SML Movie- The Class Pet! 2023-Full Episode

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all right guys are you ready to go to the movies oh yeah dude but we should bring our own candy it's very expensive at the movie theaters already got you covered you think don't notice all the candy I'm trying to sneak in no you can't even notice the candy they're not going to notice all right good wait we're going to the movies yeah well but there's a pandemic going on we might get sick how well you know there's a whole bunch of people crowded together in one room well if you don't want to go to the movies Cody you don't have to go okay well I guess I'm not going then suit yourself dude it's more popcorn for us yeah more candy for us all right guys let's go to the movies oh yeah dude I can't believe they found the snacks Jeffy I know I can't believe they noticed them I thought I hit them pretty good you did hide them pretty good I couldn't even see them and then they strip searched me and found this Snicker I hit up my butt and then they made us pay for this $50 popcorn man that's expensive oh Roy ladies ladies there's enough Roy to go around Joseph Joseph remain calm but look who's sitting next to me Roy get hard oh my God not Roy get hard he get hard I need an autograph dude I'll ask him I'll ask him okay hey Mr Roy can we get your autograph no go away losers Roy who are these kids I I don't know babe just ignore we want you to spit in our mouth and also sign his face please no shut up you're blowing it let's get out of here ladies ladies come back look what you losers did you made me lose my babes I'm so sorry Roy I'm so so sorry it's just you're so cool and we wish we could be you yeah I know everybody does Roy Roy is there any way you could like sign us or sign our faces and spit on us no no you losers are lame just get out of here please like Roy you're just so cool and we all idolize you and is there any way you could teach us to be cool like you and get the bab like you you could never hope to be as cool as Roy I I know but but if you could teach us maybe you could teach us to be 1% as cool as you now why would Roy ever do that um we could pay you uh Joseph how much money do you have I don't have any money I only have popcorn oh we could pay you in popcorn I don't accept popcorn as payment I only accept free trips to the Super Bowl and nothing less well what if we uh what if we pay you $300 I guess I could do that all right I'll be at your house in an hour but then I got to leave 20 20 minutes after that cuz I have another date okay okay thank you so much Roy I'll kiss your feet get away from me Roy did you hear that Roy's going to teach us how to be cool where are you going to get $300 from dude U I'm going to steal from my dad's wallet okay okay Roy's going to teach that to be cool hey Jeffy you want to be cool like Roy sure let's go be cool like Roy Roy Roy Roy Roy Roy Roy okay guys I'm done with the Roy Shrine do you think he's going to like it oh yeah dude Roy love this only the best for Roy yes only the best for Roy oh guys Roy's coming assume the positions hey guys what's up all Hil Roy we're not worthy it's a pretty nice setup you guys got here give me an r r give me an o o give me a y y because Roy's cool Roy's Cool Roy Roy Roy Roy Roy Roy Roy Ro Roy I like that that's cute all right Roy here's your money and there's your candy bars and anything else you need no I think that about covers it but the first thing you guys got to know is that being this cool is not easy it must not be easy Roy no no you got to get free stuff and ladies want you all the time it's exhausting sounds like a hard life yeah it is but I'm going to teach you okay now we're going to start with the simplest thing your names our names what what's wrong with our names I hate them they suck you hate our names yeah like what's your name my name's Junior it says it on my bib yeah see I hate that like that J I hate that J let's get rid of the J but I like that R though okay let's put an o and a y after that r that would be Roy yeah yeah it's Roy you're Roy now what my name's Roy Joseph dude you're so lucky yeah my name's Roy yeah yeah and what's your name uh my name's Joseph Joseph yes yeah I hate that too that's terrible yeah but but I like that o in there okay so let's take the J let's get rid of that let's get rid of the Seth and just keep that o let's put an r in front of that and a y after it okay wait that's Roy yeah it's Roy you're Roy too I'm Roy too oh we're both Roy oh man that's awesome yeah what's your name back there Jeffy yeah yeah see I don't I don't like the Jeff part but that Y is pretty cool okay so let's drop the Jeff keep the Y put an r in the O in front of the Y oh it's Roy yeah Roy yeah you're all Roy now we're ro we're ro we're ro oh my God we have cool names yeah yeah there's only two genders Roy and girls oh we're Roy we're Roy oh my God we're so cool I I can feel myself getting cooler right oh call me Roy oh Roy hey hey Roy hey Roy hey hey what's up Roy I'm Roy oh you're Roy too hey Roy over there watch out Roy yeah yeah yeah you're you're all my Roy's all right but first we got to change your clothes okay cuz I hate your clothes oh you don't like our clothes no they're disgusting they make me want to throw up so uh do you have like any striped white black and red shirts um I don't think so no that's okay we're going to figure out something that makes you look as cool as Roy all right okay I want to be just like you Roy all right we're going to do a Montage where you guys put on outfits and I shake my head whenever I don't like them and then whenever you guys put on something I approve on I'm going to do this all right okay all right let's [Music] go [Music] [Applause] okay guys I really like your cool new Roy outfit I feel so cool I can feel the coolness all over my body yeah I'm really cool now okay I think you guys are finally ready to learn Roy's rules what are Roy's rules Roy's rules are the rules you have to live by to be as cool as Roy I want to learn Roy's rules I want to learn okay so the first rule you probably already know never pay P for anything anything anything ever wait wait wait how do I get stuff then people will just buy stuff for you cuz you're Roy that's so awesome yeah people will buy you like Super Bowl tickets and nice restaurants and stuff like that just cuz you're Roy that's the coolest thing ever hey give me 20 bucks sure thing Roy here's 20 bucks what are you doing giving you money cuz you asked for it why are you giving anyone anything you're Roy you get things you don't give things you're right I'm Roy people should be giving me money yeah exactly okay now rule number two is hard to get if you want to get hard you you got to play hard to get wait is that why your last name is gith hard that's exactly why my last name is gith hard well how do I play hard to get well whenever a girl likes you you just pretend not to like her back um let me try hey babe get in here hi this guy's name is Roy you're so hot you're hot too ew nah man you blew it well how did I blow it you're not supposed to like her okay watch this hey I'm Roy you're hot yeah I know um don't you like me m not really I want you to like like me yeah I know they all do but that's too bad babe see she wants me now cuz I don't like her that's so awesome did you write that down Joseph dude I'm writing it down now oh that's so awesome you're so cool Roy okay now rule number three steal other people's girls even if they're in a happy relationship especially if they're in a happy relationship because that relationship isn't happy because they're not with Roy oh why don't we just go after single girls well because they're single for a reason right that means other people don't want them that's why you have to go after girls who are already in relationships those are the good ones oh you're right right oh Roy is so smart yeah he's smart dude that's why he's cool okay we'll do that okay so rule number four is YOLO you only live once okay so do whatever you want like get married have kids get divorced don't take care of the kids do whatever you want to do cuz you're Roy live a full life live a full life and do whatever you want as much as you want so so how many times can I do that oh you can do it forever that brings me to rule number five repeat you do all of this over and over again until you die but most important thing is rule number one never pay for anything like especially Super Bowls especially Super Bowls okay oh my God so never pay play hard to get steal people's girls YOLO and repeat yeah okay so you guys should memorize this and then we'll go out into the battlefield and try to find some girls okay okay um memorize it okay number one two okay I think I memorized it all right let's go find some girls okay let's do it okay Roy I'm going to put you through the Roy test to test your Roy what's the Roy test the Roy test is to get a date with a girl how how are we going to get a date with a girl at my house there's no girls here I'm Roy there's going to be girls here wherever there's a Roy girls just appear ooh there's a girl right there who wants to talk to her first oh I'll do it go ahead then he failed how'd he fail he's going to go talk to a girl he approached the girl Roy's never approach a girl girls approach Roy D ity oh you're so smart Roy let's wait for the next girl hi is your name Roy yeah you're hot oh I know do you want to go on a date with me nah you seem like a skank I'm not a skank I'm single I guess look just pick me up at eight or something okay you failed what I got a date though she's single that means there's something wrong with her oh I forgot about that yeah you're only supposed to date girls in a relationship yeah you failed Roy run a lap a all right Roy I'm counting on you you're the last Roy standing okay I got this hi are you Roy yeah whatever you're hot I know do you think I'm pretty no you look ugly my boyfriend thinks I'm pretty who's your boyfriend Roy she's your girlfriend yeah go for it bro I can't steal your girlfriend it's rule number three you have to it's every Roy for himself okay I guess you look okay do you want to go on a date with me I guess we can go to the movies okay you buy the tickets and pick me up at 8 okay you failed how'd I fail you agreed to pay for the tickets Roy's never pay for anything oh darn it I forgot rule number one I'm very disappointed in you Roy go run a lap okay I'm very so disappointed in my Roy everybody Roy group upstairs Roy get in here sorry we're running our lap I'm so disappointed in you Roy wait where's the third Roy uh I think he's still talking to that girl pathetic he's been talking to a girl that long and he hasn't even gone to a Super Bowl yet I'm so ashamed of him yeah that's lame he's getting kicked out of Roy school well don't don't don't kick us out we want to be Roy yeah please don't kick us out please I just don't know what to do with you Roy you're just just not Roy enough well we'll do anything to be Roy enough just please don't kick us don't give up on us yeah we're hopeless without you I don't know please anything we'll do anything we kiss your feet I like feet okay I do you have one more way I could make you more Roy what do we have to do we'll do anything we'll do anything right right we do it yeah yeah yeah it's a very invasive surgery and I don't know if you're ready for I can handle a surgery I can take a surgery yeah yeah we'll do anything Roy please make us Roy are you sure you want to be full Roy we want to be full Roy please Roy okay follow me rise my Roy oh man I feel like Roy dude I feel exactly like Roy this is crazy oh you're beautiful you have that Roy Look I think you're finally Roy enough to be Roy Roy thinks we're Roy enough yeah we're Roy enough all you have to do is pass one more Roy test what's the final Roy test you have to steal my girlfriend oh we can steal his girlfriend oh yeah I'm a stealer babe get in here hi you're hot is your name Roy yeah whatever though do you want to go on a date with me nah my schedule's busy a please please please please please please please oh look I'll go on a date with you but look you got the pay okay okay pick me up at 8 okay fail fail fail fail what I got a date and she's paying for it you agreed to pick her up Roy never picks anybody up Roy gets picked up Roy doesn't even own a car cuz he doesn't need one cuz girls pick him up in their car but if Roy did own a car it'd be a rollsroyce but he doesn't have a car because he doesn't need it unless somebody bought it for him dude I am tired of this I'm obviously not Roy enough I'm out of here dude okay Roy you're the last Roy damn it steal my girl I'll steal her I'll steal her babe hi you're hot is your name Roy yeah whatever do you want to go want to date with me a date with you I have like three dates today already yeah yeah good good good I guess I guess I can fit you in my tight schedule okay what do you want to do okay this is what's going to happen you're going to pick me up in your car you're going to take me to the movies and pay with your money then you're going to take me to dinner and pay and then you going to pay for dessert and you go back to my house and we're going to watch Netflix that you paid for on your Netflix account okay see you at 8 good good Roy that was exceptional I couldn't have done it better myself oh really yeah I think you're finally Roy I'm finally Roy I'm finally Roy I did it because you're Roy you get to wear the cool badge that only Roy get to wear really I get the Roy cool bad yeah you do okay hurry up and put it on me I got to get ready for my date what I got to get ready for my date get ready you don't get ready Roy's always ready he doesn't have to get ready if a girl calls you and says she bought you a plane ticket to go fly down to the Super Bowl you don't get ready you just get on the plane and you go you don't take any luggage or anything she'll buy you clothes when you get there but but I got to take a shower no no no Roy never showers he doesn't need to shower God I don't understand why you're not Roy enough oh I'm so sorry I just want to be like you Roy you can't be like me Roy you disgust me I'm leaving do I still go on a date with your girlfriend what do you mean you still go of course you still go Roy always goes on dates with girls the fact that you even ask that tells me you're not Roy enough you know if you had just gone on the date anyway I would have said you were Roy enough but now I'm going to tell her not to go on a date with you because you're not Roy oh so I'm so sorry Roy it's just so hard being you your life is so perfect and you're so amazing I wish I was try Joseph look at my fortnite pickaxe it's a dinosaur dude I love these fortnite toys it's so awesome I know not so fast you better watch out I got a bazooka oh no dude he has a bazooka get him Joseph oh I'm going to give him all the smoke you really think that's going to stop me Joseph he's going to hit us with the Bazooka dude throw the [Music] plunger ow way to go Harry you lost our rocket up in the attic yeah Harry would have ruined everything Harry yeah Harry yeah air yeah re yeah e guys guys calm down we can just go up in the attic and get it but it's so hot up there yeah dude it's so high up it's not like we have wings and just can fly up there and get it Joseph you do have wings oh yeah dude sometimes I forget you know they're behind me so I don't see them all the time well can you fly me up there and get it yeah yeah dude come on oh man Joseph it's so hot in here I know dude let's just hurry up but where's the rocket at oh I don't know oh man look at all this old stuff oh look at that old game console dude it looks like it's from the 1700s you think George Washington played on it he definitely played on that yeah totally oh look at this old iPhone dude it still has a button who uses button anymore dinosaurs right look at this old plaque 100,000 subscribers that was forever ago oh man totally oh dude look at that camera it's so old we should totally go downstairs and take some pictures with it oh yeah if it even works right let's go did you guys find the rocket did you guys find the rocket that's what you sound like Harry yeah Harry I don't understand why you guys always have to make fun of me because you're Cody's replacement and we always make fun of Cody yeah Cody Harry uh I shuck it Harry yeah but no we didn't find the rocket but we found this really old camera oh look it's a Polaroids camera so it takes really cold photos what you said it's a polar bear camera no a Polaroid camera it prints the picture out the front it prints the picture out yep then how do I post a picture on Instagram you can't what about Facebook you don't how do I make a Tik Tok with it yeah it's not a video camera it's a regular camera then how do I use it well you just take a picture and it prints it out the front here take a picture of me take a picture of you you're really ugly it's going to break the camera all right here we go all right let's see how the photo came out Harry Harry where'd you go dude he disappeared where' he disappear to I don't know dude check the photo you already know though you only live once that's the model ninja yellow okay I'm going check the photo Joseph look Harry's in the picture but he's not here in real life oh dude what if he got stuck in the photo you already know though you only live once that's the ninja yellow everybody okay seriously Joseph how do we get him out of the picture I don't know douche try shaking it okay I'll try shaking it come on Harry I'm trying to get you out come on Harry Joseph hit it from behind that's what she said Hit It come on Harry come out I'm going to try to put it back in the camera okay dude I hate vending machines me too dude never accepts my dollar okay what else can we do he's not coming out I don't know dude oh oh try taking a picture of the picture Joseph you're a genius yeah I know that's what I do to girl Snapchats when they send me pictures me too all right try take a picture of it all right let's hope this works all right Harry dude the picture disappeared oh no it disappeared oh no Joseph that means the picture's inside a picture okay let's see dude it's blurry you idiot well Joseph I'm sorry I was nervous and shaking and I'm scared cuz the camera you know traps people so I don't know what to do well how are we going to help Harry now I don't know we have to ask someone really smart like shef peipi dude shef peipi is dumber than the Rock he's not dumb dude he's 30 he still cooks for your dad and he hasn't gone to college I don't think he's the smartest person well yeah but the smartest person we know is trapped inside a picture inside a picture but we have to ask Chef peipi he's our only hope come on let's go okay dude Chef peipi shipi oh dude where did he go I don't know shf peipi maybe he's in his room but the food is still cooking he always leaves the food alone he wants it to get as burned as possible oh yeah that does sound like Chef peipe all right let's go find her chef peipe chef peipi oh dude where is I don't know maybe he's on a date him well I mean you're right Chef pe's ugly oh man oh my name is Chef PE but after that bathroom rig they should call me Chef big crap in the toilet and don't know how to flush afterwards oh I wonder if the food's ready no it's not burnt yet oh oh man what is this is it a camera oh a Polaroid camera I haven't seen one of these in 20 years you know what I'm going to take a selfie it look sexy chees chef peipi chef peipi ooh Chef pe's food's ready it's nice and burnt oh dude there's a picture coming out of the camera oh no a picture coming out of the camera that means someone used it who was it Chef B oh no that means he's trapped in the photo dude I told you he wasn't as smartest he must have came back saw the camera and taken a selfie with it oh what are we going to do now have you seen Blue Clues oh yeah dude what if we blue scoe into the into the photo oh try it that's genius try it Blue's SC do we can do oh you're nice SC do and try it one more time Blue's SC do we can do oh no it must only work if you have a blue dog or if your name is Steve or Joe nobody like Joe nobody like Joe okay we have to take this photo to a professional because I didn't really care about Harry yeah me either dude but I care so much about chip and I want to save him so come on let's go all right dude dude who are you calling I'm calling the Polaroid tech support cuz they made the camera so they don't know how to fix it oh that's smart oh it's ringing hello thank you for calling the Polaroid tech support this call will be recorded for quality control purposes my name is Camille Habib habab Camille as in camel Habib habab as in corn on the cob and what can I do for you on this beautiful evening for your Polaroid camera well hello Camille I found in what cam as in camel Habib habab as in corn on the cob and what can I do for you on this beautiful evening for your polar Ro camera well I found this camera in my attic and when I take pictures of my friends they get stuck in the photos well that's how cameras work it's a picture well no no no no no like I mean like my friends are stuck in the pictures they're not moving yes that would be a picture it's not a video that is not a video camera well no no no no like like when I took a picture of my friend they disappeared and now they're stuck inside the photo oh oh I see I apologize for the inconvenience have you tried turning it off and turning it back on no well try that for me all right let me know how that works no they're still stuck in it didn't work okay have you tried blowing on it sometimes dust gets stuck in the tip no I have not blowed on it yeah Nei as my wife uh how did that work it didn't work ooh did you purchase the extended warranty well no I didn't purchase the camera at all I found it my up I'm going to stop you right there sir we cannot help you with stolen Polaroid products so I'm going to have to let you go have a good day it's not stolen though I said have a good day I'm hanging up now but it's not stolen Joseph he hung up just kidding I didn't hang up I'm still here oh okay well I didn't steal it I found okay but but but for real I'm going to hang up now okay bye-bye he hung up Joseph he thought the camera was stolen so how are we going to get him out of the photos dude I just thought of something what if they're not actually stuck in the pictures but they're stuck in the camera Joseph you're a genius see I've been thinking I've been thinking a lot okay so we have to break open the camera and see if they're stuck in there yeah let's do it dude we're going to get you out all right Joseph we're going to act like this camera owes us money okay dude no problem all right pay up right now you thought we were going to forget huh you thought we were going to forget but I won my $500 and I wanton it now yeah it's going to hurt me more than it's going to hurt you hey hey Junior he has a family dude he has a family I don't care yeah dude I think it's broken yeah they're they're not in there yeah I don't see them in there dude then where could they be I don't know they're probably still trapped in the photo my phone's ringing hold on uh hello hello this is Camille abib habob camil is in camel Habib habab has in corn on the cob and I'm calling to tell you that we found a solution to your camera problem well you you found a solution to it what is it well on the back of the camera there's actually a switch if you flip the switch you can insert the photo and then your friends will become unstuck from the photo uh well I just broke the camera oh did you have the extended warranty no oh what did it'll take 68 weeks in order for us to fix it for you was 6 to 8 weeks no 68 weeks and six easy payments of $1,200 well I can't wait that long I don't have that much money oh well D too bad so sad have a good day bye Joseph there was a way to fix them but we broke the camera oh dude I'm tired I'm going go home and play some Luigi's Mansion what say that again what I'm tired no no no the other part what I'm going to go home yeah you don't have a home well thanks for pointing it out dude what the other part after that uh oh oh play Luigi's Mansion that Joseph in the game Luigi's Mansion Mario is stuck in a picture and Luigi puts him in a washing machine and it gets him unstuck from the photo okay so all you to do is put the photos in the washing machine and we're going to save shef peipi wait you think that'll work yeah let's try it okay dude all right Joseph throw the photos in there and we'll get shef peipi and Harry back okay dude all right yeah where was I shf baby your back Jor get off of me where was I you were trapped inside a photo you already know though you only live once that's the M YOLO we about it every day every day every day where's Harry oh so he was a photo trapped inside a photo so when we watched him he came back as the photo so Joseph what do you want to do today I don't know dude I just want to eat a bunch of candy ooh what kind of candy do you want um how about Reese's oh I love Reese's I think I have some right here wait why is it white though what are you talking about it's white Reese's it's usually Brown that's Reese's that's not Reese's it's just Reese's look it doesn't matter what color it is it still tastes good I don't know they made it white and they put it in a big package well look Joseph you know anything that's white isn't big uh that is true yeah so it's not Reese's it's just Reese's so let's just eat it okay okay tellone at the door here you open them up and I'll go to the door all right uh hello Hey fat boy my name's good I know who you are it's my birthday oh it's your birthday well happy birthday well let's throw me a party throw you a party okay yeah sure come inside hey Joseph guess what what you got the brown Reeses what no it's Scooter's birthday Hey fat boy it's my birthday and I was thinking we could throw him a party and we can throw him a party at chuckecheese wa dude that would be epic I love Chuck-E-Cheese I know everybody loves Chuck-E-Cheese so hold on don't get too excited I have to turn on the news so something inconvenient can happen oh okay freaking new news chuckecheese has gone bankrupt after 43 years Charles entertainment cheese has blown his fortune away sucks for them oh my God they're bankrupt dude how could this happen I don't know what that means oh it means that they're bankrupt like a volcano oh no not erupt like bankrupt the bank's going to blow up no the money's going to be fllying R CH well no no it means that the Chuck-E-Cheese ran out of money Joseph how could that happen I don't know dude maybe Chucky spent all his money on cheese oh addiction is a disease rats love their cheese I know first Toys R Us went out of business now Chuck-E-Cheese is going to go out of business like the whole world's going to have nothing fun to do like we have to start hanging out at Walmart I like Walmart well Joseph we have to find a way to give chuckecheese a bunch of money well dude how are we going to do that I know just the person who has a bunch of money who Chef PE PE dude isn't he poor no he just acts like that cuz he's so humble I'm I'm going going to ask him for money oh okay dude m my broccoli cheese and mustard soup smells delicious hey Chef peipi what do you want junior I have a question for you ask your stupid question how many zeros do you have in your bank account only three I know it's disappointing well that's not that bad is it 1,000 or 9,000 no only three Junior like 0.0 well that would be nothing exactly nothing Bingo I'm broke well I thought you were loaded like a b potato no I'm not loaded like a wait wait who is that my name Scooter that's scooter and today's his birthday and we want to have his birthday at check cheese well why don't you just go to Chuck-E-Cheese well they're going bankrupt well whose problem is that well now it's your problem wait what why is it my problem because I know you have a billion dollars and I know that you're going to buy Chuck-E-Cheese and help him stop being bankrupt Junior I don't have a billion dollars and even if I did why would I give it a Chuck-E-Cheese okay so you do have a billion dollars you're just not willing to help chuckecheese Junior I don't have a billion dollars and even if I did I wouldn't give it to a rat see you're saying that you do have a billion dollars you're just not willing to help the cause I hear you loud and clear shfp Junior I don't have a I'm broke just don't listen oh hey dude did Chef P give you the money no he wants to keep his billions to himself oh selfish people how greedy I know she peipi so greedy I just wanted scooter to have his birthday party at Chuck-E-Cheese what's chuckecheese brother Chuck Cheese at people alwie well no they don't throw cheese at people it's a really cool place with video games and pizza and prizes I want to go I know you want to go I want to have your birthday party there but it's going out of business they don't have any money that n get a job Joseph we need to find a billionaire who can buy Chuck-E-Cheese but dude we don't know any billionair got to go to the bathroom we don't know any billionaires dude I'm done scooter you should go change yourself in the bathroom yeah all right so look how about we invite Richard oh yeah Richard Richard's rich I know Richard has money so we can invite him to Chuck-E-Cheese he can buy chuck-e cheese for us and we can have a birthday party there oh yeah dude let's do that all right let me call him so what do you poor kids want your money what Joseph don't be so obvious oh I'm sorry dude so Richard have you ever been to Chuck-E-Cheese no I go to dve and Busters like an adult oh well Chuck-E-Cheese is really cool place they they have an arcade and pizza like have you ever been to an arcade of course I've been to an arcade I have an arcade in my Mansion well can we come to your Mansion then ew the fact that you would even think I would let your poorness inside my Mansion to play in my arcade is absolutely appalling it's disgusting you need to go away shoot no I'm not going anywhere how about I'll pay you to go away okay then all right here take this heads up penny I found wait that's a $20 bill that's a 20 I don't care what it is if it's not 100 it doesn't belong in my wallet now take this Penny and shoe okay I'll leave with a 20 I've done worse for a 20 ask my Uncle well Richard look what we want you to do is we're just wondering cuz we know you have billions of dollars can you please buy Chuck-E-Cheese cuz they're bankrupt H I don't want a Chuck-E-Cheese cuz I have an arcade in my house well no no if you buy a Chuck-E-Cheese though your name would be in lights everywhere everyone would be going to to Richard eat cheeses and everyone would know who you are and everybody would want to be your friend H well I do need friends that's actually a good idea Junior let me go ask my dad okay well this might work sigh what's wrong Richard that was a really big sigh did you buy Chuck-E-Cheese no why not because my dad what about your dad he's stupid why is he stupid because he wouldn't let me buy Chuck-E-Cheese well why not well I told him the idea and he loved the idea well that's good so we can buy it no he loved it so much that he decided to buy it for himself so instead of naming it Richard E cheeses he's going to name it Goodman E cheeses well that's still good for me I can start my party there but it's not good for me watch a stupid commercial welcome to Goodman E cheeses where we've got pizza with 24 karat gold flakes and a filet minan Buffet our games also give out $100 bills so come on down to good Min cheese where a kid can be a billionaire look at his ugly face and listen to that stupid voice I hope I don't look or sound like him when I get older do I look like him uh not at all do I sound like him nope nope you don't look or sound like him I think you were separated at Birth good that's exactly what I thought I I was hoping for that actually yeah you're definitely not his kid oh well anyway enjoy your little poor party that you got oh I got to go get scooter for his birthday hey Scooter I got a surprise for you Hey fat boy you want a fight I sound like Makey Mouse well I got a surprise for you to come with me all right scooter I got a surprise for you hold on let me cover my eyes well you don't have to cover your eyes with the surprise peekaboo all right so I got you a birthday party at Chuck-E-Cheese peekaboo well it's not really Chuck-E-Cheese my friend bought it so it's called Goodman e- cheese peekaboo I get it peekaboo but anyway we got you a birthday party at Chuck-E-Cheese peekaboo I I get it you don't have to do the peekabo anymore I understand peekaboo peekaboo look come with me and we're going to have your birthday party okay okay all right scooter are you ready to have your birthday Goodman eat cheeses he's birthday yeah welcome to Goodman eat cheeses how much is it to have a birthday party here $11,000 an hour $1,000 an hour is not supposed to be that expensive well when the machines print out $100 bills instead of tickets I have to charge that much well we don't have that much money then you get out of my Goodman eat cheesus oh can we at least play the games for fun no get out come on scooter all right scooter they kicked us out but we're going to sneak into this back door right here just be as quiet as a mouse what sound does a mouse make no sounds at all but how do they talk they don't talk okay well look let's just sneak in sh all right scooter this is called ski ball but where's my ski well you don't you don't actually ski you you roll the ball okay what no no you roll it okay give me a chance there we go fat boy 50 points I win yeah you did it all right um my turn how did you guys get back in here SC to ride get out get out of my store unless you're willing to pay $11,000 an hour but that's a lot of money I don't care get out a all right we're going to sneak back in and play a few more games okay SS good to me all right scooter hurry up and make a shot kby nothing bet that how do you guys keep getting in here hurry make another shot not my house run get out he has not caught on that we're sneaking into this door let's keep going in all right scooter the way you play this game is you have to hit it as hard as you can are you sure yeah ow would not mean that okay fat boy here I go I'm [Music] Superman up we you were supposed to make it to the top better I got two point how how do you guys keep getting back in here get out r r scooter back tomorrow okay we're going to sneak in one more time oy doy how we play this game all right so you press this button and the balls drop you have to try to make them in the bucket D have been waiting his whole life for his ball to drop no no no no no no you're supposed to get them in the bucket you're not supposed to just press it randomly you're supposed to get it in the bucket all R well well no how do you guys keep getting in my store my ball game get out if I catch you guys in my store one more time I'm going to call the cops and I'm going to put a big picture of you guys' face right here and you guys are not allowed in or else you're going to go to jail forever okay all right we're going to sneak in one more time and have your cake yay cake time all right scooter we don't have much time I'm going sing you happy birthday happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday to scooter happy birthday to you all right blow out the candles how did you guys get a cake in here blow the candles go no no no don't you blow up these candles in my own store well scooter did you have a good birthday yeah better than yesterday's birthday what your birthday was yesterday yeah every day is my birthdayday what well I thought your birthday was today Y and tomorrow okay when's your birthday every year I know you have a birthday every year but like what day every day you can't have a birthday every day yes I can every day is my birthday well when were you born every year what day every year today so when's your birthday tomorrow to but what about today yesterday okay when's your birthday today okay so today's your birthday yeah all right so we got that clear today is your birthday yeah and I'll see you tomorrow on my birthday fat boy what your birthday's not tomorrow yeah oh Tyrone I'm so glad we're back together yeah you know me baby I'm just like a boomerang I leave see other women but I come right back that's why I love you you're my little Boomerang oh clingy let's watch some news together yeah that's exciting breaking news Okay Hasbro is now recalling all kind dolls because small pieces have been reported to fall off the doll and cause a choking hazard so if your child has a k doll please take it from them immediately oh my gosh doesn't Cody have a doll like that yeah he takes it everywhere with him oh it creeps me out oh I don't want him to choke and die we should take it from him yeah that's a good idea baby Cody get your little tushy in here and bring your doll with you Cody get down here right now I know you hear your mama what do you guys want Cody we have to take your Dolly away yeah give me that toy what why Cody it says on the news that your Dolly's a choking hazard well of course he's a choking hazard I thought that was the point hey don't you talk back to your mama go to your room but but but but guys he's my boyfriend I said go to your room yes sir do you think we were too hot on him no we weren too hot on him I want kid back why do my parents hate me you know what no I'm not going to let them do this to me they can't just take away my boyfriend I'm going to go get him back uh Tyrone I have a question what is it baby why do you always cheat on me oh oh uh baby um let me explain uh see life is like a pet store and it's a lot of animals in a pet store you don't want to pet the same animal look sometimes you want to pet a dog or pet a cat or pet that goldfish with the big booty that booty but you always be my hamster baby do you mean it Tyrone of course I mean it didn't I buy you that hamster wheel well you said you wanted me to lose weight but look I'm looking out for you baby Cody what are you doing yeah what are you doing boy I I I I I was I was I I I was trying to take Ken back you better go back to your room okay that's it I'm putting Ken in the safe before Cody takes him yeah you better lock him up there so Cody doesn't choke on it it didn't work Cody mom can I have Ken back no Cody he's too dangerous so I locked him in the safe but look what I have a new Dolly his name is TOA toer yeah like Christopher but with without the Cris that that's ridiculous I know but he's your new Dolly now so have fun e oh my God he's fat hello fat ugly toer you want to come inside Cody yeah so what's wrong Cody look ew who's that this is Topher Topher yeah Topher what kind of name is Topher oh you know like Christoph but without the Chris e that's such an ugly name Why didn't it just go by Chris oh he wants to be different he says there's too many Chris's and not enough toofers yeah cuz Topher is an ugly name yeah so gross dude yeah I know I told him that and ew he's fat just like your mom yeah and he says he's not fat he's just easy to see what oh yeah his Facebook is full of minions memes you know stuff like I'm not fat I'm fun-sized and that kind of crap well what happened to Ken well the news said they had to recall Ken because he was a choking hazard but of course he's a choking hazard I haven't died yet I know how to do it wait so Topher is not a choking hazard no ew he's disgusting I don't even want to touch him but he's a doll dude yes yes he is a doll Joseph he's a very fat disgusting dog yeah he he's really fat and Ken was really you know chiseled hunky Godlike yeah yeah he was Junior yeah and this guy is really ugly oh you haven't even seen the worst part he's got a man bun oh who needs that that's awful Cody I know it's disgusting right why don't you just get Ken back cuz my parents locked Ken in a safe we just go get him out of the safe well I don't know the combination well then bring the safe over here and we'll break into it and get k out yeah Junior the safe is really heavy well can't you lift really heavy stuff aren't you hunky yeah yeah yeah I mean I I am really hunky but I I I hurt my back weightlifting so I I'm not feeling as strong right now okay well then me and Jose come help you we'll go get it okay yeah all right let's go get it yeah all right guys this is the safe all right let's get it out of here all right Cody this is heavy told you all right everyone on the counter three let leftt it up okay okay 1 2 3 oh man Cody the safe was so heavy yeah no thanks to you Topher you fatty Ken could have lifted this with his pinky all right Cody so how do we get inside this safe well it needs a three-digit passcode and we only get three guesses and if we're wrong then it locks us out forever it locks us out forever yeah okay we only have three guesses and there's three of us so we each get one guest that seems fair I'm going to go first I think it's 111 wa it's not going to be 111 Junior how do you know Cody well I don't know but I know it's not that all right Cody so if you know all the wrong passcodes then what's the right passcode well I don't know all the wrong passcodes Junior but I know it's not that one oh so you know for a fact it's not 111 well well no I mean I guess it could possibly be that but probably not well 111's a good guess yeah it's a good guess dude I'm going to try 111 yeah try it one one one huh yeah you just wasted one of my guesses Junior I'm sorry Cody I thought it was a good guess it was a good guess dude thanks Joseph yeah that's my bro that's what I'm talking about that's what I'm talking about yeah yeah yeah okay what's your gu what's your guess Joseph I guess it's probably 222 wait it's not going to be 222 either how do you know Cody he doesn't know he just s it it's 222 we're going to try 222 2 two two oh man great you wasted two of our guesses I'm sorry Cody we did the best we could we're not going to guess you know what Cody you guess it yeah you yeah you guess Cody since you're so smart if you're the smart nerd with the glasses you guess oh oh good oh good you wasted two of our guesses and you're going to just leave me with the last one huh go ahead actually I actually I have a good guess oh what did you do what if it's 333 what dude this wor it's again as good as good guess yeah third times you Char it's not going to be 33 three Cody look you you seem to know all the wrong ones which one's the right one well I don't know okay okay I have an idea how about I go ask my mom and I see if I can get it out of her okay go ask your mom then she's not going to give it to you it's idiot I'm going to try 3 three yeah do it I'm going try 3 it got to be that 3 three three oh uhoh Cody's going to be mad it's locked out oh no oh C's going to be mad what we do I I don't know I don't know what do we do uh mom not now Cody mommy has a headache and Daddy's looking up my symptoms oh no baby Google said you got a brain tumor oh no not again and it only says you got 3 months to live Mom it's it's probably just a normal headache I'm going to die oh she's going to die boy she's going to die mom just just real quick uh if you had to think of a random three-digit passcode like for a safe or something what would it be oh well if I had a safe which I do and it needed a 3digit passcode which it does the code would be 444 which it is but you better not put that in the safe though uh I I I I won't mhm guys guys you'll never believe this I know the passcode it's 444 what you hear that Joseph the passcode is 444 oh wow how crazy dude good thing we didn't try 333 no we did not try that no yeah uh listen guys I just wanted to apologize for earlier when I yelled at you and called you stupid I just didn't think my mom would pick such a simple passcode but you guys weren't far off with 111 and 222 yeah we weren't far off with 333 either no we weren't yeah but good thing we didn't try that yeah all right let's try this 444 Junior why is it beeping uh that's the sound it makes when you put the wrong passcode in too many times what oh Cody we tried 333 because we thought it was going to be that one yeah dude you said we were close yeah you said we weren't stupid okay guys I take back everything I said you are both stupid you're both idiots and you're the stupidest people I've ever met well Cody you take that back no Junior my boyfriend is stuck in this safe forever now oh come on Cody there's got to be another way to get inside the safe what like what Junior like we have take a mallet and like break it open right yeah yeah a mallet this isn't a cartoon Junior this safe is made of steel okay come on Cody look if we hit it hard enough it has to break open come on go get the Mallet okay let's try it all right Cody I have my Mallet so I have to hit it like 10 times and it's going to open whatever Junior knock yourself out Cody dude you want me to knock myself out what no Junior it's just a saying you said you want me to hurt myself with this Mallet yeah that's not nice dude no no Junior it's just a thing people say like when you tell somebody to break a leg Cody nobody tells someone to break a leg Yeah not demented what no it's just it's just a thing people say well how about you go jump in a wood chipper what no no one says that go jump off a building oh nice would do but no one says this to each other hey hey Cody how about you jump out of an airplane with a parachute and land safely on the ground Joseph that's I burned him right sure Joseph anyway Cody don't you're tell me to hurt myself with this Mallet no no Junior just just please use the Mallet to open the safe yeah that's what you should have said not knocked myself out let me open this a little more for junior junior it's not working okay okay okay what is this thing made out of I told you Junior it's made of steel okay then what is Steel's weakness uh jet fuel oh yeah I heard that before jet fuel it melts steel do you have any jet fuel Junior no okay how about we call a doctor a doctor what's he going to do okay wait doctors they do surgery on people and they cut people open so maybe they can cut the safe open oh that's smart dude yeah you want a doctor to do surgery on the safe yeah that makes sense right whatever fine all right I'm going to call a doctor hey there somebody call a doctor yeah you do surgeries right oh yeah I love a good surgery what are you looking for an open heart surgery a brain surgery oral surgery I'll get up in them guts no we just need you to open something up okay exploratory I can do that uh who's the patient right here that is a safe yeah we need you to open the safe up what that's not surgery that's just opening a safe but you know how to open stuff up like people so you can open a safe right I'm not a locksmith I mean I am but I'm wearing my doctor clothes right now so I'm a doctor so you can't open the safe What whose safe is it um it's it's not ours well okay well it's a good thing I'm not wearing my cop clothes right now well you're not going to help us open it I'm not going to help you break into somebody else's safe but our properties in there what are you OJ Simpson I haven't killed anyone yeah we don't play football okay we're getting we're getting off topic here okay what's in the safe it's like a it's like a Ken doll it's like a Barbie doll what found it no it's not that one it's a different one oh that's probably good this one kind of sucks it's fat like my ex-wife yeah yeah so we tried getting and we locked oursel out with the passcode huh have you tried hitting it with a mallet yeah that didn't work either okay oh I have an idea how about we triy pushing it out of window whenever it hits the ground maybe it'll pop open you know like boom that's s like a good idea yeah Looney Tunes let's do that then all right sounds fun all right kid let's see if this works all [Music] right it worked hot dog it worked yeah it worked kins out let's go get him oh my God K he's missing a leg well don't worry Cody there's a doctor right here yeah don't worry it's an easy fix he's a dog dude all you need is glue where's his leg uh let me see uh there there it is look time to say okay fix it there you go kid good as no see Cody he looks pretty good oh my God kid I'm so happy to see you well this has been fun but uh I'll see you guys later he's a dog dude a stupid doll you hear that Topher get out of here scram well Cody even though you have kin back your parents still aren't going to let you play with him cuz he's recalled yeah yeah well I guess I could just leave him here and visit whenever I come over I mean I'm over here all the time anyway oh what's that I don't know dude uh hello hey is our son Cody here yeah is he here somebody broke into our house and stole our safe and we think Cody might have been kidnapped cuz he's not at home and I already put out one of them Amber Alerts oh no no no no he's upstairs oh thank goodness yeah thank Jewish god oh let's go get our little boy yeah let's get his little boy Cody Cody your parents are coming up the stairs like right now what don't you hear your fat mom coming up the stairs like boom boom boom hey Cody hey hey Mom hey baby look it's that stupid doll right here on the couch Cody how did you get your Dolly back I I I stole it from the safe oh you stole it from the safe okay okay you grounded no you granted for life so get to your room right now well well Cody so no one broke into a house and sto Sola safe no Mom it was just me but look guys I'm not going to let you stop me from seeing Ken I love him he's my boyfriend and he's the only thing that makes me happy well Cody I didn't know you felt that way you should have just said so we didn't mind you playing with him we just didn't want you to get hurt if you promise not to choke on him you can keep him I don't know about that well do you care Tyrone look he ain't my kid okay okay Cody grab your stupid little dolly and let's go home okay Mom wow Joseph don't you just love a happy ending no dude cuz my life is never happy so guys what do you want to do today I have a special announcement what is it national dork day they made a holiday for him here comes the big dork here he comes no no it's not National dork day then what is it Cody look at my hand got you I can't believe you fell for that dude he's the Dork now I don't care what your announcement is Cody but but I really do have something on my hand though no I'm not going to fall for it again come on look at it it's really cool no look I don't care don't show I don't want to look at it Joseph look at my hand no so I can fall for it uh-uh you're not going to get me guys come on please please look at my hand daddy if you back up a few feet then I'll look okay whoa what is that Ken proposed wait he's a doll he can't propose yeah he's a doll he can't do that what do you think I just went through my mom's jewelry found a ring put it on my finger and then it got stuck so I just pretended Ken proposed so I'd have an excuse to have a ring my finger cuz I didn't I didn't do that I'm not lame so when's the wedding tomorrow what tomorrow that's like tomorrow well yeah we didn't want to wait you know we want to go on our honeymoon I can't wait to put some honey in his Moon oh well I hope you have fun at your dumb wedding well guys I have to take a best man for my wedding what's a best man he's like my best friend that gets to stand next to me at the wedding you have to choose your best friend well obviously it's me wait wait no I'm his best friend too what no yeah I'm his best friend I know all the Cody facts I know Cody facts too dude okay really well so so how many eyes does Cody have uh two no he has four get it right well how many pimples does he have on his face uh ah don't look um 10 nope 11 you forgot about the ugly one on the back of his head yeah I do have one that is a really big gross pimple yes gross okay then why does Cody always smell like onions because he doesn't bathe every day how many how many times a week does he bathe uh three times a week no he bath one time a week God I forgot what are you guys talking about Cody Cody I am the best choice to be your best man cuz look at my bib it's it has a Jr on it that means I'm just right to be your best man well look at my uh basketball on my shirt it stands for me having the best shot at being your best man no no no no the back means he should bounce and get out of here and leave the Jr on your shirt means uh just wrong well wrong actually starts with a w Cody you are so dumb wrong starts with an R that's why it makes the r r noise like wrong no it's it's spelled w r o n g that would be wrong does rabbit start with a W not unless you're on my fun yeah rabbit season it's rabbit season wrong starts with the r you guys are really making it hard to pick who my best man's going to be it should be me cuz I'm your best friend No it should be me so who's it going to be Cody uh hold on hold on let me let me tell you something in your ear why are you licking my ear Junior it is you though that was pretty freaky oh yeah I'm the best man it's not fair dude you know what you can have it I'm not going to lick his ear that's gross well I'm the best man so I'm Cody's best friend so I win what what look I don't even want to be the best man anyway it's a stupid little wedding anyway dude I'm out of here cuz I got to pee and I got to pee when I'm mad all right Cody say since I'm your man what does that mean I have to do well you just have to you know stand next to me and uh just support me wait I have to be at the wedding oh yeah I didn't know that I didn't want to go to your wedding what well you have to be at my wedding well when is it tomorrow I'm going to be busy Junior what are you going to do tomorrow my grandfather's going to die how do you know because he's on live support and we're pulling the plug tomorrow but I didn't tell you when the wedding's happening what time is the wedding tomorrow noon noon noon is when we're pulling the plug okay what there's someone at the door I'll get it it's my house Yello hey may I speak with k please oh well I'm his fiance so if he died I'd be his next of Ken so you can talk to me well I have a lot to go over may I come inside of what hey Cody stop it uh yes you can come inside thank you of what though here's Ken but he's spoken for it okay well my name is Mr Goodman and I'm the attorney representing this case may I ask you a few questions Ken he says yes okay well do you happen to know a lady by the name of barisha Jones barisha Jones no okay well what about poofball Tina poofball no we don't know who that is is okay well we got one more here and her name is Jessica do you know Jessica no who are these women well all three of these women claim to have had a child with kin and here are the children right here no no no no no no no okay stop playing Star Wars this is serious all right how about we ask Ken Ken do you know these women Ken Ken be honest baby we can get through anything did you boak these ladies by a silence I I already know the answer but that smile he knows exactly what he did no no no K Ken just wants to plead the fifth okay well a simple DNA test would prove whether Ken is or is not the father so do you mind if I collect a DNA sample out of me or him well him would be preferable okay well give us a few minutes I need some privacy well I can just do it oh you want a piece too oh what a coincidence that the day before my wedding to the man of my dreams all of these bimbos show up and now they all want a pece well let's just get the DNA sample going and we'll be good to go fine so Cody do you think Ken's the father of any of these kids no Junior the kids don't even look like him but I understand why the women would want to lie about it Ken is a lawyer astronaut doctor scientist that plays for the NBA so he does have millions can't really blame him for wanting to check but you know we'll have other the answer soon enough all right I got the results back and it turns out that I'm 100% Rich yeah that's actually my bank statement but anyway I did get the DNA test back and Kim you are the father oh get the father get the father God oh Cody what are you going to do screw you kid you have fun with your women and their boobies Cody you're not going to stay with him no no I thought I was with a real man who liked men not stupid stinky girls you have ax wounds in their pants I'm going to go eat a whole can of Vienna sausages and think about how Ken used to this is so good man what's going to happen with Ken now well Ken owes all these women thousands of dollars in back child support so he better get to work I'm going to go check on Cody I miss K why would he do that to me are you okay Cody yeah yeah yeah I'm great I I I don't even miss Ken at all no I have a new boyfriend now you already have a new boyfriend yeah yeah this is Joe and hey check this out his mouth moves Junior Ken's mouth couldn't move the possibilities are endless he can do things Ken couldn't even dream of doing that that's really cool but are you sure you don't want to give Ken a second chance no no I'm done with Ken I don't need him why well because because he cheated on me and he has three kids now well well maybe he didn't cheat on you maybe he had the kids before he met you Junior those kids were babies I met Ken 7 years ago those kids weren't 7 years old that means he cheated on me well well maybe he just made a mistake no Junior it's not a mistake if you do it three times that's called a habit well what about the third time the charm thing that's with good things not kids oh well I just you and Ken dated for so long and and I don't really like Joe that much oh come on junior did I not show you the mouth thing I mean hey check this out hey Hey Joe would you ever cheat on me no Cody i' never cheat on you and if I did it would be with a big hunky dude and then you could join would you like to do that Cody oh yeah I'd love that Joe that's a great idea see look look how about I go get Ken and then you maybe he'll change your mind no no don't bring him into this hey Ken let's go talk to Cody he's acting crazy wait Joseph what are you doing uh nothing who's this oh it's salt and paprika where'd you get her from oh I got her from Target wait a minute uh what did you buy all these dolls oh dang it dude you got me look don't tell Cody but he made me mad when he didn't make me his best man so I went to Target and I bought all these dolls to make it look like Ken got him pregnant Joseph that's mean I know it's mean but dude he made me mad when he didn't make me his best man but you made him cry he made me cry I was in the bathroom tearing up and then he didn't even check on me well we have to go tell Cody the truth no we don't dude look if he stays mad at Ken look we won't ever have to see Ken again you're right Cody needs to grow up and he needs to get rid of Ken anyway so this is the best way to get rid of Ken exactly we won't tell him the truth just just so that he gets rid of this doll hey guys oh hey Cody oh hey dude yeah me and my new boyfriend Joe are going to break up cuz he has a brain tumor and I didn't sign up for that so I'll just take Ken and his kids wait you're actually going to accept Ken's kids well yeah I thought about it and I do love Ken well he has another one dude yeah yeah he has another kid you don't know about it just popped out ooh ouch well that's okay what's one more at this point right me and Ken were going to adapt anyway and at least now they can have his perfect jeans so you're really going to take care of all of Ken's kids yep I'm going to raise them like my own family and take them with me wherever I go take them with you wherever you go yep every time I come over here I'm going to have to bring all of them okay dude I did all this look I was mad at you for not making me your best man so I went to Target and I bought all these beautiful ladies to make it look like Ken got them pregnant okay I did all this so uh I'm just going to take these back to the store and get my money back don't forget the baby leave the babies foret out one are you mad Cody no no actually this worked out pretty good oh and hey Ken Joe only has a few days left to live but look at what that mouth do we're going to have a good time with that come on kid yo Mario what's up man what do you want Black Yoshi I'm so hungry well if you're so hungry why don't you get something to eat cuz I can't why can't you cuz I don't have any money do you need some money well if you offer it I'm not offering I was asking a question well since you offering I need five what I need $5 what I need what5 Mario he's saying $5 see your girlfriend G she speaks hooked on bonic fine black Yoshi here's $5 ooh well well since you gave me $5 can I get five more no why because I already gave you the first go get something to eat well what if I need some chips you don't need chips well thank you folk I'll be right back with my sandwich welcome to foot long bangers how would you like to get banged today uh what you got well we got a whole menu up there oh man I can't read folk oh well what are you in the mood for uh a sandwich what can you be more specific oh with turkey Goble Goble oh okay sandwich turkey Goble Goble that'll be five bucks oh here you go all right thank you oh can I also get some drink too oh well then that'll be six bucks man I ain't got no more money oh well I don't know what to tell you I guess you're not getting a drink done can I get a water cup yeah okay uh but you can only use it for water all what happens if I put soda in it well then that would be stealing and I'd have to call the cops man you green folk only water man said I can only get water but I'm about to get me some fruitless pooches sandwiches ready all right here's your sandwich wait that's not water oh yeah it is I just uh spit in it wait you spit in it what is your mouth bleeding yeah I got gingerbread itis cuz I ain't brush my teeths what you mean gingervitis yeah man that's what I said and you bleed that much oh well I also pass the kidney stone in it what ew wait why does the kidney stone smell like fruit punch cuz I got punch punch by fruit just just take your stolen fruit punch in your sandwich but try not to sit next to Tom Brady and his family he's just very picky all right folk that was a good sandwich wasn't it first ring it sure was Tom all right everybody done eating dang it Fifth ring you barely touched your sandwich you're a growing boy you got to eat all right everybody let's go [Music] home man I can't wait to eat my food folk woo that o somebody left they Happy Meal toy ooh oh looks like find this Keepers yo what up Mario B oh no he went what does that mean Mario it means he did something bad so black Yoshi did you get something to eat yeah I got about nine carrots nine carrots of diamonds what black Yoshi you stole Tom Brady's Super Bowl ring now hold up Mario I ain't steal nothing it came in my my happy meal no it didn't black where did you get this I found it you don't just find a Super Bowl ring where did you find this well it came with my sandwich Mario no it didn't Black Yoshi you stole Tom BR supering you need to give this back if you really did find it then you need to message Tom Brady and give it back to him we'll find his keus there is no find his keus it's his Super Bowl ring you need to write Tom Brady a letter okay which one there 20 of them in the alphabet there's 20 26 letters in the alphabet when did they add six more they did it there's always been 26 look you need to message Tom Brady write him a letter and say I found your Super Bowl ring and if you do that he might give you a reward a reward how much I I don't know but but it might be a lot of money or or or something I don't know okay well what if I sell it to Tom Brady he got all that money he's not going to buy his ring back if he lost it okay then it'll go to the next highest bidder no who else is going to buy this uh oh I can sell it the Bugs Bunny cuz all these carrots Bugs Bunny is not real yes he is he goes what's up doc Black Yoshi look you're going to give this ring back to Tom Brady okay so so write him a letter message him get a hold of him and give him his ring back okay but Mario to find his keeping there is no F gers you can go to jail if you sell that to anyone but Tom Brady you can't sell it Tom Brady you give it back to him don't do it I guess I'll try to sell it to Tom BR no don't sell it give it back to him he's going to go to jail all right Mario I wrote a letter see I chose the letter a black Yoshi what is that it's the letter A you told me to write a letter so I chose the letter a black Yushi you're not supposed to write one letter you're supposed to write a bunch of letters but that would take a really long time this already took me like 25 minutes and and I even had to Google what the letter A look like and what helped me remember is I was like hm it looks like a mountain with snow on top see there go the snow very good black Yoshi you learned how to write the letter A but you have to learn how to write a bunch of sentences you need to say hey Tom Brady I found your Super Bowl ring and I'd like to give it back here's how to contact me oh so you just want me to write some words yes write some words oh okay all right hold on I'll be right back folk oh my God all right six rings it's maath time your first first ring there you go second ring oh don't be shy third ring now it's your turn fourth ring oh come on Fifth ring you need a bath sixth ring what where are you 63 63 63 are you here 63 where are you girl oh darn it my lunch break stale bread hey have you seen my sixth ring yes Tom I've seen every one of your rings you show me each one of them every time you come in here they're very nice wait shouldn't you be in a Buccaneers Jersey I think I forgot was sixth ring here you forgetting your ring yeah I don't think so well you think anybody could have stolen it no we haven't had anyone else in here today except for you and oh wait okay all right Mario I wrote him some words I can't even read that well that's okay I'll read it to you it says Deon Brady if you ever want to see your super SP ring ever again pays me 100 th P from Black Yoshi 100 thow that's 100,000 I know okay black Yoshi tomb Brady is not going to pay you 100,000 for a Super Bowl ring back all right well then he must not want his ring back then oh no no he wants it back he wants it back but this does not sound like a friendly letter offering it to him back this sounds like a ransom note well he owes me a reward he does not owe you a reward Black Yoshi yes he does it could have fallen into the wrong hands it did if it fell into your hands you're the wrong hands you're you're asking for 100, okay well I could have asked for more should I no you should you should not ask for any money you should give it back for free you know what no do not send him this letter I'll write him a letter oh which letter you going to choose from the alphabets like the letter B no black I'm not going to choose one letter I'm going to write a whole bunch of letters oh you must have a lot of time on your hands it's not going to take me 25 minutes to write one letter black look if we send this letter to tomb Brady the cops are going to be knocking on our door who's that hold on hold stay right here uh hello oh man I love it when you do that cuz it means I know I'm right what are you doing here what do you think I'm doing here I I I have no idea uh-huh yeah well I think why I'm here has something to do with why you screamed I I only screamed cuz I was so shocked that you were here uhhuh look I was working at my restaurant job earlier and then Tom Brady came in with his family of rings to have dinner like he always does and apparently he left one of his Rings there then later your friend that lives here came over and I think that he found Tom Brady's missing ring and took it home with him so listen he's not in any trouble as long as he gives us the ring back okay look my friend did find the ring and he's willing to give it back we we were just trying to find a way to get a hold of Tom Brady cuz you know he's so famous and we didn't know how to get a hold of him so we were just trying to figure that out well you could have just called me well see see that that's why I screamed cuz we were typing in 911 to call you and right before I clicked dial you showed up so I was scared like oh he's a psychic yeah for some reason I don't believe that oh look look we want to give you the ring back we have it just come we'll give you the ring great cool he so shiny all right Black Yoshi this police officer is here to give Tom Brady a Super Bowl ring back not unless he pays me 100 th wow ignore that black Yoshi give him the ring wait what does this note say wait don't read that dear tomb Brady if you ever want to see your sup bowel ring ever again pays me 100 thow peas from Black Yoshi this looks like a ransom note for the ring it's not it is Black Yoshi shut up we're going to give Tom Brady's ring back let's just give it to him no man I found it Yi give it back to him if you don't give me that ring you're going to jail well find his keus no no no no find his keas only works on pennies you find on the ground the kids you find on your doorstep look black Yoshi just give them the ring no folk I'm not giving it to anybody else until I find 100 black give it to him no oh no I'm just going to stand here with my mouth open until it rains so I can get a drink of water ah who yeah where'd it go you see it jeffy's down there maybe he caught it Jeffy did you catch a Super Bowl ring yeah oh thank God that was close Jeffy bring it up you're lucky that kid caught the ring yeah black you're really lucky hey Daddy oh thank God Jeffy you caught the ring now hand it over I can't not you too Jeffy give us the ring if you don't give me that ring you're going to jail well I can't give it back why can't you give it back well cuz I was outside looking up at the sky going a and then the ring fell in my mouth and I swallowed it what that did not happen that did not happen J give us the ring I can't where's the ring it's in my stomach D oh my God I don't believe this okay I'm going to go get my doctor outfit and then I'm going to do an x-ray and if you're lying you're going to jail yeah Jeffy you better not be lying well I'm not now we did the X-ray and he wasn't lying cuz there is a ring in there well we have to get it out well that's not the only concern cuz we also found a spoon Jeffy how do you swallow a spoon well I was eating ice cream with a spoon in my mouth and I was singing that I'm eating ice cream with a spoon in my mouth song and it goes like this I'm eating ice cream with a spoon in my mouth with a spoon in my mouth in my mouth in my mouth and I swallowed it did it hurt yeah now well well look we need to get the ring out first so how do we get it out well the quickest and least invasive way is for him to just dooky all right Jeffy use the bathroom well I don't have to right now well try well you want me to do it in my pants yeah yeah I don't care just do it okay did anything come out no but I peed a little bit what you peed yeah now there's pee PE in my underwear you don't wear underwear well then there's pee PE in my pants Oh look Jeffy go sit on the toilet and keep trying and let us know if something comes out okay Daddy see black oi look what you did well I didn't know he was going to eat it when's Jeffy going to use the bathroom am I still going to get a reward no hey Daddy I did it but you used the bathroom uh-huh was the Super Bowl ring in it oh yeah oh thank God all right so we're going to wash it off and give it to Tom Brady well I flushed it you what I flushed it you flushed the Super Bowl ring down the toilet mhm why would you do that because it was covered in poop daddy we were going to wash it off Jeffy why would you want that if it's covered in poop we needed it Jeffy to give it back to Tom Brady but Daddy you always get mad at me for not flushing the toilet and the one time I flushed the toilet now you're still mad at me there's no making you happy you said if it's yellow let it mellow if it's brown flush it down and I flushed it down Daddy this is the one time you you actually remember to flush the toilet out of all the times you don't flush you flush it when there's a superow ring in your boot but you were going to yell at me and I don't want to be yelled at well you're definitely going to get yelled at now because we need the super ring clearly okay so what are we going to do the the the the Super Bowl ring is flushed down the toilet well looks like Tom Brady's going up against the Browns in the Super Bowl no he's not it's going to be the saint at the Chiefs and the Saints are going to win because they want Drew Brees to get one more ring before he retired it's so rigged okay well in any case I'm to go spelunking through the sewers for that ring Mario I'm starting to get hungry again I don't care all right I got it well you found the ring yeah what took you so long well I had to swim through a sewer I mean do you know how many things I grabbed that weren't Rings they were all just turds oh well what oh God what's that smell yeah that's probably me I took 30 showers but I don't think this smell's ever going away do I still get a reward no but I helped you find it I had to dig through a sewer to find it but you wouldn't never found it if it wasn't for for my help well if it wasn't for you it wouldn't have been an ass sewer to begin with black Yoshi you're not getting a reward just be quiet all right I guess I'm going to take this dirty ring to Tom Brady if he even still wants it all right Black Yoshi I hope you learned your lesson yeah next time I'll just put it on eBay no BL that's not the lesson Jeffy stop it Jeffy stop it Mario he's having fun calm down he's not hurting anyone he's being a KN Jeffy stop it I didn't have to Jeffy I I bet you can't you know not beat your diaper for 30 seconds I'll give you a dollar all right bet 30 seconds without doing it I guess I do have to Jeffy hold on let me see who's at the door uh hello hey there Mario oh Goodman I don't have my house payment this month well don't worry Mario I'm not here to take your money I'm here to give you money you give me money I know sounds crazy right you're probably thinking where did I bump my head with all this crazy talk yeah but anyway Mario my CPA said that I have to give away $1 million to charity well you're giving me a million do no Mario hold on let me finish he said that I had to give my money away to charity or else I'd have to give it to the IRS so I don't want to give it to the IRS so I'm putting together a little Charity baseball game and I was wondering if you want to be a part of the adult team it's going to be Kids versus adults well I would love to be a part of it if I get a part of a million dollar I'll do it okay well grab your glove and be down on the field in 20 minutes okay all right all right see you then baby guess what I'm going to be a millionaire Mario are you feeling okay yes I'm feeling okay Goodman's giving a million dollars to a charity baseball game and all I have to do is beat a bunch of little kids in baseball well that doesn't sound very fair Mario it is fair adults versus kids and kids are have more energy and cuz they eat all that sugar and candy and look all I have to do is beat a bunch of little kids in baseball and I win a million dollars hey Dad can I play well I mean I guess you can join the little kids team but look I have to go win a million dollar so turn on the TV baby watch me be a star okay Mario good luck hello and welcome to the first ever I'm giving someone $1 million so I can use it as a tax wrof competition it's going to be Kids versus adults so I'm expecting it to be a blowout all right guy all you got to do is strike out this little kid I mean it can't be that hard he's a little kid he sucks at baseball now me I could have gone pro if it wasn't for my carpal tunnel hi Bo do you need any help what Karen what are you doing up here you're supposed to be in the Outfield a the outfield's so B boring Bo but I know it's boring Karen it's baseball it's supposed to be boring hey Bo why am I wearing an oven mitt I'm not baking cookies it's not an oven mitt Karen it's a catches mitt for catching balls oh so you want to pull around no Karen there are kids around I I just want to play baseball go away but Bo it's so boring in the Outfield I know Karen that's the point just just go get out of here but what am I supposed to do out there just just stand over there and catch whatever comes your way but what if I catch the flow I at this point I don't care that would be fine just go okay boy all right kid you're ready to get struck out oh yeah dude I'm ready to hit it I'mma hit it out of the park here donkey donkey donkey donkey swing oh dude I'm not going to fall for that here donkey dony donkey donkey all right I'm going to give him the super duper Ultra fast Mega fast Speedy Sonic Boom fast bulb fast and my glove changed hands but no one's going to notice here donkey donkey donkey donkey swing what somebody please catch it nice grass that's a an out that that's an out he caught it in his mouth but that still counts that's an out that is one out yes man I'm such a good pitcher I should have gone pro man oh man that doesn't count he was supposed to catch it with his glove you're out of there donkey oh man I'm ready to hit a home run here donkey donkey donkey donkey donkey here donkey donkey donkey donkey swing oh someone get it someone get it someone get it Bo the Bull's coming at me what do I do grab it what do I do now Bo throw it to first base oh which one's first base the first one where it's over there just throw it at first base that's really far boy I just throw it Karen are you taking me to Olive Garden later yes just throw it wa I could have kept running couldn't I yeah oh thank God he's an idiot and didn't keep running he could have had an inside the park home run all right who wants it next oh God it's so heavy easy out Joseph I'm on your team you're supposed to encourage me easy out easy out well they're all easy outs cuz I'm a really good pitcher all right I'll just make this a simple pitch all right Cody you can hit it you're supposed to hit the ball with the bed that's your face Cody oh got ity oh oh I'm sorry that was my bad I I just wanted to give him an easy base cuz I know we're going to win by so much what happens now you get to go to second base cuz he got hit with the ball oh sweet oh all right I'm rain to hit oh come on this is too easy I mean I I'm going to strike him out I mean cuz cuz I mean you know just just look at him he's all right all right I might as well get this over with oh my God he crushed it somebody please catch that I got it I got it I I I don't got it oh that that was that's fine that's fine I I I was going easy on him it's no big deal I mean how many points is that like three we're going to get like 70 that's nothing that's nothing it doesn't matter Here Comes get her I'm ready hit the ball throw jimm me fat boy all right everyone easy easy out right here I'm going to throw him a curveball ow oh my face wait wait wait wait wait he's not running he's not running catch it oh oh I got it I got it yeah uh somebody left their toy on the plate no he's hitting oh he's a dog dude he's the best player we have easy out okay that that's just a doll I can strike out a doll all right here we go strike one you can't hit it dude yes he can Joseph strike two come on can't hit it strike three you're out of there yes that's three outs three outs all right all right it's our turn and I'm first at B all right jeffy's going to win your baseball game all right I'm about to crush it my name's Gater yeah that's great okay let's the bat fat boy yeah I got it jeffy's going through it really hard that's TR what yeah I know you're distracting me my name's cter fat boy yeah I I know that okay you know what halftime let's take let's take halftime all right they just called an unexpected halftime and the kids are up 3 to zero so if the adults can Score Four Points they'll win all right hle up we need to have a team meeting all right do you have any idea who's beating us out there SC Dad I'm beating you what what are you doing in here you're not supposed to be here this isn't your locker room but my name is Gater yeah I know get out of here yeah get out of here right now okay look guys we have to do better the score is 3 to0 we are losing pretty bad all we have to do is score four more points yeah cuz then we'll win by one point yeah thank you Captain Obvious okay look I think we should wait until night time because I can't even see the ball out there in the sunlight they they have an advantage with their young eyes all right now that it's dark we're going to start the game back up and remember the kids are up 3 to zero hey where did the sun go oh there they are there's just a bunch of them all right who running for baseball all right now that we had halftime and it's dark outside I can see better the other team was trying to cheat playing in the daytime like that come out bat boy that hit the B I'm going to oh oh and since we had halftime my first strike doesn't count all right let's do this I'm about to give you a hard ball stri R you're out of here no I get two more tries stri two take the thing you messed me up all right I'm going to hit it stri f you're out of here fat boy you know what come on it wasn't ready all right I get one more chance look what I did what a hit it's coming right towards me out of my way hey you push me sucker that's how I get it Ken cat get him out Cody why is kid on second base Joseph get it I got it dude stupid Cody I got it I got it what you're out fat boy no I'm not I scored not my house okay look this is how you win against kids it's 3 to one now all right Jeffy I'm about to hit it out of the park but my name gter oh I was talking to Jeffy who's pitching Well's swing it fat boy all right I got it I got it you're out oh man I got an out Mario what are you doing these are children we need to win I'm sorry okay my turn baby baby please hit it I know how to play soccer boy we're not playing soccer we're playing baseball all right I'm about to fart sh Ry you're out of here baby just hit the ball PE PE sh to go home if you don't hit this next one I want a divorce oh budy I'm so sorry that's it that's it I want a divorce oh buy you had your chance but buy I love you strike three it lose oh man I'mma knock this out of the park Go baby go Quiet Woman I'm trying to swing I thought we were going to do that at the neighbor's house swing fat boy swing yes yes yes yes yes yes I got it dude I got it dude a home run good hit honey go home and make me some dinner woman okay I got a stick hey Santa Claus let me tell you what I went for Christmas scooter mon a scooter pencil man strike one Santa CLA come on who let the homeless guy play strike two Santa Claus go back to the North Pole if he strikes out I'm going to cry you want another hard ball oh my God that's a home run we're going to win I got it dude I got it dude we won we won we won yeah yeah we did it kiss me Junior no we won yeah we lost we we actually lost to a bunch of kids it's okay Bo are we still going to Olive Garden no no we're not still going to Olive Garden Olive Garden is canceled because we didn't win the million dollars wow what a shocking ending the kids win it 3 to2 so now the kids win $1 million congratulations to them Mario it's okay I lost a million do I know Mario but you're still my allar what's up Dad yeah the edit was a great Jeffy what' you do with your million dollars oh Dad I gave my Havey charity you what a Jeffy that's so sweet yep and the name on the charity is Jeffy all right class this week we're going to be doing a school fundraiser because the school is poor and can't afford my salary so you're going to go around and sell candy bars to help pay my bills what do we get out of it yeah H I'm glad you asked Junior how many candy bars you sell determines what type of prize you get see if you sell five candy balls you get this crappy shrinky that'll break in 5 minutes that sucks dude I can still up from the dollar store yeah nobody plays with slinkies if you sell 20 candy bars then you get this crappy harmonica that barely works see okay that's kind of sick dude I'd be the perfect homeless man if I had a harmonica yeah I'm already good at blowing and if you sell a 100 Candy balls now this is really crappy if you sell a 100 Candy balls then then you get this crappy little army guy who can parachute so when you throw it it's supposed to parachute down but I don't think it works cuz it's so crappy but watch oh oh I need that I need that I can throw it off my stairs Junior it's crappy and if you sell 500 candy balls then you get this gooey little hand thing that sticks to stuff see watch that's so cool I want a sticky hand oh yeah dude I want to slap the mess out of somebody I've already got sticky hands and if you sell 1,000 candy bars you get a bouncy ball just a bouncy ball how many bouncy balls you get one bouncy ball not two not three not four but one bouncy ball what a ripoff well hold on Cody maybe it's a super bouncy ball that can bounce the space I highly doubt that Junior and if you sell 5,000 candy balls you get these crappy handcuffs okay I need that my last pair broke and if you sell 10,000 th candy bars then you'll get these little Annoying magnets that when you toss them in the air they make the most annoying sound you've ever heard now listen wa those magnets are so cool yeah I want those cuz I want to annoy my daddy with them and if you sell 25,000 candy bars didn't you get these offbrand Nerf guns cuz I was too cheap to buy the real ones oh Joseph we have to get those we can have an offbrand Nerf war oh do we have to get those Junior you already have Nerf guns at your house well but but these are off brand you can never have too many and craft the grand prize if you sell 50,000 candy bars is a PlayStation 5 that my kids made in shop a PlayStation 5 we have to get it we have to get it we have to get it we have to get it yes but guys it's 50,000 candy buys it's doable we can get it we we can get it so get to sell on the candy balls and remember they're a dollar a piece come on guys let's get to selling okay dude all right guys let's start selling these candy bars so I can get a PlayStation 5 in the sticky hand Junior you do realize you'd have to sell 50,000 candy bars yeah that's $50,000 easy work no no Junior not easy work how do you plan on selling 50,000 candy bars Cody it's easy look we have these boxes and each box has 52 candy bars in it so we just have to sell the boxes Junior you'd have to sell 962 boxes yeah so we just go up to 962 people in each Sala box Junior you don't know 962 people you don't know that Cody I have a bunch friends I know 96 people I know you and I know Joseph and I know Chef peipe Junior that's three people well well Cody you're being negative you know Jeff bezo started Amazon in his garage mhm look at him now what does that have to do with candy buys he's a billionaire Cody yeah he's super successful dude yeah he started his own company but in his garage so so that the main point is believe in yourself like I believe we can sell these candy bars I don't well well you're ugly so look look here's my plan look we're going to start off by selling to Chef peee I'm going to try to sell him my box and then you're going to try to sell him your box and you're going to try to sell him your box oh okay dude yeah and he's going to buy all three boxes cuz that's only 10 $156 $156 that's all that is I did the math in my head so um let's let's go try to sell these chipi okay I don't even know what that is all right Cody there's Chef peipi I'm about to sell all these candy bars watch and learn hey Chef show you what do you want are you hungry yeah that's why I'm cooking well what if I said you didn't have to cook what if I said you could eat right now wait did you order Uber Eats no even better I got candy bars Junior I don't want candy bars for dinner that's why I'm cooking this well well what if you had them for dessert I don't want dessert what what if I said if you bought this whole box of candy I'd be one step closer to getting a PlayStation 5 wa wait don't tell me this is one of those stupid School fundraising schemes it is wait Junior it's not even worth it it's a big scam you have to sell so much and the prices aren't even worth it it's small prices well I'm getting a PlayStation 5 I sell $50,000 worth and look look all I need you to do is buy 52 candy bars it's only $52 Junior I don't have $52 and I'm not about to give it to you for candy even if I had it so can you buy the Box yes or no no all right Cody you try with me he said he didn't even have $52 well Cody you try he might say yes to you okay fine hey Chef Pee what do you want Cody you want to buy this whole box of candy no didn't you just hear what I told Junior I did okay so why would you ask the same thing I I I don't know what' he say he said no what he said no he didn't say no to you yes he did are you kidding me Chef you said no to Cody too yes I said no to Cody and I said no to you I don't want any candy wow Chef peipi there's starving kids in other countries that would love to eat a PlayStation 5 but but you said no that makes sense my God so what did Chef peip say he said no so you should go try okay dude no Junior why because Chef Pei didn't buy from us so he's not going to buy from Joseph either how do you know because he already told us no so he's going to tell Joseph no to can you tell the future Cody what how do you know he's going to say no unless you can tell the future what junior he already told us he doesn't have enough money so then who do we sell to Cody somebody who actually has money who has money ooh doctors yeah yeah they do yeah we can sell to a doctor I can call a doctor and pretend I'm having a heart attack and say the only way he can save my life is if he buys a box of chocolates Junior that's not going to work what how do you know Cody can you tell the future what's the what's the lottery numbers for next week J I don't know I thought you could tell the future so stop trying to predict what people are going to do so you guys go high and I'm going to call a doctor and pretend I'm having a heart attack H you dude okay hey there somebody call a doctor owie oh oh God ow owie ow ow ow ow ow owie ow I'm having a heart attack oh no are you okay oh god it feels so bad it feels like an elephant sitting on my chest like Cody's mom you get it Cody yeah oh oh god oh okay what do I do kid I I don't know what to do in this situation oh well I read online that the only way to stop a hard Tech is if you buy this whole box of chocolates For $52 okay okay let me go get my wallet oh please hurry owie oh ow ow ow oh no all I had was $40 what you don't have $2 no I'm $12 short oh God why please spare his life oh why didn't I go to an ATM on the way here oh god oh I lost my deit card oh no what what I I feel I'm feeling a little better wait wait wait really yeah I'm feeling a lot better now oh good then I don't have to buy the candy oh no no no it's starting to get it's start again oh okay I I heard that um that there's a fire sale on candy so so I'll sell you this whole box for $40 okay yeah yeah I'll do that I hope you feel better yes look Cody he bought a box so in your face you showed him dude Junior you lost money lost money it looks like I made money Cody what are you talking about the box was worth $52 and you only sold it for $40 well well how do you know there's 52 candy bars in that box because the Box literally says 52 Bars right on it well have you opened up the box and counted 52 candy bars no so there might be 40 in there you don't know fine oh wait I forgot you could tell the future so look we made $40 so we only need we need $49,990 that's how much we need yeah I know it's a lot oh my God we need to get to sell on we need to sell quick yeah okay who do we know that loves candy H who do we know that's fat F who do we know that's waste is the size of the Equator right right equator who do we know that's so fat they have their own gravitational pool H gravitational pool who do we know that's that fat dang it Joseph don't we know somebody whose parent is that fat I don't know it's on the tip of my tongue yeah like it's like someone's Mom right junior junior just say it oh yeah Cody your mom she's that fat oh yeah dude yeah she's so fat she would buy all our candy yeah every box yeah every single box J start loading up a U-Haul all the boxes of candy oh I'm going call the U-Haul yeah we're going to get a big U-Haul truck full of candy bars and we're going to try to sell it to I mean we are going to sell it to your mom because she loves candy she's going to eat all the candy junior I've never seen her eat candy in my entire life yeah you've never seen her eat it because she just devours it so fast she's like a vacuum it's like a magic trick but anyway so yeah let's go try to sell it to your mom let's get all the candy Tyrone I was going your phone and the name of one of your contacts is side chick oh oh uh side chick um baby I'm a superhero yeah yeah yeah I'm a superhero and side chick it was supposed to be sidekick but auto correct changed it in my phone you know how that happens oh but but but she said I want you so bad daddy oh oh oh oh uh oh my superhero name is Daddy yeah yeah and she she want me to help her with these bad criminals you know I got to save the day baby all right Junior there's my parents and my dad making excuses about cheating oh I'm going to sell a whole bunch of candy hey you big fat stupid cow oh hey Cody and his friends what y'all want we're selling chocolate and I was wondering if you'll buy a couple hundred boxes no I'm sorry boys I can't I'm allergic to chocolate allergic to chocolate should take a certain type of chocolate you know what I mean it melts in my mouth mhm well well can you at least buy like at least one box well Cody is this going to help you get good grades uh yes okay I guess I can buy one box let me go get my purse all right how much is one box $52 oh well all I have is a 100 well we don't have any change oh well how much is two boxes $104 I'm sorry boys I can't buy one all I have is this 100 well we could give you two boxes for 10000 but but then I'd be $4 short unless you want me to do something else to make up for those $4 come on Judith I'm sorry I just go back to my street smarts it's all I know well well we will take your 100 and you can have two boxes a candy let's go guys come on okay wow Cody if your mom would have had more than $100 she would have bought all our candy yeah dude Junior we lost $4 look we can write those $4 off on our taxes what yeah so look how do we sell more candy now H ooh we can go door too and try to sell candy that way what Junior it's night time no one's going to want to buy candy from us at night they'll think we're trick-or-treating what Junior it's January well maybe we're Chinese trick-or-treating what what does that mean well because like you know like China's on the other side of the earth so it's still like OCT for them Junior yeah yeah so we're going to go trick-or-treating and we're going to sell candy like trick or treat smell my feet buy our candy so we can eat a PS5 come on guys fine all right guys what house should we try to sell to First h o oh dude I like that house over there well that house is still under construction oh guys there's a guy laying down in the street ji that's a homeless man don't Point wait we don't know if he's homeless that could be Elon Musk in Disguise more like Elon musky cuz he smells like pee what that's a homeless guy yeah what that's sad when when do you think the last time he's eaten is well I don't know well let's go see let's go offer him some candy well Junior he's too poor to afford candy hey mister are you homeless someone stole my shirt someone stole your shirt M well we're selling candy for a school fundraiser and it's $52 for a box so can you buy some candy Reese's Pieces yeah we have Reese's Pieces do you want any no no no no no you you you can't buy any unless you have money mm- S no money no money no money well I guess I guess he really is homeless he's he's not Elon Musk no obviously you know what I feel really bad look you can have a box for free well no Junior we're going to lose money again you know what have two I feel sorry for you D have three go get another box get another box okay dude he told was Cody he hasn't eaten forever look here eat all the candy all right come on Cody D it all right guys what house do we go to next guys we just gave away three boxes of candy that was worth $156 Cody he was homeless he'd be nice yeah dude have a heart yeah who raised you farm animals right Pig yeah they did they did pigs and cows yeah his mom let's try that house okay let's go all right guys let's try to sell to this house hey guys what doing oh hey Jeffy how many boxes of candy did you sell none no one wants to spend $52 on a box of candy I know everyone's so poor all right let's try this house what do you poor kids want well we're selling candy for our school fundraiser and we're wondering if you want to buy any ew that's poor people candy I only eat caviar and filet Manan well what do you have for dessert because you can buy some chocolate for dessert well that's poor people dessert I only eat solid gold and it broke out all my teeth so that's why I don't have any teeth well well can you at least buy like one box Richard we know you have money well I would love to but I can't because I spent $10 million on v-bucks and my dad caught me and he got mad and he took all my money and my credit cards that sucks yeah well there's no other way you can like Buy buy a box please well I could buy some boxes if you guys accept Bitcoin Cody do we accept Bitcoin I don't know I mean is Bitcoin valuable well here I have a bunch of Bitcoin you can take that it's pretty valuable to me all right give them all the boxes of candy okay dude oh yes guys look at all the Bitcoin we got is that even a lot oh it's a gold mine Cody I'm going to get that PS5 oh yeah and I'm going to get my sticky hand now I'm going to get my magnets oh I can't wait for school tomorrow all right guys I'll see you tomorrow all right craft I sure hope you sold a lot of candy bars cuz my bills are past du so Junior how many candy balls did you sell well teacher me Jeffy Cody and Joseph decided to add all our money together and we bought 32 Bitcoins and at $37,000 a piece that equals $1,184 th000 so Joseph wants the sticky hands I want the PlayStation 5 Cody wants the handcuffs and Jeffy wants the magnets wait Junior we raised over a million dollars why are we wasting it all in this J we don't need this stuff uh I need the sticky hand and I need the magnet and I want the PlayStation 5 and you need the Handcuff so shut up Cody yeah guys what a holy crap bring me those big coins and come cram your prizes okay D take a to take a to what are we doing here you go teacher oh thank you for doing business Junior oh come on guys let's get all our prizes guys look at my magnets oh that's so cool look at my PlayStation 5 hey Junior I've been a bad girl you want to help me take these handcuff don't stap with your stupid sticky hand Joseph so cool my PlayStation 5 is so cool who's that there's someone at the door hold on uh hello this is not a Bitcoin it's a fake toy coin no it's a real Bitcoin I got it from like this millionaire guy you give me all the present back right now okay ego oh don't you ever try to scam me again guys guys our teacher was at the door and he said the Bitcoin we gave him were fake they were fake no way dude he said they were fake and he wanted all our prizes back but I gave him back the PS5 box full of bricks so he'll never notice it's full of bricks oh that's SM be all right crft today we have a crft pet it's a goldfish and I named him crab cake hero crab cake a it's so little it's so cute wait wait you like little things like are you impressed by little things I'm talking about the fish so crass you're probably wondering why we got a crass pet in the first press was to teach you all responsibility so each week one of you is going to get to take the fish home and if the fish dies while you have it then you're automatically expelled so who wants to take the fish home first me me me I want it I want it I want I want it I want it here shut up you don't know how to take care of a fish let me have this but but I want to take care of it too no I me me who should I pick pick me no pick me pick me I'm yelling louder than her I'm yelling louder I'm yelling louder than you okay stop creaming stop creaming I'm tired of you creaming right in my ear it's like you guys come up to my ear and cream right in it but since junior and Penelope both want to take crab cake home we're going to let crab cake decide so Junior and Penelope come on up here let crab cake decide he's a fish you're just mad cuz he's going to choose me no he's going to pick me because I'm pretty all right whoever crap cake swims towards gets to take them home so go come here crap cake come here CRA swim towards me toward me me he chose me he chose me well good Junior you get to take him home first yes what's wrong Penelope don't talk to me are you mad because the fish chose me and not you you're going to kill it oh thank you I think I'm going to kill it too I think I'm going to do a good job taking care of this fish no kill it as it will be dead oh yeah well well we'll just see how dead it is when I when I when I kill it no I meant like kill it as then take care of it kill it like you did a good job like I killed it guys you ready to come over to my house and watch me kill it like like not not kill it like take care of it yeah dude I got the class pet I got the class pet that's nothing to brag about Junior if he dies you get expelled he's not going to die Cody cuz I'm going to kill it stop saying it like that I'm saying I'm going to kill it like I'm going to do a good job well you shouldn't say it like that now Joseph do you know how to take care of fish oh yeah dude it's easy all you have to do is feed him like one month wait once a month once a month yeah it look if he gets thirsty he has all this water he could drink yeah look at all this water Junior I don't think you're going to take care of this fish right okay Cody since you're so worried you want me to feed him right now we we can feed him Pizza he can't eat pizza Junior why not because fish don't eat pizza yes they do in that SpongeBob episode that one fish ordered a Crusty Crab Pizza that was SpongeBob it was a cartoon but I like pizza so he should like pizza junior he can't eat pizza okay how about we call Penelope and ask her what fish eat I don't think Penelope is going to help us because you took the fish from her look look I'm going to use my smooth voice and then she's going to come fast all right guys it's ringing what I didn't say anything I meant like what why are you calling me oh well penelopee that's not my name it's penelopy whatever Pennsylvania I was just thinking about what happened earlier today and I wanted to call and say I got the class pit I got the class pit how mature why are you wasting your time calling me I want to know if you want to come over and help me take care of the fish me help you but I thought you were so amazing you could do it on your own well I I am I can do it on my own I'm so amazing I'm the best fish taker care of her ever I just want to see if you want to come over and see a master of someone who takes care of fish I'm hanging up no no no no wait wait Penelope I'll be honest if you don't come over and save this fish it's probably going to die uh fine but only for you Cody yeah all right guys I'm going to brush my teeth she's not going to kiss you maybe I should use toothpaste she's here hey Baby E I'm so glad you decided to come over I brushed my teeth for you oh do you even floss no disgusting where's the fish it smells like it could be nearby I meant crab cake upstairs all right baby here's the fish hey Cody oh hey look at fish what's he doing he's doing fish stuff look at that what do you guys need my help with well Cody says the fish doesn't eat it's going to die that's true so we don't defeat it fish food what's that I knew you would be unprepared so I brought some what you brought some baby see look we're meant for each other you're always prepared I'm always unprepared you complete me no Cody completes me all right Joseph since you've had a fish before I think you should be the one to feed it okay no problem dude Joseph what are you doing what that's how I feed my fish dude I give them all the food all at once once a month so I won't have to feed them again you're you're only supposed to give him a little bit yeah yeah now the Bowl's all dirty we have to clean the bowl we have to clean the bowl all right who wants to grab the fish I'm not touching that what are you looking at me for I want you to grab the fish grab it like with my hands yeah I'm not a bear Junior I can't just grab fish just grab it Cody what what am I supposed to put it in once I grab it uh this cup what J I don't want to do this this is disgusting Cody baby it'd be so manly if you grabbed that you're baring up the wrong tree come on Cody please please grab it oh okay I'll grab it ew ew ew it's a wiggly Junior put him in the cup put him in the cup Cody did you just drop the fish down the yeah you killed him you killed him no no no no no no no he's not dead look he's in there we can get him out he's still alive just you go sit over there we we don't need someone screaming right now all right Cody we have to call a plumber G I'm going to throw up look don't throw up over there don't throw up in the sink we're coming fishy I to call a plumber hey there somebody call call a plumber yes Mr Plumber please please Mr Plumber was my father you can just call me plumber okay plumber all right so what's the problem well we were cleaning up my fish's bowl and we accidentally dropped the fish down the sink oh that's no good but don't worry all drains lead to the ocean Finding Nemo taught us that one but that that's actually the garbage disposal yeah Nemo doesn't want to go in there he's going to end up with a whole bunch of more bad fins well can you get my fish out I should be able to let me just take a look see if I can see them oh man it's dark down there I can't see anything you mind if I turn on a few more lights yeah you can all right this should help let me just whip the song what's wrong just give me a second what's wrong well you know you have done one of those like 3,000 piece jigsaw puzzles yeah that's you fishy he's dead yeah I I guess let me see no no no no you you really don't want to see that wa he's dead yeah I'm going to get expelled from school now well I didn't know that maybe you told me that I'd be more careful what am I going to do I I think the the the best thing to do would be to what what is that hold on I think I hear my phone ringing what I don't hear anything yeah no that's definitely my phone I I left it out in the car I should I should go answer that in my car hey oh no what am I going to do Cody pineapple Cody do you think the fish is going to be okay we call the plumber he'll get him out it's fine how's the fish Junior he's been better where's the fish Junior uh what part of him what do you mean what part uh he's in about 35 pieces wh why what happened the plumber turned the garage disposal on what awesome dude oh my God you killed him I'm to to teacher you're going to get expelled no no no no you're not guys guys get her get her I got it get in there all right stop screaming my dad's going to hear you okay Joseph you're going to stay here and you're going to guard the door okay okay I got you dude come on Cody all right Cody if the teacher finds out I killed the fish well you killed the fish me yeah because you dropped in the gar puzzle and then the plumber turned it on so you're like secondhand killing it we all we all did it yeah we well you mostly you but anyway if the teacher finds out that that the fish got killed I'm going to get expelled well well you could always try replacing that fish with another one you're right Cody that's genius I have some in my pantry wait what right here wa Junior that's a Goldfish cracker don't call me that call you what you said that's a Goldfish cracker no I said it's a Goldfish cracker cuz that's what it is just don't just don't call me that word what would you call it I would call it the snack that smiles back Goldfish okay so that's not going to work no Junior you're going to have to do better than that go get a real fish from a pet store okay all right Cody I got a new goldfish Junior this fish is huge it's the only one the pet store had but the last one was so tiny how are you going to explain to the teacher that it grew twice its size well maybe it's the Grinch what because you know the Grinch's heart grew twice its size Junior this fish didn't steal the last can of hoo has well look look look look look at least it's a fish and I'm not going to get expelled over your stupid shaky slippery hands aren't you used to grabbing like weird Wiggly things yeah so then why'd you drop the fish I don't know it was just all slippery and slimy okay look we're going to take this to school and the teacher going to believe it we'll just say that we fed them a lot of food and I don't know this is stupid look we're going to work it out we're going to work it out okay oh man guys I'm so nervous I don't want to get expelled dude you're not going to get expelled you left with a fish and you came back with a fish that's all that matters but this fish is twice as big as the last one sorry CR I'm rap it's raining cats and dogs outside so if you're hungry go outside and catch you some food anyway let's get started for the today uh where's paneri uh uh uh she's sick oh okay all right Junior I'm going to come check out crab cake and make sure he still arrive oh hereo crab cake you're a huge crab cake Junior what have you been feeding crab cake actual crab cakes uh yeah yeah yeah he he loves his crab cakes he he eats cheeseburgers and he eats steaks see he's on the seafood diet if he sees it he eats it kind of like Cody's mom she eats everything that's in front of her oh well I'm sorry crass but we no longer have a crass pet because I'm going to turn him into some sushi how did you get out Cody yeah take her back to the closet okay come on you what was that oh uh that was Penelope you know she stayed home sick from school today and she came to the school to see what the homework was for tonight cuz she's a nerd and she really loves doing homework so Cody went to go show her what the homework was oh okay so does that mean I'm not expelled no you passed you brought me dinner for tonight you get a a yeah come on all right Joseph are you ready to go to the park and drink root beer all night oh dude you know it I'm so ready to drink some root beer oh yeah all right let's go invite Cody okay wait why you know his mom's not going to let him come out the house well let's at least try okay whatever dude I love looking at dank memes what guys what are you doing here guys what are you doing here well me and Joseph want to know if you want to go to the park and drink root beers and play yeah dude well heck yeah I want to go to the park and drink root beer then let's go but guys it's a school night my mom's not going to let me do that why don't you go ask her she might say yes well I guess I could ask just wait here so honey I was thinking about becoming vegan you know since I don't like most Foods wait wait wait I thought you love my sausage oh I do I do that doesn't have to stop okay then baby mom dad wait what do you want ain't you supposed to be in bed boy yeah Cody this is Mommy and Daddy time uh I I I was just wondering if I could go to the park and drink root beer with my friends now you know your white butt ain't supposed to go outside on no school night yeah Cody and you know you're not supposed to drink root beer either it has the word beer in it mhm but but but but guys it's a soda and see that's where they start you off the government won't you you to drink root beer so you can have a problem when you older yep you just can't put the bottle down mhm so can I go or not no you cannot go now go get in your room and you don't even think about trying to sneak out Cody or we're going to ground you and then send your little butt to military school yeah just like my mama did me okay now what about that sausage baby yeah she said no she said no that's lame yeah dude what a square yeah sorry guys I guess I'm just not going to be able to go well why don't you s sneak out well I'm not allowed to sneak out Junior my mom said if I sneak out she's going to ground me and send me to military school well she's not going to find out just lock your door but I'm not allowed to lock my door well it's only going to be like an hour so lock your door she's not going to check on you come on sorry guys I guess I just can't go Cody you're so lame yeah you're a loser dude yeah I guess we'll just take our root beer and go have fun by ourselves let's go D come on Joseph wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I do really like root beer yeah root Beer's really good come on it's cold it'll make you cool convince me I mean we really want your sexy face to hang out with us and drink root beer sure okay all right you talk me into it let's go guys yeah let's go let's go yeah chilling at the park with my Bros drinking root beer oh dude I love root beer it's so lit yeah yeah waa Cody how'd you get up there guys I'm just up here I just snuck out of my house and I'm living my best life drinking root beer in the park dude hey hey guys you dare me to jump off this thing dud it yeah do it do it do it do it dude okay okay okay all right here I go here I go Cody oh my god dude what happened are you okay dude Cody Cody are you okay dude guys I think I broke my teeth you did look there on the ground a guys what am I going to tell my mom she's going to find out that I snuck out and then I'm going to be grounded well you're not going to tell anything Cody look we're going to go back to my house and we're going to figure this out okay grab your teeth come on okay yeah come on Cody stop crying we're going to figure this out but Junior my mouth hurts and my teeth are missing my mom is going to notice and then she's going to ground me and send me to military school your mom's not going to notice cuz we're going to put your teeth back in your mouth well how are we going to do that Junior I don't know a glue or tape that's not going to work Junior okay then let's replace your teeth with something else what like what uh corn what corn yeah corn dude yeah your teeth are already yellow so corn would look good what Junior that's going to look stupid come on let's try it and done wao dude it looks so good I can't even tell the difference right but guys how am I going to eat what how am I going to eat if I have corn for teeth well you have corn for teeth so just eat your teeth duh yeah but then I'm not going to have any teeth then grab some more corn out of the can idiot he's so stupid he's not thinking guys my parents are going to notice that I have corn for teeth how are they going to notice the same color as your old teeth yellow so they can't tell the difference it looks different Junior okay so what do you want to do Cody well we need to find a way to cover this up how are we going to cover this up you're get your teeth busted I got an idea guys ooh ooh what if we make it look like it happened at school what yeah so what if we go to school and we bring your teeth with you and we make it look like you got your teeth busted out at school then they know that you didn't sneak out and they know you didn't drink root beer dude that's genius I know huh that that could work but what am I going to do about tonight what if my mom checks on me and sees that I don't have teeth oh so we need something to cover your mouth yeah um I got an idea how about that a medical mask Junior yeah my mom's going to wonder why I'm wearing a medical mask well tell her it's flu season and all your friends are trying to make out with you well I don't want to lie so we we could make it true try to kiss me Junior Joseph try to kiss him dude I'm not going to kiss him that's gross yeah Cody this whole thing's a lie yeah you're right so look go home and try to avoid your parents well what if they try to take off my mask then don't let them okay yeah so like you leave and I'll just keep your teeth safe here with me no no no no no no I know what you're going to try to do junior what you're going to put my teeth under your pillow and try to cash him in with the tooth fairy what Cody that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard I don't even believe in the tooth fairy what what am I five and also the Tooth Fairy wouldn't want your teeth cuz they're yellow and gross yeah I guess you're right I'll see you guys tomorrow at school yeah Cody you get out of here with your accusations I would never try to do that Joseph actually I think the tooth Fair think his teeth are more valuable cuz they look gold so they might be more valuable dude that's genius dude I know so I'm put them under my pillow I'll see you tomorrow quiet I don't want to get caught wait wait wait what was that sound what sound it sounded like a window I'm going to go check on Cody wait I thought you was going to have some of my blackberries well I'll have some when I get back you want to be vegan and everything hey Cody oh hey hey Mom what do you want well I heard a window noise like maybe you were trying to sneak out no no I I've just been sleeping you know till you came in well Cody why are you wearing that mask oh this mask well well I heard you swallow a whole bunch of spiders in your sleep and I don't want that well that's terrifying oh and I also forgot to give you your big openmouth good night kiss well Mom I think I'm getting a little old for the big open-mouth good night kiss well Cody you got one yesterday Mom I'm just really not in the mood okay okay Cody I'll just kiss you on your forehead that was close C I need to talk to you yeah what do you want Dad did you brush your teeth before you came to bed uh yeah well show me then I I can't why not because because what because because don't lie to me boy I I I didn't brush my teeth see I knew it you know how I knew because I checked the bathroom and I checked the toothbrush and it wasn't even wet uh well you you got me yeah I know I got you you can't pull one on your old pops now come on come to the bathroom you going brush your teeth all right boy you going to brush your teeth and I'm going stand here and watch you brush it the whole time okay uh get depression uh all right uh right now did you just drop your toothbrush in the toilet yeah well you better get it out of the toilet and start brushing okay let me just get it uh oh no oops what are you doing that's your toothbrush boy you just your toothbrush yeah oh my God you know what we going to the store tomorrow and we going to get a whole bunch of toothbrushes and you going to brush your teeth all day okay okay now come on uh all right all right boy go to sleep cuz you're going to have a long day of brushing your teeth tomorrow after school you got me yes sir what is wrong with my life ow ow Cody shut up Junior my teeth are broken and my mouth is all swollen well maybe you shouldn't have ran into the monkey bars well maybe you shouldn't have made me sneak out of the house well maybe your parents should have been more cool and let you go out what Junior what is happening all right Cody we have to make it look like it happened at school right so when you're not expecting it I'm going to throw something at your mouth and make it look like your teeth broke out what do you going to throw in my mouth I'm not going to tell you Cody I want to look natural so look just shut up and pay attention in class and Joseph yeah dude when I throw something at Cody's face I want you to go oh his teeth are out dude his teeth are out okay make it look make it look believable okay oh yeah dude I got it all right Cody just pay attention to class okay okay all right class today we're going to be learning about teeth humans have 32 teeth unless you live at Alabama and then you miss in all your teeth and you're married to your cousin I'm missing three of my teeth wao dude how Junior I think you broke my nose wow Joseph you didn't say wao his teeth are out dude sorry dude I forgot Junior it wouldn't have mattered anyway my mom's never going to believe I get hit in the face with a baseball in the classroom what so no baseball no no baseball now I have to explain my broken nose and my broken teeth all right Cody look I'll hit you with a different object just pay attention in class and I'll throw something else at you okay just just make sure it's something that makes sense in the classroom this time okay okay no baseball I get it so humans have 32 teeth but how how many teeth do sharks have I don't know let me Google it oh oh it right here it says sharks can have up to 50,000 teeth in their lifetime that's her rotted teeth you can eat a lot of cat and dog with teeth sharks are cool was that a hammer a hammer Junior wow Joseph you still didn't yell his teeth are out dude dude I was just surprised that you used a hammer yeah me too Junior why would we be throwing hammers in a classroom well maybe it was a science experiment like an object in motion stays in motion Until It Breaks my nose Okay Cody what object would you like me to use any object that would make sense in a classroom just look around and pick an object okay Cody I'll do it again you must remember to take care of your teeth you have to brush your teeth every morning and every night before you go to bed if you don't take care of your teeth then you lose your teeth see I have lost my teeth see I'd brush my teeth if I still had some Junior why are you picking up your death uh his teeth came out dude a desk Junior yeah you said choose an object in the classroom not a desk my mom's never going to believe someone threw a desk at me then what object would you like Cody I don't know like a textbook why didn't you say so all right let's do it again hey dude I said my lines though yeah Joseph said his lines okay great but we still have to do it again Joseph I think Cody likes getting hit in the face weirdo I don't like it you're just doing it wrong all right Well's let's do it again let's get it right fine just get your desk our first President George Washington he had wooden te but that was because his father was a cherry tree or something I don't know how the story go hey Cody let's make this more believable ask me to toss you a textbook Junior can you toss whoa dude sorry Cody we have to do it again Joseph didn't say his lines oh dude I forgot my bad no no not doing this again I'm done teacher my teeth got knocked out yeah his teeth got knocked out dude oh Cody how you ruse your teeth do you need me to call a nurse or call your parents or something yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you know what can you just call my parents and tell them what happened Cody your teacher told us you got your teeth knocked out at school yeah why your face look like that oh well I told my friend Junior to toss me a textbook and he accidentally tossed it too hard and hit me in the face well Cody are you sure it wasn't on purpose yeah this don't look like an accident this look like a hate crime oh no no no he's white it really it it doesn't really hurt that much I I just really want my teeth fixed well Cody I think we should press charges yeah we can get them arrested now uh no no no that that's fine really I I'm I'm not that worried about it oh yeah we could even sue them oh we should see if there's surveillance footage Tyrone call the teacher okay I'll do that baby uh no no we don't have to do all that hello what you want hey Cody's teacher we were wondering if there were any cameras in the classroom that could have seen what happened to Cody today oh yeah that camera but uh I haven't watched it yet you want to see it oh yeah let's watch it no no that that's okay I I don't really want to relive it well Cody I want to know what happened to you let's watch it all right mom so if you watch it uh that that that yeah that's a baseball yeah that's not a big deal oh and that that's a hammer yeah he did hit me with a hammer too oh oh yeah the desk yeah he hit me with the desk um what else oh oh that's right yeah and then then there's the textbook The Textbook I told you about out oh my poor baby see I knew it was deliberate I knew it was a hate crime Cody he hit you with the baseball wait was that a hammer Cody we definitely pressing charges oh no no no we don't have to do that really really I I I I told him to do that it's okay no Cody that kid's going to jail I'm going to go call the police yeah you do that baby huh who Could That Be uh hello hey there kid mind if we come inside and talk to you for a minute uh yeah what's going on shut up uh you know what I'm sorry I just like to feel powerful we we'll explain inside oh okay all right kid here's what's happening this kid's parents want to press charges against you for what you did to his face what's press charges mean that means you're getting arrested arrested for what cuz my son face is purple like a grape you know I like grapes I eat grapes I don't want to eat my son face thank you Dad you're welcome but I didn't do anything oh yes you did you threw a baseball a hammer a desk and a textbook at his face you told on me you little snitch they had a video Junior and I want him to get the highest punishment I'm talking about the electric chair well he's not going to get the electric chair but he'll probably get like 6 months in jail at least 6 months in jail I don't want to go to jail Cody tell them the truth I don't want to go to jail I don't know what to do well I'm not going to jail oh yes you are now turn around so I can read you your rights all right you have the right to remain silent uh let's see what else you can remain silent I know that um something about a lawyer uh yeah yeah yeah you can get a lawyer you should probably do that uh I can hold something against you too what was that my my body no no I can't do that I can't hold that against you that's illegal you look up the rights on your own you're under arrest Cody come on please tell me the truth I don't want to go to jail I don't want to get in trouble Cody be a man I don't want to go to jail hold on I have something to say okay what is it well Junior threw stuff at my face because I told him to cuz we were trying to cover up the fact that I snuck out last night to drink root beer at the park and I broke my teeth wait what oh no Cody you didn't I can't believe my Jewish ear Cody I can't believe you will sneak out the house you know what oh my God you are punished for life now hold on I think Cody's been through enough punishment already just look at his face yeah it is pretty ugly and bruised yeah your face is pretty messed up kid did you learn your lesson yeah Cody did you learn your lesson uh yeah I definitely learned my lesson I would have much rather have gotten grounded than have my face messed up I will never sneak out again yay he learned his lesson so the lesson is never sneak out Cody no matter how much I try to peer pressure you to do with it Joseph I'm bored yeah me too dude guys guys look what I got oh no Joseph he got a teddy bear wow you get a teddy bear to replace your stupid doll no now I still have Ken wow he has two of them now a doll and a teddy bear these two guys do you know what this is a teddy bear a blue one it's not just any teddy bear it's a star Bell so what's that do what what's it do what's it do junior turn off the lights and I'll show you what it does are you going to mess with my butt no not this time okay let me turn off the lights all right Cody turn turn off the lights all right guys are you ready to see into another galaxy it's just a teddy bear Cody Junior I don't think you understand what you're about to see not that many people have seen and survived you're about to travel across space at the speed of light no way dude yeah you're bluffing Cody all right guys are you ready it can't be that great Cody it's just a Cody oh my God now is it an incredible it's not the universe is on my ceiling it's the coolest thing ever J it just busted a hole through your roof we're looking into space now that is so cool like oh my God we like after that oh dud wait where's this light coming from no Joseph don't look directly oh my eyes my eyes we have to call a doctor to help to Junior I can't move it's too beautiful okay okay okay what we need to do is we have to kick the teddy bear off the couch okay okay I was trapping the spell of it okay let me call a doctor it's okay do oh God hey there somebody call a doctor yeah doctor we think my friend went blind now how that happen did he look at my ugly wife no he looked inside that star belly the star belly oh my God those things are dangerous they have the power of like a thousand suns inside of them I mean like looking inside of one of those is like taking your eyeball out and throwing it directly into the sun times a thousand like like where did you even find one of those I got it on the black market oh yeah I shop there all the time for like organs for transplants and stuff well if Joseph looked in is he blind oh yeah if he looked in there he's definitely blind well can I get a eye transplant oh yeah sure that'd be easy yeah that'll just be hold on let me figure out the price um a million billion gazillion Killion jillion bedillion zillion dollars well we only have half a kazillion billion gazillion dollars well sorry kid that's just not going to cut it have fun being blind loser well Joseph I guess you're going to be blind for the rest of haha can't see hey hey kid Hey kid guess what which letter of the alphabet you can't what see he can't see you get it cuz he's blind loser who is that anyway Joseph it looks like you're be blind for the rest of your life dude had to give my show so I can see again did someone say soul ah the devil yes thank you CJ I got this wait who's that oh well it is bring your son to hell day so this is my son Craig junor but he goes by CJ yeah my name is the CJ hey well what are you doing here oh well I heard your friend say that he would saell his soul to get his vision back well you already took his soul yeah you took my show when you gave me my new shell oh that's right I did oh never mind come on CJ no I don't want to go I want to stay here and play toys with my friends you you want to stay here with these losers yeah I want to play toys H okay I have a deal for you I am very busy in Hil with a lot of paperwork so if you could just watch Craig junor for a little while I will give you your friend's Vision back watch your son but I'm so busy today yeah me too guys okay fine we'll watch him great then we have a deal I'll be back in 24 hours to pick him up so I guess we're watching the devil's son dude I'll be right back I got to use the bathroom this door won't open J wrong way oh oh okay that way thank you so CJ what do you want to do I want to start a fire where' he poof to Junior he can poof of course he can poof he's the devil's son of course he knows how to poof be anyway going to start a fire Cinnamon Toast Crunch the taste you can see fire fire wait what's the smell sh baby your hat are fire Che are you okay no I'm not okay what was that bab b b fire CJ why' you like che's hat on fire give me that stop doing evil stuff Junior it's the devil's son I don't know what you expect him to do Bo stuff he poofed where' he poofed to this time a where'd he poofed to Daddy I don't know Daddy oh man oh man I can't wait to watch Charlie and fris is my favorite show ever time for Charlie who likes Charlie we like Charlie everybody got where is hey where you going with my TV get back [Applause] here my TV why would you do that bab b b bab I'mma kill you dad what happened to your TV where did he go that little red thing threw my TV off the balcony CJ won't stop doing evil stuff Junior it's the devil's son I don't know what you want him to do oh we have to stop CJ before he breaks more stuff wait who's CJ 1,00 1900 2,000 baby I finally have enough to pay my house payment on time I'm so proud of you Mario poof poof yeah give me your money what hey come back here no my house p s stop there's one at the door it's Goodman put that fire out oh hello hey Mario you called and told me that you had your house payment so I came as fast as I could so where is it I don't have it anymore how how from the time that I left my mansion and got to your house where did it go well you see like this little mini devil like grabbed the money and then he threw it in a pot of fire what are you on Mario I'm not on anything you need to clean up and go to rehab I'm telling the truth look come here look I'm telling you the truth see come and look look the money's all burned why would you do that I did not do that the devil did Mario it looks like you made me money roone and cheese and you burnt it no I I did not burn the money it was an accident look is there is there any way you can still accept the money it's still intact a little bit no Mario there's a million other things I'd rather accept than this burnt money like I'd rather have a a pimple on the inside of my butt crack and every time I wipe it just hurts a little bit just to remind me that it's still there or I'd rather have an Applebee's gift card and I don't even eat at Applebee's [Music] g b b all right here we go where'd he go Cody junior he put a sewing needle in the Nerf bullet anyone who gets shot with that is going to get seriously hurt how evil we got to stop him I would rather stick my hand in a porta potty for a nickel I would rather what is that what uh what oh owie I'm tired you get him oh donkey I can't wait to dig into my nice delicious creamy cream cheesecake oh it's going to be like a chocolate soft serve when it comes out oh it's going to explode my bowels all right let's dig in oh what happened to my oh oh come here you I'm going to get you sh what happened that little red booger ate all my cheesecake well I don't know where he came from I'm playing with my bonon oh hey Mr red guy what doing youe we have to stop him Cody he keeps doing a lot of evil stuff we had to stop him who's at the door uh hello hey there I got a pizza for a guy named Shrek oh don't get that's me all right let me show you what you're getting oh okay boom take a look at that oh delicious yeah I'm Uber Eats I got to show you the pizza so you know I didn't spit in it okay so how's that look oh looks delicious yeah I made that happen I'm Uber that was rude don't get what did you do to my pizza oh CJ CJ you need to you're being too evil and hurting people yeah I never stop oh God please help us hey what do you want in playing a game right now God yeah yeah whatever I'm playing this plague game whatever I do in the game happens in real life it's awesome well well can you please stop that and tell CJ to stop being evil fine hey hey hey CJ stop it I'm never going to stop well I've done all I can I'm going back and playing my game when's the devil coming back to pick up his son hey oh thank God you're here oh oh don't say that oh I'm here to pick up Craig junor how was he oh he was so awful oh really he was so evil oh what did he do well first he let she's hat on fire oh and then and then he threw my dad's TV off a balcony and then he threw this guy's money into a fire and then he knocked this guy's cheesecake on the ground Craig junr is this true yes Craig Jor I'm so proud of you what you're proud of him yes of course he was too good before so I'm so happy he learned how to be evil come on Craig junr let's go steal candy from some orphans well wait but before you leave you said you were going to give Joseph his vision back oh yeah right your eyes are fixed now oh I can see you again oh yeah all right guys now that we all can see again well oh Joseph can see again what do you want to do now oh I know what we're going to do now get the lights Junior okay all right guys are you ready to go back to space y all right wo oh my God it's so amazing oh dude I can't help myself I got to look at it again all right guys you ready to play superheroes oh yeah dude but I'm the joker I'm Batman I want to be Batman no Cody I'm always Batman you have to be someone else be Robin I don't want to be stupid stinky ugly dumb Robin okay well then go choose someone but you can't be Batman uhoh Junior you have another Batman we can both be Batman we both can't be Batman Cody there's only one Batman yeah that's against the rules dude yes against the rules yeah we can look hey Batman it's me other Batman no you're one of those dumb Batman that work on Time Square what okay Cody look we can both be Batman but you're the uh you're the Ben Affleck Batman I'm Christian Bale well I don't want to be Ben Affleck Batman he was fat okay well then don't be Batman at all go be Mexican Superman but Junior you always make me be Mexican Superman Mexican Superman's the coolest yeah Mexican Superman's awesome dude he always Saves the Day right in time to make it to his daughter's kinera yeah he's so awesome all right let's get this over with okay hey I'm the bad guy Joker you can't beat me and Batman oh you don't understand who I have as my secret weapon who come on say your thing Soo Mexican Superman oh no not Mexican Superman with Batman my two ARS nimes I'm outnumbered yes and you don't understand what he has up his sleeve say it Hot Plate not a hot plate oh no that's my weakness yeah now hit him with the Baja Blast e Baja Blast oh I'm melting I'm melting and now you better get out of here before he gets the gordito crunch oh not the gordito crunch yay we saved the day all right you want to watch TV or something oh yeah all right let's watch TV hey there have you ever wondered if you were related to someone famous well now you can find out just call me at 1800 100 famous DNA and I'll personally come to your house and tell you who you're related to you might even be related to Jeff Bezos maybe he owes you some money maybe maybe you're like a long lost kid of his or something come find out oh guys guys guys I want to get DNA tested I want to see what famous person I'm related to I don't know Junior that place looks like a scam yeah I want to get tested too I bet I'm related to Abraham Lincoln oh that'd be so cool I know right I bet I'm related to George Washington Carver oo who's that the guy who invented peanut butter duh oh why would you be related to him cuz he's smoothing in peanut butter duh yeah Cody who do you think you're related to a dork Dr dork yeah yeah a Robert E dork Professor dork with a degree yeah uliss s dork Captain dork with the ship yeah yeah Elon Musk musy dork dork dorky dorky yeah I dorky My Life as a Teenage dork B just TV show dork and Josh I dorky oh man dorky dorks imaginary home for dorks yeah uh uh what's it called um cat dork South dork South dork uh family dork uh a cinnamon toast dork Rick and dorky dorks a bunch of I got one this the Dork life of of Zack and dorky on deck on deck on Deck okay I will get DNA tested just so I can prove I'm not a dork oh yeah let's call a doctor so we get DNA tested D hey there somebody call a doctor to get DNA tested yeah we saw the commercial and we want to do the test to see who we Rel to oh it's really fun you never know who you'll be related to like I did it and my great grandmother was Amelia airhot really yeah yeah it explains why I'm so good at hide-and seek and so bad at flying planes so how do we do it well you see these DNA sample tubes yeah well you just take some bodily fluid and put it in the tube okay so like I can spit in it yeah sure or whatever else it doesn't really matter ooh can I poop in it yeah sure why not yes I know what I'm putting in there all right so after we put the stuff in there then what happens I just run it back to the lab and then I'll have your results by the next scene okay I'm going spit in mine time toop oh man guys I can't wait for our test results to be ready all right your test results are ready they're ready are they cool oh they're cool all right Cody we're going to start with you the most famous person you're related to is Thomas Edison whoa no way dude that's so sick who am I related to you you're related to Neil Armstrong Neil Armstrong the first man on the moon I knew I knew a lot about space wao an astronaut D I know it's so cool okay Joseph you're related Mar Luther King oh oh man I always knew I had a dream I dream every night no no not quite but close osbor dorsy who's that he's the inventor of the door knob oh okay yeah yeah I'm always good with you know turning door knobs yep you have fun with that information oh this is so cool all right guys can we just admit that I'm related to the coolest person ever Neil freaking Armstrong no Edison is cooler because he invented the light bulb without him we'd be in the dark right now no because if Edison wouldn't invented it somebody else would invented the light bulb dude the only way you would have been able to get in at your house today it's because of my boy dorsy well no cuz in Walmart invented those automatic doors what yes you don't even need door knobs we don't even need him see see see see Neil Armstrong he discovered the moon he didn't discover the moon junior he just went there yeah and they say the first person to go on land discovered that land so he was the first person on the moon so he discovered the moon and he got there with his cool spaceship he flew there landed he got out and then he danced on the moon dude he wouldn't be able to get out of his spaceship without a doorknob well he wouldn't be able to see the doorknob without a light bulb he he wouldn't have been able to go to the Moon if he wouldn't have discovered the moon in the first place dude you use doorage for anything no no you use light bulbs more cuz you use them every day well have you ever heard of a candle well the moon lights up the sky at night so so cuz without the Moon it would uh it would be it would be dark yeah without light bat no without the moon we look you wouldn't even know it was night time until you opened the door knob no no no you would you wouldn't know well actually there's Windows see Bill Gates invented windows so you could look out the window so we even need the door knob who cares but without door knobs we wouldn't even have knock knock jokes that's better well without light bulbs you wouldn't even be able to see who's at the door to answer it well without without the moon you wouldn't know it was night time so you know not the answer the door because not scary people come at night or fans who don't know the rules so so so that yeah and see without the moon we wouldn't have waves and without waves we wouldn't have ships that would bring you materials to make your stupid light bulbs and to make your stupid doorknobs so so actually you know what Cody I'm suing you why I'm suing you because Thomas Edison got the idea for a light bulb by looking at the Moon cuz he went outside and he said ooh I like that little light in the sky I want to make one for my own so he made a light bulb based on the moon so I'm suing you yeah I'm suing you too Cody cuz there's no way Mr Edison could make his light bulb without open a door from Mr dorsy yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah see see see so Cody you owe Joseph well actually Joseph you owe Cody money because because without the light bulb dorsy wouldn't have been able to make a door knob without light n n n n we had candles bro we had candles oh yeah candles okay so so Cody yeah you owe both of us money well I'm not giving either of you money well we don't need your stupid dumb light bulbs Cody well okay I'll just take away all the light bulbs in your house and see how you like it we don't need them cuz we have the moon to light up everything nobody's going to need door knobs then yeah we don't need that either because I just have a door I can just push the door open I don't need a door knob that's dumb I I like Walmart automatic doors lazy yeah you know what I'm I'm going to take the Moon away and then what you going to do when y'all can't see at night oh man this is such a huge mess it's going to take forever to clean up wait what happened to the lights oh it must have been a power outage hey Chef peei wait Cody what are you doing uh do you know if there any more light bulbs in the house wait wait wait why are you stealing our light bulbs oh I'm not stealing these I own these my great great-grandfather was Thomas Edison look I don't care who your great-grandfather is put my light bulbs back tell that to Junior he thinks Thomas Edison didn't do anything what look put my lights back and done I just finished my Apollo 11 Lego sculpture so I'm just like my great great-grandfather Neil Armstrong what what happened to the lights hey Junior what are you doing here Co well I'm just collecting all of my light bulbs that my great great grandfather invented wait wa you stole my light bulbs oh I'm not stealing them since my great great grandfather invented them they're mine well well I was building my Apollo 11 Lego sculpture see look there's me and there's my great grandfather Neil Armstrong see see um I didn't see any light bulbs on the Apollo 11 yeah that's great well I'm going to just take all of these light bulbs back to my house where I'll have all the light well well when you're walking home guess what's going to help you light up the streets when you get home uh the moon well there Al street lights and guess what's in those street lights light bulbs well well you're dumb and and stupid Joseph get out of my way uh uh uh where do you think you're going home home where through this door you know you got to use this circular thing what's it called again a door knob can I please use the door knob I guess so for $1,000 and if you praise my great Granddad dorsy well I don't have $1,000 well get an appra Cody bring me back my light bulbs oh now you want them I thought they were useless well they are useless but I bought them so they're technically mine now look at that I forgot one hold on Cody don't don't grab that one don't do it come on Cody that's better well at least you can't get through this door oh yeah okay Junior I'm going out your window peasant so where you going now Cody I'm going home well the whole walk home you better not ever look up if you ever look up at the Moon you owe me $100 okay fine I don't want to look at the Moon I've seen it before you better not ever look up don't look up I'm not don't look up Junior I'm not looking at the moon you better not look up Junior you going to follow me all the way home yeah cuz I don't want you to look up at the Moon because that's my moon that's my great-grandfather's moon you can't look at it if you look at it you owe me $100 I'm not going to look at it don't look at it don't look at oh my God Cody like if there was a time to look at it you should look at it now it's the most beautiful full moon in the world right now oh oh Cody look there's a man on the moon Junior there's no man on the moon there was my great grandfather Neil Armstrong he was on the moon that was the man on the moon the only man on the moon and that's why I own the moon and you better not look at it or you owe me $100 Junior shut up it's the most beautiful moon in the world like if you want to look at it you can pay me $100 I don't care Junior like this walk home would be so boring if you didn't have the moon right there that big beautiful moon brighten up the streets Junior I'm not looking at it but you better not look at it you better not look at it I'm not going to look at it are you sure so pretty okay I'll let you look at it one time no I'll let free for free you can look at it one time no I don't even want to now look at it for free like one time shut up Junior go away Junior you broke all my light bulbs well they technically weren't your light bulbs they were mine cuz I bought them Junior you owe me so much money now no I don't just because he invented them doesn't mean that I don't own them if I I'm like I'll sell you a piece of the Moon how about that no Junior I don't care I don't want to see you right now well I I'll sell you one piece of the Moon if you stop getting mad God I can't stand Junior where do you think you're going Cody in my house oh in your house don't you think you have to use a door knob well yeah but Joseph this is ridiculous this is my house but this is my door knob a dorsy doorknob okay fine I guess I'll use a window get the climbing guess I'm just going to sit on my couch with no light well you know what but I do have light I have the moon and it's just the the roof is blocking the moon but I don't need stupid dumb light bulbs are dumb hey uh wait why is it so dark in here oh my friend's great great grandfather was uh uh the inventor of light bulbs so he took all my light bulbs oh yeah about that I have an important update about your DNA test results uh can you get your friends back here I can try but they're really mad at me yeah uh just so you know there's also a guy who's over by your front door charging people $1,000 to use his door that's Joseph Joseph get up here get Cody what is it Junior the doctor says he has to tell us something what do you want dude Cody can we please have a light bulb just while you're here okay but you only get one all right doctor what do you have to tell us well uh it looks like the test results I gave you before were wrong wrong wait I'm not related to Neil Armstrong no Cody's not related to Thomas Edison nope Joseph not related to dorsy no well then who are we related to well I got you real test results right here let's start with Joseph you are related to Michelangelo oh dude that's awesome I always wanted to be a ninja turtle and I already lived in sewers yeah and Junior you are related to crush from Finding Nemo I mean that's still pretty cool like what's up jelly man what's up jelly man jelly man he jelly man and you Cody are related to ver from Over the Hedge over the H I hope you haven't seen that movie yeah you guys you guys have fun with that information all right guys do we even have to discuss who's related to the cooler Turtle dude it's me I'm a ninja no it's me he rode the East Australian current no one else did that well I went over the hedge Went Over the Hedge ver ver what Ty a name is ver give me my light bus back you dork all right class today you're going to come up here and say your ABCs in front of the crass what say our ABCs that's so easy yeah I know right I know it seems easy but I just want to see if any of the students in the class are stupid because if you're stupid and you don't know how to say your ABCs then you need to get out of my classroom well I'm definitely going to get a on this who doesn't know their ABCs yeah you got to be stupid not to know your ABCs now who should go first H oh Bor you come up here and say your ABCs in front of the crass what me yes you B do you not know your ABCs are you stupid what what no no of course I know my ABCs I know those dang use your two Rigs and walk up to the board and say your ABCs you so stupid okay I'm coming jeez all right say your ABCs uh okay yeah yeah I got this okay here we go Junior you forgot your lunchbox only available at hey you sit down and stop interrupting my Clash oh I'm not a student I'm just here to draw this lunch boox off sit down okay dang God all right Junior I brought you your lunch box thanks shipi okay so what's going on here oh we have to say our ABC's in front of the class oh that's easy I know right okay Bor say your ABCs yeah yeah okay it's just him busting it in the class like that really distracted me so I forgot say okay okay um a okay uh hey don't cheat B mhm uh oh hey what's that over there where hey C it was C uh uh s Wrong oh my God look at this idiot he doesn't know his ABCs oh I can't believe this is your parent stupid oh you don't even have half of a brain cell if you don't know your ABCs oh my God his brain is basically a fart a Lal F hey hey you better shut your mouth before I shut it for you okay dummy go back to your desk and tonight for your homework you have to learn your ABCs and then we'll try this again tomorrow hey hey tell him to stop laughing at me he can laugh at you because you're stupid and you don't know your ABCs hey hey [Laughter] dummy hey if you keep laughing at me I'm going to knock you out what you knock me out you can barely even see your ABCs I doubt you can knock me out okay okay you know what I'm going to come to your house later and then we're going to fight there so I don't get in trouble at school you want to fight me you're not going to come to my house you believe that Junior all right I'll see you later okay I'm not even going to go back to my Des I'm just going to go home sh you're going to fight the bully no I'm not going to fight a a dummy he's not even going to show up Junior right I think he's going to show up no no no he's not all right crash crash is over everyone got to get ready for the fight tonight at Junior's house you're going to be a good one make sure you bring some popcorn and uh I got money on [Music] Buy SHP are you ready for your fight tonight Junior there's not going to be a fight okay look the kid was just mad it was in the moment he's probably playing fortnite or something whatever kids do these days I'm pretty sure he thinks there's going to be a fight tonight there's not going to be a fight Junior that might be him at the door no it's not it's probably the pizza man or something did you order pizza no well I'm going to go see who it is hello hey Junior we're here for the fight yeah going to be a good one I want to see blood I brought flaming hot popcorn cuz I'm flaming and I'm hot uh well I'm not sure this's going to be a fight tonight oh there's going to be a fight yeah there better be a fight cuz I already bought tickets tickets yeah they're selling tickets um okay just come wait in the living room I guess okay uh shfp there's a crowd at the door waiting for the fight tonight well they're going to be disappointed cuz it's not going to be a fight tonight the kid's not going to show up well what if the kid does show up well I'm that you know it's me it's PP he don't want any action I'm about that action it's me he don't want no smoke with pee PE uh what if that's him it's not him he doesn't even know where we live well let me go see I hope it's not him God please don't let it be him hello hey I'm here for the fight oh well are you sure you still want to fight oh yeah definitely I'm going to break his face oh well there's already a crowd here waiting for the fight oh good good I want people to see what I do to him which which is be break his face oh okay so you're that mad still oh yeah yeah okay come inside uh shfp Bully's at the door he is oh no I mean his funeral if you want to die today he can man someone get the casket ready for that kid wait wait did he ask you for me to cancel the fight no he said he's going to break your face no not my face not my beautiful face oh no I'm just kidding uh he's not even going to touch me Junior I'm going knock him out with one hit you you're knock him out yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah knock him out SHP mhm oh oh dang Junior I just remembered I can't fight him why you're scared no no I'm not scared look look uh I just promised my dead mom yeah yeah I would never fight again again wait you promised your dead mom you'd never fight again mhm on her death bed I said your mom's calling wait wait she oh she is oh it's a miracle thank you Jesus thank you Jesus my mama is alive so that means you can fight uh yeah Junior yeah okay come to the living room we can watch the fight God Mom why can't you be dead oh I don't want the F come on fight I don't want to fight all right guys are you ready to fight oh yeah I'm ready to fight this D H we got a dork in the building he don't want no smoke oh I got hands for you boy I got hands for you I'm going to break your face you wish you could break my face these hands going to be too fast they going to be too fast you know what let me talk to you real quick real quick all right look look look I don't want to fight you come on look I'm a real nice guy I I could cook for you on a chef you know what no no no no no stop trying to back out of the fight we're going to fight what no nobody's backing out no fight all right look I've been wanting to fight you nobody's backing out I'm a backand you that's what I said yeah yeah for real though I am trying to back out the fight I'm backing out right now I want to make this clear I don't want to fight you at all okay okay no no we're going to fight no no I know we're going to fight oh I I just want to fight you right now I'm done talking I'm done talking I'm just fighting with my hands I'm going to let my hands do the talking yeah yeah yeah all right I really I really don't want to fight okay okay please please we can go out and eat no no we're going to fight that's what's going to happen oh I'm ready to fight look look I'mma pulling my hand back I'm pulling my hand back but first first I need to go to the bathroom cuz I can't fight on a full bladder all right guys Chef will be right back has to use the bathroom oh God oh God I don't want to fight him oh no what am I going to do you know what I'mma call him I'mma call him and tell him I'm sick that's what I'm going do he doesn't want to fight a sick person hold on I'm getting a call hello uh hey buddy it's me Chef peipi look look I'm throwing up everywhere I'm sick you don't want to fight a sick person right uh how about we um just we go out for dinner on me how about that buddy listen Chef B we're not canceling the fight we're going to fight tonight oh oh you boy you took the words out of my mouth oh I'm ready to fight ooh I'm coming out with my hands swinging put me on the speaker I want my friends to hear this look I'm coming out with my hands swinging I'm ready to fight W my hands faster than bullets you better be ready Son bro jit you hear me all right bro you ready for this smoke bro this man right here calling me in the bathroom trying to cancel the fight no no no actually you called me oh wow wow wow can you believe this this guy want to lie lie in front of all my friends o I got my Knuckles ready I'm ready for the smoke you want to know why they call me the chef cuz I give you what you order and I heard you ordered the knuckle sandwich but you know what you know what I'm going to give you one last chance to cancel all right if you don't want to fight you better say something now no I want to fight you you just said the words all right all right get ready get ready who Could That Be I wonder who could it who who could it be hello hey it's a cops oh thank God you're here you just saved my life yeah I heard there was a fight going on here yes yes hurry up come inside okay oh wow guys some coward called the cops so it looks like we're not going to fight tonight night well I'm not here to break up the fight I'm I'm here to watch what yeah yeah I bought tickets from some guy outside well you you can't let me fight a third grader sure I can if I bought tickets I can I'm going to go get some popcorn yay the fight is on fight fight fight oh no all right Chef PP stop trying to back out of the fight calling the cops didn't work what what me call the cops cuz I'm afraid to fight you a third grader no I wouldn't call the cops come on I'm ready to fight okay let's fight then all right all right stop you yapping and let's get the Clapping oh what you going to do punk what you going to do huh huh you ain't going to do nothing morning sleepy head what what happened you got knocked out by a third grader oh did I win the fight no no you get knocked out by a third grader like we said well did I at least punch him nope he dropped you in one punch well I would like the press charges cuz he assaulted me yeah yeah you can't actually do that see it was a paid fight like for television what television yeah it was on pay-per-view the whole world saw it so so everybody knows I'm a whip yeah yeah they were taking bets in Vegas and literally no one lost a Chey don't cry because you're a whm juliia be straight with me how many people saw it saw what you get punched by a third grader yes the whole world Millions it's on the news you want to see no I don't want to see it look look I just don't want people to think I'm a wussy whimp baby everyone thinks that it has 10 million views on YouTube come on shfp look you can fight him again no I can't fight him again you saw how he fights he's obviously a professional fighter no he sucker punched you it was only one punch he hit you when you weren't looking you're right junior he did Sucker Punch me I wasn't looking cuz I would have caught him slipping yeah left and the right so all you have to do is hit him back and win and then people will think he's a wussy went baby you're thinking today oh yeah yeah I got to catch him slipping that's what I'm going to do all right crass we all saw the a fight yesterday and bury won so there's no need to talk about it I might not know my ABCs but the only letter I need to know is that W cuz I won how that feel payback woo who's the CH who's the CH sir you're under arrest for knocking out a third grader oh yeah I did yeah I did and I do it again too yep and that's exactly why we're going to go put you in a nice padded room come on Jeffy stop chewing on my head but you're my Acorn Daddy happy Halloween it's me Luigi Rosalina you're Luigi for Halloween yeah Mario what are you guys dressed up as well I'm the squirrel from Ice Age and Daddy's my Acorn and I'll do anything to get my nut yeah Jeffy drives me nuts that's funny Mario hey Mommy I can talk like a squirrel you want to hear it yeah squeaky squeak squeak squeaking squeaker I learned it from Emperor's New Groove look let's just go trick-or treat okay let's have a fun night come on I'm a ret no no no more anger pee PE more anger it's more like I'm a ret oh you're getting close you're getting close hey shf pee do you like my elephant costume Junior out of every costume you could have chosen why did you choose an elephant what was the only costume they had my size what are you supposed to be a fat guy with tumors for hands no I'm Ralph get it like Wreck It Ralph I'm wreck it oh because every time you cook you wreck the food you wreck it no no Junior I'm exactly Ralph look look I'm I'm wreck it yeah yeah because your Life's a wreck and you wreck everything Junior do you want me to wreck you I'm not 18 yet Chef peipi what oh that must be my friends or it's trick- or- treaters no that's my friend only my friends ring the doorbell like that hey guys Happy Halloween hey Junior what's up dude oh Cody what's your costume supposed to be no Ken and I are Thing One and Thing Two there's a thing three but it's currently rammed up my Caboose oh Cody so sus oh Joseph what are you supposed to be a Teletubby without the mask no dude I'm from Among Us Among Us oh yeah I thought he was a Teletubby too like like he was Tinky Winky or something Tinky Winky not everything's about pee pees Cody that's his name all right guys what am I supposed to be oh Dumbo uh an elephant pooping oh you guys are both correct I'm Cody's mom I knew it dude yeah I'm fat and I like nuts in my mouth you're good one Junior spot on yeah you got ready to go trick-or-treating oh yeah dude I'm going to try to get all the candy this year cuz this is the only time of year where I get free food oh yeah awesome guys whoever gets the most candy wins okay okay thanks for giving us a plot Junior all right guys let's go trick-or trunking yeah okay okay let's go oh Mario let's go to this house no it's by the interstate the lights are off they obviously don't want trick-or-treaters Jeffy knock on the door come on I turn the lights off specifically so no one would come here hey there I'm Dr Seuss and you're dressed up like a silly goose actually I'm the squirrel from Ice Age mhm well everything I say has to rhyme as long as it's Halloween time well trick or trat smell my butt my daddy's head looks like a nut give me candy wellow you're pretty good at this when when they don't have Sprite they offered Sierra Mist that was a good rhyme yeah yeah oh here here uh is some candy I hope it comes in handy you can go now so I'm going to take them out please leave let's go guys CIA I'mma wreck it meow give me candy meow wa wait kid why are you making oh I'm Gary from SpongeBob and he doesn't wear clothes oh my God that's so disgusting papey are you going to get me candy I'm not papey I'm Ralph I'm a wreck it are you give me spinach because I don't want spinach I want candy I don't have spinach and I'm Ralph I'm a wreck look mister I really don't care what your name is I just want some candy you know what look wreck this here's some candy all right you happy thank you mister go put on some clothes and don't go to the neighbor's house he already has a record oh my God all right guys do you want some candy yeah all right I heard this house has the best candy what do you want uh trick or treat we want some candy you kids are like the 10th kids to show up at my house asking for free food do your parents not feed you well it's Halloween oh is that what this is I was wondering why a bunch of people were dressed up like idiots well what's your costume costume I don't need a costume I'm me why would I need to be anyone else well can you please give us some candy oh the only candy I have is the good candy and that's for me well if you give us some we won't tell anyone I guess just don't tell anyone because I don't want a line of poror outside my house I'll be right back oh we going get the gun Kitty we get the yeah dude I'mma wreck it oo I got something for you to wreck big boy oh no not you again you're through all the trick or treat and and what are you a nun oh yeah I'm a nun but I'm willing to break the rules for you what kind of candy do you want I want you to open up a big old can of spinach and save me popey I'm not a popey I'm Ralph I'm a wreck it okay Ralph the Sailor Man what what I'm Ralph I'm not a sailor man look what kind of candy do you want I'll just give me a fun siiz Snickers right here in my bucket whatever here you go oh yeah look leave okay please now thank you God not popey all right guys who do you think got the most candy dude it has to be me I got a bunch of candy no Joseph I think I got more well that's definitely not me because somehow I get less candy than either of you which doesn't make sense cuz we all went to the same houses well maybe they saw Ken with you so they thought y were sharing a bucket well then I should have more candy cuz there's two of us maybe they knew Ken was a doll and you were just trying to C them out of candy well that doesn't explain why some of my candies already been opened and pre- chewed like this I don't know if this is a starburst or cheese I mean it smells like it could go either way and I have a fuzzy lollipop oh dude I like that can I have that fuzzy lollipop well if you give me your peanut butter oh no not the Skippy I love me some Skippy look Cody they have some candy named after you nerds yeah good one Junior I'm a wreck it oh no here comes Neil Armstrong all right guys you can't eat your candy until you finish your dinner okay all right Neil Armstrong What Neil Armstrong Junior yeah look at his big strong arms he's Neil Armstrong Neil Armstrong didn't have big arms okay fine Lance Armstrong Junior not everyone with the last name Armstrong has big arms then how they get that last name their ancestors obviously had strong arms well my last name is nut kiss so what does that say about my ancestors I mean it's pretty self-explanatory yeah nut kiss come on Cody we know how you are okay yeah you kind of got so Chef we can't eat any candy until dinner no no no candy until dinner okay all right guys let's eat dinner dinner Daddy I got so much MF and candy can I start eating it sure Jeffy not my head Jeffy eat the candy well Danny I'm stilling my squirrel outfit so all I can eat is nuts well Jeffy will you eat these Peanut M&M's PE peut M&M's yeah we eating that breaking news okay if you went trick-or treating tonight and you have candy throw it away right now because the candy company and the rap poison company share the same Factory so while creating candy this year the candy company accidentally made candy with rat poison in it if you eat the candy you may die so throw it away immediately what oh no Jeffy put that candy up the candy back well D don't take my candy I had to hustle hard for that Jeffy it's poison we'll buy you some more Mario we can't buy him more that could be poison too okay then you can't eat candy but I'll buy you McDonald's or something well dang go back to chewing on your head no look look Rosalina go tell everyone in the house they can't eat their candy okay okay shf peee shf peee what do you want Luigi you have to take away all the candy from the kids I already did no candy until after they finish their dinner no they can't have any candy at all it's poison poison you have to throw it all away well I can't throw all this candy away they'll eat it out of the trash can I'll just put it in the pantry that's a good idea Donkey Kong I'm not Donkey Kong I'm Ralph Wreck It I don't know who that is you know what forget it I'll just take off this costume oh dude I'm so full you know what I'm going call an emergency meeting for dessert good thinking Joseph yeah I'm full too what Cody what's wrong you barely touched your food yeah I don't know guys I just wasn't really in the mood for saltine crackers and uncooked grits today what are you talking about this is Chef pe's best meal that he cooks I know he's outdone himself but I just really wasn't in the mood all right guys who's ready for some candy oh me dude all right let's go get our candy back from chef peee Chef peei we want our candy back oh Chef peee you changed costumes I didn't change costumes I took my costume off cuz no one knew who I was so you changed to your Borat costume you look better as Borat I'm not Borat say Yak shamash I'm not going to say Yak shamash yes say woe wooy why would I say wahe wooy you s just like Bor it's a good impression it's not an impression Junior hey Bor can we get our candy back look Junior I had to take away your candy because it was poison wow Borat you want to eat all our candy so you're just making up a lie so you can eat it cuz you're fat no no no look the news told me that it was poison I promise okay the news also said you have to give me $5 what what I'm not giving you $5 Junior well the news said and also says give me my candy back look I'm telling you the truth Junior and I'm not giving you a candy back that's not very nice Bor Junior I hit the stupid candy okay you're not getting it back where' you hide it at in the pantry I I mean I hid it somewhere you never going to find it I wish we knew where he hid it he hid it in the pantry how do you know that because he slipped up and said he hit it in the pantry we're going to go check the pantry Bor uh you can't check the pantry because uh I locked it yep and and I swallowed the key it's in my belly wow you first you eat all our candy now you're eating Keys what are you going to eat next napkins and trash you're like a garbage monster oh shut up Junior look you're not going to goad and find that candy okay can you believe this guys that all our parents want to take our candy B from us cuz they're adults and and since they can't go trick- or-treating anymore they want to steal candy from kids wow we have to get back at them come on guys can you believe that our parents are stealing our candy cuz they're too old to go trick or-treating get candy for themselves maybe Chef peipi was just being mean hey guys what doing what Jeffy where's your candy my daddy stole it from me because he said there was poison in it see Cody look that confirms that all parents are stealing their kids candies cuz they couldn't get candy for themselves this is so bogus dude that's so lame but look we know where our cand is being hidden and we're going to take it back how we're going to pull off a Halloween Heist how are we going to do that Junior okay first off we need code names I'm going to be popsicle Stan o I like that I'll be the Forsaken child I'll be big wiener oh I was going to be big wiener okay in that case I'll be little wiener that's too close to big wiener choose something else oh o I'll be Nighthawk and Ken can be the doll ooh doll face cuz he's really handsome no he's a doll he's going to be called the doll yeah doll yeah doll face all right I'm going go I'm going to go over everyone's missions big wiener yeah oh sorry yeah big wiener your job is going to be to make sheipi throw up cuz he swallowed the key so go make him throw up okay all right I'm on it all right uh forsaken child yep your job is going to be on lookout for other adults cuz other adults are going to try to stop us so you you make sure that no other adult tries to stop us okay I can do that guys I got to let you know I found a piece of candy when peee took our candy away from me so I'm going to eat this uh and I'll catch up with you guys okay you start eating that uh Nighthawk yeah okay me and you we're going to try to break into the pantry just in case Jeffy can't get the key okay but what does Ken do I I he's on Lookout too I don't know all right come on Ken let's blow this Popsicle stand no Cody no I okay I can just end it all right now all I have to do is just one little lick and then just end it all hey peep what do you want Jeffy that's not my NE name my name's big winner now what and you got 5 Seconds to throw up that key or else I'm going to hit you with this rolling pen you're not going to get the key Jeffy stupid dog you make me look bad get this open give me a key ow it's not even locked it's not locked it's not locked I promise it's open right now you think I'm stupid all right Nighthawk how do we get inside this Pantry door well Popsicle stand I I don't really see a keyhole where he could have locked it so I think we could probably just open it no they're adults they're really smart obviously there's like a child lock on it or something well Popsicle stand I'm pretty sure we could just open it with the handle do you have any C4 C4 yes we could blow the door open what no no PS no I I actually left my C4 at home well do you have any landmines a land mine what would that do we would just put a land mine down by the door and we'd step on it and blow the door open and we would blow ourselves up too no I don't have a land mine oh Nighthawk I have the perfect way to open this door okay all right Nighthawk a Popsicle stand what are you going to do with that cable I'm going to open this door with it well couldn't we just open the door with the handle no that's too dangerous hold on ow what are you what are you doing almost there I got it I got it see Cody look I opened it so we could have just opened it with her hands no the way I did it was the safe way okay okay look Cody oh my God Junior that's the Holy Grail of candy but look how high up it is we could never reach that high uh oh maybe you could throw me up there yeah with my elephant trunk since I'm so strong yeah sure yeah all right I'm going to toss you up there try to grab as much candy as you can okay Junior when I said I wanted to sit on your face this isn't what I had in mind all right Cody I'm going to toss you in the air and you try to grab as much can as you can okay okay come on Cody grab the candy I'm trying Junior you need to throw me higher ow ow come on Cody just grab the candy okay Cody you got some candy but I want all of it well Junior how about I try throwing you up there this time no we need we need to do something different um what if I try standing on your shoulders we might be tall enough okay let's try it okay oh no we're this this isn't doing much yeah it's not going to work what if I grab the string and I try whipping it with the string no Junior it's not long enough say that again Cody no Junior it's not long enough yeah the long enough part it's not long enough yeah I know something long that we can use all right Cody we're going to use this broom it's long enough yeah Jor you're a genius all right let's get this candy keep working it Junior it's ready to work get it careful Cody we got the candy Cody your friend has a concussion what a terrible thing to happen happen and concussion don't rhyme yes it does don't make a fuss or else I'll cuss and that would be bad for all of us well how long is going to be hurt for he has brain damage so someone make me a sandwich sandwich and damage don't wor I'm I'm doing my best this isn't a test we were just trying to get candy that candy is poisonous didn't you see the news sis I haven't seen the news I'll turn it on hold on breaking news Okay earlier today I reported that there was rat poison in candy and not to eat it but I'm here to tell you that I misread the teleprompter the correct story is that there is candy in rat poison so the candy is safe to eat but for the rats I hope you like Starburst flavored death well would you look at that we thought that candy was poison for a rat but that poison for a rat was really candy for a brat so we can eat candy now you can eat candy and this rhyming is getting exhausting I I'm done with this I'm going home you hear that Nighthawk we can eat candy now hey Popsicle stand you might want to call that doctor back cuz uh old peepers here is dunion ring all right class today we're going to be learning about the human body you should already know about the human body cuz we are all humans including me oh and I almost forgot I got me brand new prescription grasses because my eyes are so Str I can't see anything so for the first time I'm going to be able to see your little human [Music] faces I am so confused why am I teaching a c for the tur ttles I have a PhD of conar us I should be teaching humans all of you get out of my classroom if you're not a human I only teach humans what this isn't fair dude this is discrimination well I mean guys at least we don't have to go to school anymore oh yeah that is cool dude I hate school well I don't even know if I count as a turtle but you do Cody you're a Magik Hoopa so you're a turtle oh well we still need an education otherwise we'll just end up in a zoo I mean well I mean I guess jeffy's the only one that gets to stay cuz he's a human um it's 2019 I identify as a turtle I guess we all have to leave then guys my parents are going to flip well I guess we're out of here forever dude yeah let's all go that's right craft you get out of here and you don't come back unless you're a human only humans are around in this craft dad dad dad what do you want junior um well uh I got kicked out of school today you what yeah I got kicked out of school well that's awesome that's great I knew you had it ain't you son what did you do did you get your teacher a wedgie did you knock out a little nerd no I I got kicked out because I'm a turtle wait wait what apparently you can only go to school if you're a human wait that that's stupid Junior look I got kicked out of school in third grade so I guess it's like father like son I mean as long as you're not mad then I'm happy I hate school I hate it too that was stupid wait there's someone at the door dad well go get it idiot okay go the door uh hello hello there may I speak to your father please uh yeah dad there's somebody at the door in a suit he wants to talk to you hello am I getting arrested look she told me she was 18 actually it's been brought to my attention that my bank approved you for a home loan and you're not a human wait wait is that a problem actually it is because since you're a turtle and not a human you don't have a social social security number and we do not give loans to turtles so in the short way get out wait what where am I supposed to live yeah you can go live at a pet store wait we can't live at a pet store sure you can and you have 1 hour to get out of this house or else I'm calling Animal Control wait this is discrimination come on dad we have to get out I don't know worry Junior what are we going to do oh P I got terrible news what that I'm still alive yeah but also we're getting kicked out of the house wait what for well apparently since dad's not a human he can't own a house so now we're going to be homeless wait if we're going to be homeless that means I don't have to work for you guys anymore I don't even have to be bothered with you anymore Junior oh this is amazing news oh what a wonderful day I'm going to pack my stuff right now no Chef if you don't leave us H wait who's at the door uh hello hey Junior my parents are mad okay well Cody here told us that you boys got kicked out of school for being turtles yeah they said we're not allowed to go to school unless we're humans now that just pees me off you see me and my baby Hill we've been dealing with discrimination our whole life yeah people just have a problem with me being black mhm well she identifies as black yeah well you see my great great great grandfather knew a black man so technically I'm a brother mhm she got that generational N word pass straight up all right my parents are stupid Junior all right so so what are youall doing here well we wanted to have a parent teacher conference here inside your house wa why inside my house oh our house dirty yeah it's the trap house there's mouse traps everywhere I don't want your teacher to step on them all right I guess y'all can come inside okay so uh when's the teacher going to be here oh he should be here soon we called him on the pay phone sure did we don't use cell phones the government be listening it's true this one time I was on Facebook and me and my husband were talking about bicycles and then I saw a whole bunch of ads for bicycles now you explain that Mark zucky BG mhm Cody what's going to happen when the teacher gets here oh well they want to try to convince him to let us go back to school well I don't care about going back to school well you boys need an education yeah you don't want to end up like Judith here I'm dumb as a brick yeah it's all right though she my baby she dumb uh uh hold on the door that must be him uh hello oh why am I at Turtle house uh uh because these parents want to talk to you about something okay all right the teacher's here I heard you wanted a parent teacher conference oh my what a goodlooking Asian man what was your name my name is Jackie Chu bless you yeah he needed tissue baby now we want you to let our boys back into school I sorry ma'am I know can't do that your boy a turtle I can only teach humans Tyrone get the peace offering all right baby here you go we offer you this the food of your culture Mom oh yummy cat tabby my favorite so are you going to let our boys back into school now no ma'am I know accept bribery no matter how rare the delicacy all right listen here ya Ming don't get short with me we just want you to give our boys an education well I can't do that they have to be human in order for me to teach them all right ching chong listen here just because you think you can open up cheap buffets cook our pets Dad Dad Dad just shut up everybody please just shut up mom dad just just go home I have this oh Cody you're such a big boy all right Tyrone let's bounce all right baby I'm sorry teacher what my parents were so rudely trying to say is they wanted you to let us back into school well no can't do Cody cuz you are turtle I can only teach humans okay well I mean Cody I don't really care about going back to school anyway school's dumb well Junior we need an education and we're going back to school well we have to become humans to do that I'm going to figure out a way to fix this you you just get Joseph over here all right so dude why did you want me to come over cuz Cody said he's going to try to help us go back to school or something dude I don't care about school I like to stay home I know me too I play video games oh I love video games all right guys look what I made wa Cody what's that these are turned into human potions turn into human potions what do they do well they turn you into a human Junior so if I drink this I'll turn into a human uh-huh and we can use these to go back to school dude I'm not going to drink this dude I love to stay home I don't want to go to school anymore but Joseph if you turn into a human you might get adopted and have a family okay I'll I'll drink it Cody how' you make this well have you ever seen the movie emper his New Groove yeah well you know when he drinks the Llama potion and turns into a llama uhhuh well it's pretty much just that but with people oh all right well then who wants to drink it first oh not me I haven't even tested these I don't know what it'll do Joseph you want to do it no dude I'm not going to drink it first all right guys I guess I guess I'll drink it first um uh Cody can you give me a cup and a straw what yeah a cup and a straw I want to drink it out of a cup and a straw why don't you just drink it out of the tube because it looks weird I just want to drink it out of a cup you know and a straw I like straws bendy straws what okay fine I'll go get cups and straws yeah bendy straws all right Junior I got you your glasses and your straw eyes are you happy now yeah it looks a lot better now Cody oh man guys I'm really nervous I guess I'll still be the first one to drink it and turn into a human I'll see you guys on the other side guys did it work uh yeah dude you look so cool I do yeah you even have your horse dude I still do yeah yeah my God Junior I can't believe the potion actually worked I feel so cool I mean I really look like a human yeah oh dude it's my turn me me I'm next I'm next okay guys how do I look Joseph you you look so cool oh dude I'm black I knew it and your braces oh man dude look at my shirt doesn't it look awesome it's a basketball shirt that's so cool oh man okay my turn my turn oh Cody how do you think I look like as a human uh I think I'm going to look like a sexy god with an eight pack all right we'll do it Cody here I go well well gu guys how do I look oh my God this is so funny horrible Cody you uh you look cool cool well I feel amazing I feel hunky wait is that hair do I have hair now oh my God I have hair I can whip it around and I can style it however I want if I want it to the right I can go like this or if I want it to the left I can go like this or I could do it in the back or if I'm feeling Moody I could do it up front oh my God this is amazing I should be a model yeah well don't don't get too full yourself Cody oh okay well now we're humans guys we can go back to school yeah let's do it dude yeah they can't say anything right yeah um well actually um I'm I'm about to get kicked out of my house really yeah the bank says that my my dad can't get a loan from them because he's a turtle so can we turn him into a human too oh yeah we have plenty of potion left just go bring him a glass all I'll take him this one right here I guess I got to pack all my stuff cuz we're going to be homeless Dad Dad Dad wait wait who are you what it it it's me Dad wait no I only have one son and you're not him look if you want child support you're out of luck wa no no no dck I turned into a human wait wait what yeah yeah look look all you have to do is drink this drink and you're turn into a human and we get to keep the house wait really yeah wait Cosby didn't make this did he no no Cody did oh okay what's wrong with youi here am I human uh yeah just you're terrifying awesome do we get to keep the house now uh I mean yeah you're a human so we get to keep the house yeah that's so great oh I'm going to unpack right now all right I'm going I'm going dad guys guys my dad's a human now H what's he look like hey guys I'm a human now Jesus Christ I'm out of here dude what's this problem you're just really terrifying dad oh that's understandable so Cody we should go show shipi what we look like okay yeah let's go woohoo and so so excited that I get to leave this stupid house oh goodbye stove goodbye microwave oh blender I Can't Forget About You Goodbye oo and you spatula Goodbye Oh Girl and now all I have to do is pack my one shirt and get out of here Chef PE who are you it's me Junior wait Junior why do you look like that well Co up he made a human potion and we drank it so now we're both hum yeah oh my God you guys are the ugliest humans I've ever seen but but not me though right I'm hot no especially you well sh baby now that we're humans we get to go back to school oh really yeah and Dad's a human so now we don't have to move out the house wait what yeah yeah so get back to cookie sh baby cuz we're here to stay oh please tell me this is a lie come on God please tell me they're lying no so go back the cookie Chef I want some mac and cheese all right Cody I'll see you at school tomorrow yeah see you tomorrow Junior oh yeah yeah this is awesome why why all right human craft today we're going to be rning about the turtle body and you should already know about the turtle body cuz you all used to be Turtles you know guys instead of turning into humans we could have just broke his glasses yeah yeah that probably would have been easier oh well we're humans now so whatever mcdonal cow e- i e- i o and now that cow is in my pen yummy yummy yummy some salt right here and some pepper right there salt and pepper salt and pepper salt and pepper salt and pepper now Chef peee has Burgers Junior dinner's ready oh man dinner's ready oh dude I love cheeseburgers I love eating meat I'm a dinosaur yeah a bunch of carnivores hey Shah peipi where does meat come from what do you mean where does it come from it comes from cows oh so it comes from Cody's Mom oh yeah she's fat no an actual cow Junior they have to kill it kill it yes something has to die to get on that plate oh so they go to a cow nursing home and wait for him to die of old age peacefully no they kill it when it's young and healthy young and healthy mhm don't you like your cheeseburgers well not anymore not have to kill animals for it I don't want to eat that where does bacon come from pigs like the cops no no no actual pigs Junior well where do eggs come from chickens where do chickens come from eggs well then what came first the chicken or the egg I don't know Junior just eat your food you're you're a dinosaur right it shouldn't matter Joseph I don't think I want to eat animals anymore or meat well dude I'll eat it it wouldn't be the first time I eaten an animal animal I eaten a squirrel before and a rabbit well well I don't believe Chef peee I don't believe it comes from cows when they're young and healthy I want to ask an expert okay okay dude all right Joseph I'm going to ask Google where does meat come from ooh there's a video O Let's watch it dude wait what are they doing that cow I don't know dude what are they doing to turn it off turn it off oh it's so bad it's frozen and it won't act out Jun what are you watching you better not be on the Hub wait what is this what are you into shf bab I just looked up how meat is made and it's so cruel it's so disgusting I'm never going to eat meat ever again so you're never going to eat meat again nope never ever ever I'm going to be a person who doesn't eat meat what's that called it's a vegetarian junor yeah I'm going to be a vegetarian but what does that mean they only eat vegetables they don't eat meat no no meat I hate vegetables I'm not going to be that I'm only going to eat mac and cheese that that's what I'm going to do mac and cheese doesn't hurt anybody oh yes it does cheese comes from a cow you have to get cheese from milk and milk comes from a cow Junior but I don't understand how cheese comes from that look you have to milk a cow and when you you're squeezing the UTS milk comes out but when you squeeze it hard enough cheese comes out I don't want to hurt the cow okay well then I'm not going to eat me mac and cheese I'm only going to eat candy and drink soda oh you better not eat any chocolate there's milk and chocolate well I'm only going to eat Jolly Ranchers and drink soda whatever look look have fun with your diabetes Junior all right Joseph let's go to the gas station and get me some dinner tonight okay dude all right got my Jolly Ranchers and I got my coke it even has has my name on it oh mine does too they even had one with Chef pee's name on it it's spelled a little wrong but you get the point oh yeah yeah so this is all I have to eat for dinner for the rest of my life because you know I'm never eating meat again oh me either dude especially after watching that video yeah if me and you not eating meat saves one animals life then it's worth it I just wish that nobody else would eat animals I want everyone else to see that video but dude nobody cares about it I know o Joseph I got an idea what dude what if we steal every cow every Pig every chicken in the world and put them in my house dude that sounds reasonable yeah how many cows chicken and pigs do you think there are U maybe like 20 yeah like yeah like 20 yeah they got all fit in here and then when we steal them all the world's going to think they went extinct and all they're going to want to eat is Jolly Ranchers oh dude that's a genius plan yeah yeah there's plenty of Jolly Rangers at the gas station oh yeah but Joseph I think this mission is too big for just two kids to pull it off we need one more kid who I got him a four-eyed smart kid cody no he won't leave his house anymore that's going to be Harry oh har let's CM up okay hey guys sorry I'm late I was really hungry so I picked up some chicken F I love this stuff check Fila oh no dude Harry you can't eat that why not do you know what it's made of chicken you don't care me well Harry I'm not going to let you eat that hey I paid 975 for that Harry do you know a chicken died for that yes so by you not eating it you just saved a chicken's life no cuz it's hard already dead but but no by you not eating it it's going to prove that we don't want chicken anymore and that no one's going to eat it but literally it's already dead so I could have just eaten it no look we're not going to eat chicken anymore all you're going to do is eat Jolly Ranchers because there's no animals in Jolly Ranchers MH but there's no nutritional value in Jolly ranches yes there is like look this one's green apple and this one's wild cherry and this one's blueberry those are all fruits it's all nutritious allow me to do an impersonation of your president wrong you're so wrong you've never been more wrong wrong build the wall but no it's fruit flavored so it has all the nutritional stuff of fruit you are literally the stupidest person I've ever met well look Harry look this is not why we invited you over to argue about this stuff we need your help we need somebody that's really smart me and Joseph want to go save every cow every Pig and every chicken in the entire world and put them in my house so nobody can eat them that is literally impossible there are millions of those animals Millions Joseph you told me there's 20 dude I counted 20 I know I did there's 20 y'all are stupid there are more oh okay okay so well look we just need your help I want to go save all these animals because I don't want people to eat them okay well guess what why don't you guys go save one animal and let me know how that goes okay come on Joseph we can save one animal yeah let's go save one okay dude oink oink o all right Joseph there's your pig and we're going to save its life we're going to stop him from being turned into bacon dude genius idea we're going to be heroes yeah we're going to be heroes but I thought of something Joseph if we steal that pig we're going to go to jail and I don't want to go to jail oh me either dude so I was thinking if we can willingly get him to come with us he'll be running away and it won't be counted as stealing dude how do you come up with these ideas you're a mastermind I know he just comes to me so uh how do we get how do we get his attention oh oh he oinks so I'm oink at him okay oink oink oink oink oink oink hey Piggy oink oink oink what what did you say I said oink oh that's offensive to me you think just cuz I'm a pigy that I go oinks I could go ribbon if I wanted those I'm sorry for offending you yeah you you better be sorry can you come talk to us for a second what it it for Me Freedom yeah we'll free you okay I'm coming Joseph he's coming he's coming okay dud what do you two mozos wants well we want you to come with us why because uh we're going to take you to a better place but I like it here I get the peas and poops wherever I want to yeah but if you come with us we'll be able to take you to a nice house where people won't try to eat you because if you stay here someone's going to throw you in a meat grinder and you're going be turned into bacon and put on a cheeseburger well how do I know you two aren't going to turn me into Bacons or put me in meat grinders well because we we're here to save you just trust us uh-huh I'll Trust You When Turtles fly Joseph fly okay dude well I'll be guess some C witches come on all right Harry we just saved a pig so in your face give me some skin Joseph no dude we're vegetarians give me a high broccoli that's what I'm talking about o oh well just 10 million more Piggies to go well when you say it like that it sounds like a lot regardless of how you say 10 million there's still a lot of piggies yeah well you know what I saved one Pig and he's not going to be turned into bacon and he can go live a happy life inside my house I'm going to go join your phone cards yeah you go do that you go be a free Pig he's about to poop all over your house well that's fine but I'm going to save all 10 million pigs and put him in this house that's a lot of poop oh no Joseph what dude I just realized Chef peee has a bunch of eggs in the refrigerator oh no I have to save them before they hatch you got to hurry dude actually those eggs won't hatch because they have not been fertilized yet no there is a baby chicken inside those eggs and I got to save before it hatches wrong M I can't wait to eat some scrambled eggs sh Junior why are you screaming in slow motion because I don't want you to eat that egg chpi it's supposed to hat you to a chicken this egg is not going to hatch into a chicken if you sit on it long enough it will that's why I told her but she didn't listen sh me please don't crack that egg what what why you going to cry huh yeah cry baby take all the eggs no D get back here with my eggs what's wrong dude I saved the eggs but I lost one well by the looks of it you lost all 12 of them no I still have 1 2 3 four 11 of them yes but you lost all 12 of them because they'll never hatch yes they will if you sit on it long enough hey Joseph I need you to sit on something hey I don't can dude I just need you to sit on this egg okay okay yeah if Joseph sits on that egg long enough it will hatch well it looks like he'll be sitting there forever no it's going to hatch I I I I bet all right bet money uh I bet $5 $10 $30 $400 yeah you don't know how that works with raising the price but but okay yeah I'll bet $400 then okay looks like I'll make $400 all right Joseph just sit on until it hatches do you feel anything no I don't feel anything that's what she said wait that's not a good thing he's never going to feel anything because it's not going to hatch it is going to hatch now pay me my $400 no back back Bak dude it hatched say it hatched that's literally impossible it is possible and it hatched so you owe me $400 go be free baby chicken I'm going to go chew on your game console cords yeah go be free okay we have now saved a pig and a chicken so now all we have to do is save a cow oh yeah dude a cow where are we going to find a cow at I know where to get a cow follow me Joseph okay all right Joseph there's a big fat cow in there oh dude I see her she's huge yeah she's eating her dinner I'm going to see if I can get her attention Okay moo moo big fat cow moo oh your friends are at the window mom just ignore them I'm going to go see what they want oh she's coming she's coming oh yeah what do you boys want well fat cow we think we can give you a better life well anything's better than my husband okay I'm coming all right Harry we just saved a big fat cow moo that's literally a human no it's a big fat cow I'm whatever animal you want me to be now be free I'm going to go chew on your TV cords all right so now we've saved a pig a chicken and a cow all three of the major food groups wrong so what animal are we going to save now I don't know dude what can we shave well it took us a long time just to save three animals yeah you know I realized something Joseph what dude we can't save all the animals there's literally millions of them really yeah so you know we can do our part by just not eating meat anymore you know that'll that'll help it that'll help Society that'll help us hurting animals yeah we can take a stand yeah we won't eat meat no more meat no more meat no more meat no more meat no more meat I really want some McDonald's dude I want McDonald's too yeah I want a double cheeseburger was a chicken nuggets yeah oh my God I need a McDonald's well it's a good thing Junior didn't remember that I owed him 400 Mario it's really quiet what's Jeffy doing hopefully he's in his room being quiet boy are you wrong Jeffy stop it Jeffy stop I have to Jeffy stop it Jeffy please stop if you don't stop I'm going to pop it can't pop this Jeffy I told you I was going to pop it bad daddy poing my stop it someone at the door hold on stop stop cry uh hello he fat boy what you again what are you doing that's your lollipop I found it in the street e no I'm going door to door trying to find out who lollipop this is well it's not mine so bye well come help me find out whose it is I don't have time to do that I don't care why don't you just eat it no no no no I can't eat it not my lollipop okay well then why don't you throw it away no no no not my lollipop can't throw it away okay well look you know it's mine give it to me but you just said it wasn't yours Liar Liar pant on fire well I lied it's mine can I have it yeah okay no no no I actually I want you to have it okay thank you yeah go eat it yummy who's at the door Mario oh it's just some jimy where'd you get that at I gave him another balloon Mario since you popped the last one why would you do that he's going to be annoying again Jeffy let the air out of this balloon right now oh no Jeffy Jeffy stop it doesn't have to bad daddy popping my Bon again was that the front door I think so Hey fat boy I finished your lollipop you w thck back e why would I want that and how'd you get in here there the front door it was unlocked well you can't just randomly walk into people's houses yes I can and ew you actually ate that it was dirty yeah my mouth has been in dirtier places well that's disgusting go home but I don't have a home you don't have a home no but what about your parents what their parents what parents I don't know I asked you Mario he doesn't have any parents yes he does baby anybody that's born has parents Mario we can't abandon him and kick him out on the streets that's where I found my lollipop yes we can he loves it out there he lives on the streets Mario no he won't survive he survived for like a year he's been showing up randomly look he's a tough cookie I love cookies trate chip Mario what about Jeffy they would get along so well you better shut your mouth they would not get good we can't even take care of Jeffy bad daddy Papa M J again again you know what look he can stay here until he find his parents but I'm going to go make flyers and put them up around town okay okay I just passed out all those flyers hopefully somebody calls soon wait where're scooter and Jeffy one a two 1 2 three it's like a circus in here actually it's kind of like an animal shelter d on your track sh who stop it stop it I said stop it party pooper why you got to a party pooping I don't know but he does it okay he cannot stay here he cannot stay here God please give me a sign to get rid of him breaking news a girl has gone missing the parents are crying hoping that people can find her here's them crying oh we miss our doctor please come home we were supposed to go to karaoke together her favorite song is baby camel I'll sing it for you right now baby C baby C baby camel baby baby ho baby hoof oh please come home sad isn't it the family is offering a reward of $486 62 for any information regarding the location of their daughter why that much money I don't know I got an idea what Mario they're looking for their daughter so what if we dress scoot her up like a girl and say we found her Mario we can't do that that's lying of course we can do it I have to go buy a costume like a girl costume I can do it no Mario that's sick and wrong baby look those parents are looking for their kid and we have a kid looking for his parents it's a match made in heaven Mario I won't let you do that you're right baby you're you're absolutely right baby what was I thinking I was just joking I was pulling a prank on you but you know what I think you should take Jeffy to the store and buy him some more balloons oh Mario that's a great idea yeah and me and scooter will stay here in case his parents call but Mario you have a cell phone yeah but but me and scooter have to stay here uh so I can get to know him better in case we adopt them cuz I I really like that idea a Mario yeah that's a great idea come on Jeffy let's go buy you some balloons heck yeah Mommy heck but Jeffy stop screaming that word heck Jeffy it's a bad word it's not a bad word Daddy I can say as much as I want hack heck okay okay Jeffy come on go get some balloons all right scooter let's go play dress up okay oh man scooter you're so pretty why am I dressed like a girl because I need you to lie to these parents and say that you're their daughter my scooter doesn't lie I forgot scooter doesn't lie but guess what today is what day is it it's Halloween check treat yeah we're going to go trick-or-treating so these people are going to bring you a bunch of candy but your costume is that you're dressed up as their daughter so if you act like their daughter they'll give you a bunch of candy and lollipops okay but if I'm a girl where's my hooh hoos your what my hooh hoos you don't have whoo's okay well I got a question for you what are snails born with shells are snails born with shells I don't know I asked you I don't know probably not where did they get him from I don't know Walmart yes they get them from Walmart okay okay look I'm going to call the parents I just need you to act like uh you're their daughter okay so just say girly things okay all right scooter it's ringing just act like a girl okay hello this is Camille Habib habab Camille is in camel H habab as in corn on the cob and I want my daughter to come home well good news Camille we found what what good news Camille khabib habab cam as in camel khabib habab as in corn on the cob did you make a payment on your door knobs no but but I found your daughter you found Camille Habib habab Camille is in camel khabib habab is in corn on the cop's daughter yes yes I found your daughter Camila Bob all that stuff I found it let me talk to Heidi is Heidi her name yes okay give me one second hi scooter your name is Heidi my name Scooter no it's not it's Halloween you're supposed to help me out your name is Heidi Heidi okay yes all right yeah you can speak to her okay let me talk all right here you go Heidi scooter who scooter uh uh uh Heidi was playing with the scooter she she went to the bathroom riding a scooter and so you can't really talk to her right now she she went somewhere okay that's okay I I'll be at your house in a few minutes okay I'm on my way bye okay I'll talk to you later Camille scooter where are you scooter piab scooter scooter scooter where are you at take B scooter all right scooter enough games I know you're in the bathroom and there's nowhere to escape where are you hiding at you're hiding in the toilet scooter where's he at peekaboo scooter enough with the game scooter where are you peekaboo You Found Me scooter why are you hiding because you told me I'm hiding no I said your name is Heidi yeah I'm hiding no no no no your name is Heidi heidiho yes Heidi Ho your name is Heidi so that is your name now come on okay all right Heidi not hiding Heidi you're going to sit right here okay okay I'm here cabib habam is in camel Hab is in corn on the C I'm here to pick up my daughter well your daughter's right here check or treat smell my feet give me something good to eat why why I say that because you say it's Halloween Heidi it is not Halloween w w attacking horse I'm not a horse I'm a camel don't you see my hoof well yeah you don't remember your dad's a camel a talking carel what no your dad is a camel okay what's wrong with Heidi she she fell off the monkey bars and and bumped her head oh why did she look like that because she also got ran over by her car oh no but can she still seeing car I love this thing had a little camel little camel little Mary had a little Cel whose name was hiid it is you I'm going to take you home you're my daughter well I I heard there was also a reward yes the reward I will take it out of your doorn payments okay okay yeah just take your daughter with you here she is all right come on Heidi let's go home and shink Koke he's finally gone he's gone Mario we're back yeah Daddy and I got me another Bon Show suck it where's scooter oh his parents came and got him really Mario yep they saw the flyers I taped up everywhere and they called and came and got him that's amazing it's a miracle it is a miracle he's gone it's a miracle what were their names the parents his dad's name uh was Camille and he his dad's name was Camille khabib habab Camille as in camel khabib habab as in corn on the cob a well he sounds really nice Mario yeah he he was really annoying but look we only have Jeffy to deal with and I'm happy with that oh Jeffy stop it Jeffy stop do no stop it you popped my again again again again again again again again someone at the door hello hello M I'm lost have you seen my P almost done and finished Junior your dinner's ready hey Chef peipe do you like my drawing it's a T-Rex trying to drink a soda but his arms are so short it can't reach his mouth so he's angry isn't that funny what chef peipi chef peipi you didn't talk about my drawing Junior I don't care he's a fool who it must be my friends at the door uh hello hey do hey guys what are you doing here well we just figured we'd come over and hang out yeah and eat your food because you know I'm poor and I don't have any food at my house well you're in luck Joseph because Chef B made corn dogs for dinner and I hate corn dogs so you can eat them yes yes oh I love corn dogs wo let's go oh yes all for me Cody all for me let's go corn dogs corn dogs okay okay jeez yeah yeah yeah Joseph just calm down you can eat them come on oh corn dogs all right Joseph there's the corn dog oh dude I'm so hungry I haven't eaten in weeks who junior I see you've been doing some coloring yeah I've been doing a lot of coloring it's a lot of hard work and I also see you got out the 120 pack of crayons jeez leave some panties for the rest of us well you know I got to flex on these haters Cody do you like my drawing it's a T-Rex trying to drink some soda but his arm are so short he'll never be able to drink it yeah cool drawing yeah and I also Drew this it's you and Chef peee pitching a tan alert you've been drawing my dreams again Junior yeah it just came to me I don't know what inspired me to do that do you mind if I borrow this for a minute yeah waa Joseph you're already done eating oh yeah dude I want more I need more dude hey Chef peee what do you want Cody this could be us but you plan e Cody get that out of my face I don't want to see that that's what you're going to say later tonight look look Cody if you don't get that out of my face I swear to God I will shove the spatula so far up your butt don't threaten me with a good time get out of here Cody okay call me so we showed Chef Pee the drawing and he was into it I knew he would be yeah oh I also Drew this monster truck oh is [Music] that wow she's perfect oh yeah that drawing that's just a drawing of some bimbo I made I'll be honest you could have done a lot better bigger cans bigger cans hey hey watch your mouth dude she's a perfect woman Joseph it's just a drawing no she's more than that look at that beautiful hair and in her body oh I want to marry her Joseph you can't marry a drawing yes I can but J you sound crazy no I don't look look we don't have to hear this come on baby let's go what Cody is Joseph in love with my drawing yeah that's what it looks like I mean it kind of makes sense if you think about it Joseph doesn't have any friends or family so it makes sense that he would fall in love with an inanimate object what a weirdo right yeah that is weird let's go check on him all right come on Ken let's go check on the weirdo wow you're the prettiest girl I've ever seen oh I love your hair and it matches your beautiful outfit too oh Jive so pathetic yeah hey dude do you know her name her name yeah her name uh Cody do we know her name it's uh Crayola dry dry paper page Pig it's paig paig oh that's the beautifullest name I've ever heard yeah you would have said that with any name we gave you hey hey dude I need your advice what is it look I really like this girl I want her to be my girlfriend but I don't want to be turned down well well well think about this Joseph the worst she can say is no well you're right dude the worst she can say is nothing cuz she's a piece of paper I'm trying to give him confidence um he hey Paige I really like you and I I want you to be my girlfriend so would you be my girlfriend please take your time yes she said yes dude she said yes oh she said yes I got a girlfriend I got a girlfriend before you and before you loser I have a boyfriend a he's just a dog well yours is just a piece of paper hey hey hey hey hey hey watch your mouth okay before I punch you in your mouth what what are you going to do give me a paper cut guys guys guys calm down Joseph look date your stupid drawing hey hey hey her name's Paige and you date your stupid GI Joe it's not a GI Joe it's a Barbie it's a different brand okay so look you go your separate ways and like your own little inanimate object things whatever dude me and Paige are going to go on a walk in the park yeah well we'll make sure the wind doesn't blow her away shut dude Cody stop it well you can fold her into a paper airplane how about that Cody stop it but make sure she doesn't get wet she'll disintegrate Cody Cody look look kiss Ken okay so Cody do you think Joseph and Paige are having a good time at the park junor don't call it by its name you're just encouraging him then what am I supposed to call it call it what it is a piece of paper fine do you think Joseph and piece of paper are having a good time at the park I don't know what's up losers hey Joseph how was your time at the park oh it was so wonderful the birds were chirping there were squirrel singing reindeer prancing and man there were clouds in the form of a heart I'm going to barf oh dude wait hold on baby I'll be right back gosh I think she's the one you think she's the one yeah she's the one what out of all the other crayon drawings of girls exactly dude and I think I need to marry her I want to ask her to marry me dude you're going to propose yeah dude you can't marry a piece of paper Joseph shut up dude look I want you guys to help me find a ring well I can draw one for you wait you would do that for me yeah let me go get my 120 pack oh man thanks dude Joseph you realize this is insane right I know it's pretty crazy one day you're a player and the next day you're trying to get tied down like a ball in chain it's crazy all right Joseph here's the ring dude look at the size of that rock yeah look at it must have taken literally seconds to draw oh man it looks like Kim Kardashian's ring yeah it's worth millions in crayon World dude do you think she's going to like it I think she's going to love it Joseph yeah I already know what face she's going to make all right dude wish me luck hey Paige uh I have a question to ask you look I I know we just met yesterday but there's no other girl like you give me a few crayons and I can make one shut up Cody look I don't have much I don't have a house I don't have a family I don't have friends okay well who gave you that ring then champ look but none of that matters as long as I have you I'm happy okay so will you marry me Paige take your time yes she said yes guys whoa she said yes Junior why did you do that you're just encouraging him but look how happy he is so uh when's the wedding Jose the wedding's right now dude right now let's go to the wedding Cody oh thanks for drawing on this tuxedo for me bro don't mention it Joseph I also Drew her a wedding dress oh man she looks so beautiful thanks dude all right you ready to walk down there honestly I'm a little nervous dude Joseph don't be nervous now don't get cold feet look it's your big day it's all about you you're right Junior let's go all [Music] right how romantic all right we're gathered here today to celebrate the Gathering of Joseph and Paige Joseph do you take Paige to be your lawfully wetted piece of paper oh yes I do I do I do all right and Paige do you take Joseph to be your husband take your time yes oh she said yes guys yes so if anyone objects to this wedding speak now or forever hold your peace I object because this whole thing is stupid shut up Cody okay I just wanted to make sure we were all on the same page all right Joseph you can now kiss the piece of paper okay yeah you're now married wait yay so what are you going to do now Joseph oh it's time for the honeymoon okay so Cody how do you think their honeymoon's going Junior at this point I don't even care what's up guys hey Joseph what did you and Paige do for your honeymoon oh what didn't we do oh Joseph wait wait why are there holes in the paper did you poke her with a pencil wait why is there a Band-Aid down there let's just say uh I got a real good paper cut wait why is there a Hole by her mouth let's say uh she must have went to college cuz she got some good brain what good brain yeah good top good top mhm yeah good top good top uh head so strong it's stronger than construction paper Junior can I talk to you for a second yeah sure Cody what's up Junior do you know what he did to that that piece of paper uh kissed it no junior he this has gone too far yeah I think so too well what are we going to do we need to get rid of that piece of paper I mean I can shred it well no but Junior he's insane he'll kill us I mean just look at him yeah he's insane yeah we we we can't shred that what are we going to do okay um uh well we have to make him hate that piece of paper so what we could do is uh I can draw another girl that's a lot prettier and then he'll leave that piece of paper for another piece of paper but then Junior we're just going to have the same problem all over again well what do you think we should do um o I have an idea how about you just draw on that girl to make her look like she's pregnant and then when Joseph finds out he's going to be a father he'll leave like most dads do oh good thinking Cody yeah Dad's leave when they find out they're going to have a kid yeah okay okay so I'm going to distract him all right okay uh hey Joseph huh uh can you go ask Chef peipi to make me a drink dude why don't you get it yourself because if you ask for it then uh you get a drink too and I know you don't get to eat that often so I'm just looking out for you okay then I I guess I'll go and get one I'll be right back babe yeah okay she's coming on to me hey hey watch it oh okay all I'm going draw on her all right Cody does that look good yeah all right dude I got the drinks uh hey Joseph while you were gone Paige told us something wait she did wait did she tell you how I folded her over hamburger style uh yes but she also told us that she's pregnant what yeah she's pregnant look at that big belly she's pregnant with twins twins yeah you're going to have two kids you're going to be a father so what are you going to do Joseph are you going to leave like most fathers do no I can't leave I can't be another stereotype I'm going to stay and take care of my two twin babies Cody you didn't say this I love you baby I I didn't expect this he was supposed to leave I'm going to be a daddy what do we do Cody okay I have an idea how about you draw the kids and you make them not look like Joseph so he thinks she cheated on him that's a good idea Cody yeah let's do that uh Joseph oh no she's going into labor what already yeah they're premies they're premature look look she's screaming ah oh no baby why I'll call a doctor hold on we got we got to lay her down I'll call a doctor a doctor hey there somebody call a doctor yes doctor I need your help my wife is in labor I came for the dsection and now she needs the C-section okay but uh what where's the wife she's right here what the drawing yes yeah the drawing what is this what's going on is this a prank where are the cameras Oh there's no cameras it's not a prank well I mean there's a camera right there but it's not a prank look my friend married this piece of paper you see the ring yeah and he got her PR oh is that what the holes are about I think so yeah I think so you anyway so look I just need you to help deliver the babies okay uh do you have a crayon so I can draw them uh well I mean I'm going to be drawing them I just need you to act like you're delivering them all right uh push yeah push come on Paige you got it Paige keep pushing just breathe baby just push I I I think I think I see a head uh maybe it's a head it could be a head is it is it an apple could be an apple uh it's a head oh it's it's a it's a head I do see a head you see a head I think so I suck at Pictionary what all right Joseph you are now the proud owner of this picture are two really cool looking baby boys oh my God guys I'm a father I really am a daddy now Jo those kids look nothing like you what are you talking about dude doctor do those kids look like Joseph wait were you trying to draw him cuz they don't look anything like him well it looks just like me both of my kids look like me what are you talking are you sure Joseph are you sure are you sure your wife didn't cheat on you with CJ cool pants what CJ cool pants yeah it looks like she cheat on you with CJ cool pants my wife would not cheat on me with a CJ cool pants all right Jose well look look at the facts they're both wearing red hats and CJ cool pants wears a red hat they both have sunglasses he's wearing sunglasses and they both had that ridiculous smile and look at his ridiculous smile no it can't be yes she cheated on you with CJ cool pants did you cheat on me Paige be honest yes oh no I can't believe it I'm sorry Joseph so are we are we done here uh yeah we're done here oh cool um can I can I can I take this drawing with me yeah hot Cody you think he's going to be okay I don't know Junior I'm going to go check on him okay I admit it another whole got me finished broke my heart oh no she didn't Joseph are you singing juice world yes cuz these girls are all the same well no they're not Joseph that was just one crayon drawing of a girl you messed with she cheated on me though bro well that doesn't mean that all crayon drawings are going to cheat on you yes they are well Joseph look look look look look you're only 10 years old there's plenty of time to settle down with a drawing and look maybe you'll move on to colored pencil drawings or maybe even paintings paintings no way dude that's way out of my league I can't be with a Mona Lisa the best I can do is a Picasso come on Joseph if you you have a better mind to it you can end up with anyone you want any type of art no I can't well I mean you don't need Paige Joseph oh Paige 10 minutes she told me it would take 10 minutes to break my heart oh no she did it Joseph stop singing juice world I'm feeling it right now bro all right Joseph look well maybe one day you can move on to like you know collages or oil pastel maybe statues the Statue of Liberty got that wagon yeah she does have a wagon she got that thing on it yeah she got that thing so look obviously you need your time to sulk and be sad so just know just know that I always have this cardboard cut out of a LaVine so if you get lonely she's right there
Channel: Dr. Junior
Views: 590,157
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Id: 8rXcDCp98r0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 221min 24sec (13284 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2023
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