus for me Jeffy we're Jeffy why is there fur all over the couch scooter gave Prince Charles a haircut a haircut oh no no no no no where's Prince Charles where is he he and scooter on the way to the North Pole to see Santa Claus Jeffy don't you screw with me where's Prince Charles I just told you he and scooter on the way to the North Pole to see Santa Claus oh no no way this is my life no way this happened to me I can't believe we lost that dog Marvin calm down we have $220,000 and a gold bar on the sofa we'll be fine no we will not be fine Goodman needed that dog for a show tomorrow for the international exotic dog competition you've heard of it yes Marvin the winner gets $5 million $5 million he was only going to give me $50,000 well look we lost Goodman's dog and now he's going to kill me Marvin I have a plan what we can take all the money and run away to Hawaii he'll never find us there he will find me there he has a Tracker in my ass until I pay off the house okay look we just got to find a dog to put into the competition tomorrow Marvin you can't find a dog by tomorrow yes we will um H Jeffy do you still have your dog yeah poopy butt yeah go grab your dog okay I got an idea here you go Daddy all poopy butt that dog right there that dog is going to win the competition Marvin there's no way that dog is going to win the international exotic dog competition sure he can he's paralyzed from the neck down well they don't need to know that he can't even walk Marvin well Prince Charles couldn't walk we had to carry him everywhere so they won't know when we're carrying him around look look look look all we have to do is just tape all this fur onto him tape or staple it I mean he's paralyzed he won't be able to feel it look look look I promise once we get all this fur onto him you won't even know it's not the the the rare dog that Goodman had Marvin this isn't going to work I need it to work all right everyone grab some tape and some glue and some Staples okay let's get to work and done doesn't he look just like Prince Charles he looks terrible Marvin but no he doesn't he looks just like the other dog he had all this fur maybe if the other dog went through a wood chipper you're just being mean he looks just like the other dog I don't want to be a part of this you're being a quitter what do you think Jeffy yep what do you think about the dog I think he looks like a cat's hairball and he sounds like one too no Jeffy he looks just like Prince Charles someone's at the door you have fun with that Daddy okay stay right here uh Prince Charles uh hello what Goodman what are you doing here bad news Marvin the chocolate party got canceled it got canceled why turns out I don't like chocolate so I came here to pick up my dog pick up your dog not supposed to pick him up till tomorrow you should come back tomorrow because me and the dog were having so much fun I know he's great isn't he he shits cash I noticed so you should just come back tomorrow what happened to your arm you get carpal tunnel from beating your wiener too much I've been there no I I fell down the stairs but but anyway oh yeah just come back tomorrow and you can get your dog no it's okay I understand that your arm hurts I'll go upstairs and get them no no all right here's your dog you think I'm stupid don't you but no this is Prince Charles say your name say I'm Prince Charles did he have a stroke uh no he's just sleeping he's having a bad dream where's Prince Charles at he's right here that is not Prince Charles where's my Prince Charles okay look he's on his way to the North Pole to see Santa well tell Santa Claus he owes me $2 million look look look listen look your dog bit me in the hand and then I left him alone with Jeffy and then Jeffy shaved him and they thought he was a reindeer I don't know why I keep trusting you with thing I don't know why either I told you I did not want this responsibility so it's kind of your fault for trusting me I can't show up to the international exotic dog competition with this this thing well you're just going to have to find another dog H I got an idea why are you looking at me like that welcome to the international exotic doll competition our first contestant is toodles the black bear poodle he's a mix between a black bear and an actual poodle yeah and our next contestant is say it B bark bark oh my God what kind of animal is this sir it's a [ __ ] who likes to lose people's dogs and done all right Jeffy I helped you build your Lego Ferris wheel that's so awesome daddy look how much fun they're having yeah they're having fun so just play with your Legos Jeffy be quiet shut up Jeffy Marvin he's just having fun but like he can be quieter and have fun like like Jeffy let's play with the little Lego people look I'll be the fair man the fair man yes it's the fair man he runs the fair everyone having fun at the fair oh yeah I'm having fun at the fair see look having fun but wait Danny the weatherman said there's a 100% chance of a meteor strike a meteor strike J why would you do that JY oh no Danny five people dead what a shame Jeffy I'm not helping you build Legos ever again who's that clean up this mess hello what Goodman what are you doing here hold on it's raining okay hey stop it why why what was that for Let Me In okay come on SO Goodman what do you want Jeffy didn't clean up his Legos no Marvin I told him to pick it up and then he yelled bite me before running off so uh what's going on here a meteor hit Legoland mhm so uh what do you want I need your help Marvin with what well my dad's coming to town if you think I'm rich he's richer I'm only worth $500 billion and he's worth over2 trillion so I'm poor compared to him well what do you need my help with I need you to kill my dad but kill your dad why because he's coming here to sign his will that gives all his money to his cat Mrs puffy pants and I'm cut out of the will completely so I get nothing so I need you to kill him before he signs that will to his cat so I at least get his money wh why is he giving his money to his cat cuz he hates me and the worst part is he's bringing his cat here to sign the whe in front of me just to make me mad what okay so why do you need me to kill him why don't you kill him because every everyone will suspect that I did it they won't be suspecting You Marvin you can't do this I'm not going to do it baby I mean what would I even get out of it Marvin that's the million dollar question cuz I'll give you a million dollars what a million dollars that's not enough Marvin I would need at least 50 Marvin 50 bucks okay done no no 50 million no you already said $50 million $50 million who's that oh that must be him I invited him to your house cuz you're going to kill him well I'm not going to kill him sure you are Marvin let's go down there and meet him and once you meet him you'll hate him so much that you'll want to kill him too Marvin you can't do this well I'm not going to kill him baby unless I get 50 million Marvin hi Dad oh hey what's this it's your Will's this it's your will it's your will oh yeah you're right look at that it's my will and your name's not on it why why is your name not on it why is your name not on it oh I know why it's cuz I'm giving all my money to my cat Mrs puffy pants see I told you he's an [ __ ] hey who's who's your bald friend over here oh it's my friend morvin cut the crap we know you don't have friends hey Baldi how much you paying you huh I'll double it wait was you have a cat yeah yeah let me inside and I'll show you it okay well there she is the $2 trillion cat God I hate that cat well let's go ahead and get this show on the road let me go ahead and sign this will that way my son doesn't get any my money wait why don't you want your son to have any of your money why because I hate his guts hey son yeah Dad hate you I know why do you hate him so much last year on my birthday he got me a gift card a gift card yeah it was a Ferrari gift card I didn't know what else to get him you could have just went down to the Ferrari dealership and got me a k yourself well I didn't know what color Ferrari you wanted or the model or anything so I just gave you a million dollar gift card so you can get what you wanted wow a million dollars can you believe the knif of this guy what am I poor I'm going to go ahead and sign this will Jimmy I'm getting tired of your crap Marvin what are you doing stop him stop he's about to sign it stop hey you watching Jimmy stop what are you doingit don't sign it yet are you hungry you know what I am hungry Miranda how about you go get me a uh a fon Yar wrapped in 24 karat gold where am I supposed to get that at I don't know Marvin but go get it and make sure you poison it what poison it yeah go on go get it okay uh I'm going to go get it thank you okay that should work Marvin what's taking so long I'm making your dad's meal what that that's not a fet minan that's ham well well I don't have a fet minan I don't have rich people food all I have is oh the cat's here oh Mrs puffy pants go yeah leave all right good okay okay um so yeah I don't have steak so I I just got him like a piece of ham all right now put the poison on there and let's go give it to him well I I I don't have poison you don't carry ratp poison on you no hold on see look this is wrap poison okay okay here just going to put some on there that's a lot of poison yeah we we need that now take it to my dad let's go okay who's a good Miss puffy pants all right dad here's your food oh nice and beauti fun finally join us miss puffy pants was telling me a little secret oh what uh what what was she saying oh she was just letting me know that you were trying to give me a piece of ham instead of Fame Minon oh well at least you didn't mention the poison and that you poison did did well you try to pull a fast one on your old man you're not getting nothing I already signed the papers no my money hey hey Jimmy you want to know what the best part is I'm having a heart attack I'm just kidding with you he died and and and he already signed the will oh my money who hold on hold on hold on no one else knows he signed that will so we can just rip it up and pretend you never signed it yeah that's that's a good idea oh and I already sent a copy to my lawyer now I'm really dead he already sent a copy to the lawyer Marvin okay how about this how about we just call his lawyer and see if there's a loophole he can't really give $2 trillion to a cat that's a good idea Marvin let's call him hey there I'm Steve stalberger talent agent and Frank Goodman's lawyer H must be sleeping no he's dead oh what a shame Frank was a good man good man so why'd you call me well this is his will right here and I was wondering if there were any loopholes in it to where I could get all his money H and who are you I'm Mr Goodman I'm his son oh I remember you Frank hated your guts well let's take a little look see here oh do not give any of my Ex-Wives a single goddamn Penny of my money uh-oh this doesn't look good what well it says do not give any of my money to my son Mr Goodman that doesn't look good for you oh let's see here it says give all of my money to my cat Mrs puffy pants no I say I say who is a Mrs puffy pants right here I'm Mrs puffy pants but but you just said you were Mr Goodman no I didn't I'm Mrs puffy pants H you don't look like any cat either I've ever seen yes I do see the ears meow H and is this your cage oh it sure is I'll get in a cage for $2 trillion well I don't see any other cats around so I guess I have to give this money to you all right I'll go to the bank and withdraw in cash because I'm pretty sure cats don't have bank accounts nope cash is fine I'll be right here waiting for it all right I'll be right back wow Marvin I can't believe these cat ear actually work I know there's no way he actually believes you're a cat hey there I'm looking for a Mrs puffy pants right here yeah hey I got a call from a lawyer who said it was part of the will that I'm supposed to spay you so you can't have any babies what's spay mean oh it's where you scoop out all the reproductive organs in a girl cat oh well you can cut my balls off for $2 trillion wait a minute did you say balls oh I meant uh Arby's roast beef sandwich oh okay well come on over here Mrs puffy pants let me see what I'm working with okay what what hold on M what the that's a big crank what what that's not a Mrs puffy pants that's a Mr puffy puffy pants I mean you can still cut it off can't you no no no that's not how this works I got to go tell the lawyer that you're not Mrs puffy pants no no no no no please don't tell the law Marvin what are we going to do now I don't know oh I got it what if your wife wears the cat ears then she can be Mrs puffy pants I'm not doing that I don't condone any of this well baby please please there you go baby you look great I hate this now remember when he gives you the money you have to give it to me I said I say I am pissed I have 60 dump trucks full of money outside and no Mrs puffy pants to give it to now why did you lie to me son I'm so sorry but we found the real Mrs puffy pants and she's right behind you hey H I guess you could be a Mrs puffy pants give me a meow meow gas now I said I said I have had it up to here with all of these Shenanigans will the real Mrs puffy Pats please stay stand up I I said will the real Mrs puffy pants please stand up now that looks like a Mrs puffy pants no don't give her the money she doesn't deserve it come on Mrs puffy pants let's go to the dumb trucks outside there you go Mrs puffy pants we got about a 100 more dump trucks coming with your money God I hate that cat well look she's already rich so there's nothing you can do about it now I'll think of something Marvin will you marry me Mrs puffy pants what you can't marry a cat sure I can oh what's that she said yes I didn't hear her say yes hey there do you take this cat to be your husband uh she said she does and do you take this cat to be your wife I do all right well I Pronounce You cat and Cat you may kiss the cat great uh now I want to divorce and this is all mine what you you can't just divorced like that I did what were they really married yeah and they're really divorced now yeah what all right this is my last box of money I just got to load it up on my private jet well you got all the money you wanted Goodman your dad just had to die and you had to marry a cat to get it though sounds like a good day to me but I'm a man of my word Marvin so here's your 50 bucks I wanted 50 million you didn't even kill him he died of natural causes so be lucky you're getting 50 bucks okay oh blueberry bear what are you going to spend your $50 on whatever you want my butterfly britches two for 20 at Olive Garden sure baby let's go I'm going to throw up
Channel: Dr. Junior
Views: 816,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, sml reuploaded, sml jeffy, sml marathon, smlytp, sml old videos, sml reaction, sml movie, sml ytp, sml animated, sml archive, sml alien, asml, asml movie, sml bowser jr, sml cody, sml chef pepe, cool cody sml, sml drama, dr junior, sml movie 2023, new sml movie 2023, sml movie jeffy 2023, a new sml movie, every sml movie from 2023, sml new movie 2023, best small movies of 2023, sml movies 2022, jeffy's, all jeffy videos, animation jeffy, a new jeffy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 183min 10sec (10990 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 27 2023
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